Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, April 17, 1913, Image 5

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    Pendleton Presbytery
Held at Prineville
Tho I'restiytery of 1'enilleton held
ft 4-iluya' HCKnimi In I'rlncville, com
inencihK Thuiwluy evening of IhmI
week. Kev. I. I. Gorby of Ilend
preached the opening sermon.
Friday two devotional rm-ctlnK
und two bualneaa seanlijiu were hvld
with a sermon in the evening by
Kev. J. P.. Fauciitt, On Saturday
two devotional meetings' and two
buninesa Miwisna were held, with a
Sunday School meeting In the
evening at which addreHact were
muilo by Iiv. J. K. Vernon and
Kev, J. V. Milliiran.
The ludiea of the church and
congregation nerved dinner and
mipH-r In the aiwendily room of the
church, both Fridny and Saturdiiy.
Thin wiw uiirfciuU-d very much by
the Presbytery.
Sunday was' a day full of the
bird h work. Sunday School at 111
o'clock and the hour wan far too
Mhiirt for all the K""d tliinga ar
ranged fur at llml tune. Hie In-
atullation w-rvicvH were from 1 1
o'clock to I. Rev. J. V. Milliiran
initialled Kev. M. A. Prater. The'
charge wits given by l!ev. W. L
Van N'uya and wan full of the go
Iel ami full if good truth. Rev.
H. F. Hunter gave trw churire to
the rongrcgution, Tho 3 o'clock
arrviee wan the celebration of the
lord's Supper. Tho evening" aer
vice wan the climax. This meeting'
wan presided over by Rev. J. NL
CorneliHoa. Topic, "Miwtiona." Be
fore the addresses) resolution were
read by Rev. I. I. Corby, and groat
credit in due thia committee. Tiny
reKirUd aa follow:
We, your committee on renolu"
tiona, hereby respectfully aubnita
its reKirt. W'n have enjoyed our
atay in Prineville very much. We
have fuund here a prosieroua peo
ple, who are not IndilTerent to re
ligious' intert-HU. It hua Ihmib a
source of pleasure to note Uie rgna
of coiumercil, prfcnnioiml, educa
tional and religious prosperity in
thia splendid city. Wu all fu! rind
to have la-en here, and hope it mav
tie our good pleasure soon to return.
Therefore, He it Resolved by thiB
l'reabjrtery that we hereby express
to the good people of Prineville our
sincere thanka for .the uniform ajiirit
of kindness and hospitality shown
during our stay. The ieople of
Prineville know how to be agree-
Resolved, That we express to the
good ladies of the Presbyterian ,r on
gregaljun of thia cily, our aiucere
thanka for tlie generous provison
made for our entertainment; in the
meals served here in this building,
us well as in the provision for mr
comfort and pleasure in the homes
und hotels of the city.
Resolved, that we heartily ex
press thanks to the choir of this
church, and to any others who may
have aided them, for the splendid
musical aid rendered in the deotiun
al services, of this meeting of Pres
bytery. Resolved, That the gratitude of
this Presbytery is due aud the same
is hereby expressed to Burker &
Toney Auto Co. for reduced auto
rates from Redmond to Prineville
Resolved, That tho Presbytery of
Pendleton hereby expresses to Al
mighty God its grateful thanks that
we have been permitted to see Rev
Mr. Dixon preside over our sessions
with the two daughters of Dr.. H.H
Spaulding in our Preshyterial meet
ings. Respectfully submitted.
I. I. GoniiY, Chuirman.
Mrs. C. I. Winnek gnve a re
sponse in behalf of the ladies of the
Presbyterian church. Dr. Gove re
sponded in behalf of the choir and
Rev. M. A. Prater in behalf of the
congregation .
The address by Rev, W. L. Van
Nuys was an inspiration to all that
heard him. He was followed by
Rev. Towne, Tho closing address
was given by Rev. J. (J. Dickson,
the Indian preacher. This was i
revelation to the congregation
Rev. Dickson is surely a zealous
speaker. He was deserving of a
larger audience.
We hope' Prineville will extend
an invitation to the Pendleton Pros'
bytery to meet in our town again,
The next meeting of the Presby
tery will be held in Hood River in
October. W.
