OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAUNTEREST Events Occurring Throughout the State During the Past Week. 0. A. C. Boye for Strikebreaker. Conrallle, The department of electrical engineering at the Oregon agricultural college wiahea It under ttood that the etudenta mho cava up their college course to become wlreleaa profeulonala and help the Marconi company through the present opera tor' atrike, did to In spite of the earnest advice of the profesaor a:il:mt such action. "I do not consider that It la fair to organtied labor and on thla around as well aa on the ground of the per aonal loss to the students In sacrific ing their college educational oppor tunities, I urged the young men not to take the atep," said Professor W. A. Hillebrnnd. "The Marconi company offered such g!!ttfr!rg Inducements to the boys, however, and they were so Interested in the work, that I could not keep them." CADAVER FEATURE PUZZLES Ois'rct Attorney is Unable to Learn Where Swindler Obtained Body. 1'ortlnnd. Two explanations, neith er of them credited by the district attorney, have been given by J. C. La f ranee regarding the cadaver which, dres.-ed in Lafranee's clothing, was found on the upper Clackamas river and UM'd in June, 1912, to defraud three Insurance companies of a total of approximately 15.004. In the first story Lafranre said that two medical students obtained the body, took It to the point where it was found, dressed It in l.afrance'a clothing and arranged so that it should be called to the attention of passing fishermen. The second was that Lafrance had secured the dead body through the assistance of a bill collector In Port land and that they had packed It Into the Clackamas country, where tbey dressed it In a khakt hunting suit and bad purchased a similar suit, and after making sure that his acquaintance! ahould be Informed of his departure, bad ostentatiously gone up the Clack amas oa a fishing trip. Loot-Loaded Man la Killed. Roseburg. Carrying two suits ot clothes, tour pairs of shoes and other articles ot wearing apparel, which comprised the loot taken from the store of the Sutherlin Mercantile com pany at Sutherlin, Roy Parks, of Aris ta, a suburb of Portland, was struck and killed by a northbound passenget train which he attempted to board In order to get away from the scene ot the burglary. He is a brother of James W. Parks, ex mayor of Aberdeen, and head ol the Pacific Fisheries and Packing company. SHIPPERS DEMAND ROUTES Oregon and Washington Join In Op posing Harriman Plan. Portland. On the grounds that the plan ot the Harriman roads, to close the gateways at Wallula, Silver Bow, Spokane and Denver against theli competitors, will adversely affect the service by eliminating competition. In routings, cause car shortages, limit the scope of the markets and in some cases actually force an increase In the rates, representatives of the West Coast Lumber Manufacturers' Asso ciation, the Northwestern Fruit Ex change and the Portland Chamber of Commerce presented vigorous protest against the railroad's proposal before James W. Carmalt, examiner for the interstate commerce commission. While the evidence Bhowed that the shippers have not been much inclined to use the routes alternative to those of the Harriman system, the testimony made apparent the fact that theae shippers want these various routes left open so that tbey can use them In case they become dissatisfied with the Union Pacific, Oregon Short Line and O.-W. It. & N. Co. Medford Merchant Accused of Theft Medford. Upon a specific charge of stealing $40, H. C. Kentner, a lead ing dry goods merchant here, has been served with a warrant. Business as sociates, upon whose move the warrant was Issued, say that Kentner's alleged peculations will amount to $12,000. Kentner Is alleged to have raised his salary from $175 to $300 a month with out authority from the directors of the H. C. Kentner company, of which be was the majority stockholder, and la said to have drawn heavy amounts (rom the company In addition. Contractors Win Big Damage Suit, Portland. Judgment for $148,602.52 against the city and In favor of