OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERALINTEREST Events Occurring Throughout the State During the Past Week. Water to Bt Lowered. Klamath Fall. According to a let ter received by President Mason of the Lower Klamath Marsh Land Own ers' association, from Representative Sinnott, officials of the reclamation service are drafting a form of bond, upon the signing of which Instrument the government will close the gates at the railroad track, shutting the water of Klamath straits out of Lower Kla math lake, which will allow the recla mation of much marsh land around the lake by lowering the water level The bond is to insure the government against any damage actions that might arise, and to protect the gov ernment against any damage to the water right of the Van Brimmer ditch. "Wets" and "Drys" Wags Campaign. Salem. The most strenuous wet and dry campaign ever carried oa In Salem Is now being waged. Both sides axe weU organised and until 10 days ago it was conceded even by the sa loon interests that the city would be voted dry on November 4. but within the last week the wets have perfected their organization and now declare they wiU win the election. It Is gen erally conceded that the result of the election rests largely with the women, and both sides are centering their campaign on them. The last time the issue was presented in Salem, with only the men voting, the city remained vet by a very small majority. Eight-Hour Law to Be Tested. Salem. The state board of control bas requested Labor Commissioner O. P. Hoff to bring suit against the board to test the question of whether the eight-hour law applies to the em ployes at state institutions. If the courts should hold that it does apply to the institutions, it Is stated that no one of the institutions would hare sufficient appropriation to carry It through next year without a defi ciency. The governor has said that it might be necessary even to call a spe cial session of the legislature to pro ride for the emergency. GIRL HAS GOOD ROAD PLAN Fair Supervisor of Schools to Let the Pupils Build Highway. Eugene. Road-building, a course of study for the rural schools of western Lane county, is to be introduced with in a few days by Miss Goldie Van Biber, school supervisor in the Sim la w district Instructions have been mailed. This is the first experiment of its kind ever tried In Oregon. Ac tual road-building is the laboratory work which will 'accompany this course. The children of each district will build and maintain during the approaching rainy season a strip of county road near the school building. The school whose road stands the win ter and is found In the best condition will be the winner of a unique con test in which school children on the Siuslaw eagerly are awaiting to par ticipate. County Uudge Helmus W. Thomp son, Lane county's most active good roads enthusiast, was so pleased with this woman's plan to teach the funda mentals of road building In the rural schools that he immediately offered two huge silver cups as prizes for this good roads contest. One Dead, One Hurt in Wreck. Baker. One man was killed out right, another was Blightly Injured and two valuable race horses were hurt in a wreck six miles north of Prairie City on the Sumpter Valley railroad. Robert S. Richardson of Baker was killed when he jumped from an over turning car which fell on him, and William of John Day was in jured. Has Vision of Railroad. Klamath Falls. There is every In dication that the railroad from this city to Merrill and from there to Fern ly, Nev., will be built next summer. There is also evidence that the road to the north will be built to connect with the Hill line coming south and that both Harriman and Hill interests will use the same line for the heavy exposition travel. Recall Nominees in Fight to Stay, Hood River. All the candidates nominated by the recall petitioners bave signified their intentions of quali fying and making the race against the members of the present county court at the November election. Equalization Board Meets. Salem. The state board or equali zation began holding hearings Friday, when representatives of the large rail road companies appeared before the board. THOMAS A. EDISON 9 Mil, by Americas