Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, July 24, 1913, Image 7

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sKllHONH iipcriillim hum nr prnni
3 neisl to study emu ijinntluiia
aa thine:
W hut i'iMiiiiin1ltli'a are easiest
rodine ami ki'II 111 m-niby markets?
i w hut line of priIu tlou l tha soil
i adaptcdl
ii,ui there urn ikm rnali market
,i nt linml, which crop or prodm la
the best?
lint III))' f produce will (llatrtliilto
liilmr tii"t evenly through tli yitirt
practical nmiiiiii'iiii'iit In to keep
hired tiiiui for every doneii ilnlrjr
nul to Imvn mull a illvvmltjr of
k summer mit wilder mi will keep
help irifl In lily employed tlinmuli
tiny aa well iin nt inllUIng lime. A
, poultry ilnnt bnlnticca llm pro-
in liU'i'iy. 1 weiiiy lour rows nr
a tiMi tunny for place of fifty to
it j acre". It U lint the lieat klml of
i,l mi to allow cattle tn mhiii nt will
large I'" l ii re. It In more proflfabln
tlve tlii'in merely few acre of
f tlint inny afford tumturi" through
' nml June li no tiepemi nu me rum
il In nil to rnlnu niont nf their fml
i I rtllo pasture Imm'iiiiio dry 111
Imnnmer nml tlu aitppljr of milk mil
l kept up without slliige, liny or
nit rMpa. Hy tin' lt of July
hut should Juno retch, alfalfa or
ililmitloii liko until ami h h. An ri
t'tit kliul of summer feed In pro
mi by Miwlin,' rye nml clover III tlio
. 'I'd Im run Ik cut for liny III Juno,
re ought to I rorn silage nil tho
r roimil for nny kind of cattle, tint
tli'iilnrly for ilnlry niilninln.
itli a fll ununited lllilii ilnlry like
the mvtiiT mil clear lino to fl.VI
i.. nth iiIhiik I ho nwt of labor mul
rental value of tin' hind Tlm prod-
limy In' linmlled 111 tlm form of
mil mnl Miller, nun una system
vim a Itirco supply of nklmnuM milk
pig mnl pouliry. The ilnlry should
ir nt tlm li-nnt l..i) a year, be
h paying nil the wnttin mul other
rating ifiiw". nml mo ought to
made III h"K mnl $itrl In iultry.
idc itoini-tlilni from regctablc mul
Ye rlKhl I'lowmwn, baar In mind
Tour UlHir ! for tuiur Imura.
A.lvunrr, .par. not. nor hk ba-
Plow ari nnd itriimlil with nil
your iw'Wfr
- Horn.
at That Coata Thoutanda ef Dol
lars to Fruit Qrowara Each Year.
Apple blob la the moat (loatrtlctlva
illt ilb.oiia In Kntinna, rnualnit thou,
mlt of ilolhim' loan every yonr. It
it be nliuoat eiillroly prevented on
ult the llmt your, even In bndly In
hiiI ori'linrda, anya I. K. Uwln. w in
'nunlntfint In liortlriilturo nt the Knn
m AKrlriiltiirnl colleco nt Mniilinttiin,
n n.
It la ImiKwalliln to eonlrol blotrh aft-
It linn iinlned enlrnnro to the fruit.
ko blotrh mil bo seen at the timo or
ie llrat npruyliiK, but If the npiirea are
reaetit on tbo twlgn In milkers It
iienim you will linvo blotrh on the
nilt tinlena It In nprnyed. Illotrh la not
Islhlo to the nnkwl cyo for two or
hreo weeks after It has entered the
Tho solution lined In sprnylng for
Ills fiitiKoua ulaennn la bonlenux mix-
ure. Thin la ninde from throe pounds
4 "A
AH-f- t-A til
4 . 1- T ' 1... At, ,..jrW ,
1'hotngrnph by Mlaanurl atnta fruit exper
iment atntlon.
