Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, October 16, 1913, Image 3

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Believe President Will Ask Con
gress to Repeal Canal Tolls
i, on American Shipping.
Washington.- u,.,r( published In
London ilmt President Wilson mid
Would Hxk emigre to repeal thii
million of American (hipping from
toll lu the I'anuma I'Hiuil brouiihi
from the white house the lirlnf stnto
Incut Unit any announcement of the
administration policy on tluit auti
J"'rt at thin thno wua UUuthorl-d.
Official declined to ampliry tliut
In other administration quarters,
however, the belief wan eipresaed that
biter mull a ri'ticnl would tie recotti'
mended 'to emigres, but those who
(poke disclaimed any otMclal knowl
edge of President VIIon' Intention.
Those closest to the president pre
dicted that any itiiiiounriiiiit of pol
icy would not Iib made until the legis
lative Hum Ion lu emigre! waa op
portune. l.ut negotiation over (Jrnnt Ilrlt
In dliilomntlc protest against t tip
alleged discrimination wnr conducted
by former Amhussodor Hiiro hiat Feb
ruary. He rnlluijuliilii-d hla pout after
having announced tin would not do
until th mutter waa on the way
to aettletnent. Ktr ('will Hprlnit Klee,
tli new ambassador, baa tkn no
step In th question and diplnmatlat
hav construed thla Inaction a an In
dlratlon that satisfactory assurance
have been given by Washington to
London of a settlement of the dlspulo.
Olapatch of Warahlp Not Disapproved
Germany' dnrlalon to dispatch a
Warship to Mexican waters attracted
wide attention tn offlrlnl circle hor.
No formal comment wna niacin on tbe
Incident, but It waa apparent that tbe
Wnshliiglou government wa not dla
plcnacd. Significance win attached to the
action by official Washington, how
ever, because It waa accepted aa In
d I tut I ii K that European powera which
previously had recognlicd tlm liuertn
go eminent, amoii which were Ger
many and (irent llrllaln, now anw
vldencea of Huertn'i Inability to dom
inate the altuatloli.
I.nleat advlcea from Crent llrllaln
to Wuahlngton are to thn effect that
King tloorg and Queen Mary have
taken a personal Interest In the nit na
tion with a view to foHttirlnK measures
that would support tho policy of the
Tnlled State. H la reported that
Great rtrltaln la prepared at the first
opportunity to repudiate the recognl
tlon, and that failure of the liuertn
administration to hold a constitution
al election on October 28 probably
will be held aa aufflcleut cnuso.
Commerce Judges Kept on Rolla.
Tho United Plate commerce court,
created In 1912 to have JurlsiUctlon
over append from the IntcrBlate com
merce commission, will go out of ex
istence on December 31, If President
Wilson sign tho deficiency appropria
tion bill a It repassed the house. The
position of It Judges, however, were
finally saved when the house accepted
tlin senate' amendment continuing
the prevent Judges n additional cir
cuit JtulKes of the Cnlted Stutcs until
they resign or retire.
The senate's amenilmeut wua ac
cepted hiiciiiiBe of the belief that tho
deficiency bill would be Indefinitely
held up by the simuto If the hoiiBe In
sisted on Hint Ihk tho prcHcnt com
merce court Judges out of office.
National Capital Brevltle.
Jefferson Mcl'nrn, of NnHlivllle,
Tenn., Iiiih been selected by 1'retildent
WIIhoii and Attorney-General Mrltey
nolds for United Suites attorney for
I.,. F. Hpeer of Bnngor, Me., chief of
the corporation tnx division of the
IreiiKtiry department, hn been named
by Secretary McAdoo ns deputy com
mlnsioner of Internal rovenue In
chnrge of the Income tax administra
tion. I'ropoRltlon whereby the railroads
mny avoid prosecution under thn 8her
man law ware made to the attorney
general by I'reBldent Elliott, T. I).
Qnlyler, and President Hndley of Yalo,
directors of the Now Mnven rond.
It I poHslble that the government
will not atart its suit under the anti
triiHt law nKnlnxt the Amerlcun Tele
phono Telogrnph compuny for sev
eral months yet, pending outcome of
the suit to Beparato the "trust" from
Its Pacific conHt holdings, now under
way at Portland.
