OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Events Occurring Throughout the State During the Past Week. Text Book Commission to Reduc Cost Salem. As the law creating the state text book commission was enact ed for the purpose of making schocvl courses uniform through the state and reducing the cost of books to a mini mum, the attorney general rendered an opinion that the state text book commission had no authority to adopt two or three books in the same branch of study, in order to give teachers a selection, or to designate books for supplementary reading. C. & E. LINE MUST REBUILD Commission Finds Track Is Poor and Urges Immediate Improvement. Salem. All of the line of the Corral lis Eastern railroad company, from CorralUs to Taquina, a distance of 71 miles, must be relaid with new steel rails, and properly ballasted, and all of the company's line, consisting of 140 miles, must be ballasted, for the state railroad commission, which made an inspection of the whole line, direct ed that the company make such lm provements. While these directions were not reduced to the formality of an order, the commission Intimates that unless they are obeyed a formal order will be made. The commission finds, to begin with, that the entire track of the company's line is unballasted. The track east of Albany, it says, consists of 35 pound steel rails, laid in 1SS7. and the surface is kinked and out of align ment. By laying new ties and prop erly ballasting, this condition can be remedied, says the commission. From Albany to Corvallia the track needs ballasting, but otherwise it is found good. J. P. MORGAN M MM J. P. Morgan, only sen of the famous financier, who Inherited the bulk of his fortune. Brief News of the Week Placer Gold Strike on Canyon John Day. A feTerish gold stam pede has just been started by a strike on Canyon Mountain, made by an old time prospector. Dan O'Shea. O'Shea made his strike more than a week ago, but succeeded in keeping it a secret several days. When the news finally ! ln the interT!l1- leaied out there was an Immediate j Tt Clllte1 States stands fourteenth rasa. It is rumored O'Shea has taken j "onS the nations of the world in ent between i'iOO and 12000. One nan ' arnber of government owned aero- Massachusetts will be represented by a 1504.000 building at the Panama Pacific exposition. The California senate, by a vote of 23 to 14. turned down the Kehoe bill to restrict the sale of liquor on the grounds of the Panama Pacific expo sition. The Nebraska house of representa tives at Lincoln has sustained the gov ernor's Teto of the Heaaty kill provid ing for the sterilisation of criminals and mental incompetents. The largest vessel la the world, the Cunard liner Acqultanla, was launched Monday at Clydebank, Glasgow. The great ship will be of (0,000 tons' dis placement, and Is to cost flO.000,000. The progressive party Issued a state ment at New Tork through its execu tive committe, to the effect that these is no possibility that the new party will ever amalgamate with either of the old parties. The truce between the Bulgarian and the Turks was officially confirm ed at Constantinople. The armistice will last until April 23, and may be prolonged if peace is not concluded BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON it is said, yielded him 1200. planes and in government expendi tures for aerial navigation in the last Anvil May Yet Be Saved. nTe Jears- Br"u " -6Ue are ahead I-Wnre -Vr Generni whn 01 -country. charge of the Anvil for the insurance ' The cl,r counca of 5U'rmon- Wish company, found after an examination j ba orr Mayor UtUe ' yHo- that the vessel is in much better shape : ",0 lu lD- UDO ol lu" mra" uc than was feared and is confident of i aJoon ordlnan " " success in the attempt float her. She WasbinPn. The ordinance reduces is gradually moving closer into deep ' &e number o! 8aioons ,0 ,our for ater i ery 1500 peaple and raises the license I to $iX0 a pear. At Columbus, Ohio, the L W. W. were condemned by the state senate committee for the part they took ln the strike of the Akron rubber work ers. The committee says that the was