-v.. ara jf U of O luiscne Or Crook County Journal COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CROOK COUNTY COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER, $1.50 YEAR PRI NEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1913. Catr4 t the pnmUitRm t Ptinovlll Orftgrm, bmxhi4-c1mw matber VOL.XVII-NO.28 Will Help Red- mond Celebrate Over Quarter Million Collected This Year Accidentally Shot Himself Sunday Maine Toncy, a member (if the automobile firm of Toncy, Darker 4 Scott, met with a acrinua accident Sunday on hi return from trip to the northern part of the county. While on Trout ereek coming home ho' saw a good clianco to take a shot at a rabbit and drew an automatic revolver that he carried in hia tool liox. While in the act of raising the weuHn hia rar atruek a bump in the road which canned him to make a awift (irub for the steering wheel. Thin art discharged the re volver. The bullet atruck him five oraix inchea below the' thigh and ranged upward and outward towurd the hip bone. At the time Toney did not know how aerioualy he wax j hurt. Ho felt a little numbnesa in hia It'K and kept on driving the car ; for about a mile. Then he realized j hia leg waa broken. In fact, all . hot to piecea. The bullet waa one j of the copM-r exploaive kind and j when it exploded broke the bono into live or nix piecea, lieaide scat- i tering piecea of copper in the thick lleah. It waa next morning liefore! be was taken t The Pullea Iloapital. j lty thia time hia log had awollen to i the ai.e of hia body. An ocration . at the hospital extracted the bullet I and piecea of copper. The reault of Toney's injuriea will lie awaited i with much anxiety by hia friends In rrincville. New Law Governing Sale of Firearms The attention of all dealers in lirearma ia direcU'd by Ileputv Dia I rii-t Attorney Wirtz to the law which went into effect laat Tuesday, June 3, prohibiting the display of revolvers, pistols or pocket guna and prohiliiting their sale to any ierson, aside from a peace ollicer, unlesa auch H'ron preaent a Hr mission to purchase issued by the county judge, justice of the teace or city recorder. The ollicers named are not permitted to issue a liermit to purchase a revolver un less the applicant presents the alti davits of two freeholders attesting to the moral character of the appli cant. Kvery dealer in firearms must report all sales of revolvers and pocket guns to the sheriff, on the 1st and 15th day of every month and any violation of the law is declared to tie a misdemeanor and punishable under the law by a maximum sentence of one year in the county jail and a fine of 500. The intent of the law is to prevent commission of murder and other crimes by persons who are suddenly provoked to great anger or passion, as homicide statistics show that many murderers purchase guns im mediately before committing the crime. The report to the sheriff must show the nume of the person purchasing, the factory number of the weapon and the date of the pur chase. Engineer Clagg Dies of Spotted Fever Engineer Clagg, of the Motolius survey, who was stricken with spotted fever two weeks ago, died very suddenly Friday night. It is presumed that his heart, al ways weak, was unable to stand the fever, which ranged very kigh. This is the first fatality from spotted fovor in tho vicinity of rrinovillo. The remains were taken, to Uodmond Sunday by Oe n'ge Myor, and from there shipped to the engineer's home at Scuttle. Deceased was about f'5 years of ago. Crook County High Graduates Large Class The largcat claaa in the hiatory of the Crook County High School waa graduated laat Thuraday evening at the Club Hull before a large audi ence. The following excellent mus ical program waa given: Processional, viollna, Mra. Ed wardi, Frances Williama. Vocal Solo, Mra. Ibxlgson. Vocal Solo, Mra. Coe. The claaa marched in and took , the.r places on the platform while the procesaional was being played. The young ladiOa carried arm bou-! queu.0, carnations an,! me young gentlemen each wore a carnation. The commencement nddrox was' . . irivVn bv he IT W Malar 18heh,",r,k', ' bUt Wa? "- H:.J- 'T PturJ before she got out of the who apoke on 'The Modern Trend of ( love rn men t." He admoniahed the claaa to uae care in iunVir.tr such ' - " important problems Am,.n.r.tl,..r good advice he urged the puplla to always reverence and remember the parents ami teachers who hud made it iHsible for them to receive their education. Prof. Coe then gave a brief hia- lory 01 me growm 01 me scnoor f the during the paaf three years as to Mg the mmt am J Z'TZT Clt'an UP 8 ,iUleo THiS ; ZiJ r'1 ''"t when the "queen" left; prente,I