"The government could expend prof
itably In 10 years $100,000,000 In the
reclamation of arid, soinl-arld and
Hwnmp lands In that pnrt of the coun
try woHt of the Missouri river," Bald
Socretary Lnno. m
Ily the closest vole of the session,
111 to 106, tho liouso voted to recede
from Its conference disagreement to
concur In the sonata amendment to
the urgent deficiency appropriation
bill, which provides for the romoval
of deputy Internal revenue collectors
and doputy mnrshula from civil serv
ice regulations.
fctiTT- v-V'J- : .ivV f
"-ij' V -P-';yrfr
J , X v; A,-r-'s'''v i
Edward 8. Plank, vetaran pltchar
for the Philadelphia Athletics, whoa
work was a feature In the world'
baitball championship series.
Brief News of the Week
Hprlugfleld, Mo., defeated the pro
poaed comiulaalon form of govornment
Arguments In the government's antl
truat suit agalnat tbe Intnniatlonal
Harvester company were scheduled to
beglu Monday In SL Paul.
The California railroad commlseton
hns ordered trnnportnllon line to
put In Individual (unitary drinking
cup which will sell to the public for
1 cant each.
Huffragette In London Interrupted
services In the Westminster Abbey,
with chants for suffrngetto now In
prison, when tho clergy failed to men
tion the women In their prayers.
The concerted yell of 3000 fan at
tbe Temple auditorium, Loa Angelca,
where they were watching the base
ball acore, (pllt several pipes In tbe
130,000 pipe organ.
Hereafter a matron snd a policeman
must stand guard with a watchful eye
In every public dunce hall In Boston
to see that the tungo, turkey trot and
other dunces of a similar character
are not attempted.
Strong opposition to abatement of
thn e verity of examination at the
West Point military academy la voic
ed by the superintendent, Colonel
Townsluy, In his annual report
Commissioner of Medlutlon Stew
art, of the federal department of labor,
will recommend forthwith a congres
sional Investigation of the strike of
Colorado coal miners.
The Western Fuel cases. In which
are Involved many officers and em
ployes of the Western Fuel company,
charged with conspiracy to defraud
the government through manipulating
weights, came up for trial Monday In
the United States district court at
8nn Francisco.
The Hrltlsh government has decided
to pBtubllnh an opium monopoly In
Hongkong nt the expiration of the
present agreement and It Is thought
that with the control of tho trafflo
In the hands of the government It
gradual suppression will be easier.
People in the News
Adolphus Ilusch, multimillionaire
St. Louis brower, died lu Germany,
aged 76.
Prince Taro Katsurn, ex-premler of
Japan and a close friend of the em
peror, died after an extended Illness.
Yuan Shi Kal has been elected pres
ident of China by the two bouses of
the republican parliament. He will
rule five years. Twenty cnndldate
were nominated.
James M. Sullivan, American minis
Isler to the Dominican republic, has
Induced the warring factions In that
country to sign a pence pact
Aocordlng to Information brought to
Victoria by a Japanese liner, Dr. Sun
Yat Sen, organizer of the Chinese rev
olution of 1911, baa not left Japan,
but la In hiding at the Island empire.
Failure of Governor Johnson ot Cal
ifornia to name a new medical board
la keeping 600 young physicians from
getting licenses to practice.
Mr. Emmallne Pankhurst, the fam
ous militant suffragette leader, sailed
from Havre tor the United States
aboard the liner La Provenca.
It 1 rumored that the widow of
Mayor Oaynor will seek to have the
will of her late husband overruled on
tbe grounds that sufficient fund for
her maintenance have not been pro
Tided. Mr. Jennie May Eaton waa placed
on trial at Plymouth, Mass., Monday,
on an Indictment charging bor with
the murder of her husband, Read Ad
miral Joseph O, Eaton, U, S. N., re
tired. The petition to have Lola Norrls
and Marsha Warrington, who eloped
to Reno with Dlggs and Camlnettl,
declared dependents, wa dented by
Judge Shields on the recommendation
of the probation committee.
Terrific Storm Prevents Other
Vessels Rendering Kucli
Liverpool. One hundred and thirty
six person lost their live when tbe
slimmer Volturno of the Uranium Hue
wu destroyed at aea aftor having
been on fire for 24 boura.
Ten steamship called by wireless
to the burulug ship surrounded the
Volturno for If hour while the fir
raged nt it height, but none of the
rescue fleet wa able to bud aanlst
ance owing to the terrific storm.
