Eugene Of Crook .County Journal COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CROOK COUNTY COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER, $1.50 YEAR PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCT. 9, 1913. Enlarad st h pnatnfllM at PrlnavlUs a McooiMMaM matter Crook County Fair , Spare did nt permit u lust week to give full lint of the premiums won at the Crook County Fair, i we contented ourselves by publish Ing the sxclal nrites. There wag one miMake that we are asked to correct and that wm the winner of the Foster & Hyde 25 suit of clothes for the person winning the greatest number of on any one breed In the cattle department Warren, Dickson & McDowell took the prise Instead of Oliver Powell. The following completes the lint of prize-winners In the general do partmenU: Hone ClyaVUala, nitMr4 NttUllnn, two years old or ovrr, Brrese ft Yancey, first. CbsWala, Mitre, twu years old or over, S. W, Yancey, second; Wnrren, Dickson A McDowell, flmt. aWlfias, nftitmi Mure, two yearn old or over, tl. Springer, first and second. Blia, ira Ktnlllon, two year old or over, John Almeter, second. Mare, two yenra old or over, J. L. Gibson, flmt; 41. Springer, aecond. Mare, one year old or under two, J. L. Gllwon, second. Skin, rtiilrl Stallion, two yenra old or over, J nek man Conluu, Unit; M. It. Biggs, second. Malllon, under one year old, it. M. Powell, aecoud. Mitr. two year old or over, M. It. Biggs, flrmt ; It. M. Powell, second. Hlly, under one year old, M. It. Hlgga nnit. Shift, pd Mare, two yenra old or over, 8. W. Yancey, first nnd second, Mare, one yen r old or under two, Orvllle Yniicey, llrst and second. f . - - ... .: ' . Light farm wagon won by Warren, Dickson & McDowell at the Crook County Fair held nt Princville, Oregon. Offered by the Oregon Trunk Railway for the best general exhibit of cattle. Percb.ron, miiltred Stnlllon, two yenra or over, Jack mini & Ci hi l ta, first. Mure, two yenra old or over, Clms. llermtnl, llrst ' Filly, under one year old, CIiiik. Bernard, llrst. Pcrcheros, gradt Slnre, two yenrs old or over, John Almeter, first; S. W. Yancey, second. Standard Bred Trotting Stallion, two years old or over, Hoy Powell, first. MiicelUoeoui Draft team, U M. Powell, first; tieo, Nlaytoii, hK'oiiiI. (leneral purpose team, T. 8. Barnes, first; Jacoti Becker, second. Driving team, S. A. Prose, second. Regiilertd Amirictn Saddle Hone Stallion, two years old or over, M. It. BlggH.llrst. Cattle Herefordi Heifer, under one year old, Wur ren, Dickson ft McDowell, first. Shorthorni Bull, ono year old aud uuder two, Premium Winners Wnrren, iMckaon A McDowell, first ami aecoml. Dull calf, under one yenr old. War- reu, Dickson McDowell, drat aud second. Cow, two yenra old or over, Hoy Powell, flmt. Cow, one year old and under two, Warren. IMckson & McDowell, firat Heifer calf, under one year old, Warren, Dlckaon McDowell, drat JfrMri Cow, two yenra old and over, Itoy Powell, flrat; J. O. Powell, secoud. Cow, one yenr old aud under two. I,. II. Lafollette, flrat and second. Dull calf, uuder one year, Clark Pollard, flrat. Heifer calf, under one yenr old, Clark Pollard flrat. - ; Sheep Ha.s.ktrM Itnma pulr lambs, M. C. Elklns, flrat. Swine rUa-Cklu Boar, one year old or over, L. B. I.iifollctte, flrat; Warren, Dickson A McDowell, necoud. Boar, between all months and one year, Bonnyvlew