Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, August 14, 1913, Image 7

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Seasick Remedies That One
Would Not Expect to Cure.
Whin You Spill Chocolate Sundaa
on Your Bxt Frock H.r.'e a Way to
Cat tha Stain Out Tha Fash
ion Fad.
Dear Elm -My Ihnuglilii tlila week
linvo u II Ihhmi wending tlii'lr way v hi
tllp I'lii kloiunshlpii lu "furrin hinds, "
fur really an iniiny of my frlrmU have
1i'itIih1 llirlr unlive ahuri'a Ihut very
few nrii left mi this hIiIii of thu pond
1'iinr thlnga! rlrviTiil of tlii'in were,
or, nithi'r, urn. cporleiilng tln-lr
liuilili'ti (rip, nnil t ! with wry
(tnlllilflll iH'fnl'n Mil 1 1 1 1 1 f wIli'MliT I III')'
would In' n'ciihi grata ut Hi" vimrt
of Neptune.
Vim know, ilriir, Imiv one's friend
urge tlii'lr own mi remedy fur ai'iiHlrk
lti'M 1 1 1 1 1 I In' Iniirln. hut for worni
ttirittigo ri'iinuii each iino tx iim why
itlwiut dm vnliii' of titH offered I'tiro nx
lu In nlmiit IiIh way of darning I hi)
I.Higo. Aid! htrtihgo. too, hia method
In I'lnrtly lln (inn Jim woiilil not
I'f l lilui In uni?!.'' "!.
I'.ir i-sample, llii'io It n xm-IuI 1 null
(Ion among it ri'i'tnlii smart net In Ni'W
Vork llnil one of tlii'lr iih'IiiIh'I m wits
cured of M'lil'kiH'MH liy living on raw
tiiitti. Muck lriail niiit t't'or. An n re
at it It loti of uoulil hi smart woiui'ii
lltlMI follolVI'il III till' fo"thtoi of Hill
lion of AiiiitI'Iih nrUlmrury it ml. In
thf Vi-rtirnuliir of the ilny, linvo Imvii
udly li'fl."
Aiiollirr of the tofiy tnrvy curl'
I'i o heard ri'fi'iilly was for tin vic
tims of mill ili iii-T to tlu n tight ln tut
nrotilnl llirlr wiiKIh In ttti'iuly tlii'lr
KlniiinrliK. Now, thin In it mil hard
ship to ili'iiiMhil of H ivouinn when In
tiioili In ennniniglug it tuoro ttiuil
Yt'iniN ilo Mllo epitnltin of waist pro
iortloti. no thlN In prohiilily the iiionI
i mi mi ut 1 tlilntt Hint tuirtli'iiliir riH'oiu
Ini'liiliT could tlilnk of.
OlIO Of till' lllONl llllltl'llllllIlN tlll'll I
'vr knew tulil inn In- ovi'iviinii the
terrors of sen ski, lies ly walking Ilia
lii k with it lintlli' of 1 1 M II l m ! II II
ilir I'li'li linn unit wit cured liy this
ungodly remedy. On tip ntliiT hand, n
NIHirtliii; mini will ofti'ii suggest such
iiilkl remedies iim li'inona and ginger
111 IV
Tin' tlilniii'Nl clrl I have ever encotin
ti'ri'il lived for five Onya on Inml crack
ers ntul IiinInIn Hint they nre the only
thing tlml saved her. Homo people
mi y ynii milNt ilrlnk no witter, other
( yn must I iik i' nn amip. nml ninny
old trnvcler advocate nothing lint
toast. Ho. dear, you wo tlio most pop
ular ruin llili season for the almost
1ni'vltnlil ponil ntlllctlon seem to lio to
tin tlio oppoKlto of what you would on
limit. Init tlio olil nml trlfil unit' euro In
that "there nln t nn nIcIi thing as a
I li-k linn Just en mi' In nml anys lie's
lu'iiril tlio Inli'Nt remedy n "sure tip."
