Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, July 24, 1913, Image 4

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    Harvest-time Needs Supplied Here
Speaking of Ranges
We are selling the best of ranges on
installments or for cash to suit the
customer ranges that we know to
be economical in fuel, quick cookers
15 to 20 minutes from start to
breakfast, and which will last for
almost a life time is the stove we
will show you.
Saturday Grocery Specials
Chase & Sanborn's 50c coffee
lb 33 l-3c
Crescent 45c coffee for
lb 33 l-3c
Parlor Matches, 7 boxes for
Pink Alaska Salmon, large can
Peerless Tobacco, six 5c pkgs for
How are You Supplied?
With Dishes and Glassware
Tinware and Graniteware
Machine Oils
Cylinder Oils
Rope, Pulleys and Hay Forks
Water Bags
Bolts, Stoves and Ranges
!i .
Crooked River News
S. S. Stearns and family are
through haying on their Crooked
river ranch and are to leave Friday
for La Pine to put up their hay
Alfalfa Growing
an Inch a Day
J. F. Blanchard has a field of al
falfa that is growing to beat the
They are taking teams, wagons and band' he s'8- He cut his first crP
crew from here. They will have
two four-horse teams, a single horse
and buggy, several saddle horses
and the auto. They will have
about five weeks of haying at La
Pine and then will come back here
for the second crop. Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Hawthorn will run the ranch
here during their absence.
Killed a Big Rattler.
Mrs. Dmer Hawthorn and Miss
Lora Stearns were out for a horse
back ride between the Stearns
ranch and Frank Hoffman's place
on Crooked river last Tuesday when
a big rattlesnake struck at one of
the horses just missing him a few
inches. Mr. Snake then crawled
back into a big bush but kept
rattling, so the girls located him
again and beat him to death with
, big clubs. He was about three
feet long. In killing him they
broke his rattles until they couldn't
tell the exact number, but judging
from his size they thought about
Waterspout at Hoffman Ranch.
There was a waterspout at Frank
Hoffman's ranch on Crooked river
during our last rain which filled his
irrigating ditches with sand and
rocks till it will take several days
to clear it out. He was just in the
midst of irrigating for his second
Surprise Party.
The Women of Woodcraft of
Juniper Circle No. 37, gave Neigh
bor Pancake the surprise of her life
the other evening. The visiting
neighbors went provided with ice
cream, cake and cocoa. Everybody
had a jolly good time.
A Neighbor.
July 8, and fifteen days afterwards
his second crop averaged fifteen
inches in height just one inch a
day. He says the weather condi
tions were ideal for growing.
Good Roads Barbe
cue at La Pine
There will be a good roads barbe
cue at La Pine August 9. Among
the speakers announced for the
meeting are Col. C. W. Thatcher,
A. H. Lippman and T. J. Minger
spent Sunday on the Deschutes
Born. July 23, to the wife of
Frank Elkins, a girl. Frances Adelia
is a lusty 9-pound infant.
County Surveyor Rice and family
left Wednesday for a vacation at
the head of the Metolius.
Mrs. M. E. Brink, Miss Bertha
Baldwin and Seth Dixon left the
first of the week for a trip to Fort
Klamath and Crater Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. George Noble and!0ref?l,n- where thev wil1 RInJ
Miss Elma left today for Cambridge,
Idaho, where they will visit II. L.
Stewart, a brother of Mrs. Noble.
F. M. Post, of Post
Born, July 24, to' the wife of A.
R. Morrison, a girl.
Born, July 21, to the wife of
Henry Koch, a son.
Omar Wilson is building a 5-room
bungalo near the high school for II.
I). Still.
W. H. Post, of Post, was a busi
ness visitor in Prineville Friday and
M. I). Powell and I. W. Spear left
the first of the week for Merrill,
couple of moriths,
W. A. Booth, George Noble and
got back last week
me iamous good roads apostle, .end business visitor. Things are
County Judge Worden of Klamath, ' looking good in his section, he says
W. A. Lynch and W. F.King of! The late rains came just in time to
Prineville. An old-fashioned barbe- save the crons.
Albert Nobl
was a week- from their outing at Summit Prai
rie. They got lots of fish.
cue will be given by the people of
La Pine. Everybody invited.
Belknap Springs is ready for sum
mer campers. H. B. Sloan, the
Jack Seeley, who was held to the
grand jury under lloO bonds for
giving liquor to minors recently,
was released from custody Tuesday
uii nis own recoifn zance. lie mueri i n-... ti: i . ..
manager sav hp haa q u,immin.. 1 . ... . I """--uiwui mire miles
Teeth and Wiedom. I , . 7 I tu Klve un nm co"' quarters at the
"I shall be dreadfully stupid now," i . "" , ,u' "'mpieieu. anu mat ne county jai
sam tne wire, who had Just returned i ' building a new note and twentv
Mis. Wright has returned from
her vacation.
Fred Smith is in from La Pine
for a week's hiy-olf.
Born, at Gateway, July 17, to the
wife of Charles Carr, a son.
Born, at Madras, July 10, to the
wife of Frank E. Duchien, a son.
Robert Cram ami wife of Trout
creek are in town today on a visit.
Mrs. J. W. Carlson and children
are home again from their trip to
The Metolius Oregonian will dis
continue publication after this week.
Editor Pierson is going to Chinook,
Kamstra's jewelry establishment
advertises a big "Philanthropic
Sale" for the benefit of the Prine
ville churches during August. For
details see his advertisement.
liay Constable has bought the old
Your I lat i always
Btylitth and just right if
bought of Mrs. Estes, the
popular Milliner.
Mrs. Estes
Corner 2nd and Main Street.
Prineville, Ore.