IT MS AseoclaOo Thomas A. Edison, the great Inven tor, who has recovered from a severe illness. ATTEMPT TO POISON GIRLS Mrs. Effic Cresswell, Inmate of Stat Training School, Is Arrested. Salem, Or. Mrs. Effie Cresswell. sn Inmate of the state girls' training school, was arrested on a charge of having attempted to poison the other 14 Inmates of the institution. According to Mrs. M. E. Hopkins, acting superintendent of the school, the woman put strychnine in the cof fee and tea which was served to the inmates at supper. Several of the girls, upon tasting the beverages, an nounced that they had a peculiar flav or and Mrs. Hopkins made an investi gation. She says she learned that the Cress well woman, who waa committed from Salem several days ago on a charge of delinquency, had smuggled the poi son into the institution and had Induc ed Stella Morgan, committed from Al bany; Lula Smith, committed from Corvallis, and Lydia Hill, committed from Columbia county, to put it into the coffee and tea. U. S. SEEKS NO AD DITIONAL TERRITORY Mobile, Ala, While avoiding any mention specifically of Mexico or any European influence connected with the Mexican situation. President Wil son delivered a speech here before the Southern Commercial congress which appeared to be freighted with signifi cance and which served to point with further directness the policy of the United States not only toward Mexico, but toward all Central and South American republics. A score of South American diplo mats sat just behind the president while he spoke and many of his re marks were addressed In conversa tional tones to them. The president spoke only In general terms, but many of his sentences were pointed with a meaning bo clear as to leave little doubt of their Intent. The president's speech was uttered with a confidence which bespoke the dominant part the United States ex pects to play in the future of the American republics. Not through any idea of "material interest," he care fully explained, but through a love of the people of constitutional liberty. "The United States never again will seek to obtain one additional foot of territory by conquest," he declared, amid applause. Idaho Ex-Officlal Sued. Boise, Idaho. On behalf of the state of Idaho and 219 depositors in the Boise State Bank, now defunct, suit was Instituted in the district court here against V. W. Piatt, state bank commissioner, under ex-Governor James H. Hawley and the Title Guar anty & Surety company for $25,000 as damages for the alleged failure of Piatt to perform his official duties. Oregon Wins Trophy. Tulsa, Okla. The state of Oregon was presented with a silver loving cup given by the Chicago Association of Commerce for having the best state or district exhibit of farm products at the International Soil Products expo sition which is being held here in connection with the International Dry Farming congress. THE MARKETS. Portland. Wheat Club, 78c; bluestem, 88c; red Russian, 77c. Hay Timothy, S16; alfalfa, $12. Butter Creamery, 34c. Eggs Candled, 43c. Seattle Wheat Bluestem, 88c; club, 77c; red Russian, 76c. Hay Timothy, $17 per ton; alfalfa, $13 per ton. Eggs 46c. Butter Creamery, 34c. L w t jr. r , c s BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON Med ford Is planning to entertain the Chicago White Sox and New York Giants, teams and officials on their visit to that city, November 17. Grant county Is out of debt and has a balance of $.10.000. Crop yield was big and first class and large sale of cattle at top prices were made. The first shipment of foreign meat to the Portland market has been re ceived. A carload of Australian beet ha been brought Into that market by the Union Meat company of Portland. Grants Pass, by vote of the people, authorised Issue of t!iO.0O0 railroad bonds for building first 10-mlle unit of the Grants rasa-Crescent City line to the(coast. lt county sealer of weight and measure carry Into effect the new law, every weight and measure used in commercial pursuits will have to undergo a teiL The voting power In the Umatilla drainage district will be baaed on the amount of land owned, one vote being allowed to each dollar or major frac tion thereof. Dairy product were discussed thl week at Tillamook, when