Powell Butte.
Mr. Allen Wlllcoxt-n wan n Prtue
Vlllii visitor Tinxdiiy.
N. I. Alley returned (win Piirllnnd
Hiitunliiy where hit vlslti-d relative
anil attended to liimlaewi.
J. I.. Howard and nephew of I .it
I'lne vlxltcd aeveral ditya lout week
at tlii'C. II. Churlton home.
Joliu Hohde wnt a bualnetis) vlaltor
to I'rluevlIWi Friday.
MU Alma Johnson visited home'
olk several day the latter part ol
the week, returning to Prineville
At a h'1iiI meeting of the patrons
of the Hhepard wliool Sitturdny even
ing, Henry Tweet waa elected di
rector to till the vacancy occualonetl
hy the death of ('. II. Flatter.
Mrs. K. A. lliiMw-tt ami children re
turned to ttielr liouie In Prineville
Niuidity lifter a lew ditys' visit with
her sou. Hums, who has Im-u III.
Melvln Foster went to Prineville
U'i'ilnesdity oil business.
Approprliite Arhor Day cxi-nincs
were held 1 iy the pupils of the Shep.
nrd school Krlduy.
Mlesew Jennie mid Anna Miller
1'iiiiie out from Prineville Friday for
a hrli-f visit W illi home folks.
J. P. Ihihcrty' of lt 1 in mi whs a
I'owell tint tt visitor Sunday. Mr.
Iinherty tells us he Is
nf donuliig overalls and
straw hat and auuexlng tiluiself to I
Ihe already lurge iiuuitH-r of fnriiH-rs
out this way who lire making a 1I
Mirci-MS of tmg raising. Here's a
welcome frlelul Hoherty.
A well knowii resident of this wee.
(ton on a recent trip to Itend was
obliged to go to the express iMttce at
Unit place for a package which was
here for uelghbor of his. o ask
ing for the package he was luforined
by a singular)- polite and obliging;
telegraph operator that It was pool
express olive hours. Our neighbor
explained Unit he was aware of that
but lu view of the tact that lie Meed
21 mill from Betid had Jsmt gut In
towa ami wished to start homo be
fore busluess . hours the following
day he "w ould like to get the su k
age that evening. He whs turn-
minded 4ty the genial operator to
"show his written unit" aud then
to "sit lowu" mid be would see
what Ik- conlil do later In much the
smile toaes its he would use III order
ing ft our dog oft tie premise.
Alter waiting about an lnr the
tired fanner was liniKled the pack
age by the nrrogutit (lerson J the
f 75 pay check. Our sympathy goes
out to Uie residents ol this suction If
this Is a sample tit the courtesy
hituded out to them every day or Is
this an extra brand kept mt band
for out-of town visitors.
J. A. Itlggs lout iiu-d the Wit Wit
son ranch for the coining season.
Mr. Itlggs will seed some of the liiud
to biirk-y.
Ills Imped a large crowd -wiW turn
out Sunday to hear Rev. I.nrvc of
ItediuoiHl preiuh at the Shepurd
Mr. aud Mrs. J. 1. Fiwter vll(ed a
couple trf days In Heitd theifore part
of I hn week.
Porter Jieath has a phone In his
house uinv-a-days. We warn the
"central girls that I'oeVr Is
ready apukfii for.' however.
Allen WlUcoxen was a tiustness
visitor to ilend Monday, if turning
home Tuewlay.
Alvln lilggs took a load uf Iiay to
Bend Tuesday.
Huff & Maker, autotuoltlle dealers
of Prineville,, were lu this locality
showing cra Monday.
Egg for Hatching.
S. C. Urowu Leghorn won Sst per
at 1'.I12 county fair; three firstM, oni
second, one third on one j m-u at Ited
nioud Poultry Show. Kggs $1.5
per 15; 1 5 per hundred. Huff cOrph
ttigton eggs per 15. B. F. Wu,
hoit, Prineville, Ore.
For Sale
Household eiiilanent suitable for
homestead cabin, inquire Journal.
4-10 it p.
Wood for Sale.
Wood for rale tit $4.75 and $5 a card
Bt the yard j 60e extra per cord de-
livered. P. L. A W. Co.
