Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, April 10, 1913, Image 8

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Scrap Book
Talked Just Like Man.
Miss Florence Man-yet, the novelist,
oaughterofeaptaiu Marryat. had rai
niannertsnia of her own. The follow-
tnp anecdote was
told by William
Downey: "'Here
la a letter from
Florence Marry
aC aald Mr. Tius
ley. the publish
er, to me on
morning. 'She
wants me to buy
a new three vol
ume novel from
her. If I'm out of
the way when she
calls .vou can talk
to her.'
"I asked bow I
was to recognize
her. 'You'll rec
ognize her easy
enouph.' said Mr.
Tinsley. 'She is
a tall, striking
looking woman.
and she'll talk to you Just like a man.'
A few days later a tall lady called. I
fancied she mieht I Miss Marryat.
She looked around the office, and then,
addressing me. she said, is Hill nT
"To this I replied that Mr Tinsley
was not In. Could I do anything for
her? 1 must see Bill himself.' she
said. Tell the old bounder I called.'
lou're Miss Marryatr 1 ventured.
Yes. But stop! How the dickens do
you know I'm Miss Marryat? I never
saw you before," "
I Mm
Metal Bases Installed Witheut Inter
ruption of Service.
A new method of re-eurorclng tele
phone, telegraph and electric service
poles that have decayed at the ground
line consists of sawing off the pole
near the ground line, removing the old
stump and building a new on la
i steel tube, all of which may be ae
, complished without disturbing the
wires or Interrupting the service.
! The tubes are seamless, made of
i three-sixteenths to quarter Inch steel
' and are furnished in several ilsea.
The pole to be re-enforced Is support
' ed by jack of special construction
' while it is being cut off at the ground
: line and then, through the manlpula-
tion of the Jack. Is shifted to one side
' while the old stump ia removed and
; the tube burled Id Its place In the soli
i or lu concrete.
i The tube Is then filled with concrete.
or with soil if the latter Is of a dry,
gravelly or rocky quality, to about one
A Word and a Smile.
If I knew that a word of mine.
A word not kind snd true,
lllcht leave its trace on a loved one's face
I'd never speak harshly, would jrou?
If I knew that the IIrM of s smile
Might linger the whole day through
And brighten some heart with a heavier
' I wouldn't withhold it, would youf
r (T I
Jeweler For cash, madam, 1 give 8
per cent discount
Customer Oh, charge It! I've no de
sire to reduce your profit Fllegend
A Shorter Way.
He Waa Paying Himself.
Tommy Peahen, soldier of fortune
and distinctive character, worked for , tne mme height as before It was cut
XX J-LACS. Ml lul
i xooi oeiow tne ground Uue. Then a
j thin mixture of cement ia poured in.
;aud the end of the sawed off pole la
slipped into tbe tube and forced down-
I ward Into it Tbe pole, having been
; cut off and extending only about to the
ground line in tbe tube, extends to
"How far Is It to Neustadt, captain?"
"Fourteen kilometers in an air line.
"H'ui! There must be a shorter way
across the fields, don't you thlukr
Lustige Blatter.
Momenta of Failure.
we trolley com
pany In the old
days "the good
eld days," he call
ed them, but that
is largely his
point of view.
Be had worked
live or six days,
and he had work
ed hard, as con
ductor. Be liked
the work, and he
found It worth
while. One day
as he bopped off
his car st the di.
Tislon office he"WBAT,THIS'B0r
off. The thin mixture of cement or
grout forced upward by the Insertion
of the pole, fills all the chinks and
crevices between tbe pole and upper
portion of the tube, making tbe pole
aud tube practically one when it solid
A pole carrying six crossnrms was
provided with a new base In less than
an bour in one of the tests without
disturbing the wires.-Popular Me
New Can Covering Machine.
application nas been made for a
patent on a new machine for folding
and sealing tbe lids on cans, recently
invented by a Stavanger (Norway)
When tbe choicest efforts of tie great
comedian fall fiat Punch.
saw a crowd of conductors standing mechanic. The machine differs from
around In an expectant attitude. j the ordinary lid folding machines In
"What's this, boys a strike?" be j that It contains a metal plate with
asked in surprise.