of copper atilphiile, four pounds of lime
nml llfly gnlloim of wnler. It Is Impor
tant Hint nil the copper sulphiite be
nilxwl with one hnlf of tho wuter nud
nil the lime with the other otie-lmlf nud
thine two diluto solution allowed to
run together nt tho snmo tlmo Into the
tnnk. llordenux solution miido In any
othor wny In Iuhh offertlve and mny be
even Injurious to tho fruit
The fli-nt application should be three
weeks after the petals full, tho second
two weeks after tho first; tho third. In
bad canes, will be required about four
to six weeks nfter tlio pctnla full, and
the fourth elifht to ton weeks nftor the
potnls fall, or at tho time of spraying
for tho second brood of tho codllnR
moth. In mild cases tho second appli
cation may bo applied from three to
four weeks after tho flint, and the
third may lie omitted, nordunns mix
ture must not be Used during wet
weather. If tbo weather Is (lump at the
jocular tlmo of spraying apply lime
nud Hiilphttr and spray with the bor
oViuix as soon as tlio weather becomes
settled. ' . .
Willi town or pouliry on tlm hnsls of
IiiinIiikm, f iniil-liliiu n regular In
ronin, iiililltlonnl money In to li made
from vnrli'iy of products, Ini-liiillnit
iHitntoin, milium, lu'irlo nml Inrxu
fi'iilu. Tho fnniior ihhmU to k'lve t
tonlloii to ilotnlln. Ilii nlmiilil know
w hi' h rtli lon pny hont mnl w lilrh ill
trlliilln tho liihoi of hli li ii' li miml vi-ii-ly.
Thorn mimt Im woll ln In ihmI
prouriiiii. It U of the uriiitrnt Uixit
liilno to lonni liow rt'iinoiuilily Iiiiki'
pniiltn inny ho unliuil on n inoilcmiH
I in i'l ini'tit of rnpllnl nml Inlmr. Tlm
fiirmiT oiik'lit tn ll'-t nut of tho rut, If
tin In 111 olio, nml fniulllurlui lilmm-lf
Willi tho roiiilliliiim wlilrh iiovurn lib)
If ono nk n fnriniT w lirli rmp nv
hi in Ih-nI It pri'liuhly will turn out Hint
tin ilmn imt know. An n miittor of fn' t
n rrop of npplrn, MtiiitiH. ouloim or
tirn In lima not nlwnyn pny n uitlufni'
lory prollt. nltlioiivlt nt tlmin nny nni
of ( Iii-iii innkim n hli; rotuin. Tlioiu nm
fow fiinnom who will ilony Hint Hi"
npplo on linnl lit thu mint pmtltiihli)
niTi'iiiio on tlm fnrm. Imt rroii lioiu the
prollt mtk'ht ho iloiihliil If tho fiirnoT
winilil ulvo morn nlloulloii tit Hip lunn
HKi'iui'iit of hli onhiiril, kii'plnii tin
noil rultlinlixl, prunluK ami nprnyltiK
tho trooa, mlilliiu fortuity to I ho noil
nml ai'llluit to tlio hi't ii il vn in m f iv
A fnrm an n lint hit pnlllnll union It
pnya Intoront nn lla runt, puva fur nil
work iloiin, whotlior by tlio furmor
1 hlmaolf or by bin anna or hi roil nii'ii,
nml In nilillili'h n mini for tlio f innor ii
bt'iiollt, ilopoiiilliii; upon Hm aon won nml
tlio bimluona cnpni'lly of tlio ownor.
Whom tlio fnrm la very nmnll or tho
j Inbor iiio-ll"ii la illllli ult to luimlle It
i will bo boat to limp Hut (-own nml aul-
allium n loan Inborloiia klml of nurl
i rtilluro. If nil tho work In to bo n-r-I
formoil by tni'inbora of tlm fiimlly
i poultry, fruit, voi;otnblon nml flowi'r
nrw Hut bint proiluota.
If llm trnrt la not more tbnti twonty
ni nn It will hnnlly pny to unilortnko
I iinvtlilnit In tho llim of ilulr.vtim, but a
i plin-o of ton m-roa In iimplo for ipilta n
J Inrk'i poultry plant, a pinion nml an
A K"od w-ny lo Invoat the aiirplua
from tlm fnrm la to put It bnrk
Into the fnrm. Tlm f irm ,hniik
imviT Kola abnky. Tlm mnn nt
llm lii'tid of It mny K''t nlinky,
but the fnrm In nil rlk'lit.-1'iinn
1 Th.s Movabls Mangsr Can Bt Mads ta
Pay For Itsalf In Ono Season.