ll'a llmo Juli'O I'onllnl. l'ut imiiiiikIi
In mid wiiIit to niako It tiiNto plriia
nnlly of tin1 conllal nnil h) tlio liov
r:iKi hlowly tlio lint llilnil ilmn flwak
tMilnc. Hi'fnro runinii'iii'lni; HiIn loltor to
you I kiin lu tlio tloptliH of iliwpnlr
ooin'iTiilnit my ln'it iliimnvk InliUi'loth,
tipoll lilrll II BUi'Nt hint Npllli'il rlioi'o
Into. Von know wlint a wroti'liiil
uliiln HiIn iM'Vi'rnci' miikos. nnd limit
Toiiuitli'H Hint urn trliil mori'ly innko
I mil worso. It ii t ttluTo tlioro'a n will
tln'i'i''N ii wny. Hint lvo not liolil of tlio
clioroluto wny. WiinIi It out -I ini'ilt)
tlio rlioi nlnlo- tin mukI In ti'ly In t'ool wii
tor. not lint wiiIit, mnl novor urn annp.
Wlii'ii. liowi'Vor. tlm lii.luri'il nrllilo
In silk or wool nntliliiK 1 linvo li'iiini'il
Is no I'lllrni'lnUN n.i Iho follmvlni;,
wlilrli In ii Konulnu illsruvory iinivoil
nt nflor iiiui li I'xpi'i'liiii'iilliu; upon it
ilillToti IiIouno Unit linil lii'i-n rudi'Vy
ti'i'iili'il to n I'lioi'oliito NUinlno: All
you'vo pit tn iln In to rilli tlio Niot
Willi pnro Kl.viTrln. tnklnti onro to rul
It tlm way of tlio cniln of tlio (iowIn
nnil not rounil nml roiiiul, iin IIiIn
million n la ruri-r put, wlilrli Ih a nils
tn kf ofli'U liimlo.
Whon tlio Klyi'orlu lins lu'on woll HP
plloil (lion wiinIi with lukownnn wntor
tlio part Hint Iiiin liwn Hlnlnoil, rlnslni;
Mcvcrnl Union until nil pivnKo him bwn
olTiii'i'il. Now Iron on tlio wronit sldu
nnd limiR In tlio nuii for n tit t lo while.
At tliN donaon of sodn It ts woll to
tnako n moiitnl nolo of thin oxpodlont.
for It will anvo tho elonnor's tilll.
Now, lioforo HiIb chut conn's to a
vii'kly pniiNo lot's not In a lit i lo fash
ion KHwlp. 't'ru I" N,,w York "1 llt
tlio roNorta tho niUNtnrd colorod parn
anl In In ovldonco. Indood. It's tho
whim of tho hour nmoiiK tho txclti
Blvos, nlthniiKh It's tho URllost thlnR
tho mind of man oould linvo conoolvod.
Ono ennnot say, olllior, that tho nuis
tnrd colored parasol Is cool looking.
but It Is especially smart with Its lnn
hnndlo of carved black wood. Cur
ried with a black costimio, such a sun
shade Is xviy effective, though It has
Its pronounced limitations ns far as
pink, blue nnd lavender nro concerned.
'J'ho croon parasol has boon too much
exploited by the masses, so unfurl your
inuslni'd sunshado and be In tho swim,
but don't ro over your depth,, for tho
sun "do" fado this particular color
"woeful bad," believe yours devotedly,
1 Ribbon Flowers on Paraaola.
Small bunches of black nnd white
snl In rosebuds appear on tho edgo cf
ono of tho ribs nnd upon the hnndlo of
smart parasols. Medium largo pink
ribbon roses nnd follngo lire arranged
lu wren Ih form around some uwusola.
Light Bluo and Black Nat Effaotlvoly
Uaad In This Coatumo.
Miilntr hi roNiaiirniitN or roof gnr
itoiiN In a Iih:iiiI in at lm mnoiiK atsy
at lioini'N In Iiii'ko rlili'N mat towns.