Rob ert Wakefield and his associates, con tractors for the Mount Tabor reser voirs, In their action for $408,000, was returned by the Jury. It was Just five days, lacking half an hour, since they retired to deliberate. JAMES BRYCE Js'.r. - v vi James Bryce. who haa retired aa ambassador to th United States from Great Britain. MEXICANS EXECUTE 25 Example Made of Officers by Rebela In Hermoalllo. Nogalea, Aria. Twenty-five federal officers, Including an Infantry and ar tillery colonel, taken prisoner during last week's fighting above Cuaymaa, have been shot at a public execution by order of the constitutionalist com manders. The execution la admitted officially by state authorities at Her moslllo. The offlctal statement also admita the losa In killed ot 200 state troops during the three daya' fighting which resulted during last night In the driv ing ot the retiring federals Into the first station north of the gulf port town. Oregon Riches Grow. Salem. Or. That Oregon wealth continues to Increase was attested by a statement Issued by State Bank Ex aminer Wright covering the close of banking business April 4. The total deposits in the banks of the state were li:S,339,926. an increase of $1,222,629 for the year. REPUBLICAN LEADERS GONFBMN CHICAGO Chicago. United States senators and republican leaders from various parts of the country began to arrive here with the avowed purpose of pro moting a movement for a republican national convention this year "to re organize the party on progressive lines." The purpose of the convention, as described by Senator Cummins, of Io wa, would be to "change conditions In the party so as to prevent a recurrence of what happened at the last republi can national convention." A concrete proposal for the rehablll tion of the republican party was pre sented to the conference of republican senators and leaders here by a com mittee of five appointed after the con ferees had discussed the situation fully. The committee was composed of Robert Luce, Massachusetts; Senator Borah, Idaho; State Senator James, Michigan; United States Senator Ken yon, Iowa, and State Senator Traut man, Kansas. The conference was attended by six republican senators and 32 other lead ers, representing nine states. These men discussed what action should he sought at the meeting of the republi can national committee at Washing ton .May 24, looking toward "reorgan izing the party along , progressive lines." Japanese Delegate Starts. San Francisco. Baron Juichi Soy eda, delegated by the Japanese-American association of Japan to visit the United States to investigate conditions which have resulted In the passage of an anti-alien land bill In California, sailed for San Francisco, according to a Toklo cable to the Japanese Amer ican, ot this city. THE MARKETS. Portlan. Wheat Club, 87c; bluestem, 98c; red Russian, 85c. Hay Timothy, $16; alfalfa, $12. Butter Creamery, 28c. Eggs Candled, 21c. Hops 1912 crop, 14c. Wool Eastern Oregoa, lie; Wil lamette valley, 18c. Seattle. Wheat Bluestem, 98c; club, $7c; red Russian, 85c. Eggs 20c. Butter Creamery, 29c. Hay Timothy, $1 per too; alfalfa, $12 per ton. BRIEF NEWS OF 03EGON lte'.era lounoil la pro vedlng with !.n;a (or thi iv tat hshltig of a mutilet ..el li:-h:la! l.uit. t:r.i:i:a i":.a city oomc'l line tinmH u.ne wutrin io tut an Judaea aud rh.ks of the city election. When the next school yenr opena !rt!t i'oiut will have a fine new thoolhoune, to coat lu the neighbor hood of $15,000. Jt-orge Measliiger. who haa been oa trial to the circuit court of Crook outity charged with larceny of cattle, was found guilty by trial Jury. With the arrest ot Frank J. Allen, with f;4u worth of opium on hla per son. the Baker police have uncovered a big nmuKgltng bualnrsa. The proceeds of Yoncallit's school building bond Issue ot $20,000 are held up by reason of an Injunction suit, (Med on the allegation of Irregularities in the bonding proceedings. The trial of Marahfield Soclalteta who were arrested recently for violat ing an ordinance prohibiting atreot speaking waa postponed. Meanwhile the accused men are allowed their freedom on their own recognliance. The