Here la n portnble unmoor Hint ono
fur r bun foinnl very bonellrhil In
; fiHslInu buy, fodder mid other rouKli
I nun alxuit tho fnrtn. Of cotirao It
i nnves wnnlo reaultlnu fniin feeding on
the cmtihd. 0,n' aeiiaoti thin mnu-
irof will pny for Itself In feed Hint la
From tha Iowa Homestead.
snved. If It ran lie mndo of oak boards
so murh the better, as It will last much
The runners nro 2 by 8 Inch stuff,
fourteen feet long, shaped at the ends
liko a nhil runner. Six inches from
ench end In a 2 by 8 three feet long.
set Inside the runners. A third 2 by 8
Is spiked Inside the runners nt center,
On (op of end nud center braces aro
nulled 2 by 4's Hat side down.
In earli comer a 2 by 4 upright 2Mi
feet high In made ntntlonary. also one
at center of each nlilo. Three four-Inch
hoards are nailed to the uprights.
Holes am bored In the ends of the run
ners and heavy wire Inserted to which
singletree Is attached whenever It is
desired to move tho rack about on tho
farm. Iowa Homestead.
Making a Hog Climb.
Farm and Fireside gives a farmer's
account of a discovery which enables
him to load hogs easily on to a wag'
on. lie says:
"One of the best labor saving devices
that I have used Is a bushel bnsket
over the head of a hog when loading.
Place the basket over the hog's head
and back him Into the chuto. Tho hog
will continue to back and is Tory
quickly and easily loaded."
Cover crops must be used to prevent
the loss of plant food.
Don't forget the weeds that aro get
ting ready to go to seed along the road
It is a mistake to keep a nondescript
bull simply because be cost a little
The tool which usually follows the
plow In tho courso of tillage is the
From the tlmo corn tassels out until
It becomes rlpo it tiiurcnses Its dry
matter fivefold.
Manure Is one of the byproducts of
tho dairy farmer, and It represents
decided prollt.-Farm Progress.
Bring Joy and Pleasure to Care
worn Man and Women.
Cultivated Plota Furnish Idaal Plae to
Bring Up Chtldran Makaa Than)
Strengar Phyilcally and Mara Intalli.
gant Easrclaa of tha Baat Sort
Homo, fn nn nml icnnloii-throe wonla
whirl) toin li ovory rhor.l of the liumnn
lii'iirt KnriulUK lina broiiidit Joy and
lii-n II li to miiiiy rnrrworn tm-n and wn
iiioii who hinu Inat Ihilr bralt li lii a
v ii In i-rtort to kii-p Hie para with the
ovor ruahliiK tlilo of romumrrlnl lift) In
front i-ltloa. any a tlm Chliano Tribune.
If pvvrylaHly who la ailvlaod to do ao
w oio to no to the fnrm tlm II low would
anon bo Ki'i'ntly ili'laipulutiil and Ilia
uiiilry illatrlrla turuitl Into a verlta-
bio iturilou city. Hlnre Una, for una
roiaoii or iinotluT, In not lit all likely
tbo noil In-at Ihlim for tlm dty mnn
ii o la to hrlnu' tlm fnrm to tlio illy.
Thin ho inn do by buyliiK hoc, rnke.
pmlo, nhovol mul fork and ualtiK thrin
to rotivort hla bink yard or Hour by va
unt loin Into itnrili-iin.
Kurmliii; In tlm rlty inn be made
prnrl Ion bin nml prnflliibli'. It inn lie
nvorlcd lutn n inornl nml an pronoin-
io fono. It inn lie tiuuli a Kiti-ntlul
fin lor In priwrvliiK priirtirnl aiinltnry
iiulllloiin In ii ml about the liomi-a In
tlm rll lot. I'spiiliilly the lioiiua In the
nainT Hortlona.
It run ln iiaiil to rnlae tlm mn-lnl and
ethii'iil ntniiiliinla of a roininanity,
I'hnto 0 by American Preaa Association.
thereby awakening an active and ear
nest Interest In social betterment.
It Increases the value of real estate.
strengthens home ties and stimulates
Ivlc pride.
When It Is desired to fnrm vacant
lots or convert bark yams and back
lots Into gardcus It Is necessary to keep
them free from garbage, tin cans, etc.
This materially adds to tho standards
of a community.
