NEWS FROM OUR NATIONAL CAPITAL - Parcel Post Rates Will Cheaper and Size of Packages In creased to 20 Pounds. WnililiiKlon. Ilmliicllon In pnrcrl pcml ratra Willi In h riml mid sorond. lunra, mill Iih rraar In Ilia maximum iiit of prr-lii mid substitution f I new ruin chart for ,lli complli'sted lrannl limp was ordnrod. by I'oat must er (loiixritl lliirlpaon lu Ink ff f-:l Au gust It. Th rat uf poalans In th flrat (unit In ri-dui'i-il from 6 cviit fur tin flmt puiind mid t rent for tcb (ililUlunul iHiund tu 6 emit fur tli first Humid mid I crnt fur rmh additional two poiinda. Th mlilmum wltlit uf par i-fl puat pui kaKva la Inrrnaavd from 11 tu 20 puuiida, but only In I lie ftrat mid n iinil tonra for tli prraent. If this wurka uul th niailmuiu will be iniiiln 20 puiinda vvrrywhrra. Ill aildltlun, th Insurance ruin, orlv I mt 1 1 y 1U cents, will be rmlmrvd to ( cetila un partvla up tu I lie value uf tL'6. Bryan Propoats to Ould Nicaragua A new pulley tuwurd NUaruKU:i. In voIvIiik the vlrtunl control uf Hi" nf fiilra of Unit republic by a (lulled tttmea IruHl protectors' e, K'tiillur to tliut now eierrined over Culm ns out lined by Secretary llrynn lit a collier enen with inetnbera uf the tMiiitn for eign ri'liitluna coinnilttee. Mr. Ilryun'a propositi, conilnK r.s a aurprlae lu meiiilMTa of the romnilttee, hit been tnkrn hy many senium na tliu llrm priiiui'iii. i-ni 'lit uf a Kenerul policy un the pur! uf the ncliiilnlntra Hull lu extend A ii. rr kail control ever the ruuntrle aurrotimlliiK the I 'uliiitnn CmiiiiI. and tu Manure the stability of Central American repiihllce anil lliu domination by the (lulled Wales uf their rdnllo.. wlih other Brent pow era. a Mexican Situation Alarma Officials So dellrate la the Mcdrnn situation considered In official clrclea that the White 1 1 on km Issued the following ataiemetil to clear up nilarcpreaenta tluna. "(In hla nltenttun being culled to the following atutemeiita nppearlliK incer tain afternoon newapapera (1) that the president hud stated Unit he would nut reroK'iUe the lluertu nil llllnlht ra tion and Unit It would nut Inat a ytar; (21 (hat the president had atuted that this country would establish a pro tectorate over all Central American countries to guard the Panama Canal, Secretary Tumulty alated that there was absolutely no foundation In truth fur either of tho above atatemenla." Kepurta of conditions surrounding the lluerta government In Mexico have put admlnlstratlun officials In an altitude uf keenest apprehension to ward the situation there, Advice which officials believe to be perfectly trustworthy seem to Indicate that the strife between the lluerta regime and the revolutionary elements la nenrtng a point where acinic (Infinite conclusion la to be reached. Nelaon and Clapp Reply to Mulhall Two senators, Nelson and Clapp, of Minnesota, took tho stiuid before the committee of their colleagues Investi gating the "lobby" and donlod the truth of statements made by Martin M. Mulhall, all around fluid worker for the National Association of Manufac turers. In letter read Into the record Mul hall told of conversations with Senator Nelson a member of the lobby com mittee lu relation to th 'rejection early In 1908 of a bill amending the Bhermun anti-trust act by senate subcommittee, of which Mr. Nelson was chairman. In one letter Mulhall spoke of being Introduced to Senator Clapp by Mr. Nelson mid of talking with both men about a recent decision under the Sherman act. National Capital Brevities Washington advices lay that both foreign and American commercial In terests are clamoring for recognition by the United States of the lluerta government In Mexico. President Wilson has selected Wil liam L. Chambers, of th District of Columbia, to be commissioner of medi ation and conciliation under the New hinds act. An official message was sent from Washington to Henry Kane Wilson, American ambassador to Mexico city, to com at once to Washington, Chile has signified its willingness to consider the details of Secretary Bryan's pence plan. It has becomo the 22d nation to endorse the plan in prin ciple. Representative Underwood of Ala bama, democratic house leader, has expressed satisfaction with th prog ress that la now being made with the new tariff law. V ' !' The government ha established banking by mail in connection with the postal savings bank system. De posits may be made and withdrawals effected hereafter by mall, and an of ficial announcement to that effect is being sent to the postmaster through out the country. A. MITCHELL, PALMER 5; A. Mltchsll Palmer, th Pennsyl vania Congressman who was Imper sonatsd by David Lamar, th New York stock broker. Brief News of the Week The Kngllsh houae of lord has ami I a rejected the Irish home rule bill by a vote of 304 