County Court. Continued from hint p;i tviiuent of thecountv commissioner Couuty Surveyor Rice aurveyed alil grade ami ptveented plate of tme to till court with a rtvommendii tion that each plat of survey he ac cepted a part of the record of the .inntr road of which the grade la to be a part. It I ordered that the tutld survey and plat of the Powell Butte (trade, the Bayley grade and the llarter grade, be and the same I declared to be a part of the re cord of the county road to which each grade severally belongs. The county clerk reported the names and amounts of county war rants Issued In payment of scalp bounties. The sum of 11085 50 was so expended. Report approved. Prlnevllle Mitchell road. Bill for powder by Bend Hardware Co. shows that the forest service re ceived powder to the value of $171 35. It Is ordered that said road be charged with 171 2i. Sow comes on to be heard for final determination and adjustment the claims of S. S. Stearns for dam ages lu the sum of $500 and Louis Blair tor 130 In establishing the Frank S. Hoffman et al road. It further apparlng from the viewers' report that a good and feasible road can be made at moderate cost along the line of survey thereof, and If es tablished and opened is of sufficient Importance to Crook county aud the public to warrant the county In paying a part of the damages claim ed In case said road Is established, It ordered, adjudged and decreed that twild road Is hereby approved and ordered opened and that S. S. Stearns be allowed damage In the sum of $250 to be paid by the county, provided, that the petitioners file atisfuctorv evidence that they have paid or settled the remaining t'-V) of the claim, and have adjusted the claim of Louis Blair. The bill of Oregon Trunk Railroad for rental of storage shed at Redmond for to it allowed. The bill of I135.S0 of Deputy Sheriff Van Allen for expenses of trip to Walla Walla ia allowed. The erroneous assessment of taxes on Odd Fellows at Madras for the year 1911 for $14 was ordered cancelled. The report of J. H. Wilson, expert, shows that the total indebtedness of this county to January 6, 1013, was $133,552.90. On recommendation of School Supt. Myers, Ueo. t. Roberts is Hereby ap pointed truant officer for Bend at a salary of $5 per month. The original survey and viewers' re port proving satisfactory the M. A Julick road is ordered reviewed and re- surveyed. The bill of the state treasurer for ex penses of Gre patrol for the sum of $446 88, was referred to Dietrict At torney Be'l. The following bills were disposed of : HIGH SCHOOL Fl'.ND. R S Price, express 1 5 25 Clifton A Coraett, mdse 3 41 Practical Text Book co, mdse S4c.' continued E E Evd, Ml March and April 22! ! V Conway " " " Aim tillchel " 2i 22 Louisa Herman " " 222 22 i W Smith " 200 00 L Coe ' " 283 33 i A Guatalson " ' ' 1-to 00 E h Coe, express 5 04 A H Lippmao e. doxen chairs 30 00 O G Adams fc co, seeds 1 45 .fi L Jordan 6 co, mdse 12 60 A B Bowman, hall rent 8 00 lies Chutes Power co, light and water... as 75 The Wlnnek co, ntdse 2 30 Crook County Journal, stationery, 8 00 B C Kinder, plowing 15 00 II P adamson A co, mdse 1 86 C VConsray, salary May, 1111.11 continued Alma Gttchel continued Louisa Herman ' " continued E Evans " " continued E L Coe, sal May, June, July, August, continued GENERAL FI ND. buihoug A- co, mdse 262 oo J E Myers, expense 12 50 Verna Smith, work in supt office 37 50 A' ictor Shaw, school supervisor SW (JO Vici4rfShaw, truant officer 40 01 Remington Type co, bal on machines.... 