Summer Rains MakesterFavored' Fall Sowing Saturday Specials $4.75 Lawn mower, 3.25 6.50 Lawn mower, 4.65 .40 Broom, .30 10-lbs Dried Prunes, .85 Castor machine oil, gal., .45 Best When Done With i - " - S 1 1 1 it Kl ffij? . V "W TM 1 W In 51 The New Kentucky Drill Furnished with or without press wheels. Satisfactory terms and prices Woven Wire A car load of Page Woven Wire Steel Fence just arrived. Ten Styles. , Suit all conditions. Can make delivery here or at railroad points in large or small lots. If interested ask us about fence. C W. ELKINS, Prineville, Ore. LOCAL MENTION MissJessie Hartley is in Prineville for a short stay. Miss Hazel Templeton of Sisters spent Sunday in Prineville visiting relatives. Mrs. N. E. Cottrell returned Sat urday from a week's visit with Mrs. George Roberts. Horace and Lee Belknap and Omar Claypool have gone to Bel knap Springs for a week's camping. Miss Myrtle Campbell left Satur day to visit at Vancouver and at tend the Adventist camp meeting at Oakdale, Wash. J. W. Carlson and family and J. E. Stewart and family returned Saturday from a week's camping trip on the Ochoco. C. I. Winnek is among the latest to join the ranks of the automobile squad, having purchased a four passenger Ford the first of the week. Mrs. W. A. Booth left the first of last week for a visit with her daugh ter, Mrs. Price, who lives in Eugene, She will stop over at The Dalles to visit her son, L.A. Booth and family. Collins Eikins and family re turned Friday from a business trip to Portland. Miss Helen, who has been visiting at the home of Judge Goodin and Miss P.uth Goodin, niece of -irs. Llkins, accompanied them home. Theresa Bundy, who was gradu ated from the Crook County High School last June and who secured a teacher's diploma in the June exam ination, has been engaged to teach the Dry Creek school for the com ing year. Miss Waldron, of Sisters, who re cently came to Crook county with her parents from Walla Walla, was to Prineville Saturday to make ar rangements to do her last year's work in high school in the C.C'.H.S. Miss Waldron will take the teachers training course in connection with her other work. Messrs. Wallace and Warner, accompanied by Misses Wonderly and Schlattman, spent Sunday and Monday at the W. P. Myers camp on the Metolius, While there they visited Suttle Lake where Mr. Wal lace boasts of catching one lone fish. Miss Schlattman remained for a visit with Mrs. Myers. D. F. Stewart and wife, accomp anied by Evelyn add Weldon Hyde, returned Friday from the ranger station on the Ochoco where they spent several days camping. Mr. Stewart reported good fishing in Canyon creek and fair hunting in the adjoining hills. He had the pleasure of seeing Prineville with the telescope on top of Lookout mountain. LOCAL MENTION D. II. Burdick and J. R. Murphy of Metolius were county seat vis itors Friday. D. F. Stewart left Monday morn ing for his ranch on Combs Flat to put up his hay. H. J. Leverman is acting deputy county clerk during Warren Brown's absence. Born, Saturday morning to the wife of Richard H- Shriver, a fine baby girl. Miss Louise Summers is nursing Mrs Shriver. Pies. Milliorn and family re turned last week from a trip to the John Day country. Cal Wigle left for Halsey Sunday : for a short visit with relatives. He will go from there to his home in Buckley, Wash. J. A. Groves of Spokane spent several days in Prineville and vicin ity looking over farm land with a view to investing. Mrs. Estes left Tuesday morning for Portland where she will meet millinery jobbers direct from New York City. She will be gone about a week selecting her fall stock and gathering new ideas for the milii- ( nery trade. j All are welcome at the Union church August 17. Bible school 10 ; a. m. Morning worship 11a. m. Subject, "Victory Through Christ." j Christian Endeavor 7 p. m. Preach ing 8 p. m. Subject, "The Short- comings of Nature." The Sunbeam Trio will sing at the evening service. M. R. Elliott and family returned Saturday evening from a four I weeks' auto trip and report a very fine time. They went from here to Portland then south as far as Shasta Springs, California, and home by the way of Klamath Falls. The entire trip except from Hood River to Portland was made by auto. The week August 7-13 in Prine ville and vicinity was cool and com fortable. The official thermometer played around in theSO's on all ex cept two days. On Sunday it reg istered 00 and on Wednesday made everybody shiver by dropping down to 70. We enjoyed fine showers on Monday and Wednesday, 4.5 inches having fallen on those days. Sun shine and good weather are again with us. Carl .inke of Redmond, who has charge of the Redmond band, was in Prineville the first of the week making arrangements among our musicians to organize a first-class band. Mr. Zinke, assisted by local people, is going to give a concert soon and at that time will be able to state definitely what can be done along this tins. Ail who are inlur fJtrl in this work shouid see CI.-.;. Condart or ELcn Frt;n;h. LOCAL MENTION LOCAL MENTION Born Near Madras, August 7, to the wife of lister Pummel, a daughter. The W. C T. U. cleared $1(1 bust Tuesday from their sale of ice cream and cake. Judge Springer, who vns in Prineville a few days on business, left Friday to join his family who are still enjoying camp life on the Metolius. The following services will be Sheriff C. C. Low and family of hcM Rt th I!a',tist rhurl,h m'xt Klamath countv s,K-nt a few davs! Sun,la-v: Sunday School. 