The Volturno lulled from Itotteldnin
for New York via llalirax on October
2. Hlio carried 24 cabin passengers,
640 steerage and a crew of 3. Of
the tt,7 known to have been ot board,
6"1 hnve been reported saved by tbe
10 vessel.
The greatet loss of life occurred
when four of the Volturno' six life
boat were dashed to ploces against
thn side of the vessel a few moment
after they were launched. Other life
boat launched from tho rescue fleet
were also crusbod by the wave.
Never before ha auch a disaster
been witnessed by so many spectator.
Huddled on the eight ocean liners, a
German tramp and a Standard Oil
tank steamer which hoard the Voltur
no "S. O. 8." distress call by wire
Ins, unmindful of the biting cold of
the gale and the danger from the huge
wave which crushed over the vessels,
those on board the waiting ships re
mained on deck throughout the after
noon and night watching the fire.
Chrysanthemums Grown for White
House Bride-elect
Washington. A chrysanthemum
wedding appear to be the plan for
the white house nuptials of Miss Jes
sie Woodrow Wilson and Francis It.
Snyre on November 25. Thousands
of the beautiful "mums" are being
grown In the white house conserva
tory for the event
Mrs. Tbomns R. Marshall, wife of
the vice-president, hns bought many
yards of exquisite hund-mnde luce for
tho bride-elect's wedding finery.
Test Suit Begun on Minimum Wage.
Portland, Or. Suit attacking tbe
constitutionality of the minimum wage
law was filed against Edwin V. O ils
rn, Itert ha Moorea and Amedes M.
Smith, members of the Industrial Wel
fare commission, and the court waa
asked to restrain the defendants and
each of them from putting Into effect
the statute.
Washington. Representative Rich
mond Pearson Hohson, representative
of Alabama, and his colleague, Ma
jority Leador Underwood, engaged in
a bitter debute on the floor of the
house over the senatorial contest In
their state, In which they nre rival
candidates. Tho oratorical dud was
precipitated by Mr. Hobson reiterat
ing utterances he made last week in
a speech nt Wetumpkn, Aln., Intimat
ing; thnt Mr. Underwood was "the tool
of Wall street and the liquor Inter
ests," and charging that he had gain
ed Alabama's support In the last pres
idential campaign under false pre
tenses. Cheers from Democrats and Repub
licans greeted Mr. Underwood as he
rose to reply, and later, when Mr.
Hobson tried to interrupt, there were
loud cries of "Sit down, sit down;
you've had your time."
B. F. O'Nell I In Prison.
Boise, Idaho. B. F. O'Nell, convict
ed of making false reports to the state
bank examiner of the condition of
the Bank of Commerce while Its presi
dent, arrived here In company with
four other convicts from north Idaho,
and Immediately began his term of
two to ten years In the ponitentinry.
Ad Wolgast Wins Over Bat Nelson.
Milwaukee. Ad Wolgast, of Cadil
lac, Mich., defeated Battling Nelson,
of Hegewlsch, 111., In a 10-round no
declsion boxing contest at the Elite
arena here. Wolgast had the better
of eight of the 10 rounds, while two
were even.
Arkansas la to Go Dry.
Little Rock, Ark. The state su
preme court sustained the validity ot;
the Oolng prohibition bill and Arkan
sas will become dry after Januorj
1 next
Athletics Are Chanpions.
New York. The Philadelphia Ath
letics won the baseball champlonshli
of the world for 1913 at the Pols,
grounds by defeating the New York
Giants, 3 to 1, In the fifth and dscidln
game of tha series.
Notice of the Proposed Exten
sion and Improvement of
Third Street from M. Hodges'
Plat of City of Prineville West
to Noble' Addition to the
City of Prineville.