"Nope." was the reply. "This is pay
day. Didn't you know it?"
"What?" faintly ejaculated Deagen.
"Pay day, pay day: Does tbe company
pay os too?" Boston Record.
Their Two Medicines.
The native pharmacopoeia in Skye
used to be of the simplest character.
A man from tbe Island, during his first
week of night duty as a Glasgow con
stable, went Into a chemist's shop and
expressed frank astonishment at the
bewildering array of bottles. "These
medicines are ferry numerous yes.
ferry numerous indeed." "Yes, we
have to keep a great many." the chem
ist said blandly. "Now. In Skye. where
I come from." the constable went on.
"the medicines are not what you might
call numerous at all." "No?" said the
openings for four sardine or other fish
: cans. The cans, with lids laid on. are
' placed In these openings, and the plate
run through the machine, which
automatically fastens and seals the
lids on the cans. Tbe only handwork
necessary is the placing of the lid In
position on the can and putting the
can in the opening In the metal plate,
which can be done by a boy, while a
man of some skill and experience la
required to operate the old machines.
in which the can Is placed In proper
position In the machine and a lever
pulled each time the lid is pressed on
the can and sealed. The new ma
chines, like the old ones, will be oper
ated by electric power.
Not Ready te Com
mercialise It
"I have great
faith in my fellow
"Have you?"
"I have. I alwaya
try to show it too."
"Then lend me a
dollar till next
"I couldn't think
of capitalizing my
faith In humanity."
I Nw Type of Block Signal.
A new type of automatic block sig
nal which Is being used on an Inter-
ctiemlst "How many do you haver' , urban electric railway west of Cleve-
No Substitute For Cash.
"Juist two. There Is tar for the sheep
and whisky for the people."
i Breaking the Chain,
In 1SS1 a bill was Introduced in the
Massachusetts senate which provided
for a bounty of $5 for the killing of "a
lynx or wildcat." When the bill was
under discussion Senator liice of Es
sex, who had a habit of asking the
committees to explain some parts of
bills they had reported, said he would
like to alt the committee who report
ed the bill whether the term "lynx or
wildcat" referred to two different spe
cies of animals or whether it was the
same kind cf animal called by different
names. Sena'or Rockwell of Pittsfield.
who uever let an opportunity to say a
good thing pass, arose and said, "in
the absence of the chairman of the
committee who reported this bill 1
would say for the information of the
honorable senator from K?-x, who
having always lived in the eastern
part of the state, is probably aware
that for years there has been a chain
of wildcats ro:iii:!ng over the l!er!:hire
hills, that the
take some of
, ianu, o.. is believed to furnish a solu-
, Hon of the problem of operating block
systems in cold weather. During the
! last winter the various railroads ex-
perieuced considerable difficulty owing
I to the accumulation of ice and frost
on the signal lamps. The lighting of
, the new signal is provided by a single
I twenty-five watt tungsten lamp sup-
; piled from the trolley through a rcsist
! ance. A high speed one-tenth horse-
i power motor drives the mechanism.
j the motor being designed to operate
. safely through a wide variation of line
j voltage. Enough heat is furnished by
rne lamp and Its resistance to prevent
, tne accumulation of ice on the lenses
and mechanism.
Bronzing Cast Iron.
A German paper gives the follow
ing process of bronzing cast Iron with
out covering it with a metal: Thor
oughly cleanse the metal and rub It
smooth. Apply evenly a coat of sweet
or olive oil and heat the Iron, being
careful that the tumjierature does not
rise high enough to burn the oil. Just
ii.'e.-t of this bill is to j as the oil Is about to decompose, the
the links out ot that j cast Iron will absorb oxygen, and this
j forms upon the surface a brown oxide
' akin, which holds securely, and Is so
! naru that it will admit of a hard nol-
j Ish, thus giving it the appearance of
i uronze.
"I am looking for the man of the
"I am his wife."
"Are you authorized to pay bills?"
I have all the authority In the
"Then you are the person I want to
'But I have no money."
