NEWS FROM OUR NATIONAL CAPITAL Senate Banking Committee Is Likely to Report Four Bank Plan. Washington, I). C When tha sen at bonking and curreuey committee mind Ita rimt week of di'lllmrntloiil It appxnred cortaln that the bill to be reportm! to senate would contain curtain provisions fur a tour regional reserve, government controlled bank system, the floo.OOo.noo Block of which will be offered to ttia public With pruitresa on ttia tutidnmcnlula of the senate measure Just begun, only tho framework of thn Ulnae-Owen measure Una been retained, The moat radical change In the admlnlstrutlun measure hn been the complete re moval of thn ri-Klonul reserve banks from bank conlrot. Hrlefly, the fol lowing wit th provlsloiia of th measure, which It win belloved would govern III fliuil drafting. Four regional reserve bnnks with t total capitalization of 1100,000,000, dl vlded according to the financial lor' tlon of tli enter from which the banks will otrnta. Abaolute control of th banks by tho government and regional rcaerve boards, to be appointed by tha preal dent. Tha regional reserv bank stork to bear either 6 or 6 per cent Interest nd to bo sold to th public by sub scription, the balnnce, If any, to be taken up by tha member banks. This stork will have no voting power, and will not share In the surplus. That will accrue to the government. Co-operation With States Proposed. If congreas, at the regular session. will authurlio an additional loan of to the reclamation fun J In accordance with the rncommenda- tlon to be submitted by Secretary I.nne, the Interior depsrtment will un dertake, In cooperation with the sev erul states, to redeem those Carey act projects which have proven failures and which threaten, without some such aid, to entail heavy loss on sot- tiers who have undertaken to oatab- lltih homes wider their canals, The plan of the Interior department Is to have the federal government Join with the states In completing Carey act projects which have fallen Into disrepute through failure of contract ors or from other cause. , -.- Members Lose Mileage. Senators and representatives rill be obliged to forego the mileage blfl at the coming regular sesaton of con' gress, much as they may dislike to do so. The fact that the special session Is to run Into tho regular session with out substantial break makes It im practlcablo for congress to pass tho mileage appropriations this winter. snil If any attempt Is made to put such s bill through It will be killed by pub lic opinion. Senators and members have re ceived mileage for the special session, Mall Efficiency Is Aim. l'ostmnator Oenenil llurleaon hns derided to standardize- the entire post al service, so fur as possible, with view to greater efficiency. To this end the department will operate sev erul model offices, "dynamos from which to charge the entire system of offices throughout the country.1 These offices will bo used to discover the best practical way of administer lug tha postnl facilities and to tost out devices and methods that may prov- of value. National Capital Brevities. The secretary of war Is urged to modify the examination required for students desiring to enter West Poln The plea is made that 60 per cent of the applicants full. A government preparatory Bchool Is suggostod as one remedy. the constitution limiting the member ship of the house of representatives to 4D0 hns been commenced by Repre sentative Cardell Hull of Tennessee, author of the Income tax provlslou of the Underwood tariff bill. In transportation of stocks, bonds and other securities, the interstate commerce commission hold that carrier Is responsible. In case of Iobb, for the market value of the securities only and not the pur value. By direction of fresldent Wilson Commissioner of Internal Revenue Os- borne Instructed collecto throughout the country that the recent action of congress In removing deputy collec- tora from the protection of the civil servlcs did not mean a return to the spoils system and was taken only for efficiency. Preparations have been begun for tha wedding of Miss JeBSle Wilson, daughter of the president, and Francis B. Snyre. Though the White House Is reticent as to details, It Is given out that the date certnlnly will be Novem ber 25 and that the ceremony will take place In the White House, where It is said the bride will have for her attendants her two sisters, Margaret and Eleanor. GEORGE F. WILLIAMS f; vV, I v i . b fs A 1 HLEERTA ORDERED TO RETIRE JMMEDIATELY President Wilson Sends Ulti matum to Dictator and De mands Quick Action. v v 'George F. Williams, ths wall known Boston democrat, who waa appointed minister to Craaea. Brief News ot the Week Th llttlo republic of Panama cele brated on Monday tha tenth anniver sary of Its Independence from Colombia. Right thouaund persons In Uos An geles must puy an Income tax, accord ing to Internal Ituveuue Collector John Carter. leading social purity workers ot the