Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 27, 1913, Image 4

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Events Occurring Throughout
the State During the Past
1500 Acres, 1600 City Lots and Fran
chises Included.
Marshfield. W. J. Wllsey hai pur
tiAei the holdings of Major L. D.
Kinney in Nonh Bend. The dal In
volves over $1,000,000, and paper will
e exchanged as soon as abstracts are
prepared. Mr. Wilsey says h is oper
ating for an English syndicate, and
will Invest other millions in property
n the Pacific coast, this purchase
Vein j but a starter.
The transfer includes the franchises
f the Belt Line Railway and the
Rapid Transit company, 1300 acres of
land on the peninsula adjoining
Uarshfteld and North Bend, 1000 acres
o the lower bay and over 16.000 lots,
Beslae railway rights, which consist
f city franchises and war department
permits, also Included with the city
3mit are additional tracts of 640
acre t in one piece and 600 acres in
another. All of the land is platted,
and some tracts are improved and
streets being laid.
Nehaiem Valley to Have Railway.
Teronia. Work on the Columbia A
Rehalem Valley railroad, to be built
ly the Kerry Timber company of Port
land, will commence at once. The
Builders expect to have the road is
pe ration within 10 months.
The road will be built from Wood's
Landing on the Astoria Columbia
River railroad, then down Fishhawk
reek, striking Nehaiem river at Fish
kawk. From there it will keep up
Deep creek for several miles, ending
in Clatsop county.
Lumber Camps to be Busy.
jtstoria. Activity in the logging in
Aastry promises to be more pronounc
ed: in: Clatsop county this year than
ever: Before in the history of the coun
ty, Several new camps are to be op
ened and camps established, and it is
estimated that within the coming few
months not less than $3,000,000 will
fce expended in betterments, eiteu
atuna and equipment
Squatters Finally Beaten in Hearing
Before Federal Officials.
Portland. Final and absolute vindi
cation for the struggling Silets home
steaders, after 11 to 13 years of strife,
lardbhlp and anxiety, has been for
warded to the commissioner of the
central land office. This vindication
oame as a result of a week's testimony
it Portland, on charges preferred by
Oliver L. Hull, and a number of other
It is assumed that this is the very
list impediment that can be put in
the way of the remaining Siletz home
steaders. They had filed their affida
vits, complying with the Hawley law.
Hull and some of the other squatters
who are trying to take the land away
from the original entrymen, and get it
cm their own locations, Bent charges
to the general land office, accusing
the homesteaders with perjury. The
homesteaders are vindicated of the
perjury charge, and also their good
faith in doing their very best to com
ity with the law is declared.
Relief in Sight for Sheepmen.
Enterprise. Wallowa county sheep
men are beginning to breathe easy
again after coming through one of
the most severe winters known In
years on the Snake and Imnaha rivers.
The snow, which fell to unusual
depths and remained on the ground
several, weeks, has melted off the
south hillsides, the ground is free of
frost and there is an abundance of
Bend May Develop New Industry.
Bend. The first pulp ever manufac
thred from central Oregon timber has
reached Bend and the glowing reports
of its excellence and the possibilities
tor manufacturing it opens up are
greeted here with enthusiasm.
On January 6 two carloads of "lodge
jpole" pine, a email black pine that
grows upon thousands of acres of land
in the upper Deschutes valley, were
sent to the pulp mill at Camas, Wash.
The sample of pulp 1b accompanied
B a letter which says that the pulp
is of a promising quality and that
thorough tests will be made imme
diately in manufacturing It into paper.
It is intended to use the first paper
made from Deschutes timber in a leaf
U that will describe this territory.
Runaway Convict Captured at Gervals
Salem. Junior Thompson, one ef
the two men who sawed their way
through the bars on a window at the
Insane Asylum, where they were
working, was captured at Gervals, by
the city marshal. Jack Clark, the
ether man, is still at large.
Starting March 1, the curfew In
Junction City will ring at P. M. dur
ing the spring and summer.
