Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 01, 1913, Image 1

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K"cne Or
Crook County JoMiraail
Bntf4 at tb poatoflla at Pr1nT.n
Circuit Court
P 1
Circuit court will convene in
Prineville next Monday, May f.
Hlh the crlmlnnl and civil docket
are unusually lonir. Anions the
&' to be tried are the following
The state va. Nick Hahn of Me
toliui. Nick is charged with tlio
malicious dratruction of personal
properly. He threw a cimpldor
through a plate glow mirror. He
in out under l.'itMl bondn.
The ute v. (jay lord McDaniul.
He in charged with Aral degree
murder for killing Herman I'och on
the 31dt of limt Decerning.
hern confined in the countv nil
ainre that time.
The atala vs. . K. Niitwn of
Madras. He In charged with violat
ing the quarantine law. He entered
a hoiiae while infected with small
pox. Nisw-n hail hit preliminary
before JuHtice Jackson who bound
'him over to tin-grand jury in the
urn of l.'.tm. He woa not able to
furnish it no hait KM-nt eight or ten
week at the county jail.
The state vs. Frank ColTman of
Madras. He is charged with larceny
by bailee.
The aute vs. Ceorge Meaainger.
He is charged with the larceny of a
steer belonging to George Milllcan
and also with larceny from a dwell
ing. Ho was released from custody
on $5500 bail April 1.
The state vs. Frank Hroslus. . He
Is charged with selling liquor to
The state vs. John Mcl'herson
He is charged with the larceny of a
mare and colt lielonging to George
Nillicnn. He is out on I t0tM bonds.
The state vs. Reaaley of Red-
mond. He is charged with aiwault
with a dangerous weapon. It is
alleged that he broke C. H. Fry's
arm with a pitchfork.
The Btate vs. M. A. Robinson of
Redmond. He is charged with ob
taining money under falw pretenses
He gave a check when he hail no
money in the bank.
The state vs. Wm. Paunch. He
Is charged with breaking up a
school on Rear creek by pointing a
gun at the teacher.
The state vs. L. K. Kerwood.
Mrs. Kerwood is charged with sell
ing mortgaged chattels.
The state vs. Donald Garrett,
He is charged with the larceny of a
steer belonging to Vazie & Rrown
of Willow creek.
The state vs. W. L. and V. M.
Robertson and George Kentner,
charged with stealing horses. They
shipped three carloads from
to Toppenish, Wash., and
A. T. Mcllurgue vs. Mary E. Me.
llarKiie. K. Herand attorney for
plaintiff; W. A. Hull for defendant.
Lemrai uregon Irrigation Co. vs.
Frank Steyens et al.
i'.. I'ereon anil li. K. Jones vs.
Frank Walker and Kva A. Kteolo. M.
It. Klliott attorney for plaintiff; V. A.
Korbea attorney for defendants.
J. V. Merrifleld et al vs. Z T. Mc-
Clay. Ross & Allen and W. II. Wlrti
attorneys for plaintiffs and (!. A. Mo
Karlane and W. A. Hell attorneys for
Madras Lumber Co. vi, C. E. Flora
et al.
State of Oregon vs. E. A. Iiusaett,
admr. W. II. Wirti attorney for plain
tiff; M. E. Iiriuk attorney for deft.
A. C. Sanford vs. J. W. Jones. E.
Derglund attorney for plaintiff.
McDowell Itros. et al vs. City Red
mond. G. A. McFarlane attorney for
plaintiff; J. A. Willcox attorney for
E. L. Fitleld, doing business as Ore
gon Central Lumber & Supply Co. vs.
iSamuel (J rem?. 0. H. Hazen, , L.
Cooper and W. H. Wirtz attorneys for
plaintiff; V. P. Myers attorney for
(ieorge O'Neil and Waltet O'Neil vs.
l n i n
ana uvu tases
J. K. Hunaaker. 0. L.
Barnlar at-
lornay for plaintiff; H. K. Brink at
torney (or defendant.
A.C. Luraavi. Ralph Patterson, V.
A. Korbea attorney (or plaintiff.
Tain a-Lum Lumbar Co. vs. Opal
City I .and Co. K. llergland attorney
tor plaintiff.
Mary It. Hawkins vs. Rolls N. Doty.
M. R. Klliott attorney lor plaintiff.
R. L. Sabin, aMignita, v. Samuel
Orrgg et al. K. Ikirgland attorney for
plaintiff; W. P. Myers attornay lor
The Indi'iwuilent Foundry Co. vs. A.
