C W. ELKINS IN NEW Opposite H otci ID rraeviile Judge Springer Courts Investigation County Judge Springer is not at all disconcerted over the action of W. G. Phoenix and F. W. McGaffery of Redmond, in enjoining the coun ty officials from paying outstanding warrants totaling $56,639.96 for bridge and road purposes. If there has been any sculduggery. the Judge wants to know and will aid in every way in finding out. "If material and labor has been furnished the county on the square, we should pay for it," said the Judge. The injunction does not affect the other warrants. The case will come up at the May term of court. LOCAL MENTION A Very Pleasant Affair Miss Lucile Cook was hostess at a delightful party held Friday even ing,' March 28, at the home of Mrs. John Stinson, the occassion being the celebration of her birthday. The evening was pleasantly spent in various games and a general good time. Miss Ava t)obbs and Spencer Mayhew contributed sever al piano solos to the enjoyment of the guests. At the close of the evening a huge birthday cake, decorated with canj dies, was cut by the hostess who was assisted in serving by Miss Baldwin and Mrs. Stinson. The occasion was also made a fare well for Miss Jessie Windom who left Sunday for her new home at Eugene. Those who enjoyed the hospitality of Miss Cook and Mrs. Stinson were: Misses Bertha Bald win, Louisa M. Herman, Catherine Conway ,Leola Estes, Theresa Bundy, Beth Thomas, Lela Geyer, Margaret Geyer, Elma Noble, Jessie Windom, Golda Cleek, Lota Horigan, Aver ""Dobbs, Nora Livingston and Gladys Bayn; Messrs. John R. Stinson, Hor ace Belknap.Roland McCallister, Lee Powell, Arthur O'Neil, Spencer Mayhew, Hobart Belknap, Floyd Prater, Carey Stearns, Leland Belk nap, Paul Cook, Harold Cook, Wil ford Belknap and Arthur Michel. 73d Birthday. Several of the ladies of the Pres byterian church gave Grandma Sumner a pleasant surprise party on Tuesday afternoon, her 73d birthday. Mrs. Sumner has so endeared herself to her many friends that for several years they have arranged some kind of a pleasant surprise for her. She was the recipient of many presents and notes of congratula tion. Dr. Behrendt Coming Dr. Ida Iiehrendt Is coming to I'rlneville. If you need RlanHes Hhe will lit you. K you do not Hhe will tell you so. Watch her ailvertlne laent for date of arrival. 4 3 Wood for Sale. Order wood before .'10th, cut from eolld pine and fir 16 Inch length; f2.7o per cord. (3 delivery rliargeij. Up. per Mill Creek. Ricuaru K. I,aw Vkkck. 3-20 Warren Brown is expected back from Portland today. Mrs. Truesdale, the Journal cor respondent at Powell Butte, was a Prineville visitor Friday. A marriage license was issued Tuesday to Calvin Morris and Myrtle Gardner of Paulina. W. I. Dishman is a new arrival in this country. He has leased the Lister place for a starter. The O.-W. R. & N. Co. announce free transportation for all supplies donated for the relief of the flood sufferers in the East. Wm. Adams was taken to Port land Sunday for medical treatment. He was accompanied by Mrs. Steve Yancey, Oliver Adams and Dr. Edwards. George Gilray was sentenced to a term of 40 days in the county jail for trespass by justice Bates of Hampton. Gilray is now domiciled with the sheriff. Metolius has voted bonds to the amount of 18,500.00 for the pur pose of constructing a new school building. It is to be ready for the fall term which opens in September. J. F. Taylor, who sold his place below town to Mr. Barnes, has bought a farm near Willows, Calif. He and his family will leave fori their new home the latter, part of the week. Monday was moving day in Prine ville from the looks of Main street. C. W. Elkins is swapping business locations with R. L. Jordan & Co. Clifton & Cornett are just getting straightened out in their new home. Dickson & Warren bought two