2o 25 Irwin-Hotlson co, mdse for treasurer 3 6 Hudson Land co, final proof for ass'r 19 fio i Hewitt, services state vs Beasley 10 00 B S Cook fc co, rebate on taxes 26 71 -s"jlass 6i I'ru'ihomme, mdse, $312. 74, ...continued Horigan& Reinke, mdse 6 40 Jillen Gulliford, board (or pauper 48 00 City Redmond, help for ',oldi-n family ... 16 00 Hlate treasurer, fire expense, h1.... continued F K Sellman, discount 5 67 Frank Elaine, stamps and envelopes 75 77 Frank Elkins, board prisoners l'ja 56 J M'-uyer, serving subpoenas 8 50 I' U R.-e.ltr ' J C McKeon " tiilliam " " Koy E Gray " 1 H Peoples, work in sheriff's ofllce B F Sordal " K I) Gonser. serving subpoenas G V Stanton. " " Z T McClay, deputy sheriff C W Elkitis. auto hire A E Bales, Justice fc-s M Kamstra, sawing wood C L l.isl, care small x jttuienth. Hoys' and Girls' Aid bo'riety, quartcrly allowtince A J Hancy. depty assessor and exp 13 70 6 il 4 80 5 00 208 00 1X4 00 7 5 95 , 32 95 , 15 00 . 15 50 1 15 . 22 50 30 00 75 00 J f; Farnuam, worli in bheriff's ofiice .. ., 4 ''0 ' ( li M ,ks " '' " l- 10 ' Lippman & Co, burial ol Voltherg 4" 5o i'.ay MiU i " " " lj lo Lippman & co, chairs, etc 100 20 llM.sion ' ' " 1 'i0 T N Balfour, Uep assessor and exp 14 2 25 Joe Tricliel "- i H) J T Robinson, " " " " 14:1 00 on,-, on;ag " " " 1 ,"ai KEIiillenwaler, " " " 72 00 Hilr,l " 150 J 1 Jones, road work No 25 Wa.le iliiston " " " 1 .'si J V Bowman, W 00 j,,r,it hlkins " " " 1 :ii 1 li bavidson, " " " 22 - yVnrrcii JJrown " 1 .jo V B Poindextcr, coronor's lees H .jo Mil,;, ,,11 ' " 1 jo CAUline, juror cor inquest 1 00 api:::u W-.-uver " " 1 jo H A Kelly. C Buckingham. " WAtniMen. " " " J J Buckley, - " - W K Friend. " - It M Mct'lay, witness cor inquest W T Lane. Pr Belknap. " K N Psvia. work on garage Frank Newman, copies (or dist any... . I 0 I w 1 CO l n l uo l on l oo w J K Morris, mdse tor dist 11 so C C couch, serving subpoenas 5 00 O Springer, east lor pauper account UTS Henry Hudson, constants la 7 00 J N B livrking. deputy assessor and xp.. ISA 00 r T Kubit, mds lorOster family. IJ M J M Allen. 11 M H H i low. janitors salary 1.0) 0s People's irrig t bridge acrossi ditch, fill disallowed uates A Fortytn. ood forcmirl nous., . rtfl Deachulea Por Co, light and watar 75 30 arnn Brown, extra clerk hire 300 00 Mrs IVra M Hall. meals and beds, W hit case 3 w H wtru, postage, etc IS 00 1. M Bevhtell. tracing, etc for assessor ... . 40 giaur U H'.ggs. writing letters for Judge, etc S K Fuller, dep assessor andexp Ill The Wmnek Co. bed and other mds 3 SO w F Hammer, dep assessor Js 0 Ellis Shepherd, serving sub 3 Kllham sta a Prtnttng Co. mds lor sur veyor. 4 Js H H Clow, cash pd sect desk. tc 4 SO Crook County Journal, stationery, pub lishing, etc 15 0o H J Overturf, dep aesor 100 00 Bend Bulletin, publishing, stationery, etc MS' W E claypool. freighting Antelop bridge AS 30 HSHutchins, " " li: 00 I'rtnetule Review, legal blanks i! 4J S M Bailey, deputy assessor and exp 1A) 00 A H Kennedy, drawing Jury list 3 00 C I Winnek. " ' 3 00 alley Snoddcrly. 100 O W Wells, asst dep assessor 40 00 Karthold Berg Co, mdse lor Brewster ... 30 s F E Lafler. typewriter forjudge 7 7. Z T McClay. exp Robinson case 1A 00 T A Rowell. deputy assessor 2w) 00 Madras Pioneer, pub court proceedings... 20 00 D P A damson A Co. mdse lor paupers. . . . 17 2A Mrs I Michel, mdse 3 F A Rice, surveyor's fees 30t .V F A Rice, horse leed SS 00 H cirimes, hack hire 117.50 ... coutinued C V Rice, work in surveyor's office 84 00 Van M. Morse, Ireight E H amith. repairing jail beds 5 50 W c Walker. Justice fees 3 35 Bend Hardware Co. mdse, t24.06 continued J C Farnbam. deputy assessor and exp.. . 