Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, September 18, 1913, Image 8

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    ill I kr JA'
The Clothes You Wear are
a compliment to YOU. The better
they look the more favorably you
commend yourself and your abilities.
OtherPeople Admire theMan
whose appearance is in his favor. They judge him as
a man of character and good taste.
That is why the
guncerttp ClotijcS
we're showing here will help you in
your daily contact with the world. They're strongly
expressive of caracter in the strong individuality of
every line and shape; stylish but not dandified.
$ 12.50 to
Raton L.
The Sincerity
September Term
of County Court
Concluded from Page Five.
Gas Ferguson -r..
A M Lara "
Mri G H Furat
L L Fox, dep sheriff ,
John steidl. Juror
Sam Collins "
Larsen " -
Thomtnwaite, juror
R p Mmter "
CCPrinitle "
1 so
16 00
1 .VI
Mrs Mary Martin, witness
Mrs Thos Munsey
Tlllie Bates "
Geo 8 Young "
H C Ellis '
Wm Staats witness
A R Donahue
G W Bogue -
Roy Follx "
Mrs Liddy Golden, witness
A V Bassett "
Fred Bassett "
I so
1 so
1 50
1 50
1 50
1 50
1 M
1 50
1 to
1 30
lola Bassett, witness
Frisco Frisco "
Jas gemvalle "
Bardino Prisco
Columbo Frisco "
Verna Smith, work in supt office .
Robt Jordan, serving subpoenas
Mrs Pearl Davenport, care Fleetwood..
j V)
, ,-
1 so
l to
to oo
f Ui
n so
Z T McClay, serving subpoenas 5 25
J E Myers, teacher's institute 275 00
Clinton Huston, bookcase, J3.25 continued
Uvjae Hospital, care poor 'J7i 00
Freii A Rice, stamps, etc 12 Oo
H Grimes, viewer 32 00
R E Galloway, chainmaa 2 Oo
F L Rice " 10 00
Geo W Wells, viewer
Fred A Rice, surveyor's lees
X! oo
1-5 ot)
Floyd A Rowell, dep asuesBor 200 00
Clarence Rice, work for surveyor 150 00
D P Adamson & co, mdse paupers 62 80
- sundriesIorom. es..... 13 00
JGerardo, interpreter Mastro case 10 (
W c Hollinshead, serving subpoenas.. . 15 oo
j w Dennis " " 4 oo
Omar Wilson, carpenter work surveyor... 45 00
prineville Review, publishing notices... 3 50
A H Kennedy, justice tees 2 &5
Madras pioneer, pub for supt 5 20
Deschutes Power co, light and water 136 35
H T Belknap, county physician Ill 00
Dr W H Snook, care poor 11 50
Mrs Michel, mdse I 50
W F King CO, auto repairs 18 30
Mrs H J Kernbach, exp sty case, S11.50. . con't
Geo Brewster, exp water master 140 00
Geo Brewster, sal July and August 200 C
8 ti Ellis, deputy water raahter 144 00
Frank Maddox, deputy water master 125 00
Dr t" C Coe, help lor paupers 9 25
R L Jordan, extra services 66 00
E A feather, mdse for paupers 7 10
John Mllllorn, justice leei, a no
H H Clow, cash for sundries 24 13
E H Smltn, auto repairs -2 oo
Van Morse, freight on gasoline 20 CO
Warren Brown, express and stamps 11 ft'i
J Stewart 4 co, mdse 3 15
Foster 4 Hyde, mdse 1 so
Pioneer Tel 4 Tel co, services 115 51
Glasai Prudhomme, supplies a 12 22
French Drug co, aupplies 6 00
Hobart Belknap, auto hire t
Mabel Doak, work supt office 5 oo
Clothes Shop
Mailrai Pioneer, pub proceeding 20 00
i E Myers, exp money 1C0
Central Oregon Garae, gal stale eng.
Hotel Metollui. meals...
W K Biler. meals, etc
State ol Orvgou, Lord's Oregon Laws .
9 00
B 00
John C. Shaw Is In receipt of a let-
l so ter rrom nis Drotner, I nomas naw,
ISO who is now in Kurope purchasing
1 so thorough-bred cattle for James J. Hill,
l so giving the information that many arts
1 60 tocnatic bovines will be added to Mr.
Hill's herd. The very best which can
be found across the water are being
selected, and the question of price is
not entering into the matter to any
great extent, as 2,000 has been paid
for a bull, and others are being
bought at correspondingly high prices.