Portland city council passed an ordinance appropriating $610250 for the pRynient ot the salaries and clerks of the recent election and an additional I sum of $600 for meals furnished the j officials. j County Judge W. S. Worden of Kla j math Falls haa promised the hardest i kind of a fight against the opponent who are seekiug bla recall. He la so 1 anxious for battle that he haa offered I to aid them in getting the recall elec j tlon before the people, j ' Guilty' waa the verdict brought In by the Marshfleld Jury In the caa of State Representative J. S. Barton, of Coqullle, Indicted on complaint of Miss Madge Yoakum, an employe In his office. The Jury waa out only a few hours. Frank Matoml, a Japanese, has In stalled a plant at Independence for the purpose of making quassia chips, used in spraying hopa. He haa re ceived 150 tona ot loga from Japan at a cost to freight alone of $1700, and will begin chipping them at once. A cache of dynamite bomba haa been discovered near the old immigrant road a mile west ot Echo. The bombs were 16 In number, and each conalsted of a stick of dynamite In a lead pipe. They had been wrapped In an old gunny sack and stuck Io a badger bole, evidently months ago. An effort to Introduce a disease that will exterminate rabbits In the western portion of Umatilla county. Dr. W. H. Little, state sheep Inspector, went to Echo armed with a bottle ot "culture of snuffles" with which he will Inocu late a number of animals. Declaring that rablea again haa ap peared In Oregon and that the situa tion In Multnomah and adjoining coun ties Is grave, the state board of health in a report Issued for the quarter ending in March, recommended that all dogs be muzzled. The four representatives of a Rus sian colony Io Saskatchewan, who have been touring western Oregon for 10 days, have closed a deal for the purchase ot 8600 acres, practically In one body, In Linn county. They bare filed Incorporation papers under the name of the Society ot Independent Doukhobors, with a capital ot $100,000. Ten families will come from Canada at once, and others -ill follow soon. Timber owners of Polk county have organized for the purpose of protecting the forests In this county from fire during the coming dry season. W. V. Fuller, of Dallas, a prominent timber man of the county, has advised all owners concerning the work of forest protection, and all efforts by the own ers will be put forth to lessen the extent of the burned districts this summer. The homesteaders and timber claim ants at Klamath Falla have been awarded the final decision in the long drawn out 37-10 land case. The tim ber lands were claimed by A. D. Dan iels and associates, who had placed Bcrip on them, and also by a number of individuals who proved up on the land under the homestead and timber laws. The litigation has boen in prog ress for about 10 years. Two accidents were caused at The Dalles by the explosion of flashlight powders. One of them may cost Karl Corson, 14 years old, the loss of his eyesight, as he looked directly Into the flash while attempting to take a picture at a campflrc picnic. The kitchen range of Mrs. E. K. Vlckera was wrecked by the explosion of n box which Bhe supposed wan empty, but which contained flashlight pow ders. From Whitesvlllo, Mo to Pendleton, a distance of 2000 miles, Is the Journey completed a few days ago by two pair of homing pigeons. About six weeks ago Mrs. L. O. Pell of Pendleton ship ped the four birds to N. G. Itoderkr in Whitesville. He liberated them with his other pigeons nnd they Imme diately disappeared. Upon receiving a letter from him tolling of his loss Mrs. Pell went to he'r pigeon lofts nnd found the four birds renting on their homo roosts. All were in good condi tion. It. Is not known how long they were In covering the distance. X for the enjoyment of your fur.ly. It is an "investment". One that pays hg tlivitlcjuls in happiness and provides a liberal musical education. Come in and this $75 Victor Victrola and find out about our plan that enables you to enjoy it while you are pay ing for it. We tock the latest Victor and Columbia machines. A big and