Ordinance No,
An ordinance entitled an ordinance to
prevent and restrain doge from running
at large upon the public tresis, alleys,
parks, public ground or private prem
I we, within the corporate limits ol
Prlneville, Oregon, ami to provide I
punishment lor tbe violation oC tit la or
The People ol the City ol Priuevllle,
Oregon, do ordain at follows;
Paction 1. That from and after the
taking effect ol tliia ordluance It shall
be unlawful tor any dug or dogs lo tun
at large upon the public streets, alleys,
parks, public, grounds or private prem
ises, within the corporate limits ol Die
City ol Prinevllle.Oregoa, provided how
ever, any dog or dogs may be harbored
or kept, by the owurrs orkeeiera there
of, on any private premise In snie City,
if said dog or dogs I confined therein,
or chained therein, or otherwise secured
so as not to escape therefrom, and It is
herein furtliei provided that any dog or
dogs may go npon any slrret.alley .park,
public ground or other private premises
not mentioned above, providing said
dog or fastened to a rope, chain,
lash, or other fastening deviae and In
the actual, present and physical charge
and control of the master, owner or
section a. I hat any person or per
sons, who are owners, masters or keep
ers of any dog or dog, violating any ol
the terms and provisions oi Section Oue
ol this ordiuauce, shall be deemed guil
ty of a misdemeanor and npon convic
tion thereof in the Recorder' Court ot
the City of Priuevllle, Oregon, shall be
fined not leas than five dollars nor more
that, twenty. Ave dollars and pav tbe
costs ol prostitution and in default ol the
payment ot such fine an. I coal Imposed,
snau o commed to tim l ily Jjil one
day for each two dollars of such tine
and c wta, not to exceed thirty days.
reciiou o. in as miicn as mere are
no ordinances for the City of Pnnevillc,
Oregon, governing the keeping of dogs
from running at large in naid City, this
ordinance ia necessary to preserve the
safety, peace and decorum ot the City
of l'tinevdle and its Inhabitants, and an
emergency is hereby declared to exist,
aud this ordiuadce shall take effect and
have full force and virtue, from and aft
er its approval by the Mayor.
Parted by the City Council of the City
ol I'rineville, Crook County, Oregon, on
the 1st day ot, luKl.atter-the third
reading thereof.
Approved by the Mayor ot said city
the 1st dayol April, 181:1.
G. N. Custom, Mayor.
Attest: A. R. Bowman, Recorder.
State ol Oreiron. )
County of Crook. J M
I, A. R. Bowman, do hereby certi
fy that I am the duly elected, qualified
and acting recorder ol the Cityol I'rine
ville, Oregon, that I have compared the
above and foregoing copy ol ordinance
with the original thereof, that the same
is a true and correct transcript trom said
original ordinance and of the whole
lated this 1st dayol April. 1013.
A. It. Bowman, Recorder.
that 1 am the duly elected, qualified
and acting city Recorder of the City
of Priuevllle, Crook County, Oregon,
that I have compared the above and
foregoing ropy ol ordinance with the
original thereof, that the auine la a
true and correct transcript there
from and ol the whole thereof.
Dated this 1st day ol April, 101.1.
A. K. liowMAM,
(It y Ittvorder.
Studying Astronomy.
Right to the Point
John Sharp Williams t-ays the best
nominating speech lie ever heard was
made by Privute John Allen, who used
to be a member of the house from
Mississippi. The man Allen wished to
get on tbe ticket was an ex-Conreder-ate
soldier who had lost both legs and
had a cripple arm. There were many
things that could have been said about
the man's war record, but Allen wished
to be brief. Tie got up, looked at the
fellow aud brought the entire gather
ing to Its feet by his speech. He said:
"I desire to nominate all that's left
of poor JohD Smith." - Philadelphia
Pigment of Eaa Yolk.
Two German scientists have Just iso
lated the yellow pigment from the
yolk of the egg. the resultant helnir
in the form of crystals. Investigations
made into the chemical nature of this
eubstanee point to Its being closely
allied to the xantophyil of withered
leaves, which Is formed from the chlo
rophyll. In this most Important sclen-
unc study 8,000 hens' eggs were si
multaneously treated, and these have
yielded only sixty-two grains of pure
Mme; Dupont gives a demonstration
of tbe eclipse of tbe sun. Pele Mela.