Tho t'oNtiiino ph tiil'i'd In ili'Nliii'tl for
IIionu ooi-hnIoiin. It In of lltflit bluii
iropo ilu rliluo, irluimoi with pour I am
linildory on blm k not.
'I ho lilm k hut mid not Nhoiildor iliup
cry wiih h oikIn In ii hiinIi mid Iho I'oui
pli tliiit loin h of i'iiipIiiinH.
' 1 1 it i i i . iiioukm'IIiio do Nolo nnd vnrl
oun llijlit, aofl allka lire unci! for llii'"
aiiiiimery froeks. tne very dollKhtful
oMiinpIo has a cluny lace bodice and
! aloovoN. tho InhIIi-u draped Willi ti""'e-
fill folds of tho chiffon. Al Iho top of
' tho liluh clrdle In front where tho dra
I pory In fiiNleiusI plaiiil a cliiNtor of
! sinnll while silk nisos. Itosin and
In.ipa of ribbon ornament tho lower
I part of the Nklrt tit tho front, hiililliiu
i III plai'o a draped baud of tho t lillToii
pliii-ed on Iho skirt about the kiicca.
Dainty Oiahao For tha 8ummar Lunoh
aon or Braakfaat.
llroiik thteo cues In a bowl, add a
little w hlto popper nod Halt, boat uliiiht
ly. add two lablospoonfulN of cream
pour Into n frilnn pun I'oiilaliilnK a
tiiblespoouful of melted butter. With
a broad bludid knife lift tho cooked
! i'kk' fiu all parts of tho pun, letting
I tlm uiiiiHiki'd run down to be
' cooked.
As hoou iim all Is set the omelet Is
' ready In fold. Have it few spoonfuls of
! the tender tops of cooked asparagus
j lii'iilod lu ii kiii a 11 s.'iii' i'pau with a sen
soiling of salt, pepper nnd butler. these over the omelet, fold It
I oi or anil serve immediately very hot
I Apple Omelet. Make ail omelet lis In
1 the pro. -oilliig reclpo and when It Is
set spread over It a layer of apple
j snii' O, fold II. turn It out on a hot dish
' nnd serve well sprinkled with powder
j ed sugar.
Chi'ese Omelet.- Ileal throe eggs, mid
' IhriN' t.ilili'jpooiifuls of milk, a pinch
I of salt mnl one of popper. Turn Into a
frying pan lu which u tablespoonful of
butter has been molted. When the
omelet Is set sprinkle It thickly with
grated eheeso, fold It In half, turn It
ou to a hot dish, sprinkle It with chop
pod parsley and grated checso and
place In a hot oven for tlio cheese to
melt before serving.
A mushroom omelet may bo made
by frying a few thinly sliced mush
rooms In butter and spreading them,
butler mid all, over a plain omelet
made ns In tho first recipe. Any veg
elables peas, celery, etc. may be URed
as an omelet tilling iu tho same way.
Orango Pudding.
Tho secret of making orange pud
ding which hns no bitter taste is to
make the pudding without heating the
orango. Cook the pudding first and
then bent In the oranges last If a me
ringue cooked brown is wanted on tup
of the pudding beat tho whites, stiffen
thorn with sugar, uso a toaspoonful
nnd a half to each white bo that tho
meringue will bo unusually stiff, nnd
drop it tn big spoonfuls on a granite
plo plate. Hrown It In tho oven, nnd
when It Is cold slip tho meringues on
tho pudding. It Is cooking which
makes the orango bitter, and a pudding
mndo In this way will bo sweet.
Paatimo For Children.
A t&nil pile In the back yard is a
source of never ending pleasure. It
will hold a child's Interest longer if
some colored marbles, shells, pebbles,
etc., nro mixed through It. Children
should have piny clothes. Thoso little
garments may consist of rompers or
big aprons with short sleeves. There
am many patterns for play clothes
and none of them are dllllcult to make.
I .11,
Ay 'li'i
I i ".I.-. ' i ' II .1 II I I
C j !l ;l7
.A A.
