HOME COURSE IN SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE FOURTEENTH ARTICLE, COMMERCIAL FER TILIZERS. By EDWARD B. VOOKHEES, late Director of the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Stations. THERE l perhaps no question of jrreater importance to the practical farmer than that of soil fertility. To produce prof itable crops and at the same time to maintain and even to increase the pro ductive capacity of the soil may rishtly be termed "(rood farming." Many farmers are able to do this, and the knowledge of how to do it has teeu largely acquired through years of ex perience, during which the character of the soil. Its adaptability for crops and the methods of its niauagement and manuring hare beeu made sub jects of careful study, without. however, any definite and accurate knowledge concerning manures aud their func tions in relation to soils aud crops Experience is an excellent teacher. Still a definite knowledge of the fundamen tal principles may be substituted for years of experience la the successful use of manures. The fertility of the soil would re main practically unchanged If all the ingredients removed in the various farm products were restored to the land. This is to a larne extent accom plished by feeding the crops grown on the farm to auimals, carefully saving the manure and returning it to the soil, and where It is practicable to pur sue a system of stock feeding in which those products of the farm which are comparatively poor In fertilizing con stituents are exchanged In the market for feeding stuffs of high fertilizing value the loss of soli fertility may be reduced to a minimum, or there may be an actual gain In fertility. A careful study of the present condi tion of farming in the United States In dicates, however, that as a rule the manure produced on the farm is not sufficient to maintain its fertility and that the need for artificial supplies Is real, though the amount required may be considerably reduced by careful management In the system of so called "grain farming." which has obtalued over large areas of this country for a long time and Is still practiced, the live stock is often limited to a number suf ficient only to the needs of the farm for labor and food. The grain is sold, and the manure is made np chiefly of the natural wastes or unsalable ma terial, such as straw, stalks, etc. The prain contains proportionately greater amounts of nltmcen and mineral con Ktitueuts than these wastes. Hence the practice continued for a long time re sults not only in a deficiency In the soil of organic substances containing nitro gen, but also in uu exhaustion of the mineral substances. The original char acter of the soil and its treatment measure the rate of exhaustion. The less fertile soils of the east and south are rapidly depleted, while the rich prairies and river bottoms maintain their fertility for a longer period. The continuous cotton aud tobacco growing of the south and the wheat growing of the west are even more exhaustive, since here the demands upon the soil are not changed. Vear after ye:ir the same crop is grown, and the same kind and proportion o constituents are required, while even slighter returns are made In the way of manure than in the system of farm ing Just described. L'nder such con ditions the decomposition of the or ganic matter in the soil is accompa nied by proportionately greater losses of nitrogen. Moreover, the land is left bare for a large part of the year, and its fertility is thereby still further de creased. The crops become less abun dant each year, not because the soli Is entirely exhausted, but because it is so fur exhausted of those constituents essential to the special crop grown that its production is no longer profitable. Changed conditions of fanning, which have an Important bearing on this point are. first. Increased cost of labor and lower prices of many of the products of one crop fanning, and. second, an increasing demand for mar ket garden products and fruit. I-'or example, in growing wheat, the labor of preparing the soli, of sowing and of harvesting is practically the same, whether the yield is ten bushels per acre or thirty bushels, and the same is true of a number of other crops; hence In case of the larger yield the cost of labor per bushel is materially reduced. Meager crops of a relatively low value cannot be produced profitably with high priced labor. Soils of a high de gree of fertility are required In order to produce large yields of these crops The return to the soli of only the wastes of the farm lends sooner or later to a decreased fertility, however good the management may be; hence the need of supplies of plant food from sources outside the farm In order that maximum crops may be produced. It