Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, October 09, 1913, Image 3

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President Wilson Slyns Under
wood-Simmons Tariff
Bili. ,
WaidilnRfnu. Miirrounilrtl by tha
leaders of a united democracy, presi
dent Wllaun signed the Underwood in riff bill at tin Whit
lluiinn. Hlmultiuii'Oimly telegrams
n suit tw customs collectors
throughout Ilia country by th treas
ury department, imttliiK Into actual
operation lb flrt democratic tariff
revision Ini NU4.
4 Happy liroup of legislature, mem
bera of thn rabliiet mill friends encir
cled tlm president aa hfl signed (lift
bill, Using two Klil pen. Ha pre
vntvil to Representative (jnclnrwood
tb poll tlmt bn (I written tlm word
"Wooilrow," and the on which hud
cuiniilvtod hla name to Bsiialur Sim
niuna. Many Tariff Ratta Abollahad by Bill.
Tb Underwood Hlmmona bill brlnga
Into effect una of tha moot Jtir rah
Ink ri'Vll(in of tiirlff rales and rev
enue Inwa enacted for many years.
A new Income tnl, applying directly
to tha Inrumea of rltlsena; tba ahull
tlim of all tariff on acona of Items of
Immense Importance to American In
dustry and American consumers, and
a heavy reduction of tnrlff rutea on
moat of tha article In general uae In
till, country are Ha chief featurea.
While certain portions of tha new
Inw do not t lie affect at once, moat
of Ita provisions and almost all lha
direct tariff reductions da
Tha federal government hna been
apendltiR nearly a billion dollnra a
year and tba new tariff Inw will rnlna
leaa than one-third of that num. Ke
ren t estimates by tariff experts In
congress predlrt that the .rates will
ralaa I249.ouo.uo0 a year, and thut the
Income tax will raise 1127,000.000. The
remainder of tha government's groat
Inroma la mada up principally of Inter
nal reveuua luiea and poatnl receipts.
Naw Bill Sum mar lied.
A brief aummary of lha new tariff
law aa prepared for tha aenata followi:
AveruKo percentage of turlff ratee
aa compared with the value of all Im
ported merchandise: Old law, 17 per
cent; new law, V per cent.
Value of annual Importa added to
the free llat. IM7.00O.000.
Katlmated revenuea from all Import
ratea: Old law, 1105,000.000; new
law, f:'49,Oo0.fl00.
Katlmated revonuo from corporation
and Income taxes: Old Inw. :ij,uii),
000; new law, $
AltoKelher, cotiaumera In the United
8tntea probably will receive from
abroad, free from all tariff, morn than
11,000.000,000 worth of meri-hiindlae
durltiK the iinxt, year. During It 1 2 the
amount of 'free Imported" waa more
than $kho,ooa,000, and when the tariff
la entirely removed from wool, sugar,
Iron ore and cheap Iron nnd other Im
portant Itema, the totnl la expected to
Increiiae notahly. Under the old law
more thnn 53 per cent of all gooda
brntiiiht to the United States from nil
part of the world paid no tariff, and
that proportion will be Increased by
the new law.
The free wool provlaion of tha new
law takes effect December 1, 1913. nnd
the free augur provlaion May 1, 1916.
Congrsss at Work Nine Montha.
The new tariff law, paused four
yeara after l'realilent Tnft signed the
existing I'nynv-Aldrlch Inw, I the re-,
lilt of more than nlnu montha of work
In congress, llcitrluga wero started
Jnnuary 6 by the houan waya and
uieiina committee. Clmlrman Under
wood Introduced the tariff bill April 7,
Immediately after l'realilent Wllaon
had tfonvoned the now congress. It
panned the house May 8, and tho son
ato September 9.
National Capital Brevities. '
Juno 1 hna boon designated aa Fath
ers' day, In a resolution Introduced In
tho house by Representative Moore of
Pennsylvania. Ho would make tho
rose the emblem..
A bill for the creation of a public
land court 1b to bo advocnted In con
gress by Senator WiJhIi of Montana.
The court la designed to Bave time In
land canes and to decide all points of
law at lsaue.
Representatives of small banks of
the middle west and south protested
against tho currency bill before tho
senate bunking nnd currency commit
tee. The chlof objection was against
tha provision preventing the smaller
hanks churning for the collection of
out of town checks.