Plans are being considered by the
engineering staff of the 0.-W. R. A N.
for the electrification of the line be
tween Portland and Spokane.
The dairy men of Smith River and
the Lower I'mpqua have formed a
creamery association and have pur
chased the property of the Townsend
Creamery company at Reedsport
The Portland Lumber coinpaay has
established a logging camp west of
Houlton and expects to cut 200.000 ft
of logs daily. It Is building tour miles
of railroad to connect with the Colum
bia City road.
More than two miles of bard-surface
street pavement will be laid in The
Dalles in the spring, which will be
marked by much progress in the way
of substantial and permanent improve
ment In that city.
The people of Canyon City and vi
cinity are fostering an irrigation pro
ject to put water on a tract of 50,000
acres of fertile land lying west of the
city. The water supply is to be taken
from Upper Canyon Creek.
Work has been commenced on a fur
niture factory at Houlton. Concrete
is being put in tor the engine bed and
the building is being generally put In
shspe tor the machinery that will be
ready tor Installation In a tew days.
Robert Walker, the It year old
brother of Rev. C. L. Walker, pastor
of the Methodist church of Nyssa. Or,
was accidentally killed. Alone he had
gone duck shooting on an Island in
Snake river two miles north of town.
Directors of the Lane County Fair
association set September 24 to 27,
Inclusive, as the dates tor the annual
fall fair. E. M. Warren was designa
ted as the "Lane county delegate to
the meeting of the district fair board
at Roseburg."
The most effective slaughter of rib
bites ever made In the history of
Lakeview was at the drive west of
town, showing the enormous total of
about 12.000. The total estimated
number of rabbits killed during the
winter is 32,000.
Tho St Paul Commercial Club ex
presses itself in fsvor of an electric
line from Aurora to St Paul, via Far
go and Champoeg. They believe such
a line possible and want to Interest
President Strahorn, of the P, E.
E., in its construction.
In a communication from the offices
of the state superintendent of schools,
the information is given that the Port
land Union Stockyards will , give a
Shetland pony to the boy or girl hav
ing the best exhibit of poultry or farm
animals at the 1913 state fair.
James Huffman, who was working
on the A. eJ. Tulley ranch each of Wal
lowa, was gored by a bull and injured
so severely that he died. He had tied
the animal into a stall. As he turned
the bull made a lunge, one born pierc
ing Huffman's lungs and pinning him
to the partition.
Captain Edward Anderson, formerly
master of the steamer Sue H. Elmore,
who was wanted at Astoria on a
charge of forgery, was brought from
Seattle by Sheriff Bums. Anderson
is accused of forging the name of B. L,
Miller, engineer on the steamer El
more, to the latter's pay check and
then getting it cashed.
Seaside has a new two-story build
ing being equipped with up-to-date
machinery tor making cheese. Ex
perienced workmen will have it in
charge and the cheese manufactured
here, as well as good milk, will be
supplied to summer guests. Milk will
be cold in bottles only and handled
In the most sanitary way.
Lying half buried in the soft mud In
the basin of Young's bay, the body of
a logger, thought to be named Stone,
a recent arrival from Portland, was
found at low tide by Hans Larsen,
keeper of the bridge, who waded in
the mud up to his hips to the drowned
man end secured the body to the
bridge by passing a rope under the
Relief for settlers In Wallowa coun
ty in the vicinity of Enterprise is
promised in an action taken by the
general land office, ordering an exam
ination of the townships in that locali
ty with a view to their restoration to
entry because of alleged overlapping
in survey lands which were withdrawn
in 1906, and settlers since have been
denied the right to make entry.