the Oregoa Butter and Cheesemaker and the Ore gon Dairymen' associations met In joint annual convention. The Umpqua port organisation ha requested Secretary Lane to arrange to have a preliminary survey made of the Umpqua bar and river with a view to obtaining appropriation tor im proving navigation conditions Farmer living near Aahland are making money selling goat meat at from 9 to 11 cents a pound. The meat helps solve the high cost of living problem. The money received from the mohair is also a considerable Item. Attorney General Crawford has ren dered an opinion to the effect that an osteopath Is Ineligible to hold office as public heslth officer. The decision affects Dr. J. A. Van Brakle, acting health officer of Clackamas county. From 38 opinions In suits of personal injuries handed down by the supreme court in 41 weeks maimed workmen or their widows and orphans received less than It per cent of amount asked, under employers' liability act The chief of engineers wrote Sena tor Chamberlain saying $1,000,000 would be asked next year for the Co lumbia bar Improvements under a continuing contract, and advocating more pumps on the dredge Chinook. It has been definitely decided that La Grande's new form of city govern ment shall not be ordered Into effect until January 1, Instead of at once, as was thought necessary under the char ter. Sent to light a fire on he Hallo well ranch near Oregon City, Charles Neimberg, aged 38 years, blew the top of his head off with a shotgun and his body was found by members of the family. Supreme court rules that If man who takes orders In the state and fills them from orders from another state, he Is an agent, but If he fill orders from stock on hand he Is a peddler, and therefore must pay a li cense. The mystery of the discovery of 200 sticks of dynamite In the canal near the court house at Klamath Falls has been explained. Contractors had thrown the explosives away over a year ago, after completing sewer work. A seagoing dredge will be sent from the Atlantic coast for use In the Co lumbia river channel, just as soon as the Panama canal la opened, accord ing to information received by Dr. Kinney, chairman of the Ports of Co lumbia committee. Senator Lane, after a competitive examination, has appointed Wilson S. Zimmerman of Portland as midship man at Annapolis Naval academy, naming Lawrence Schepky of Hood River as alternate. If Zimmerman fails to pass the entrance examination, Schepky will have a chance. Governor West has written the edi tor of the Coos Bay Times of Marsh field for advice on suing the C. A. Smith Lumber company for school lands which may have been obtained by fraudulent means. The newspaper has been attacking the governor's policy. Governor West has referred to United States District Attorney Reames of Portland for Investigation, a letter received from C. A. Rold of Vountsville, Cal., In which Rold says a company called the Farm and Home company of San Francisco, is repre senting to him that It will locate him on a 320-acre homestead In southern Oregon for a fee of $r20. Senator Chamberlain presented Miss Fern Hobbs, secretary to Gov ernor West, to Assistant Secretary of the Interior Jones and to Land Com missioner Talman, in order that she might bring up questions of the Ore gon indemnity school land selections on which patents have not yet been issued. Miss Hobbs and Secretary Chamberlain had a conference with Representative Hawley regarding the Chamberlain bill, providing for an ex change of school lands In forest re serves and the creation of a state for est reserve. Central Garage Phone No. 20 Agents for Chalmers and Detroiter Autos All Kindt or Auto Repairing Tires Vulcanized Full Line of Auto Supplies Special Prices on New and Second-Hand Auto Huff-Maker Auto Co. HOT LAKE SPRINGS HOT LAKE, ORKC.ON (Union County, 9 mile rut of La Grande NATURE'S WONDERFUL CURE REACHED ONLY VIA THK w GET UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Eatendv improvements Heve Been Made In All Department SPECIAL REDUCED FARES frem all O-W. R. 4 N. station The MEDICATED MUD. VAPOR and MINERAL BATHS of Hot Lake have proven boon to (ufferers from Rheumatism, Blood, Kidney and Liver J complaints. Aeeommedatlon at the ana rates wmmn in reaon or ail. Apply to any O-W. R. tt N. agent rate with hotel coupon, alio for booklet telling all about the Springs; or write to G. W. TAPE, the new Manager at Hot Lake, Oregon. THE HAMILTON STABLES J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor PRINEVILLE, OREGON Stock boarded by the day, week or month at Reasonable rates. Remember us when in Prineville. Rath Reasonable. