Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, September 25, 1913, Image 6

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I Pin Townsite Co. lot 1S-
14 blk JS J
La Pin Townsite Co, lot 19-
ti blk 2S 4
Parmlnter, J Snow, lot 25 blk
Plttman, K F, lot IS blk So. .
Moraon, J E, lot 33 blk 33. .
Morson, J E, lot S4-15 blk
La Pine Townslte Co, lot 9 blk
La Pine Townsite Co, lot 30
blk S3
La Pine Townsite Co, lot 33-
3 blk S3
Masten, J X, lots 26-2? blk
Carniiehaei .' C V. lot 2 8-2 9
S. 80
blk S3 36.40
La Pine Townsite Co, lot 3
blk 34: lots 6 to 23 blk 34:
lot 32 blk 34
J S Bogue & Co, lot 31 blk
La Pine Townsite Co. all blk
35: lot 1-2 blk St; lots 1-
12 blk 37
Spears. C E. lot 1 blk J
Inland Kmpire Co, lot 16 blk
Lambrecht. K, lot 21 blk 3. .
Inland Kmpire Co, lot 2 blk
Forsvtlie. V S. lot 3 blk 4. . .
McKenne, Grace, lot 4 blk 4.
Trunkey, Will, lot 7 blk 4 . .
BersQuest. Krancis, lot 9 blk
Inland Kmpire Co, lots 13 to
15 blk 4
Smith, V B, lot 16 blk 4
Hobbs. V D. lot 1? blk 4
Marsh-Buniick Realty Co, lot
19 blk 4
Inland Kmpire Co, lots 14 to
19 blk 6
Inland Kmpire Co, lots 4 to 6
blk 12 4.68
Soritimyer, J S, lot 12 blk
13 1.95
Telfer, Archie, lots 15-16 blk
Beard, H K. lot 2 blk 16
Davies. G V, lot 11 blk 14. .
Inland Empire Co, lot 7 blk
Hickman. G F, lot 8 blk 20. .
Inland Empire Co, lot 5 blk
McCall. F N. lot 6 blk 22
Paul Poetsch and L Becker,
lots 8-9 blk 22
Maddox, J D and Aquilla, lots
11-12 blk 22
Smith, V S, lots 13-14 blk
McCall, F N, lot 11 blk 23..
Inland Empire Co, lot 12 blk
Seybold, Arthur P, lot 16 blk
Falkenhour, L C, lots 18-19
blk 23 102.38
Miller, Frank, lot 13 blk 24. . 2.93
Hahn, Nick, lot 10 blk 25... 8.77
St Johns, L E. lot 11 blk 26. . 6.24
Sparks, A B, lot 1 blk 28. . .
Star Brewery Co, lot 1 blk
29 28.86
Steinsturf, P J, lots 6-7 blk
30 4.87
Langen, Julia, lot 8 blk 30.. 1.95
Moore, John, lot 19 blk 30.. 1.95
Paul Poetsch and L Becker,
lot 20 blk 30 1.95
McCreath & Xlatison, lot 22
blk 30 25.35
McCall, F N. lot 8 blk 31... 2.92
Pelunk, Peter, lot 9 blk 31.. 2 93
W O Rust and G W Weston,
lot 13 blk 31 1.95
First Addition Metolius
Inland Empire Co, lots 1 to
3 blk 41 1.17
Lambrecht, H, lot 18 blk 42. . 33.15
Lambrecht, H, lot 20 blk 42. . .39
Inland Empire Co, lot 19 blk
42 39
Highland Park Addition Metolius
Booth, Mrs E, lots 6-7 blk 2. . .78
United Land Co, lots 12-13 blk
United Land Co, lots 22-23 blk
United Land Co, lot 11 blk 4;
lot 16 blk 4
United Land Co, lots 12-13 blk
Opal City Land Co, lots 1 to
32 blk 12 4.32
Opal City Land Co, lots 1 to
32 blk 13 431
Opal City Land Co, lots 1 to
32 blk 14 4.32
Opal City Land Co, lots 1 to
32 blk 15 4.32
Opal City Land Co, lots 1 to
16 blk 16; lots 1 to 16
blk 17 4.32
Opal City Land Co, lots 1 to
16 blk 18; lots 1 to 16 blk
Opal City Land Co, lots 1 to
16 blk 22; lots 1 to 10 blk
23; lots 12 to 16 blk 23. .