For Sale.
Willi OHUiiiff niuchinetiir wile. Ai!tlrea
N. 0. J AMMsKN 812 Honecs Bt., St. Julius,
Ore, 8-JO
Toppenish Nursery Co.
Are Promptness snd Quality of Service
Any Interest to You?
nivliln Ki'tOim ll- hlk'Ui'sl. Knulo i( nursorv
Hluok to Vm nbtitltu'il, in It nol Iniporhilil thHt
vim id'l H from a ri'llnlilo i'iiiumtm. iiih- tlmt
1m hi InitilitpKH lo may, ri'iolv lo lnke i-Krn of
you fur yoitrti lo I'omo, unit one tlmt tn ili'liT
mlni',1 lo give Hallafiii'itnn? our ili'siro lo
Hociiro vonr IuihIiu'hs Is only oxcoeiloil by
our di'tcriu hint Ion to nii-rK n
Wu have n npli'n.llil Im of nil Mm stnnlo fruit,
dim, to mill oriitinu'iiliil stot-li for iloltvory tlie
i'oiiiImk fall anil aiirlng 8iiilu8. Ilirlitp, innture
llmrily ami iili'iiillilly rooleil, it in the elasa
of stork yon neeil for your vhIuhIiIo orvhnril
Toppenish Nursery Company
Toppenith, Wash,
Unsurpassed Nursery Stock Grown in the
Famous Yakima Valley. More Active
Salesmen Wanted. il-20
Pretty Wedding
At Paulina
There was a pretty home wedding
at Paulina Tuesday, April 15th. The
eldest il mig tiler of Mr. and Sirs,
Thouiiia K. Gardner, Mlsa Myrtle,
was united In marriage to Calvlu
Morris. Iter. Itols-rt Itosa performed
the ceremony at high noon. After
which about thirty relatives and
friends sat down to a sumptuous
dinner. The bride waa attired In
while embrlodered voile, with white
satin slippers.
The groom Is a well known young
stockman, while the bride, who has
bea lu the neighborhood only a
short time, tins already made a boat
of friends. We Join In hearty con
gratulations and ts-st wishes.
A Fhiksii.
Lamonta Items.
Horn April 7th, to the wft- of
Jiiines Thulium, a boy.
MUh Adit Mitchell eutertnliied a
few friends tlie other day. They
were the Misuse Neva Welgnnd,
Myrllu t'ownn and Main- Itrnden.
jv Knox Is very III with Un
spotted fever.
Mr. aud .Mrs. tileu Itldgcwny sH-ut
the day at the home of Mr. ltoblu-
mm hunduy.
The Springer bridge will lie coin
plelcd next mouth.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. F. fdltchell were
lu Frluevllle shopping Inst week
Jesse Wlndoiu aud family k-ft for
Un-lr new home uear Kugcne Sutur
There will be a show In Lniiionta
April 10. A good time assured.
Peurl Wrlgaud. wus on the sick
list last week.
There was viiun-h In Lamonta
last Suudsy alght. Mr. Roblusou,
Myrtle Oawan Tlsited I.llllan
Krogge fe'luyi butt week.
J. Koblusoii aud faiuKy will leave
for The Dulles soon.
Miss Uenalce Ornut ba returneil
from Madras where sbe has been at
tending school.
John Hush's face Is heullng rapidly.
(ieorge Itngner tins moved to his
home Irwtu the Itrlck Horn rauch.
Miss Uetilah Ilarkcr has been visit-
lag Mends In Prlnevtlle.
11111 Uasselt vtslU-d the Short rauch
last Sunduy.
August Nelson returned ta tin
Morrow & Keenaa rauch last week
with a herd of cattle.
llruw McMeen started slu-arlug
shii'pior Numa McCotn last wwk.
Roberts Happenings
Eoberts. Ore., April 14. 1H3.
Messrs. Maker aad 11 uff of Prine
ville wen- out several days last week
deMiunslrntlug the Chalmers auto.
They made a good showing on some
very bad roads, jfts usual we en
Joyed our ride and are already for
Kd Parker aud Ira Wertx have
j been plowing the past week ou
wercAs claim. Tuey are sure mak
ing the aage lly.
lid Gould made a trip to tkeclt.y
last week on busluetst.
