1 OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GEN ERALjNTEREST Events Occurring Throughout the State During the Past Week. County Mutt Reset Election Dte. Bend. Attorney General Crawford, In n opinion on the question of the election which the Crook county court recently called for November 4. to al low the people to decide on the Issu ing of a $200,000 good roads bond is sue, holds that the order ts Invalid In asmuch aa it set the date for the elec tion more than 40 days hence. He Interprets the state law to mean that the' calling of the election must be made not more than 40 days nor less than 20 days before the date set (or the election. Will Ask Pardon for Taylor. Salem. Attorney M. V. Weather ford of Albany said that within a few days a petition for the pardon of John Taylor, serving a life sentence In the penitentiary for the killing of A. H. Perry In Harney county, will be pre sented to Governor West Taylor ts one of the five men who were con demned to be hanged on December 13, 1912, following the rejection at the polls of a proposed constitutional amendment abolishing capital punish ment Road Bids Called Soon, Medford. After a meeting between State Ehgtneer Bowlby, Assistant En gineer F. W. Klttridge, and members of the county court. It was announced that as the survey over the Siskiyous bas been completed bids for the con struction of two sections of the re cently authorised permanent highway will be requested at once. Robbery Alarm Is False. . Huntington. Forgetting where she bad placed a small bag containing the postofflce funds, Mrs. Esther Evers, newly appointed postmistress of this place, gave an alarm of robbery, which caused no little excitement The money was found later in the postof flce safe. Josephine County Grapea Fine. Grants Pass. The grape crop of Josephine county will be of an excel lent quality as well aa enormous in quantity this fall. The season 1 been ideal for the ripening of the grapes, and the present warm weather and bright sunshine are giving the fa mous Tokays a beautiful purple blush. FAIR PAYS GOOD PROFIT Oregon's Best Agricultural Exhibit Ends After Breaking All Records. Salem. Oregon's greatest state fair came to a close Saturday night Per fect weather, excellent exhibits and state pride have filled the coffers of the association, and for the first time In its history it is out of debt There will be a greater exhibition next year, for the management already has made arrangements to enlarge Its scope. Secretary Meredith says this is the first time the fair has paid expenses. The total attendance this year was between 80,000 and 90,00. The largest dally crowd was Wednesday, Salem day, when 25,000 were present Awards In the children's industrial department at the state fair show a large preponderance of girls among the list of prize winners. This com petition. Including products of the garden, needle and poultry house, brought out pupils in the state public schools from almost every section to compete. Barroom "Come Back." Roseburg. The room utilized as a barroom in the Hotel McClellan when ' Roseburg was "wet" was raided by Sheriff Quine and two barrels of beer, one barrel of miscellaneous wines and about fifteen barrels of empty bottles were seized. "Wet" Town Wants Election. Roseburg. Thirty-two voters of Sutherlin, one of Douglas county's three wet towns, have filed a petition with " (he county court asking for a local option election there on Novem ber . Lane's Hop Crop Hummer. Eugene. Lane county's hop crop, now nearly all harvested, is estimated a.t 7000 bales, or approximately 1,395, 000 pounds. This is the largest yield yet recorded in the county. Three car loads were loaded for shipment to London. La Grande Chooses Seen, 4 La Grande. The charter election provided for an election ef commis sioners within 20 days. October 0 has been set as the time for the elec tion of three commissioners, the sole elective body under new government Hunting and Fishing Good. Pendleton. Hunting and fishing in eastern Oregon are reported te be bet tor t the present time than for a number of years. This