j Porcelain Ware Heating Stoves Do You Need a New Heater This Fall ? We now have in stock the popu lar White and Gold Semi-Porce-lean Ware in addition to our reg ular stock of White Goods. They are reasonably priced, too. Come in and see them. We are sure you will be pleased. "Holeproof Hose Most Eeconomical A trial box will convince you. No other hose will do after you have once tried 'Holeproof.1 We have the exclusive sale for Prineville. If you do it is advisable to make your selection while stocks are complete. We have a good stock to select from, and are naming attractive prices. X E. STEWART & COMPANY W. C. T. U. Entertains Prineville Teachers Ijint Suturduy afternoon the W. C. T. U. waa "ut home" to the I'rlneville teacher l the home of Mm. J. B. Shipp. While cocoa and wafers were served in the dining room, the truest in the reception room enjoyed an informal program, consisting of music by Mrs. Charl ton ami Mm. Hugh I -akin, readings by Mr. Van M. Morse and a gen eral discussion of the measure to be voted upon November 4. The teachers were assured that the W, C. T. U. had alwayi stood in the front rank for the best instruction of children and that they would uphold all elTorta made by the schools to mine the standard of our future citizens- Four Blocks of Ce ment Walk Finished Two blocks of cement walk have been finished and are in use and two more blocks will be finished this evening. The contractors, Messrs Wheelright & 1'hippn, will build the new walk on Fourth street Vast the new postollice site before completing their contract with the city. They have six blocks in all to build. The wuik on East Third street has leon set back to conform to the street grade. This would be a good time for property owners to put down cement. Gambling at Bend Must Stop The county authorities are deter mined to stamp out gambling at Bend. Deputy Sheriff Winandy arrested two saloonkeepers Inst week on a gambling charge. They were bound over to tho grand jury, The Rend city authorities will take no action tending to prevent the violation of the gambling law so the matter has devolved upon the sher iff. Deputy Winandy has orders to keep right on the job. Package Freight to Redmond Mr. R. B. Miller, traffic manager of the Oregon-Washington R. R. & Navigation Co., advises that the Union Pacific has completed their Marysville, Kansas, cut-off, shorten- ing the distance between Kansas City and the North Pacific Coast , points 110 miles, giving them the "Short Line" between Kansas City and Portland. Package freight cars are scheduled daily between Kansas City and Redmond. Cement Sidewalks See W'lieelriitht A Phipps shout your commit work. Hotter have It done now when men and materials are on the ground. You can save money by so doing.; lu:,u Boarders Wanted By Mrs. L. II. Hamilton at Mrs, Illnton's old stand, Prices reason able. .10 2 Imp Powell Butte ItrovF. Wllroien u a bualiim vinltor lu iN-u'liuivi Tui'xlty. TIip patron, of M-hool itUlrlet No.tX) held t ir:ll merlin TuoiiijT wiling fur tin iurju of elti'tlhf A illif fur the school hou-it. It i tho unnnlinom choice of Hi MitxttitiK to atxvpt tlx m-ro tract ol li.l uIIVmhI by Wiu. Wtliun, of Aluka. The Utiil In (utiun U a beautiful corner tri-t iMitlmly fr from rock or other ob jrctlonnhl frturr, It crutrtl of the dis trict end on tlx mtn traveled ro.i. Mr. Wlleun niikinx tins olTir further itm to buy lnt fur Ih new etrurture. In pr olmion of lili Reiieralty It decided to oil lb school "The WIImiii School," and it will be known by that name. Kail Supervisor Wllcoien li busy with a crew of men and teams opming the ruad beyond the river bed shove the itntlou. A bridne ih built there aumetiiue ago, but the ruad Wat never put Into ahap fur travel, Cotitlderahl blaitlnx Is (wins; dun. Word has been received by Mr. Mary llmwn that Iter aou Fred li 111 In a boatnul at Portland. Hi many friend here hop for hi peedy recovery. George Myer, of K-Irn YVsahtngton, who own. a On farm in Ihi ection, ar rived Wedneaday to look after Ilia Interests, lie wa In dally attendance at tha potato allow at Uedmond, and eipreaatd tiiniMtlt aa axreealily aurprlaed at the variety and quality ul theeililbiu. Mr. Myera said he bad attended the Crook County Fair for several year and waa disappointed at fir itiat arrived too lata for that Rathcring tin year. Ueorite Iloliba hat been busy harvesting hie bis; potato crop the1 past week. Ten men are kept busy picking and sacking while three four-horse teams drawing trail waKons are making a trip a day to the Farmer' Vtisrchotiis In Kedmond, where the tulH'ra wl.l he ttored for the present. Kd. Muatanl len Tuesday for the Dalles ami other valley points, Mrs. M. will join him later. Carl Charlton