. h Crook County League Pear Members: Do not forget to cut this letter out and put it into your Bible each week until your league cards arrive; and then be sure to read your daily portion: Sunday, August 17 Luke 19, 25-3S Monday, " l! Tuesday, " IS Wednesday, " 20 Thursday, " 21 Friday, " 22 Saturday, " 23 21. 1-13 22, 14-23 22. 24-SS 22, 39-53 22. 54-71 23. 1-12 Mothers, please choose one verse aud read it to your little ones as their daily creed. See Matthew IV. 4. Memorize (to be ready for prizes at fair time): "Life is short, and we aave never too much time for gladdening the hearts of those who are traveling the dark journey with us. Oh, be swift to love, make haste to be kind!" Sincerely, L. A. Hollow ay, M. A. Hadleigh College, School and Kindergarten Opens Sept. 1 in Jordan Building Principal, Mrs I..A.llollowny,M A.. Houornmn Scholar ot Melbourne Vnivendty, Australia, for eight years principal of a large college In Mel bourne. Assisted by a trained kin dergarten teacher and later ou by other teachers. Piano Music, Miss It. Williams. Violin, Mrs. Fdwards. Fee, 5.00, 14 00 and f-'l 00 per month according to grades. When members Increase tees will lie re duced. Scholars can be enrolled at 11:30 a. in. and 5:00 p. hi , at Mr. Tetersou's furniture exchange, opposite the Vulon Church. HADLEIGH Jordan Building, Prineville College Home for the Public School Girls Dear Friends: Here is our Cot tage Boarding Home under a new name. We are now ready to receive ap plications for senior girls attending the high school or for junior girls attending the grammar school. I, myself, promise each and every girl a. warm loving welcome, a mother's care and a tutor's help as a university graduate. We hope to have French and German spoken in the home and free conversation classes in both languages. Pianos will be available and Miss Williams of Oberlin Conservatory will attend the college for music pupils. Healthy amusements and social evenings wili be arranged for our students and their friends. The charges are merely to meet bare expenses. Prof. Myers says he is ready and willing to give our Col lege Home his moral support. Students may enter the College Home under one of three proposi tions: 1. If students are willing to take their share in the general home work the charges are to cents per week for the Home accommoda tions with all its comforts and privileges. ?2 per week for food. 2. If students do not wish to do any house work or are too young to do so, an extra charge of $2 per week will be made to pay another student to work for them. 3. Students can earn their own fees by working for juniors or extra payment students. All students are required to sup ply bed, bedding, house linen, crock ery for self, and one chair for com mon dining hall, and to conform to a few necessary home rules. The success of the College Home depends, dear friends, upon your appreciation of our ef forts on behalf of your girls. Please send in applications for idmittance to the College Home at once if possible or not later than September 1. Address all letters to Mrs. Hollo way, Prineville, or call and see me at Furniture Exchange, opposite Union church, at 11:30 a. m. or 5 p. m. Yours sincerely, L. A. Holloway, M. A. on Jackrabbil pesl This paper has received and printed several communications con cerning the jack rabbit pest in Crook county and since we are not mentioned in the following afticle it j Wor re full or those sad stones is time this county got busy and J "- too late does the hunter brought the attention of this eom-"rn that he has snutTed out a pre mission to the extermination of 'ous '''l- rabbits in Crook county. ! Tno Jitate noarJ of Kish an'' Gamo First definite steps ou the ,mrl ! I'ommiwionen