the claaa for graduation. the n()Uae she took a watch with Judge bur naeraiMike to thee asaL... u-... c..i. ...... along educational lines and pre' . I .!!..! acmeo me uipiomaa. , .several or tne graduates have al- ready planned to continue their school work in the higher inatitu-1 tiona of learning next year. r " n F " Senior class day haa taken on a new significance at the Crook Coun- j ty High School. Instead of the regular performances incident to the occasion the class wove the' class prophecy, class history and ' class will into a clever play entitled "Shadows Before Dawn." . The scene of the story is laid in ! the clnsa room of the C. C. U S room of the C. U II. a., I where 1913 and her commendable! wiU enforce this law strictly and attributes are having a feast. jjf violations occur the public While the feast is in progress should be prepared for the con there is suddenly a thunder crash sequences. followed by darkness. "Vengeance" approaches telling 1913 her last hour is at hand. This nmkes her very ill and sho ia administered to by the "Leech," who believes in introsec tion, the "Wizard," and finally the "Barrister" is called in to draw up her last will and testament. As "Vengeance" is pronouncing the last words over her, "Joy" and the Commendable Attributes rush in and toll her "Hope" has arrived and ..i j: ' . sou can noi tue. ine casi was as, followa: The Clnsa of 191:1 I.eoln Eeti'S A ljttM'll. Illilttl L I'livuli'lmi A WUard Clarence Hlxliy A Barrister Warren Vancy Vengeance Ailolpliua Myers t'OM.MKNIlAlll.K ATTHIIII TKH Harmony Klma Noble Joy Maliel Uoak Truth.. Vivian Hlnkle Iteauty Georgia ('leek Courage Roland Mcl'alllster ATTHIIIl'TKK not bo commkndam.k Discord Ernest Kates Sorrow ... Gladys llnyn Docult Lee Howell Inllrmlty Robert Oaborn Vanity Theresa Bmidy HVNOrsIH Scene:, Tho apartment of the Clnas 1913 at C. C. H. S. Act I. livening of a day near the end of the term. Act II. The following morning. Act 111. Afternoon of the same day. Act IV, Thirty mluutea later. The play was put on under the direction of Miss Conway, The seniors and their director deserve much credit for the excellent man ner in which they gave their exer cises. Melville Sewing Machlues for rout. J. K, Stuwaiit & Co. 5-1 The Box Car Queen Makes Things Hum Ccorgia McCarthy, the "box ear queen," who applied for work at Hotel Prineville about the first of May, has been making things lively for the Waahington authorities. While in Prineviire the "queen," who ia a pretty and wellnedueated young woman, waa taken sick with mcaalea. She waa placed in quar antine with a nurse aa guard but ghc WouMn't BUiy quarantined and n..ithr ,h(, nurm. , LMwar,i. HherilT Klkins or Proaecuting At- torney wirU coud make her felgA, He recommended the shc ,,roke away from her cantorx Anil tritt to Iti'drrmnd uhnria ! county and brought back. The . sheriff hod the time of hia life : ....... ..... i irimTnir nir mrf It took a strangle i .. . ...... . ... . hnn. he luiva. to itn nnvthintr with her. She was kept in confinement , for a time and turned loose. The next we hear of Georgia is, from Tekoa. Wash. Hhe rode into mai wwn on me rroni end 01 a lata mail train and went wine neareti ....... .n,i . ,.rv:.,0 nf I IT. Tt llfll .1IHIKUIIr WMH rHHt'llWl trouble commenced for her and ; police officerg It took five ' ;om,rg aml the 1ce mm. to httn,11(, h, sho ,; ..,, , . Ktjin,, i tria, for Bteajnflr the watch, - The New Hunting LjCenSe LaW I Attention is called to the new hunting license law thi t went into effect Tuesday of this week. No person is now permit ted to carry a gun or ritla for hunting without a hunting license , LnH n,. nhilrl nn,W 1i r..,. nf e is permitted to hunt or carrv ' L m. ...,u.:.: a pun. Tho nuthn.itipa Fire Near Lamonta. The Bateson ranch at Lamonta ' city wants to straighten out the suffered the loss of a barn by fire ! difficulty so that property owners Sunday night. Martin Anthis, J. j will not be afraid to improve their W. Curtis, Frank Foote and Mr. ' property. Wilmeth had planned for a fishing I The judiciary committee was in trip next day and met at the Bate- structed to have an iron fire escape son ranch. Not having room enough at the house Mr. Wilmeth . prepared a bunk at the barn. . . . . nuwut 1 1 .ju its lur neiu were heard and a few moments later the barn was wrapt in flames, Mr. Wil- ' Arti'1ii!0'-v(,i'meth barely escaping with his life The origin of the fire is not known. Hunt, who last year established Mr.Wilmeth doesn't smoke and ustd grades for a better road across a lantern to go to bed. He sle.t the cascades by the McKenzie in the mint of the barn while the