world assembled In Minneapolis Friday to attend the seventh Interna tional congress of the World's I'urlty federation. Suit to test th validity of the re cent removal of William Sulier from the governorship ot New York was begun In the United Slates dlBtrlct court In New York. Klniil arguments In the government suit for the dissolution of the Interna tional Harvester company, capitalized at IHn.OiiO.ooO, begun in the United Stntcs circuit court at 8t Paul Mon-day. The pipe line suction dredge which has been working at the Pacific end of tha Panama canal, successfully passed through the locks at Mira- flores aud Pedro Miguel. The pas sage constituted tha first complete operation of the canal locks. Investigation shows that the explo sion of the Zeppelin Lit dlrglblo, which caused deaths of 23 men. In Germany, was caused by formation of a vnccuum in the center gondola be hind the wlndahteld. Sparks from the motor caused the gas to explode. Kllnford Hello, an Ayrshire cow, owned at Waukesha, Wis, was de clared to be the queen ot the national dairy show and the best milch cow on exhibition, at Chicago. Crescent Beauty Butter Mail, owned at Algon quin, III., wns adjudged the grand Holateln cow, and Paul Calamo Korn dyke grand champion Ilolstcin bull. Mexico Clty.-I'resldent Huerta must resign tha presidency of Mexico with out loss of time and must not leave as his successor (leneral Aurellano Ulan uuet, his minister of War, or any other member of bis official family or of thn unofficial coterie whom ba might be expected to control. This lilt Illinium from Washington was conveyed to President Huerta through his private secretary, Senor llnbiigo by Nelson O'Rhiiughnetsy, the American Charge d' Affaires, acting under Instructions from tho Stat De partment. Official Mexico Is no longer in doubt that the Washington admlnlstrutlon favors the rebel cause and is con vinced that this Is ths means taken by President Wilson and Secretary llryati to assist Currants to win. Changes In the military situation throughout the country Included, ac cording to reports, the advance of th I rebels to attack Zacatecas, but the government believes that the garrison there Is sufficiently strong to resist sn attack successfully. Queretnro, capital of the stnte of the same name, on the main line of the National Hall way, south of San Luis Potosl, Is sur rounded by rebels and practically in a state of siege. North of Snn Luis Po tosl a new method bus been adopted by the rubels to prevent the operation of trulns. Placarda addressed to em ployes have been posted notifying them they would be hanged If they at tempted to run the trains. As a result tha men are refusing to take out the trains. Frank Fields Acquitted. Portland. Krnnk 8. Fields, ex county clerk of Multnomah county, was acquitted by a Jury In the circuit court of a charge of larceny of public funds. Ills attorneys defended blm on the grounds that the money was lost through the failure on December 1, of the American Bank ft Trust Company, In which part of the county funds were deposited. WALLS CRUSH TENEMENTS Explosion in Hartford, Conn, of Mys terious Origin, Kills Seven. Hartford, Conn. At least seven per sons are deud or dying as the result of an explosion In Lovelnnd's five- story brick warehouse. The walls of the building toppled on tbe roofs of two adjoining wooden tenement bouses. Michael Greenburg. one ot the part- ners ot th warehouse, declared to newspapermen that the building was dynamited. He refused to assign any motive tor such an act The explosion seemed to wreck the building in a diagonal manner, one whole side the one that fell on the adjoining house falling down. People in the News Ben Shields, song writer and author of "In the Good Old Summer Timo," died at his home In Long Island. The Bavarian Benate voted to do throne Otto, the mad king, In favor of the regent, Prince Ludwlg. Mrs. Mary McCormlck, a patient In the city hospital at Boston, Is liable to die If she coughs, Btieezes or laughs. The woman sustained a broken bar In a full, and the slightest movement may snap tho vital cord. R. 8. Lovett, chairman of the board of dlrecfors of the Union Pacific rail road, who Is visiting Pacific const points, declared that the railroads will not suffer as result of water competi tion following opening of the Pannma cannl. Ho Bays the new tariff would not affect business Interests of the country. That the new tariff law will force many sheepmen out of business with out benefiting tbe consumer, and will be especially hard on Oregon sheep men, was the declaration of Frank J. Hngonbarth, president of the National Wool Growers' association, mude while vlBlting In Portland. After a legal fight that stirred army circles all over the country, Mrs. Bes sie C. Merrlam won her long, strenu ous fight in opposition to the divorce proceedings instituted in San Fran cisco last November by her husband, Capt. Henry C. Merriam, U. S. A. National