9 00 w H Snook, examining paupers SW Alex itmith, team hire, smallpox.. 35 perry Read, constable. 20 00 City f Madras, railway fare for depend. ent charge 37 35 F 1 Phoenix, dep surveyor 51 50 H P Bellknap, cocniy physician li A 1 Baaey, freighting bridge material..... 153 00 R L Jordan, exira clerk hire, etc. 87 96 O ti Adams A Co. mdse 10 15 O'Donnetl Bros, mdse for county cbsrge 1 00 R L Jordan 4 Co, 19 96 L B Misner. 0" C S Sorenson. work for watermaster . 4 00 rrank Maddox. " " 3 00 R L Brewster, work on school map 8 00 Geo Brewster, watermaster. 200 00 A H Kennedy. Justice fees, $36.60 and $7-50 continued 29 10 R S Price, express 14 50 W M ogg. Bagman 3 00 3 R Brown, chaioman 9 00 Emil Anderson, axman. 4 0j C A Payne, chainman 2 oe H A Johnson, marker. s 00 E S Payne, chainman. 2 00 8 E West, axeman 2 00 Frank Kelley, chainman 2 oil R A Coe, ' 2 no G H Cyrus, marker iuO W A Cyrus, chainman 2 00 C9 Johnson, flagman S 00 Ray Golden, chainman. 2 00 G Davidson, axeman 2 '0 Ray Osborne, chainman 2 R S Hunsley, flagman 6 00 C W Hoech, chainman 6 0i G W Wells, viewer 140 00 Clarence Rice, office and field $I53....continued H Grimes, viewer. 140 00 Peier Jensen, chainman 2 00 SB Brown, ' 4 00 J N Davis, flagman 2 00 B D Percival, chainman , t 00 WPHershey, " 6 00 L B Larson, marker 2 00 J H Stewart, " 4 00 Rosco (iard, chainman 2 00 H E Ram bo, 2 00 ALTallman, " 2 00 0 H Wilson, " 2 00 R A Merchant, " 2 00 F 8 Hoffman, marker 12 00 A T Hoffman, chainman 12 00 L Nichols, flagman 2 00 M Trew, axeman 10 Ou Harry Htearns, chainman 2 00 E C Balls, chainman. .. 2 00 1 M McKnight, axeman 2 00 U G Byram. " 2 00 U H Slacx, chainman 2 00 P T Monroe, roadwork dist 10 262 85 Marion Mayfleld, " " 17 52 50 L H Root, " " 28 (6 47 M F Hawthorn, " " 2 i5 62 Hugh Gee, " 24 85 00 W M Farrell, ' " 30 11 05 I' A South, " " 38 26 00 J W Wilt, ' " i 213 90 G Hendrickson. " 36 24 00 WE Claypool, " " 35 77 50 Henry Kocti, " 15 71 70 liave Crimes, " " 7 30 no S E Sears, " 11 15 65 P. M Elder, " " 12 120 25 G Springer, freight on cabinets . 2 69 R V Jenkins, roadwork disto, $U1.16...dlalow'd l J H Wenandy, search for drowned boys, 1.2 '' disallowed Z M Brown, d.n as.-iesftor, 25 days 175 oo Lippman & Co, tiling cabinet, water. master 50 50 Bend Hdw Co, indue for peters dist 2, $62.' disallowed Bend Hotel, meals judge!, and clerks 15 00 Warren Brown, stamped envelopes l'JO 00 R L P Co, Btoring culvert 2 00 Redmond Li P co, gasoline 25 62 Frank Klkins, trip Birdaoug and O'Kclly .55 15 J H Wenandy, exp M l herson case li w i IX) 20 00 A 4.) Van M Morse, freight on gasoline J Hslizman, auto hire cllngan case, f 18... c A Stevenson, special constable Pilot liulte Tel Co, services A I) Morrill, road work Redmond LAI' co, 115 gallon gasoline... Home Hospital, care poor .1 c Robinson, gasoline C"H"t Ilridge Co, Culver bridges, $.;001.70 17 80 IB M ri no 1,2 m coii" i.j ,o E 4 lU i to 1 7 u 3 75 A Al Van Allen, depot sheriff, trip lo aklma 135 J R H Bsyley, couiuilsloner's fes 103 00 W ra Brown ' " list H W ra Johnson, rept tax comrs Sao Adjourned to ruejd on Ihs first Mon day in June, 1913, at tits hour ol 10 a. ni. Powell Butte Mies Ad Morso ha accepted a position ia the abstract office) at Frineville aui cooiaienced her duties last week. Mrs. Kliiabeth JacoWn of Seat tle, is visiting with Mrs. Andrew Miller and familr. The Powell Rutte !vrosis Club held a pleasant nieetiuij at the home of Mrs. J, J. Chapman last Wednesday afternoon. Aflfr the usual diversions, the hostess served dainty refreshments consisting ol Pineapple sherbet and cake. She was assisted in serving by Mrs. Wallace Smith. S. P. Mustard was a Trineville visitor Saturday. Miss 11a Charlton went to Trine ville last week where she will visit for several days. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Foster and daughter. Miss Phoebe, spent last Thursday on the IVschutes fishing. Miss Marie Shitfer is staying at the Walter Foster home. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wal lace Smith was completely de stroyed by fire Wednesday even ing. The origin of the fire is un known as the family was absent when the fire was discovered. A lamp which was left burning prob ably caused the blaze. As the house was a small box structure its destruction occupied but a few minutes. Fortunately the loss wa9 covered by insurance. Mrs. Andrew Miller and family visited in Prineville Friday. Mrs. A. W. Payn visited her daughter, Mies CWadys, in Peine ville last Friday. Mr. and Mrs.Allen Wilcoxon and small daughter, Harriett, visited in Deschutes Sunday the guests of friends. Mr. W. caught 28 fine trout. Becoming frightened and break ing loose from a Juniper tree to which they were tied, the team be longing to Allan Sandfare com pletely demolished the hack to which they were hitched and oth erwise caused consternation during tb. progress of religious services at Shepard School house Sunday. One of the horses was slightly in jured. E. A. liuseett and family autoed out from Prineville Friday for a few a ays with relatives and friends in this section. They were accom panied by Miss Alma Johnson and Miss Viola Truesdale who Sun dayed with homefolks returning to Prineville with the BusBetts Mon day morning. C. H. Fry, the Redmond land dealer had a party out thin way Sunday. On his return trip to Redmond he had the misforune to wreck his car abont a mile out in the desert and bad to walk back to civilization and borrow some auto repairs, after which he went on his way rejoicing. W, T. Bogart of St. Andrews, Wash., came in recently to look after his land holdings in this section. He will remain over a couple of weeks. Paulina Notes. Mins Jessie V. Hartley is in town under the care of a doctor. Rev. Robert Ross was in town for a few days. Services were held last Sunday at Newsom creek schoolhouse by Rev. Robert Rous. There was a large at tendance. While there he was en tertained at the home of (Jtto Gray. The people wish that Rev. Rons could come regularly. The Paulina public school has closed its third successful term un der the teaching of Miss Jessie V. I Hartley. Great credit is due her ! fr tnu way 'n which her ability as 1 a teacher, together with her untir ing efforts has built up the school until the enrollment has reached forty-two. All the pupils passed in their examinations, taking a high percentage. The religious training of the children is also due to Miss Hartley. During her three terms of teaching a Sunday school was conducted by her every week and chs Siphen, axman Pioneer Tl A Tl co. rvtce Madras Tradlug co, pauper supplies ieo Brewster, exp John IVIera, dist No 3 rep'w4..... LH Hamilton, reg electors Oregm Trunk, rental was carried on with td success. The interest and zeal with which she carried on her work of toaoh inn in the public school and Sunday school has won for her a place in the hearts of the people which can not K- fiirirutien. Owinir to ill health Miss Hartley was unable to accept a position in The Palles as teacher. It is hined, however, that a year's needed rest will fit her for duty attain. Purse Lost ThtirtKlae, Mav 22. Itflit, twtween t'.mW and Prineville, contents In hills and a cheek for 1.3. 