Ordinance No.
An ordinance entitled nn ordinance
to prevent chickens, turkeys, ducks,
geese ntiil other domestic fowl trom
lielntf a t large upon the public
streets, alley a, parks, public and prl
vate grounds In the City of Priue
vllle, Oregon, anil to provide a, pun
Ishnient for violations hereof, and to
repeal all other ordinances and pnrta
of ordlnancci) in coiitllct herewith
The People of the City of Priuevllle,
Oregon, do ordain us follows:
Section 1. It shall lie unlawful
from and after the taking; effect of
this ordinance, for any chickens,
turkeys, ducks, gnuo or other do
mestic fowl to run at large, or lie In
or upon any street, alley, park, pub
lic or private ground, within the
corporate limits of the City of Prim--
vllle.Crook County, Oregon, Provid
ed however, such fowl above eniiiner
ated may be raised or kept on pri
vate ground, If the same are kept
there In enclosures and not allowed
to escape therefrom, and be It furth
er provided that this ordinance Is
not t o be construed to prevent
traflicklng in and disposal of said
fowl In the ordinary trade chtuinelH,
or the marketing therof.
Sectlou 2. Any person or persons.
who are the owners ot, or who have
possession or control ol such fowl us
enumerated in Section One of this
ordinance, wltlilti the corporate lim
its of the City of Priuevllle, Oregon,
violating any of the terms and pro
visions of suhl section or of tills or
dinance, shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor, ami upon conviction
thereof In the recorder's court of suld
City shall be lined not less than Klve
Dollars and not more than Twenty
five dollars, and pay the coets of
prosecution, and lu default of the
payment of such flue and costs, ahull
be confined to the City Jull one day
for each two dollars of such fine und
costs, not to exceed thirty days.
.Section 3. Passed by City Council
on the 1st day of April, 11)13, after
the third reading thereof.
Approved by the Mayor of said
City on the 1st day of April, 1913.
Attest: (1. N, Clifton, Mayor.
A. It, Bowman, Recorder.
State of Oregon, )
County of Crook. ) H"
I, A. K. Ilowuiau, hereby certify
in the circuit court ot the slate
Oregon, for the county of Crook.
lan Mm, riaintirt,
KliaatHUh Rc-ed, Charles K. Riwl, Mllo
. Mtoue, Kile Stone and I,. J. Had
lev, lctiinlaiit.
To lllitalwth Reed, Charles K, Kevd.
Mllo li. Mens, Kile Stone and I, J.
Iladlry, and lo each ot you, the
above named defendants:
III the name of the slate of Orrmm
You, and each ot you. are hereby r
quired to apwir and answer the cone
plaint tiled against vou III the bIsivk
entitled suit on or before Thursday, thr
Nth day ol May, A. I). ItllH, and ll you
lail so to answer, for the waul thereof,
the plaintiff will apply to Ilia Court (or
tne relict ueuiauded in the comn la mi
1'hat this suit hai been brought fr
the iorerloaum of a certain mortgage by
reason ot the dclault ol the conditions
thereot, said mortgage bavins- bren
u I ven liv aid Kliialu,!!, ....l
Charlea k K-wl. and duly sonml. eve.
rutrxi, re a now led god, iiiic..,hI and de
livered by them lo one II J. Jurgenaen
mwo no inwiimr, to secure
lh payment of aixteen hundred dollars
llUkm Oti) in accordance with the tenor
of one certain inntrument In writing for
that amount, to wit: a pniiniamuy
note bearing date the 17th day ol 1.
ceiuher, A. I), lull), and made ' payable
to said 11. J. Jorgrnaen or order, with
lUlereal at the rale of ten r rent per
annum, ravable annually, from date,
said note bring due one vrar from iNt
cember 17ih, lillo, said mortgnu draig
nating and creating a ben therefor up
on llm southeast quarter larj) of aoiitli.
wral quarter Isfti) ot sivtluu lour 14 1:
east half Mi ,( northwest nnarlMr
(n)and southwest quarter (,) nf
northeaal quarter (tie '4) of section nine
(tt, toanauip IS south, range 12 K , W.