4 32
ny i,ana uo, lots l to
5 blk 24; lots 8-9 blk 24;
lots 11 to 16 blk 24; lots 1
to 5 blk 25; lots 7 to 15
blk 25 3
Opal City Land Co, lots 1 to
32 blk 26
upai uity i.and Co, Iota 1 to
17 blk 27; lots 19 to 32
blk 27 6 35
Opal City Land Co, lots 1 to
16 blk 28; lots 19 to 26 blk
28; lots 29 to 32 blk 28. . 7 56
Opal City Land Co, lots 1 to
32 blk 29 g 64
Opal City Land Co, lots 1 to
32 blk 32 g 64
Opal City Land Co, lots 2 to
31 blk 33
Opal City Land Co, lots 1 to
15 blk 34; lots 17 to 32
blk 34
Opal City Land Co. lots 1 to
32 blk 35 432
Opal City Land Co, lots 1 to
5 blk 36; lot 7 blk 36; lot3
9 to 15 blk 36; lots 1 to
1? blk 37 3.93
Opal City Land Co, lots 1 to
16 blk 38; lots 1 to 16 blk
Opal City Land Co, lots 1 to
16 blk 42; lots 1 to 16 blk
Opal City Land Co, lots 1 to
6 blk 44; lot 7 blk 44; lots
9 to 16 blk 44; lots 1 to It!
blk 45 4.06
Opal City Land Co, lots 1 to
16 blk 46; lots 1 to 4 blk
47; lot 7 blk 47; lots 10 to
16 blk 47 4.32
Opal City Land Co, lots 1 to
16 blk 48; lots 19 to 32
blk 48 8.10
Opal City Land Co, lots 1 to
32 blk 49 ; 8.64
Opal City Land Co, lots 1 to
16 blk 52; lot 1 to 15 blk
6.1 8.S7
Opal City Inii Co, lot 17 to
32 blk 6.1; lota 1 to 10 blk
64; lota 1 to 5 blk 55 8.91
Opal City I-snd Co, lot 8 to
10 blk 55: lota 1 to 16 blk
56; lota 1 to 12 blk 57 4.18
Opal City l.nd Co, lots IS to
16 blk 67; lot 1 to 16 blk
60; lot 1 to 12 blk 1 4.33
Opal City l.anl Co, lot 13 to
16 blk 61; lot 1 to 10 blk
63: lot 1 to 10 blk 63; lots
1 to 8 blk 64 4.32
Opal City ljnd Co, lot 9 to
16 blk 64; lots 1 to 16 blk
65 S.24
TilliiiKhost. K M, lot 11 blk
23 14
Mann. J C. lot IS blk 2? 27
Holdriok. Geo A. lot 6 blk .16. .13
Fairvhtlds, Lydla S. lot 6 blk
44 13
Plllinc Fred, lot 6 blk 47... .27
Michenor. Margaret K, lot 9
blk 47 27
Pickett, W A. lot 16 blk 53. . .27
l'ionovr Addition
Oreiton Trunk IVvelop Co,
lot 5 blk 1; lot 8 blk 4 27
Madras Townslte Company,
lots 1 to 3 blk 1 7.69
Madras Townsite Company.
lots 3 to 6 blk 2 11.65
Stanton, K J. lots 7-8 blk !. . 8.9 7
Madras Townsite Companv,
lots 9-10 blk 2 6.13
Madras Townsite Company.
lot 12 blk 2; lots 1-2 blk
3 14.11
Madras Townsite Company.
lot 4 blk 3 R.1S
Fisher. Mary, lot 5 blk 3 6.13
Madras Townsite Company.
lot 6 blk 3 5.13
Bretell, Chas A. lot 11 blk 3.