Issues Loom In Off-Election Washington. Although It Is an "off year" In politics, the election on No vember s furnished several local cam palm situations that assumed nation- al Importance. Three governors were ballotted for In Massachusetts, New Jersey and Virginia and In more thnn a score of the larger cities mayors were elected. In all ot these it Is certain the votes cast by republicans and progressives were closely watch ed and analyzed. To Teople Who Want to Buy A REAL CAR I have run a Velie years, and most has done. K it esy to get proof. Ai everyone knows Car fur almost people know wh the do not it is The car shows for itself and is ready for Inspection 'at any time, or a trial trip. If you are looking for real car value, why not buy a Velie and save future expense, as the upkeep is almost nothing. I have six -cylinder Velie now at $2,500 each that are second to none. Prineville Machine Shop E. G. HODSON, Proprietor 1023 Depart mental Indian Affii of HOG S For Sale I have Registered Duroc Jerseys, both sexes. These are PROFITABLE, PROLIFIC PIGS and thrive exceedingly well in this section of Central Oregon G. A. BRADLEY One and one-half miles north of Depot. Redmond,Ore S-IMt Healed proposal districts numhereA ! It,. W.rm ,,pin ' lor the thre yea ! f'ehtoary 1, 191 J. the oih- of tbe ! Warm Kpiitigs Agenc Oregon, until 2 : p j !ti-nitier 1. 1513, and 1 ' ately thereafter o-ned . ; of tncli bidders as may a warded to the ComniintioA j Affairs, Waahington, D. ; propriate recommendation. ; sary information may ba o application to the Kuperim the arm ve named agency. Cr Commissioner. 10-. ; Hoiks of Final Sattlemsa Notice Is hereby given by the k ; signi-d, the ext-cutor of the eta Heulx-n Booton, riwreasi-d, that , have made and 6ld with the cl-rt ! t!:e county court, their final account , of their administration of ssid rstal and that the county o.nrt has ret Moil day, the 1st day of Itocemtwr. 1!13. at J 10 o'clock in the forenoon at the county' : court room in Prineville. Oregon, as the ; time and place for hearing and settling said final accounting. At which said time and place any person interested in said estate, may appear aud object to saiil final accounting. Hated this )ib dav of October, 1913. MARIA BOOTOS, KEl'BKX H. BOOTON. Executors of the estate of Reuben Boot on, doceaned. ft MEXICAN SENDS UN APPEAL TO BRYAN NoRnles, Sonora. Through Dr. Hon- ry Allen Tupper, of the International pwice forum, who is regarded as an unofficial agent ot the American sec retary of state, Gencvlestnno Carran- za, head ot the rebel constitutionalists of Mexico, transmitted to the United States government an official state ment which suggests that President Wilson can solve the Mexican prob lem merely by according to the ja stitutlonallsts the right to import arms freely from the United States. The struggle in Mexico will con tinue until one side or the other is beaten into helplessness, the state ment asserts. It further declares that the constitutionalists are confident of wiping out DiBtntor Huerta and his partisans In a short time it the em bargo on arms is lifted. Cnrranta come here from Hermosll lo, the rebel capital, with Tupper, who had been with him there for several days. The rebel chief Intended at first to ask recognition from the Am erican government, but after confer ence with adviBers, determined to confine requests to the lifting of the ban on the shipment ot arms across the border. Hotel Oregon PRINEVILLE NEWLY FURNISHED Beds 50 and 75 Cents FREE BATHS Meals. 25 Cents and up PETER ERICKSON, Prop'r Summons Iu tbe Circuit court of the state ot Oregon, for tor tbe county of Crook. Central Orefcori Irrigation Company, a Corporation, plaintiff. Harry W. Wonley. defendant. To Harry W. Wooley, defendant: In the name of the state of Ore gon, You are hereby required to an- i pear and answer the complaint filed against yuu In tbe above entitled suit within six weeks from the date , of the first publication of this anm I mona, viz, before Novetulier 20tb, 1 1U13, and If you full ao to appear ! and answer for want thereof, tbe 'plaintiff will apply to the court for : the relief demanded In the complaint ; to-wit: the cancellation of a certain contract made by you with the Dee ; chutes Irrigation & Power Co , j dated February 15, VMS, and costa j and disbursements of tbe suit. This summons 1 published by l order of Hon. W. L. Bradshaw, i judge of. the above named court, only made on the lstdar of October, 1913. Iate of first i ubllcation October 9. H13. Date of last publication November 13, 11)13. , Jkbhe Stearns. F. Ewinq Martix, Attorneys for plaintiff. Railway Exchange Building, Port land. Oregon. Notice ot Final Settlement Notice is hereby given by the under- signed, the administrator of the estate ! of Herman Jacobson, deceased, to ail ; persons interested in said estate, that 1 be baa made and filed with the county clerk of Crook county, Oregon, bis final