have devised a sys of the state of Oregon to externa jtom whervby much of this acciden- nate the pest of jackrabbits which has been on the increase n eastern Oreirou for years veto' taken yesterday by the com j mission recently appointed bv .. ... . ' Governor Oswald West. A . meeting of the commission WM,"nJ otnor organizations. lie asks held at which the ways and . CVtfry "'an who invades the woods means of giving relief to the ! -ve these regulations. The farmers of Malheur. Harney, j Usance of these rules and the Lake -nd Umatilla counties were memorizinu of the distress signals discussed. The consensus of , opinion was that "drive" is the method. Present at the the concerted I most efficient' meeting were Game Warden William L. ley. State Veterinarian W. Kin-itiele H Lytle. L. A. Lewis and Professor H. W. llenshaw of Washington, D. C, . chief of the bioloL'ierl sur- vey of the department of agri culture. Mr. llenshaw hannened to be in the city and was called upon to give his expert advice and suggestions, lie pledged the cooperation of the survey. , the expectation of killing game. It and said the department might , is dangerous, for the moving object send a man to Oregon to assist is likely to be a man. Never shoot the commission in planning the 'at any object until you are abso crusade. lutely positive of identification. Mr. Henshaw has made a life! To prepare for an emergency study of animals, particularly !every hunter and angler should the wild species of the United carry in his puckot a piece of candle States. His studies have taken ano matches in a water tight match him all over the world, and hegafe in case of becoming lost or has made particular study of the, injured, one can readily start a rabbit pest in Australia. He 'camp fire. told of the inefficacy ofinocula or distress signal: When a tion as a remedy, declaring the man js ost or injuroJ and needs injectiou of disease germs into help, a signal by shooting should be rabbits, which were afterward turned loose among their kind, KoH cnnirn little if onir fQa ro. ' suit. Trie commission decided that it would encourage the killing and marketing of jack rabbits in larger numbers than hitherto. It will insist, however, that the animals shipped to the cities for food must be properly dressed, just as are chickens or turkeys, so the flesh will be wholesome and the display in the markets at tractive. The commission also will en courage the use of the fur or ViiHp nf Ibp iur-lr rahhit to n. more , T , .... extensive degree. Information , , . . ,. , ,. , secured from Australia tehs of the value of these Dkins, the whole idea in the southern conti nent being to exterminate the rabbits wherever possible and to ccmmercialize all the others "The value of the rabbit drive is proven in eastern Oregon, where between 10,000 and 13,000 were killed in three drives," said Mr. Finley after the con ference. "The virus method is regarded as worthless; the sur rounding of land with rabbit proof fencing brings only fair results. However, we are gather ing all the data we can and will get the aid of the biological sur vey to help us out.'' The increase in the number of rabbits is due to the killing olT of the coyotes, which are the natur al enemies of the bunnies. With the coyotes less numerous, the rabbits have had a chance to multiply faster than the casual hunter can pot them, until they have caused immense damage to the crops and gardens. Ore gonian. Will Exchange for Wood, If you have wood and want a Hew ing Machine, don't wait any longer. We have the New Home, the New Itoyal and lionlta that we will trade you. All lirst-claHH niachlni'H. M. Kamstra, the Jeweler, Prineville. 6-26 Wanted Reliable woman or girl for permanent position in small family in country. In (juire this ollice. 