Kami, first. ' Hoar, under alt mouths, M. It. Biggs, first and aecond. Sow, one year old or over, Kills McKluuon, first; M. It. Biggs, second. How, under alt months, M. It. Biggs, first. Utter of pigs, M. It. IIIkks, first. Aar trwJ sst sasst iWn Sow, one year old or over, War ren, Dickson A McDowell, first aud second. Litter of pigs, F. 8. Towner, first Hoar, one yenr old or over, F. 8. Towner, first. Breeders' Exhibit ot Fat Stock Bit two-year-old steer, Warren, Dickson A McDowell, first. Itest pen three-year-old steers, Wnrren, Dickson A McDowell, first. Itest pen 3, one-year-old steers. Warren. Dickson & McDowell, first. Best pen tin ee lambs, M. It. Biggs, first, Poultry White Leghorns, Alice D. Pratt, first; A. J. Noble, second. Brown Leghorns, It. V, Wllholt, first; Hnth Adamsoii, second. MluorcHM, Mrs. (). K. Cross, first. Light Brahmns, Mrs. Fred Stroud, first; Mrs. L. Dillon, second. Dark Hrahmns, Mrs. L. Dillon, first. Buff Orpingtons, Bonnyvlew Farm flr-t. White Wynndottea, I). P. Adam sou, first. Anconus, Dale Jones, first; Mubel Allen, second. Hhode Island Reds, Mrs. J. E. Adumsjii, first. Any variety of ducks, Wayne Adnmaon, first; A. J. Noble, second. . Bronio turkeys, Mrs. L. Dillon, llrst. Black Spanish (special) Mrs. Fred Stroud, bluu ribbon. Pnrtrlilge Wynndottea, (special) Mnlwl Allen, Blue ribbon. For Sale One 4-horae Superior Drill cheap Prineville Feed & Livery Stable, 10-9 LOUIS W. HILL OFFERS ING CUP AT REDMOND POTATO SHOW AND FAIR TO BE HELD AT REDMOND, OREGON, OCTOBER 23rd TO 25th, 1913. Tallin W ITtll PtmirniMn rt fttM IU.mmI nf ninw-tnm nf thn HnHtt. h'nrihwn Rail way, haa aignaliied hia intermt in the unrnv ot tna nramona i'omto c-how itd Fair by orTnrinn a handsome silver Farm ProducU Irrigated Display grasses, tieo. Summera, first. Display clover, W. O. Mustard, first. Best bushel wheat, any variety, 8. I). Mustard, firat; W. G. Mustard, second. Best i bushel barley, any variety, 8. I). Mustard, first; tieo. Itussell, strond. Best bushel oats, any variety, 8. P. Mustard, first; E. T. Slnyton, second. Sunflower, S. D. Mustard, first; W. O. Mustard, second. Display alfalfa, E. T. Sloyton. first; Bouncy view Farm, second. Best farm exhibit. Including nil products of farm, E. T. Slayton, first; tieo. Itussell, second; Bouney vlew Farm, third. Farm ProducU Dry Land Display wheat lu stalk, Mrs. E. Wilson, first. Display vetch. F. S. Towner, first. Display onts In Btnlk. E. T. Slnv. ton, first; Mrs. E. Wilson, second. Held corn, Yellow Flint, J. E. Whistler, first. Field com, White Flint, T. H. La follette, first; J. E. Whistler, second. Field coru, Dent, J. E. Whistler, first. Field corn, best dlsolav. liiclndlnir corn on stalk, uumber of varieties considered, J. E. Whistler, first. Sugarcane, Ernest Ward, first. Sunflower. J E. Whistler, first- C. L. V. Marker, second. Display honey, not less than 24 pounds, B. F. Wllholt, first. Roll of butter, not less than 10 lbs. Mrs. B. F. Wllholt. first: W. S. Ayers, second. Cheese, not less than 10 lbs., B. F. Wllholt, first. Best display of dairy products from dairy of 5 cows or mnn. W S Ayers, first; Mrs. B. F. Wllholt, second. Vegetables Irrigated Best bushel potatoes, any variety. Irrigated or dry land, S. D." Mustard, first; C. J. Sundqulst, second. Sugnr beets, A. It. Meyer, first; W. Q. Mustard, second. Mangles, A. It. Meyer, firBt; W. G. Mustard, second. Radishes, W. G. Mustard, first. Parsnips, John