Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 06, 1913, Image 2

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Events Occurring Throughout
the State During the Past
Reeves Invited to Go With Oregon.
Pendleton. W. T. Reeve, pioneer
f Stanfleld. who conceived the Idea
r the battleship Oregon leadlns the
first fleet through the Panama canal
and who prepared the petitions signed
by 65,000 school children, has been
given official recognition as the father
of the Idea In the form of an Invita
tion to be a guest of honor aboard the
Oregon in Its passage through the big
ditch. The Invitation came from Sec
retary of Navy Josephus Daniels, who
asked that Mr. Reevea be present as a
representative of the school children
of the state.
Hood Asks Exhibit Space.
Hood River. To make an estimate
t the funds that It will be necessary
for the county court to appropriate
and Include In next year's budget, the
Hood River Commercial club haa been
endeavoring to find how much space
can be obtained for Hood River ex
hibits at the International Panama ex
position at San Francisco. It Is the
purpose of the club to aid the court
in making two exhibits, one In the
Oregon building and the other in the
palace of horticulture.
Judge Says Election Will Not Hold.
Roseburg. Judge Hamilton, In the
circuit court, has declared void an
election held In school district No. i.
October 13, at which $3000 was voted
for the purpose of building a new
school house. The court held that Oc
tober 13 was Columbus day and there
fore a legal holiday, and that an elec
tion Is a quasi-Judicial function and
aot merely an administrative one.
Oregon Boy'a Cow Wins.
Monmouth. According to a tele
gram received here from Chicago, a
yearling Jersey cow, belonging to
Johnny B. Stump, 12-year-old son of
J. B. Stump of this city, carried away
the sweepstakes against cattle from
an parts of the United States at the
Kational livestock show.
Predicts Trouble for Interior Depart
Bient If Certain Conditions Continue.
Salem. Declaring that the Interior
department will find Itself in hot wa
ter if it attempts to hold up title to all
surveyed lands passed to the state at
the time the surveys were approved,
and such lands are not valid as bases
lor indemnity selections when they
are within a federal forest reserve,
Governor West has given out a state
ment presenting the view of his office
m the matter.
The question has come up before
the department in Washington, where
Miss Fern Hobbs, the governor's pri
vate secretary. Is endeavoring to get
a number of state land matters settled
for the benefit of the tsate. About
15,000 acres are Involved in the con
troversy, but the governor states that
less than 1000 acres are surveyed, bo
the department makes the ruling
contemplated it will not seriously af
fect this state, but will largely affect
ther states.
Farmer and Family Suffer Bruises.
Milton. J. Thomas, a rancher lit
lag near Walla Walla, while driving
his wife and five children in their auto
n the macadamized road between
Weston and Athena met with an acci
dent A tire blew up and the car left
the road and turned over two or three
times, pinning the occupants beneath.
All were painfully bruised.
Raw Wheat Eaten, Kills.
Enterprise. Mrs. W. F. Craig died
at the family home just south of En
terprise, after a brief illness. Acute
leritonltls was given as the cause of
death. This was induced, the physi
cians said, by eating raw wheat which
did not digest and led to inflammation
(f the peritoneum.
Dr. Brosius Gets Medal.
Hood River. Dr. F. C. Brosius, one
f Hood River's leading physicians,
has Just received a silver medal from
the adjutant general of the Oregon na
tional guard, in recognition of his IS
years of service. Dr. Brosius holds a
commission as major in the medical
Husband Shoots Man With Wife.
Pendleton. Charles Cook shot and
yerhaps fatally wounded David Row
an, then, turning his weapon, he killed
himself instantly. The reason ascrib
ed for the attempted murder Is Jeal
eusy. Rowan was with Cook's wife
n the streets at the time he was shot.
64,431 Are Registered.
Salem. The total registration m
the state under the permanent regis
tration law, passed by the recent ses
sion of the legislature, is 64,431.
J. v-?vt vy
Mrs. William Sulzer, wife of the
man who was Impeached and ousted
from the governorship of New York.
Spokane Politician Recants Famous
Attack on Wilson and Bryan.