It lessens the breeding places of dis
ease carrying vermin. Tin cans, w hen
lying about such localities, usunlly
contain more or less wnter. They fur
nish nn Ideal breeding place for the
No disease disturbs physical efficien
cy more than malaria, (let rid of tin
cans In the back yard and vacant lot
and you have removed a great and
common source of malaria.
It seems that every one must realize
the Influence for good wlilrh such an
Institution exorcises. It stimulates
bonds of friendly Interest between
neighbors by showing them that they
have a common cause. It stimulates
bnrk yard conversation among neigh
bors over line fences, thereby break
ing down and completely annihilating
otherwise useless nnd chilly conven
tionalities. It makes people real neighbors, nnd
stimulates . that sort of friendship
which endureth even unto the end.
When a city mini has a garden to
euro for as soon as his day's. work is
over he hurries home, dons his garden
clothes and spends his spare moments
working among his beds of vegetables
and flowers. After his evening meal
nothing Is more Ideal than to spend the
twilight hours roaming among his
To utilize effectively nnd efficiently
the bark yard and vacant lots for gar
dening purposes. It Is all Important
(hat proper regard for garden plan
ning should l had.
It Is just as necessary that the plans
when once adopted should bo careful
Iv followed. Nothing succeeds without
regard t" order, and especially Is this
true with regard to successful farm
ing, (iiit'dcnlng Is nothing but farm
lug on a small scute
Prineville Flour
Hotel Oregon
Beds 50 and 75 Cents
Meals, 25 Cents;
We Lead the
in pujiplying a prime quality of beef, veal, mutton, lamb, pork
and frefh poultry. There is a flavor, a juicy tenderness and
sweetness about our meats which stamps their quality as perfec
tion. These are the finest meats that ever were sent to a table
delicious, tempting, nourishing meat. Our mild cured hams
and bacon have made a great reputation for us, while the mod
erate prices we ak assure us of the continued patronage of
our old customers.
City Meat Market
Sheriffs Sale on Execution in Fore
Bv virtue of an execution and order
of utile iHsut'il out of the circuit court
fur Crook county, state of Oregon,
upon a lmlKinent renilcriMl In snlil
court on the 5th day of Mny, 1913, In
a ult wherein S. t . Caldwell was
uliilntirf and John W . I slier was de
fendant, In lavor of the ahove named
plaintiff and against the above
tunned defendant, for the sum of
$395 5, with Interest thereon from
the 20th day of March, l'.m, at the
rate of 10 per cent per annum,
and $"0.00 attorney's fees and the
further sum of $12.00 costs, which
Judgment w as enrolled and docketed
In the clerk otnoe oi sain court in
said county, on the 12th day of May,
1W13, and commanding tue to sell, In
the manner provided hy law, the fol
lowing described real property, to-
Lots 4-5, blk 1; lots 12-20, blk 2;
lots 1-20, blk 3: lots 6-12. blk 4; lots
5-22, blk fi: lot IS. blk 6; lots 4-13,
blk 7; lot 4-9, lilk 8; lots 4,11 blk 9;
lots 5 12, blk 10; lots 12, blk 11; lots
1-14, blk 12; lots S-I4 blk 13; lots 1314
blk 14; lots 7 13, blk 15, of the town
of Harper In Crook county, Oregon.
Notice Is hereby given that 1 have
levied upon and I will on
Satardtr, the 26ta day of July, 1913,
at 2 o'clock In the afternoon nt the
front door of the courthouse In
1'rlnevllle. Oregon, sell to the high
est bidder for cash, all the right,
title and Interest the defendant,
John W. Usher, had In and to the
above described real property on the
5th day of May, 1913, to satisfy sain
lodgment. Interest, costs and accru
ing costs, Said sale subject to re-
den: ptton as provided by law .
Date of first l ubllcntlon J une 26h
Frank Ei.kixh,
Sheriff of Crock county, Oregon.
If f p Lodge meets everyTues-
via U. day night.
Strangers welcome.
Gno. Noiii.k, N. 0.; Hunt Barxks,
V. G. ; T. L. Coon, Sec. ; C. B. Diswid
mu, Trreas
Crook County Journal, county
oflieial paper. $1.50 a year.
