Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, July 24, 1913, Image 5

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    Saturday Specials
We Offer for Saturdy
the following goods specially priced:
) cei'w, )
The Columbia is one of the most
attractive and satisfactory ranges to
be had. Our price is very low and
we put them out on easy terms.
Superba steel cut coffee, special, lb 35c
Thii coffee it one of the highest grades we if II. and it put up in air
tight cam. Our regular price ii 45c.
Ball Bluing, 1 Oc size, special per pkg., 5 c
Palmolive Soap, special 3 bars for 25c
Regular lS-eeot teller.
Holeproof is the only satisfactory
guaranteed hose. We have them in
Men's, Women's andChildren's.
Grimes Valley.
uur vulli-y U what wna umt
known no "IVviTly Klut" but
l.i l Unit It Ik niiytliluii but Unit now
tiu'v It Iimm Imi'M wtiU-il u i liy n
liriMpproiia ntut rncritrlk' iilt-.
Tin' mKlilta iiikI coyiibv lntvt Ihh-ii
tnimlly rvtiliu'i'il by kihhI cuttle,
liorx'n, iiliii'ii anil linn" nml hp Intu
it i;iim crom tl liny nml Kr'tltt lnarv
na w ill l' (uiMiil In tiny purl til IVit
trill On itmi.
Tli litriurr have tliHr llrat rrop
it nllulfii buy tip iiinl tin' wcuml
imp In growlnjr nlii-ly.
The dry loud fiiriiiera tire lit lite
mldat ut luiyluK'
Tin' ijrltnra brothcra liiiri' net up
their new lieiiiler nml lire reaily tur
tiiintiii'MM III tlutt Hue. They hit re
iittrvliiim-d n III rue nml t'otuplete
HinwIiliiK iiiiK'hlini iiutHt, wlili Ii
they expert to iiiuke It 1 1 1 it tin mum na
the Krnlit la ready.
We nre pliiltliltiK on btiililliiK n
Hew t'liurvll liiiumi In the center lit
our valley In the near future.
The colli nu t la reiitly to let lor the
biillilliiK nt n ll.VKI ai'lioolhoumi lu
the Lower Itye (iruaa tattoo! dlalrk-t
to be ready lor aeltool by (H-tuber 1.
We nr nil Intereateil lu the ml
Vittii'e ol the riillroml Into I'rluevllle
iih we teel It will lieiiellt ua nil. We
lire helpltiK the einiae nliiiia ua Itiueti
ua we cult.
Alumni every limner In ilda
wrtlon lina leiteeil with rnbblt prout
wire teneea. John (irluiea Iihh put
up about alx tiilli'H tlila aprlttK.
"Tub" any tlila roala like alxty but
lie can't uttonl to li-ed IiIh erop to
nutaldtt aliH'k.
The Wlllliiiua mill Slay ton nrteHlitn
wella lire IIuhIuk (reel)' whleh we
roualder unite n boon to our valley.
There are aeveral tariuera lioplnn to
get artealutt water aa noon tta they
ran have the ilrlllluif iloue.
Lamonta Items.
Powell Butte
There wait a blK allow In I.ainoltta
July 17. Kveryone lelt they trot
their inoney'a worth.
Mlaa Naomi TliomiiH la clerking In
John Knali' atoru.
Mlaa Ktbel Cox returned to Mailra
liiat week alter a abort vlalt to
frlenila ami relatlvea lu WaahliiKton
ami the valley.
L. Melton, L. Tlioiniw anil J. Wei.
Kami were bimlneaa vlaltom In l'rlne
Tllle Wedtieadiiy.
l.amoiitit baaeball boyt allR'd
another ono over on Terrebonne
Siimlay. The acoro waa 15 to 10.
Mr. Kin ami family, Mr. Mack
and family, Mr. Mitchell anil family
ami Mr. l-eiudi anil family spent Sun-
day at the Cove. A splendid time
wan reported.
Clarence ('ox returned home Sun
(lay from up Crooked river where he
baa been working.
James Read and wife motored up
to Carl Wlndom'a Sunday and spent
a pleaaant day.
The farmera have benun to put up
their Kraln what little they have.
There wan a largo attendance at
Sunday School Sunday.
Joe Weltraiid went to Culver Fri
day after hie new header.
John Walte and wife were In Mini
ma Monday.
Mr. and Mra. Melton were nt
Terrebonne Tueaday on biiMliieaa.
Will Exchange for Wood.
If von luive wood and want a aew
lug Machine, don't wait any longer.
.1... fcl..... IT. ..ii.. tlw Muw
' ' C UftvU tllU ill"W liwiiiu, ii"1 ... ..
Uoyal and llonlla that we will trade
you. All Hrat-cliiHM machlni'H. M.
KuuiHtra, the Jeweler, I'rluevllle. 6-26
rn. K 1 1 tt Arnold ami aim, I'.ter
elt, ol Iteiul iiiiIihmI out I'rlility lorn
brief vlnlt with relatlvea and friend.
