I of c I Crook County Jounia ! 1 COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CROOK COUNTY COUNTY OFFICIAt PAPER, 1.50 YEAR PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, ORECON. THURSDAY, JULY 17. 1913. County Court Pro ceedingsJuly Term nUrM at th pnabXTIna at Prln.1. Oron. Kond-clu lutu, III Hie C(iminlBl(iniT' Court of tlm state :if ()nK!i for tlm County of Crook. July Trrm, HUH. Jalr 24-Cmi7 RmJi i'i-tlllon of C. I. I'nuton rt nl fur tirhlgii on rrt'Nlon r I over Dry Cnnyoii graiitnl. Onlm-d Hint tlii t'omily mtrvi-yor exnmlnii the locn linn iui, fHilnmti' tlm cont of run. Iriii tlon; Hint the petltloncni olitiiln IiIiIn for IuihImt to lie iimxI, nml Unit tin- county Judge let tlio coiitriu-t for tin- IimiiImt. IVtlllou of (iru Vim Tiiuu'l for voiinty rouil, Tlint n-mlliiK. It. A. Mi-ri'lutut mini. No rlnlin for dninilKi- having Iwen Mml, the mini Ih licrt'liy onlcrt'd oh'ii-i, Ovid 11. Itlli-y, Sla-unn-it mid IMiil Inn . W nml I'owrll Hut to romln, onli-red colli IiiiiimI, Urn Vim TitHM'l, H'tltlon for llwiiw for wnrvlioiiwt lit Wtiorii on rlght-of. wy of t lie Ongon Trunk Itiillrond, ordered thin when the petitioner a prujHT lionil In tlu mini of fl.nut), iipproved l.y tlm county Judge, tin' H'tlloii hIiiiII lio grunted, t'liilm of Superintendent J. K. M.vera fur lniiii, ordered Hint fill lie placed at tlm illxpiMtnl of Kupt. J. K. My I'm for miiiupa, I'liit of riiii'litm! Turk npproved. t'li-rk limtriicted to iiiitkti oriler In regular form. I'lnt of CniH'tiilu l'nrk (iirovi'l. Clerk limtrni'ti'cl to tuiike order In regular form. il. W. ltiiK'r, M'tttlon for llguor llcrinw In town of I.i I'lne, iinlnror )ornUil, Ireliiud incluct. Wherein, IH-tttloii iiii.'iirrd regulnr In every rcupei't, ordcrded iH'tltloit granted. lte"lgmitlou of Ward Coble, JiiHtlee of the pence of ftVnd. Koxlgnntlon In lUVOptl'd. Kemt-nmitiiil report of County Trenmitvr K. I Jorditn road and approved. irvgoti Trunk railroad petition to tie releiiHeil from bond III the matter of the It. M. Klder road, grunted. In the matter of tiracu M, KiiHHctt, widow, ordered that when ctltlon er Iiiim r-rfoi'lod her petition bv nlllx lug lier DlKiiatuni, ami the name him been approved by the county Judge, the prayer of mild Mtltlon hIiiiII lie Kruuted ami the county c rrk ordered to draw a warrant In favor of mild IM'tltloner In the mini of $10.00 dated July Int. 1013, and It In further or dered that the mild county clerk draw a warrant In favor of mild Draco M liamtett. widow. In the mini of tlO.oo on the flrnt day of every calendar month thereafter. Claim of Wenmidy Livery Co. for f.lb.'ft, ordered (Unallowed for the reaaoii that the county Iiiim paid the mini of 1100.00 for the recovery of lioillea from the Dcm-hute. river, which mini In all It pledged Knelt to ny for mich recovery. Claim of Frank Klklim, county ulierlff, forf'JX.18 forgiiHollneforuouu ty aiitoinoblle, tllmillowed. In the mutter of the application of the City of Prlnevllle for refund of tnxoH, continued pending iictlou of the dlMtrict at torney. Application of W. U. Melnme for rebate of taxoM on wrongful lumenH meiit, allowed t)5.N2. Application of Geo. A. Stephen for rebate, of the unearned portion of IiIh liquor lleeimu allowed, $31.10, M. A. tiullck road, flrHt rending of vlewerH' report on Hiirvey of road, July 3d-Coutj Rudi Indian Ford road, report of view ers read and approved; ordered re corded. C.J. Mock road, final report made; rond ordered opened. Clerk liiHtruct ed to make proper order opening road iiH a public highway. M. A. (lullck road, viewers report read tlio second time. Kond ordered opened tin a public highway. Clerk Instructed to draw proper order opening road, and to order tlio proper supervisor to proceed at ouco to open the sanio. C. M. Klklns, petltlou presented for private change In Lower Ilrldge road, ordered that the viewers bo Instructed to view and survey the sumo mid report on tlio Hrst day of the regular September term of this court. Ura Van Tassel road, petition