In compliance with an order made
the ZihI diy of April, 1J12. Iy the
City CuiiiicII of the City of I'rluevllle.
rook count v, Oregon in iiiriiiince
to M-cllon Si unci Section 33 of Clmp-U-T
7 of the City Charter ot the City
of I'rluevllle, Crook county, Oregon,
the Cuy Knicliieer of smII city did on
the lltli day of Mny, 191U, tile In tbe
otllce of the City Recorder n survey
uml pint of the proponed extension
hiii! Improvement of Tblnl street
(ruin the west end of Third street n
(leillt-Hteil by M. Hollies, west to the
east mil of Third street tt (leilli-uU-d
In Nolile'a Addition to the City of
rrinevine, m sum city, which salil
mirvey unit pint more particularly
ilcM-rllied salil proponed ex tendon
Mini Improvement an follow, to-Hit:
IW-gliuiliiK at the south wel corner
of block touru-i-n (14). original town
(now city) of Prineville, nometlinit.
uexiKiiateil as ,vi. Hodges' iiat mill
Survey of tbe Town of I'rlnevHle,
Crook county, Oregon, and running
thence west One hundred sixteen
lift (llH) more or less to thn east
limik of the old channel of Crooked
river, thence 111 a southeasterly di
rection hIoiik said east Imrik of said
old channel of Crooked river to a
point due west ot the northwest
corner of block neven (7), of said M.
lloilgiV Iiat and Purvey of the
Town of i'rluevllle, Oregon, thence
east to the northwest corner of said
block seven (7), thence north eighty
(SO) feet along tbe west end of Third
street as dedicated liy M. Hodges, to
tbe point of heglniilnir, etiilirncing a
tract of laud containing . I9M acres,
said tract embracing the street pro
poned to lie opened, extended mid
Improved, and that thereafter on
the 7th day of October, llilll, the
said City Council lu accordance with
ll neetlons of said Chapter of
salil Charter of said City, di
rected the City Recorder of
said city, to cause to be published
and posted pioper notices of said
proposed extension and Improve
ment of said street an descrllied In
said plat and survey above de
scrllH'd, wherefore, you anil each of
you, mid u II persons and parties
concerned, are herewith and hereby
not Hied of the proposed extension
mid Improvement of said street In
accordance with the survey and
plat thereof, and ns above descrlls-d
ami you are hereby further notified,
that the said City Council of the
City of Prineville, Oregon, will bear
ol.J -ctlotiH, complaints for damages,
and retiiotistrauces. If any there be,
to said proposed extension and Im
provement of said street, said com
plaints, objection or retiiotistrauces
to be tiled In writing, at Its special
meeting;, at the ;ity Hall In the City
of Prineville, Oregon, on Tuesday,
the lltli tiny ot Novemlier, 1013, at
7-.:iO o'clock p. in. of said clay.
Published by order of the' Council
ninile the 7tli day of tktolier, 1913,
and the dale ol the first publication
Is the Uth day of October. 1913, and
the date oi the last publication Is
lue btD clay ol .November, 11113.
A. It. Bowman,
City Recorder.
SliuriH's Sale
In the county court of the state of
Oregon, for the conn tv of Crook.
J. M. M-Cluif, plaintiff,
L. K. I'arker, defendant.
To the sheriff of Crook county,
WhereiiH, on the first (lav of Oc
tober, 11113, by consideration of the
county court of the state of Oregon,
lor me county ot crook, lu au action
then H"tnllng in said court, J. M.
Met Hire recovered nnliriiieiit airalnst
L K. Parker lor the sum of One
Hundred dollars In I'. S. (told coin,
with interest- thereou ill like gold
coin at tbe rate ol 10 per rent per
milium from the 2Hth day of January,
mil, ami the mrtlier sum of St-ii, attorney's-
fees, nud Seven and tilty
hundredths dollars, for cwts nud
disbursements, In which judgment
It was further ordered by the court
that- the property attached In said ac
tion, uml herclnntterilescrlbed.besiild
lor the satisfaction ol salil judgment
In the manlier provided liy law,
which judgment was enralleil mid
docketed In the clerk's office of said
court on the first day of October,
l'.'lll, therefore In the name of the
state of Oregon, you tire hereby
commanded to sell the following
described real property of said L. K.
Parker, being the property attached
In said action, viz:
That tract of land beginning east
six hundred lorty three and five
tenths feet from the one-eightli cor
ner at tbe northwest corner of the
northeast quarter of the southwest
quarter of section twelve, township
eleven south of range thirteen east
of Willamette Meridian In Crook
county, Oregon, to a stake, tlieuce
south 28 degrees west 120 feet, to
place of beginning, thence aoutb 28
degrees west, 120 feet, thence south
JI4 degrees, 13 minutes east 149 and
Hve-tentlis feet, thence north 28 de
grees, east 190 feet to stake, thence
back to the place of beginning, In a
northwesterly direction to about 133
feet, nil being within the northeast
quarter of the southwest quarter of
section twelve, township eleven
south of range thirteen east ot Wll
lnmette Meridian; being about one
half acre of ground, Therefore to
satisfy said Judgment, I will on
Saturday, the firit day of NoTcmbcr, 1913,
nt 10 o'clock a. tn., sell the above
described land at public miction nt
the north front door of the court
house In Prineville. Subject to re
demption ns reoulred Itv law.