M. Ferry, first. Currotta, Geo. Raney, first; S. D. Mustard, second. Onions, W. G. Mustard, first aud second. Rutabagas, Geo. Rauey, first; E. Atkinson, second. Turnips, C. R. McLullen, first; S. D. Mustard, second. HANDSOME SILVER LOV r ; 1 ; 1 kivina cup aa a specud priie for the ocst tnirty-six poutoes, any variety. Every farmer is unred to brinv in hia rhoioest exhibit and help to make the anair a ciiccess. Best squashes, G. T. Persona, first. Best pumpkins, Alva Wllholt, first, Geo. Raney, eecoud. Tomatoes, Wui. Boegll, first; L A. Huut, second. Cucumbers, W. G Mustard, first; Elva Wllholt, eecoud. Celery, Grant & Olsen, first; J. B. Shlpp, second. Watermelons, J. A. Foss, first; W. G. Mustard, second. Won by E. T. Slayton, of Prineville, at the Crook County Fair. Offered by the O.-W. R. & N. Rv. Co. for the best exhibit of farm products Mufkmelous, W. G. Mustard, first; Vera Wllholt, second. Cabbage, D. F. Stewart, first; Geo. Rauey, second. Beans, Kentucky Wonder Green, Wm. Boegll, first. Teas, field, i bushel, Van' Allen Bros., first. Table beets, Fair Special, Chns. Boggatt, first; C. R. McLallen, second. Citron, Fair Special, Al Wright, blue ribbon; Mrs. I. R. Whitney, blue ribbon. Vegetables Dry Land Table beets, John V. Homier, first: C. L. V. Marker second. Mangles, John V. Hopper, first. Radishes, C. L. V. Marker, first. Carrotts, Ellis McKinnon, first. Onions, Oscar Huffman, first. Turutps, Mrs. E. Wllsou. first: C. O. Pollard, second. Best squashes. Vohn M. Ferrv. first; J. E. Whistler, second. liest pumpkins. Ernest Ward, first: C. L. V. Marker, second. Tomatoes, Oscar Huffman, first: John V. Hopper, second. Cucumbers. J. E. Whistler, first- John V. Hopper, second. Watermelons, John V. Hopper, first; J. E. Whistler, second. Muskmelona, J. E. W hlatler, first. Beans. Pink Shell, John V. Hopper, first; J. E. Whistler, eecoud. Fruita General exhibit of apples, Wm. Boegll, firat; Kirk Whlted, second. Dlsb of Baldwins, L. B. Lafollette, first; Wm. Boegll, second. Spllzeuberger. Wm. Boetrll. first: L. B. Lafollette, second. -Golden Ruasett, Wm. Boegll, first Gravensteln " ." " Newtown Pippin " " - George Russell, second. Northern Spy, Wm. Boegll, first. White Permnln " " Wlueaap " - E. T. Slayton, second. Ram bo, Wm. Boegll. firat: E. T. Slayton, second. Pewaukee, Wm. Boegll, flrat. Yellow Bellflower, L. B. Lafollette, first; Wm. Boegll, second. Wolf Biver, Wm. Boegll, first. Duchess of Oldenburg. Geo. Rus sell, first; Kirk Whlted, second. Itoxbera Russett, Geo. Russell. first - Maiden Blush; D. P. Adamson. first; R. W. Douglas, second. Crab applet, Wm. BoeitlL first: Mrs. C. M. Estea, second. Bartlett peart, Wm. Boegll. first: L. B. Lafollette, second. Idaho peart, Wm. Boegll, first Fall Butter peart " " " L. B. Lafollette, second. Winter Nellls, Wm. Boegll " Petite prunea " ' first: Kirk Whlted, second. . . Italian prunes, Wm. Boegll. first; R. W. Douglas, second. Peaches, Wm. Boegll, first; Lavlna Jones, second. Wagner, Wm. Boegll, first Jonathan " " Gano " " Missouri Pippin, Wm. Boegll, first Pound Pippin ' Ortley-WUiter Bellflower, Wm. Boegll, firat Rome Beauty, Wm. Boegll, first KelfTer Pears " " Silver prunes, Wm. Boegll, first; Kirk Whlted, second. Box of apples, Jamts Hayes, blue ribbon. Hungarian prunes, E. T. Slayton, blue ribbon. Flowers Rose. J. B. Shlpp, first