At a recent Commercial club meet
lng at West Stayton It was decided to
go in for making that town a logan
berry center. The plan is to sell the
berries dried, as there is a rapidly
growing demand for the same, and the
states where this berry can be raised
are very limited. With Irrigation
available in dry seasons the success
of the loganberry business is assured,
Tho chief of engineers at Washing
ton, D. C has approved the report of
Major Mclndoe to the effect that the
revetment on the Willamette river
near Independence has more than ful
filled expectations, but he holds that
damage to the river banks farther
down, where the river has out Into val
uable hop lands, should be repaired by
local interests and not by the government
Frsnelsco I. Madtro, deposed Presi
dent of Mexico, who was shot and
killed while being taken to the peni
tentiary. Brief News of the week
Misscurt, Iowa and Michigan legisla
tures passed bills for constitutional
amendments granting suffrage to wo
men. The police of St Petersburg have
prohibited the display of moving pic
tures Illustrating the lite ot the late
Count Tolstoy.
Arrangements are being made be
tween the American and Russian gov
ernments tor the establishment ot a
regular wireless service across Bering
Municipal "blue laws" forbidding
butcher shops and moving picture
shows to be open on Sunday were
sustained by the Illinois supreme
The Ohio state senate adpoted the
house resolution ratifying the propos
ed federal constitutional amendment
for the popular election of United
States senators.
A bill making It a misdemeanor pun
ishable by a fine of from $10 to $25
tor any person to give, solicit or re
ceive, directly or Indirectly, a tip, has
been Introduced in the Pennsylvania
In a terrible three days' battle be
tween 100,000 Bulgarians and 70,000
Turks at Bulalr, each side Is said
to have lost 3500 men. Enver Bey,
leader of the Toung Turks, is reported
amoi.g the wounded.
The United Statea circuit court of
appeals at New York has handed
down a' decision which permits rela
tives of Titanic victims to commence
suits immediately against the steam
ship company for full damages.
Sixty million dollars In bank notes
left San Francisco on the liner Nippon
Mara. The shipment Is said to be the
first set of bank notes printed for
China since the overthrow of the
Manchu dynasty and the establish
ment of the new republic.
More than 40 bills bearing on mar
riage and divorce are before the lower
house of the legislature of California.
Half a dezen of these provide physical
qualifications for marriage, while the
majority provide new and generally
more stringent requirements for di
vorce. The lower house of the Michigan
"legislature has passed the eugenics
bill, which provides that every person
i seeking to marry must submit to phy
I sical examination and obtain a certtfi
' cate of good health before a license
will be granted.
People in the News
Louis D. Brandeis of Boston, It is
declared by the Boston Post on good
authority, Is to be secretary of com
merce and labor in President Wilson's
Dr. Frledrlch Friedmann, who as
serts that he has discovered a cure for
tuberculosis, has sailed for New York,
where he will attempt to demonstrate
the value of his remedy.
The Illinois supreme court affirm
ed the conviction of Evelyn Arthur
See of Chicago on charges of abduc
tion. See was the head of a cult
which he termed "absolute life."
Bishop John Joseph Hogan of the
diocese of western Missouri, died at
St. Joseph, Mo. Bishop Hogan was
the eldest Catholic prelate In the Unit
ed States, both In years and service.
After sweeping aside all opposition,
legal and otherwise, Mrs. Marsellna
Eiisalda, 105 years old, and Pleasanton
Leon, 86, said to have been lovers for
a half century, were married at Los
Testifying before Governor Sulzer'e
committee ot inquiry Friday, Dr. John
W. Russell, superintendent ot Mattea
wan hospital, New York, said $20,000
was offered him by a lawyer a few
weeks ago If he would agree to re
lease Harry K. Thaw.
Smoke Pleasure and other Pleasure!
for the Man Who Smoke
tit ..
There s smoke pleasure. In tbls pure nlJ Virginia
and North Carolina bright leaf. Thousands prefer It to any
other pipe toliaeeo. Thoroughly aged and stemmed and
then granulated. A perfect pipe tobacco nothing better
rolled as a cigarette.
One and a half ounce of this choice tobacco rost
only c, and with each sack jron get book of cigarette
pspers FRF.R.