On the hcelH of the failure of con
gress to legislate In the turlff bill to
prevent gambling In cotton futures,
Representative Harrison of Missis
sippi Introduced a resolution provid
ing for an International campaign
ngiilnnt such, speculation.
A new counterfeit, a $10 National
Tunic of New York, has been discov
ered by the secret sorvice division of
the treasury department. It Is a pho
tographic reproduction of fair quality
paper without Jlk threads or Imita
tion of them.
- -- f . ., .m
Connie Mack, manager of ths Phlla
dtlphla Athletics, whose team Is eon
tasting for tha world's bassball cham
Governor Bays Stat. Will Act If
Strike It Ordered.
Iloaton. A strike undertaken by
tha engineers and firemen of the Naw
York, New Haven A Hartford railroad,
with tha rule of seniority as tha iaaua,
would "compel this commonwealth to
adopt suitable measures for tha pro
tection of Its cltliena," Governor Fobs
declared In au open lutter. Tho letter
says In part:
"When your organisation adopts
course of action which would disor
ganize the business of our cltltens,
throw labor out of employment and
Interfere with the supply of food and
fuel, It Is subject to censure Juat at
much as the railroad would be I!, In
any manner, they refused to operate
their trains or otherwise perform
their dutlea as public curriers."
Spencsr Falsifier, Police Now Think.
Chicago. Of the 19 murders Henry
Bpencer, slayer of Mrs. Mildred Alli
son Itexroat, swore he had committed,
the police, after Investigating bla al
leged crimes In various cities, were
able to fix upon him only one murder,
or possibly two. Captain Halpln, chief
of the detective bureau, announced hi
conviction that Spencer, In giving bia
long circumstantial confession of
fiendish crime, waa a consummate fal
Washington. Senator Cummins out
lined In part t lie reform plant of the
so-called "conciliation eommittoe" of
ItepuMlcnna and l'rogresalves which
hopes to bring about the holding of
national Republican convention early
lu 1914.
Tbe change In the representation of
southern states In the national con
vention Is a secondary matter In the
programme of the committee. With
the added support of many Hepuhllcun
leaders who did not participate lust
spring In tho "get-together" confer
ence In Chicago, they will Insist that
the control of the Republican national
committee over seating of delegates
In a national convention be abolished.
"Where states have primary laws
thut govern the election of delegates
It will bo an easy matter to provide
by party rule tlmt the certificates Is
sued by local election officials shall
be final evidence entitling the dele
gates to seats In the convention,
Where such laws do not exist, how
ever, I believe that Republican au
thorltlea In each atato should pass
on all contests and settle tho ellgl
bllity of delegations before they go
to the national convention,"
Woman Is Elected City Treasurer.
Roseburg, Or. In the city election,
which was charactorlied by a heavy
women's vote, the electors of Rose-
burg chose Agnes Pitchford city treas
urer over Danna Howser, by a vote of
558 to 475. Miss Pitchford hna the
distinction of being the first woman
elected to office In Roseburg.
Republican Committee to Meet.
Washington. The Republican na
tional committee will meet In Wash
ington December 18 "to confer on
party matters and to take any action
which may be deemed advisable." The
meeting was decided on at a confer
ence of Chnlrman Hllles and Secre
tary Reynolds.
Wheat, New Crop Club, 79c; blue
item, 90c; red Russian, 78c.
Hay Timothy, ,16; alfalfa, $13.
Buttor Crenmery, S4o.
Eggs Candled, 3Co.
Wheat, New Crop Bluestem, 89c;
club, 80c; red Russian, 78o.
Hay Timothy, $17 per ton; alfalfa.
$13 per ton.
. EggB 36o.
Butters Creamery, 33c.
I have just leased half of my
store to a first-class baker and
must make room, and give
some unheard-of prices in
and other goods. Here are
some of my special prices:
lfowls and Plates, formerly 40 and 60c, do.... 25c
Howl and I'latm,
Cup and Saucer,
Cups and Saucers
dinner Mates,
Dinner Plates,
Desert Plate",
Tie Plates,
Tie Dates,
You will be surprised what 5 c
and 1 Oc will buy in the racket
line. Get your pick. BUY
NOW! Everything in the
racket line must go. Do not
fail to visit the
Crook County Jewelry & Sportirig
Goods Store
L. KAMSTRA, Prop, Prineville, Ore.
Selling agent South Bend Watch Company.
