FOR ETTE FARMING! Best Results From Using Oliver Plows Both Steel and Chilled Bottoms For Walking and Riding Plows If you want a 14 or 16 inch Sulky, there's nothing to beat Oliver' No. 28 The No. 15 Gang will take 12, h or 16 inch bottoms. Big stock shares and repairs on hand. See our Plow man. New Kentucky Grain Drill Is Second to None Light running, perfect sred delivery. Cast Iron eliminated wherever possible and pressed steel or wrought steel substituted. Durable and highly satisfactory. Costs less than other drills. Thous ands in use. Sizes: 10, 12 and 16 discs on hand. C. W. ELKINS Prineville, Oregon Oratorical Contest Friday Evening The Alpha-Ochoconian oratorical contest will take place at Club Hall Friday night, May 23. The M. W. A. band will furnish music. The Alpha team consists of Bernard Ramsey and Wannie Ralston. The Ochoconian team Elmer Thomas and Frederick Rice. Live questions of the day make these orations very interesting. The public is cordially invited to come out and support this high school contest. LOCAL MENTION The Prineville Public Schools Closed Friday The public school closed Friday and several of the teachers have al ready left for their vacations. Miss Evans left Monday for Salem where she will spend the Bummer with relatives. Miss Hubbard left Wednesday for her home at Grandview. Misses Cassidy and James leave today for Portland. They expect to attend the commencement exer cises at Monmouth and Miss James will then go to Coquille for the sum mer, while Miss Cassidy will visit friends in Salem and attend sum mer school there. Shumias Entertained. Mrs. Mason Brink and Mrs. Gran "Ville Clifton entertained the Shumias last evening in honor of Mrs. Ernest L. Coe and Miss Alma Gitchel. The affair was a complete surprise to the members. At 7:30 the guests formed in line and were led by the hostesses to the theatre where boxes had been re served for the party. After the theatre the members returned to Mrs. Brink's home where music and social game's were enjoyed. The dining room was then thrown open and another surprise in the form of dainty and delicious eat ables awaited the guests. Misses Baldwin and Crooks served. The members said good-night to their hostesses voting them delight ful entertainers. W. 0. W. Have a Good Meeting The Fifth District Convention of the W.O.W. met yesterday. There forty-one delegates in attendance from Eastern Oregon camps, and a very helpful and interesting con vention was held- Messrs. Sturgill, of Baker, Walk er, of Pendleton, and Ault, of En terprise were elected to attend the next Head Camp session to be heM at Colorado Springs. The home Camp, assisted by Prineville citizens placed a number of automobiles at the disposal of the visiting delegates and in other ways showed them many courtesies. The convention closed with a ban- LOCAL MENTION Prineville is getting ready for a big Fourth of July celebration. A. L. Mackintosh was in Prine ville the last of the week. A. R. Bowman left for Seattle Sunday on a business trip. Mrs. Arthur Wurzweiler of Sis ters is visiting in Prineville this week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cram of Trout creek were Prineville visitors Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. Gail Newsom of Athena are visiting relatives and friends in Prineville. James Elkins arrived in Prine ville Sunday evening from Cali fornia. He will spend the summer here. Samuel J. Newsom Jr., and Miss Goldie Cleek are to be married this evening. G. A. Shirley, an experienced dry goods man of The Dalles, has charge of that department for R. L. Jordan. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Laughlin of Fossil, who have been visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. I. M. Mills, re turned home this week. Mrs. T. H. Brennan and family left Saturday for the ranch at Pau lina. They will remain there until school opens in September. The betrothal of Miss Alma Gitchel and Van M. Morse wa3 an nounced at the meeting of the Shumia Literary Club last Saturday. L. S. Logan and wife of Hamp ton passed through Prineville Mon day on their way to their place at ! Long Beach, Wash , for the sum mer. L. A. Booth, the recently ap pointed receiver of the U. S- land office at The Dalles, expects to leave for his new home the last of the week. His family will accom pany him. Mrs. Shattuck and Mrs. J. H. Templeton left Sunday for Medford, where they will represent the Rebekahs at the Grand Lodge. Wid Barnes will represent the Prine ville I. 0. 0. F. lodge. Miss Ronda Claypool and Fred Pietz, of Portland, were married by j Rev. Prater at the home of the' bride's mother west of town, Sat-1 urday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Pietz left for Portland the following' morning, where they will make1 their home. ! Engineer von Planta of the Prine-j ville-Metolius railway has moved his headquarters from Metolius to Prineville. Mr. von Planta says that the Grizzly survey will be made to Prineville by the last of the week, and the O'Xeil survey" probably about a week later. W. H. Short of tamnnta is in town today. ' Wm. Congleton is down from Paulina this week. Mrs. Wid Barnes is visiting rela tives in Hood River. Mrs. Will Arnold, who has boon visiting in Portland, has returned. Mrs. Warren left Sunday to at tend the Pioneer's Picnic at Browns ville. Mrs. Ann Glaze left Sunday for an extended visit with relatives in Dallas. Mrs. Stevens of Albany, a sister of Mrs. I. M. Mills, is here on a visit. Med Vanderpool left tixlay for Paulina to look after his ranch at that place. Mrs. Collins W. Elkins gave Miss Goldie Cleek a miscellaneous shower Tuesday afternoon. Jack Simpson, who has been working for Clifton & Cornett, left Sunday for Boise, Idaho, to work in a store. Mrs. B. F. Roberts and little son of Portland arrived in Prineville Sunday evening and are the guests