M., in Crook county, Orcuou. aaid mmi.
gage having been dulv recorded In ib
ollice ol the county clerk of said Cna-it
county on lec SB, A.I), P.Ut), at (io'cliak
a. 01., ami rroor-ivd on pane tXI in H a.k
12, Record of Mortiraue of aaid e.mniv
and appears there of record.
I hat said nolo and nmrtifami &
tht reader, and on November lit,
duly aaaigiird and transferred by said
II. J. Jorgenaen. to the plaintiff herein
by an Instrument in writing, dated on
thai date, which said inatru.nrnt al
uuiy recorded In the oil re of the eoun.
ty clerk of said county of C 00k, on the
5th day of January. A. II. l'll.'l. u(
o'clis-k p. m., and recorded on rave 4iW
m im 11, necom 01 Mortgages, of
said Crook county, and them
ol record.
That the said default rmnalata In ll
laiiureoi the said r.hiabeih Reed and
.narles r.. Kent, or any ol said defend
ants, to pay said indebtedness or any
iiioreui ami aain inueiiietiness la
till due and oaing plaintiff and
wholly unpaiil.
That the subject of this suit Is real
property within the stale ol Oregon,
aud that the deleadants, Milo II. .Stone
and Ella Stone, each has, or claims
some intere.t or right in and to aaid
mortgaged premises, but that plaintiff's
mortgage lien ts prior in date and
superior In equity thereto. That Ihe
renet sought 01 the defendants, Mllo II.
HtonS Slid Ella KlnnA ar.,1 ... II. A. I
claiming interest or right in and to suit!
mortgaged premises, if any thev may
have, Is) declared euhaeotimit and I...
ferior in equity to the claim, interest or
rignioi me planum herein.
You ar further notified. That this
summons is served iion you, the aaid
defendants, Milo II. stone ami Ella
Stone, and each thereof, by publication,
upon the order of Hon. ti. Kirinmr.
judge of the county court of said Crook
county, by order duly made therein anil
dated the 2'ih day of March. A. I).
1H13, the same being duly tiled on said
date with the clerk of raid circuit c,,,i
for said Cnsik county.
rim puniication, March 27th, l'.13.
Last publication, May Hth, 1UI3.
C, M. Ckaxpai.l,
M. it. Ku.iorr,
Attorneys for plaintiff.
I- Wienie H. Z. CrKflia
Central Oregon
Well Co.
Contractor for Well
Drilling and Prospect
Hole. Depth Guar,
nteed ...
Dealers ia full One 0 well supullee,
Gasoline Engines, Pumps, Ele.
Culver, Oregon
Wotlce for Publication. unit. Interior,
I'.H. I..II4 omeaat The Isillea, Orrn,
.. . . . Urlnui, 11114.
Noll. la brrrliv prn that
, llatrv Van Meter
.(Trli..vlll. On,.,,, wh,., A loll huh. lain,
mail, n iiiu, irw'n.u, and
l '. U ), l.,.l,, IS antitb, ranee
IS.aat, V, III.iimII. M.tlill.n. Ii nirU II.. 11".
lOlutriill.Hi 10 maa. Dual Ihnv-year n.f I,,
"l.l.ll.ll cUllll t, UJ ,hi. U.WIII..I.
t-n.r 0.. t ounly I 1.1 a. at hi. iiittn, .1 Ctu,,.
VIII. Ori-aen.iin II...V11, d.y of May, Ills.
lalmaul nanifs as a-ltiiKumH lilxnn Ili-n.
lrlrk,u.ilM,ra. II. K..II1H. I h,iri. HiitlUl,
anil ' rnr.1 (.'. Mllimwi. all r l'rti,...ii.
I 0 c. W. MOOHK, Hcl.ur.