High Grade Jewelry Only.
The stronger
1 I
wnisKey tastes tne. more
harm it will do.
Why take chances with your
nerves, your stomach, your
general health.
Cyrus Noble is pure, old and palatable
Bottled at drinking strength.
Sold all over the world.
yt. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agents
Portland, Oregon
10c per pound in 5()-pound kegs an.d larger
Pure Linseed Oil
. 85c per gallon, guaranteed under pure fond law
Phoenix and Conqueror Mixed Paints
Fillers Varnishes Stains
Colors in oil and dry colors, floor paint, floor wax, floor
varnish, glass, brushes, putty, liquid veneer
A. H. Lippman & Co.
You . would . enjoy . the . Journal
Only $1.50 per Year
35 and 40c, " ....20o
it!) now 70c
$163 " 11.10
.75 " 50
170 " 85
100 " 70
.60 " 35
.80 " 60
and rouh
6 19-ltno
HUc f .r Publication
lpiirtmmt lA the Interior
U. S. I-aud Otlit-e at Tim lall-a, Ore.
Hnpu-tnlwr 20, 1013.
Notice Is hert-liy irlven tlitat
Ailuin 1'nlmer
of f lil, Oregon, who, on Mnrrli 18,
1912, iuhiIr bommtrad No. (J100HI, lor
owl, strjj m j;, nj awj, ar mv
tlou 8, towtixlilp 20 until, rnnjie ID
eaat, Wlllnim-ttM Mcrl.llau, la a tiled
not Ire of Intention to make Innl
turee.jrenr proof to etnlllh clHlm
to the Innd above lim-rllel before
H. ;. Kllla, V. H. CommlMtloner, at
hla ultlie at B-n, Oregon, o the
17th (Ihjt of November. 11(13.
I'lnliiiuot name at wltneaaea:
Martin ilallnieyer, Cornellu
O'Keele Alliert W. Palmer, Klmer
W. fainter, nil of Held, Oregon.
H. Fkank VVooix;ock,
10 2p . iieKlater.
Notice for Publication
l)epHrtnieiit of tli Interior,
U. H. I-und Otfi.-e at Tim Dnllea, Ore.
Meptemher 20, 1913.
Notice I hereby given that
(ieorge W. Hoet'b
of llend, Oregon, April 23,
1U1U, made homeatead No. O&jtiT, for
ej m-, aectlou 22, -. sec
tlou 23, towDMblp 20 south, range 18
enat. Willamette Meridian, has tiled
notice of Intention to ninke final
three-vear proof to eatabllb claim
to the land above rieacrlbed, before
H. C. Kllla, U S. CommlMdoner at
hla nftk-e In Bend, Oregon, on tbe
lith day of November, 1913.
Claimant names on ltneaaea:
Roliert I,iat, Martin Johnson. Otis
(J. Menkle, KlvertT. Iloech, Klcbard
U. Hunaley, all of Bend. Oregon.
11. r bank Woodcock,
10 -2p lteiflBter.
In the circuit court uf the state of
Oregon for Crook county.
Margaret Kitcbing, plaintiff,
Cordelia Johnson, H. E. Paikhurat,
Heppv J. farkhurrt. A. T. u. .lohn
son, Carrie V. Johnson, Cordelia J.
Dunbar. T. N. Ihinbar. Mercy 8. Dob
bins, C. N. Johnson, Annie Johnwo,
II. a. Johoaon, Margaret Johnson,
May Wiley, Arthur L. Wiley, S. M
Johnson, iisa Johnson. "Also all
persons or parties unknown claiming
any right, title, estate lien or interest
in the real estate described in tbe
complaint herein," defendants.
To A. T. ii. Johnson and also all other
parties or persons unknown claiming
any right, title, estate. Hen or inter
est in the real estate described in tbe
complaint herein, defendants.