fancy steers in Portland the last of the week for $10.00 and 19.50 per hun dred. One weighed 1300 and the other 1180. The animals belonged to J. L. French, of Caldwell, Idaho. Dickson & Warren will use them for show purposes. The Pendleton Presbytery will meet in Prineville with the First Presbyterian church April 10th at 8 p, m. for a three-days' conference. Dr. I. I. Gorby of Chicago will preach the opening sermon. The public is invited to attend. M. A. Prater, pastor. J. G. Kilpack, representing the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society, was in Prineville the last of the week. Mr Kilpack is investigating and prose cuting cases of neglect of children. He has sent out several letters of warning to parents of children who violating the tobacco law. Prose cution will be the next step. Frank Foster was around Satur day getting signatures to a fund to raise money enough to defray the expenses of a car of rainbow trout that will be sent here to stock our streams. He had no trouble in get ting an ample guarantee. The trout will be taken from the car in automobiles and carried to the dif ferent trout streams. In a couple oi years local fishermen will reap their reward. LOCAL MENTION LOCAL MENTION When in the market, fnr I.ime. fe- ment and Shingles, see the Redmond Lumber & Produce Co. 3 27-2m W. J. Schmidt was down from ! Mrs. M. A. Prater is Summitt Prairie the first of the slowly. wetk- Mrs. Z. M Jean Riley of Paisley, has been visiting the past week with Mrs. H. B. Payne on the Ochoco. F. V. Rufener of Grizzly, was in town Monday. He says it is too wet to plow in his section. Warren Glaze has just recently composed a new march for band, called "Caverns of Luray." It will be played by the M. W. A. Band in the near future Tony had a bunch of ten boys in his big auto Monday that he was taking to Antelope to join the sheep shearing crews of that section. They were lively ones. John McPherson who jumped a $1,000.00 bond thuee years ago, will be re-arrested on the second charge at the county jail the moment he secures bondsmen on the previous charge. Married At the office of Jus tice Kennedy last Monday, Patrick O'Golder and Miss Wilda PJtter. The bride is a daughter of John Ritter, while the groom is employed by the Forrest service. The farmer rejoiceth and is ex ceedingly glad. He awoke Wednes day morning to find the ground covered with a good thick mantle of soggy snow. The moisture was badly needed both for plowing and seeding. Judge Springer was called to Bend Monday to look into the con duct of a boy named Spindle. Af ter hearing the case the judge thought the discipline of the re form school would do the youngster some good and so ordered. Frank Phoenix has established an automobile line between Metolius and Prineville. The distance to Metolius is eight miles further than to Redmond but it is claimed the roads are better to the former town which more than offsets the handi cap in distance. At last the Youngs post office has been moved to the railroad at Gate way. Since the railroad has been built, the postoffice has been located about a mile east of the town. Al though the O.-W. R. & N. does not carry the mail, Postmaster Blair has been endeavoring to get the office moved for some time. Pioneer. The members of the Shumia Literary Club were entertained on Saturday by Mrs. E. L. Coe. An excellent program was rendered. Mrs. Coe, in a review of "The Brownings," made all feel a re newed interest in these great poets. Selections from "The Sonnets" and other poems were read by Mrs. Collins Elkins. "Cry of the Chil dren" was given by Mrs. John Wigle. There was a solo by Mrs. J. H. Rosenberg. "Aurora Leigh" was reviewed by Mrs. John Smith and Mrs. Kayler reviewed "The Prisoner of Chillon." Mrs. C. W. Edmunds was a guest of the club. improving Brown of