Butler, E II, lots 12 to 14 blk
3 15.39
Madras Townsite Company.
lots 2 to 4 blk 4 7.69
Madras Townsite Company.
lots 6 to 9 blk 4 24.63
Madras Townsite Company.
lots 12-13 blk 4 6.16
Madras Townsite Companv.
lots 1 to 3 blk 5 9.24
Madras Townsite Company.
lot 8 blk 5 S.0S
Madras Townsite Company.
lots 3-4 blk 6 1.53
Madras Townsite Company. I
lot 7 blk 6
Madras Townsite Company.
lot 8 blk 6 7
Madras Townsite Company.
lots 2-3 blk 7 2.05
Madras Townsite Company.
lot 6 blk 7 .76
Madras Townsite Company.
lots 10-11 blk 7 1.52
Madras Townsite Company.
lot 13 blk 7 77
Madras Townsite Company.
lots 15-16 blk 8; lot 1 blk
9 9.50
Madras Townsite Company.
lot 2 blk 9 2 05
Madras Townsite Company,
lots 4 to 6 blk 9 '. 6.15
Parrish. Rolando, Iota 9-10
blk 9 4.10
Madras Townsite Companv,
lots 13 to 16 blk 9; lots 1-2
blk 10 16.94
Madras Townsite Company,
lots 4-5 blk 10 T.71
Hammond, Paulina E, lot 13
blk 10 5.i3
Brettell, Chas. lot 14 blk 10. 5.13
Hammond, Paulina E, lots 15-
16 blk 10 12 83
White. Margaret, lot 1 blk 11 . 7.70
ZelT, A. lots 3-4 blk 11 25.67
McTaggart, John, lot 6 blk
11 11.53 !
Rea, Robert, lots 7-8 blk 11. . 12.8.1 i
Sanford, A C, tj lot 9 blk 11 . 84.65 !
Reinhart, Wm, i lot 9 blk
11 84.65
sanford, tffie D, lot 10 blk
11 15.39 1
Sabin, R L, lot 11 blk 11 10 2Sj
Zell, A, lots 12-13 blk 11 . 41.04 1
Butler, E H, lot 14 blk 11... 10.26 I
Forrest, Frances, lot 15 blk I
11 21.79!
Rea, Robert, lot 16 blk 11. . . 12 82'
Moore, W C, lot 2 blk 12 62 85
Harris.' A A. lot 4 blk 12 11.54
Waymire, Helen C, si lot 6 j
blk 12 26.93 :
Madras Townsite Company, j
lot 15 blk 12 '. 12.82 ;
Madras Townsite Company, I
lot 1 blk 13 '. i.go
Madras Townsite Company, i
lot 8 blk 13 1.73 1
Madras Townsite Company, i
lots 1-2 blk 14 3.08 I
.Madras Townsite Company,
lots 9 to 16 blk 14 ". 9 22 '
De-Gray, Mabel, lot 1 blk 15.. 7.69 j
Madras Townsite Companv, 1
lots 4 to 6 blk 15 ". 7.69 1
-Madras Townsite Company, !