. - - v
w A
Mlaa Mil 17 Terry of Chicago welifha
fVio tHiiinda.
Mrs Klninor Wheeler of Chleago
has celelirnted tier on huuilrnltb
Mra William Tootr, daughter of
(ieiioral llulilwln of liinier. wa the
Hi nl hlta child born on the Hnnta Ke
tin II.
Min Itebueia Karp of llrooklyn for
twenty luo ycitm luia auld liewspniMTa
for n living mid has aeiuinulated
finluiiv of f J.'.."") lu the husliicH.
('niiulcxN Ijimnlorf of Ht Petornhiirg
claims to have 1.1'K) bull
nml lo have dnii''id slope equivalent
to l."'iu) in 1 1 on Think alie hua Net S
Mixa Kate liallln la eiiporlntondflit
of the Confederate Woman' Home at
Austin, Tex . and In also atnte presi
dent of the Iiiiugliter of the Confed
eracy Mlna liallln la a brilliant lec
turer of literary ability, nnd hua been
prenlileut of the Texii Wouiuu' I'rea
Pen, Chisel and Brush.
) K Chesterton, the fauioun Eng- writer, la still on the sunny side
of forty
Kurt Theodore V. Hitter, who de
signed the Tliouiaa Jefferson statue, a
purl of the JelTomoii memorial, which
Iiiin recently boon dilllcatod In Kt
I.oiiIn lo commemorate Ihe statesman.
and also the acquisition of the lnllsl
ana I'lin-hase. Is a native of Vienna.
hut tltice IHsu ha rchlilod In this
Mr John Tennlel. the greati'st of
Kiigll-h political cartnonlMs. Is now In
Ills ninety fourth year mid despite hi
L't-cut m-'o Is In good health. He jollied
the stun of I'mich 111 lVil. retiring In
I'.mt. Though prolmbly most widely
known for his political cartoons, he
won unilvIng fame by Illustrating the
Alice" book mnl "Ijilla llookli."
Pert Personals.
A physician states that Caruso hns
musli ill Imiiios He ought to have. He
get five of them from every person
who buy a sent-Cleveland Plain
Wlr.ard Kdlson' auccesn make hlra
a pattern to emulate, but his habit of
working twenty hour a day makes
lilui a horrible example. So there you
nro! Chicago News
Now that women are to vote In Illi
nois I'ncle Joe Cannon sayn, "It will
he a good time for an awfully band
aouie man to run for office. " Uncle
Joe ha not yet announced hut can
didacy. New? Vork World.
Poets Laureate.
Poet laureate, however, appear to
be made and not born. Omnba World
II era Id.
A lot of Knglnnd's poets are now try
lug to assume an air of nonchalant Indifference.-Philadelphia
If Uud.vanf Kipling become poet
laureate Kiiglaud will at least have an
olllclal poet whoso stuff Is read. De
troit Kreo Press.
The poet laurenteshlp In now vacant
and Kngland Is understood to be look
ing around for some nice man who
can't write very good poetry. Ohio
Sfnte Journal.
Fashion Frills.
Some critics seem to think that It is
tho province of the slit skirt to dis
close the cloven hoof. Chicago News.
Patience has enabled Dr. Mary Walk
er to see the day when her ideas of
feminine attire are regarded as com
paratively ruInIiiihI and conservative.
Washlngtou Star.
Indianapolis "ladles" have nsked the
police to see that "women" who wear
split skirts also wear trimmings about
their ankles. And the police have
a greed to keep their eyes open. Chi
cago Inter Ocean.
Militant Suffragettes.
Woman's sphere In London is the
bomb. Columbia Stato.
In the old days England used to burn
the witches, but now witches nro try
ing to burn ICnglaud. Charleston News
mid Courier.
A retaliation league hns been form
ed in Kngland to attack the bouses
nml properties of the suffragettes In
retaliation foe milltiint outrages. Walt
for the big Bliowl Indianapolis News.
Timely Tips.