Notice lor' Publication.
lH ..rtini.ii ,. it., int.rter,
P. a. I.u.lum, al Ths Halles, or-,.,n,
., , . , Warvh tin, ISIs,
H.illi'e t haral'V slrrn Hist
ori.i.,1 11 Uil.
ul turnea wim. on itoc. nth inns, ,.)
Matiiijph. lulu i..i. Uiimml.s.l, ,u uuu
11. 1 a l.lllluti.l. Mu, uswl, H.r .1, i,i'.. nu
"'"' an. ',(,, (..-.-li,, 11 Jj, ub'
. ..uiii, rauu. j.-ua.i n lllam.oa Mt.rl.1
tsu liaa rtlr.t iititlt-r ul liiti.ttii,.n 1,1 ni.ka
till.) ii,r. rrr.r..i iu r.i.i.n.h rl. lM
l.ti.l alM.v. .)o- rlt-, Ulr Tim.illiy K, J,
I'.iSir. I , a. iviiuumii.n.r, al lili al
J ""'"" "B ll Jml day ul ala,
claimant nainrs as ullnswira: Thiiraaa N
H.II,, .it, ul printonlle, nt...ti. an.l l..,r..t l'.
ainrnun, riiarles innl.rt.i au.t Jamvs oil
clirui, alt ul lurm. Of.a.,u.
" '. . MimiMK, Hri.i,r.
Notice In Creditor.
Notice la herebr given that be un
dersigned have lieen, by the county
court ul the state ol Oregon, lor Crook
county, duly appointed enrcutore ol the
estatn ol Charles II. Foster, deceased,
and all perrons having claims against
aaid eatate are hereby required to pre
sent the same, dulv venllml, to aald
rim'tilors at lite law olll.-r ol M. K.
Hrink, iu the city of Prlimville. Crook
cninty, Oregon, Uliis months
from tltti datuol this notice.
listed and published Ilirt time Dill
Rllh day of Marrh, lilli. M. Forrraa,
Iha C. Foaraa,
Knivutors ol the Kill anil estate ot
Charles H. Foster, deceaaeil, 3
Notice of I I mil AtfcountiiiK.
Notice is hereby kIvbii bv IliH nndnr.
Higned, the atliiiinimrtttor of the eaiam
of Cornelius Thomson, deceased, that
or iiu matieanu n en witli t in r rk
the county court his final accotnitiiifr
of Ids administration of suid etttulo, and
toai tne nonoraiiie count court list sot
.iionu iy, tne otn day of May, 11113, at
10 o'clock in the furenoon at thecnuntv
court room in the courthouse at Prine
vil'e, in said county and state, as the
time snd plucu for hearing said linal
accounting and cuttling said tiiml ac
Dated tins 11th tiny of March, l!ll.1.
William II, Thomson,
Administrator of the enisle nl fornnl.
ma Thomson, deceased. ' 3-RI 5t 1
In Ihrrireuit court 0,. ul. orr.nn.
ter llle eimtity iitcriMik
i nmral or.,..n Irrtsaii.iii ('ogi.anjr, arertir
I'alrl. t O'Slribl.-l.n.Unl
T" I'alrlra tcSlrll,.l.lni,i.iu:
in O10 name til th .Eat. ..1 ,i,Mn
nereiiy riiirl 10 and sli.r Hie
Yutt are
romelaliil nii.l asaln.l 1.111 In the al. ..
Illlmlsiiti wllhlnsli atralis Imia llis.l.r nl lh
Aral ul.lli aoeu or Hi la .i.mnion. sn.l l u
lall Iiikiihu anil atlsswr, lur want tlierenl
lh iilalntilt will .pl u ihaeuiirl lur intra'
lli-l .r.)-. r Hi it,, ronii.laliil, liall. lur
ll i-aucvllatlnn ol a eerlaln euntract, i!bp4
April Miri, Itsrr, mads Uiiwe.n yuu ami Tl
Iwarhuir Irnsallun ami I'.mnr Ci.ineanr anil
asst.unl blul.1 flat u 1 1 rT . rrlallns lo III. ac.
ouirtiineni nl esriatn ami 0.0 trai.r llinrrm. sllusla III Crunk
..i.iiiir. Or.',.ii ami r anil) other rslld as
II.., u P,..UIC
1 II
ills summons Is Served unon vim he not.ll.
eallon Ity aiitminly ol an ur.ler oftha Hon. VY.