to 64. If the bill Is panned again by the commons. It will become a law without the approval uf the lords. According to a report made at Lodge City, Kana., by I'. A. Classen, state en tomologist, mure thnn half the grass hoppers In that district have been kill ed by poisoned mash which the form era scattered over their fields. Km ud Is charged at Cleveland, Ohio, In the use uf the initiative and referen dum, ludlcatluns are that scores of petition clrculaturs will go to prison as a result of efforts to get a vote on the law, providing compulsory com pensation to workmen. A coroner's Jury which Investigated the trolley accident at Urn Angeles, which resulted In the loss of 14 lives, has laid. the blame for the disaster upon the Pacific Electric Railway company. Members of the National Guards of Oregon, Washington and Idaho and (he Duke of.Connaught'a Own Rifles of Ilrltlsh Columbia will participate In a Jolut rifle and revolver competi tion at Vancouver, U. C, In October. With most of the agitator In Jail, the disturbances which have reigned In Portland during the past week be tween the authorities on one side and members of the Industrial Worker of the World on the oUier seem to be nearly at an end. Tom Bums, chief agitator, was freed on 1750 ball, pend ing an appeal In his case. Burn was sentenced to 40 days on the rockplle. People in the News Augustus O. Bacon ban been reelect ed to the United States senate from Oeorgla without opposition. Ills eminence, James Cardinal Gib bons of Baltimore, entered upen bis eightieth year Wednesday. John I'urroy Mitchell, recently ap pointed Collector of the Port of New York, announced that he was willing to accept the nomination for mayor on a fusion ticket. President' McCormlck of th Cook oounty. 111,, county board, has Issued a statement saying that the county 1 $2,317,000 in debt with no assets In light to cover the deficit. Dr. Sun Tat Ben, ei-provlstonat pres ident of the Chinese republic. Anally has taken aides In the revolt by openly proceeding to Nanklrjg, where the southerners apparently are much dis heartened by their defeat. Medlll McCormlck, of Chicago, vice chairman of .the national committee of the progressive party, who visited In Portland, does not believe there is to be a union of the progressive and republican parties. Fifty "women vigilantes" at Wauka gnn, 111., seized Mrs. John Richardson, tore off part of her clothing, rode her on a rail, pelted her with mud, and ordered her t leave town. In paper filed In th Superior court of Ban Francluco, Phil K. Gordon, gen eral agent of the passenger depart ment of th Sunset Route of the Southern Pacific company, with head quarters in Siui Francisco, wa made defendant in a suit for $50,000 and costs on charges of alienating the af fection of Mrs. Lillian M. Beck, wife of Arthur A. Beck, of Oakland. John G. Boyle of San Francisco 1 In th coulujy Jail at Los Angeles, charged with abetting th suicide of his wife. The couple made a compact to end their lives by drowning, which th wife fulfilled. Boyle'i courage failed htm, however, when the cold water of Redonda Beach lapped his knees, and he returned to shore, while hi wife walked to her death In th urf. v .it - l V i t SEATTLE MOB BURNS AND WRECKS HALLS 'acific Fleet Sailors Alleged to Have Been Incited to Vio lence by Speech. 8ett!e-AII of the Industrial Work ira of th World meeting places, th loclallal headquarters and a Socialist tews stand were wrecked and the urnltur pljed in the street and burn id In front of each place by a great nub, led by 100 sailor from the Pa tiflc reserve fleet and half as many loldiers from th Puget sound forts, ast Friday. On member of the 1. W. A', was slightly Injured, and it I re orted that on sailor sustained a bro ten arm. The Times printed a report of a ipeecb made by Secretary of the Navy Daniels, at the Rainier Club, in which he secretary Is said to have urged 'ore I Me suppression of the red flag ind the I. W. W. Th secretary de nied that he had any Intention of coun tellng violence and several who beard aim speak corroborate his statement The mayor profeaaed to see In the rimes' account of the secretary' rpeeth a causo for the attack of sail ors on the hei.dcuarters of I. W. W. snd Hoclullat and gave this as an ex- use fur Issuing a procluinatlng for bidding the publication of the Times unless proofs uf Its contents shuuld flmt have been submitted to him fur scrutiny. He followed this up wnfti a proclamation cloning all the saloons of the city on the final day of the an nual I'otlatch, Saturday. Lawyers for the Time immediately went before Judge John E. Humphries uf the superior court, and obtained a restraining order preventing the may or or police from Interfering with the publication of the paper. Saloonmen also secured in order from the court enjoining the orJjr to close. CITY WIPED OUT BY FIRE Entire Business Section of Sheridan, Oregon, I Destroyed Sheridan, Or. As the result cf the explosion of a small gasoline stove In i -estaurant here the business section cf Sheridan Is a nmoulderlng heap of wreckage, and almost every firm is put out of business. One blacksmith shop, a garage, one bakery and one meat market are all that remain for the accommodation of the people. The fire swept over three block on the south side of the Yamhill river, embracing the business section, de stroying buildings and stocks of mer chandise valued at from 1250.000 to J3UO.0OO, with Insurance of about J125. 