Mr. Kershuer was lu towa last
Clarence Ferguson was another
vlaltor to Prineville 'last week.
H.G. Punn and brother left iidh
erts last week for Prineville ou fcorse
hack. We hear they returned on n
wagon. Let us lioie jthey stay on
tlie wagon.
There waa one man In our eon
muulty last week that every one
was trying to dodge. Tho tax -assessor
waa the party.
Nearly -every one has turned ut
their catrtie. The ouly ones beJug
held are cows mid calves.
Hogs for Sale
Tlioroushhred lio--s, registered O.I.C.,
for sale on reasonable tHrmg.Aitilrefii) 1.
L. Uibaou, Redmond, Oregon. 4-3-lui-uii
For Sale.
1(10 aures 7miUia south of Minima below
Company WellB, Crook County. Ort't-mi.
120 acres ploweil, 4"0 nori-H pttstun1, 3-room
limine, all for loW. In MoGohni i k,
Mot'lt-ary, Vanli. S-'.-o
Seed Wheat for Sale.
Kurly Wilbur. D. P. Adahbon, I'rine-
ville, Oregon. 3-27
Crook County Journal, county
ollioial paper. $1.50 a year.
State Veterinarian.
The Plate Veterinarian ia noon to visit
Prineville; any casus of horse or cattle
disease or lion eholtirii reported to this
ollico will receive carelul attention.
li. Sl'llINOKB,
County judKB of Crook county.
For Sale
White Wyandotte Cockerels by 0. P,
Adamson, 1'rinevllle, Ore. 0-20
Judge Springer
Warns Parents
It ha recently been brought
to tlie attention of the county
udge that a number of merchants
re violating the state law wbicb
prohibits the sale of tobacco to
minors, and also that boys are
using tobacco in public places.
He feels that In many cases these
offenses are being committed in
ignorance of the law, and is
anxious to do all be can in the
way of warning before any action
is taken. To tbis end the follow
ing letter has been sent to a
number of parents:
Dear Sir It his been re
ported to the juvenile court of
this county that a number of
hoys under the age of eighteen
are violating a state law regulat
ing the use of tobacco in any
form by a minor in public, (Sec
21X1 L. O. L.) Your boy is
umong this number, so in order
to save yourHelf and bira future
trouble, we would advise that
you take steps to correct this
evil tendency on his part. If
you can ascertain, from what
source your boy obtains bis to
bucco, we shall be glad to co
operate with you in enforcing the
law against those who are knew
ingly contributing to the de
linquency of a minor by furnish
ing him tobacco without the con
sent of his parent or guardian,
(Sec SUB 2150 L. 0. L.) Trust
ing this note of warning will be
sufficient to put you on the alert,
we remain,
G. Springer,
County Judge of Crook Co."
With each of these letters was
enclosed the following sections
from the code:
"Sec. 2149 Unlawful to fur
nish minor tobacco without par
eal's or guardian's consent. "It
shall be unlawful to sell, barter,
trade, give or in any manner,
furnish to any minor under the
age of eighteen years, any to
bacco, cigars, or cigareets in any
form, nor aay compound of which
tobacco is component part
without the written coosetit of
such minor's parent or guardian
Any person violating the pro
visions of this act shall, upon
conviction, be fined in any sum
not less than f" nor more than
"Sec. 2140 Unlawful lor minor
to smoke in public. It shall be
unlawful for any minorunder the
age of eighteen years to smoke
or in any way use any cigar,
cigareete, or tobacco io any form
whatsoever, in any public high
way, street, place, square, or
resort. Any minor violating the
provisions of this act 6ball, upon
conviction, 'be fined in any sum
oot less than fl.uu nor more
than $10.00 or by imprisonment
at the option of the court, twe
days for each offense.
Real Estate Transfers
Issued by The J. H. ilaner Ab-
Htrai't Coinpsuiy.
March Slet to April .5th, 1913
Elvira Clark to Isauelle JMondex-
tec, lot 7, bik 0, 1st add. .Priuevllle,
Ore & Wewtern Col. CV. to arl Me
LauKhlln, lot 110-11, blk 2, Ath add
rrluevlllB, $155.