The letter states that twenty-eight
"shorthorns and twelve Ayrshire have
been purchased, and that the writer
I has visited many lands before buying
'the shorthorns, as be was determined
'to get only the best. He continues:
I "I am positive that we bave bought
j the best herd of shorthorns that ever
left England. The average price for
them was JtiOO, and for the Ayrshire,
jr.O. One of the bulls cost j:!00, and
was a 4-year-old at that. No one can
tell me dual purpose cattle cai.not be
bred. The highest priced cattle in
England are the dual shorthorns.
Many give 10,000 pounds of milk per
year, and at the same time produce
ine D8t of beef steers. I have secured
j twenty-two Oxfords and twenty-two
Shropshire sheep, and Mr. Hill has
cabled me to get three Angus bull,
"u 1 una iuiokui iw uCI-
deen, Scotland, to get, them."
Defore returning, Mr. Shaw will visit
Holland for the purpose of obtaining
a herd or Holsteins, and from mere
will go to France to buy French dairy
cattle, a breed little known in this
Mr. Shaw was for several years
head of the agricultural college at
IJuelph, Ontario, and was afterward aa
instructor in the University of Minne
sota. He is the author of fifteen
works on agriculture, many of them
being used as text books In the dif
ferent colleges, and is designated by
James J. Hill as one of the befit If not
the best agriculturalist In America
Work Wanted."
ISy woman with Klrl 10 years old
a place to work in private family
where Klrl can have school privileges
K'-rcrences exchanged. Mrs, i,. M
Kussell, Fife, Oregon. 9-18-2t
Hay for Sale.
Fifty tons choice alfalfa nt the
NeWHom creek ranch. Address Nam
Newsoin Jr., 1'ont, Oregon. 9-11-lmp
Church Services
Sunday morning at 10 o'clock
Prof. Smith and hi earnest corps
of teacher will conduct Bible school
at the Methodist church. Send the
children, or better, bring them.
They will receive careful and wise
instruction. At 11 o'clock the
pastor will preach on "The Immor
tality of the Soul."
The young people' social hour
will be held from 7 to 8 p. m.
The pastor's subject in the even
ing will be, "America's Greatest
Problems, the Oppression of the
Laborer by the Rich, and the
Proper Attitude of the Church
Toward This Problem." Miss
Blanche Williams will sing, "He
Was IMspised," from the Messiah.
John E. Williams, pastor.
Christian services at the Union
church next Sunday as follows:
Bible school, 10 a. m. Morning
worship, 11 a. m. Chiistian En
deavor, 7 p. m. Preaching. 8 p. m.
You will be made welcome at all
these services. At the evening ser
vice the minister will wear overalls
and a colored shirt. Wear your
every-day clothes and come to
church. Character, and not cloth.s.
should be the standard. Geo. H.
Ramsey, pastor.
There will be regular services at
the Presbyterian church next Sun
day, both morning and evening.
Mrs. C. M. Elkins will sing a solo
in the morning and Mrs. Lakin will
sing in the evening.
Rev. Father Butler of Hermiston
will hold services at Stewart Hall
Sunday morning at 10 o'clock.
You Live Better
Than Kins of Old
ALL the great rulers of the
earth from King Solo
mon to Peter the Grout were
at a disadvantage compared
with the citizens of today.
Not one of thetu had s bath
room with a porcelain tub
and modern plumbing in bis
pulace. Not one of them used
a safety razor. Inid an apiw
tizlug break fust food, used a
telephone or enjoyed the
comforts of nn electric light
All these are within the reach
of rich and poor today. All
are enjoyed by rich and poor.
You are better off than Em
peror Napoleon, Itauieses II.
or Louis XIV. You have con
venience they never Imag
ined or dreamed about. Chief
among them are the modem
newspaper nnd Its advertise
ments and advertised wares.'
Are yS'U getting all the good
out of life that is possible?
You are not if you neglect
to resd the advertisements
and to buy the articles that
are advertised. Comforts,
luxuries and necessities are
offered to you in grent profu
sion, and the fact that they
are advertised proves that
the articles are reliable.
Will Exchange for Wood
If you have wood nnd want n
Newtnu or Talking Machine, here Is
your chance. We have some (food
offers. Come in and nee. L Kamhtha,
the Jeweler. Prineville, Ore. 0-18
Dressed Chickens for Fair Week
Or at any time. Ai.icb I). Phatt.