10 a. m. in Prineville this week. C. Vanderpoul of Ronton county was a guest of his brother, Med Vanderpool, a few days last week. Chauneey Becker, who has leon Mrs. F. McAllister will speak at 11 a. m. The pastor will preach at Grizzly schoolhouse at M p. m. B. Y. 1'. V.. 7 p. m. Subject for 8 p. m., "The World' Wise Guy and God's Wise Man." Sung service in employed in the assessor's office for! cmu.otion with lu. tht,me A are invited. Ijist Tuesday evening members of the Baptist Sunday School met at the parsonage and completed the organization of an adult Bible class. The following ollieers were elected: President, Mrs. R. S. Wilson; vice president, J. A. Mathews; secre tary, Mrs. I). F.Stewart; treasurer, Mrs. C. Roberts; teacher, Mrs. J. McAllister, The class will be the past two months, left Tuesday for his home at Laidlaw. T. E. J. Duffy and I). H. Peoples left Sunday for a short hunting trip to Summit Prairie. Their auto broke down and they had to send for ChaufTeur Maker to haul them in. J. II. Haner and sons, Frank and Ralph, returned from Portland Tuesday. They were on the train that experienced the land slide and j known as the Invincibles, their other track troubles coming up j motto, "Win One," and their etn Deschutes Canyon. blem the red and white pin, adopted County Clerk Brown, accompanied by the International Adult Bible by Miss Barnes and Deputy Clerk j Class Committee. If you are not Battles left last Friday for the I in a Sunday School you should lie. Stearns ranch at La Pine. They We extend you a hearty invitation also expect to visit Crater Lake and 1 1' come and join us. J. M. . ...... Minn Ivlna Kites of Willninf-tte. Col leen "f Mohic will tenrli I'utiio In thin city during the cjtinn Beamm. S H It other points of interest before re turning. Joe Luckey and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Sweet and Miss Spencer, all of Eugene, have been visiting John 1 Luckey and family for several days. They came by way of Klamath Falls ; ami Crater Lake and will return by way of the MacKenzie, stopping a few days at Foley Springs. The union services will be held next Sunday in the Presbyterian church. Mrs. Holloway will have, charge of the morning service, j Miss Nellie Summers will sing at! this meeting. Rev. Prater will conduct the evening devotion, j Good music at both services. All are welcome. A. S. Fogg, U. S. commissioner at Hamilton, was a business visitor j in Prineville the first of the week, j His daughter, Miss Ethel, came, with him to take an examination ! for a teacher's permit. Mr. Fogg1 reports great interest in land in his section, 112 people having filed since December 8th. He stated that his dry land alfalfa planted i June 8th was one foot high and other crops in general were good Their chief grain crops are rye, barley and .wheat. Mr. Fogg is trying out some of the crops recom mended by the agricultural depart ment at Corvallis and has found that rape and emer, which is of the i barley family, do well in his section. I LOCAL MENTION. Henry long of Portland has been in Prineville the past week looking fur good farming land. (.'. D. Davison of Paulina, accom panied by Mrs. F.veret and children, was in Prineville the first of the week on busines-s. Mrs. L. It. Hamilton, who lias been visiting in Paulina, passed through Prineville Wednesday on her way to her home at Grizzly. Floyd Ferguson, representing It. F. Outcault of New York is in Prineville interviewing our business men on advertising propositions. F. M. Hathaway ami mother left today for a two-weeks' tour through the Willamette valley by way of the 1 MacKenzie Pass. J Mrs. Evelyn I,anc Walker, who is ( to have charge of the training de partment anil the domestic science in the (.'. ('. 11. S., arrive I Wednes day evening. ' . Ladies' Tailored Suiti at Reduc tion, j i Mr. Wright, wlm rciri'i'iit the1 ' Amt'iirun l.utlii. Tailoring Omipnny, ! hn jiixt received a line lino of f n in )-n ; (or full ami winter mnt. All who cinlcr l'foru Annum '-''III will n"l a ten per i Cent lliHl'OUIlt. ' I Fre-li fruits and herrieH, ice cream j and hihIiiuVhii alwavit tie (omul at Mm. ; VVnuhl'd Confectionery Store. 7Hltf Lost I I, ant Hominy, lietween l'rinivill ami 'NieI, one auto lleenmi, No. IlilHU. Fouler ileanx return to II. W, llnuuril ' or Journal ollli-e. i Millinery Clearance Sale ! I lmvc just n few summer lints left which I am sell ing below cost. Everything must go. Mrs. Estes Corner 2nd nml Main Streets Prineville, Ore. H. Z, GriffHh Central Oregon Well Co. Contractors for Well Drilling and Prospect Holes. Depth Guar anteed ... Dealftrt in full lin. of wall lupulie., Ca.uline Engine. I'umpt, Etc. Culver, Oregon Farm Loans For a short time we have sub ject to our disposal $25,000 for loans on highly improved irrigated ranches in the vicin ity of Prineville. Loans to be for $5,000 or more and run from 3 to 5 yeiirs, with inter est at 8 per cent, payable an nually. W'e charge a smiu! commission to ba paid by the borrower. Kee A. R. BOWMAN with Central Oregon Title it Trust Co. G-l!) Prineville, Oregon The "Story of the Cadillac," is one of that mechanical and commercial advancement which makes for permanency. The Cadillac Company has never yielded to clamor by producing that which catered merely to fancy, nor that which took advantage of the uninformed. On the contrary it has produced only that which it knew would give to the purchaser ' value received" in abundant measure. The Cadillac Company has never been obliged to icsort to exaggeration and over-drawn claims to dispose of all the cars that it could make and more. Its policy has ever been to under-claim rather than over-claim. It is gratified that the public accepts its representations at their full worth; because the public has never been misled and because the public could always expect and has always received more than was offered. THE W. F. KING COMPANY DISTRIBUTORS Prineville, - Oregon