Clma. Altmchul to Maude E. Wc
LnuKhltn, lots 1-8, blk 2, 4th add to
Priuevllle, 1S0.
Chive. Alteliul to Mrs. MauiJe
McLiiKKhlln, lot :9, blk 2, 4th add to
Prineville, 75.
A. E. I tubler to C. Ray Beokley,
v so, aw, 31-15 11, lota 4 -5-6 ot 6-
1S-11; $lfi00.
K. Klc-linrd Klcliler to Grant Plutle
e Be 23-17-12, $2,20U.
WUUs A. Null to L. S. LoRaii, see
8, sla aw. aw se, 9-W20; $200.
Horn M. Kills to W. F. King, ne w
ot se, 4-18-12, $1.
Willlnm Khlert to Win. Brenner,
wj nw, 16-1311; ttw nw, 16 12-11, t250.
W'm. I. Arnold to Jennie M. Ar
nold, lots 7.8, blk 1-1, 4th mid l'rluo
vllte, 1.
NW Ttrus & Safe IVp Co. to W. J.
McCulloi-li, n'i nw, 3G 21-20, 520.
O. M. Iluffiunn to A. V. Aowes, uw
se, 31-15-13, $2,300.
C. A. Neekwlth to J. W. Williams,
aw nw. 20-14-13, U.600.
Guy Lnfollette to Sarnh Kethum,
nj lots 1-2, blk 17, Prineville, 1.
Lizzie Vanderpool to R. M. Tcm
pleton, l-19th part of lots 5-6, blk 10,
Priuevllle, $250.
Call for Warrants.
Notice la herehy siren that all yen-
ersl fund warrants up to snd inclmlliii
No. oil. Aim all revisternd tlitfu
hoiil warrants trill tie paid uon pre
sentation at my olfic. Interest stops
Iter this date, April 17, lW.i.
County treasurer, Crook county, Ore.
Report of the Condition
Tllle, In lbs stats of Oref on, at tiis cloas of
business April tb, I'll:
Loans and discounts 1112, &
Overdraft, secured and unsecured.. 1.009 37
Bonds, and warrants t.7l us
Bankluc noase M
furniture end fixtures .0ul W
Due from banks (not reserve banks). 'Ml VI
Uue from approved reserve banks. ... 107,07 16
berks and otner casb Items t le
tub on band 1,7.' 14
Total r-HIOO 1
apltal stock paid In I . 00
itiirplus fund H.uuo oo
ndlvided profits, leas axpeuses and
bin psld M7 21
Inie to banks and bankers 3t2
Iieposlia due Htaio Treasurer 6, no I
Individual deposits subject lo i-hei k. 17,7H 16
Lfemand ceruneatea ol deposit vtz M
'-ashler cheeks outstanding 701 74
line ccrtlflcales ol di poult lt.irjo 89
Key fund
...WLioo 81 I
Hlaie of Oregon, County of Crook, as
I. M. Klkins, cMstut-r ot the above-named
ank. do solemnly "r lliat Oie abnve nute-
meut Is irue lo Ibe Ov-it ol uiy knowledge and
beliel. t. H Kikiiis, cajinier.
Suli-H-rlbed and sworn lo before me Oils Uth
,ly of April. V.'Vi. M. a. Elliott,
Notary Public.
Correct Attest: w, A. Boom,
Report of the Condition
Of Tie First Nstieaal Bask at Priaeyill., ia tke
Sute ef Orsfoa, at tke Class sf B sine is,
Aaril4, 1913.