Ladies' Tailored Suits at Reduc
Mrs. Wright, who represents Hie
American Ladies Tailoring Company,
has just received a tine line of samples
lor iali and winter stilts. All who. order
before August 2'iil will act a ten per
cent discount.
Fresh fruits and berries, ice cream
and sodas can always he found at Mrs.
Wright's Confectionery Ktoro. 7 31tf
Team and Harness for Sale
Team weighs about 1250; new liar
ness. Apply to ramelia names on
(iarter place, half mile east of town on
Oclioco. 94 2tp
Call for Warrants
Notice Is hereby (riven that all Gen
eral r ii lid County Warrants no ti
and Incliidlnir retrlHtered No. 131!l.wlll
be paid ou presentation to the county
treasurer. No interest paid after
this date.
September 11, WIS.
It. I.. .loltllAN,
County Treasurer of Crook County
Order books are now open for Ford
automobiles. K. M. Hathaway. Crook
County agent, 1'rineville, Ore. K-7
Lots for Sale Cheap
Ilosldenee lots, close In, near public
school. Inquire of Wade Huston. 7-
For Trade.
40 acres one mile from Oregon Cit
to trade for irrigated land. See I). H
Peoples, Adamson bldg. 7-24-tf
Shumia's Begin
The club mot at the home of
Mrs- IVarl Kayler. Suturday, with
Mrs. I'.eorge Millican as hostess.
After the regular routine of busi
ness the following officer were
elected: President, Mrs. lVarl Kay
lor; viee-iresiilent, Mrs. Ci. N. Clif
ton; secretary, Mrs. Collins Klkins;
treasurer, Mrs. J. H. Rost'iiberir.
Delegates were also elected to at
tend the Federation which meets
October 6-0 at Hood Uiver. Those
elected were Mesdanics Kayler and
Reminiscences of the summer
were given by different members. At
the close of the meeting refresh
ments were served by the hostess.
Redmond People
Coining to the Fair
Redmond Spokesman: It U
now loo intention ot me Keu-
intind Commercial Club to have a
gxul exhibit from tho Kodtnnnd
district at tho Crook County
Fnir, to be held in Prineville Sep
tember 'J3 to S7. Committees
are out interesting the farmers
in the matter and urging them to
prepare suitable exhibits for the
Owing to the early date at
which the fair is held this yer
it may not be possible for this
section to show as good a display
of root crops as lat yar, but
the grains, grasses, fruits, etc.,
will show up this part of the
county to good advantage.
Lust year this section captured
23 first prizes at the county fair,
and bad the best all around ex
hibit of grains, grasses, root
crops, etc., of any section in the
county- Tho Kedmond and
Powell Butte exhibits were ex
hibited side by side and occu
pied nearly a third of the floor
space in the exhibition pavilion.
The attendance of Kedmond
people and farmors in this vi
cinity at the fair promises to be
as lurge this year as last, for the
ex 'client attractions tho fair
management has secured In the
way of stock show, etc., will be
an interesting drawing card.
Portland Cattle Market
Iveceipts for the weok have
been Cattle 1812:1; calves IWl; ,
hogs 2471; sheep 5030 '
A large increase in both cuttle
and swine receipts has boon
noticeable the last few days, but
sheep lidquidation was much
lighter. With the advent of sta
ble quantities of live stock the
market became active and inter
esting. Monday's cattle receipts
was one of tho largest of tho year
and contained a lot of good beef.
The fS steer top was not dis
turbed and a few choice lots
brought fB .10, fS.13 and .25
Hulk of steer sales $7.30('.$7.70.
Cow stuff never attained the 7c
mark but a lot of good ones sold
0.75 and f0.85. Calves steady
$8.50 to 9 and bulls 6 to 10 50.
Beef outlook is bettor and ab
sorbed over 1500 head this webk.
The swine trade suffered a
sudden set back - and is in pro
cess of ad justing itself for the an
nual fall liquidation. Prices
broke a quarter and best li, tit
hogs sold in bulk $8.75 to ?'.).
Receipts were liberal, demand
Meals at the Fair Qrounds
The ladles of the Baptist church
will serve meals on the fair grounds
during tho County Fair. Meals 35
cents, except Wednesday, when they
will serve chicken illnner at Inly
cents. Children twenty-live cents.