K. Ilenlley et al. W. I,. Ilretr
He has!''''''''' ,,,r l'alnllfl.
1 eitLub.1 If LI 1. .
mj. .v..,i,,.p imiiig a iiiiai io. v.
Kalpb I alteraim et al. V. A. Korbea
attorney for plaintiff.
H. C. Caldwell vs. J. W. f.ber. W.
H. Coble attorney for plaintiff.
Ixnitt Pine Trading Co, vs. John
llatkett. O. L. llernier attorney for
plaintiff; T. K. J. Unify attorney (or
Kimt National Hank o( Hand vr. K.
It. lloueton et al.
Alt I). UatUtn vt. i. 8. del.. M. E.
ftrlllk BtlnrtiMV t.. t.lai..flflf
Firet Natiunal Hank o( (lend vs.
II. P. JMknap vs. I-ouii Doonar. M.
R. Klliott attornay lor plaintiff.
Squaw Creek Irrigation Co. vs. A.
Ilornbwk. W. II. Wirta attorney for
Xarah Reilly vs. J. K. llrogan. M. R.
Klliott attorney lor plaintiff.
Maria L. Ilrooks vs. L. R.- Brooks.
L. H. Irving attorney lor plaintiff.
Hlrara CiitMon vs. K. K. Kerwood et
al. W. A. liell attorney (or plaintiff.
M. R. Klliott vs. W. V. Hammer. M.
R. Klliott attorney for plaintiff.
Turn a Linn I.aniW Co, vs. Madras
Hlate Hank. W. P. Myers attorney for
plaintiff; L. II. Irving and M. R. j
Klliott attorneys for defendant.
Central Oregon Irrigation Co. vs. K.
A. Knotta. Jeaee Siearni and Jaeub
Kancler attorneys for plaintiff.
K. L. M liner vs. C. K. Rye.
Central Oregon Irrigation Co. vs. W.
M. iloimton.
Central Oregon Irrigation Co. vs. R.
It. McAnhlaml.
r ... ...
vcmrni uregnn irrigation La. vsj
Wm. Jocelyn.
N. lUbn vi. T. N. Italfour. W. p.
Myers attorney for nlaintiff: T. K. J
Duffy attorney for defendant.
I.aiirena T. Andrua vs. 8. T. AnJrna
L. H. Irving and M. It. Klliott altor
neys for plaintiff; T. K. J. Duff altor
ney for defendant.
A. A. Ilurris vs 0. II. Erii kson et al.
Patrick Walsh et al as Central Orntmn
Merc. Co. vs. Crook Countv Investment
K. II. Hopkins vs. I, P. Hewitt.
K. W. Hopkins vs. K. B. Williams.
W. A. Booth vs. Cltv o( Prlnoville.
M. R. Klliott attorney (or nlaintiff: T.
E. J. Duffy attorney for defendant.
Ilotheliild Bros. vs. W. F. Sell
T. K. J. Duffy attorney (or plaintiff.
Lena May McPlierson vs Ixxran C.
McPberson. W P Mvcrs attornev for
Redmond Townaite Co vs RihI inonit
Realty A Invertment Co.
r M Rntlleld vs L B Kerwood. C. B
Guthrie and J W Maloney attorneys for
plamtitT; M It Elliott attornev for
Frank CJilland vs Frank Howie.
Alfred V Dobson attornev for nlaintiff:
M R Elliott attorney for defendant.
nonry unntervs Central Oregon Ir
rigation Co.
J M Conklin vs Jas McElroy.
Roland Gnntlier VS J J Klnin ami
Martha Kloin. C 8 I ten son attorney
for plaintiff.
Black Butte L & L Co vs G W Brown.
Annie White etal va Rllnnnr rimx.
Maeker. T E J Duffy and W A Ball
attorneys for plaintiff; M.E Brink at
torney lor defendants.
Annie White et al vs Aaron Wbita l
al. Duffy and Bell attorneys (or plain
tiff; M E Brink attorney (or defendants.
United. Warehouse Co vs W F and
Mayo Lock wood.
Newton Patterson vs Ilenrv Wil
Fanny Barkley et al.
W L Foreythe et al vs A B Skewes et
al. D G Burdick and M R Kllintt .t.
torneys for plaintiff; M E Brink attor
ney for defendant.
J Strein vs Bend Milium A. Warn.
house Co et al.