route, will leave here the middle fire started in the rear. It isj0f June to set the final stakes thought that someone carelessly j preparatory to leaking the pro dropped matches and the rats got : p0sed changes. As a result of to eating them. There was noUhe work some of the present Check Your Water Rights Before Its Too Late George Brewster, district water master, desires that water users check up their water rights from the description published in the Journal in our issue of May 24th. If there are any corrections as to date, acreage, descrip tion, ditch or stream, to notify him at once so that errors may be recti fied before the decree is filed in the district court. Wool Sales Day at Redmond, July 9 Bring your wool to the Redmond I'liion W arehouse Co. Large atone warehouse, low Insurance rates, low shrinkage. Free use of shearing cor rals. 6-5-2 1 City Dads Met Tuesday Evening There waa a regular meeting of the city council Tuesday evening. Present Mayor Clifton, Council men Cooper, Gray, Lafollette, Shipp, Ward and Zevely. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The monthly reports of officers were received and placed on file. Councilman Ward reported the completion of the city's part of the Second street sidewalk and also hia attempts to get a dumping lighting up of the Ocho bridge, fiiimcilmun T .Aillalta nr.rtsiA . . - th"t '"e judiciary committee ha. drawn up a concrete sidewalk ordi- nance for the consideration of the council. The consideration of the .... . . ordinance waa noxtnoneH tn npYt Murwluv vuninir u-hAti iha Aaiatlu will be gone over. j Henry Cram, through his engi-' neer. Geo. Brewster, reported on tie feasibility of developing certain- springs on his place tor a city water supply. ne mougni a gravity , u.,em ,,m M.Qv,i;0i, at a of t:A000 that would de- ,,W th0W8ter 10 City'imiU-i The water would have a 205-foot fall which would be ample for fire -.1 i Mill! Ill IIIIMHI If 11 Mi- 1 j The following bills were ordered . paid: 1 Kity Mitckey, labor. 2 CO O. 8. NlMen. " 1 25 Estoa Short " 11 75 J. W. Short " 16 25 T. J. Mlnger, nidae ....... 10 40 Deat'butea Power Co., hydrHOV ' ri.ntHl Mmv 'r. RA ""Chutes l'ower Co., electric lights, May 11 45 Dea Chutes Power Co., Jsprluk- llng water C4 15 It. S. I'rlce, hauling.. 8 50 T. K. J. Dufty, services 7 50 K. smith, trens. mtlary 75 00 W. K. Klug Co., tndse., 4 90 T II I nw.L, lulw.v 10 IVI Wade Huston. anlHryMayZZ 75 00 A. K. Bowman, rwnrder'a tw 17 90 - w"". 1,lbor 16 00 1'- Coou. deg meat 11 CO; " salary May 75 00 Nightwatch Huston was in - structed to find the original corners in the First and Third additions to Prineville and report to the council. The old surveys conflict to such an extent that in some cases streets are three feet out of the way. The ordinance drawn up. Will Soon Have Good Grade Across Cascades Eugene, Or. Eugineer Ralph grades of 25 per cent will be re- duced to a maximum of 10 per u:n 4-u.,. : i 4. "ms lu luo """ileast precautions against serious given particular trouble to au o mobilists are in Strawberry can yon and at Millican and Dead horse grades. The work is be ing carried on by the county in cooperation with C. R. Seitz, Supervisor of the Cascade Na tional Forest, within which the proposed changes of road are to be made. When these improvements have been completed the Mc Kenzie route will offer, perhaps, the best way from the Willamette valley into Eastern Oregon. New Home Sewing Machine for rent. Popular (iricea.- At Kametra's, 5-15 Prineville will join Redmond thia year in celebrating the Fourth, A delegation of business men from the Hub City came over the laat of the week and persuaded thia city to join them in their celebration. This we w'" be glad to do and Redmond "y look for the "town on wheels" J"'y Fourth. New Books for Annex Library The Ladies' Annex haa received . . ... . me louowmg new oooas ior me Iibrar(y, FesUva Book, Dame Curt- Hoosier Chronicle. Me.t- the seys Book, Hoosier Chronicle. Melt inor nf Mnllv Whito Sm.M Th 1 w"rn n,mow 01 ner nana- ,- . l. h,:i.i 01 lne uuemess Mischief Maker. Diarv of a Real Bov. Onesta of Hercules. Romnne of Rillv r.at Hili, Valiants of Virginia, Judg- 'ment HoU8ei Heart of Hills. Long Porta(fe Cease Firing, Woman of Genius, The Net, Little Thank You, iiMtmle Inn Sentenee of Silent . ' . Alette Con SUir T SZtZS--m the library, which incMes noted workg of fictian travei etc Fourteen ncun "avei, etc. fourteen t m 1-1. i i volumes 01 stoaaara s Lectures k ,n aaa Annex collection. Tuesday evenings. Library open Tennis Games Broke About Even at Bend The tennis games with Bend Sun day broke about even. Messrs, Bowman, Brewster and Rice were I the visiting team. In the singles: May of Bend won from Brewster 6-4, 7-5. In the doubles Rice and Bowman won two sets out of three from Hudson Keyea. 