74. Liberal reward. Return to Journal or tirixsly I'owtoffioe. fJ2 0. VV. Paixkhh. Man Wanted Kxperlenoed man to make thirty thousand (HtVOtHM sliukc. Tools furnished. Address 1.. t'onnrll, 51. 2tp Meadows, Ore. For Rent Tartly furnished house in tooj tneetlt for rent for itmnier cheap. In.iitire Mr. Pollard, W. 2d Street. i-1 Melville Sewing Machine . b'.. Si kwakt Jc Co. for rent. 5-1 Tor extra Fancy Alfalfa, Seed lit lowest price see J. K. Stkmart Co. 5 1 New Horn Sewing Machine fur rent. Popular prices. At Kamatr'. V1!S Local Representative Wanted -by-Large Leading Nursery We want a permanent representative for tin district Must lis a person of K,al tandttiK and rliaracter and alioiiM have some knowltnle of horticulture. Must ! able to devote all your lime to the dimness I'nles you are making I IV it per month, yon r not doing a well a you should M.iuy . f nttr salos men make from f V tn) (o ir'viH) per week. Oreitco trees are known througliout tin state as being perfectly roltllo, ttirdy, faat growers. early twar em and costing no mors than tot of tree that are not nearly o goal. We have but one representative in each ter ritory. We assist yon in every possible way. Our nuraorr t recognised a ths large! and moot favnruhly known in tilt entire west. Our term are liberal. If you want a permanent, good paving position with an nptmrtnnitv of etiiarg ing your Held ol activity, write u to. day. love teference, past occupation, etc., with your first letter. Oregon Nunery Company Orenco, Oregon 5 '."Hi Bstice for I'uhllcatlon IVpartment of the Interior. lT. S. Land Office al Burn. Orgon. May 21, Jnl3. Notice ii herehy given that I'erry W. Kddy. of Paulina.Oregon, who on Mar 2t'. lull, ma.le homeatead entry No. U54oo lor w s t ami J ni. section 4, township IT south, range 24 east Willamette merid ian, haa tiled notice of intention to make nnal commutation proof to establish claim to the land alKvn decrile 1, li fore L. M. Miller, 1'. S Coromiioner, at her office, at 1'anlina, Oregon, on the 10th day of July, ll:l. Claimant names a witnesses John B. Park, A. A. Coleman, John Chrtsten on and Magnu Peterson, all of Paul ina, Oregon. Wat. Fskki, 5 2 Keglter. Notic to Creditor Notice II hereby given by the under signed, the administrator of the estate of Wilbur M. Higlow, deceased, to all persona having claim agitinxt said es tate to present the name, with the proper voucher, to the onderaigned at the of fice of M. R. Klliott, in Prineville, Ore gon, within tx months from the date of this notice. Dated this 1-t day of May, 1913. L. M. Thomas, Administrator of the estate of Wilbur M. liigelow, fieceased. ft I Botic for Publication. Department of the Inteiior. V. S. Laud Office at The Dalles, Ore. May 2ilth, 11(13. Notice is hereby given that Edward O. Logan of Hampton, Oregon, who, on April 4, lltOs, and March 16. lull, made Homestead No. 15'. 14.1 and 01:172 and additional No. 0H.'!."2, for J awL e, se section 21, wj iw'4 section 22, nwj nwt section 2i, n's nwi section 2H, township 2t) south, range 20 east, Wil lamette Meridian, has Hied notice of intention to make nnal three-year proof to establish claim to the land above described before Timothy K.J. Duffy, t'. 8. Commissioner, at hix office at Prineville, Oregon, an the oth day of July, vm. Claimant names as witnesses: Louis Bennett, Harry llurnes of I'arnes, Ore gon ; Charles A. Stevenson, Huben Ings trom, of Held, Oregon. 5 2U C. W. Mourn-:, Register. Notice to Creditors Notice Is h.