lot 1 blk 16 2 57 i
.Madras lownsite Companv,
lot 4 blk 16 .". i.os
Madras Townsite Company,
lots 6-7 blk 17 4.10
Madras Townsite Company,
lot 12 blk 17 1.54
Madras Townsite Company,
lot 8 blk 18 1.54
Madras Townsite Company,
lot 14 blk 18 5.13
Loucks, C and H, lot 1 blk
I9 25.65
Campbell, J L, V4 lot 2 blk
19 20.52
Cowherd, W J, n 30 ft lot 4
, blk 19 17.95
Wilson, J E, s 20 ft lot 4 blk
19 25.65
Nissen, H R, s 20 ft lot E blk
19 IB. 98
Rabin. R L, lot 8 blk 19 25.65
.Madras Townsite Company,
lot 9 blk 19 K 13
N'ace, S, lot 11 blk 19 30.78
Nace, S, lot 12 blk 19 6.13
Henderson, Walter, lot 13 blk
19 K.I s
Shutt, I F, wV4 w lot 14 blk
i 5.64
Mason, E W, e w lot 14
ik t 12 83
Larkins, B L, e lot 14 blk
1J 7.70
McTaggart, John, lot 1 blk
2 fi.41
Barkley, C T, lot 3 blk 20. . . 17.95
Burton, Birdie, lot8 6-7 blk
2 29.49
Friday, E T, lot 12 blk 20. . . 5.13
McTaggart, John, lot 14 blk
20 35.91
Madras Townsite Company,
lot 1 blk 21 5.13
J!(ira3 Townsite Company,
lot. 3 blk 21 5 13
Gard, J L, lot 6 blk 21 5.13
Growell, Nelson, lots 7-8 blk
21 10.26
Madra Townsite Company,
lot blk SI s.ij
Madrit Townsite Company,
lot U blk It 5.13
Louck. 0 It, t 14 blk St.. 33.35
Madra Townsite Company,
lot S-S blk 23 6.13
Madras Townsite Company,
lot 7 blk S3' '. J.56
Madra Townsite Company,
lot 10 blk 22 S.66
Hammond, Paulina K, lot 11
blk 22 J 57
Brettell, Cha A. lot 13 blk
22 2.56
Madras Townsite Companv,
lot 13 blk 22 .'. J.57
Madras Townsite Companv.
lot 1-S blk 23 5.08
Madras Townsite Companv,
lots 4-5 blk S3 SOS
Kills. W A. lot 6-7 blk 23.. S.08
Memlenhall, J W, lot 3 blk
2 1.02
Barber, W C. lot 3 blk 24.. 1.02
Madras Townsite Company,
lots 6-6 blk 24 .'. 2 05
nedrliiKtield, J K, lot 8-9
blk 24 . 17.45
Madras Townsite Company,
lot 11 blk 24 1,03
Madra Townsite Company,
lot 3-4 blk 25 7.70
Madias Townsite Companv,
lot 5 to 7 blk 25
Madras Townsite Company,
lot 9 blk 25
Madra Townsite Company,
lot 12 blk 25 '.
Madras Townsite Company,
lot 14 blk 25 ".
Madras Townsite Company.
lots I to 3 blk 27 2.32
Madras Townsite Companv.
lot 5 blk 27
Gard, J L. lot 6 blk 27
Madra Townsite Company,
lot 3 blk 28 .",
Riihen, John, lot 2 blk 29. . .
Madras Townsite Companv.
lots 3-4 blk 29
Madras Townsite Companv,
lots 7-8 blk 29 '.
Mornach, Jame. lot 9 blk
Madras Townsite Company,
lot 12 blk 29 ".
Lotieks, llattle S. lots 1-3 blk
Branstetter. C W, lot 3 blk 30
Madras Townsite Companv.
lots 6 to 9 blk 30 6.16
Branstetter, G W, lot 12 blk
30 2 67
' blk 30
, Branstetter,
C, V, lots 1 to 3
blk 31 35.91
Madras Townsite Company,
lots 4-5 blk 31 6.13
Madras Townsite Company,
lot 11 blk 31 ;. . 2.56
Madras Townsite Company,
lot 3 blk 32 '. 5.13
Branstetter, H J. lots 5 to 7
blk 32
Madras Townsite Company,
lot 8-9 blk 32 . .
Gray, Samuel K, lots 6-7 blk
;1 "
Key. H G, lots 9-10 blk 33. . .