7-31tf To Exchange Will tra'le timber claim for auto mobile. AddrcHH P., Journal ollice. 7-10-lra Signal Code and Sug gestions for Hunters The nevspaiars have already re ported several deaths resulting from hunters shooting at moving object in the brush. Kvery season the t!kl oot,ng may w prevented ami the lost or distressed hunter found. State Game Warden William L VM h:'s ,nl htt suggestions R,ul n-KuIati.m. to every gun club t... .....n j .. .,.,o..... c an,. m lnal IO"ow- ",K ' "-' nwm 01 son, "u- To Prevent accidental shooting. every hunter should wear a red cap. shirt, or sweater, or some other ar- of clothing that can easily be identified from game birds and nnt- nials, especially when hunting deer in the forests. Since there is a con trust between red and the color of any bird or animal that is lieing hunted, this color will serve the best purpose. Hunters should never shoot at ' moving brush, leaves or grass with given. This signal will be the firing !0f a gun oncCi with an intermission of sixty seconds before the second shot, then an intermission of sixty seconds, then a third shot. If ro answer is received, this sigal should be repeated after an intermission of five -minutes. The answer to this signal would be a single shot from the rescuing party, followed by one recognition shot from the lost man. Care should be taken to get the time between shots as accurately as possible. Hunters should keep in mind this sigal and if possible avoid ; giving it when shooting game. In j the absence of a watch the time can be judged with sufficient accuracy , J , . 'by counting ten between the first i . , . . auu ntri-uinj cum aiALj ih.-l v ci. u the second and third shots. When ever a shot is heard in the moun tains a hunter should count ten to determine whether it is a distress signal or not. The person who is lost should, after hearing an answer to his sig nal, remain in the place where he gave the signal until the rescuing party arrives, otherwise he may take the opposite direction and not be founi at all. Lumber for Sale Rough lumber of all kinds, good qual ity, for Hale at the Kiissell Maw Mill on Vezie Creek. Also 16-inch wood at 1.25 a load. A load means all that two horses can pull. Don't forget the place. 7-17 Laundry Leave Your Laundry at Dick Dar ling's barber shop. Sent to Ilend everv Mo lday. Luckey Ilonny, local agent. Notify 111 in and he will call for It. 7-3 J. Howard Laiiho.v. For Sale Cheap Six lots with good bonne, barn and outbuildings, all under fence and im proved. Also has shade trees and a good garden. Address lock box 444 or inquire at this office. 7-31 Lost. On the stage road betwei n Sisters and Prineville, Tuesday, July 15, one lady's small handbag. Leave with C. L. Shattuck, Prineville, and get reward 7-17 Timber Claim for Sale Timber claim, 10 rnileH from Prine ville for sale cheap for cash. Apply to S. A. Prose, Prineville, Ore. 5 2!) lmpd For Trade. 40 acres one mile trom Oregon City to trade for irrigated land. Hen I). II. ruoi'LKS, AdamHon bldg, 7-21-tf Melville Sewing Machines for rent. J. E, Stbwaut & Co. 5-1 The Forest Insect Ravages Stopped The department at Washington in using the Uchoco National forest near Prineville as an oxerimont to demonstrate whether or not the pine bnrk beetlo can be destroyed, and has the following to say concerning this exiH'rimont: liy a prompt campaign against a flourishing colony of bnrk beetles on the Ochoco National Forest in Central Oregon, the government is eliminating n danger which threat ened to destroy millions of feet of timber. Some authorities claim that the amount of timber killed each year by insects is equalled only by the annual loss from forest