-rcliv Klven hy the lindcrslftncfl the H(lilrillrulor of th estutf of Sorcn ltol ert tfeiolixseti, dcccaecil, to the crertltora of Htilit chIhIc and nil iM-raolis hiivinir claims nKHllial tht same to present stlcll claims t' T. K. J, Dutrv, attorney- for said estate, HI Prlnevllle, On-aou,or lo rharles A. HIhtiiiioi. adinlnlHlnttor at Fife, ' Oregon, within six months troio the first puhllcullon of tllx notlfi.. llatrd and published the first time thls 2Uth day of May. 1W18. 1 HAH. A.MIIKKMAN. AdinlnlMtrator of the estate of Horvn Kolrrt HiflldlXsell, deceuxed. Toppenish Nursery Co. Are Promptness and Quality of Service Any Interest to You? Behide K"IHi'g Hi" hlKliest irnide of nursery stock to he ol, (Hilled. In it not i laixirtniit that you net It from a relliiWe concern, one that is III )tuiit!i-n to stay, ready tn take care of you for yeiirs to come, mid one that Is deter mined to Klve satisfaction? our desire to secure vniir lmoiiehn u only exceeded hy our determination to merit t, We have a splendid lot of all I he staple fruit, shsde and oruameli till stock for delivery Hie romiiiK fall and surlily seasons, tlirlllp, in'alure liiardy and splendidly rooled. It Is tlie class of slock von need for voiir valiiHlile orchard ami. EVERY TREE IS GUARANTEED, Toppenish Nursery Company Toppenish, AVash, Unsurpassed Nursery Stock Grown in the Famous Yakima Valley. More Active Salesmen Wanted. ii-:") Teacher' Examination Notice I hereby given that the county ttperiiili'iilKiit of Crxtok county will hold the regular examination fot appli cants for slat and count per at Prineville, a follow t Kor State Paper Commencing Wd nely, June IS, lul l, at VI o'clock a.m., and continuing until Saturday, June 1M, l;il:l, at 4 p. m. Wedneatlay Forenoon Writing, T.8. History, Physiology. Wilulay Afternosm. Phylrl tie ography, Heading, Coiupoltion, Meth oil In Koadtng. Metho.1 in Arithmetic. Thurapay Forenoon. Arithmetic, 111 tory of F.ducatiou, Parcholottv, Method in tieography. Tliuraday Afternoon. (irammar, ge ography, American literature, physic, methcxl in latigttag. Tliesn lr pri mary eertincat. Friday Foreman. Theory and prac tice, orthography, Kngliah literatur, chemistry. Friday Afternoon. School law, bot any, algebra, civil government. Satunlay 'ornoou.-s-tiotiitry, tie- o'ogy. Saturday Afternoon. .tieneral His tory, bookkeeping. J .. Mnu, County School Superintendent, Wanted. ie.;. u..l.... l.u t f... ertittth. KooitL.t Mra.'ciiampSmlth',. I Jame. Lawrence. ,VV2t !"' Howard, Oregon, who, on rehruary . '.'1st, till:', ma 'e llometad No. IWS4. WntA '"'l ""L e,'ti"n s. township It "nl "' I South, Itange lit Fast. Willamette Me- Fnhermen to rail at Kamstra' store , ridiatt, ha dlsal notice ol intention to for that particular Kod, Line, Leader or; tnak commutation prouf, to etalilih Ihaik. l.argi-wt ttetectioti. 6-lo claim to the land alune dtwnleiMl.ttelor - ; the County Clerk, at Id Pflne- E Wasonw H. Z Crulilh Central Oregon Well Co. Contractora for Well Drilling and Proapect Hole. Depth .Guar anteed ... Dealsrs In full lin of wall supulias, Casolin Enaioes, fmps. Etc. Culver, Oregon Notice for Publication lfprtlnenl of the Interior. Land Oihie at 1 lie Dalles, Dregon. May I7lli, l'.'l.l. Notice is heri'lif given that t harle A. Mevsuson, of He!, I, Oregon, who on June A). I'i'T and Mav S. Il'll. made homestead No. 1 As,, serial No... 01141 and oaxaii, for w1, swi,. er. e', se",. . '.1i. and ei, n, sij nr1,, ri, nei., e-tton 3A, lownstun 11), south, range til ea.l. Willamette Me-I rnlian, has lile.l notice of Intention lot niaa tlnal tlve-year pniof, lo estahllsh i claim to tli land aoove ileacrlta-,1. Iislurs , the counlv clerk, al Prineville, I On-iron, oh the Jnh day of June. l'U-1. I I lalmant name as witnesesl Charles I I'arnah. of Held, Orenon; liarry Harnes. Ki.her C. bigan and Otis Logan, all ol Itarne. Oregun. C. W.M,s.a. .v.'