The iler pleasure are the presents that are secured
with the coupon" in each sack of LiggWI 4 Ayet Duke's
Mixture. These presents delight old and young. Think
of the pleasure thai you and vour friends can get from a
talking machine, free, or such articles ss fountain pens,
balls, skate, cut glass, china, silverware,
4 rmrnzg
Express and
Three hours between Redmond and rrlncvllle, fare $1.50.
A Kent for Nurtehru. Ut. Northern and American Express Co.
Olili-e oxn from 7 a. m to 6 p. in.; Sunday 9 to 1 :30,
Office at Pioneer Cream wo. 12-19
Just OPened :
Livery Feed and Sale Stable
In Cornett Stage Barn
Prineville, Oregon
Special attention given to the traveling Public
Hay 25c a day per head.
Give ui a call.
A. H. Lippman & Co.
Manufacturers of
' Home and Office
S ore Fixtures and all Better
Gas of House Work
In Pine, Oak, Fir and Mahogany; solid or veneer.
Prices Lower than Portland
The Journal is Cheap at $1.50 a year
tennis racquets, ashing
rods, furniture, etc.
At a uncial offer.
daring February
and March only w
will fnd yoa oar
ntw illustrated cofa
log of prtnt$, FREE.
Just send us your name
and address on a postal.
M!f Mltt Mf ft
FOUR R05U Uik ih, aWi. mn.
mmd A lai W , hums' ay u,
Pr lusa Dept.
Jourdan & Son
& Mackey, Props.
Public Sale. .
I will sell at my ranch, two mile east
nt Post, on main mail, on hstutdsr.
March in, lUlll, 10 lid of llor-H, 4
MilrhCows, 1 Oliver Hulky Plow, 1
leering Miir, 1 Champion Mnwsr
and Hake, I Hay Hui-k, 1 Walking I'low.
I Stool Harrow, elfl. Also a lut ot
Household furniture and numerous
oiher articles. Terms ol sale : All sums
under (2(1. ch ; on sums ol I'-ll and
over a vredil ol us months lll lw
lilven, purchaser giving note with Bp.
proved security. Ilar Hhi'mkkr.
. ma m
Notice to Creditor.
K.iIIm la ItaraOtV itivH i.W I I.A HHiImP.
....... - j p -v -
lut.M.1 Mia ailmliiiatralrtM of Ilia aalalA
,.l 1'l.i.rtH A I.miiwi. ilajwaaail In all
oiaililors nl slid all persons hsvlna:
claims anainsi said esiai to pitni
viini nun uiv iniir Touruers u mi
umlerslimtxl at Hi ollice ol M. K.
ciiioii m i ruieviue, wrenn, witnia six
months (row Ih first publication of
this nolli.
Paled this lllihdsyol February, 1"13.
Moss liatvia,
Administratrix ol the Mtata ol Chart
A. ti raves, deceased.
Node of Final ActiountlnH.
Nolle Is hereby given by the under
signed, 111 assignee lor the bensHt o(
creditor ol Lsna M. I.amu, that lis ha
Died with tli clerk ol the circuit court
ol tli Slat ol Oregon I if Crook county,
hi said Dual accounting ol his admlnia.
tts lon ol said estate and that tli said
final accounting will b heard sod
passed upon by I lis said conn ou Mod
dsv, tli 6th day ol May, IU1S.
listed this Ulh day ol February, VHX
V, F, Btswsst,
Miorlfl'a Sole.