fires. Among the most destructive of these insect enemies are the bark lieetlos, one of which, the mountain pine U-elle, is responsible for most of the dam age on the Ochoco forest. This deadly little beetle is less than a quarter of :, inch in length, but bears the ponderous scientific name of IVndroctonus Monticolae llopk, which, lieing interpreted, signifies killer of the mountain pine tree, discovered by Hopkins. Its methods of operation are inter- esting. The mature beetle bores through the bark of the tree and excavates a gallery in the inner living bark and in the outer surface of the wood in which it lays its eggs. When hatched each young larvae or beetle grub, channels into the growing portion of the trunk, feeding upon the inner bark. When fully grown, the larvae, after pass ing through a dormant or pupal stage, becomes a U-etle, This beetle then drills out through the bark in July, and emerging into the world seeks a fresh tree and starts a new generation. With this "chain letter" method it soon infests a large area. The galleries or chan nels of the laivae girdle the tree and kill it, and the beetle's pres ence is usually discovered, as it was in the Ochoco forest, by a patch of red-brown dead pine trees in the midst of a mountainside of green. In fighting this forest scourge, the method recommended by the Bureau of Kntomology is followed. The simple removal of the bark of infested trees between October and July, while the larvae are still in the tree, is sufficient to kill them. The lumber may then be sold while it is yet sound. On the Ochoco for est, however, there was no market, and the forest officers found that the cheaper and more effective method of control was to cut the trees and burn them before the new broods of beetles could emerge. In VJ2 the infestation was given a decided check by the cutting of 3,.r00 trees. This summer the at tack on the insects was resumed with renewed vigor, and 12 laborers, in charge of a forest officer, cut more than Lt.OilO trees. As a result of these vigorous measures, the government apparently has the beetles under control. For Sale. One header and three lieaderheds, 2 plows, 3 wagons, 1 single buggy, 2 work horses. Pim.nkvim.k Kkkd & Livkkv Staiilk, opposite postolllce. 7-17 For Sale. Two houses ou north side; one finished, 6 rooms; the other has II) roouiH, not all completed: good gar den, chlckrn park, etc. Price, If taken at once, $3(100. Address A. W. White, Prineville. 6-26-lm Header for Sale One 10-foot Deering header and three header boxes, to he had at a bargain. Phone or address L.I). Lafollette, Prine ville, Ore. 7 31-1 For Sale. A 4")-horHe power Case traction en gine and log trucks. Will sell on reasonable terms. It. K. Jones & Co. Howard, Ore. 7-3 Wood for Sale. Wood for rale at 1 1.75 and f.'i a cord at the yard ; 50c extra per cord de livered. P. I,. & W. Co. 110 Lost. One Airedale terrier dog ami one Airedale puppy. Answer to names of Hob and Zip. Jteturn to Thou. Hhurp Jr., and reeeivo reward of3. 8-7-tf For Sale A match team of black horses, 5 and 6 years old. See Chas. F. Con dart. 8-7tf Lots for Sale Cheap Residence lots, close In, near public school. I n j Hire of Wade Huston. 7-3 Notice of AucMtnent for Street Improvement. Nttlfl hereby given t hit I i mt lal litc-tliig of the i'Ii.t council of the city ol l'rlnevlllle, i'nmk enmity, Oregon, called for that purpiwn mid held ou IheJ.Mh day of July, 11113, ptirailiint to ordinance No. 201 of mild city, providing for the laying mid coiiKtriictlng of cement sidewalks a ml crMM walks on both allien of 'A" ntnvt lietween Second mrcet and l ift li t ni t In Prineville, Oregon, tlictho court may seem Just mid eipill. council proceeded to nm-ertnlti and j aide. determine the probable cost of mak ing sue li Improvements, and did at this time assess upon each lot ami part ol lot and parcel of ndjolnlug land liable therefor, Ha proportion ate share of audi costs as follows, to wit : Ol Iks CaM SU "A" Slrtl. I ell I, IU. I. lal A.I.I I'lty lrlll llti .. ! ia .. j .... i. j,, i ' . "I, " ,,,, ijii.im , ' I. .... IJUUI Si - i, s , uu.mi ",!," " " " .... I.1.IW " I. " i, " - iu.ui " J, " 3. - " .... I.iow " I. " I. " " " " .... I.1I.0U I - . ' J. . . . I .".111 I ' .1, " J. ' " .... 