Dated this 2nd day of Octobt r, 1913.
Frank Ei.kins,
For Sale
200 acres of good farming ground, 30
a. in alfalfa, all in cultivation, S miles
northwest of Prineville, 1 mile from
railway survey. All the farm imple
ments, some horses and cowb go with
the place. Place has 50-acre water right.
For furtbei particulars phone or write
Price CobIiow, Lone Juniper Ranch,
Prineville, Ore. 8-21tf
notice fur Publication
Impart men t of the Interior
L'. S. Laud Oince at The Kallen, Ore.
MepU-mber 20, 19)3.
Notice Is hereby (riven that
Adam Pultuer
of Held, Oregon, who. on March IK.
1912, made bouii-Mtead No. OlOOtl, for
nJ, u uij. ni awj, ml sec
tlou 8, township 20 aoutb, range 19
east, wiuanietto Meridian, has
notice, of Intention to make final
tbree-year proof to eatiibllsli cbilin
to the land above descrtls-d before
H. C. Kills, V. H. Commissioner, at
his office at It-tid, Oregon, on tbe
17th day of November. 1913
Claimant name a witnesses:
Martin llallineyer, Cornelius
O'Kwfe Alls-rt W. Palmer, Kluier
W. Palmer, all of Held, Oregon.
H. Fkank Wooix;ock,
10 2 Register.
Notice fur Publication
Department of thn Interior,
L'. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore.
(September 20, 1913.
Notice Is hereby given that
(ieorge W. Hoecb
of ISend, Oregon, who, on April 23,
1910, made homestead No. 0657, for
et aej, section 22, sJ, w .. sec
tion 23, township 20 south, range 1H
east. Willamette Meridian, has tiled
notice of Intention to make final
three-year proof to establish claim
to the land above descrllied, before
H. C. Kills, V. S. Commissioner at
bis office In Bend, Oregon, on the
17th day of Novemlier, 1913.
Claimant names aa wltnesse:
Rolwrt List, Martin Johnson, Otis
C. lienkle, KlvertT. Iloech, Richard
0. tlunsley, all of Bend. Oregon.
11. Faa.NK Wools im'k,
10-2) Register.
In tbe circuit court of the state of
Oregon for Crook county.
Margaret Hitching, plaintiff,
Cordelia Johnson, H. E. Paikhnrtt,
Heppy J. Parkhurst, A. T. G. John
son, Carrie V. Johnson, Cordelia J.
Dunbar, T. N. Dunbar, Meicy S. Dob
bins, C. N. Johnson, Annie Jobnwn,
II. B. Johnson, Margaret Johnson,
May Wiley. Arthur L. Wiley, S. M.
Jobnfon, Eliza Johnson. ''Aim ail
persons or parties unknown claiming
any right, title, estate lien or interest
in tbe real estate described in tbe
complaint herein," defendants.
To A. X. U. Johnson and also all other
parties or persona unknown claiming
any right, title, estate, lien or inter
est in tbe real estate described in the
complaint herein, defendant.
In the name of the etate of Oregon,
you and each of yon are hereby sum
moned and required to appear in the
above entitled court and answer or
plead to the complaint filed therein in
the Buit against you on or before the
7th day ol November, 1913, which is
tbe time prescribed in tbe order of the
honorable judge of this court for the
publication of this summon and if yon
tail to appear, answer or plead, the
plaintiff will apply to the court lor the
relief prayed for in her complaint, to
sit: that the plaimiS'a title to the
following described real property situ
ated in Crook county, Oregon, to-wit:
that parcel oi laad desetibed a follows:
Beginning at tbe northwest corner of
lot four in block ten of Monroe Hodges'
plat of Prineville, Crook county, Ore
gon, and running thence south forty
eight feet; thence east eighty feet;
thence north forty-eight feet; thence
west eighty feet to the place of begin
ning and every part thereof be quieted
against you and all person claiming
under you or either of you and that
plaintiff be adjudged to be the owner
thereof in fee simple and that all per
sons claiming by, through or under yon
or either of you be forever barred from
claiming any right, title or interest in
said premises or any part thereof, and
for such other and further relief as to
the court may seem equitable.