By virtue ol an execution, decree
and order ol ante taaurd out of the
circuit court ol the state ol Oregon
for the county of Crook and hcartnir
the eaj ol siilil court, to in directed
and dated the 11 a day of January
1913, upoo a decree ol forcloaeur of
a certain iiiorticnir and Judgment
rendered aud euteml In utd court
od the 11th day ol lecember, 1112, la
a rruw where Adolph (inlland was
plalutlff and VV. K. Karrla, Grace l
Karris, hi wife, and llHtiert K. liar
tilsoti and Lucy K. Iliirlilsmi, hi
wife, were uVfcndante, antd decree
and Judgment lielnif In lavor ol the
aid plaintiff aud nanliiet all the di
li niliiiits herein named, a Judumeut
di'litor In the sum of twelve hundred
and thlrtv nine 111,2111) dollar with
Interval therein) troiu the said lltli
day ot Ocemlier. lUlJ. at the rate of
ten iM-rcrtit. pur annum, and one
Imuilred iflou) dollar attorney'
fere, anil the lurther sum of nineteen
dollar and seventy-live rent($19 75
fotM, aud the coat Incident to and
accruing upon the nervlce ol the writ
ol execution, and commanding me
to make sale ol (he real property
embraced In said decree ol lorecloa
ure and hereinafter described, I will
Sslerdsy, Ik Fif Issalk Dsy ef Mink, III,
at the hour of 2 o'clock In the after
noon ot antd day, from the north
trM of the couuty courthouse at
I'rlnevllle, Crook county, Orefron,
xell at public auction to the btuheet
bidder lor caab In hand, all the right,
title and Interest w hich the di-leud-ante,
W. S. r'arrle, ("race P. Karri,
hi wile, and Koliert K. Harlilaon
and Lucy K. HnrblNon, hi wile, or
either ol them had on the 11th day
of DiH-emlH-r, 1112. or any In turret
that nil or either ol nld di-frndnnt
may have an-iitred since that dale,
or now have, to the following de-m-rllied
renl property, to wit t
Tim cast hall lil ol the northwest
quarter J) and wcet half ol the
iiorthenst quarter (t4'l ol Miction 30,
township aevciilecn (17) sniilli, range
fifteen (151 eat of the Willamette
meridian, lying and situate In Crook
county, stale ol Oregon.
Or so much ol said inHrty n
will siitlnfy said decree and Judgment
with the cost and accruing costs,
said sale to be made sulijirt to con
liriiiHtloti and redemption as by law
Dated at Prineville. Oregon, this
27th day of January, lUl'i.
2 13 I- HANK Fl.KINH
(Sheriff of Crook comity, Oregon.
Private Sale of Real Estate.
From anil after the 7th day ol March,
11113, the undersigned guardian ol the
ncrsoui and estates ol Clara Kverdina
Uaxter and Clark llaxtor, minors, will
sell at private sal all the right, till
interest and estate ol the suid minors,
or either ol them, in aud to the follow
Ingdrscrilied real prn)ierty iltusteil io
the county ol Crook, stale ol Oregon,
to- it: The west tml( ol the southwest
quarter ol section 4, and the north halt
of the southeast quarter of section 6 in
township 11 south ol range 18 east ol
ih Willamette Meridian, containing
li0 acres, more or less. Terms cash.
The property will be sold free from any
dowur interest, Offers ran be made to
Reed A Hell, HM)9 Wilcox building,
Portland, Oreynn.
Tiikhkka W. BaxtKH,
Guardian ot the persons and estate of
Clara Kverdina llsxter and Clark llax
ter, minora, in the county court of
Multnomah county, statu ol Oregon,
1 30-61
In the county court ol the State ol Or
egon, for the count'" of Crook.
In the matter ol the estate of Mary
Wilkins, deceased Citation.
To the heirs unknown ui Mary Wil
kins, deceaeed, greeting:
In the name of the state of Oregon,
you are hereby cited and required to
appear in the couuty court ol the state
oi Oregon lor the county of Crook at
the court room thereof, at Prineville,
in the county of Crook, on Monday, the
7th day ol April, 191.1, at 10 o'clock In
the forenoon of that day, then and
there to show cause, il any there he,
why an order should not be made by
this court authorizing the administra
tor of said estate to tell all the real
property of said deceaeed at private
sale as in the petition prayed (or.
Witness, the IIon.G. Springer, judge
ol the county court ol the state of Or
egon lor the county of Crook, with the
seal ol said court afllxed this 6th day
February, a, d., 11113.
2.6 Attest : Warhkh Bhown, CI rk.
. . K