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent A GREAT Combination Offer The Journal management has made arrangements wilh the Portland Evening Telegram whereby we can give sub scribers the advantage ol a gigantic combination oiler lor a limited period. You can get a metropolitan evening paper with all the latest news Irom all over the world and the news ol Crook County at a remarkably low price. The Evening Telegram is the best paper in the state, market reports unexcelled, Saturday edition contains a maga.ine and comic section in colors. The Crook County Journal is the county oilicial paper ol Crook County. The Portland Evening Telegram, per year $ 5.00 The Crook County Journal, per year 1.50 Total $ 6.50 Both papers through this office if paid in advance for one year on or before December 31, 1913 Magazine Bargains Up to November 10 the American MhkhzIiii', The Wonmn's Homo Com panion, Delineator and Every body 'a Mngnziue are offering rateH with other magazlneM. Thin Ih an oppor tunity that you cannot well afford to iiiIhh. KenewalH count a well a new Hulmcrlptlona. I alito take or dent for The Ladlea' Home Journal, .Saturday Kvenlng PoHt, Country Gentleman, The Criterion of FiihIiIoii. 10 2.1-2t Maiiion Rick, I'rltievllle. Melville Sewing Machines f or rent J. E. 8TKWAHT & Co. 6-1 Subscribe for the Journal, 11.50 yr. rid WELL Sanatorium 'alight ally complete for particulars and ask for the special $4.50 AdininiHtratrlx'8 Notice. Kliza Dalion Eatate. , Notice in hereby given that the under Hinneil ha been appointed ailminintra trix of the estate of Eliza Dalton, de cetineil, by the county court for the state of Oregon for Clackamaa county, and haa qualified. All porsons having claims avainat said estate are hnrebv notified to present the same to T. G. Thornton, Room 15, Mill key Building, Portland, Oregon, with proper vouchers and duly veriiied within six months from the date hereof. First publication October 30, 1913. (iKRTKUDE L. 8LOCOMB, T. G, Thornton, Administratrix. Attorney for Estate. .Sum moll In the circuit court of tint ntnte of Oregon l"r Crook comity, J. 11, ilmr. olnliitin, v. William Prlnr, John I'rliie, I'rniik 11. prlne, Miirtih I'lmi'm, I'. S. Prllic, I'liiil lilmilin. Nornli KliMilce, All net to Rhode, llerttm Klioihw, Wnl iiice Klioili-it, ntitl nil unknown helm n( I'nvld Prlne, tlro-MM-d , II. K. Allen, 11. K. A lli-it n Hiltnliila trutor ol the ealitti' ol W IIHnm Kiwti-r, tliwumtl, Annie Muling. imvutrU ot the eotnte ol (', I'. Mul ing. (Iiviiim-il. mm nil unknown helm ot (', 0. Muling, ilivenm-il. Mini nil oilier Inlelvaied, defend nut. To William Prims John Prlne, Krmik I It. Prlii, Siirnh Power. I , H. I Prlne. Paul It linden, Nornli Rhode, Annette Itliuilin, Her I hit Ithoili-a, I W allure Rhode, nud nil iiiikn iwii helm ol linvlil Prlne, tlcccnm'd, II, 1. Alli'ti, II. K. Allen n nilmlnl- I tnilur ol the entitle ol Wlllliim j Knitter, ilei-cnm-d, Annie Muling, I eitviitrlx ol the tulnte ol C. (.'. I Muling, ilitenxed, nnd all tin. i known heir ol ('. ('. Muling, lie. reawil, nml to nil other liitcrt-elcd, tlienliovM iiiimcil tlefeiiilmit: In the nnine ol the stnlM ol Ore gon, You nml emli ot von it re lure liy rt'itilrt-tl to ttrnr nml mmwer the t-oiiiilnlnt ol pliilnllrt tiled ngnlnst you In the itliov entitled nit mid court within ten tiny In mi the date til the aervk-e ot till auiii titwii upon you, II served In Crook county, utiitu id Oregon, ur II w-rved witliln wny other county Hi thl state, then within twenty tiny Irom the dnte ot the aortic ol till mil tiion upon you. or II at-rved liy uli Itenttou n provided liy law, tlieu on or before the t 4.T at NenatfW, 113. and you and each ot you are liereliy untitled that II you lull to ao niiiM-nr itnil miwer, fur wnnt therein", the plaintiff will tnke a decree ol mtld court agnltiNt