paid by the rubber companies of Columbus compare favorably with those paid in other industries. AGENT SENT TO UMATILLA Secretary of Interior Has Received Conflicting Stories of Project. I Washington. There should be little ' wonder that the secretary of the la-! terior. Franklin K. Lane, is unable to decide Just what ceurse to pursue with j respect to the West Umatilla extension reclamation project Reports have reached the secretary that indicate a serious condition a; the project and he would like to know what weight to give them. He has in timated pretty plainly that he will send an agent to look into the matter and give him an impartial report The investigation if made will prob ably be conducted expeditiously. The agent is likely to be selected from the western country itself, but he will not be a man having any reason to show bias either for or against the project he will be asked to investigate. Secre tary Lane will probably try to get his opinion as soon as is consistent with a proper report, and he will then act on it without unnecessary delay. Bigamy and Theft Woman's Charges Portland. Joseph E. Ellis, whose aliases are, according to county offi cers, Rev. E. L. Richards and C. H. Duffy, was taken from the California Limited at Dunsmuir, Cal., by local officers, acting under Instructions sent by Sheriff Word. His wife, two daugh ters and a son were also taken from People in the News Due to the pressure of his private business affairs, Charles R. Crane of Chicago has declined the appointment as ambassador to Russia. After Bix years of service as British ambassador at Washington, James Bryce set forth for the Orient by way of New Tork and San Francisco. Major J. F. A. Strong, of Juneau, has been selected for appointment as governor of Alaska to succeed Walter F. Clark, resigned. A New Tork grand Jury has Indicted John Nicholson Anhut a lawyer, for bribery In connection with alleged ef forts to secure the release of Harry K. Thaw from Matteawan. Alice Cornelia Thaw, of Pittsburg, known as Mrs. Copley Thaw since her divorce from the Earl of Yarmouth, ln 1908, was married to Geoffrey O. Whitney, of Boston, at Cumberland Island, Ga. Karl Hagenbeck, the famous animal collector and trainer of Hamburg, Ger many, was bitten seven years ago by a venomous snake. This caused his the train. Sheriff Word sent a do- j tbat the venom tad flnall affected h,fl puty to bring the family back to Port- ' ijVer. land, where Ellis, or Duffy, may be j Declaration that the house would be charged with bigamy and swindling , aEked probe cnargeg ProfegJor .wmoi -uuu. icicuu, marneu , Wl L. Moore, fmmmartlv In Georgia, out of $2650. Klamath Allotments Put on Block Klamath Falls. Scores of inherited allotments on the Klamath Indian res ervation will soon be offered for sale. The minimum price at which the lands can be sold is fixed by a board of ap praisers. The lands are then adver tised and sold to the highest bidder, but no bid less than the apraised val uation is considered. The money de rived from the sale of the lands gees to the heirs of the deceased. Before the lands are so'3 the agent in chugs of the reservation calls a meeting s all heirs. as head of the government weather bureau by President Wilson, used his office to promote his candidacy for a cabinet position, has been voiced by Representative Fowler of Indiana, Bryan and Clark Get Together Washington. William J. Bryan and Champ Clark, who have been openly hostile since the Baltimore conven tion which nominated President Wil son and defeated Clark, have burled the hatchet The two met at a lunch eon with a Washington editor and for mally wiped out the past Both issued formal statements expressing good wilL Oil will be used for fuel In the new central heating plant to be iusull.xl at the rapitol at Salem. linker lumber mills are reported op erating to their full capacity to fill th crowding orders from the et. I. R. Alderman. Oregon state super Ititrmlcnt of education, was chosen president of ti e Inland Kniptre Teach era' unsocial ion, Eugene is to have a foS.ooo apart ment houre. three stories high and the largest in town, to