Spokane, Wash. In a remarkable
confession of faith, delivered to the
weekly meeting of democrats at the
Inland club, Judge George Turner re
canted his famous attack on William
Jennings Bryan, made after his return
from the Baltimore convention last
year, announced that the people who
had nominated Wood row Wilson were
wiser than himself, and declared that
he had been wrong In opposing wo
man suffrage.
Much Interest waa aroused among
democrats by the speech. Several
suggested that Senator Turner intend
ed to be candidate for the United
States senate next year, but his per
sonal assurance was to the effect that
he had no Intention of running.
Idaho Car Shortage Serious.
Boise, Idaho Immediate relief from
the present refrigerator car shortage
in this state is promised, but cars In
sufficient number to move the big
crop of eastern, southern and western
Idaho arc not now on hand and there
la a serious situation as a result.
Action may be taken by the public
utilities commission ordering a sweep
ing Investigation as to the cause of
the shortage.
John B. Balrd Promoted.
St Paul, Minn. John B. Balrd, gen
eral freight agent of the Northern Pa
cific railway, was advanced to the
position of freight traffic manager,
according to an announcement by J. O.
Woodworth, vice-president of the
road, who is In charge of the traffic
Olympia, Wash. Statistics compil
ed by the Washington industrial wel
fare commission, through reports from
employers, show that half of the fe
male employes in mercantile establish
menta throughout the state get week
ly wages of $9 or less, or below the
minimum set by the Oregon commis
These totals include girls under 18
classed as minors under the Washing
ton law, but the figures for females
above IS years of age show that a
ruling similar to that of the Oregon
commission would have sweeping ef
fect In this state.
A comparison of the reports of
wages in various localities shows that
girls employed in country stores ap
parently draw the highest average of
wages. Wages In Seattle and Spo
kane are also classed as good, but
Tacoma is at the bottom of the low
wage list. In both Tacoma and Ever
ett more than half of the female em
ployes of stores receive less than $9
per week.
Road Liable for Big Slide.
Seattle, Wash. William Topping, of
Ashland, O., a minor, obtained a ver
dict for $20,000 against the Great
Northern railroad company because
his father, Edward Topping, was kill
ed In the Wellington, Wash., snow-
slide disaster of March 1, 1910, when
93 persons perished.
Wheat Club, 80c; bluestem, 90c;
red Russian, 78c.
Hay Timothy, $16; alfalfa, $13.
Butter Creamery, 34o.
Eggs Candled, 44c.
Wheat Bluestem, 90c; club, 80c;
red Russian, 78c.
Hay Timothy, $17 per ton; alfalfa,
$13 per ton.
Eggs 64c.
Butter Creamery, 34c.
George Bingham, a prominent busi
ness man ct Oregon City, waa mis
takes for a deer near Trail and was
ahot and killed.
The senate, after a bitter fight con
firmed the nomination of Frank No
Manamy of Portland to be chief In
spector of locomotive boilers for the
interstate commerce commission.
Governor West has honored a requi
sition tor the return to Kankakee, III.,
of Samuel Perlln, accused of operat
ing a confidence game.
A vinegar plant with an annual ca
pacity of 10.0J0 gallons, began opera
tion at the Eugene Fruit Growers' as
sociation cannery, turning to a profit
cull applea that heretofore have been
entirely wasted.
Fifty Roseburg merchants have
formed a company, known aa the
Roseburg Stamp company. Incorporat
ed, the purpose being to conduct trad
ing stamp business to meet the com
petition of foreign trading stamps.
Senator Chamberlain wUI endeavor
to Induce the war department to with
draw the plan of having Sand Island
ceded to Oregon. The senator held a
conference with Major Mclndoe, who
Is now In Washington.
Senator Lane has been advised by
the commissioner of the general land
office that a survey has been complet
ed and accepted of three townships In
Lake county, which will permit the
opening of these lands for entry about
the last week In November.
With apparently not the slightest
fear, but protesting their Innocence
to the last, Mike Spanos and Frank
Seymour, slayers of George Dedaska
lou of Bedford, went to their deaths
calmly on the scaffold at the state
Representative Hawley has been ad
vised by architects of the treasury de
partment that plans for the new fed
eral building at Medford have about
reached completion, and that this
building will toon be ready to submit
for bids.