has returned from Sulem where he has been the past month. Mrs. A. W. Hnyu wa a Prinevlll visitor Kridny. Misses Gladys and llatel accom panied her home for a brief visit. Keevet Wlleonen, 8. V. Mustard and J. U tilhsuu took hog to Redmond Tues day to be loaded from the Farmers' Ware house Wednesday morning, consigned to the Portland stock yards. Mrs. Ouy Hear was a Prineville visitor Friday. Misae Ora Hears and Viola Trues dule accompanied her on her return for a week end visit with home folks. II. 11. Rhode bought a hunch of 400 sheep last week. Karl Maunders took a load of dressed pork to Ilend Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kelly and children, ofSisters, were guests at the N. P. Alley home a couple of days the latter part of the week, returning to tiieir home Sunday. The Kellci's are former pioneers of this section. George Truesdale la hauling oats to Prineville these day. A traveling piano agent and tuner can vassed this section Thursday. Powell llutte potato grower landed the two big premiums oll'ered by the Great Northern Ky. and tho U-W. K, & N. at the Kedmond Potato Show last week, via: the $85 clock and tha 150 silver loving cup, these to be given for the best display of potatoes in bushel lota and the best and largest W potatoes. 8. D. M ustard landed the clock with spud to spare. ile also won some 13 or 20 blue and red ribbons with aooompanying purses. Glen Mustard walked oft with the big cup on W potatoes grown on sub irrigated laud. The total weight of these was 57 Si pounds. He also won honor on grains and other exhibits. Itay and Jessie McPharlaml landed the blue ribbon for child's potato exhibit the best display mad by school child. ' These winnings add another feuther to our cap of honors fairly won, and that they were won In competition with other excellent exhib its made at the show 1 very gratifying. The slogan i not "Watch Pewell Butte Grow," but "Watch Pewell llutte Grow Spuds." Two big loads of cement enrouto to Prineville passed through here Monday. F. W. Graham, western Industrial and Immigration agent for the Great Northern Hallway Co., in oonvcrsatiou with the writer in Kedmond Saturday, (tated that his company would ship the tilen Mustard exhibit of lame potatoes to Chicago, where they will be esbihlted at the land show which holds from November 'Mb to De cember ltd Inclusive. While there tne bit spuds will be aeeu by a quarter million people at that baa been the average at tendance at the show for several years. From the land sbow tha potatoes will go to make up an exhibit shown In special car by the railway company all over the eutlr east. The commercial sites which won the clock will also go to the land show, but Mr. Graham says it takes the big lei. Iowa to attract the atleutlon of a crowd, so these fellows are of Inestimable value to Us lor advertising purposes. Grimes Valley. Everyone I enjoying the nice weather and the farmer believe ill making bay while the tun shines, so most of them have their fall seeding done. Thtre waa quit a crowd out to hear Rev. Prater last Sunday and those present felt much beiielltted by his pleasant talk. There will be church next Sunday at the Lower Ky Grass schoolhuuse at 3 o'clock. Rev. Williams would like all to be preaettt and especially those Interested in the new church bouse. There will be special sing ing by the Mla.es Williams. The Ladles Aid will meet with Mr. Price Cos how Thursday to tack quilt and bava pleasant time. All ladie are in vited to come and Join and help lu the Aid In any way they can, as the iadiea want to furnish the lutide of the new church. Mr. and Mr. John Crimes and Price Cosbow went to Mitchell this week after fruit. Mr. and Mrs. McCoy are visiting their daughter, Mr. Harry Webb. Henry Grimes returned frum a long trip on the road, where he arts on the board of road viewer. Lamonta News Mrs. Mabel Athford and little daugh ter has been tpending the week with her sitter, Mrs. retve Vi'aite. Miss Ethel Cox ol Madtaa, has been spending a few days at the Weigand home. Mr. and Mrs. Retiluff and Mrs. Iver eon were Madras visitor Friday. Ira Black and family spent Similar at the Mitchell home. The rabbit drive was a swell affair Sunday. People from all over Crook county were there. Between 1,000 and 1,500 rabbits were killed. There will be anotb.tr one November 2, 1913. They will meet at Ben Wright's place three miles north of Lamonta. Kvery one come. Joe Weigand and family took in Bar gain Day at Madras Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cheetney spent a pleasant afternoon at the King home Sunday. Mr. Alice GofT, the Pine Ridge school teacher, spent Saturday and Sun day at her son's home near Haycreek, Oregon. Marie Braden