Collection of roses, J. B. Sblpp first. Fern, M8. R. E. Gray, first from any one farm. Collection of Asters, Mrs. D. F Stewart, firt. Beautiful arranged bouguet, Mrs. R. E. Gryy. Beautiful hanging basket, Mrs. R. E. Gray, first aud second. Sweet pens, Wlstar Rosenberg, first. I'ansies, Mrs. Emma Wilson, first. Sewing Embroidery Display silk embroidery, Mrs. P. G. Glnze, first. Freuch eyelet embr. waist, Mrs. Blanche Pollard, first; Miss Hildretb Geyer, second. French and eyelet centerpiece. Mrs. J. H. Haner. first. Wallachttu emb. centerpiece, Mrs. W. T. Smith. Embroidered lunch cloth, Mrs. Sam'l Boyd, first. Hardanger emb , Mrs. Alta Kil lenberger, first; Mrs. T. L. Coon, secoud. Display linen needlework, Mrs. P. G. Glnze, first; Mrs. Sum'l Boyd, secoud. Haud-made handkerchief, Mrs. P. G. Glaze, first. Emb. towels, Mrs. Van Morse, firBt; Mrs, Alta Kellcuberger, second. 1111 x . ii ''1 Batten berg lace, Mrs. P. G. Glase. Crocheted lace. Mrs. Guy Heart, first; Mrs. H. L. Van Meter, second. Beat band-made garment, Mrs. J. J. Chapman, first; Miss Vera Mc Masters, second. Hand-made button boles, Mrs. J. 1. Chapman, first. Display band-made quilts, Mrs. Susan Gllwon, first. Sofa pillow, Mrt. Wm. Horaell, first; Mist Clara Williams, second. Nlgbt dresses, Columbia Tbronsoa first Patch, Mrs. W. R. Stacks, first. Pillow cases, Blanche Wilson, first; Mra. W. T. Smith, second. Colored embroidery, Carla HesseU ager, first. Woven rugs, Mrt. L. Dillon, first. Woven carpets " Crepe paper stand cover, Mrt. L. Dillon, blue ribbon. Hand bag, Mrs. Wm. Horsed, blue ribbon. Scrim yoke, Mrs. Wm. Horaell. blue ribbon. Pastry and Cooking Potato yeast bread, Mrs. Wm. Horsell, first; Mrt. C. L Roberts. second. Best collection pickles, etc.. Mrs. W. T. Smith, first. Beet collection tellies. Mrs. E. T. Slayton, first; Mrs. A. T. Lewark, second. , Potato chips, Mrs. J. J. Chapman, first One jar fruit, Mrs. W. S. Ayers, first ' Art Department Landscape In oil, Mrs. Geo. Russell first and second. . Landscape In water colors, Mrt. Ruth A. KUta. first Mowers or fruit In on, Mrs. D. F. Stewart, first; Mrs. Geo. Russell, second. Collection of cartoons, Keys Hyde, first , Collection bandpatnttngs, Mrs. Florence Lnndbech, first. Haud-palnted tea set, Mrs. PoweU son, first " " Photo collection, Lafler Studio, first Hand-painted plaque. Mrs. . Geo, Russell, blue ribbon. Over 300,000 Acres to be Homesteaded Washington. Over 300,000 acres of land in Crook county, near La Pine, declared mora valuable for agriculture tban forestry purposes soon will be opened for settlement' on the lot tery plan. Secretary Houston has advised Congressman Sinnott that he recommended the elimination ot 24,000 acres from the Deschutes National Forest. Approval by the Secretary of the Interior is needed to complete the elimina tion, and this is expected within the next ten days from remarks Houston made to Houston, who has been working to secure the elimination for almost a year. Eye Glasses That Fit You Are you wearing lenses that are not satisfactory? If you are having trouble with your eyes it will pay you to coma direct to me. I will (iive your eves' a thorough and careful examination (free of charge) and tell you the exact condi tion they are in. 1 fit every conceiv able style of spectacles ami eyeglasses, Du. Ida Bkhreniit, Oregon Hotel, October 11 to 18. No, louger, I.10-9-U