I. Ilra.l.haw, )u.tas ol lb. elrrull curl ol'lbr
slate nl oreaun. lor Oir m , i.ri Mw.i. ....1
sa. order ls.lalp.1 tt.s Jl.l ,y nl Marrh, 'SI I,
ami la dui recorded ami sniorvd In said notiri
and suit.
lisle ot tlr.t piihliratlnn, Vtan h 71 llllt,
tlale ol la.l 1. ul. II. .ti.iii. May t IVIS,
Ailurusya for I'lalulllf.
lit the circuit euiiriol the statu ortruiron lor
Ct-tH.S i'initit .
TI10 VV . Jr. H tug c corporation, nlalntln.
tru ln It. Hnm.y, Klhel llasev, J. K. MBCphcrsnll
nnil Alii, cti.lil, ricfrndantn
In Irwin I). liHscy, Klltcl llssey, J.
t.h.Tson nnil Ahh-ciidd, ilclclebiiiis
11 win 11111110 111 tin; atate nl life
K. Mini.
you nr
niTi-tiy rciiilri'il 10 st.ticitr am Hliswcr Mn.
uim niiiiii 11 ii-ii in ii,c iivo em 1 c. suit ami
cmirlonor l.ulnrc. tin; ami iluy ol May, WIS,
and If you lull mi t aiipcHr nnil ntiswur the
l.lllltll If Will MIll.lV ll.ll.l. ,-,.l.rl f,,r 1 1... r.,11...
l.riiyin ti.r in its complaint, lo-wlt: lur a iiu.
I'ti-c noil JiiilKiiM!iii,HKaust Irwin li. llnscy lur
.in. ..iii in f.iKiu iniiiiircii Dollars with Inter
est thereon Ht the rate ot li -n uer emit iter uo.
li ii in Iroiii jaliunry .11, mil, lr IIBlt(irlliiy's(eii
. ,uu miR aim iiiHnursijiiieiiis ol tlila
mat the mnrlKiiBo licscrlliml in plaintiff's
cmiiidalntlie (ore. loHeil ami tlielmiil ilcscrllinl
lliereln sold l,y llm sheriff of this comity .:-
" n"..n n.i.i inn iiriicitcc VI lilts court
"'" I'i'L priicseiis applied to the nayiriunt ol
j.iHliitllTs said Jii.ikini-nt ami that the ile.
i. ii.iiiiiis ami eaeti ol Ilium l,u forever barred
and loreeloseil Irom clalmlnn any rluht, ti I In
or interest In snlil prem Inea or any purl thereof
I his siitniiions Is piihliHliuil by order of the
Honorable ti. Kprlnner, Jii.Ikm ol I lie county
court of thc stiiln nf OrcKon tor crook county,
uiHiluonthe wth day of March, 191.1, which
said order prescribed that this summons be
published In tlis crook county Journal, a
weekly newspaper, printed ami published In
I rlnevllte, crook county, Orninn, for a period
of six eiiiiaecutlvu weeks.
The dais of llm l rst publication of tills sum
moiia Is March 20, 11118.
, M. It. KM.IOTT,
8--20.6W Attorney lor plaintiff.
In tint elrrull court of iha ai.i. of ri,n..,H r...
the county ol I'rook. '
t'enirnl lir.m.n Irrlsailon Company, a cor
poration, plaintiff,
tlertrude KtiH-lier, widow and Mile snrvlvlns
heir at law ot Krt.l tt, Klovlwr, deceaunl,
Tnu.iririnlo Klndier, widow and solo aurvlv.
lint heir at law ol Kred . KliwlH-r, dcasiHl,
In the name nf the atate ol tlrevon, Yon are
lereby te..ilre. lo appear and atlaw ur llm
'Otnplalttl tiled naallilit vol! Ill Ihe atiova rii.