Hammond, Pauline K, lot 11
blk 33 5.13
Barkley, Kaunle. lot 5 blk 34. 5.13
Madras Townsite Company,
lot 6 blk 34 5.13
Madras Townsite Company,
lots 6-7 blk 35 4.10
I Madras Townsite Company,
j lots 13-14 blk 35 4.10
.Madras Townsite Company,
lots 1-2 blk 36 5.14
Madras Townsite Companv,
I lots 3-4 blk 37 '. 5.13
Branstetter. SV J. lot 1-2 blk
Branstetter, V Z, lots 3-4 blk
Madras Townsite
lot 5 blk 38 . . .
Madras Townsite Company.
lots 10-11 blk 38
Branstetter, M J, lots 13-14
blk 38
Madras Townsite
lots 2-3-4 blk 39
Madras Townsite Company,
lots 13-14 blk 39
Jackson, J H, lot 2 blk 40. . .
Madras Townsite Comnanv.
5 13
lots 3-4 blk 40 2.58
Madras Townsite Companv.
lot 7 blk 40 '. i
Bell. H L. lot 9 blk 40 1.2'J
Madras Townsite Comnanv.
lots 10-11 blk 40
Randolph, II. lot 13 blk 40. . .
I'addock, H L. lot 14, bik 40.
Madras Townsite Companv,
lots 1-2 blk 4 1 '
1 27
Madras Townsite Comnanv.
lot 5 blk 41 ". 1.(1 3
Madras Townsite Company,
lot 8 blk 41 ', 1.80
Madras Townsite Company,
lots 11-12 blk 41 2.06
Fratuescan Order, lots 13-14
blk 41 2.83
Madras Townsite Company,
lots 1-4 blk 42 3.r,7
Madras Townsite Company,
lot 5 blk 42 78
Madras Townsite Company,
lots 1 to 7 blk 43 5.91
Madras Townsite Company,
lot 8 blk 45 1.27
Madras Townsite Company,
lots 9 to 14 blk 45 6.94
Madras Townsite Company,
lots 3-4 blk 46 2.05
Madras Townsite Company,
lots 8-9 blk 4B 2.32
Madras Townsite Company,
lots 13-14 blk 4 6; lots 1 to
7 blk 47 8.72
Madras Townsite Company,
lots 9 to 14 blk 48 4 88
Huh. liloi k 1, Tract A
Madras Townsite Company,
lots 1-3 blk 1 1.54
Madras Townsite Comnanv.
lots 7-9 blk 1
Madra Townsite Company,
lot 7 blk 2
Madras Townsite
lots 1-4 blk 2 .
Madras Townsite Company,
lots 3-4 blk 3
Hub. Tract It
Madras Townsite Company,
lots 1 to 4 blk 1
Johnson, J F, lot 5 blk 1. . , .
White, J I), lot 7 blk 1
Madras Townsite Company,
lot 8 blk 1
Madras Townsite Company,
lots 3-5 blk 2
Madras Townsite Company,
lot 8 blk 2
Hub. Tract C
Townsite Company.
lots 5 to 7 blk 1
lots 1-2
blk 2 3,08
Madras Townsite Company,
lots 3 to 7 blk 2 1.28
Madras Townsite Company,
lotB 13-14 blk 2 1.03
Livery Feed and Sale Stable
In Cornett Stage Barn
Prineville, Oregon
Special attention given to the traveling Public.
Hay 25c a day per head. -Give
us a call.
Express and Passenger
Stage Line
Thrii bourn IWwc'n Keilninml mid I'rlnevllle, lure $.f).
Aui'tit tor Nort.diru. t,t. Northern mid Ami-rti-aii Kxpres O
(ttll.e open fnmi 7 . in to 6 i. in ; .Stmdit.v S to I ;:I0.
Ollh'e nt riiimvr Civoiii i it.