rend the second tlmo. Ordered referred to the district attorney. E. M. Eliy road, whereas all pro ceedings npiear to m rvgular and In proper form a required by law. Or dered that the viewer proceed to view, survey mid local said road as VOL. XVII-NO. 34 Spurring Up Prineville Bachelors There is a hot contest on at the store of Foster & Hyde to prod up the flagging courage of Prineville bachelor during the dog days. At this season of the year thine are dull; matrimonially as well as other wise. By way of a stimulus It wu ribwl in the petition filed In this , pn)o(l to get up a pool and enter rt. o . . . ! court. In the matter of tlm vacation of the plat of Mnyfiilr addition to Mad ran, petition of .utral t)regon In vesluieut Company, continued. Claim of Jacob N. Qulhorg disal lowed. . Claim for damages by Charles II. Spaugh and by I. K, Weliner Isi uiiNe of the locution of the C. IVtersen road. Whereas It iiiiiiearM to the I'liiiiinUHloin-r' court that the laud our well known elivihles for th; race of benedicU. You pay fioi cents for a "mutual" on any bach-; elor you think will lie married first i and if you win taks half the money. J the other half going to the newly wed. As an extra inducement fur one week up to July 1G the "pnwiiect" will be given a free marriage license, a free riWtorV claimed to be dnmairi'il u hk m,.ru r..riifl,.i,t., fr,,.. u...' t ' , i 'vv i"l"it a iKv, jree of baby shoes to lie found in Brine-! than It was without, ordered that claims for diiiniiges Ik- disallowed. July 5lk Application for widow's pension. The coiiuly clerk Is hereby Instruct- d to Issue the nrois-r wiirrnni mi all nllowani'es made on iippllcntlons approved by the county Judge, the same to Ik- n'vlewed by lhecoinuils sloueni at the next regular si-hhIi.ii of the roinmlHsloni rs' court. Lord's Oregon laws. Whereas the circuit court of this district lias lieeu hampered In Its proceedings In this county by reason of the shortage of codi. It Is hereby ordered that the clerk tie Instructed to draw a war runt' la favor of the secretary of the state of Oregon In the sum of $27.60 In payment of two seU of Lord's Oregon laws for use during theses. Ions of the circuit court In this county. V. G. Atkinson, altldavlt of wrong ful assessment, continued. Eiramt Cuin DtawututiM J. W. Kuilth, serviced In irnrden. $15.00, allowed. J. W. Smith, plans for building, frt. H. W. Kamsey. two davs with wiigon and team, 110, allowed. A. P. Jones, services IV days. 11.40. allowed. . W, J. Wrlirht. services wlih t,.M m !' days, $22.50. allowed. Claim of Hend Hull, tin for printing notices for county school superin tendent, fil. 25, allowed. Water on county roads. Uoad su liervlHors are Instructed to enforce the law In regard to allowing water to stand or run In the comity roads, W arrant to Orln Miller. The war. rant No. drawn In favor of Orln Miller In the sum of .30, Is hereby ordered cancelled and a now warrant Issued In tlio like sum of $0.30, drawn n favor of C. Springer, county Judge. Rtpart sf Coast; Rud SnpvTiiorl Hist. No. 2, Ireland. John 1'eters. siiK-rvlsor. Claim of Ueiid Hardware Co. for goods furnished John lVters. supervisor, i!2.90, allowed. Expend ed May and Anrll. I2.-7.fiO: J $128 90; total, ;IH6.40, approved. I'lst. .No. 4, Montgomerv. J. M Montgomery, supervisor. No report. I (1st. No. 5, Klsters, J. W. Wilt. u- pervlsor. Kxpemled May and June, $S7.00, approved. Klst. No. 6, Haystadi. K. V. Jen- kins, supervisor. Kxnended In Mav. $185.60, approved. Clerk ordered to Issue supervisor warrant for balance due district. Klst. No. 7, McKay. David Grimes. supervisor. Expended April and May, $141.75, approved. Klst. No. 8, Hay Creek, Hoy New ell. supervisor. Kvnemliul ?n r.n im proved. Klst. No. 9, Willow Creek, Henry Montgomery, supervisor. Keuort continued for explanation. Ulst. No. 10. Cross Kovs. Perrv Monroe, supervisor. Exocudcil. $299.00, approved. Clerk ordered to draw warrant In favor of P. T. Mon roe for $00 to finish Coleman roud. Dlst. No. 11, Ashwood. S. E. Sears. supervisor. Expended lu May, 1109.50, In Juno, 1125.01): total. 