Signs of the times: Come on In, the
water's fine. Chicago Iteoord-IIcrald.
The dancing teachers are seeking
new steps. Let us hope they will find
them It's about time to shake the old
ones. New Orlonns Picayune.
How to tell the (lowers from the
woods: Pull them up by the roots. If
they are flowers that will be the last
of 'em. If weeds, only the beginning.
Chicago News.
Three Strikes.
Europe would be still more disquiet
ed If It had two bnsebnil pennants to
worry about. Chicago News.
"Is Ihe race Improving?" asks the
Cincinnati Enquirer. Not to speak of,
according to Frank Chance. Columbia
"Where are all the groat men?"
somebody asks Well. Walter Johnson
Is with Washington. Ty Cobb stars
with the Detiolts nnd llaus Wagner
plays the short field for Pittsburgh.
Toledo P.lnde.
Prineville Flour
Hotel Oregon
Beds 50 and 75 Cents
Meals, 25 Cents;
G. W. L1PPINCOTT, Manager
We Lead the
in supplying a prime quality of beef, veal, mutton, lamb, pork
and fresh poultry. There is a flavor, a juicy tenderness and
eweetnecg about our meats which stamps their quality as perfec
tion. These are the finest meats that ever were sent to a table
delicious, tempting, nourishing meat. Our mild cured hams
and bacon have made a great reputation for us, while the mod
erate prices wa ask assure us of the continued patronage of
our old customers.
City Meat Market
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior,
I'. S. LanJ Oilice at the Dulles. Orwnn.
July 25, 11113.
Notice is hereby given that
Henry Grimes
whose post otlice address is Prine
ville, Dreiron, did, on the (Sth dnv
of March, l'.il;, file in this oilice, sworn
statement and application No. 011:177, to
purchase the swl set. section 10, town
ship i;l south, ranne 15 east, Willamette
meridian, and Ihe timner thereon, un-
de' the provisions of the act ot June 3,
1Si8, and acts amendatory, known as
the "Timber and sHone Law,') at such
value as might be fixed by appraise
ment, and that, pursuant to such ap
plication, the land and timber thereon
have been appraised, one hundred dol
lars the timber estimated at 100,000
board feet at 75 cents per M., and the
land J 25,00; that said applicant will
offer final proof in support of his appli
cation and Bwom statement on the 10th
day of October, 11113, before Timothy E.
J. Duffy U. S. Commissioner, at Piine
ville, Oregon.
Any person is at liberty to protest this
purchase belore entry, or initiate a con
test at any time before patent issues,
by tPiiid a corroborated affidavit in this
office, alleging facta which would defeat
the entrv.
7-31p li. Frank Woodcock. Register.
Notice to Creditors
Notice Is hereby Riven by the un
dersigned, the adiulnlntrator with
the will annexed, o( the estate ot
Ida Wright, deceased, to creditors of
said deceased and all persons having
claims against said estate to present
the same with the proper vouchers
to the undersigned at the olllce ol M.
R. Klllott, In Prineville, Ore,, within
six months from the date of the first
publication of thts notice.
Dated and published first time July
3, 1013. M. D. 1'owKi.t.,
Administrator with will annexed of
estate of Ida Wright, deceased.
Notice for Bids
Bids for concessions for places at
fair grounds, September 23 27, 1013.
Restaurant, lunch counter, confec
tions, Including Ice creams, fruits, etc.
Bids open until August 25. 8-7
Home Cooking
Meat Trade
Notice ol Sheriff's Sale
In theCirc uit Court for tlieState ofOregon
fur CntoK County :
William Baldwin.
J. H. Dean.
Notice is hereby given that under and bv
virtue uf an exmition and order of sale of
mortgaged real estate, issued out of the
circuit court of the state of Oregon for
i took county, on tne 7tu (lay ot July, 1913,
in a suit in said court wherein William
Baldwin was plaintiff and the said J. 11.