6-2, 1-6, 6-3 Putnam and May won two , straight sets from Brewster and ; Rice by a score of 6-4, 6-3. j Bowman won one set from Lara bv a score of 9-7. The bovs renort a good time. The date of the return game from Bend has not yet been fixed. Auto Owners Better Keep an Eye on Harry Deputy District Attorney Wirtz desires to call attention of automobile owners to the fact that the regulations governing the operation of motor cars, en acted for the protection of the J public, are being greatly abused linCruok county. Some are still op3raling without a 1913 license, a few have tags only at the rear while the law imposes a penalty for failure to display tags at both the rear and front of the ma chine. 1 The greatest abuse however, is in regard to the failure to dis play lights while running at night as required by law. In this vio- htion aut0 are ki th accident. The number of cars is increasing rapidly and Constable Hudson has instructions to see that this provision of the law is strictly enforced hereafter. The penalty for any violation of the auto license law, speeding or running at night without proper lights at both front arid rear is a tine of from $5 to $50 with a maximum of $150 or 75 days in the county jail for a third of ense. Elk Tooth Lost. Initials J. H. It. and 303 engraved ou It. Return to J. 11. Rosenberg tmd get reward. t-5 The sheriff's office has collected $256,992.72 in taxes this year, j There haa been turned over to the treasurer $255,747.28. The sheriff had cash on hand June 2, $1246.72. . In handling this large sum of money the sheriff's office was "long" one dollar and some odd cents, due, ac cording to Head Deputy Van Allen-, to errors in interest charges. This : record will be hard to beat. The county is paying warrants as fast as presented and tax money is coming in freely, The county financially is in good shape. Important School Election June 16 Monday, June 16, the various school districts throughout the state will, be called upon to elect a director and clerk and vote on the free text book proposition passed by the last legislature if they so desire. Each district may decide for itself whether or not it will furnish books free. It it decides to do so then it must vote a small tax to pay for them. The average cost for the in stallation of free text books is . about 12.50 per child. The yearly -up keep, after the first year, ?ill cost from 70 cents to one dollar per school child. The approximate cost by grades is as follows: First. 50c; second, 70c; third, 85c; fourth, 12.50; fifth, $2.05; sixth, $3.65; seventh, f4 75; eighi, $5 35. No copy books, paper, ink, or pencil are included in this esti- mate. The qualifications of voters at this election is set forth in sec- tion 167, Oregon School Lawss 1911. In effect it says: In a family consisting of a man and wife, the man is considered the head of the family, which may consist of children between the ages of four to twenty years. The widow with a family between the ages of four to twenty years is also considered, the head of the family. The man or woman whose name appears on the as sessment roll for 1912 as as sessed by the assessor, is a legal voter at a school election. The name included on the tax list by the sheriff will not hold good as a qualification as a voter at any school election. He must be as-, sessed by the assessor. It Might Have Been Serious A runaway team on Third street made things lively for a short time last Friday morning. Orval Dillon was driving it, and when near the Presbyterian church a motor cycle frightened the animals and away they went. The horses ran a couple of blocks and then tried the -sidewalk. Ivan and Vearl Learman were riding with Dillon and all three were thrown out and stunned. Ivan Learman was thought to be seriously hurt. He was hurried to Dr. Rosenburg's office where re storatives were applied and he soon regained consciousness. His back; was hurt, but not seriously. Home Again Gertrude Palmer, who has been away on a business trip for a week, has returned to Prineville and will be found at her milliuery store on Fifth street, first door west of Main street. 6-5 ltp Representative Wanted in Prineville Either lady or gentleman to handle our line. Over 200 laborsaving speci alties for the home not sold lu stores. A chance to build a business of your own. Capital or experience not necessary. Agents making good everywhere. Write todav. Western Household Specialty Co., 5425 42ud Ave. S. E., Portland, Oregon.