has been demonstrated In the case of market garden crops that even very fertile soils contain too little available food to Insure a maximum production. This Is esieclally true where rapidity of growth, eurliness and Mjjl) quality ef produce are Important factors. The arvua now ueceicMirlly devote to these cnps arv so grvt that the amount of farm manures available is much too imall. Hosides, (he constituents con tained In such manure, being in part but slowly available, are less useful limn the more active forms contained in commercial fertilizing materials. Market garden crops are In a sense artificial crops aud, as a rule, uccd artificial supplies of plant finxl. fruit culture, an Industry of grow ing luqortanoe. is profitable, particu larly on the poorer soils near the east era markets, largely In proportion to the amounts of the mineral elements applied lu excess of those contained in soils otherwise well adapted to the crops. A proper supply of food not only enables the trees to resist unfa vorable condition, but improves the quality of the fruit and prolongs tho Invirlug period of the orchards aud vineyards. It will be thus seen that commercial fertilizers can be used most advan tageously either la reenforeing farm manures lu general or In providing a generous supply of quickly available plant food in specialized. Intensive farming. It should be tho aim iu ap plying such fertilliers to supplement rather than to replace entirely the manurial resource of the farm, for the host results from their application may he secured only on soils well stocked with organic matter thumusf, a material that can he maintained iu the soil only by the systematic appli cation of the bulky barnyard or green manures. Nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash are the constituents niost likely to be deficient in soils or most quickly ex hausted by the production aud removal of crops. They arc known as "essen tial" fertilizing constituents, and the value of a commercial fertilizer is de termined almost exclusively by the amount and form of the nitrogen. phosphoric add and potash which It contains. It does not follow, however. that all soils, or crops will resnd equally to application of materials containing these elements, for the needs of soils aud the requirements of crops vary. Soils differ as to their needs for specitic fertility elements, owing ei ther to their method of formation or to their management and cropping. A sandy soil Is usually deficient In all the essential plant food constituents nitrogen, phosphoric acid ami potash- while a clayey soil usually contains the mineral elements In abundance, particularly potash. On the other hand, a soil very rich in vegetable matter is frequently deficient In min eral matter, while a limestone soil Is likely to contain considerable pru;or tions of phosphoric acid. These are the Indications In a gen eral way, and they explain why It Is that different kinds of soil that have not been cropped differ as to their need of the different fertilizing con stituents. Methods of management and crop ping also exert an Influence. For ex ample, soils of equal natural fertility may not respond equally to uniform methods of fertilization, because Id the one case a single crop requiring for its growth proportionately more of one of the essential elements than of nil; other Is grown year after year, ami It may be that the element required is the one that exists In the soil iu least quantity. (In the other hand, crops mny tic grown that demand but minimum amounts of the element In question. Summarizing the conclusions of sci ence and practical oxfierienoe In regard to the use of commercial fertilizers. It may I said: First Commercial fertilizers are mainly valuable because they furnish the elements nitrogen. phq,horIc acid and potash which serve as food, not as stimulants. Second. The kind of farming In the past and the demands for special prjd ucts In the present make their use uec essary In profitable farming. Third. In order to use them profita bly the farmer should know la) That nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash are the essential manurial constituents. (b) That the agricultural value of these constituents depends largely upon their chemical form. () That these forms are contained in specific products of a well defined character and composition and may be purchased as such from dealers and manufacturers and may be mixed suc cessfully on the farm. Fourth. The agricultural value of a fertilizer bears no strict relation to the commercial value. The one Is de termined by soil, crop and climatic conditions, the other by market and trade conditions only. Fifth. The variations in the compo sition and value of manufactured fer tilizers wlil'-h contain the three essen tial constituents nre due to variations in the character and In the proportion of the materials used. Sixth. The ton basis alone Is not a safe guide In the purchase of these commercial fertilizers. Low ton prices mean either low content of good forms of plant food or the use of poorer forms. Fertilizers, high grade both In quality and quantity of plant food, cannot be purchased at a low price per ton. Seventh.