Hean was defendant, and wherein a judg
ment was rendered in favor of said plain
tiff and against said defendant for the sum
of two thousand dollars, with interet
thereon at the rate of eight per cent
per annum from the 9th day of May,
1SH), and for the further sum of two hun
dred dollars as attorney's fees, and for the
further sum of ten dollars as costs, and
wherein an order of sale of the hereinafter
described mortgaged real estate was made,
directing that the hereinafter described
real estate be sold to satisfy said judgment
attorneys tees and costs, and to me direct,
ed and commanding me so to do. 1 have
levied upon, and will ou
Saturday, the 16th Day of Auguit, 1913,
at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon
of that day, at the front door of the court
house in the city of Prineville, Crook
county, state of Oregon, sell at public auc
tion tit the highest bidder, for cash, all the
right, title and interest the said defendant,
J. H. Keau. had on the said 9th day of
May. 1910, in and to the following des
cribed premises, to-wit;
The northeast quarter of section thirty
tive, in township fifteen soutn, of range
fourteen east of the Willamette meridian,
in Crook county, state ot Oregon, together
with the tenements, hereditaments and
appurtenances thereto belonging, to satisfy
said judgment, attorney's lees and costs
and accruing costs. This notice is pub
lished for four full weeks in rive consecu
tive issues of the Crook County Journal,
commencing with the issue of July loth,
19i:, and ending with the issue of Augut
14th, 191.1.
Dated and published first time July 10th,
lOl.'t. Frank Ei.kins.
Sherilt'ol Crook County, State ot Oregon.
IA A r
day night. ,
Strangers welcome.
Geo. Noiilk, N. G.; Bert Barnes,
V. G. ; T. L. Coon, Sec. ; C. B. Din wid
dik, Trreas.
Crook County Journal, county
oflicial paper. $1.50 a year.
Sheriff. Sale
In the Circuit 'onrt of th btt of Oregon
for "rMik County:
The W. i King C Corporation,
Irwin I. BftAfjr.Kth. BMjr, J, K.
.Ucf'hron and At-ei ( u-l'i.
To the hrifl of Crook county, rreetinir ;
Wlir, on the Mb day of May. IliU, in
the atxjve njunci conn. juitnirnt wu
rTilt-rtvi in favor of thf above plain
tiff ami airainitt the aUivt named defend
ant for the aum of eijfht hundred dollar,
with Interest thereon from the Hint day of
January, Iftil, at the rate of ten per cei.t
per annum, and eighty dull an attorney's
leew. and the further tum of twenty-tune
dollar and co?u. which judgment wa en
rolled ann docketed in thecierlt'i oftu-e of
taid court in aaid county, on the M day
of Mav, 1KI3.
And. whereas, it wan further ordered and
de rd hy the court that the e'4 of
aec t, ne' of the ne' of nection W. twp li
S. K. 11 K. W. M iu Crook county. Ore
gon, 1 have levied upon, and 1 will on
Satr4ay, AifiM H, 1913,
at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of taid day,
al the north front dxir of the court hoae
in Prineville, Oregon, sell to the highest
bidder for ca-h. ail the right, title and in
teret the said defendants had in and to
the above descrined real property, to satis
fy aaid judgment, interent, atuirney ftm,
cimif and accruing conta. fcaid nale subject
iu reieniption as prnvifitn iy law.
first publication July 17. I'd.'t.
Kraiik Ki,kuw.
Hheritf of CrtMjk County. Oregon.
By W. E. Van Alien, lieputy.
Sheriff's Sale
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for Cuok County:
The '.. King Co., a Corporation,
John Kerpuon, Margaret Ferguton
aiid tiie Amn Pine Xradintf .'o..
a Corporation. i'efendant!.
To the alien tf of Crook county, jrreetinjr:
Whereas, on the .Hn day of May. V.iLi, in
the above named court, a judgment was
rendered in favor of t tie above named plain
tiff and a (raj n st the above named defendant-,
for the sum of eikrht hundred dollars,
with interest thereon from the 31-t day of
January. 1911. at the rate of ten per cent
per annum, and ninety dollars attorney's
le, and the further Hum of eighteen dol
lar as coti, w hicT judgment a enrolled
and docketed in the cterk'i oilice of said
court in aaid cuunty, on the Mb. day of
May. ll'ia.