Loans and discount fXfi.814.9o
Overdralu, secured and unsecured.. 8,7elZ
U. H. Bonds to secure clrcula'ion Ujoo oo
Boads, securetles, etc lW.M
Banking house, furniture and fixtures 12,517.77
other real estate owned J.TUMO
Hue from National Banks not reserve
agents S3,fl.52
Due from S law and Private Banks and
Bankers, Trust Companies and Sav
ings Banks
Hue from approved Reserve Agents.. 146,181.89
('becks and other Cash Items 1.7IH.37
Notes of other National Banks 2,15.00
Fractional paper eurrency, nickels
and cents 5.9
lawful money Reserve in Bank vis:
Specie 128,282.00
Redemption fund with U.8. Treasurer
l& per cent of circulation 625.00
Tetal i.,li7.7 j
Capital stock paid in f 50.000.00 :
Surplus fund 50,000.00 j
Cudivlded profits, less expenses and
T .. ... ,.1 M vt
National Bank Notes outstanding. . . . t&OM
Due to state and prlvgte bank. 502 6
Dividends unpaid S.eoo.oo
Individual deposits subject to check 377,891.57
Deaaand certificates of deposit 11,510.20
Total t6tN807.7
Counts of Crouk, I
I, T. M. Haldwix, Cashier of the above
named hank, do solemnly swear that tne above
statement is true to the beet of my know
ledge and belief. T. M. BALDWIN,
Subscribed aad sworn In before me Uiia 11th
day of April, UU.
At. E- Brink.
Notary Public.
Correct Attest:
O. W. Noble 1
T. H. I.tfoLutTTE V Directors
Cakki W. Fostke J
Netice for Publication
Department of the Interior
U.S. Lund Ullice at The Dalles.Oreiron
April 10th, 1913.
Notice la hereby slven that John
CaHey, of Prineville, Oresron. who. on
January 17th, 1910, made Homestead, of Prineville, Oregon; thence north rifty--No.OTvSOo,
for 11 J IU'i,Sectlon 17,Town- 'Ten feet, more or less, to a point two--dlilo
16 South. Kauire 15 F.axt. Wll- I hundred fourteen feet south of said soutu-
iHiuette Mertillan, has tiled notice of
intentioa to make final three year
1'roof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before tlie County
Clerk, at his office, at Prineville, Or
egon, ob the 22uil day ol May, 1913.
Clalmatit names as witnesses: Ern
est C. Ktmmell, James A. Motlitt,
Thurman Mortitt, j It'll u Mustard, all
of Prinerllle, Oreiron.
4-17-pd. C. W. Moohk, Register.
Notice of Administrator's Sale of
Kcitl .Estate.
Notice ts hereby given, by the un
dersigned, the administrator of the
estate of Mary VYilkins, deceased,
that tu pursuance of an order of the
county court, made on the 7th day
of April, 1913, lu the matter ot the
estate of Mary Wllklns, deceased,
the underelgued will sell at private
snle alter the 9th day of May, 1913,
In Prineville, Oregou, all the right,
title and Interest of said Mary Wil
Uns, deceased, at -the time of her
tlenth and all the tight, title and
tuterest the said estate has acquired
in Addition to that of the said Mary
Wilkins at the time of her death lu
nud to all of the following described
read estate, to-wit: Lots Five and
Six ot block Eight In the Filth addi
tion to Prineville, Oregon.
Terms nntl .condition of sale cash.
Dated this 17th day of April, WIS.
A. H. Lll'l'MAN,
Administrator of the t-Btate of
Mary Wllklns, deceased.
Notice for Publication
Deptirt tiient of the Interior
U.S. Laud Ollice at The Dnllea.Oregon
April 12th, 1913.
Notice Is hereby given that Charles
A. Wall, of Huberts, Oregon, who, on
March ltitli, 1911, made Hoiiit'stead,
No. J)S:U9, for swj s i. Sec. 2:i and
wj nw, nw sw, Section 2fl, Town
ship 17 South, of ltangp 1(1 Hast, Wil
lamette Meridian, lias tiled notice of
Intention to make tibial commuta
tion Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before Timo
thy K. J. Duffy, U. S. Commissioner,
at his office at Priuevllle, Oregon, on
the 24th day of Mny, 1913.
Clalmatit names as witnesses: Al
bln Peterson, UeorgeW. Crawford.of
Prlneville.Oregon, Claude C.Dunham,
Bernard Gnsch, of Roberts, Oregon.
4-17-pd. 0. W, Mooitu, Register
In the circuit court of the Stat of Or
ffon. lor ('rook c,uiity.
u. r. .no wart, j,, n n v . uur:son ana kuat
Carlson, plaintitls.
I.iisieOulliforil. Eliraheth fiullifor. W.