Mlaa (ibulya Hnyu ciiine In Siitidny
(ruin I'ortliuid and other point,
where ahe lina Ini-ii lor the pimt
. I'. Alley boiiulit aeverul brood
auwa mid aome young plga trout
lieu. NhiM'liert laat week
A rrowd ot young tolka went to
Iteiliiiotiil Sunday evening to aee the
Mr. I.attln, the llcnd lnaurance
III il II. waa doing btiallieaa In tlila
liK-iillly laat week. '
ijulte a iiiiiiiImtoI our people at
tetiiled the Voaburg aale eaat ot Ited
iiiiiii I .Monday.
A deal lu dirt w aa pulled off out
t lila wny laat Saturday when the ho
nor farm property ol Heath Uri'm.
waa aold to a Mr. Montgomery Irom
Cnllforttla. Tuelaale waa uinde
tnroiiglt the Hgcneyjot "That Mnu"
McCaffery ol Koduiiuid. Mr. Motit
KOinery aud tauilly will take 1 mined I
a te poaaoaalou ot their new home.
Mr. and Mra. Allen Wllooxeu Sun
dayed ut Deacliutea, the gueata ol
Mr. and Mra. Win. Nanny.
Mlaa Viola Truoadule returned
hone Tueaday from Kediitoitd where
ahe lina been aluce Saturday working
aa a aubatltute In the ollloe ot the
Iieachutea Mutual Telephone Co.
I At' Hobhe iiooompmiled hie wile
and ohlldreu to Bend Tueaday even
lug. Mra. Hobba, who baa la-en III
at Iter home for the paat week, waa
taken for medical treatment.
The many trienda ot Mra. A. W.
Bay u wjll be pleaaod to leant that
alio la Improving allghtly trout Iter
reot'lit lllneaa.
J. li. Hoe. the popular Itedtnottd
litttcher, waa out tlila way buying
cowa and calvea Tueaday.
Mr. and Mra. J. L. Foater, the
latter the tnother ot Heath Hrua.,
moved their bclongluga to teuta tol
lowing the aale ot the Heath place,
where they have loen living aluce
early aprlug. At the time ot moving
here Mr. Foater shipped a car of
freight from Salem lu which wna In
eluded a colony ot about fifty stamle
of beea and aa these are right In the
nitdat ot their buay aetuiou they will
not be disturbed until a more favor
able time, and meauwlttle the Fos
ter will live lu tents aud take life
For Sale.
One header and three headerbeda,
2 plows, 3 wagons, 1 ningla hnguy, i
work horaea. Pkinkviliu Fkkii A
I.ivkky Stahi.k, oppnaile poetotllce. 7-17
lllttio face bay mare, 'V brand on
left shoulder, scar ou rlgliLhlnd leg
above atllle. isitoulil nave colt foaled
about June 5th. 115 reward to tind
er. Notify Htiury Blvlna, Culver, Ore.
For Sale.
Two houses on north side; one
llnlalied, 5 rooma; the other luta 10
rooms, uot nil completed; good gar
den, chicken para., etc. rrlce, II
taken at once, $3000. Address A. W.
White, t'rluevlllo. 6-2j-lni
For Sale Cheap
Ludwig piano, good as new. Write
Chits. F. Condart. 7-17-lm
On the stago road betwet n Siatera
and I'riiteville, Tueaday,' July 15, one
litily a amall imnuuai!. Leave with u
L. Slmttiick, l'rineville, and get reward
For Sale
Second-hand Katey organ. Write Chaa
I. Uondart. 7-li-lm
Wood for Sale.
Wood foe Bale at $1.75 and fT a cor
at the yard ; 50c extra per cord dc
livered. P. L. & W. Co. 1-10
Firtt Run on a Bank.
Ttie f!rnt "run" uu banking InatHu
tinMi In Ijiih1.hi wmh lu liW.T. Mimy
Loiiilmrd alreet gulilMiiltha and btink
era tiuil lent out the money intrtmttff
to them anil. IicIiik in !.! iimiu f''t
payment, were tumble to meet the lie
mnml. A crowd of eredliora and oth-
era vowpuihlcd. nml a riot followeil. 1?
which four hunkers were hnnciil at
heir own doom before order could Ix
restored and the Htiury creilltoni per
miaileil that they were not being awla.
A Wendarful Craatur.
The po'VP the tniwt remarkable
creuture on earth. If cut tranaveraely
or loiiKltudlniilly Into aevernl parta.
eni'h will tieootne a perfwt animal.
Trembly turned tbetu Inside out and
they ate and enjoyed themselves at
niiiili as ever, lie alit two longltudl
onlly. placed the hnlvea toirether and
united them Into two anluinla. He ill
vltled two tntnavemely and created one
with two henda. He pushed one down
the throat of another, a third down the
throat of the aecoud. and thus formed
a creature with three beads.
Effective Rafitoting.
"It la bo audduu!" exclaimed the fair
hnlred tflrl. who had Just received a
preputial to merge her Identity lu that
of a would be protector. "You must '
give uie time to reflect"
"No. no!" retorted the diplomatic (
young man. "One whose dazzling i
bonmy in likes a mirror aahamed of
Itaelf ahould never go Into the reflect- I
lug buslnesa. Let tlila solitaire dia
mond do the reded lug."