000. As the major portion of the buildings were of wood construction, there was little chance to save them from the flames. 100 Prisoners to Leave Reformatory Olympla, Wash. One hundred pris oners at the Monroe Reformatory have been granted paroles by the board of managers. One was granted imme diate freedom, while the other 99 will leave the institution August 1, consti tuting the largest class ever "gradu ated." U. S. GRANT WEDS; CHILDREN OPPOSED San Diego. The wedding of V. 8. Grant, Jr., of this city, and Mrs. Amer ica Workman Will, of Los Angeles, which was to have taken place Sat urday In a San Diego hotel, did not occur. Instead of a wedding It was announced to those present at the ap pointed time that th marriage cere mony had been performed one week ago by Justice George Puterbaugh. U, S. Grant, third, was the only one of th bridegroom's five children who was In th hotel parlor when the an nouncement of the marriage wag made. ' HIb grown son Chaffee Grant and his three daughters absolutely refuse to recognise their step-mother, and it 1b said that Mr. Grant, In retaliation, threatened to cut them off entirely in bis will, unless they change their atti tude. Sluslsw Reserve Is to Be Opened Eugene, Or. Complete reversal of the policy of the forest service with relation to the Siuslaw national forest and the welcoming of homesteader to the whole coast country of Oregon, from Tillamook to Coos Bay, wa9 an nounced here, following a week's in spection of the national forest by Chief Forester Graves. Referendum Suit I Filed at Salem Salem, Or. Charging gros fraud In th obtaining of signatures to the petition to refer the workmen's com pensation act at the special election in November th state In relation of Gale 9. Hill, district attorney, through K. R. Rlngo, representing the people, filed suit In th Marion county circuit court to enjoin Secretary of SUto 01- cott from planing th measure en th official ballot Trade at Home "Kvery time you go to town And start to throw your money around, Bay ''Home-made (tool are the stuff for me, Pecause ther apell Proper-i-tv.w The dollar you lend to the Kastern r-tore Sayi "(iood-bye Pill" for evermore. But the dollar you spend with the Home-made tound Keep a'comin' and a'comin' and a'coouin' around." A. H. Lippman & Co. Crook Cqumy Bank PRINEVILLE, OREGON Avals I1B7MW 4.iis 24 (JUS AU . WM'JUS ln overdraft Hanking Houae M C'witi auu KAcbaut 1UM70.M W. A. Booth. Pres. D. P. HTSWiKT, VIoe-PnM. L. A. Boot. AnaUlant Canhlrr tee days of xoiiglli meni- rougti speeclv-roiigh banners are fast passing away And-with it-the drink ing of rough, strong, high-proof whiskey Cyrus Noble mild and "pure ; yf, J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agents Portland, Oregon Express and Stage Throe hours between Redmond and Prlnevllle. fare $1.50. AKfnt for Xortehru. tit. Northern and American Express Co. Oltlce open from 7 a. in to 6 p. tu.; Sunduy 9 to 1 :30. Oliiee at Pioneer Cream to. 12-19 Just Opened : Livery Feed and Sale Stable In Cornett Stage Barn Prlneville, Oregon Special attention given to the traveling Public. Hay 25c a day per head. Give us a call. White f LTXIIVIBEJIR, ffl ID jjl A A iTII THE HAMILTON STABLES J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor PRINEVILLE, OREGON Stock boarded by the day, week or month at Reasonable rates. Remember us when in Prineville. Rates Reasonable. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent 19 Imo LUbJHiaa Capital paid lu full "urP'u Undivided profits lPll tas.ooooo I4.U1U.00 7.S73JJS 16l,7.4 20S.S70.3l C. M. ELK!a,Caahler Passenger Line Jourdan & Son & Mackey, Props. . .... . i Shingles, Mouldings, Windows, Doors, Glasses, Etc. Etc., Etc. SHIPP & PERRY PRINEVILLE, OREGON a A A W A A A a A a A l nnTWWUTT T hi "n TT.yi - T lu nimmmmttmmittifurir jiere istheAnswerfin mi Webster New International TM HUMMJ WUITOI Krrrr dar In row talk and mutln. at luffiM, on tlw itn i t rar. Id tlx otlw . aho aiul hxl oa hirlf qoeation the nwao liir of m mrw word. A frwnd aaku What miik mortar hanViir" Vna ar( th local ion o f Lth Katrtm or th pronun nation of yJl.. H hut la tomtf This New Oration anvwrra alt klnda of Ountlotu In Uiiii.Hl-torT.BiOcrphr. rirtion, Forrtjn Vtonla. Trmtva, Art aja sciences, mil mmmt ajtuteruj. OOO lllaatretlea. Coat MOO.OOO. 370O . P only riWIonarrwith the new dtcUtd a.