is said to be true of all Wnda of game. . BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON A massive oak tree, S26 years old. has been cut down on the Vhltaker farm. In Polk county. The tree was 19 feet In circumference. Dr. B. C. dinger of The Dalles has been appointed deputy grand exalted ruler of the Elks lodge for the north ern Oreson district. Oregon City and Milwaukle are in the thick of a "dry" election. Petitions have been filed calling for an election November 4. Electors of The Dalles will vote on November 4 to decide whether or not the sale of intoxicating liquors shall be prohibited. Pupils of the schools of Polk county will study dairying. W. A. Barr of the Oregon Agricultural college is working out the details of the work. The Byers flour mill, or properly speaking, the Pendleton Roller Mills, has been sold to a Holland syndicate, represented by LC Lens, manager of the Spokane Flour Mills. Alberta Dillon, owned by Joe Carson of Winnipeg, Manitoba, won the Lewis and Clark stake from 13 starters, mak ing the third heat in 3:10, at the state fair at Salem. Vnder the Income tax feature of the Underwood tariff bill Oregon will con tribute at least a quarter of a million dollars annually to the revenues of the United States. There Is liable to be considerable controversy over the recent cruise of the timber lands In Clatsop county, made by the Neas Timber company. under contract with the county court' Business men of Oregon City are looking into the plan of quitting the use of Bull Run water and obtaining a new supply from the south fork of the Clackamas river. More than 300,000 acres of land In Crook county, near La Pine, declared more valuable for agricultural than forestry purposes, soon will be opened tor settlement on the lottery plan. Dr. Bailey K. Leach, who was de ported because of alleged anarchistic statements at Coos Bay, has left for Astoria to deliver lectures on social ism. Miss Lottie L. Fleet who has been librarian at Pendleton three years, has resigned to accept the .position of as sistant librarian of the public library at Portland. When an auto in which they were riding turned turtle at Dallas, George Krebs, Ross Nelson, Genevieve Wilcox and Bertha Potterfleld received slight injuries. ' Hundreds of dead female China pheasants were left In the fields of Linn county, as result of the slaughter on the first day of the open season. It ts said. A longer compulsory school term and a larger general school fund were recommended at a conference held under the auspices of the University of Oregon and members of several educational leagues, at Salem. The first fair ever held -at Tygh, southern Wasco county, has just closed. The fair was a success In every way, exhibits of fruits, vege tables, horses, sheep and Bwine being of special merit Mrs. H. C. Foster, formerly Miss Hattie Long of Pendleton, a bride of less than a month, has secured a war rant for the arrest of her husband at San FranciBco, charging him with dis appearing with $1000 which had been given Into his care. Secretary Houston has advised Rep resentative Sinnott that he recom mended the elimination of 24,000 acres from the Deschutes national forest. Approval by the secretary of the in terior is needed to complete the elim ination. Under the terms of Senator Lane's amendment to the tariff bill every American farmer, if so disposed, can enter on the manufacture of denatured alcohol after securing a permit from the commissioner of internal revenue in the treasury department There promises to be a lively cam paign In Marshfield to bring about reform movements. While the "wet" and "dry" question cannot be brought up for some time, those who favor prohibition and reforms are working hard to get all their followers regis tered for the next city election. Sheepmen In eastern Oregon are facing a serious problem In what to do for feed for their sheep when they bring them In from the summer range In the mountains, as this summer and fall has been exceptionally dry, and there Is practically no grass on the home range. The senate has agreed to Senator