M. Vanrterpool. Aleisnilrr HiHlires, -K
Modites. Oilie iJillard. Mary Hw.nirf.tors
and all unknown heir of Airiaace
Hiilres, deceaeeil, liulcenea Holcea
N.plna A. Orchard, Albert Allen, tllees
Holioan, Nancy Crawford, Paulina Brao
ley. John Allen, Klain Allen. Isaac Allaat
and alt unknown heirs of James M. Alleei,
ileceaaed, l.acy Allen and all unknowra
heirs of Andy Allen, deceased, John torn
merrille and Kllen K. nommerriile, hi
wife, fhehe A. Breyinan. Olio lire) man,
Hattie Breyman, Bertha A.h. Edna Brey
aiau. Klov Breynian, Arthur Breymma,
and all unknown heirs of A. H. Brcyuiaw,
.eceased, Charles PeU and Elma C. Pett
and all nnknown heirs of Charles Pell anoi
Kims C. Pett. if deceased, M. D. Powell. .
O. Powell, Addie Lonner, Kmma J. Heyr-,
and ail unknown heirs ol John Powell
and Emily i. Powell, deceased, C'olumbu
le and all unknown heirs of Rebecca A
Lee. deceased. Klisa Powell. W. 8. Powell.
Charles Powell. Anna Moore, Mary Cochi
ran, Koy Powell, Alice Powell, Lawrem-er
Moore and ail unknown heirs ot J. ,v
Powell and Leora Moore, deceased. K. 11.
Powell, Fred A. Powell. Lettie fulmar),
W.A. booth, K. G. Hudson, C.J. John
son, and all unknown heirs of v .
poller, deceased, and all others interested
To Gulliford. Eliiaheth Oalliforif.
W. M. N'ajnlerpool, Alexander ILodes. !.
V. Hmlxes, Ollle Dillard, Mary ritouxliluc
and all unknown heirs of Aleiaraler
'"lllodKes, decea.ieil, Iiulcenea Holire.
mhia A. Orchard. Allien Allen. Ellen
Hoinian. Nancy I rawfoni, Pauline lirad-
.ey. John Alien, r.iam Alien, Isaac Allen,
aiid ail unknown heirs of James M. Allen,
deceased, Lucy Allen and all unknown
heirs ot Andy Alien, deceased, John tion
merville and Ellen K- sonmierville. Ilm
wife, Phebe A. Brerman, Oito Breymanr
Hattie Breyman. Bertha Aih, Edna Brey
man, Ploy Brejman, Arthur Breyman.
and all unknown heirs of A. H. Brevman.
deceased, Charles Pett and Klma C Pett
and all unknown beirs of Charles Pett and
Elma C. Pett, II deoeajed, M. D. Powell,
J. O. Powell, Addie Lonner, Emma J.
Sayrs and all nnknown heirs of Johir
Powell aud Emily J. Powell, deceased.
Columbus Lee and all unknown heirs oC
Rebecca A. Lee, deceased. Kina Powell.
W. 8. Powell, Charlea Powell. Annar
Moore. Mary Cochran, Roy Powell, Aliear
Powell, Ijtwrence Moore and all unknown
heirs of J. M. Powell and Leora Moore, de
ceased, K. M. Powell, Fred A. Powell.
1-ellie Putnian, W. A. Booth, E. &. Hod
eon. C i. Johnson, and all unknown heirs
of W. H. Fuller, deceased, the aoove
named detendauu. and to ail others inter
ested: In the name of the State of Oregon;
You and each ot you are hereby require,
to appear and answer the complaint of
plaintiffs filed againut you in the atxjver
entitled suit within ten days from the date
of the service of this summons upon yon.
if served within Crook couaty, state ofT
Orexon, or if served within any other
county In this state, then within" twenty
aays from the date of the service of this
summons upon you, or if served by publi
cation as provided by law, then on or bet
fore Tae Fiftk Day sf Hay, I9I3V
and you and each of you are hereby noti-:
bed that u you tan, neglect or reiuse to scs
appear or answer, for want thereof the
plaintiffs will take a decree against you
and each of you in the above entitled suit,
for the relict prayed for in the complaint. -that
is tossy: For a decree of said court-
that the piaintins are tae owners its tear
""'P". "cuuioraucea, ot uiw
, point one hundred feetiowta
(rom the ,olUhwest comer of block nnro-
j ber tive of the town of PrinevUle, Crook.