Tuin-a-Lum Lumber Co vs J C Wey-
man. W P Mvers attornnvfor nlaintiff
Breyman Leather Co vs Madras
Harness Shop.
Thos Hamilton va Bend Brick A Lu tu
ber Co.
W F King vs J E Adamaonand Anna
Crook county va Alms D Ksts. W
H Wlru attorney (or plaintiff.
Fred Fish vs Emma A Fish.
Malt Clarke vs II D Miner.
Kllnra Music Honia C. V rVi
fW H Wins attorney for plaintiff.
Central Oregon Irrigation Co vs W W
J A Willcoi, troatoe, vs Clirlitlna
Newman and Inland Empire Co.
C A Hump vs If E Robinson. C C
Brtx attorney for nlaintiff: M K III..
and Slallra O , Biggs attorneys for de-
Firet National Bank of Prinevllle vs
C E Person. M K Iiriuk attorney lor
Waltimr-Williams Hdw Co va B C
Caldwell et al. F W Wilaon attorney
lor plaintiff; M K Brink and C 8 Hen-
son attorney! (or defendants.
Annie Maling vs A G Kllefaon. T V.
i Duffy attorney for plaintiff.
W G Ricbter va 8 Price. W II Wirta
attorney lor plaintiff; T K J Duffy at
torney for defendant.
Rowland Gilmore va Joeenli Kteiill.
M K Klliott attorney lor plaintiff.
.Madras Hlate Hank va L E Baker et
Central Orwon Imitation Co vs C W
Hoech. Jpkm Stearns
.7, r!e! , I'
plaintiff; M It Elliott attorney for
di'ffUilnnt. i
Dim Kno va KllsnlN-th Reed et nl. '
CM Cranditll and M It Klliott ul
torneys fur plnlnllff.
Weatern Loan A Navlnm Co vs II
G and Myrtle Kay.
Redmond Hank of Commerce va V
I Phueulx, J A Norwood and Carl N
D It A minion vs FC Park.
Redmond Feed t Fuel Co. va Mlln
and Ix-roy Covert. G A McFarlane
attorney lor plitfntlff.
Helena Itelmer va J A Relmer.
Tuin a Luuilier Co va G A M
T K Loveliu-e vs J W Saxton et al.
Tuiii-H-Lum Lumber Co vs J W
Ramaey. W P Myers attorney for
Reiliuiim) Hunk of Commerce va K
C pcraun
W F King Co va I I) Biwey. M It
Elliott attorney fur plnlutlff.
Loin M NuiiiIkts vs W Roy Num.
T J Bloalck va Frank Sytuona and
Wulter Symona. R J Baker attorney
lor plaintiff; W P Myers attorney for
Pacific N W Adjustment Co va
James Glrton A Co.
(ieo Karl vs Ida Karl. T E J Duffv
attorney tor plaintiff; C C Brlx at
torney lor defendant.
J W Boone vs V 8 Mlnkler. M E
Brink attorney for plaintiff.
Annie Muling vs F T Hlirirlns et al.
T E J Duffy attorney for plaintiff.
Dr Vt urdetuaun et al va Itlehnril
King et al.
Central Oregon Irrigation Co vs
Oertrude Kloeher et al.
It H Brownlow vs Iva M Brown
low. Sarah J Newsom vs T 8 Prlngle et
al. M E Brink attorney for plaintiff.
Central Oregon Irrigation Co vs
Kirk Whited.
Flint National Bank of Bend vs J
J Klein.
C F Condart vs Lon Negus. W V
Myers attorney tor plaintiff; W H
Wirt attorney lor defendant.
T K J Duffy vs A Q and O L Ellel
sou. T E J Duffy attornev fornlnln.
Central Oregon Irrigation Co vs
Patrick O'Nlell. I
1-Mgar J and Norma It Wright vs
A W Dunning. M R Biggs attorney
tor pinlntin.
W Jl Taylor vs 0 E Northev et al
Olean Land Co vs Dnvld Burton et
nl. L M Heehtel attorney for plain
K It Jackson vs J J Klein.
D F Stewart et al vs Llule Gulll-
ford et al. M E Brink attorney for
J ;H Bean vs Wm Baldwin and
Frank Elklns. sheriff. T E J Dnffr
and V A Forbes attorneys for plain
tiff; M E Brluk attorney for Antt.
W G Phoenix rind F W Meriiirr.rir
vs It L Jordan, treasurer, et nl. G A
McFarlane attorney for nlaintiff:
Hardy, Woodley and Behrends at
torneys tor defendants.