titled suit within .m weeka from Iha day of
the Ural publication nl thla an ions and It
yon tall In am appear ami ansuer, lor want
tliereol, the plaintiff will apply in the court
fortherellel prayi.d lor In tne eomplalni, iu.
wit: for tha calievllslloli of a eerl.H, ,.t,ir...l
dsled NuveoilMir lal. Ilasl. lu.ili, l,elween
Kred W. KliH-lM.r ami The lieschnles Irrlitation
Slid Power foliinaliv ami aultfiiRil i ui,l
plaintiff, relatliii; lo the aiiulreun-iit of cur
lain lauds and the water rlkhls appurtenant
Un rein, slinatr lu t runk county, Oregon, am!
tor such other relief as may tie c.ti!tah!o.
n"" in. .o. i. .erven iiimn you oy pcnit.
all. Ill liv alllhurllv of an f,r,l.,r of ll,e ll,.r. U'
I,. Hrail.liaw. Iii'lie of the circuit conri of the
stale of Oreuou. lor the coiiuiv of Crimk it..l
said order Is dated I he will dayol March twl:l
and Is duly recorded and elilcrcl In salduotirt
n'l anil.
lisle of first publication March 17, lS,
Pats of laal puhlleatlutl. Mny A llHtl
Aitornuya tor 1'lalutirf,
In tho circuit court ut the usto nf Orciton.
for t'rmik county, '
oleau hand Uouipany, a corporation, Malutlff.
David tliirton, ami Mrs Psvld Burtott. wlfo of
said llnvl.l lliirton. and an other persona or
parties unknown . UlmiiiK any rluht, title,
CHtute, lien upon or Intere.t In the renl cslnle
ili'serll.fil iu the complaint herein, de
fendants, Tu David liitrlonaml Mrs. David lltirlnn. wile
of aald llavbl Hurlon, ami all persons or
parlies unknown i-bdinliiK miy rluht, title
ttslale, lieu n ) .. n or Inn rcst 111 the real es
tate described lii llm t'linipltiliil heroin, and
alno ilescrlbeil In this sumuiuus, alKivo
luoneil, ilctellibilita.
Ill the name of the slate of orcaell, Vnll, And
each nf you, are hereby siimiiiniieil and re.
quired lo appear In the alsivo cullllcu tourl
mid answer or plend to the complaint filed
therein In this suit attains! you on or before, iwi., which ia llm lime in
the order ol the con my Jmliie ol Crook county,
Oitkoii, pursuant lu which this soiiimoiis la
pitlillsheil, In which you are reiiilreil lo so
appear, answer ur plead ami If vol! full to so
appear, answer r plead, tho plnlllllff will up.
ply to the courl for the relief demii tided In the
. II 1 1 . 1,i I lit, which rellel Is that plaintiff's till.)
to the followltia: descrihed real property situ
ate In Crook county, OrcKon to.wlt:
The north hull ol the southwest quarter ami
the south half ol the northwest itliarlcrof sec
tion twenty. one -'21- lu township twelve -111-sninh
raiiKo ten -lo. cast of ihe Willamette
Merldliitaln Crook county, OrcKon,
Ami every part Ihcreof, be Yorever niiletcil
SKSlnst you and all persons ehilmltia by
Ihroinili or under you, or ellher ot ynu, and
that pliilntlff bo adjudiii'il tu be Ihe owner
thereof In fee simple; ami thai you and all
persons claluiliiii, or to claim, by, throimh or
under vou. be forever liiirre.l i,i...i ..r.. ...
strnliieil from uhillnliiit or selllnn up any rluht"
title or interest In r lo any part ol suhl plop!
ertyand for such other ami further rellel ia
lo mis court muy seem euti labia in ii.., ........
Ises. ,..v..
The date of the first piihliratlnn ol this sum-
inons la ths atllh day of March, lu: i
This sumnions Is tiul,liHi,,.,t ,.,,rl..., ...
order of II. Hprliiunr, ctumly lUilK of llruok
...I.,,.;, ..uaoii, inline
march, iuiu.
I.. M. Ill!cHTKI,T
Alluruuy for pluliulff.
the 1'Jtlt day uf