spent a few days with Neva Weigaud last week. Lela Geyer, the Gray Butte teacher, was home on a vacation Saturday and Sunday. Nellie Terrell, the Lamonta school teacher, has one more pupil, making 15 in all. Theokore Smith and family were at Redmond Saturday to take in the po tato (how. There was preaching at Lamonta every night this week. Several sinners were converted. Rev. Ramsey, pastor. C. E. Marvin, a representative of the Wiley B. Allen music house of Portland, is in Prineville this week. The company is pleased, he says, for the amount of business received through its resident agent here, C. F. Condart. Sisters Happenings (Received too lute for hist week's coition.) I-Mltor Journal Seeing no Items iu your paper from this part of the country I will write a few. Sisters Is enjoying some plensaut sunshine. John Taylor la reported on the road to recovery. The little daughter of Clarence Brunton la getting along nicely and will soon be up and around. Eugene Loomls, who baa been visiting; his uncle, Will Edmnnaon, hna takeu his departure for the Sil ver Lake couutry with the view of locating. Our pastor, Rev. Towne, bas Just returned from a conference meeting In Portland. He report a most In tertKtliig meeting. C. S Woods made a business trip to Portland the latter part of the week. The new school building la caus ing a county-wide Interest. We have a few new scholars from several dis tricts grartttnlly dropplug In. There is talk of another teacher being hired It the eurollment keeps Increas ing. Let the good work go on. Proprietor Deuulg of Hotel Sisters lout a vnlmible gold watch while clearing a small tract of land near town. Mr. and Mrs. C. t Buchanan, ac companied by Mrs. Ida Person, have gone to Prineville on business. Messrs. Heartly and Edglngton have been gathering cattle and re port the stock In a good condition tor the whiter. Mr. Austin was up from Grand- view the first of the week with a load ot apples raised on his farm. Jack Steadam bas moved luto Sis ters tor the winter. Mlfs Lambert, the trained nurse, has been called to Bend to attend the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Overturf. Grandma Fryrear has gone to visit her son, Dave, who lives lu Idaho. Sisters Is no longer off the map. She Is forging to the front. First, she has one of the finest school- houses lu the county. Next we hear Is a new race track, then last but not least we are to have a fine big church. Born To the wife of Lewis Glover, a nlue-pound boy. Mr. Gist of Hotel Gist has gone to Washington for treatment of cancer, leaving Mrs, Steel In charge of the hotel. Mrs. Oster Is back on her home stead after spending the summer ou the Black Butte ranch. Mrs. Bob Smith, who recently un derwent an operation In Portland, haa returned and Is getting along nicely. Miss Muriel Edmunson narrowly escaped an accident last week In driving through the school yard gate. The hub of her buggy caught on the gate and the horse gave a lunge which broke the shaft but was stopped before farther damage was done. X Y Z. To Excnange for Horses or Cattle Now 5-room house with 2 lota In Redmond and a 6-passenger auto mobile In first-class condition. J. M. J Ul, Bend, Oregon. 10-2-JSt Stray Horse Brown Alley, 8 years old, star in fore head, no brand j about 1100 lbs; came to my place June 15. Owner will con fer a favor by taking it awav. 10-2 John E. Ryan, Bend, Or. Don't you ncednevUotl tesi .as. tit --o-iV- Look at last winter's, or maybe winter-before-last's overcoat; see if It will stand you through this whole long winter. Is not your coat shiny? Are not your trousers baggy at the knee? Art not your hats greasy, your collars "broken" and your neckties frayed? Haven't your socks got holes In them? Is not your underwear "gone?" Then come to us; let us fix you up for Fall and Winter. Ve sell "up-grade," j4LL-W00L clothing and up-grade fur nishings and hats. When we put figures on our goods, we figure on seeing our customers again. Ladies1 Coats Reduced I still have a lew coats left, and io order to close them out will reduce them as follows: $12 50 Coat reduced to $10.00 15.00 " " 12.50 18.00 " " 15.00 27.50 ' " 22.50 ' 32.50 " " 25 00 Bedding Special I have too muoh bedding, ana in order to reduce this stock will reduce the price on cotton blankets, wool nape blankets, wool warp blankets and pure wool blankets. Also the entire stock of quilts will be reduced. $1.25 cotton blanket reduced to $ .98 1.50 " " . " " 1.23 2.00 " " " " 165 3.00 wool warp " " " 2.40 4.25 wool " " " 3.49 5.50 " " ' " 4.75 6.00 " " " " 4.98 7.00 " " " '..." 5.40 8.00 " " " 6.75 1.50 quilts, good quality, reduced to 1.23 1.75 " " " 1.49' 2.50 " " . . . 1.98 These Prices are for Cash Only Ralph L. Jordan 1