1234.50. approved. Klst. No. 12, Deschutes. It. M. El- dor, supervisor. No report. Klst. No. 13. Johnson f!r,lr Vn report. Klst. No. 14, Mill Creek. P. T. I!ii. chanan, supervisor. No report. It appearing that T. F, Buchanau be lieved that ho was appointed sinmr. visor of district 13 as well as of dis trict 14, and has acted accordingly. Ho Is hereby appointed road super visor for district 13. ' villc Now, girls, its up to you. ' The bachelors are divided into two classes the favorites and the field. The favorites are all bridlewise and , are running under easy rein. The field are more fractious and seem inclined to balk and snort at every little obstacle in the matrimonial road. The favorites are: Ray Brewster. ' A.sa Battles, T. E. J. Duffy, Ross! Robinson, C. C. Hyde. Willardj Wirtz. Geo. II. Brewster, U M.' Beehtel, Sam Kllis. The field D. H. Peoples. Warren Brown, Harold Baldwin, John T. Wheeler, A. R. Bowman and Thos. Quinn. Of course you can frame up your own option. Some think Warren Brown should be in the favored class now that he has a one-handed auto, but fate seems to be against him. This Is Your Town And It Is What YouJMa .e It ' ' By HOLLAND, nukes a town? WHAT " ruiplo and bualliln. Ton are olio of the people. Wbnt you buy helpt make the business. The more yon buy the bettor the business; the more business the better the town. You wnnt the town to grow and Improve, don't you? Then you should help It to grow by Increasing It busi ness as much as you can. Every time you send else where fur giHuls you give your town a blow. Enough of these btuns will ultimate ly kill the town. The mall order houses do nothing fur your town except try to kill It Are you help ing 'them? You are If you send your money to them for goods that you could buy at home. If you are more Inter ested In the growth of Chica go or New York than you are In the prosierlty of your own town, your own neighbors, then continue to send to mail order bouses for goods. If you want your own town to thrive SPEND YOUR MONEY WHERE YOU MAKE IT. The "Flying Squad" Visits Prineville Hanged Himself in the Cook House The "flying squad" of the Port land commercial club arrived in Prineville Monday in time for din ner, after which a mass meetina was held at Commercial Club Hall. The purpose of the visit was to arouse enthusiasm for the conven tion of the Central Oregon Devel opment League, which meets at Klamath Falls, August 19 to 21. This convention will be the scene of the first demonstration of the extension work of the Oregon Agri cultural College in On travelin co- oirative work in dairying, irriga tion farming, dry farming and do mestic science. There will K- ,J eral programs in progress during the three days of the meeting, so that farmers, farmers' wives, busi ness men and visitors win entertainment and meetings of a character to delight, interest and instruct. It is proposed to hear from experienced farmers or home steaders from every section of Cen tral Oregon, telling what they" have done, describing conditions and in. j dicating the needs of each section. Many of these experiences will be an inspiration to those who are gathered there and will help them located with the least expense. At the close of his remarks Mr. Bates unfurled a very handsome flag 5x10 feet, given by Mrs. C. C Chapman of Portland to the boy or girl making the best industrial ex hibit this fall at the Crook County Fair. Prof. Cardley, of the Aorieulhiral College, gave a short talk on th work of the demonstration farms and their relation to the community in which they were located. He was followed by R. H. Crozier, as sistant general passenger agent of the Hill lines, who spoke on "Trans-' portation, its needs and benefits to a community." L. M. Foss, of the O.