i crounty, 8tate of Oregon, according to M.
of record in the office of the county clerk;
of Crook county, State of Oregon, ancfi
running thence west eighty feet; tbencev
north thirty-two feet; thence west three -hundred
twenty feet to the west line ot
the southeast quarter of the northeasts
quarter of section six, in township fifteen
south, of range sixteen east of the Wiliam- -ette
Meridian in Crook connty. State of
Oregon; ther.ce south on said legal subdi- -viiiion
line nineteen hundred eighty-eighv
and one half feet, more or less, to a point
on said legal subdivision line twenty
seven and twenty-live hundredths chaine
i,rth Fmm tlia.-tntli linanf mi,) iwtina .
nuuiccB jiib. wi mki Minu iin uu uie biu
six; thence east thirty rods and seventeen!
iiinkii; thence nortn seventeen hundreds
! sixtv-seven and one-baif feet, more or lees, -
to the south hank of the Prineville Flour--ing
mill's mill race; thence op said milU
race, following the meandering of tax?
ltd seventy-one feet south from the south
west corner of lot six in block number:
'hve of said II. Hodees' olatotsaid tow
west corner of said lot number six ; thenw
we?t one hundred sixty feet; thence norilt
one hundred fourteen feet to the place of
beginning, aud containing 22.83 acres,
more or less. That the clouds now rest
ing upon plaintiffs' title to said premises. ,
by reason of the following defective deeds- -and
instruments of writing, to wit;: s'i
certain deed executed by Alexandei
H,nlir.i an,l IliiUnaa UnAaa hi. ,f.
sanies M. Allen, and recorded in hook i arv
page 147. Record of Deeds in Crook;
County, Oregon, intending to convey ar
part of said ureniises. also a certain deed
executed by James M. Allen and Sophia.
A.Allen, his wife, to "the Firm of Brey
man and Sommerville," and recorded! mr
book 2 on page UK), Records of Deeds oft :
Crook County, Oregon, and intending to
convey a part of said premises, also a-oer
tnin deed from Arthur H. Breyman and;
Phebe A. Breyman, his wife and Johis'
Sommerville and Ellen E. Sonmierville.
his wife, to Joseph Roenier, and recorded,
in book 2 on page 197, Records of Deeds cuT
Crook County, Oregon, and intending fx
convey a part of said premises, also-at.
cerlaiu deed executed by A. H. Breymar .
and P. A. Breyman, his wife, and"Johu
Sommerville and E. E. Sommerville. his
wife, to D. F. Stewart, and Charles Pets. .
and recorded in Book 1 on page 23.
Records of Deeds of Crook County, Ore
gon, and intending to convey a part oS
said premises, also a certain deed em
cuted by John Powell and Emily Powell-,
his wite, to David K. Stewart, and recorded
in book 4. on page 285, Records of Dcetts of
Crook County, Oregon, and intending tc
convey a part of said premises, be torever
r-"iovcd, canceled and annulled, and tha
the defendants and each and all oftheni,
and nil persons claiming hy, through or
under them or any of them, be forever
barred and estomied from having or clainv
ing any right, title or interest in or to siik2
premises, or any part thereof, by reason of
any conveyance or inheritance of said
premises or any part thereof prior to thisv
date, or for any other reason, andthai
the plaintiffs title to said premises be for
ever established, confirmed and quieted',
and for such other and further relief as,
may be proper iu the premises.
This summons is published in the Crooli
Ctmiitv Journal, a weekly newi-popoT i
general circulation und inililislied at Prine
ville. Crook County, State of Oregon fcw
six full weeks, in seven consecutive and
successive issues thereof, commencing,
with tho issue of Marcn 20th, 1M3, bv or
der of the Hon. 0. Springer, judge of the
county court of the State of Oregon for
Crook County, made and entered" on the
20th day of March, 1913.
Dated and published first time Mart-lx.
20th, 1913. M. E. BRISK,.
Attorney for Plaintiffs
Why not take the Journal ?.