1.11 11 1 " . J. .... I ..' ; I'm reel of laud beginning nt a point .HI (et south of the nw corner of lot 1 block 3, First addition to Prlne. villi-, thence east pK) fi-et, thence south I'.i hit, thence west lisilnt. thence north LTi feet to the point of lsgltllllllg $ ol.lHI A pan-el of land beginning at a point v.i.'i f.vt south and forty feet ; itist of the nw corner of mrtiou !i, tow tishlp soul h, range pi C W. M , thence south (n., thence east pm feet, thence north ' ln-t. theme west lull fii-t to the point of beginning. being the south -." fn't of lot " bl.uk 3, first addition to prineville . ? IM Lot 3, block 3, f irst addition to Prineville ll'.'lino The north 'J7 (eel of lot 4, bbs k 3, ; l lrst addition to Prineville M (HI The south 13 leel ol lot I. Mock .1, ! First addition to Prineville , fcl-.l is i The north HTl fn-t of lot 5, bbs k 3. First addition to prlnev III.- XI The south i: feet of lot 5, l.hs k 3. I First addition to Prineville (Si', Lot i'i. bl.sk 3, First addition to Prineville firs! ml , Wtil S,i. at "A" Slrt. I The north 52 feet of lot I, block IS. i Prineville pr.'.IHl! The south Wl hi t of lot 1, block Is, I Prineville llMi.im j Lot 0, bbs k l Prineville :l7s (HI i North :i feet lot 1, blo.ik 11. I'rliiK. ; vllle .$141,111); A parcel of laud In-ginning nt n point :i."i ln't south of the lie corner ol lot 1, bl.sk 11, Prineville, tl it aolithlfeet 5 (m iles, west pit) feet. I north -".I fi-et 5 Incites, east Ilk) feet to the point of Is-glnnlng $nS Jfi, The South 4'.) fn-t 7 Inches of lot 1. bhs-k 11. Prineville f I4K.7.1 The north 28 feet of lot 6, bl.s k II. I Prineville M.OOj South m feet of lot 6, bbsk 11 J Prineville 2M.IIU North 30 feet of lot 1, block 10, Prim- I vllle 1121)0. Parcel of land Is-glnnlng at a point 30 feet south of the tie corner of lot 1, hlack 10, i'rlnevllle, thence sotitli 20 . fti-t, west no fn-t. north Sti fit-t , I east HO fis-t to the point of begin, j ulng KiO.no! A parcel of land beginning Ml fn-t sou III of the ne corner of lot 1, block 10. rrineviiie, ineiice soiitn 1 In-t, t hence west HO fn-t, thence north 174 feet, thence east HO feet to of beginning South H.J feet of lot 1 Prim villi- North 22 feet ol lot (1, the point 1:i2.mi l bbsk 10. . .. l:i:i so block 111. Prineville ?ii ml A parcel of laud beginning al a point 2S feet north of t he soul beast corner of lot fi, block 10, I'rliievllle. thence north fit leel, thence west Ml feet, thence south 01 feet, thence east M) hrt to the point of begin llllig 1'.I2.(NI South 2s feet of lot li, block ID, i'rliievllle $ 120.00 It was furl her ordered by the i-niiii-cll that each and all of the foregoing assessments shall In me dcllntpicii! on the 1st day of October, 1H13. If any assessit cut remains due and un paid ou the said 1st day of October, 11)13, a warrant, shall lie Issued by I he recorder when ordered by t he city council tor the colleelbm of the above assessment , which warrant shall have the same force and effect of an execution against real proper ty, and shall be directed to the ninr Nhal of the city of I'rliievllle, requir ing hint to forthwith levy upon any lot or parcel thereof of laud upon which assessment re ijinlus unpaid and sell t he same In the manner provided by law for the sale and collection of dellniiieul state and county taxes. The first publication of tills notice Is made on t he 31st, day of .1 uly, F.I13. This notice Is published In the Crook County Journal by order of the city council of Prineville, Crook county, Oregon. 