be erected by the Rartie-Sweanry company, a local concern. Hood River ferrjmen threaten to tie up their boats and shut off that city from the trans river points, unless they are given a landing place during the high water period. May , the 1913 Inspection day at Oregon Agricultural collene, I'orval lis. will be made of statewide Interest An all day program In the nature of a military entertainment will be given A. C. Strange, city superintendent of The Dalles' schools for six yearn. has been chosen to succeed J. A Churchill at Baker. Mr. Churchill be comes state superintendent of public Instruction at the close of the school year. The Michigan Trust company ol Grand Rapids has filed a half million dollar mortgage deed at Koseburg The mortgage secure a six per cent) bond Issue floated for the purpose ol j building a large lumber plant at the mouth of the Siuslaw river. Large quantities of lumber and hi'e cedar railroad ties have beon coming ashore near Newport There is no indication as to Just what vessel the lumber came from, except thai an empty fruit box mas found bearing the name of the steamship Governor. Fifteen "co-eds" of the I'nlverstty ol Oregon. Eugene, are working theit way through college Independent ol outside support They do sewing housework and similar tasks, and be cause of the democratic spirit at Eu gene, do not suffer loss of social post tion. W. C Thienes. of Eugene, who was recently arrested and tried on the charge of perjury, but acquitted by s Jury, has sued I. M. Francis of that city for I2S.000 damages, alleging that it was at Francis' Instigation that the grand Jury indicted him. The large caterpillar traction engine on the farm of William Kiddell t Sons near Monmouth, has been plowing dur lng the past few days. The machine puts In 16 acres of grain In one day. and with the use of this outfit, which is entirely new to that county, the sea son's work on the big Riddell farm it rapidly completed. Word was received by Superintend ent Alderman from Superintendent Farley of Brockton. Mass., that he l ready to exchange sixth grade teach ers and two high school teachers for teachers from Oregon. This is the fin-t fruit of the exchange movement suined by Superintendent Alderman during his recent visit to Massachu setts. , A rurr.ber of Japanese business men of Hoed River have organized an aeso-' ciation for investment of the savingi of Japanese laborers of the valley. M. Yastii, president of the organization, 1 which has a capital stock of $50,000, estimates that on an average the Hood River Japanese now send about $40.- 000 annually to the Yokohama Specie bank at San Francisco. ! Heavy sheep losses have been (us talned in the vicinity of Castle Rock and Arlington. The Stanfield outfit of Castle Rock, Is said to have lost 1200 ewes, which may mean that many lambs died also. The sheep had but recently been shorn with machlnei, making the clip closer than when done by hand, and the cold wind was re sponsible for the heavy loss. "Drys" and "wets" are alike in a fever of excitement at The Dalles over the statement that the city council there has had no legal right to license saloons since 1905. If legal action de termines that the statement Is corect, a special election will follow and the question left to the voters. Participa tion of suffragettes ln the expected campaign would make. It Is said, the hottest fight ever waged in The Dalles. Ray Ferrell, 24 years of age, for whoLe body 50 men spent 10 days dragging and dynamiting Snake river, near Ontario, has turned up at La Grande. Ferrell left his wife of two weeks on April 4 to go hunting. His gun, hat and coat were found the next morning on the river bank after an all night search. His wife has been in an almost hysterical condition since. He assigns no cause for his queer ac tion . With a capital stock of 1100,000 and with 27 of Portland's prominent busi ness men designated as incorporators, he Portland Remedial Loan associa tion filed articles of Incorporation wi'b the secretary of state. The mission of the corporation Is to fight loan sharks and provision is made for loan ing money at low interest