-The best fertilizers cannot exert their full effect on soils that nre too dry or too wet. too compact or too porous. They can furnish but one of the conditions of fertility. F.ighth. The kind and amount to use should be determined by the value of the crop grown and Its power of ac quiring food. Ninth. A definite system or plan should be adopted In the use of fertili zers. "Hit or miss" methods are sel dom satisfactory and frequently wry expensive. WH I t-l-M I ! I ! t !Wf A LITTLE FARM. IUU Arm bought s fiirm last erae The htrs't on for tittles arouml llr cmiMn t till ll well t.-auM 'Tae -slli'iHt ovwr loo much gmtimt IU could n. l krtp the wtnMa cut down. Nor jroultl he taerp'th fences up. lit hud lo ll sttd move to town And now owns notion but a imp Jim llomtelii1 bought Itttle tra.'t 80 smalt tltnl n hen he atari.! out Polks Inughetl al him. but 'tis s fact That he Is rich now anil about As frve from car ss he couM lis And lea.le s IK that's full of charm Its tlltnt ihs soil so wrll that lis Jual matin II wur Hint mils farm. Charli-s It. Mvlvri In American ASTtcuiturlal -I M-t Wii i H t iW H-i M TYING UP A FLEECE. Directions For tho Propor Caro of ths Wool Grower's Crop, First, all the tag lock must be re moved, whether they be dung or grease sad dirt, writes W. C. Coffey of the Illinois station, describing the proper way to tie up fleece; second, the fleece should be carefully rolled up by hand (not In wool box), with no ends or stray locks protruding and with the Deob side out; third, the fleece should be tied with a hsrd. glatcd twine, not larger than one eighth Inch In diameter. In tying (he end of the twine especial care should be taken to make a Arm, hard knot that will not slip Tag lock nre not so common that their presence In fleecv from farm flocks Is the rule rather than an ex ceptlon. The total effect of leaving them on fleooes Is bad. It puts our wools In bad standing with wool houses and miinufaclurers. Long (Mil tinned. It has led to the only logical result namely, discrimination lu price" against our wool Careful rolling, with the flesh side out and no ends or stray lock show- j lug. adds greatly to the appearance of the fleece. It also prevents mixing the wool from different fleeces, and. by the way, each fleece should tie tied to Itself. In the wool warehouse It I Is a pretty sight to c the heaps of I graded wool faced with a tier of care I fully rollid ami tied fleeces. GOOD FOR THE GRUNTERS. This Handy Swill Barrel Doesn't Nssd Much Material or Labor. A very bandy swill barrel for find ing a lot of hogs when they come crowding nmnml the trough Is made as follows, stys the Iowa Homestead, from which article and Illustration are reproduced. The barrel A Is set on a small pint form lmmisrte!y above a trough. 11, next to the hydrant 0, which hit a goose neck so that water can be drnwn Into the barrel directly from the hy drant In the center of the bottom of the barrel Is bored a two inch auger hole which Is kept closed by means of a plug. C, the han dle of which Is HANKY nwtnk H.KDKH. made of an old broom handle and long enough to reach to the top uf the bur rel. Swill Is made of ground feed, and when It Is desirable to feed the bogs all the operator has to do Is to stir the swill ami pull the plug, and the swill runs out Into the trough without any trouble. When enough has run out the plug may be returned to its place, and In this way there Is no spilling or han dling of swill The trough may be of any convenient length. Spring Cultur of Wheat. Harrowing wheat lu the spring Is a practice that is receiving considerable attention of lute years. Where the ground is compacted hurd from beating rains of early spring, followed by rath er dry weather, the harrowing of wheat with u drug harrow Is good practice. So fur experiments have shown at the Missouri station, however, the har rowing of wheat is not always suffi ciently beneflciul to pay for the work, although where one burrows lu clover seed at the same time the practice 1 usually a paying one. Where the wheat Is badly "heaved" the use of a heavy roller In the early spring Is a good practice. All depends, however, upon the extent of the "heav ing" Kill ths Rats and 8avs Chicks. Ill answer to a subscriber who com plains of rats getting away with his young chicks and requesting a remedy for exterminating the