Senator Lane saved H. F. Ferry, a
doorkeeper at the government print
ing office, bta Job. The man had been
dismissed for showing the president's
wife through the offices without first
bringing her direct to Public Printer
The Parellus Msnufacturlng com
pany of Portland, which has the con
tract for the Interior furnishings of
the new supreme court building at
Salem, has been notified by Labor
Commissioner Hoff that It must not
work Its employes more than eight
hours a day.
Superintendent of Public Instruc
tion Churchill has snnounced that the
thirteenth annual convention of the
Oregon State Teachers' association,
Eastern division, to be held In La
Grande, November 24, 25 and 26, will
be the most important in the history
of the division.
Senator Lane Is preparing a bill
directing the grant of 260,000 acres of
public land to the state of Oregon,
the same to be sold at no less than $4
an acre, and the proceeds applied to
construction of public roads. He will
probably frame the bill giving Califor
nia and Washington similar grants.
Senator Chamberlain has Introduced
a bill granting Oregon 4239 acres ol
swamp lands in townships 37, 38
south, range 10 east, Willamette me
ridian, heretofore considered Indian
lands. He has also Introduced a bill
authorizing a preliminary examination
and survey of the mouth of the Ump
qua river.
A bay shortage threatens Wallowa
county before spring. Diversified
farming baa led to the production of
slightly less' hay in the southern part
of the county than In the old days,
before the railroad came. Now stock
feeding is developing on a consider
able scale, and all the hay available
will be needed for this purpose.
L. L. Haines, a rancher of Eckley,
Curry county, was shot fatally by his
brother - in - law, Hugh Hampton.
Haines, who is unmarried and about
40 years old, has Bhown signs of in
sanity. He attacked a sinter at one
time, beating her severely, and this Is
presumed to have caused the shoot
ing. An industry that promises much fu
ture development recently has been
launched in the unfrequented sections
of central and southern Oregon by the
Oregon Borax company, a subsidiary
of the American Soda Products com
pany of Portland and San Francisco.
The propect is an extensive and an
important one. It provides immediate
development of the soda deposits in
Alkali lake. Lake county. It is said
that these deposits now are in the
form of carbonate of soda a produc
that enjoys a ready market.
During the week beginning Novem
ber 10 competition for the trophy to
be presented by the bankers of Ore
gon to the best company in marks
manship of the Oregon National
guard, will be held on general order
Just Issued by Adjutant General Fin
zer. It must be competed for annual
ly. It will be awarded to the com
pany getting the highest percentage
on a basis of 33 1-3 of the enrolled
strength of the company at the date of
last muster.
Central Garage
. Phone No. 20 Agents for
Chalmers and Detroiter Autos
All Kindt or Auto Repairing
Tires Vulcanized
Full Line of Auto Supplies
Special Prices on New and Second-Hand Auto
Ranked at
I AVID RANKIN waa a big farmer and
study and practice of right farming, and he
succeeded mightily, for he made $4,000,000 in
the business of farming. David Kankin said:
"The manure spreader is the most efficient
money-maker on the place."
It's warm praise to be ranked above all other
farm machines, but the spreader deserves it
Soils rebel when crop after crop is taken from
them, without return of fertilizer. Return
every bit of manure to the soil. The I H C
manure spreader will save you much disagree
able hard labor, will spread evenly, and will
make one ton go as far as two tons spread by
I H C Manure Spreaders
are built to suit you, to do best work for the
buyer in every case, to convince him that he
has made the wisest purchase. Every detail
in the construction has a purpose, for which it
was made after thorough tests and experiment
They have the maximum of strength and en
durance. You will find all styles and sizes in the I II C
spreader line. They will cover the ground
with a light or heavy coat, as you choose, but
always evenly, up hill or down. There are high
and low machines, with steel frames, endless
or reverse aprons, but always giving best pos
sible service. Tractive power is assured by
position of the rear wheels well under the box,
carrying nearly three-fourths of the load.
Study the I II C spreader line at the local
dealer's. Read the catalogues write us.
International Harvester Company of America
Portland Ore.
Combination Offer
The Journal management has made arrangements with the
Portland Evening Telegram whereby we can give sub
scribers the advantage ol a gigantic combination oiler lor a limited
period. You can get a metropolitan evening paper with all the
latest news Irom all over the world and the news ol Crook County
at a remarkably low price.