Lane's amendment to the deficiency bill authorizing the use of the appro priation for the Portland postofflce in the erection of a general office build ing sufficiently large to accommodate the postofflce and other federal of fices in Portland that now occupy rented quarters. Judge Percy R. Kelly of the Marion county circuit court sustained the de murrer of the complaint filed by At torney General Crawford, on behalf ot the state against Governor West Sec retary of State Olcott and State Treas urer Kay, to recover practically $16, 000 alleged to have been unlawfully expended from the penitentiary revolv ing fund, CHRISTY MATHEWS0N "NL t Christy Mathewson, veteran pitcher of the New York Giants, a prominent factor In the world's baseball cham pionship games which opened In New York Tuesday. Brief News of the Week A department of business efficiency has been added to the public school system of Loe Angeles. Greece is preparing for war' with Turkey, reserves having been called to the colors. The Immediate evacua tion ot Dedagatch has been ordered. The union station at St. Paul, used by every road entering the city, was , destroyed by fire, causing damage of ,100.000 to $250,000. j The state executive commltee ot the Anti-Saloon league of southern Call-; fornla is opposed to the proposed ini tiative campaign for prohibition In California In 1914. I Speakers at the session of the Na- tional Wholesale Grocers' association In Chicago urged the enactment of uniform pure food laws as one solu tion for the present high cost of living problems. The University of Kansas has put a ban on the tangoa dance and other lata forms of dancing, following the or ganizatlon ot a tango club by the sor orities snd fraternities. During the season which has just ended, 140,000 American settlers are said to have come to western Canada. The announcement Is issued by Bruce Walker, commissioner of Immigration. Increase over last year Is shown. People In the News Secretary of the Interior Lane, greatly Improved In health, has left California for Washington, D. C. He Is accompanied by 1iis wife. John D. Rockefeller owns more per sonal property than any other person In New York. His assessment for 1912 was $5,000,00. Representative Gardner, republican candidate for governor of Massachu setts, declares that b Is opposed to woman suffrage. During the illness ot his father, the Crown Prince of Sweden will assume the duties of King Gustaf, who Is suf fering from effects of an operation for appendicitis. Ex-President Taft has accepted the invitation of the board of trustees of Princeton university to attend the dedication of the Grover Cleveland memorial, October 22. John C. Hennlng, arrested In Chi cago, admits he entered Into a plot to blacken the reputation of Clarence S. Funk, formerly general manager of the International Harvester company. Representative Underwood, majority leader In the house, Issued a formal statement announcing his candidacy for the United States senate from Ala bama to succeed the late Joseph F. Johnston. Seattle Times Is Damaged by Fire. Seattle, Wash. Fire. Sunday dam aged four large presses and destroyed 33 motors in the pressroom of the Seattle Times, in the basement of the Times building, causing a loss of $75, 000, fully Insured. Colonel Alden J. Blethen, editor of the Times, and Clarence B. Blethen, managing editor, said they were con vinced the flro was of Incendiary origin. . t Wost, Olcott and Kay Are Sued. Salem, Or. Circuit Judge Kelly having sustained the demurrer to the suit of Attorney-General Crawford against Governor West, Secretary of State Olcott and State Treasurer Kay for alleged wrongful expenditure of about $16,000 of the penitentiary re volving fund, the attorney-general has filed an amended complaint, charging that the state had been damaged in thaj extent. Leading Idahoan Dies. Boise, Idaho. Mrs. R. Z. Johnson arrived at her home in Boise unexpect edly and gave her two sons, leading attorneys, the first news of the death In Germany of their father, one of the foremost citizens of Iduho, who expir ed September 10, following a paralytic stroke five days before. London Likes Tariff Bill. London. The newspapers rere are a unit in praising the new American tariff bill. f ; r, Central Garage Phone No. 20 Agent for Chalmers and Detroiter Autos All Kind ot Auto Repairing Tires Vulcanized Full Line of Auto Supplies Special Price on New and Second-Hand Auto Huff-Maker Auto Co. Five Solid iIVE solid needs a manure' spreader are these, in the words of a farmer who has devoted much time to correct soil feedine. 