In the name of the state of Oregon,
you and each of you are hereby sum.
moned and required to appear in the
uuve cuiiweu euurt inu answer or
plead to tbe complaint filed therein in
the suit against you on or before the
7th day of November, 1913, which is
the time prescribed in tbe order of the
honorable judge of this court for the
publication ot tuis summons and it you
tail to appear, answer or plead, tbe
plaintiff will apply to the court for tbe
relief prayed for in ber complaint, to
rn it : that the plaintiff's title to tbe
following described real property situ.
ated in Crook county, Oregon, to-wit:
that parcel of land described as follows :
Beginning at tba northwest corner of
lot four in block ten of Monroe Hodges'
plat of Prineville, Crook county, Ore
gon, and running thence sooth fort
eigbt feet; thence eaet eighty feet;
thence north fortyeight feet; thence
west eighty feet to the place of begin
ning and every part thereof be quieted
against you and all persons claiming
under you or either of you and that
plaintiff be adjudged to be the owner
thereof in fee simple and that all per
sons claiming by, through or under you
or either ot you he lorever barred from
claiming any right, title or interest in
said premises or any part thereof, and
for such other and further relief as to
the com t may seem equitable.
tins summons is published by order
of the Honorable w. L. Bradshaw,
judge ol the circuit court of the state of
Oregon for Crook county.
The date of the first publication of
this summons is the 25th day of Sep
tember, 1913.
M. K. Klliott,
Attorney for plaintiff.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior,
U. 8. Land Office at The Dalles. Ore.
September 19, 1913.
Notice is hereby given that
Peter Erickson
of Prineville, Oregon, who, on June 8,
1910. made homestead Wo. IKS919, for
lot 4, sej ewia sei, section 30, net
nl section 81, township 16 south,
range 16 east, Willamette Meridian,
has tiled notice of intention to make
final three-year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described be
fore Timothy E. J. Duffy, U. S. Com
mismoner at his otlice in Prineville,
Oregon, on the 3rd day of November,
Claimant names as witnesses : James
A. Motfitt, Jacob Backer, Glenn Hen
ilrickson, John Hopper, all of Prine
ville, Oregon.
H. Frank Woodcock,
9 25 Register.
Notice tor Publication
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore.
August 30, 1913.
Notice is hereby given that
Arthur L. Bennett
of Barnes, Oregon, who on October 28,
1909, and additional entry December 5,
1910, made homestead No. 05470, addi
tional homestead No. 07783 for n,' ne
section 26, sej boJ, section 23, si swi,
swj sej, section 24, nej nwi, nwj nei,
section 25, township 18 south, range 21
east, Willamette Meridian, haa tiled
notice of intention to make three-year
proof, to establish claim to the land
above describe! before Charles A. Sher
man, U. S. Commissioner at his office
in Fife, Oregon, on the 3rd day of No
vember, 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses: Irving
H. Sands, John O. Slorris, Lewis W.
Bennett, Arthur E. Bates, all of Barnes,
H. Fkank Wtoodcock,
9 25 Register.
Why not take? the Journal ?
X. Clliott,
iPn mill; Ortyam.
In ths circoit court ol tha state of
Oregon for Crook count T.
ntate of Oregon, plaintiff,
F. A. Hide, Flora M. Rherman. Joont
H. Schneider, Henry H. Morn, C. W.
t larks, A. H. Baldwin, and C. W.
Claike Co., a corporation. defendants.
To F. A. Hyde, Flora M. Mherman.
Joot H. hchtwider, Henry 8. Morris,
C. W. Clarke, A. 8. Baldwin and C.
W. Clarke Co., a corporation, above
named dt-fendaiits.
Id the name of the ststeof Oregon,
you and each of you are hereby re
quired to apear and answer the com
plaint tiled ag inst you in the above
entitled suit on or before the 22nd day
of November, A. f. 1913, and il you or
either ol you lail to so apt ear snd
answer, fur wsnt thereof the plaintiff
ill apply to the court for the relief
prayed lor in the complaint, a sufficient
statement of which la as follows: a de
cree cancelling and annulling certain
deeds of the state of Oregon to C. W.
Clarke of date May l'nb. 1M99. and
October 7th, 1H98; certain deeds of the
Htate of Oregon to A. S. Baldwin of
date May 1st, 1M99; certain deeds of the
State of Oregon to F. A. Hrde of date
July 10th, 1899; certain deeds of the
Mate of Oregon to Mora M. Sherman
of date May 1st, 1199; certain deeds of
the State of Oregon to Joost H. Schnei
der of date October 4th, 189; certain
leeds ot the elate ol Oregon to Henry
H. Morris of date May 1st, 1899: certain
deeds of the 8iate of Oregon to H. M.
Mams, (a nctitious person) of date Oc
tober 4th, 18118; certain deeds of A. S.
Haldwin and Km ma C, his wife to C.