Wm D Johnson vs Mollle 0 John
son. M M Barnett vg J E Barnett et al.
L B Balrd vs Mareellua Lara et al.
H C Ellis aud V A Forbes.
for plaintiff.
Alma D Stewart vs H E Stewart.
U C Coe vs Jess J Boyd and J A
(Continued on Fifth Page)
Surveying the Right
of -Way for Railroad
The engineers are at work on the
urvey for the Metoliua-F'rineville
F. M. von Planta, chief engineer
for Contractor Scheel, arrived in
Metolius last evening with his men
to begin the work of locating the
right-of-way. Judge Brink was
'phoned to send over additional
help, which he did this morning by
Railroad affairs will now develop
rapidly. Just where the permanent
line will be run will aoon be decided.
Of course the attitude of the farm-
erg toward the road will be a large
factor in making up the decision.
but no serious obstacles are appre
hended in that direction. Many of
them will gladly donate the land re
quired because of the increase in
value and the convenience of trans
portation facilities.
When the right-of-way problem is
" Kill. UN lUllOU UlllUIl
work will soon commence to fly.
Let 'er fly.
County Judge Ex
plains About Cement
The following letter was mailed
to D. W, Barnett of Madras in re
sponse to a letter from Mr. Barnett
informing the county judge that a
rumor was being circulated that
the judge had paid the Oregon
Trunk railroad some money to save
himself the trouble of answering to
a charge of swiping a carload, more
or lees, . of
cement. The letter
! r , .....
i 1 ir' u- w- arne". Madras, Ore
Friend Barnett: As far as I am
concerned, the yarn about the
cement is the result of ignorance
or maliciousness. There was some
cement condemned by the contrac
tor and left at or near the Crooked
River bridge. I learned from S. S.
Crawford, that the man in charge,
the contractor I believe, a Mr.
Lambrecht, allowed any one to take
as much as he could use, and so I
sent my teams and got - some of it.
I teamed recently that there is some
misunderstanding between the con
tractor and the' cement company.
You are at liberty to publish this
letter if you wish.
Yours very truly,
' G. Springer,
County judge of Crook county.
To official papers the county
judge considers himself public prop
erty, and while he may not always
take time to explain about a little
thing like a carload or two of
cement, if he steals a railroad and
gets off with it as easily as he has
so far with the cement deal, he
promises to solve the problem of
transportation for Prineville. Also
it will not prevent him from inves
tigating timber cruising deals or
any other matter of interest to the
taxpayers of Crook county.
G. Springer,
County judge of Crook county.
The W. C. T. U.
Mid-Year Convention
The second annual mid-year con
vention of the Crook County
Woman's Christian Temperance
Union was held at Prineville April
25, 26, 27, 1913.
Friday evening the first meeting
was held in the Methodist church.
Mrs. Wilda Belknap, county presi
dent, gave the address of welcome.
Mrs. A. C. Thompson of Culver was
to have given the response but was
not present at that time. After a
solo by Mrs. E. L, Coe, Mrs. Ada
Wallace Unruh, state president.
gave a lecture on the subject, "The
New Voter and the State." After
County Treasurer Jordan issue
statement of the county' financial
standing that should set at rest some
of the misleading statement that
have found currency recently.
The county treasurer says that
there waa in the general fund Janu
ary 1. 1913. the sum of rfl.04fi 3fl-
cruising fund, 11,812.16; that the
registered warrant outstanding at
that time were f 111,984.04.
Since January 1st, warrants to
the amount of $70,302.05 have been
called in and that he has received
$35,486.90 from the sheriff in war-
rants, leaving a balance of $6125.09
still remaining unpaid up to Janu-
ary 1. There have been registered
since January 1st warrants to the
sum of $10,706.67, making a total
of 16,832.06 registered warrants
still outstanding with no funds on
hand to pay for same.
"If the next turnover from the
sheriff is as large as I think it
should be, (about $20,000) the
county will be out of debt once
more, for a short time at least,"
said the county treasurer. "The
the lecture a reception was given
by the ladies of W. C. T. U. of
Prineville in the church parlors.
Dainty refreshments of punch and
wafers were served.
Saturday forenoon the meeting
was held at the Union church.
After the devotional the county
president called for the reports of
the different unions.