of Mrs. Roberts' parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Cantril. Ed Harbin says that the weather man can safely announce warmer weather. He has had his locks shorn. A never failing sign of good ild summer time. Jess Yancey has a fine new 40 h. p. Velie that he bought of Ed Hod- son. It has the Gray & Davis electric self-starter, left hand drive, center control, etc. Its the last word in motor car construction. Mr. Yancey and family expect to go on a motor trip to California this summer. Mrs. J. W. Horigan returned the first of the week from Portland , where she has been with her daugh ter, Mrs. H. D. Still, who under went an operation at the Good Samaritan Hospital three weeks ago. Mrs. Still has recovered sufficiently to be able to leave the hospital and will return home shortly. LOCAL MENTION. John Goinlin, father of Mrs. Col lins .W. Elkins, has returned to his honio in Portland. Messrs. Volkmnn anil Hardy, of the Groat Northern Railway, ac companied Prof. Shaw to Prineville Wednesday. The baccalaureate sermon will be preached by Rev. M. A. Prater next Sunday evening at the Presbyterian church. There will be no services at the other churches at that time. Everybody is invited. Mrs. Horace P. Belknap, assisted by Mesdames Elkins and Winnek, will entertuin the Shumia Reading Circle next Tuesday evening. This is the closing meeting of the year and Miss Alma Gitchel, of the C.C.H.S.', will be the guest of honor. Earl McClure, a son of J. W. McClure of Bend, was drowned in ' the Deschutes at that place yester day. He and a companion were out canoeing when the frail craft up" set. McClure's companion was I saved. Prof. Shaw, of the Great North ern Railway, addressed the farmers of this section yesterday afternoon at the Commercial Club rooms. He was given the closest attention by those present. A synopsis of his address was crowded out this week. It will be given in our next issue. Mr. and Mrs. White, who have been in Prineville several days look ing after the interests of the Hotel Oregon, left this morning for their home in St. Paul. While here Mr. White made arrangements with Mr. !and Mrs. (I. W. Lippincott to take complete charge of the hotel. Mrs. Ernest L. Coe entertained the members of the Music Club last Tuesday afternoon at her home. The afternoon was spent in music, social games and a general good time. Mrs. Edwards and Mrs. Brink were the lucky ones in the progressive games. A silver thimble and a beautiful hand-made doily were given these ladies. SPECIAL, NOTICE Ford Motor Company Automobile Manufacturers Portland, Oregon, May TC, I'.MS. Mr. F. M. Hathaway, Prineville, Oregon, Dkar Shi: Keplying to your fvor ol the l'2th, regarding tha erronious report of tlie propound pureliu ol the Ford Motor Company by the Standard Oil Company, wish to advise that this report utarted about the l'i;inninK of this peon, and no ono has been able to truce its aouree. It it undoubted); one n( the worxt lake report that has ever been circulated. John 1, Rockefeller nor any other peritun other than reieut Htoek holder in the Ford Motor Company, will obtain any poseiMion whatever of stock In thia company. We are not in a position to deny the report in the daily papert any more than it has formerly been denied, but you have a perfect right to uxe the pubject of this letter a s hni (i whatever statement you den ire to make along these linos. Trusting thin is the information you desire, wo are, Your vrv trulr, FORD' MOTOR COMPANY, K. B. N'oltMAN, Acting Manager. I Employers, Take Notice i What are you going tn do nliout thin wiirkmi'ii'H eomM'HKatlon net? If you employ luliorer In liny r'tiae. , ty, you hIh in lil call at ntir offlie mill i learn wlitit It nii'iiiiH. Vim have only until June IMIi ol tlilx year to deeltle 'on what you will elect to ilo, anil report to the voiiuiiIhhIiiii. We will I take pleasure luexplalnliiir the work lug ol the act to any employer, j Tiik J. II. IU.nkic A iihtiiaot Co. j nueklnghain llivhtM' ItootN nml I Sin ies wear Katlxfactorlly. Full line ut lOlklim' Store. 4-10 Stockholders of the Pioneer Telegraph and Telephone Company Notice. The annual meeting of the Htock holdem of t lie Pioneer Telegraph A. Telephone Company will lie hclil In the ofllee of the emiipaliv Tilemlav, May l.'lth. IMS, at Jo o'clock n. lil. Kin-lion of hoard of dlreelora nml other IiiihIiiohh. ( hah. S. Kdwaiiiih, 61 2t Nivretary. Whim In the iimrkut for I. line, Ce ment ami Sliinnli'H, use the Kedmnml 1. umbel ik Produce Co. 3 -7-2iu Fresh Fruit and Strawberries at Mrs. Wrlht'n Confectionery Store. Ice Cream anil .Sodas. 5-15 quet Wednesday evening at the lodge rooms. j The visiting delegates expressed, their thanks in the form of a reso-1 lution complimenting the people of Prineville for their kind and court-' eous treatment, I DUDREY'S Automobile Line Between Prineville and Redmond Leave Prineville, daily ( ( Leave, Redmond, daily 5:00 a. m. - 3:00 p. m. 8:00 a. m. - 7:45 p. m. Fare, $3.00 5 22 imp Round Trip, $5.50 The "Story of the Cadillac," is one of that mechanical and commercial advancement which makes for permanency. The Cadillac Company has never yielded to clamor by producing that which catered merely to fancy, nor that which took advantage of the uninformed. On the contrary it has produced only that which it knew would give to the purchaser "value received" in abundant measure. The Cadillac Company has never been obliged to resort -to exaggeration and over-drawn claims to dispose of all the cars that it could make and more. Its policy has ever been to under-claim rather than over-claim. It is gratified that the public accepts its representations at their full worth; because the public has never been misled and because the public could always expect and has always received more than was offered. THE W. F. KING COMPANY DISTRIBUTORS Prineville, .... Oregon