7-31-3 A. It. Howman, Itecorder. Summons In the Circuit Court for the Statu of Oregon for Crook County. George W. Watt, Plaintiff, vs. (ieorge N. tickler. Defendant. To (leorge N. Kckler, the above named defendant : I n the name of the Hi ate of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before Thursday, the Mth day of August, l!!i:i, and If you fall to ho answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded therein, namely: That the plaintiff have and recover from (leorge N. Kckler, the sum of JHOO.OO wit h Interest thereon at the rate of six tier cent tier annum from ! Urn 23d day of March, 1!)0i), and foiX.lie further sum of $l."i0.00 attorney's f , mid for the costs and disbursements herein; that the mortgage dated May 23d, 1008, and signed by you and covering the following property to wit: All of the northeast one-foiirlh of the southwest one-fourth, and the v est half of the southeast one fourth of section eight (K), and the north west one-fourth ol the nortliciiHt one- fourth of wvllon Mvi-iitein (17), In township No, II, south of rung No, P.I, eiiat of the Willamette inrrl'Mati, In the ei ni nty of I rook, stale of Ore gon, containing one liiiiidrt-d and Inly I bio) m-n-s, be inrecloncd mid to Id property lie sold by the slierltt of mild county to untlafy the plain tiff' note mid luortgnue, and Hint you nod nil persons i-biliiiltur by, through or under you In' forever fore, closed of nil right, title or Intenut In or to said properly, except the lat in or y rliht ol redemption, and for such other nud further relief as t. This summons Is aerved upon you by publication thereof once it week lor alx consecutive wceka In the I rook County Journal, bv order of the Honorable W. I,. Ilrndahaw, Judge of the above entitled court, which order la dated June 30. 11113. Clinton A. Ammioisk, Attorney for plaintiff, :i Washing ton St.. Portland, Oregon, Dateof llrst piil.llcntlon.July 3, P.il.'l. Hate ol last publication, August 1 1, P.lUl. Report of the Condition Of Tk. Fail N.lsaul luk .1 IW.ill., k Ikt Suit al Orf, tl Im Cmms af BatMstft, Aatsal , 1911. SMIIC KCK, Uian and illacmititt . l.'Mi.-ll, .-J Ovrrilrslli. m-iiri-.l stel utti-citri.t, , lo,.lu'. :st t'.s. IlitieU In wi'itrs tin iila-luii l.'. aHU II.HKU, ac'iiri'llra, pu- Tils .11 untiling itmitti, fur ititiio. aikI nviurns rj.rw?; Ill Iter rval ealatf! nuilod i.Tiw tlO tmii friiiu Nalumal llaiik. mil r.-ai't v v atft.ll , 4II.1T7 .11 Imii. Irtmi itaii. au-l I'ro an- lunkattl Itanki-ra, Trual f oiuaitli'a ami st- HK llaltka I'iip Iriuil accniMit li'. rw .( iil . !!.', I.M .J I'liw k au-l i.iln-r I Mill Ill-Ilia ;'rti.'j Vuli . ul nl h.-r National Italika , ;M id I racltulial .a.i'r turn tli ) , llli k.'la and c-ula , . Ill ;i I awlltl IH.illi-) lUarrvi- III llallk Mil Ka.lsmiiliiin fuii'l n all l i t'o-aaiin-r S (n-r crlil ut , If. illation laial I I.USU I T 1 1 1 Ca.llal at.K-k a. in I.'auaaiiai Snu-ltia luti.l ae.iaanu t'li.llvl.l.'.l .nnta. Ii-a i'., tii.a and la.4 fai'l io.iwii lll Nallt.tisl lunk N.n.-a ii.llalali-lltig a. mi (a) Inn-In aiati-ami I'TOato tisnka i. rn li l-lrli.ta iini'anl Am 'Hi III-It l.l.ial .li-jHialti HilijiT In i lm k JJi.aiT.f.i l,.nsliil ctTIIMi alca ol .l.T-o.ll ll.T S..:.