with a fur ther provision that dividends shall not exceed six per cent. It Is also pro vided that In case of dissolution, the surplus shall be devoted to charitable purposes. Towns fall of Studebakers Studrbaker Farm Wagon. Studebaker Bug gies and Studebaker Delivery Wagons. and every owner of a Studebaker vehicle U proud of it. Because he knows it is the best Studrbaker wagons and buggies are built on honor and with the experience that conies from sixty years of wagon building, and you get the benefit of this experience when you buy a Studebaker vehicle WhetW yon live In town or counlnrj whether you want a work or pleasure voh.cU, thm's Sludebaker to fa 11 your require. ,n r"on 'm's , trucK municipal vehicle, k wagons, dump wagons and carta, load oiler, buggie, depot wagona, surtera, pony carta, runabouts we malia thara aU. also hameM. for any sued animal, for any vehicle, of the ame high aundaid oi quality aa the StudabaJur vehicles. 5m ear Wr er wrilt as. STUDEBAKER 9 1 IW vog aiiNNSAroua South Bend. Ind. CHICAOO BAIXAI KSNSAI CUT DSWV1S ,M-r laks cmr san rudcnco rot-runn. o. D. P. Adamson & Co., Druggists For Drugs, Patent Medicines, Chemicals Lowney's Candies, Ice Cream Soda, Sta tionery and Prescriptions see D. P. Adamson & Co. Take the Bull by the Horns TV ii ir ii And chanj;e your butcher. Unless you are cettinK your Meats from us you are not (rettinif the best value for your meat money. We have prime Beef, Veal Lamb, Miitton.I'ork and 1'oultry, Hams and Bacon, and the flavor of all keeps our satisfied patrons steady customers, l ry a steak, chop or cutlet here, and it will you to deal here regularly. City Meat Market tempt THROUGH TRAINS DAILY TO Portland from Central Oregon lift CENTRAL OREGON LINE Limited Trains East. Direct connection is made at Fallbrid 170 With limlfpfl train An ft 'P & S. Ry. arriving Walla Walla 7:45 p. in; Spokane 9:45 p. m. same day: Helena 11:!!5 a. m : Butte 12:50 d. m. next dav: Mi nnonnnlia 10:20 p. m.; St. Paul 11:00 d. m. second dav! ChicBtm nmn tiiirri day; with connecting service to Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, and St. Louis via Great Northern or Northern Pacific and Burlington lioute. Willamette Valley Points. Oregon Electric and Oregon Trunk Railways use the same station .,," iralns Vla Oregon Electric Ry. reach Forest Grove, Uillsboro, Salem, and Albany the same day, and Eugene early next "'"6- Through Tickets Oregon Trunk Ry. aeents sell tickets, check baggage and arrange sleeping car accomodations through to eastern, Puget Sound and Oregon points. DeUllalWlUibelSupplied on Request H. Baukol, Agt. Redmond W..D.;SKINNER,rrraiilc3Manacer, Portland, Orecon 4iMf FREE Sunshine Lamp SOOCandlt Power t Tr In Vtar Owi Nmm Norm. Itoso. i tawrvts A hl4 sutf . u mi UmU tr HHIsi SMM4UM. AlWatMstsMf A B COSTS 1 CERT A RIGHTO, I -'i ' v'l asi H4 ruling Ump tm thm World trttuhetx ftrtdlrt. IMgij., ft" MH.4S I I liUnuitsJ XfJsVS. norm I'. lU-lk mm p Jr., Ant, I'rlut-tilU. r "RECEPTION ' Champ Smith, Propr Imported and Domestic Cigars 4 Famous Whiskies m.ir.... II :. r. i 1 Top Rye; Yellow Stone; r.n.,l;.n r..u. r J Rye; James E. Pepper. Moore s Malt Porter, Ale and Olympia Draft Beer on Tap. 4 1 1 Imported Wines and 1 1 Liquors. The Brosius Bar Finest Brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. LAGER BEER ON DRAUCHT F. E, BROSIUS, Proprietor I'nlpHa iii ii k t- kikxI, us t can sin! kIiiiiiIH, W iiiikM In ifultirk tutlm ihiiU; 1-ur tin- li-lluw who mays, in tlii-ne iiimli-rii iIuvh.I Is llii mini who ill-livers (lie Ci"il. We sr liert stul are clcliverinu Die iH).U. siul II ynu ihIi to he shown come in r resdy In sliuw ynu thai w Uu K"xl work. 1'ortruitn, CopvtiiK ami Kiilaruiiiu. Also Anialurr Kliiinhlntt. Lafler's Studio We strive to iWit Fruit Trees! Central Oregon Grown S The only kind you can afford to tlllLllt- IIJ IISTR aTFn ..-.TALOGUE FREE. .Write I for ono. Prlct-s low enough to HiirprlHe you. Laf ollette Nursery Prineville, . 0 0. Ori Oregon if The Oregon Bar Al the Old Stand G. W.Wiley & Co., Prps All kinda of Choice Liquors Wines and Cigars. Famous Ranier Beer in Bottles and on Draft