D. P. Adamson & Co.,
For Drugs, Patent Medicines, Chemicals
Lowney's Candies, Ice Cream Soda, Sta
tionery and Prescriptions see
D. P. Adamson & Co.
Cream Separators
Sold on Easy Terms
Prineville, Oregon
Railroad Rates Reduced
From September 25 to October 10
To Points on The
AtlaBta. Ga 'r'170From Kansas City, Mo. ,
l'.OBton, Mass 55.15
Buffalo, N. Y 47.50
Cairo, 111. 39 yg
Charleston, 8. C 54.75
Chatanooga, Tenn 48.40
Chicago, 111 38.00
Cincinnati, 0 42.85
Cleveland, 0 44.75
ColumhuB.0 44 60
Detroit, Mich 43 50
Oen MoinBH, la 32.84
Duluth, Minn 80.00
Kvan&ville, Jnd 40.10
Indianapolis, Ind 40.60
CorrrRponding reductions from other
help plan their tripT Deposit, Vym-nt "T th: 'ZZ K M
aicents and tickets delivered at eastern noints l.v tl, 1. flcc"I'te".,,y
:"".. A .rr : " ""K"". "
for further information regarding stopovers, etc., apply to
R. II. CROZIKR. A. (i. P A P.wti.i 1' '
9-l-3t H. BAUKOL. Ant(ir,.n t..;'i"i t,, . ..
. '
Sliinglin, MoultlitK, Windows,
Doors, Ulniwtw, Kto. Klo., Ktc,
U' 19
Jourdan & Son
Cream Co.
LouiHville, Ky 42.85
Memphis. Tenn
55 00
Milwaukee,Wis . ,
Minneapolis. Minn
Nashville. Jenn . . .
New York, N. Y . ,
Omaha, Neh 30.00
l'eoria 111 37 00
Philadelphia. Pa 54 75
Pittsburg. Pa 47.00
Richmond, Va 54.75
Sioux City, I gn'oo
St. Louis, Mo 37.00
St. Paul, Minn 3o!oO
Superior, Wis 30.00
points. If you will advim tlm'rw
wm nave a raprHcnntat ve call ami
'" 1'nyiiiniii 01 tlcknts will I)
I at eastern points by tulerapti.
ivy., ivoumonu, Ure.
Kilrxl your Deed? Of Course.
An Abstract?
(Vrtitlnly fVer.vonn lain an ltr-t now.
IHi von know where your cot tier nr.
M'ejl, No, Not i'll,
Brewster Engineering Company,
I'rtiii'villn, Oregon, will lornia ihm ,
votl and itnnraiititi Ilia wmk. Survnv
l"H, I'lsltlug, Irrigation Kngiiu.nrlliJ.
I'lioiw I'l wr H. I
Chamo Smith. Pronr
Imported and Domestic
4 Famous Whiskies t
Crow; I Irrmitnge; Red V
J Top Rye; Yellow Stone;
5 Canadian Cluli; Crcnm If
5 Rye; James L f
Moore a Malt.
Porter, Ale and Olympia
Draft Beer on Tap.
i .
t Imported Wines and
Jr aft 4fW
The Brosius Bar
Finest Brands of Wines,
Liquors and Cigars.
F. E, BROSIUS, Proprietor
Coroner's Coctail
Mix thren chorus (jirl with
a many men ami potik in
cliampaifti until midnight,
Stjnecite into an suto. AiM a
J sh tl joy a nil n drunken
chauffer. Shuku well, ,Ssrv ut
aevettly mile an hout
And do not foriM that do
all kinix of ilioto work. If
you are wanting Imying or
harvesting pictures, gt our
prices. Wo are constantly
Sliding IIhw Hinrultm ifnil
lining better work. See our
Inii'ni work ami he eon vi need.
Amateur flnlxhltiu: done tn ully
imil quickly. Mull orders itt
tenib'il In promptly. Pluilu
w ork excliimiti'il lor wood,
We Strive to I'Iciimh
Fruit Trees!
Central Oregon Crown
The only kind you run itffnrd
for one. Prices low ciuhikIi
to surprise you.
Lafollette Nursery Co.
0 0 Oregon
The Oregon Bar
At the Old Stand
G. W. Wiley & Co., Prps
All kinds of Choice Liquors
Wines and Cigars.
Famous Ranier Beer in
Bottles and on Draft.