- T"lal Hl,.':i .'1 mi vi r or oHKi.oN, i l uiilil) ul I'riHili. I I, T M. tlAl liwiat, Caviller ( Mm al-np. Ilalln-d l-slik.dii a..l(inlllv awnsr tltnl thralMils MtAtrtnrtit ia tnm In llin li'il ul mv kll-ia. llh-. and I.IWI. T. M. IIAI.liW'IN. twlilrr. SnliacrllM-.t ant awnril Ui Udurti Ilia IhttUlh .i.j oi Ana, I jij. M E. Ilrlnk. Notary I'ulillc. t'onmiT - Altmt: tl. W. Niist.a T. H. I.riit.i.rt I'llll W. KniTta llractnn Slicrlft'a Sale In lb Circuit "our I uf the Mlala uf Uri-gon fur rrtsik Ciiutity : Th W. F. king t'u.,a CorHirstl..n, PlaimilT, . Irwin I. lliiaey, Klln-I Haey, J, K. .Mttcplieritiu aim aIn-I t udd, liiTetiilsnts. T'i tits slierlll'nf I'riwik rouniy, Kiei'iiin; : w lun n., on ilia .nli ihiv iilMiiy. PU.i. in the alsiva iiuini-d nniri. a jiiilnitiint aai riunli-ri'd In fiiviirof the nlsivr lirttiii-d plilltl. till Willi HlflllllHl till! IiImIVI- lllllllll lll.fl.lltl. I unt, (or Hie aunt nf eight htm. I ml il.nlr i with Inter... I tltiT t friuii tin. ;it duy uf ; Jiitiiniry, lull, nt (lit- rule ut ten percent r auliiitii. ami eiK'lity ilullHrs MUnrni'V li-e mid tin lurlhi-r aitin uf tni-nly-mnt- diillnra nml cuila. winch juilitneut vvsa en. rnllrd all.l .liM'ki'lril III tllf CIITk ') nlllcv uf nl.l cnurt ill utlld ciiitntv, en lilt' -'M allay uf May, ll:i. A lid. -A lierrlta, It a 111 I'urllier ur.li-ri-d lllld decreed liy llti- court tluit I lie tM''4ul the ne1,. t'S uf ai'1. see 4. lii-i. ul lii-i, uf M-c-liun !l. l i II S. U. II K. W. M., in Crunk I'uiiiity, ilri gnil. I luive levied upuu, and I will un Salordaj, Stptrnibtr 13, 1913, lit the hour nf 111 uYlnek a. in. ut -Hid .lay , ut His imrilt hunt dour ul (In. cuuri huiiae in I'ritievllle, llri-k-'in, sell to tin- Itiglii-st liiddnr Inr cilli. nil tin' r!,.'!it, tills mid lli Iciest the unt. I ili-ii'ittl.Mili hud in and ti) tin- tiliuve ilcn'rilii-.l retil pmperty, to satis iy sin. I pnltoui'iit. niti reit, uiluritey's lei1-, ciiNl-. nml nccruilii: cunts. Stii.l mi!t Hilliji'i't til redi'llipttnll lla prevl.lid liy law. Mini piililicnlien Aurust II. IIU.'I. I-KVSK Kl.KINS, Sberitl of 1'riiuk t'ounty, iireguit, Hy W. I.. mi Allen, Deputy. Notice of Miurill Sale. la the county court of the state Oregon fur the county of Crook, of Jack llrogiin vs. Philip I'.rogaii. Ily virtue of an atluchiiient execution issued out of the above entitled court, a decree nml order of sale, hearing the seal of Hiii.l county court for the county of Crook, to mo directed, anil date. I the 12th day ol August, 1013, commanding me to satisfy a judgment obtained inaiiiat the above named defendant, Philip lliogan, on the 12th, day id August, 11)13, for the sunt of Three Hundred Four and Sixty Hun dredths Dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of II per cent per annum from the 12th day nf August, 11113, and the further sum of Twenty dollars costs and accruing costs, for the order of sale commanding me to make sale of the oue-tentli interest of the above named defendant, Philip llrogan. In the lol lowing described property, to-wit: An undivided one-tenth Interest in the west half ol the northeast quarter, the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter and the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section thirty live, in township nine south, range seventeen east of the Willanietto Meridian in Crook county, Oregon, I will on Saturday, September 13, 1913, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. in., soil at public auction to the highest biddur for cash in band, all the right, title and interest which the defendant, Philip llrogan, had on the 12th day of August, 11)13, or now has in' the above described real property, or as much as wdll satisfy said judgment, witlt the costs and ac cruing COHtH. Suit! sale to he subject to conllrma lion and redemption as bylaw provided. Dated ut Prineville, Oregon, litis 12th day of AugiiHt, P.I13. Fhank Ki.kinh, Sheriff. I!y W. E. Van Allen, deputy.