up-to-date selection of records on hand from 65c up. All needles now 50c per 1000 at KAMSTRA'S. Crook County Jewelry and Sporting Goods Store Complete line of Fishing Tackle. Watches Waltham, Elgin, Hampden, Illinois, South Bond and other High Grade Movements. Newly Furnished Throughout Rooms 50c, 75c, $1 European and American Plan. Nrw Management HOTEL OREGON Mrs. Lena M. Dudrey, Mgr. PRINEVILLE, Best Meals in Central Oregon, 35c Hotel Automobile Connects with all Trains Statement of Reaourcea and Liabilitiea of The First National Bank Of Prineville, Oregon HKHOUIICKH Loana anil Diamante. .. Mfnlm United HtatM Bonda 12JW0 00 Bank nm!w,tc 12.M0 12 Caab at Due from bauka 2,M W B. P. Allan. Pra.W.nt WUI Wunw.ll.f. Vic PraakW Peter Schuttler Wagons We have on hand a number of attractive J. E. Stewart & Co. You . would . enjoy . the . Journal You c .iii't think of a bet ter way to invest $75 than bviicttin 'a Victor-Victrola hear OREGON I.J A UII.I1 IKI capital Mnck.palil In lojafn 00 Hurplua tund, aarnil ft". WO 00 Undivided profit, earned tn.TM M Circulation .on 00 IMpoatuj nu.oiH 03 aui.ut It T. M. BaMwIa. Caahlar a Baldwin, Aaa'l Caahtar T I Wagons (all sizes) at very prices Km U Victor. f YulmlaX I 0llrr $75 ! is'.' J .tsj iProfossKfial Cards, A lt riii-ta. lumirnnre' The J. II. Il.ner Abstract Co. I'rllivvlllf, r. Kiirtn I, uiiiia. IliitnU. W. I '. M N. (I. Wii (.( Law Office of W. P. MYERS Kaiaalr Bld'g. Priiwville, Ore Prof. A. W. Crater, Divine Healar Olllce in Mnrrla tlullillng I litre doors smith ul Journal oltlre. rMnetilla. Or go D. II. PEOPLES Civil and Irrigation Engineer Kuoni H Ailatnatin llld g Prineville, Ore. IU-1 Dr. Howard (iovc Dentist. ' Crook County Bank Building mmf ttm Hi. f,m.IU, 0r.m. Cm., S. Cdmar, Jf. P. 33,1k..? (X'll'l.lHTM Belknap cf Cd wards rfmt, (County I'liyali iaii.) T. i:. J. Dt'l 1 V Attarnr'-at-Lmw tKuxoramr l W. A. IMI) I'msrviiia ... Okioux C, C Sri. Sftmi Citml Orfm ry00m Ctua tmun fanamr H.T oa Nnat orrn llaa tw nrt o Aluaaoa't liana eruaa. Rotti ofl)t aa raj. dvuoa tlptiana. yWaaWa. . . Or W. A. HULL Ijtwycr The Uallra Oraaiin X. Clltott, mill,, Ortfm Wiliard II. Wrtz Attornpy-iitl.nw. Olllre III M. It. HlKKa' ullliv. I'mi.nkvii.i.k Ocimion 6. SSrmA Orf,m. J. Trendies Fox M. It. C. H. Kng: and I H. A. I.oml.ini l.lrenowOri'Knn HUU Mtxllral Hoard. MKH'ilit in Hurxory; llyulena; All nirnury Canal; wuiucn anil cliildrvn'a diieaaca, ein ornon and realdenre Ttilrd atrael nearf'mirt tlouae. Tel.: IMiMimr. lalla n"werd promptly, nliht or day. C'lmraea modrata HAVE YOU Filed your Deed? Of Course. HAVE YOU An Abstract? (Wtiilnly I'Vtr.voiiB lianan almlrai't now, Koymi know where your cornera lire. Well, No, Mot exactly, Brewster Engineering Company, t'rimiville, (lrKin, will locate them lor you ami KUirmitiw the work. Survey ing, l'latilnx, Irrigation. Kiiliitieriiig, I'lione I'lonmtr 2tH. I( f p Lodge meoteveryTuc. " a ,iy night. tStratignra welcome. (iko. Noiii.k, N. ?,; V. (i.; T. U Coon, Sec. die, Trrcan Rkiit IUknkn, C. It. Minwiu- Noticc to Creditor.. Notion Ih lii'roliy kIvimi tiy tlio tin iliTHlifiicil, tliM ailmliiiHt rutrix ol tlin i.'Hlittu (it JiiHi'pli 11. Dclorti, lUt'eitHctl, to the crcilltora ol mild I'xtnt" ttnil all iHTMOtm lmvliiir clnltnn HKiiliiHt tlii' aatne to pn-Hcnt hiicIi clutnia to the tiiidurHlirneil at the olllce ol T. 10. .1. Dufy, In Priiwville, Crook county, Ort-ifon, within alx muntliH (rom the II rut publication ol tlilx notice. DhUmI and pnlillHlied the Hrnt time till llltli Uuy ol March, 1U1I). Vikoinia Dicj.onn, Adnilnlxtratrlx of thu I'Htatn ot JoHvph H. IX-loro, (IcceiiHt'd. 3-lll-"t Notice to Creditors, Notice Ih IhtcIiv iriven liy the tin (lurHliriH'd, the ndmlnlMtrator ot the eatate ol Hamtltd S. Joiich, dt-ccaMcd, to all creditors ol mild dccciiHcd anil to all pi'rmHiH liavlnir claliim nirnliiHt Hiild eHtate to proMcnt them with the proper vouchers to the uiidurmiriu'd at the olllce ol M. R. Elliott In l'rlnc vllle. Oregon, within Hx moutliHlrom the first piilillcatlon ol tills notice. Dattsd this 3d. day of April, 11113. Ciuiti.ns K. JoNKH, Administrator of the Kstato ol Sam uel 8. Jones, DucuuhuU.