-p Kegisier. Notic far Publication Department of ttie Interior, Land miles at the Dalies. Oregon. I'. S May 17lh. 1HK1, Notice is hcrehy Riven that Kolllli U. HiHiven. of Roberts, Ore, u, who on Auuu-t I'dlt, loll, nmile li.iniesteail No. Ooto'J for ny lie',. wl nee,, anil ns1; se.4, section 17. township 17. south, rnii:e 17 east, Will. tlielte Meridian, lias tiled notice of Inten tion to make commutation proof, to eslali lisli rlniiu to the land al ilescrilied. tar fore Timothy K.J.Diilly.1! .H.l'omiuissiouer at his olllce. at t'nncville, Un'gon, on the i'M day of June, lltLI. riaimaiit names a witnesses: Han Jacolsien. Joseph K. Itola-rls, l.ranvllla II. Nve, of Koherla, lri'Koll, and Poll II. Peo ple, all of i'rtnrville, On. C.W.Moo. .V.'J lteKisler. Bid to Build Schoolhouse. Healed hid will be received by the hoard nf ill rector of Hcbool Diatrict No. 2H of Crook county, (lri(on. at the of fice of the district clerk, eiuht miles ent of llaycrwk, Oreifon, up to 10 a. m. Saturday, May SI, lUl.'l, 'or the erec tion of a schoolhoiiHfl In diatrict No. 2H, in accordance with the plan and iwci Hcationa on f.lo in the oll'ce of the dia trict. bidder muat apply in person at the ofllce of the diatrict clerk to tut plana and epecilicatlona. The eitccosa f til liiihler will lie renuired to furnish a (Kind in an amount eoiial tn the amount of the contract. The board of director reserve the .right to accept the bid, which in their Judgment ! Ixnt, or to rejoct any and all bid. ,r H-4t A. (i. Kiiibkk, clerk. Notice to Creditors Notice Im hereby given thiit the 1111 ilerHlgtii'd Ihih been, by tho County Court of the Mtuto of Oregon, for Crook county .duly nppolntiul niltnlii iHtratrlx of the extiite of WIIII11111 AiliuiiH, ilccniHi'd, mill nil iithoiih having I'hilniH iignliiHt hiiIiI t'Htitte are licroby ri'tiulriMl to pri-Mont tlie mhiiih, duly vcrllh'il, to hiiIiI ndinliilHtriitrlx, nt the law office of M. 10. Drink, In the city of Prlnevllle, Crook county, Oregon, within six from the diil of the firitt publication of thin notice. Dated and publlHlieil first time thtx 15th tiny oj May, 11113. Anna, AdmlnlMtrntrlx of the cHtale of Wil liam AiliuiiH, ileci'MHod. 5-15-tip Notice to Ct cdltors. Notice if horehv given that the tinder nigned haa been, by the county court of the ntate ol Oregon for Crook county, duly Hppoitituil adminlHlrutrix of the entitte ol Minor Clark, dcceaHcii, ami uu puraona having claims agaiimt auid h tate are hereby required to printout the Hume, duly voriflcd, to miiil ailmiiiiatru trix at the law office of M. K. brink, in tlie city of Prineville, Crook county, Htute of Oregon, witiiin nix inoiitliH from the dule of the lirst pub'iculioii of thin notice. Dated and published fimt time May 2!lth, P.H3. I'ltANCKS ChAIlk, AdminiBtriitrix of the estate of Klmer Clark, tleteanej, 5 -U'.l-lit Millinery Your Hat i always stylish and just right if bought of Mrs. Estes, the popular Milliner. Mrs. Estes Corner 2nd and Main Street Prineville), Ore. Kolic (or Publication lrtmetit of lb Interior, V. S. Und Otllc at Th liallrw.Oregoa. April '.'1st, IH13. V.tll. Im I. U..n li.l '"- ville, Oregon, on the 7th day of June, 1W1S. Claimant name a Unease: Arthur J. Champion, Chester Starr, Ike Htvvin, Clifford Miliar, I, all ( Howard, Orran. R 1 C. W. Moons. Iegiatr Notice for Publication. IVpartitient of the Interior, V. S. Land Olhce al