Mrs. Percival responded " for
Madras and told of the number of
meetings which were small on ac
count of revival services being held
ac me ainerent churches. She re
ported the Sunday School and L. T
L. departments as being in good
condition and doing a good work
This union gave a reception for the
teachers and the public schools
There being no delegate from
tfietoiius the report sent in was
read by the county secretary. This
union has held several meetings and
most of the department work taken
up by it is flourishing. The union
also gave two or three parent and
teacher receptions at which they
served refreshments.
Grizzly, Terrebonne, Sisters, Laid-
law and Bend did not send either a
delegate or a written report of
their work. Redmond was repre
sented by Rev. Crenshaw. He re
ports that the union there is in a
very flourishing condition and that
the ladies were largely the ones
who were responsible for making
Redmond a cleaner and better town
Prineville has done a good work
in looking after the pool halls and
other civic work, while socially it
has been busy. This union has also
given two or three receptions for
their public school teachers. The
Prineville L. T. L. is doing a fine
work for the children. This union
has the honor of having the largest
number of members of any union in
the county.
Mrs. A. C. Thomson gave the re
port for Culver. This union has
helped four or five needy families
during the winter; helped to care
for the sick and has sent flowers to
the sick also. The L. T. L. is in a
flourishing condition and the S. T.
I. work has been taken up in the
public schools there. A goodly
number of meetings have been held
and they have a nice little sum of
money in the treasury.
After the reports several good
papers were read in connection with
the departments. Meetings were
held baturday evening and all day
Sunday. The convention was
closed Sunday night by a lecture by
Mrs. Unruh.
County Press Com. W. C. T. U. I
Good Shape
county is owing more than the
amount mentioned above, as there
is a large number of warrants is
sued which have not yet been pre
sented for registration.
"The total assessed valuation of
the county for 1912 was $9,979,152,
against $9,531,013 for 1911, a gain
in value of $448,139."
The millage for this amount is
divided as follows: State and coun
ty, 17.45 mills; ganeral school, 3j
mills; high school. 2 mills; road
fund, 1 mill; library, 1-20 of a mill.
T.-.tal 2 mill
The total amount re.ivt W,
the sheriff since January 7th is as
follows: Cencral fund. $99,114.71;
school fund, 19,423.64; road fund!
: $5214.52: hirh school t ssr 7v
cruising fund, $130.29; library
fund, $277.51; special school fund,
$41,280.74. Total, $174,308.11.
County Treasurer Jordan wishes
it made known that if any further
information is desired as to the
financial condition of his office he
will be pleased to furnish it at any
Jury List for this
Term of Court
The following is a list of jurors
drawn for next week's term of
circuit court:
John Campbell, Madras.
C. P. Becker, Laidlaw, farmer.
W. R. Cook, Madras, merchant.
Price Coshow. McKay, farmer.
A. S. Collins, Bead, council
man. A W. Boyce, Culver, farmer.
O. G. Adams, Prineville, mer
Orvilla Davis, Ha ve reek.
D. W. Barnett, Madras, real
Columbus J. Johnson. Prine
ville, stockman.
John R. Knox, Post, farmer.
Anton Aune, Bend, livery
T. J. Leach, Culver, farmer.
J. W. Berry, Sisters, farmer.
Isaac Martin, Opal Citv.
P. H. Denser, Beqd, farmer.
J. W. Livingston, Prineville.
Fisher C. Logan, Held, stock.
John Keramling, Prineville.
E. T. Luthy, Bond, farmer.
0. A. Newbill. Grizzly, farmer.
C. H. Hatch, Laidlaw, farmer.
A. T. Mertin, Gateway, farmer.
Jerry Achey, Lamonta, farmer.
C. W. Muma, Redmond, team
C. R. Henry, Paulina, farmer.
T. S. Hamilton, Ashwood.
J. B. Heyburn. Bend, farmer.
C. R. McLallin, Redmond.
Silas E.- Hodges, Prineville,
William .
Marks, Prineville,
Stockholder of the Pioneer
Telegraph and Telephone
Company Notice.
The annioil mrottno- tt tha
holoera nf thn Plnnpi TaW.ank
Telephone Company will be held In
the office of the company Tuesday,
May 13th, 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m.
Election of board of directors and
other business.
Chas. S. Edwards,
5-l-2t Secretary.
Simerlor Nimrrln. .ni1 Pnliimhl.
Ranirea 17.fiu tn tKS SnlH nn in
stullment plan. It will pay you to
investigate If you are In the market
for a Range, j. E. Stewabt & Co. 5-1