-W. R. & N. Co., spoke on "Co-operation." J. C. Leedy, of the Burns high school, told of the benefits of a high school agricultural course to a.growing community. He was glad'to know. he said, that a daasmato i.:. would teach agriculture at the Crook County Hich Shmd tm fall. Judge Springer was called urjon for a few remarks, after which th meeting adjourned, The stay of the visitors was nec. The county officials were tiotified Tuesday that . the body of an un known man was found hanging by the neck in the conk hmiu nf iha He no sooner discarded his Tumalo project camp. team for B iov rider uh.m Ua . ! Cnrnnor P.n'n.luvt.. .j rw t?j west. boil on one of his hands. That put ! wards went over to hold an inquest j, , address- Mr- Bat dwelt him out of the running for a while and inquire into the case but could ! ' , " the of &ood roads but he is now getting back into the'nt learn very much concerning thei' Cfntral 0re8:". and hoped the ' auvauutC Ul Ulc ipuDiisnea ana given proper at ! tention. T. M. Baldwin was chairman of the meeting and extended to the ; visitors a cordial greeting. Phil. S. Bates, editor of the Pacific North west, was then called nnnn fnr o succeed. Reports wi 1 be mad nf1..,'!..!. -.m .. . i.ijr ouurt u me itinerary laid ki-T j j 0ut for them was to be followed. Monday the ' flying squad" was due at Bend for breakfast, Prineville for dinner, and Madras for suDDer. game Make your own combination Spur on some of the laggards. suicide. The man took an ax sometime during the night and broke into the new cook house just finished. He got a short strap and fastened it new law to secure them. He read several abstracts from letters in a government report showing how good roads had directly benefitted farmers that had opposed the move- Crook County High School Faculty W miiiiii uncc mines ui me 111,4. j f The teaching force of the Crook floor- He was found hanging there ! 7 u trt , ' 2atM 10,(1 around his neck then trot unon I larmera tnat 1 stool and jumped off. His feet ! "I' There Was no boubt in his iiuiiu aooui. me ennancmg value of came to within three inches of the County High School for the ensu ing year will be as follows: : in the morning, No one knew anything about him. of the efforts Portland was making to raise 1150,000 for the exploit a( rv H.C Baughman, principal. Mr IIe w stranger in those parteJ J-'on of Oron!s resources. Over a Baughman is county superintendent iThe man had small fire in j .f uthousand had been sub i., . i4i 1 , . scribed, he said, and the hnlnnno (Continued on I'ugu Eight) of sphnnlo in T ana ........... 1 ! the Compr nf thp hllilitinar anrt - - ' Aauc lUUIliy allU IS -. uuu vuii- said to be a stronir man for th sumed everything in the shape of position. j paper that would heln to identifv Hiram Pratt will be head of the him. There was nothinc on his agricultural department. He is a 'person but a nickle, a package of graduate of the Universitv of ! tobacco and some cisrarette naners. Minnesota and of the Oregon Acri-1 He was about 45 years of aire and cultural College. He has good ere- j was dressed in a new suit of clothes, dentials. , new underwear, etc. He hail vi. Mrs. Evelyn Lane Walker will dently prepared himself for his have the normal and domestic ' fatal leap. His person was clean science departments. 'and everything made ready. The J. W. Smith will have ehariro nf man was Hark swarthv omt airi the manual training department h. h. Evans will conduct the commercial department. Miss Herman will have mathe matics and modern languages. Miss Conway Jhistory and English. An Honest Angler. "I'll be honest." remarked the man 011 the car. "I went fishing for a cou ple of hours the other afternoon, and I caught two barrel hoops and the leg of an old pair of overalls." Toledo Blade. Wage and Salary. CJnbe What Is the difference be fwoen wages and salary? Steve When a man gets wages be saves a few dollars a week., But when he gets a Bulary he borrows a few dollars a week. Cincinnati Inquirer. Lumber for Sale Rough lumber of all kinuV, good qual ity, for Bale at the Russell Saw Mill on Veie Creek. Alao 16-foot wood at $1.25 a load. A load means all that two horaea can pull. Don't forget the place. . 