1. It saves disagreeable and hard work, X It pulverizes and mixes the manure mass. 3. It distributes manure evenly over the field, insuring- a good, even stand of frain. 4. It prevents loss of nitrogen through fermentation or leaching in the pile when manure is hauled directly from the stable. 5. Indirectly, the ease with which it can bo handled encourages the owner to care (or the manure and distribute it on the fields care fully instead of wasting it. I H C Manure Spreaders will work uncomplainingly for years making profits for the owners. You will find them all styles and sizes, high and low, endless apron or reverse. I H C manure spreaders are exceedingly durable, strong, correctly built to stand all con ditions and all strains they may meet Each feature has its purpose. Up hill or down or cutting corners, they spread all kinds of manure evenly, in a light or heavy coat at the will of the driver. The beater drive is strong and simple, beater teeth are square and chisel pointed to pulverize the manure, and the large diameter of the beater prevents wind ing. The rear axle, carrying a large percent age of the load, insures ample tractive power. But see all these things yourself at your local dealer's. Find your choice in the I II C line. The dealer has catalogues for you, or, write the International Harvester Company of America Uacorporatedj Portland Ore, HOGS For ' I have Registered Duroc Jerseys, both sexes. These are PROFITABLE, PROLIFIC PIGS and thrive exceedingly well in this section of Central Oregon G. A. BRADLEY One and one-half mile north of Depot. Redmond.Ore THE HAMILTON STABLES J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor PR1NEYILLE, OREGON Stock boarded by the day, week or month at Reasonable rates. Remember us when in Prineville. Rates Reasonable. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent if Reasons reasons why each (arm Sale Sumtnou In Hi Circuit Court ol tns HUM of Or foil for Crook county. mui. hiiiou, I'lmitiir. I Fred A. McDowell hikI l.cona f McDowell. iteMiilauta. To l.oii McDowell, dclcuiUntt In th nam of Hie mala of iiieirntt, vou are hereby reipnml to apjicar and anawer Ilia complaint II led noiiinl you in lit bhove eoililed iuit wtlliln al wveka of th dal ofth lint ilihcalloii ol till Mini m. .!. which date of llr.t nulillcalloli I. the Midday of Octnlr, IUI3, mil II you lull ao to aunwcr, fur omit thereof, th i ulatntilf will ftl'py to Mi court lor th r lief demanded In Mhl complaint, to-wil: , lor pidguienl agaluat r'rd A. .McDowell ; for SIO4.VU0 mull liui-not thereon at lli rale of tell wr cent ir milium Inim th '.'ml day ul (Molar, llilS. for luu allor tiry'a icea suit lor Ilia coU glut dtalturae mrnta of tlna mil. For a decree ul Ilia ahove entitled court that Ilia following deai-nticd land, to-wll: III aoiitli liall ul I hi- liiirlhwl quarter j ami Ma three and lour of election four In t townalop thirteen aoiitli uf tange thirteen rl uf .Willamette Meridian III Crook i county, Oregon, ha mid ly th aharill of lliiacoutuv aocordliui lu law and Ihal III ; irmrr.U 1m aiittrr to tha iaynilll of laintlll'a Mttl )mlKuiaiit and lha coat and I ctiarit ol making aald aala, 'I hat tha tli. i friiiUnu and all raona claiming undnr i lliain or vithar of thvm la forever harnsl and fonlo.il of all right, tltla, Intamnt ora.ullTuf redemption lu aald pieuilaea ur any iail thereof, 'rhiaaiiinutoiit la itihltfdttHl by order of tha llouorahl II. fnrlnger, county judga of Crook county, Oregon, mad and ti le red on tha Unit dm uf iMtolcr. Una. 1 m. h Ki.i.iti r r. I Attorney for I'lalntllT. .SlIIIIIIIHIIK lit th