And the records of the license clerk
allow that It wna even ao.
demand for choice butcher cattle,
especially cows and heifers. Sales
were made in small quantities as
the supply waa comparatively short.
Best cows. $7.75 to $G.25; heifers,
$7.25 to $7.50, choice bulls, $5.50
to $6.00, and choice light calves at
The hog market was steady to
higher. One load of extra fine hogs
sold for $9.40 Friday morning. The
bulk of light swine sales, $9.15 to
$9.50. Fuget Sound packers have
been liberal buyers on the market,
and the light run was quickly ab
sorbed. Swine prices are appar
ently on a heavy basis, at least for
the present. '
Sheep house business has been
slow all week. The demand for
both mutton and lambs has been
light, and the trade has shown no
sign of improvement whatever over
the previous week's market A
liberal top is 6c, as some very good
stock sold at that price. Prime
killing ewes at $4.00, weathers at
$4 25 and yearlings at $4.50 are ex
treme quotations in the mutton
Bituminous Coal.
Shortly after the adoption of bitu
minous ciml as a fuel In Kncbind a
royal proclamation waa used forbid
ding Its use aud authorizing the de
atruetlon of the furnaces of the users.
who were characterized aa evil doers.
Scarcity of fuel, It seeuia, ahortly com
pelled the resumption of Its use. In
the reign of Elizabeth bituminous
coal was again prohibited during ses
sions of parliament leat the health of
the members Buffer thereby. London
TuliM.. Ilk
The Cattle Market
Steady and Strong
North Portland, Ore., July 18
Receipts for the week have been:
Cattle. 1204; calves, 133; Hogs, 2256;
sheep, 6372.
The cattle market last week was
steady and strong. Improved beef
outlook had a bullish effect on
prices. Prime steer top $8.00 to
$8.25, with the bulk of steer sales
at $7.75 and $8.10. Eastern Ore
gon steers at $8.60 and cows $7.75
featured. There has been a keen
BEGINS its forty -fifth school year
DEGREE COURSES in manyphasesof
MERCE. Pharmacy.
ture. home economics. mechanic
arts. Forestry, commerce. Pharmacy
training, agriculture, domestic science
and art.
MUSIC, Including piano, string, band
instruments and voice culture.
"Thb Enrichment of Rural Likb"
and a will be mailed free
on application.
' Address H. M. Tknnant, Registrar,
(tw-7-Utot-) Corvallis, Oregon.
SLr Orders by Parcel Post FREE!
Agents for Sincerity Clothing, Conqueror Hats, Robert
Johnson Rand Shoes, "Style Craft" Clothing
for Ladies, Royal Worchester Corsets.
Eiderheiner Stein Clothing for Boys.
Owing to the backward season we still have much muslin
to reduce this stock we
underwear, and in order
some special
Made of long cloth and cambric, trimmed
with lace and embroidery.
Regular $3.25 value $2.79
" 2.00 " 1.69
1.59 " 1.23
1.25 " 98
Night Gowns
Some very neat gowns in this assortment,
made of cambric and long cloth, lace and
embroidery trimmed.
$2.00 values $1.69
1.75 " 1.4S
1.25 " 98
.85 " 69
Wash Goods Special
Owing to the late spring we have a large
quantity of wash goods. Some very beautiful
patterns, such as Btriped voiles, tissues, pop
lins, soisettes, satines and silk ratines.
35c values, special 23c
50c ' " " 33c
65c " " 45c
$1.00 " " 69c
Write for samples.
Combination Suits
Corset cover and drawers, good quality of
long ctoth and cambric trimmed with lace
and embroidery, in all sizes.
$3.25 value $2.79
,2.00 " 1.69
1.50 " 1.28
Middy Blouses
We still have a few middys left. Just
the thing for hot weather, both in plain white
and white with colored collars and cuffs, and
patent leather belts. Children's, from 8 to
14 years at $1.00
Misses, 14 to 18, at 1.35
Ladies, 82 to 40, at 1.50
Boy's kangaroo calf blucher,
heavy sole, size 1 to 2; per
pair, $1.69
Boy's gunmetal blucher, good
shoes, sizes 2 to 5; per
pair $1.90
Girl's gunmetal lace shoes,
sizes 8 to 12; pair $1.29
Misses' gun metal vici .kid
lace and button shoes, sizes
121 to 2f per pair $1.69
Ladies' vici kid and gun met
al lace Bhoe, sizes 3 to 84, per
pair $1.3)
Ladies' vici kid and gun met
al lace ehoes, sizes 3 fo 74;
per pair $1.98
Boys' kangaroo calf blucher,
heavy sole, size 8 to 13i, per
pair $1.29
Children's gun metal lace
shoes, heavy sole, solid leath
er counter, sizes 6 to 84; per
gair $1.19
A good assortment of men's
shoes, both in oxfords and ,
high shoes, black and tan,
medium and heavy soles,
sizes 6 to 12. Prices per
pair.. $1.50, $2.15, $2.65, $2.90
Send Me Your Order by Mail To-Day