you lor ilia reliel iirnyed lor Hi the cotuiiltitnt, to-wlt: 'or a decree ol thl court to the el tect tlint the plaintiff, J. II. I Inner, 1 the owner lu lee simple, free Irom all Inruiulirnm-e, ot lot number one In block tiutiilier lour ot the city ol Prineville, Crook county, tnt ot Oregon, according In Monroe Hodges' pint ol nulil city now on tile nml of record lu the olSi-e ot the county clerk ol Crook county, atnte ol Oregon. That the tielendniit and null mid all ol them Im forever burred nnd efopied from having or claiming any right, title or Interest 111 or to wild uremiae, and that the plaintiff' title thereto tie forever quieted, continued nnd rtalillhed In hltiiM'lf, hi heir and analgu. That nil record Incunilirnncea, lien and cloud against plaintiff' title to nld prt'inlm-, existing prior to the 2nd day of June, 18i0, tie decreed and rom ltlslvfly held and considered to tie canceled. ntltlcd and removed, and that all person rlnlinliig title orany Interna In or to nld prem ium, or any part tliereol, liy or through the defendant or either of them, be forever harred andeatopped from having or claiming any Inter et therein, nnd tor ut-li other and lurther rellel n may eetn meet to the court and Jut in the pn-mlm. Thl mimmoit I published In the Crook County Journal for all, lull week In eeven cotiHccutlve Imtiie ot aid piter, commencing with the Ihhuc of OctolM-r let It. 1U;, nnd end ing with the lBiie of NovemlH-r 27th, 1UUI, liy order ol the Hon. tl. Springer, rounty Judgu of Crook county, Mtnte ol Oregon, tnndtt mid entered on the Mill day ol Octolier, lliKI. Dnted nnd pulillnhed flint time October lth, 101X M. I'.. Umink, Attorney for plaintiff. Summoni In tin Circuit Court ot loe State of Ora gim forCroiik county. M:tii Klliou, l'l.iuiiir, v. Krril A. MrUnwrll mil l,cm MrDnwrll, ilrfonilm. To Iona Mcljwill,iirfrittlvtt: In the mini uf llin Htale of Orritnii, you are lirreby rUlrcd to in-nr and ininr the complaint tllrd attmtmt you On the above entitled mit within alx x'k of the dute of the tlrnt p'llilif-Mtion of thie lUin liuiliR, which date of Unit nulil leal ion in the Dili Uuy of Ontolwr. IHI.'I, and ir you fail mi to aimwer, for want tliBrrof, the plaintltl' will apply to the court for the rv lierdeniamled in aaid complaint, to-wit: Tor a JinlKMieiit agnlnit Kreii A. Mellowed for tl04.'.00 with liiti re-t tlnron at the rate of ten jkt rent per annum from the Vml day uf Octolier, 11113, for 100 attor ney fees and for the cunt" and duburtf nienta of tliia milt. Kor a deeree ol the above entitled court that the following deaenbed land, to-wil: the south half of the nor!liMet quarter mid liitu three and four of Hon lull four ill townahip thirteen noiitli of range tlilrU-en eat of Willamette Meridian in Ooolt county, Oregon, tie mild liy the elierlll of thin county according to law and that the proceeds be applied to the payment of plaintlU'R mild jiiiiKinent and the route and ehargeH oi making miid mile. That the de feniliinUi and all permnm claiming under them or either of them lie forever barred and furecloncd of all right, title, Intereit or equity of redemption in aaid preinlaes or any pait tliereol'. Thin iimntoiiH in piibliHlied hy order of the Honorable l. Springer, county Judge of ('rook county, Oregon, made and en tered on the 2nd tiny of Oetolier, HUH. M. It. KU.IOTT. Attornev for I'lalntln". Notice for I'uhlioiitioii Department of the Interior U. 8. Land Olliee at The Dalles. Ore. September 111, 11IK1. Notice is hereby given Unit KUyd S. Krickson ol Prineville, Oregon, who on June!), Ill 1 0, made hnmentad No. (M'il)lS, for lot 11, net swi, nl4 "''i. suction :10, towimhip Id, south, range 16 eaat, Willi-motto Meridian, has illud notice of intention to make tin at three-year proof to establish claim to the liind above described before Timothy E. J. Duffy, U. B. Commissioner at bis olliee in Prineville, Oregon, on the 3rd day ot November, 11113. Claimant names as witnesses : James A. Mollitt, Jacob Keeker, Glenn Horn dricksnn, John Hopper, all of Priue viile, Oregon. II. Fkank Woodcock, 0-25p Register. For Sale or Trade Desert claim 8 mllea from Prliw vllle, all fenced, 26 acre In crop, plenty of water. Price $1000. Ad ilreBs F,, cure Jourual, 10-2