W. Clarke of date May 4th, 1899: cer
tain deeds ol Flora M. hhermso to C.
W. Clarke of date May 4th, 199; cer
tain deeds of Joost H. Schneider and
Rosa M.,his wife, toC.W. Clarke of date
October 11th, 1S98; certain dteds oi
Henry S. Morris, and Mary P., his
wife, to C. W. Clarke of dale May 4th,
1H99; certain deeds of H. M. Morris,
(a fictitious person.) to C. W. Clarke of
date October 11th, 1893; certain deeds
of F. A. Hyde and Filena T.. bis wife,
to United Hutes of America of dste
July 24th, 1899; and certain deeds of
C. W. Clarke and Philomen. bis wife,
to United Ktatea of America of date
May 6th. 1899, June 7tb, 1899, and Oc
tober 13th, 1898, each pretending to
cojvey certain landa situate in town
ships 10 south in ranges 5, 6 and 7 east;
townships 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17
south, range 9 east; township 18 south,
ranges 7 and 9 east ; township 19 south,
ranges 7,8 and 9 east; township 20
south, ranges 7, 8 and 9 east; township
21 south, ranges 6, 7, 8 and 9 east; and
township 22 south, ranges 0, 7 and 9
east, Willamette Meridian, all in Crook
county, Oregon, and to cancel and
annul all other contracts, certificates of
sale, applications, etc., mentioned in
tbe complaint relating to said lands
described therein or to any part thereof,
and fnr costs and disbursements, and
such other and further relief aa may to
the court seem equitable in tbe
This summons is published in pur
suance of an order of the Honorable W.
L. Bradsbaw, judge of the above en
titled court, made and entered on the
4th day of October, 1913, directing this
summons to be published lor six con
secutive weeks in the Crook County
Journal, a weekly newspaper of general
circulation printed and published in
Prineville, Crook connty, Oregon. .
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 8th day
of October, 1913.
Attorney for plaintiff.
Date of first publication, October 9,
Date of final publication, November
20, 1913.
Notice of Administrator's Sale of
Real Property
Notice is hereby given that in pur
suance of an order of the county court
of the state of Oregon for Crook county,
made and entered on the 6th day of
October, 1913. in the matter of the es
tate of John H Jarrett, deceased, the
undersigned, administrator of said es
tate, will sell at public sale to tbe high
est bidder, for cash at 10 o'clock in the
morning of Saturday, the 8th day of
November, 1913, at the front door of tbe
county courthouse in Prineville, Crook
county, Oregon, subject to confirmation
by said county court, all the right, title
and interest the said John H. Jarrett
had at the time ot his death in the fol
lowing described real property, to-wit:
Lots three (3) and four (4) and the
south half (Sl of tbe northwest quarter
(J) of section five (5), township four
teen (14) south, range nineteen (19)
east of the Willamette Meridian, lving
and Bituate in Crook county, state of
Oregon, and containing 153.84 acres,
more or less, according to the official
plat and United Mates survey thereot.
biven under my hand this ytu nay ol
Octo'ier, 1913. L. M. Bechtell,
Administrator of the estate of John
H. Jarrett, deceased.
Date of first publication, October 9,
Date of final publication, November
6, 1913.
Willard 11. Wirtr, attorney for estate.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior
V. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Ore.
August 30th, 1913.
Notice la hereby given that
Irwin H. Sands
of Barnes, Oregon, who, on April
4th, 1910, made Homestead Entry No.
06397, for Lota 1, 2, 8, 4, awi nej, a
nwj, and nwj ewj section 3, town
ship 19 south, range 21 east, Willam
ette Meridian, haa filed notice of In
tention to make final three-year
proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before Charles A.
Sherman, U. S. Commissioner, at
Fife. Oregon, on the 3rd day of No
vember, 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Arthur L. Bennett, John O. Morris,
Iietilien Engstrom, Harrison Barnes,
all of Barnes. Oregon.
H Frank Woodcock,
9-lSp Begin ter.
Call for Warrant
Notice is hereby given that all Gen
eral Fund County Warrants up to and
including registered No. 1495, will be
paid on presentation to the county
treasurer. No interest paid alter thiB
date. October 9, 191.!.
R. L. Jordan,
County Treasurer of Crook county.
.. Order books are now oien for Ford
automobiles. F. M. Hathaway, Crook
County agent, Prineville, Ore. 8-7