The Evening Telegram is the best paper in the stale,
market reports unexcelled, Saturday edition contains a magazine
and comic section in colors.
The Crook County Journal is the county ollicial
paper ol Crook County.
The Portland Evening Telegram, per year $ 5.00
The Crook County Journal, per year 1.50
Total .$ 6.50
Both papers through
this office if paid in
advance for one year
on or before December 31, 1913
You Would Enjoy the Journal
Auto Co.
the Very Top
1 1
he knew bis business. He owned
the largest corn (arm in the world,
about 35,000 acres down in Missouri.
He devoted his life to the pleasant
In the circuit court til the state of
Ori'Kon lr Crook county,
j, II. Honor, iiilutirt,
Willlnm IVtne. John Trims r'rmis B.
I'rlni', Kuriih rower, I". M. 1'rlne,
I'nul Ithtulcn, Nornh Miotic, An.
net I Ithoilca, llcrtlui lllioilee, Wnl
hie Ithoil), nml nil unknown
Mm ol livM I'rlnc, deceased, It.
K. Allen, . K. Allcii n ndnilnln
trntor of the etnt of W illlnm
riwtcr, thvenaeil, Annie MhIIiiii.
rnviilrlx ol the twtnte ol ('. C Mnl
Inn, diverted!, nml nil unknown
heir of '. C. MullliU, decenneil,
nml nil others Interveicil, thfeiitl
To IMIIInm I'rlni'. John I'rlnc, r rimk
H. Trims Snriili rowers, V. H.
I'rlni', Tsui llhoilce, Nornh Ithoilce.
Annette Miotic. Hertlm KIhmIih,
Wnllnr Miotic, nml nil unku iwii
lull ol Imvltl 1'rltns uceenwil. II.
K. Alli'ii, U. K. Allen mlmliila
trntor ol t he clttt ol Willlnm
Kiwlcr. ilivt-nmtl, Annie Mnlinir,
etccuirli ol the mini ol U I.
Mttlluic, ilivcnwil, mnl nil '
known heirs ol t'. Mnlltm. de
cerned, ami to nil others Interested,
the nliove iimiiitl dcfcinlniitat
In theiinineot the stnte ol Ore
Koii, You nml ench of you are tier.
h rwtilrcd to npiwir mnl miawcr
tii rotiipliiltit ol ilulii(lfl Med
nunln.t you In the nbov entitled
suit nml court within tn ilny In mi
tht (Into ( tlm service of this sum
mom upon you, II nerved In Crook
county, elnte ol tiri'iion, or II served
within any otlii-r county In thin
talis then within twrnty dnyn Irom
tli lint of Hi wrvliD ol this mi m.
inoim u nun von. or If rviil liy milt.
Mention it provliliil by Inw, thru on
or ht'lor the
2lk s W N.W. Ull,
mnl jrnu nml noh of you nr hrvli.v
notlBiil Hint II you full to so nmirnr
mnl nnswr, for wmit throl, the
(ilulntin will tnkd fc ilwn of imlil
court ngnlnut you for thf rlif
iirnytHl lor In Hi eointiltilnt, to-wit:
For a tlfcr ol thin court to tins rf
fivt thnt the tilnliitllf, J. II. Ilnmr,
in the wnr In lt nluipl. Irve Irom
nil Inruiulirniii', of lot mimbtr on
In block miiiilwr four of therlly of
rrlni'VlUc, Crook county, stnte of
OrvKoii, neeorillnir to Monroe
IIo.IkiV tilnt of until city now an
tlln mill ol rrcoril III t be oftVe of the
eounty clerk ol Crook county, state
ol Orciron. That the dilcmlnnte
and rnch mid nil of thciu lie lorrver
hnrrpd mid ptoiil Irom linvlnif or
clnlinlng any right, title or lntrt
In or to snlil irvuilme, ami thnt the
plnltitllT's title thereto lie lortvr
i)uletil, conllrnipil and wtabllnliMil
In hliiiM-lt. bis heirs and aanlicne.