This commons is published bv order
of the Honorable W. L. Bradshaw,
judge o tbe circuit court'of the etate of
Oregon lor Crook county.
Tbe date of the first publication of
this summons is the 25th day of Sep
tember, 1913.
M. R. Elliott,
Attorney for plaintiff.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior,
U. 8. Land Ollice at The Dalles. Ore.
September 19, 1913.
Notice is hereby given that
Peter Erickson
of Prineville, Oregon, who, on June 8,
1910, made homestead No. 00919, for
lot 4, eej swj, fwhi scj, section 30, nej
ni section 31, township 16 south,
range lti east, Willamette Meridian,
has tiled notice of intention to make
final three-year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described be
fore Timothy E. J. Duffy, U. S. Com
missioner at his office in Prineville,
Oregon, on the 3rd day ol November,
Claimant names as witnesses: James
A. Motlitt, Jacob Becker, lilenn Hen-
drickson, John Hopper, all of Priue-
vnie, uregon.
H. Fbank Woodcock,
9 25 Register.
Notice tor Publication
Department of the Interior,
TJ. S. Land Ollice at The Dalles, Ore.
August 30, 1913.
Notice is hereby given that
Arthur L. Bennett
of Barnes, Oregon, who on October 28,
ivw, ana additional entry December 5,
1910, made homestead No. 05470, addi
tional homestead No. 07783 for xx nej
section 20, sej sej, section 23, si swi,
ewl sej, section 24, nej nwj, nwj nej,
section 2Ti. township 18 south, ram-n '21
east, Willamette Meridian, has tiled
notice of intention to make three-vear
proof, to establish claim to the land
above describe! before Charles A. Sher
man, U. 8. Commissioner at his office
in Fife, Oregon, on the 3rd day of No-
vemoer, liiicj.
Claimant names as witnesses: Irving
H. Sands, John O. Morris, Lewis W.
Bennett, Arthur E. Bates, all of Barnes.
11. k rank W oodcock,
9 25p Register.
Why not tak the Journal ?
21. Clhoit,
!Prn HU, Own.
In the eirroit court of the tale of
Oregon lor Crook county.
Hut of Oregon, plaintiff,
F. A. Hyde, Flora M. Rherman, Jxxt
H. Schneider, Henry 8. Morris, C. W.
Clarke, A. S. Baldwin, and C. W.
ClsikeCo., a corporation, defendants.
To F. A. Hyde, Fior M. Hiiernin,
J'xj -t H. Schneider, lUnry 8. Morris,
C. W Clarke, A. M. Baldwin and C
W. CUrke Co., a corporation, above
named defendants.
In the name of the state of Oregon,
you and each of yon are hereby re
quired to appear and answer tbe com
plaint film ag inst yon in tbe above
entitled auil on or belore tbe 22 od day
ol November. A. I). 1913. and it Timor
either of you fail U so apiear and
answer, lor want thereof the plaintiff
will apply to tne court for the rlle(
prayed lor in the complaint, a sufficient
statement of which is as follcwa : a de
cree cancelling and annulling certaia
deeds of the state of Oregon to C. W.
Clarke of date May lull, 199, an4
ii-iooer nn, wws; certain deeds of ttM
State of Oregon to A. S. Baldwin of
date Mar 1st, 1V.9; certain deed of the
Stale of Oreiron to F. A. Hvde of iliM
July 10th, W.9; certain deeds of tba
Mate of Oregon to Flora M. Shermaa
of dale May 1st, l-i99; certain deeds of
the Slate of Oregon to Joont 11. Schnei
der of date October 4th, 189; certaia
deeds of tbe State ol Oregon to Henry
S. Morris of dale May 1st, 1899; certaia
deeds of the State of Oregon to H. M.
Morris, (a fictuioua person) of date Oc
tober 4th, 1898; certain dedj of A. 3.