i accounting of bis administration of said , estate, and the court bas set tbe 3rd 1 day of November, 1913, at 10 o'clock in ! the forenoon at the county conrt room ! in Prineville, Oregon, as the time and j place for hearing and settling said final accounting. At which said time and place any person interested in said es tate may appear and object to said final accounting. Datad this 25th day of Sept., 1913. A. 11. Lipfxax, Administrator of the estate ot Her man Jacobson, deceased. A FINE MESS r7yr 111 Indianapolis Mob Stopa Street Car. Indianapolis. The Indianapolis Traction & Terminal company, whose men went on Btrlke, attempted to run Its cars, but gave up when notified by Superintendent ot Police Hyland that the police would be unable to prevent bloodshed unless the cars were withdrawn. Fldo's Mouth "Caged." Olympla, Wash. The state board of health, with Governor Lister concur ring, adopted a regulation requiring the muzzling of all dogs In King ajd Pierce counties as the only means of combatting an epidemic of rabies. of Fieb. can be bought from us for little money. We get large daily supplies from river, lake and ocean, so that we know the fish is fresh and sweet. You can t-ave money by buying here, get a greater variety of fish to select from, and be sure of the highest quality. Ask your friends who deal here they will tell you of the Fish satisfaction they have always had here. City Meat Market Four Mules for Sale Four work mules, ages 2 nnd S years old. Clarence Cox Prine ville, Oregon. 10 16 Imp 6 per cent loans on farms, orchard lands, city residont or business prop erty, to buy, build, improve, extend oi refund mortgaues or other securities; terms reasonable; special privileges; correspondence invited. Dep't L, 018 Commonwealth Bldg., Denver, Colo., or Pep't. I, 749 Henry Bldg., Seattle, Wash. lOJ-lm Brick Work Have your chimneys and fireplaces built now. Get ready for winter. Ex perienced. Work guaranteed. Kob't Rouinhon, Hotel Oregon. 1 0-9-21 p Ladies' Tailored Suits at Reduc tion. Mrs. Wright, who represents the Ameiican Ladies Tailoring Company, has jnst received a fine line of samples for fall and winter suits. All who order before. August 23d will feet a ten per cent discount. Fresh fruits and berries, ice cream and sodas can always be found at Mrs. Wright's Confectionery Store. . 7-Sltf everyTues- IO 0 F Lodge meets day night. strangers welcome. Gko. Nohlr, N. G.; Bert Barnes, V. G. ; T. L. Coon, Sec. ; C. B. Dinwid die, Treas. Summons In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Crook county. Margaret Kitching, plaintiff, vs. Cordelia Johnson, H. E. Patkhnrst, Heppy J. Parkbur&t, A. T. U. John son, Carrie V. Johnson, Cordelia J. Dunbar, T. N. Duubar, Mercy S. Dob bins, C. N. Johnson, Annie Johnson, H. B. Johnson, Margaret Johnson, May Wiley, Arthur L. Wiley, S. M. Johnson, Eliza Johnson. ''Also all persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein," defendants. 1 To A. T. G. Johnson and also all other . parties or persons unknown claiming i any right, title, estate. Hen or inter ! est in the real estate described in the I complaint herein, defendants. ' In the name of the state of Oregon, t yon and each of you are hereby sum i uioned and required to appear in tha ' above entitled court and answer or plead to the complaint tiled therein in : the euit against you on or before the ; 7th day of November, 1913, which is the time prescribed in the order of the ' honorable judge oi this court for tha j publication of this summons and if you mu to appear, answer or plead, the plaintiff will apply to tbe court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, to wit: that the plaintiff's title to the following described real property situ ated in Crook countv. Orennn. tn.vit? that parcel of land described as follows : Beginning at the northwest corner of ! lot four in block ten of Monroe Hodges' j plat of Prineville, Crook connty, Ore jgpn, and running thence south forty I eight feet; thence east eighty feet; thence north forty-eight feet; thence west eighty feet to the place of begin ning and every part thereof be quieted against you and all persons claiming under you or either of you and that plaintiff be adjudged to be the owner thereof in fee simple and that all per sons claiming by, through or under you or either of you be forever barred from claiming any right, title or interest in said premises or any part thereof, and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem equitable. This summons ia published by order of the Honorable W. L. Bradshaw, judge of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Crook county. The date of the first publication of this summons is the 25th day of Sep tember, 1913. M. R. Elliott, Attorney for plaintiff. Veterinary Surgeon. Dr. B. E. Nevel, experienced veterin ary surgeon. Office at Wigle's livery; res. Third st., opp. high school, Prine ville, Or. Pioneer 'phone. 10-16-2mp