Home Cooking
Meat Trade
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior,
I'. S. Laud Office at Burns, Oregon,
May 2, 1913
Notice is hereby given that
Ferdinand M. Smith
whose poetottice address is Paulina,
Oretion, did, on the 10th dav of April,
1913, file in this ottice sworn statement
and application No. OtitiTJ. to purchase
the s,Si e t. section 24 and net n J
section 25, township 18 south, ratire 25
east, Wi'laniette Meridian, and the
timber thereon, under the provisions of
the act of June 3, 1STS, and acts amend
atory, known as the "Timber and
Stone Law," at such value as might be
fixed by appraisement, and that, pur
8'isnt to such application, the land and
timber thereon have been appraised, in
the aiiKreeate (350.00 ; that said appli
cant will offer final proof in support of
his application and sworn statement on
the 30th day of July. 1913, before T. E.
J. Duffy, U. S. Commissioner, at his
office at Prineville, Oreeon.
Any person is at liberty to protest
this purchase before entry, or initiate a
contest at any time before patent issues
by tiling a corroborated affidavit in this
oilice, alleging facts which would defeat
the entry.
6-8 10'tp AVm. Farbk, Register.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore.
June 28th, 1913.
Notice is hereby given that
Warren Libby
of Held, Oregon, who, on Feb. 18th,
1910, made HomeBtead F-ntry No.
00050 and on Dec. 27th, 1910, marie
additional Homestead Entry No. 07867
for si ewl, sl nwl, nwl swl section 9,
ej sej section 8 and nei nej section 17,
township 19 south, range 19 east Wil
lamette Meridian, has filed notice of
intention to make final three-year proof
to establish claim to the land above
described before A. S. Fogg, U. S. Com
missioner, at Hampton. Oregon, on the
11th duy of August, 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses : Paul
Held, William H. Hurchtorf. Llovd
Baker, Walter M. Smith, all of Held,
H. Frank Woodcock,
7-10p Kegister.
For tine Oak Refrigerators see A.
11. Llppmau & Co. 6 12
Sheriff Sale
In the Circuit Court of tue BUt of Oregon
fr Crook County:
TImj W, k King C, Corporation,
Irwin D. Bwy. KthH BaWT, J. K.
MifeCphernon iil Abel CutM,
To the dbrrilT of Crook roumy, Krvetim :
WhfreaM, on ttt All) 'Jajruf Mf, in
the abore named court, a judgment wu
rrri'Wwl in favor of tbe above named plain,
tiff ami aKaitt the above named drftrtd
ant for lite turn of eight hunird dollar,
with .ntere-t thereon from (ha 3lt dav of
January. 1111, at the rate of ten percent
p-r annum, and eighty dollar attorney's
!e, and the farther ufitf tweniy-mnei.
dollar and cou. which judgment wa an
rolltd and docketed in the cierk'a ofhea of
naid court in taid county, on the T&i day
of May, lfl3.
And. wherean, it wa further ordrd and
decred by the court that tha e4 ol e'
rc 4, of the ne f ection twp 14
H. K. 14 K. W. M.. in Crook county. Ore
gon. I have levied upon, and 1 will on
Sataraay, A(.t 16, 1913,
at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of atd day,
at tbe north front door of the court Doum
in Prineville, Oregon, sell to the highest
bi'lder for "h. ail the right, title and tn
, teret the said defendant had in and to
the ahovv deacrineij real property, to satia
fy ail judgment, iiitreat, attorney fee,
cl and accruing coata. Said ale tubji
to redemption a provided hy law.
I rirt publication Julr 17. l'.M.'i.
f KLKI5.
PherifT of Crook County. Oregon.
! By W. K. Van Allen. Iputy.
i Sheriff's Sale
: In the Circuit Court of the Htate of Oregon
j fur Crook County:
The W. K. King Co., a Corporation,
' John Ferguson, Margaret Ferguaon
and the Lone Pine Trading Co.,
a Corporation. Defendants.
To the abend of Crook county, greeting?
Whereaa, on the 5tn day of .May, in
the above named court, a judgment was
ri)dfrfd in favor of the above named plain
titf and againt the alove named defend-
ant-, for the cum of eight hundred dollars,
j with interest thereon from the 3lft day of
i January, lull, at the rate of ten per cent
, per annum, and ninety dollars attorney's
fe., and the further mim of eighteen dol
lars as cost, whici judgment a enrolled
and docketed in the clerk's ottice of said
; court in said county, on the 9th day of
Mar, 1!H3.