Baldwin and Emma C, his wife to C
W. Clarke of date May 4th. 1899: cer
tain deeds ot Flora M. Sherman to C
W. Clarke of date May 4th. 1S99: cer
tain deeds of Joost H. Schneider and
Rosa M.,hiswife, to C.W. Clarke of date
October 11th, 198; certain deeds of
Heery S. Morris, and Mary P., hkt
wife, to C. W. Clarke of date May 4th,
1899; certain deeds of H. M. Morris,
(a fictitious person.) to C. W. Clarke of
dale October 11th, 18S18; certain deed
ol F. A. Hyde and Filena T., bis wife,
to United States of America of date
July 24th, 1899; and certain deeds of
C. '. Clarke and Philomen, bis wife,
td United State of America of data
May 5th. 1899, June 7th, 1899. and Oo-
totier 13th, 1898, each pretending ta
convey certain lands situate in town-
ebips 10 south in range 5, 6 and 7 east;
townships 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17
south, range 9 east; township 18 sou ok.
ranges I ana east ; townsmp 19 sooth,
range 7,8 and 9 east: township 2
south, raDges 7, 8 and 9 east ; township
21 south, ranges 6, 7, 8 and 9 east; an
townthip 22 south, range 6. 7 and
east, Willamette Meridian, all in Crook
county, Oregon, and to cancel and
annul all other contracts, certificates of
sale, applications, etc, mentioned ia
tbe complaint relation to said land
described therein or tn, say part thereof.
ana tor costs ana disbursements, and
such other and further relief a may t
the court teem equitable in tba
in is summons is published in pur
suance of an order of the Honorable W.
L. Bradshaw, judge of tbe above en
titled court, made and entered on tba
4th day of October, 1913, directing toil
summons to be published for six con
secutive weeks in the Crook County
Journal, a weekly newspaper of general
circulation printed and published ia
I'nneville, Crook county, Oregon.
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 8th day
of October, 1913.
Attorney for plaintiff.
Date of first publication, October X
Date of final publication, November
20, 1913.
Notice of Administrator's Sale oi
Real Property
Notice is hereby given that in tmr-
suance of an order of the county court
oi the state of Oregon for Crook county.
maao ana entered on tne titn day.oc
October, 1913. in the matter of the es
tate of John II Jarrett, deceased, the
undersigned, administrator of said s
tate, will sell at public sale to tbe high
est bidder, lor cash at 10 o'clock in the
morning of Saturday, the 8th day of
November, 1913, at the front door of the
county courthouse in Prineville. Crook
county, Oregon, subject to confirmation
by said county court, all the right, title
and interest tbe said John 11. Jarrett
had at the time ot his death in tbe fol
lowing described real property, to-wit:
Lots three 13) and four (41 and the
south half (K ) of the northwest quarter
i .: in i l : . e -
t) oi seciiou live 101, luwnsmp ioiif
teen (14) south, range nineteen (lSt
east of the Willamette Meridian, lyinf
and situate in Crook county, state of
Oregon, and containing IS! 84 acres,
more or less, according to the official
plat and United States survey thereof.
Given under my hand this Uth day of
October, 1913. L. M. Bechtell,
Administrator of the estate of Joha
H. Jarrett, deceased.
Date of first publication, October 9.
Date of final publication, November
6, 1913.
Willard H. Wirt, attorney for estate.
Notice for Publication.
DenftTtment. nf the TntHri-
U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Ore.
August 30th, 1913.
Notice Is hereby given that
' Irwin H Kiirwla
of Rnrnea. Oreo-nn. n-lin in ln.)i
4th, 1910, made Homestead Entrv No.
06397, for Lota 1, 2, 3, 4, swj ne'i, g
nwi, and nwj bwJ section 3, town
shin 19 south. rAmiw 91 anal- Willam
ette Meridian, has filed notice of la-
leniion to mage nnal three-vear
proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before Charles A.
Sherman, U. S. Commissioner, at
Fife, Oreiron. on the Srd dn v of V.
vein her, 1913.
t lalmant names aa witnesses;
Arthur h. Bennett, John O. Morris,
Reuben Emrstrom. Harrison Rn,
all of Barnes, Oregon.
9-lSp Register.
Call for Warrant
Notice is hereby given that all Gen
eral Fund County Warrants up tn and
luuiuuiug registered no. ia'JO, will be
pant on presentation to the county
treasurer. No interest paid after this
date. October 9, 1913.
R. L. Jordan,
County Treasurer of Crook caunty.
Order books are now open for Ford
automobiles. F. M. Hathaway, Crook
County agent, Prineville, Ore. 8-J