The Dalle, Ore. May l'-'ih. llil:l. Notice I hercbv given that K,lwar,( L. Henaley ol Prineville Oregon, who. on Seiitem ter 1 lh, 1 '.,, made homestead No. lM2r, sxrial No. iktWIil. for s) w, Sec tion 17, and lit lie section 2I. township 1:1 south, range in east, Willamette Meridian, ha tiled nolle of intention to make hnal tlve-year proof, to es:at llsh claim to the laud atKive deacrllKxl, Iwlore the county clerk at his oltlee al Prineville, Uregon, on th 24th day of June, una. Claimant name a witnes: Wil llain II Uillin, William II. McCoy, Kicliaril M. Powell, tteorge Turner, all ol Prinevill, iregon. 6 Lp C. W. M I, Itegister. Noticst far I'utdlciitlon. IvpiirtAient of the Interior, . S. Lund otllce at The Dalh-e, On-. May let. 1913. Notice l heretiy given thiit lllriiui M. Sitieml , of Poet, Oregon, who, on June it 111. I lull), lu.ide liotni-siteiil No. 07UU4, for nl. wj ntiil at'l w aee- Hon 2, township IT south, range I'.t met, Wllliiliii'ttv Mcrlillilli, hns tiled notice of Intention to iiiukn tliml thnv-yenr proof, to catnLlleh tiulin to the liitid above di'sk rlbeil, U-fore the county clera lit hi oltlee nt Prlne vllle, Oivkoii, ou the llth day of June, l:il:t. I Jiiliiiiint inline it wltncsse : Frniik M. Post. Ldward K. tilllen- water, Caleb Dnv!, Hit II una 11. Hriiinuicr, nil of post, Oreifon. 6-tip C. W. Moonk, Hi'Klster. H'ltlcc of AdminlHtriitor' Sal of Kcul Pat tit. Notice la hereby given, by the tin diTHlgiu'il, the Hiliiilnlatnttor of the ONtate of Jlnry Wllkltia, tle'ineii , that In piirHiinnee of no order of the loitntv court, iniide on the 7th tiny of April, 1913, In the mutter of the iKtRte of Mary Wllkltm. decenaed, the tiiideralgiietl will aell nt private) anle niter the '.'L'd ilny of Mny, l'.Uo, In Prlnevllle, (in'gou, nil the right, title anil Intereet of hiiIiI Mitry Wil kin, ileceriMetl, nt the time of her dentil and nil the right, title nnd Intereat the aiild eatute hiiH ncqillred In iiddltloti to that of the mild Mur.v WllkltiH nt the time of her death In mill to nil of the following dem-rllicd renl t'Mtate, to. wit: I.ote Hve and Six of block Klght In the filth nddl tion to Prlnevllle, Oregon, Term nnil condition of mile caah. Dated this IMtli tiny of April, lllbl. A. II. I.II'PMAN, AilinlnlMtrator of the eel ate of Mitry WllkltiH, deeetiHed. Notice t Crclltois. Notice 1h hereby given, by the tin ilerHlgned, the exectitorH of the last will and teatiiinent of Iteiilien llooton, deceiiHeil, to nil cretlltor of aitltl tie censed and all htmhiih having cliilniH ngultiHt hiiIiI eHtiite to iiresent the Maine, the proper voucners to the iinderHlgned at the oflice of M. It. lOlllott In Prlnevllle, t)regott, within Mix niontliH from the 11 ret publication of this notice. Dated thlx 2Dh day of April, HUH. Mahia Hooton. HrI'iiln II. Hooton. Nolle for Publication. Department of the Interior, I'. H. l.llllil Olllce lit The Dalle, Ore. May 5th, llllll. Notice Im hereby given that ThotiiiiM Denly of Alfalfa, Oregon, who, on Juno :t()lli, l'.ltll), made homeHteatl No, 1 52-1- Serial No. TO ID, for nwj tie J, nwi Me, nejj mw, and He nwij Mecilon :i:i towiiHhlp 1H Hunt h, range Id eiiHt. Wlllamelte Meriillaii, Ihih Hied notice of Intention to make tlnal ilve-yeaf proof to cHtuhllHh claim to the him! above dewrlbed before the county clerk nt bin olllce at Prlnevllle, Ore gon, on the 17 1 li day of dune, llllll. ( 111 i 111 M II ti IIIIIIICM II H Wll IK'HBCH : (ieoi'ge Mllllemi, .laineH A. Mollltt, Tliiifiiian Mollltt, all of Prlnevllle, Otegon, (ieoi'ge V. Joui'H of ltenil, Oregon. , Ti-N-p ('.' W. Moulin, KeglHter.