7-17 For Sale Second-hunt! RhIav nnan U7-;inni.nn F. Condart. ' u:.im dently a foreigner. Four Widows Apply for Pensions Four widows in Crook county have taken advantage of the law passed by the last legislature to get pensions. Their names are Grace M. Bassett, Hampton, $10; Emma J. Marion, Laidlaw, 132.50; Johan na M. Sanden, Bend, $32.50; Mary C. Bcnney, $25. The new law provides that every woman who has one or more chil dren under the age of 16, and whose husband is either dead or is an inmate of an Oregon state insti tution, or by reason of physical or mental disease is wholly unable to work, shall be entitled to assistance under the act. She is allowed $10 for one child and $7.50 for each additional child under 16. At that age allowances stop. with meetings between times. The visitors had a schedule of fifteen days before them with something doing every minute. The members of the party were entertained at Hotel Prineville by the commercial club during their brief stay. At the close of the afternoon meeting Chairman Baldwin thanked the gentleman for their visit and assured them that they could safely count on a delegation from Prine ville at the Klamath Falls meeting. The "flying squad" was composed of Phil S. Bates, representing C. C. Chapman, of the Portland Commer. cial Club; Professor A. B. Cordley, aean of agriculture of the Oregon Agricultural College; R. H. Crozier. assistant general passenger agent of was only a question of a short time, the Hill iino. t m p . in,., l . , . , i ", traveling hat he wanted of the people of freight and passenger agent of the this section was to take care of the O.-W. R. & N Co J C Leedy people that come here and lend teacher of agriculture at the Burns every possible assistance to get them high school. Madras Harnessmaker Frightfully Burned Dan Williams, the harness maker at Madras was so badly burned last evening that his injuries may cost him his life. It was at the close of a day's work when Mr. Williams started to fill the tank of his gasoline torch used to keep the wax hot. He turned out the light, as he thought, and took a quart measure and filled it with gasoline so that evervthino- would be in readiness in the morn ing. He failed to turn the litrht entirely out and when he went to pour the gasoline in it caught fire and quickly spread to his hands and wrists and right arm to the shoul der. He was fearfullv humeri Dr. Edwards, who was sum moned by Dr. Haille of Madras to assist with the case, says that if Williams lives he will be a cripple for life. The muscles of the hands and wrists will be drawn all out of shape. Williams was hurried to The Dalles Hospital on the night train. For fine Oak Refrigerators see A. II. LIppman & Co. 612 Big Crop of Wheat on Poverty Flat six Thomas Creamer, who lives miles northwest of Prineville in the section locally known as Poverty Flat, called at the Journal office Monday and incidentally mentioned that his big crop of winter wheat would be ready to cut in about ten days. This field of wheat stands more than 'waist high, is thick 'on the ground, and is remarkably well headed out with full plump grains. Mr. Creamer has already received offers from buyers for this cron of wheat, but intends to harvest and hold it for seed, for mhiv. r.. , - TT..1,,1 JJUl- pose it will be very desirable as is free from weeds and the small amount of volunteer rye will be cut out before the weat is harvested- This bumper crop certainly con. tradicts the name of the which produces it, and is added proof of the productiveness of Crook county soil when treated to nroner cultivation. it For Sale Cheap Ludwig piano, good as new. Write Cha8. F. Condart. 7-17-lm Subscribe for the Journal, $1.50 yr. IE II I .0 i lii hi 'ti T3 io es in rk Ic mi in or ha. St. K3 tail! i s tinl 1 we I i ek. 3nel I nel on. te.l r, ts. ne an, ept use of ilio out nk, nds ler. or 6 r 10 "i nds line am-ray- 40 Wil- mes ;ioD, yes. ices ig a ! 200 aies, fish. it to state ame pers