Last Weed Warning.
liy direction of the city council of
the city of Prineville, Oregon, you
are hereby notllled ol the exlstatice
of noxious weeds on your premises
and streets and alleys adjacent
thereto, and that the same are
trrowlnn and existing thereon In
violation of Ordinance No. '.'07 anil
of the State I.nv. Unless the said
weeds are cut and exterminated In
accordance with said ordinance
within seven days from tho date of
this notice, prosecution shall be In
stituted In the recorder's court for
noncompliance with said ordinance.
Dated this lKth (lay of Sept., P,il:i.
T, K. .1. I)i -.'v,
9 1H It City Attorney.
For a abort time we have sub
ject to our disposal
for loans on highly improved
irrigated ranches in the vicin
ity ot Prineville. Loan to
he for lo.tHHlor more and run
from 3 to 5 years, iih inter
est at 8 per cent, payable annually-
We charge a smai'. romuiission
to l.a paid by the borrower.
with Central Oregon Title A
Trust Co. 6 10
Prineville, Oregon
l Wusm
Central Oregon
Well Co.
Contractors for Well
Drilling and Prospect
Holes. Depth Guar,
anteed ...
Dealer in full line of well aupuliaa.
Gasoline Engines, Pump. Etc.
Culver, Oregon
For Sale
JO0 acre ol nixxl (arntlnii ground. 30
a. in atfalla, all in cultivation, s nillxa
northwest ol I'mieville, 1 mile (rom
railway atirvey. All tlie larm iniil
nienta. sonin liornea and cow go with
the place. Place ha .V) acr water riglit.
for liirlliei rurtiiar iiimne or write
I'rlie Ccohow, lone JtiniMr Itanih,
Prineville, Ore. 8 "lt(
W. A.
The Dalln
Notice for PiihllaUiou.
m piirtiiu nt of the Interior.
I'. S. Land tlltlce lit The lnlle. Or.
iSepteailier 6th, 1113.
Notice Is herein- jjlveii that
Walter C. Mt'Nely
of Prineville, Oregon, who, on April
tilth, l'.HO, made Homestead Fuiry
No. U6I74, for swj scl, c '(. and
nwj sJ section i. township lti
south, range lti east, Willamette
Meridian, has Hied notice ol Inten
tion to make Dual Three- Year proof,
to establish claim to the laud above
dexcrilM-d, Is-fore Timothy J.
Iniffv. I'. S. CoinmlsBloner, at Prine
ville, Oregon, on the 14th day of
OctolsT, ll:i.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Clarence C. McNelly, Kdgar J. Iltindy,
II. Karl Cross. William W. Davis, all
ol Prineville. Oregon.
II. Fkank WoOIS'lM K,
9-llp Iteglstcr.
Hotlc lor Publication.
li purtmeiit of the Interior
I'. S. Land Olllce, The Dalles, Ore.
August With, PJlX
Notice Is hereby given that
1 m In 11. Siinds
of Barnes, Oregon, who, on April
4th. 11110. made Homestead htitry .No
Ohllli?, for Lots 1, 2, II, 4, swj ni-J. s1,
nwj, and nwj swj section 3, town
ship lit south, range '.'1 east, Willam
ette Meridian, has tiled notice ol In
tcntlon to make Html three-year
proof, to establish claim to the land
atiove ilescrllied, licfore (.-tiaries a
Hhermau. I'. S. Commissioner, at
Fife, Oregon, on the 3rd day of No
vember, 11113.
Claimant, names as witnesses
Arthur I,, liennett. John O. Morris,
Iteuben F.ngstrotti, Harrison liarnes,
all of liarnes. Oregon.
H FltANK WoollCOI'K,
IMS Register
Lumber for Sale
Hough liimlicr ol all kinds, good qual
ity, for sale at the Kussell Saw Mill on
Vtaie Creek. Also IB-inch wood at 1.2.r
a load. A load means all that two
horses can pull. Don't forget the place,
For Sale.
A 45-horse power Case traction en
glue nnd log trucks, will sell on
reasonable utiiis. It, I,, Jones at Co
Howard, Ore. 7-3
Leave Your Laundry at. Dick Dar
Hug's burlier shop. Sent to Keud
every Monday. Luckey llonny, local
agent. Notify him and he will cull
for It. 7-3 J. Knu aiiii Laiihon.
I A A P Loclne meets everyTues
1 V. J. r. day tiiiiht.
Strangers welcome.