Portland is visiting in Prineville. Born March 31, to the wife of J. C. Gilchrist, a son. Regular services Sunday U the Presbyterian church. Dr. Edwards is expected home from Portland today. Born To the wife of Thomas Miller, March 21, a son. j Joe McKay of Portland is the new druggist at Templcton's. Miss Nora Stearns is assisting in the county clerk's office this wet k. ! Lloyd Cantrill and wife of Klum-' ath Falls are visiting friends and , relatives in Prineville. The Wenandy Livery Co. of Bend has filed articles f incorporation. Capital stock $10,000. The incor porators are J. H. Wenandy, Sadie Wenandy and Lon L, Fox. I Ellsworth Curtis of Powell Butte wokeupblinl the other day. Dr. Rosenberg says the attack is gome thing like that experienced by Miss' Winnek. Let us hope it will end as favorably. i i The health officer, Dr. Belknap reports that the two or three small- pox cases along the railroad are j getting along nicely. The quaran tine has been raised from four I houses and a store at Vanora. The Madras case is getting along nicely. At the Methodist church Sunday. Sabbath school 10 a. m. Preaching 11 a. m. Subject, "The Spirit of J. Picrpont Morgan, Where?" Ep- worth League at 7 p. m. Evening sermon 8 o'clock. Subject, "The Church, Past, Present, Future." All are welcome. J. E. Williams, pastor. The "Story of the Cadillac," is one of that mechanical and commercial advancement which makes for permanency. The Cadillac Company has never yielded to clamor by producing that which catered merely to fancy, nor that which took advantage of the uninformed. On the contrary it has produced only that which it knew would give to the purchaser "value received" in abundant measure. The Cadillac Company has never been obliged to tesort to exaggeration and over-drawn claims to dispose of all the cars that it could make and more. Its policy has ever been to under-claim rather than over-claim. It is gratified that the public accepts its representations at their full worth; because the public has never been misled and because the public could always expect and has always received more than was offered. THE W. F. KING COMPANY DISTRIBUTORS Prineville, .... Oregon When in the market for Iime, Ce ment and Shingles, ee the Redmond Lumbal & Produce Co. 3-27-2in Millinery Your Hat i s always stylish and just right if bought of Mrs. Estes, the popular Milliner. Mrs. Estes Corner 2nd and Main Streets Prineville, Ore. Newly Furnished Throughout Rooms 50c, 75c, $1 European and American Plan. New Management HOTEL OREGON Louis E. Dudrey, Mgr. PRINEVILLE, OREGON Best Meals in Central Oregon, 35 Cents. Cooking. Family Style. ome Sunshine Lamp SOOCandlePower FREE D. P. Adamson & Co., Druggists For Drugs, Patent Medicines, Chemicals Lowney's Candies, Ice Cream Soda, Sta tionery and Prescriptions see D. P. Adamson & Co. To Trv In Your Own Homo Trjrnnlht)ntodf. Given beUerllfrbtL ttian kui. elwtrlclty or is oratrntryK" fernpflftt one tenth tbacoet For omiw, r,, j Urn 11.11. I'hi.H.I.M A Al.Mi1 Mir carry It Make Itf own light frni Common gasoline. AbMilutulj BAKK.B COSTS 1 CENT A nlunTI I Will pay for itself In ninety dayi.Kjf', Peat reading lamp In the world. ' No wick, no chimney, no mantle trouble, no dirt, no odor, no moke. Guaranteed 6 years. For Sale Bxl Horace P. Belknap Jr., Agt, Prineville, 1 Call for Warrants. Notice is hereby iriven that nil m. eral fund warrants from Non. 148 to 1176 inclusive, will bo paid upon premuta tion at. my olHce. Interest stops March 22, 1913. . R. T Jordan, County treasurer, Crook county, Ore. Eggs for Hatching. A',,9-, Tll'owu 1'i'Kliorn won lnt, per at 11)12 county fiilr; threo firHtH, oiu Hcconrl, one third on one pen at, Ited moiid Poultry .Show. Kkkh $15' per 15; $5 per hundred. Huff Orpli' liiKton eirH $1.50 per 15. R K. Wli, lion-, Prineville, Ore. 30-Otp