-xhar arteriird as "AsUak of Oenlua. tadta rasar toYtloa: On thin, opnque, stron. India DaDrr. What a aatta. fHtion to own th Mmrrimm Webaterta a farm ao liaht and ao convenient to one I One half the Uik-knew and ' ifncor nefuiar luiuwn. EoHioa On itronf hook l7 no. sue Sine he. miiiiiiamiitiimniiti!!imiitiiii. .Notice of Contest Department of the Interior. United State Land Offic, The Dalles, Oregon. June 25, 1913. To John A. Marka, of Meluo, Wunh Ington, Conteatee: You are nereliy notified that Wil liam H. Porit, who icives Pimt, Ore gon, as tila pimt office nrtdreas, did on Mar 29, 1913, file In this ofliee hi duly corroborated application to content and secure the cancellation of your homestead, serial No. 0922, made January 2:!. 1912, for e swi. hwJ sej, nwj swj, section 26, town ship 15 south, rurnre 19 east, Willa mette Meridian, ana tut ground lor his contest be allege that said John A. Marks has wholly abandoned said tract of laud (or over six month last past; that be ha wholly failed to reside upon, improve or cultivate said tract of land ao required hy law or at all since making said entry, that be Is not now absent from ald homestead by right of leave of ab sence filed according to law. lou are, therelore, further notified that the said allegation will be taken by this office a having been cotifessed by you, and your said en try will be canceled thereunder with out your further right to be beard therein, either before this office or on appeal, If you fall to tile in this office within twenty day alter the FOU RTH publication of this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oatb, specifically meeting and re sponding to these allegation of con test, or If you fail within that time to tile In this office due proof that you have served a copy of your answer on the said contestant either In person or by registered mall. If this service i made by the delivery of a copy ot your answer to the con testant In person, proof of such ser vice must be either the said contes tant' written acknowledgment of his receipt of the copy, showing the date of Its receipt, or the affidavit of the person by whom the delivery was made stating when and where the copy'was delivered; if made by registered mall, proof of such service must consist of the affidavit of the person by whom the copy wa mail ed stating when and the postotfice to which It was mailed, and this af fidavit must be accompanied by the postmaster's receipt for the letter. You should state In your answer the name of the postotfice to which you desire future notice to be sent to you. H. Frank Woodcock, Register. Date ol first publication July 3. Date of second publication July 10. Date of third publication July 17. Date of fourth publication July 24. p Summons. In the county court of the state of Oregon for Crook county. Jack Brogau, plaintiff, vs. Philip Brogan, defendant. To Philip Brogan, the above named defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon, You are hereby reoulred to appear and answer the complaint of plain tiff filed against you in the above en titled action within ten day from the date of the service of this Bum. mons upon yon, If served within Crook county, state of Oregon, or, If served within any other county In this state, then within twenty day from the date ot the service of this summon upon you, or, If served by publication thereof a provided by law, then on or before the 9tb Jay af Aafait, 1913, and you are hereby notified that If you fail to so appear or answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take judgment agalust you for the sum ot ,191.12, with Interest on $186.00 thereof at the rate of six per cent per annum from the 31st day of May, 1913, and for the costs aud disburse ments of this action. This summons is published In the Crook County Journal for six full weeks In seven consecutive and suc cessive issues thereof, commencing with the hsue of June 26th, 1913, by order of the Hon. G. Springer, Judge of the above entitled court, made and entered on the 26th duy of June, 1913. Dated and published first time June 2titb, 1913. M. E. Brink, Attorney for plaintiff. For Sale. The sej of swj section 36, town ship 13 south, range 15 east of Wil lamette Meridian. About 7 miles north of Prlneville, Oregon. C. F. Bushnbll, Gen. Del., Ogden, Utah. 6-12-4tp Wood for Sale. Wood for ea!e at $4.75 and $5 a cord at the yard ; 50c extra per cord de livered. P. L. & W. Co. 1-16 vwmiiimraMmnmmimii M. 1 ii naper.Wt f . T jli!fol?! m err ian h Hylj f'M