Olio. Noiii.k, N. (I.J Hhht Hahnks,
V.O.j T. L. Coon, Hoc. ; C. li. Din win
ix k, 'i'rreas.
For flue Oak Hcfrlgcralors see A.
II. Llppmnn & Co. 6-12
Pictorial Review Patterns at
lOlklns' Store. 8-28
!Ptofasstr.ital Cards.
Ilygwnle, Dietetic and Natural Therapeu.
Ilea, I lironir Fiervuue Ihaoruert
a wUltv.
Drugleta Physician
Ilmire 9 to IV or by aiioolntiiienl.
II 18 lioolna 10-11 Cornell Mullilllitf.
W. P. MrKss N. U. Wallacs
Kamalra Bid's, Prinevllla, Ore
J. H, Hell A. W. hlina
Crook County Abstract Co.
(tnr) Suceaaaura la
II. 1 1 oner Almtract Co,
I'rtnovillv, orvgua
The J
Prof. A. W. Grater,
Divine Healer
OltU-e In Morrla HiilldinK llin-e door
urn ill ul Journal ulllce,
Prineville, Oregon
Civil and Irrigation Engineer
Kom II AdaiiiiHiii llld'n
Prineville, Ore.
Dr. Howard (Jove
Crook Count Bank Building
CaM oweW prmmptjr mjf 9r mifi
Belknap Cdtvards
(County I'hjf .1. Ian.)
WaeoZe. On.,,
(Huccnaur I" W. A. Hrll)
C, c ri'
Cornett llulldlng, Hoom A
Cauji Awast Ha oa Niaal
lavewra. Sth ofljca aa ru
d.uos Ivl.iihouva,
Prim. 4 1 I . . Or,f.m
Willard II. Wirtz
Office In M. It. Hlggs' olllce.
I'litsr vil.l K OllldON
C. SSrmk
J. Trendies Fox
M. It. t'. H. Klin; and I.. H. A. I.ntidni
l.iriuice Orvirun Hiali Mwlienl hoard,
Sectnl!il In Hurnry; liyKicn; All-
meutMry (anal; wuiiteii and ctilldruui
ilixraiu-a. .to
ornif anit ivntrnr Tlilrrl alnwl nnarCnurt
II'iiimi. T.U.1 lloiiwr, l alia nwrp4
imiiuptly. lOailt ur (lav. Cliarsa imiilrala
Hot lc of Final Accounting.
Notice Is hereby given by the un
dersigned, the administratrix ol the
estate ol Joseph II. Delore, deceased.
to all persons Interested In said es
tate that she has made mid tiled
with the c ity clerk ol the county
ol Crook, Oregon, her Html account.
Ing ol her administration ol said es
tate, and that the court has fixed
Saturday, thei'dli day ol October,
11113, at the county court room, In
Prineville, Oregon, as the time and
place lor hearing and settling said
llnikl accounting.
Dated this 17th day of September,
11)13, at Prineville, Oregon.
Administratrix ol the estate ol
Joseph 11. Delore, deceased.
T. K. J. Duffy, attorney for the
Cray iimre, HoO pounds, bell on,
should have colt; M-bnr left stllle.
Hay tnare. IKK) pounds, harness
marked, M left stllle, triangle on
Jaw. Day mare, IK Hi pounds 1
shoulder, P on Jaw ; should have
cult. Hay two-year-old inure, ON on
left, shoulder. Hay two-year-old sum,
when Mt.rii.ved NO on left shoulder.
Sorrel mare, two years old, ON on
left shoulder. Frank W. Petinlngtou,
Connelly. Ore. U-ll
Notic for Publication.
De)artment of the Interior,
U.S. Land Olllce, The Dalles, Or.
September 4th, 1913.
Notice Is hereby given that
Walter Taylor
of Rend, Oregon, who, on March 23il,
llllll, tninle Homestead Hntry No.
Otti'.KI, for eel mid swi ncl, siTtlon 2,
township W south, range IS east
Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice
of Intent Ion to make II mil Three
Year proof, to establish claim to tho
laud above described, before II. C.
Kills, li. H. Commissioner, at Head.
Oregon, on the 25th day ol October,
Claimant, names as witnesses:
Walter llolllaml, San I W. Merrill,
Oliver Oai-ratt, all of llend, Oregon;
Sam Samson of Held, Oregon.
II. Fiiank Wooiicock,
9-ll) Heniider.
Melville Sewing Machines for rent.
J. F Stkwaut & Co. 6-1