For Sale or Trade
Five-passencet Rambler auto. Write
Chas. F. Condart. 7-17 lm
To Exchange
Will trade timber claim for auto
mobile. Address P., Journal ottice.
Lots for Sale Cheap
Residence lots, close In, near public
school. Inquire of Wade Huston. 7-3
Several thousand dollar to loan
on Improved farms at current rates.
Address Win. d. Phoenix, Redmond,
Oregon. 7-3
Timber Claim for Sale
Timber claim, 10 miles from l'rine-
ville for tale cheap for cash. Apply to
S. A. Prose, Prineville, Ore. 5 291mpd
Sheep Lost
Between my farm and Sisters, 500
head of ewes and lambs, brawled with
s cross, machine sheared. Phone or
address Rector Arnwine, Sisters. Ore
gon. 7 17-tf
.r, oemist s. cottaKeg for the f tf0
"N hy so. my dear?" asked her hus
band. A triple birthday party was given
"I have had all my wisdom teeth ; at the Chas. Houston ranch at
cmXt.' said herhuJJU,y15 ' f
band, with the best Intention in the j Chas. Houston, Miss Tressa Hous
world, "you know it is nothing but a ton and Floyd Mayfield. Everyone
superstitious idea that wisdom teeth
have anything to do with wisdom. If
you were to have every tooth In your
head drawn it couldu't make you any
more stupid, you know."
He succeeded after awhile in smooth
ing matters out, but it was a narrow
escape. Philadelphia Ledger.
A Debt of Honor.
Richard Brinsley Sheridan, the fa
mous dramatist and orator, was al
ways in pecuniary Btralts and con
stantly besieged by bis creditors. A
creditor came into Sheridan's room
one day and found bim seated before
a table strewn with gold and notes.
"There is no use in looking at that
my good fellow." said be to the visitor, i
"That is all bespoken for debts of ! short during July and Autrust
"Very well," replied the tradesman.
tearing up his security and throwing
It Into the fire; "now mine la a debt of
honor too."
"So it Is and must be paid at once,"
said Sheridan, and be handed him the
enjoyed a splendid dinner and the
Otto Gray's little six-year-old boy,
while playingjaround the barn Mon
day evening, got his hand caught in
a hay cable, which dragged it into a
pully, breaking a finger and other
wise lacerating it. Dr. Belknap
thinks the child will be all right in
a short time.
At Baptist church, Sunday school
10 a. m., mass meeting 11 a. m. P.
B. Y. P. U. 7 p. m. Preaching 8
p. m. Evening services will be
south of town for a fruit and
chicken ranch- The property be-
At Christian church Sunday, Bible longed to Geo. Noble. There is 4(1
school 10 a. m., communion 10::tt) a. 'acres in it and is watered by three
m. ine n o clock hour will be i or lour good springs,
given over to the rally meeting un-
jder the leadership of Mrs. Holloway
at the Baptist church. Christian
Endeavor 7 p. m. Preaching, subject
"Why?" at 8 p. m. Geo. II. Ramsey,
Ifive Your Laundry at Dick llnr
Unit's burlier Hhop. Sent to Bend
every Monday. Liu-key Honnv, local
iigeiit. Notify him and lie will call
for It. 7-3 J. KiiWAHii Lakmos,
h. z. Crirruh
Central Oregon
Well Co.
. Contractors for Well
Drilling and Prospect
Holes. Depth Guar
anteed ...
Dealen in full line of wall tupullet,
Caroline Enninet, Pumpt, Etc.
Culver, Oregon
invited. John McAllister, pas-
The beauty of work dependi up
on the way we meet it, whether
we arm ourselves each morning
to attack it at an enemy that must
be vanquished before night comet
or whether we open our eyes with
the tunrise to welcome it as an ap
proaching friend who will make ut
feel at evening that the day waa
well worth its fatigues.
Fine sand is "said to have caused
the death of a Powell Putte dairy
cow. The animal had been drinking
from shallowjrrigation ditches and
the light pumice sand accumulated
to such an extent between the sec
ond and third stomachs as to cause
J. H. Gray & Son, of Bonny View
Farm, have received a shipment of
three Poland-China pigs from Deit
rich & Rpaulding, of Richmond,
Kan. These pigs are from prize
winning stock.
Lumber for Sale
Iiouifh lumber of all
ity, for sale at the Russell Saw Mill on ' leading; to their recovery,
vezie ureeK. Also 16-foot wood at $1.25 "mi iauras, ure
Dark gray horse weight about '.KID,
branded blotched H on left etille ; shod
in front; white mare about sume size,
branded house brand on stifle; shod all
around. Reward of $10 for information
W. K. Sher-7-17-2p
horses can pull. Don't forget the place. Melville Sewing Machines for rent
7-17 J. E, Stkwaht & Co. 5-1
For a short time we have sub
ject to our disposal
for loans on highly improved
irrigated ranches in tho vicin
ity of Prineville. Loans to
be for 15,000 or more and run
from 3 to 5 years, with inter
est at 8 per cent, payable an
nually. We charge a small commission
to be paid by the borrower.
with Central Oregon Title &
Trust Co. 6-19
Prineville, Oregon
The "Story of the Cadillac," is one of that mechanical and
commercial advancement which makes for permanency.
The Cadillac Company has never yielded to clamor by
producing that which catered merely to fancy, nor
that which took advantage of the uninformed. On the
contrary it has produced only that which it knew would
give to the purchaser "value received" in abundant measure.
The Cadillac Company has never been obliged to resort
to exaggeration and over-drawn claims to dispose of all
the cars that it could make and more. Its policy has
ever been to under-claim rather than over-claim. It is
gratified that the public accepts its representations at their
full worth; because the public has never been misled and
because the public could always expect and has always
received more than was offered.
Prineville, - . . . Oregon