I And whereas, it was further ordered and
decreed by the court that lot- 1, 2 3,
of nwVtf, sw4 of ne1, section 4. township
14 8.. range 14 K. W. M., in Crook county,
Oregon, I have levied upon and 1 will on
Satarday, A fad 16, 1913,
j at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.of said day,
' at tbe north front door of tbe court house
in Prineville. Oregon, sell to the highest
biddei for ca-h, ail the right, tide and in
: teres the said defendants had in and to
the above described real property, to sat
! isfy said judgment, intere-t, attorney's
' fees, costs and accruing coms. baid sale
subject to redemption as provided bylaw.
Firt publication July 17. 113
Sheriff of Crook County, Oregon.
By W. K. Van Alien. Deputy.
Notice ot ShenfPs Sale
In the Circuit Court for theState of Oregon
fur CrooK Count :
William Baldwin.
J. H. Bean.
Notice is hereby piven that under and by
virtue of an execution and order of saie of
mortgaged real estate, issued out of tha
circuit court of the state of Oregon for
Crook county, on the 7th day of July. 1913,
in a suit in said court wherein William
Baldwin was piaiutitf and the saidJ.H.
Bean was defendant, and wherein a jud
nient wa$ rendered in favor of said plain
tiff and against said defendant for the sum
of two thousand dollars, with interest
thereon at the rate of eight per cent
per annum from the 9th day of May,
1910, and for the further sum of two hun
dred dollars as attorney's fees, and for the
further sum of ten dollars as costs, and
wherein an order of sale of the hereinafter
described mortgaged real estate was made,
directing that the hereinafter described
real estate be sold to satisfy said judgment
attorneys tees and costs, and to me direct,
ed and commanding me so to do. 1 have
levied upon, and will on
Satarday, Dm 16ta Day sf Aarut, 1913,
at tbe hour of ten o'clock in the forenoou
of that day, at tbe front door of the court
bouse in the city oi Prineville, Crook
county, state of Oregon, sell at public auc
tion to the highest bidder, for cash, all the
right, title and interest the said defendant,
J. U. Bean, bad on tbe said 9tb day of
May, 1910, in and to tbe following des
cribed premises, to-wit;
The northeast quarter of section thirty
five, in township fifteen soutn, of range
fourteen east of the Willamette meridian,
in Crook county, state of Oregon, together
with the tenements, hereditaments and
appurtenances thereto belonging, to satisfy
said judgment, attorney's lees and costs
and accruing costs. This notice is pub
lished for four full weeks in rive consecu
tive issues of the Crook County Journal,
commencing with the issue of J ily 10th,
1:U:, and ending with the issue of August
14th, 1H13.
Hated and published first time July 10th,
1913. Fbank Klkins,
Sheriff ol Crook County, State ot Oregon.
MieriR's Sale on Attachment F.xe
cation. Vher-', on the 21st day of May,
1913, by -kleratlou of the circuit
court ii. ..e state of Oregon, for
Crook ? n'tty, the First National
Dank o ....ud, a corporation, recov
ered a "d-inuut against D. V. Mack
intosh i r i he sum ot $674 00 and In
terest thereon from the 21st day ot
May, 1913, at the rate of 10 per cent
per annum and the sum of ffSO.OO at
torney's fees and $17.00 costs anil
disbursements, In which judgment It
was further ordered by the court
that the property attached In
said action be sold for the satisfac
tion of said judgment, In the manner
provided by luw, which judgment
was eurolled aud docketed lu the
clerk's office of said court on the 22tl
day of May, 1913, commanding me
to sell the following described real
property to-wit:
The nej of set of sectien 30, .town
ship 17, S. K. 12 li. W. M., aud the
wj of the swl of section 29, township
17, S. R. 12 E. W. m., and the of
the set of section 30, township 17, S.
R. 12 E. W. M , all in Crook county,
! Oregon.
Notice Is hereby given that 1 will,
On Saturday, the 26th day of July, 1913,
at the hour of 2 o'clock In the after
noou, at the front door of the court
house, lu Prineville, Oregon, sell to
the highest bidder for cash, all the
right, title and Interest the said D,
V. Mackintosh had lu and to the
above described real property on the
21st day of May, 1913, to satisfy the
judgment, costs and ucorulug costs.
Said sale subject to redemption as
provided by law.
First publication, June 26, 1913.
Fkank Ei.kjnh,
Sheriff of Crook County, Oregon,