rodents, 'a corre- I spondent of the Kunsas City Farmer i says that If powdered sulphur and cay I enne pepper are scattered around the rnt holes the vermin will disappear Another remedy Is to scatter powder ed lye around their holes. The lye will stl -k to the rat's feet. He com mences to lick them, which causes death. Why Rely on Corn? In sections where corn has not prov ed a success It Is folly to rely upon corn. In such sections there are crops which do succeed, and It Is the part of Intelligence to plant them. Kaffir, mllo and other crops grow and do well where corn falls. Then why rely on corn? Farm and Ranch. rr. " The LIFE of a wagon is what counts I that's why I buy a Studebaker' 1 "Tluit's reasonable, isn't it ? "A wngnn that doran't last i ripmwv no rnMtcf what price you pay for it," "Suppose you buy three vnnns, on nftrr (lie otlirr, ft mi the three of thrm don't hint Ion i on a iHuJrbiilter which it tho tct hnrnin " I ,ulnt fiml (hit out rnvsvl. h-td my ffn HalW ivit poo, many yeara g.K I it u, ha .tl pfuvnl tltat ii t. to buy iiUilrlkert I followed hti fttlvue la my owu mi if Action' ' "A WAffon crni'l hv lifa in it unlM it baa (Ke i-nMirri l an.l work mil) finuh in it I ho JuuilrhaLff peoplo hAvo ht makm-i vt-ltK Ira (W tity yrr. 1 hey ought to know how to mke sn light antl they clo, 'Wry have tli rrputaltnn b-iiMt (hry'vrt prtnlured tho gomi. 1 hry chnt put the namfl i'tu,t"hilitr on tinttl lh WAttott i rtfH n4 hrn yu tho nam iStuJebaki r on a vrhUlo of any ktnJ it ia your intufstiwo uf quuiv. MTKat' why 1 buy a 5tuIrbnkrr. Ittut $mlrhkr wKn bsM-aurt t trust lh tmla that itmka thrm. li t KJ buu ." "A StuJcbkor prutn tj twya mmle -jooU." 5 out DtuUr H STUDIXAKER D. P. Adamson & Co., Druggists For Drugs, Patent Medicine, Chemicals Lowney's Candies, Ice Cream Soda, Sta tionery and Prescription tee D. P. Adamson & Co. DeLAVAL Cream Separators Sold on Easy Terms Pioneer Prineville, Oregon NIGHT TRAIN SERVICE DAILY Through Between Cent'l Oregon! Portland Beginning Sunday. June 22d, 1913 Tourist Sleeping Cars and First-Class Coaches This service in in lion of the day trains run heretofore. The train will leave Bend at 8:30 p. in.; DeHchuteR, 8:48 p. nr..; Red mond, 9:10 p. m.; Terrebonne, 9:24 p. m.; Culver, 10:02 p. m,; MetoliuH 10:20 p. m.; Madras 10:30 p. tn.; Mecca, 11:08 p. m.; Maupin, 12:40 a. m.; Bherar, 1:08 a. m., arrive Portland 8:10 a. tn. Leave Portland 7:00 p. m., arrive Bherar 3:03 a. m.; Iiiu pin, 3:20 a. art,; Mecca, 5:18 a. m.; Madras, 6:00 a. m.; Metolius, 6:13 a. m.; Culver, 6:28 a. m.; Terrebonne, 7:08 a. m.; Redmond, 7:23 a. m.; DeHchutes, 7:43 a. m.; Bend, 8:00 a. m. Connections are made in Portland to and from Willamette Valley and I'uget Sound points. Fares and schedules and details will be furninhed on application or .by letter. W. C. WILKES, ' R, ll. CROZIER, Asst. Gen. F. & P. Agent. , Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent. .11. BAUKOL, Agent, Redmond, Ore. 6 19-tf ot wilt ui. Soulli DonJ, I t N t R Cream Co. CENTRAL OREGON LINE HAVE YOU I ilfil your Drrtl? Of Course. HAVE YOU An Almtrnct) (Vrlnlnly I'Vervniir hue an ahelrart now, I in von snow where ytnir comers lira. U ell, Nil, Not viactly, Brcwiler Engineering Company, I'mmvilln, Orviiiin, will liaato Ihein ..r vou and ifiiaiaiilc tlm wmk. Surirv liitf, I'laitluK, Irrigation Kiitliuariiif, riion rioncor iv. i " RECEPTION " Champ Smith, Propr J Imported and Domeitic 1 i Cigars Famous Whiskiet A Old Crow; I Icrmitngc; Red Top Rycj Yellow Stone, r I, Cttnudirm Cluhj Crenm r 4 Rye; lames IL Peniier: t Moore Malt. 4 si j t Porter, Ale and Olympia j ej Draft Beer on Tap. j : 1 4 Imported Wine and J Liquors. 4 The Brosius Bar Finest Brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigar. LAGER BEER ON DRAUGHT F. E. BROSIUS, Proprietor Coroner's Coctail Mix lliron thorns (lirln wilh as iiui n y men nmt souk in rliiuil'iiiKti until iiiiilnnlil. Hciii'cn inlii nn RUto, Ailil it il rli ill joy ntiil ii drunken fliiiuffiir. Slmki) well. Servo at seventy miles nn hour Ami iln not (nrifet that wci ilo nil kiu.li of photo work. 1( you rt WHiiliti); liuyinn or liarvestiiiK iii'Hiri'ii, not our prices. Wo am ctiiiHlmitly milling hew ninrutn mid doinjj better work. See our latent work nnil lie ronvinreil. Amateur HiiIhIiIiiu dune neatly anil quickly. Mall orders at tended to iriniiitly. l'lioto Work c xrliauifcd (or wood. LAFLERS STUDIO We Strive to 1'leaHU Fruit Trees! 8 Central Oregon Grown The only klml you can nffonl to plant. ILLUSTRATED ..-.TALOGUE FREE. ,Vrtto for one, I'rlrcH low ciiiiukIi to mirprlne you, Lafollette Nursery Co. Prineville, (t fl Oregon The Oregon Bar At the Old Stand G. W. Wiley & Co., Prps All kinds of Choice Liquors Wines and Cigars. Famous Ranier Beer in Bottles and on Draft.