And whereas, it was further ordered and
decreed by the court that lots 1, 2 3, fe
of nw'4. sw'i of ne1. section 4, township
14 8.. ranee 14 K. W. M., in Crook county,
Oregon, 1 have levied upon and I will on
SatariUy, Anfitt 16, 1913.
at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day.
at the north front doer ot the court hou
in Prineville. Oregon, sed to the highest
biddei for ca-h. ait the nS'ht, title and in
terest the said defendants had in and to
the above described real property, to sat
isfy said judgment, interest, attorney's
fees, costs and accruing costs, baid sate
subject to redemption as provided bylaw.
First publication Juiy 17. 1913
Frank Elkins,
Sheriff of Crook County, Oregon
By W. E. Van Allen, Deputy.
Sheriffs Sale of Real Property Under
Id the Circuit Court ot the State ot
Oregon for the County of Crook.
Amanda Tbornbury, Plaintiff,
Moses H. Bryans and Roll a B.
Bryans, C. W. Michael and
Nora Michael. D. P.. Amadon
and Mary J. Amadon, Frank
Callahan and Clara E. Calla
han, E. J. Chingren and . .
Chingreu, Defendants.
By virtue of an execution and or
der of sale Issued out of the above
entitled court on the 19th day of
July, 1013, in favor of the above
named plaintiff, Amanda Thorubury,
and against the above named de
fendants, Moses H. Bryans, Bella B.
Bryans, C. W. Michael and D. R. Am
adon, upon a judgment for nine hun
dred and sixty (1960.00) dollars and
accruing Interest thereon at ten (101
per cent per annum from the first
day of July, 1913, the day on which
judgment was rendered, and the
further sum of one hundred dollars
($1001 attorney's fees and her costs
taxed at (29.50, which judgment was
enrolled and docketed in the clerk's
office 3f said court In said county on
the 3d day of July, 1013, and whereas
It was further ordered and decreed
by the court that the sjofthenwj
! and the nj of the swj of section 2, lu
township 14 south, range 14 east W.
M., iu Crook county, Oregon, be sold
ns upon execution and the proceeds
thereof applied lu satisfaction ol the
costs and expenses of such sale and
said judgment, and that plaintiff
shall have judgment and execution
agalust said defendants, Moses H.
Bryans, Rella H. Brynns. V. W. Mi
chaels nnd D. R. Amadou, to recover
any balance unpaid, after applying
the proceeds of sale of stiid real
Notice is hereby given that I have
levied upon and will on
Satsraiy, I'm 23d Day of August, 1913,
at the front door of the court house.
In Prim-will', Oregon, at the hour ot
2 o'clock i'. m. of said day, sell all
thervl.;, itle and Interest the said
defeiid.ini.-had In and to the above
descriud real property on the 1st
day of J ul , 1013, to the highest bid
der, to satisfy said Judgment, Inter
est costs and accruing costs, subject
to redemption according to law.
First publication July 24, 1913.
Ekank Ei.kins,
Sheriff of Crook County, Oregon.-
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior
U.S. Laud otlice at The Dulles.Oregon,
July 21, 1913.
Notice Is hereby given that
Edward L. Shafer
of Prineville, Oregon, who on July
11. 1910, made homestead entry No.
07108, for gw.l4 section 26, township
15 south, range 15 east, Willamette
meridian, has tiled notice ot Intention
to make final three-year proof to es
tablish claim to the laud above des.
cribed before Warren Brown, county
clerk, at Priuevllle, Oregon, on the
30th day of August, 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses: Wil
liam M. t'labough, James. A. Mofritt,
William Harold and Rolla, B. Cross,
all of Prineville, Oregon.
7-24 H. Fkank Woodcock, Register.
The Dalles
For fine Oak Refrigerators see A.
11. Llppman & Co, 612