Thnt nil record Inruinhrnncre, Item
mid clouds nifiilimt tilalntllf's title to
nld premliH-a, vxlHtlnic prior to the
2nd dny of June, ISIlO. be decreed and
com luslvely held and considered to
be canceled, satlntteil and removed,
and thnt all pcreotis clnlinlng title
or nny Interest In or to siild prem
ises, or any part thereof, by or
through the delendnnts or either of
them, lie forever barred aud estopped
from having or clnlinlng any Inter
est therein, and (or such other and
further relief n may neetn meet to
the court and Junt in the premleee.
This iiuimoiis In published In the
Crook County Journal for six lull
weeks In seven coiiNccutlve Iwniee of
nld pnNr, coiiiiticiiclnir with the
lnHtie ol tk'tohcr Ifith, llllll, nnd end
ing with the Issue of Noveuiler 27th,
P.113, by order ol the Hon, i.
Springer, county Judge, ol Crook
county, otnte ol Oregon, made and
entered on the Uth tiny ol lctolier,
1 int fit nni) published 11 rut time
(KtiiU-r 16th, l'.H.'l. M. K. IIiiink,
Attorney tor plaintiff.
Sum moos
In the Circuit Court ol Ins BUM of Ore-
Son forl'rook cnunty.
lulll. Klliutt, I'l.mltir,
Kri A. McDowell unit I.con
Mr.llnwrll. ilrfrndnnu.
To lons Mrlluwrlt. ilefeniUnti
I In th name uf the htsl of Oreiion, you
! re hrmhy reiiuiri-d to appear and answer
j th complaint Hied MKainat you lin ths
aliovo tulilM unit within aii work of tlis
ilut oftho. Ilrat ii'ihlleatlon of thla auiii-'
iiiona, ilata of llrt puliltiallon I"
the Hth day of October, lliia, ana If you
futl mi to atiMwer, for want thereof, the
plalntlir will apply to the court for th rv
ilef UeinHiiilifl in aaiit complaint, to-wlt:
for a luilKiiiiint aitnlnal Krril A. Mi'lmwi-11
for tl"4.'i .ml with Intermt thereon at tlis
rat of tn pr crnt per annum from the
Vini day of ()i'tohr, 11113, for HI ottur
ney'a fees ami for the eot ami cllburai
meutaoftliiaault. Kor a iliiTve ol the aliov entitled court
that the followinit deacrtoed land, to-wit:
the Knulli hull of the nortliwent uuartrr
ami tutu three and four of Nectioti four in
townnlup thirteen aoutli of range thirteen
east of Willamette Maridiun In Crook
county, On gnii, m Hold liy the eherill of
thlaconiitv according to law and Hint the
proct'cilN m applied iu tlia payment of
plimitill 'ii Mild JinlKUieut and th coma and
ehitritfH o uuiking eitld aal. Thnt tliede
friiiliinu mid all pvrsoiia clnimiiiK under
them or ei titer of them lie forever burred
and foreoloM-d of sll right, title. Intercut
oriiityof redemption in nulil iit'inli'a
or any putt thereof,
ritinaumiiiouii la published by order of
the Hononihle (1, Hpringer, county Judge
of Crook enmity, Oregon, mad and en
tered on the tfud duj of Oetolier, 1IIIS.
Attorn for l'lslutiff,
AdiiilniHtriiti lx's Motii'U.
Kliza Hslton Katute.
Notice la hwroby Kivon that the titular
"line has been appointed silminmtra
trix of the eatnta of Kllza llslton, de
fended, by the county court for the stste
of Ureiion for Cluckumaa county, and
bus qualified. All porsons having claims
aitninat said CHtnte are heruhy nntitlml
to present the aaiue to T. O, Thornton,
Kooin lfi, Mulkey Builtliiitf, Portland,
Oreumi, with proper vouchers ami duly
vurilled within six months from the
date hnreol.
First publication October 30, 1913.
T. O. Thornton, Administratrix.
Attorney for Katate.
For Sale
200 acres of good farming ground, 30
a. in alfalfa, all in cultivation, 8 miles
tiorthwent of Prineville, 1 mile.lrora
railway survey. All the farm imple
ments, loinn homes and cows go with
the place, l'luce has 50- acre water right.
For fiirtbot particulars phone or write
I'rice CobIiow, Lone Juniper Ranch,
I'riueville, Ore. 8-2H1