Circuit court uf tli atntu of Orviton, fur fur tln county of Crook. (Vntrnl tirciton IrrlKittlon Coinpuliy , u J ........... . I.... ..I..I...IM n v in fur (tuoui iniiiouii. q V. Hurry W, Woolcy, ilcfi'iulnnt. To Hurry V. Woolcy, ilrfclitlmit ! In tlin tuitiic of tiiu atnto of Ore- iron, loti aro hcrcliy rtHtiHvd to n- Hr aim itnawcr the coiiiilnlut II led nunlnat you III thu nliovw rntltlctl milt within at I wieki from the ilnte olthe Unit tmtilU-Hllon ol tlila atiiti ileitis, vli, Ix-loro Novrinlirr 2oth, lit lit, nml If you full no to niM-nr niul miNWcr for wnut t hereof, the plaintiff will riiilv to the court for tilt relief ileinniiilixl In t lit coiiiplitlnt to-wit: the ruticclliktlon of a cvrtiilti vontriu-t nmiln liy you wltb tlio Ikm chute Irrigation ft i'owttr to, tinted Keliruury 15, llkiu, nml coat ami tllHliuiwiuenta of tli milt. Thl munition I iulililict liy order of lion. W. L. Hriulahitw, jmlire of the above iihiiiciI court, duly ituiile on the latdny of Ik' toiler, lM.'l. Inte of flint 1 uhllcntlon Octotier 9. 1U13. lime of liutt pulillcHtloo November 13, 1U13. JknkK Sti arn, K. Khinii MahtIN, Attorney for iilnlntlff. Itnllwny Kiclmnire Hulliling, Port land. Oreiron. Statement of Ownership Of the Crook Comity Journal, pub Mailed weekly nt Prltievllle, On-Koli, required by the Act ol Atmuat 3i, IWi. Killtor, Hob't. K. (iray, rrlnevlllc, On-tron. MiiiiiikIdk Kdltor, ltob't. E. Cray, rrlnevllle, Oreiron. lllieltieaa Mulinuerx, Itoll't. K. (irav, I'rlnevllle, Oreuon. rulillalier, kob't. E. tlrny, Trlm vllle, Oregon. Owner. Kob't. E. Gmy. Known honilliolilcrH, iiiorttfi'K'iK, mid other aerurl I y holder, liolriltitf I er cent or more of total amount of lunula, uiorlKiiKeH, or other Recur ltle: None. lloli'T. E. (lYAY. Sworn to and mihacrllied before me thl lath day of SepteiiiU'r. 11)13. A. H. Kknnkuy, Notary l'ubllc for Oregon. (Mv coiuiiiIhnIou expire AiiKUat 1H, '. ' Nolle for Publication. Proof mule under Act, June 6,11)12. llepartment of the Interior, I'. 8. Land Ollii-e nt The Dalle, Ore. Augitat 30, 11)13. Notice it hereby given ttittt I m 1 Sum r)mun ol Held. Orenon. who. nn March !tl. ! Hill), made. ImmeMrad No. Utaill, fur n '-i Median 10, tnwnahip 20 aouth, range j 20 pant, Willamette Meridian, haa tiled notice ol Intention to make three-year proof, to eataliliah claim to the lumi above (lencrlhed, before A. S. Fogg, a IT. H. ComnilaKionar at hia office at I lampion, Oregon, on the 12th (Jay of October, 1013. Claimant nnmea a wltneaaei; Noli N. Kin, of llnrnoa, Oregon; Walter Taylor ami Bert lootena, of Held, Ore gon; Kmil Van'akn, o( Hampton, Ore. 11 l'HANK OOIH-OCK, 0-4 p Heglater. Notice for I'tihlicution Itaparlnienl of the Interior, U. R. Land Office at The Dallea, Ore. Augtiat 27th, 1013. Notice I" hereby given that Lcwia Kegleaborger of Prineville, Oregon, who, on February 17th, 11110, made llomeatead hairy, No, OfiOt-l, for nwj, aec:ion H-l, town aliip 14 south, range 15 eaat, Willamette. Muridinn, hua tiled notice ol intention to make filial three-year proof, to ea tabliah claim to the land above de acribed belnro Timothv E. J. Duffy, U. S. Commim-inner, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 11th day of October, 11)13. Claimant name aa witnnaana: Luth er L. Kcott, Clarence II. (iravna, Henry H. Kaehor, Caleb 11. Cronn, allot Prine ville, Oregon. 9-4p It. Fhank Woodcock, Hegiater. Notice for I'tihlicution Department of the Interior U. 8. Laud OHice at The Dalles. Oro. September 11), 11)13. Notice ia hereby given that Flayd S. Ericknon ol Prineville, Oregon, who on June 3, 1010, made hoiiienteail No. OfiDlH, for lot 3, nej bwJ, n BeJ, auction 30, townahip HI, Biiuth, range 1(1 east, Wil lamette Meridian, haa tiled notice of , intention to make final three-year proof to entnlilinh claim to the land above described before Timothy K. J. Duffy, U. H. Commiiwionur at hia ofllce in Prineville, Oregon, on the 3rd day ol Novemher,"ll)13. Claimant name" aa witneape: Jamea. A. Mollltt, Jacob Ilocker, (ilenn llen drickBon, John Hopper, all ol Prine ville, Oregon. II. Fit an n Woodcock, 0-25 Kegietur. ,