Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 23, 1913, Image 5

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v. J
Dlsputo Arises Between Mexi
can and Indians; Battle
Is Expected. .
Cortes, Colo. Fifty t?ta Indiana, en
raged by killing of on of their
member by a Meitcan aherpherdar,
are off lha reaarvatlon, fortified In tba
111 mounlitliia In southweatern Colo
rado and defying th sheriff of Mont
luuia county and Indian Aaant Hpaar
to Ink from them Dig Rabbit, an In
dlirh who allot and aarloualy wounded
tha herder.
iMaruilued not to drllvar Iilg Rab
bit to tha county authurltlea, tha Vt
ara eiilm-ched In tha mountalna It
miles from hern, and hav dulled a
sheriff's poaaa of 100 men.
The Indian fortified their poaltlon
after they had left tha Vte reservation
In aouthern Colorado, and declare they
will fight tha white men to death
miner thun glv up nig Itablilt.
All ara armed with repeating rlflei
and ara snlil to lie amply aupplled with
The trouble with the I'tea atarted a
fi'W d.iya ko when Joacph Vlchel, a
Mexican hepherder, refuaed to allow
too lmllnn huntera to camp near bis
A tllKpute artiee, and tha herder, 0:
rurillng to hi atory, wna attacked by
the I'te. lie wn hut and aoiioualy
wounded, after be had killed ona of
hi aaaullant.
Secretary of War Act on Suggestion
of Attornty-Oenaral
Iliiffalo, N. Y. Acting undur order
of the war department, Coiupnny B,
of the Twenty ninth Infiuury. stnlloit
eil ut Kurt I'orler, took possession of
the railroad pier at the mouth of the
lltifrnlo river. Tba troop ramped on
the pier.
The government oontendM that tha
railroad occupied IS fwt froiitjiKS on
governitifiit hind and tin refused to
Wnnhlngton The fmlenil aoliller
Wer- ordi rt'd to take poHKi'alon of the
"North" pU-r al Itiiffulu by Bocrelary
of War Stitimoti at the reijuiat of At
torney (ii'iH-rul Wlckerahain. The gov-
rrnnunt hna doubted the I.ackawan
na rlitht to the property for aovcral
Conatantlnoplo. The government
ditililed to convene the nnllonnl aaaem
bly Tuesday to lake the Halkun altua
Hon under consideration.
A aerloua quarrel occurred recently
on the Turkish warship In tha Dar
dimellc between offtoers who were
anxious to fight the Greek and other
who considered that the Turklah fleet
wna no match for the enemy. ' Blow
were exchanged and before the quarrel
wua aettled IS officer were wounded.
Trouble haa arlaen through the cir
culation of a manifesto algned "Tha
Women of Turkey." augKeatlng that
the fort should (Ink the Turklah war
ehlpe, whoae poor-spirited officer al
way fled at the approach of tha Greek
Iondon. The I'orte'a decision to
call a national assembly Tueaday to
take under ndvlacment the Ilulkan alt
nation prohuhly heralds further con
cessions on the part of Turkey con
cessions which could not be yielded
by Hi" cabinet without risking Its full.
In any case tha Balkan delegates In
London do not bolleve tho Porte's re
ply to tho Joint note of the powers will
bo such a flat refusal a was fore
shadowed from ConHtnntlnople.
Empire Builder to Be Asked About
Bank Consolidation
St. Paul, Minn. The testimony of
James J. Hill Is desired by tho house
money trust investigating committee,
ami the railroad builder will appear
before the I'ujo body In Washington.
Hill said that he Is perfectly willing to
testify before the congressional com
mittee. It la understood the committee haa
requested Hill's testimony, and that
January 24 had boon Bet as the testa
tlve data of his pppoarnnce.
Aocordlng to the Washington spe
cial, the testimony of II 111 Is sought
by the Investigation committee In con
nection with the consolidation of the
"first and second" national banks of
St. Paul, and the election of Duluth
and Minneapolis bankers' on the di
rectorate. 1 .
Irish Horn Rule BUI Up to Lord
London. Passed by the house of
commons by the usual government
majority of 110 votes, the Irish horn
rule bill Is awaiting Its second reading
In the house of lords,
tui unnsFMiN.
nnnietliiie burm-a are affeeled
Willi linllii-liiii stirj dlulnca.
flie result of almidliig Idle In Ilia
ntiilHe. The remedy la to luru the
ulTiN'ted animal out tu aierclaa
and atilMtltute whole out and
brun for torn.
It la iieiialve rareleaanea lo
lilti b a warm bora Inadequate
ly iirotertrd from raw wind or
drlrxlliig ralu. Illauket him
when you bltcb.
Tha atallloD that I worked
regularly every day will get tha
moat and beat colt.
Any iuiu wbo will alrlk a
hone In tba bead abould uever
be allowed to touch ona again.
If (Kwalbla plan for dry bos
Mall with dirt floor In wblcb
lo winter tba colt, lfthlalalrn
poeallile keep the atull well bed-ib-d
and clean to prevent iccl-Ji-iiia
from illpplug.
I'll k out a air wltb a good die-
A position. Never ralaa a colt from
J a naturally vlrlnua tempered
2 mure. I'erullarltlea of dlapoal
T (ton ara alinoat Invariably Iran-
X lull led.
Careful Msnsgamant Required to Mak
Tham Return a Profit,
Many aiuall farmer buy full plga
and full to uiake litem do well, but do
nl know the reaeou. write J. Brown
lu Oriinire Judd Farmer. Kill pig
will Hot w inter well and mak a good
pmllt mile aeveral rentrlrtloua are
carefully aulimltted to. Klrat make or
nmui'tuoiita to let them have acces to
out of doora whenever they are dis
poned to go out. I'li: hut tip Indoor
laugulah. They want to ma out when
to wi'iither la aevere. even If they re
turn at once aoine days. Bwlne carry
ao much of a coating of fat that they
Will aland more cold than many sup
I'retiuently tho kind benrted
nniier i-loaea the door and flpeol
pitta to ri tin growing. Hut they re
tun". The tiirjrcr the pit; when aerere
weather conies on the better they will
do. Of course If you live where the
climate la mild thl doca not aply.
Il-.t nil young nnluial mut have plen
ty rf rxert-lae.
rVeoml. do not let them work or He
In hen I Hit; immure. The warmth ap
leali to them, They aHnd loo much
time lu It and then runh Into the Cold.
is if -
The Poland Chin he la consld.
em! the lili-nl of the lord type. The
Individuals are broad backed, low,
and dross a hlah rr cent of msr
koiable meat. I'rlor to ls;0 tho Po
laml Ciiinaa averaged lamer than
now and were Inclined to coarao
ncae. Bine then they hav been
Improved and In recent years hav
been gruwing In popularity. Thsy
are aulld black In color with while
only to bo attacked by lung nnd other
kindred, trouble. The rootlug over
of ii'iiniire lu aummer will not hnrm.
til v- plenty of bedding and a aiecpiug
room where draft cannot blow over
them, and let It I dry. Dampness Is
detrimental to awlne auy time, but es
pecially so in winter.
ThlnL-MlIk la likely to be scarce In
tiii,.p h n,l for this renaon many per
-ma nra not sltuntml rluht to take 00
young pigs. They need milk because
they are youug and all the more do
ouuae the weather la trying to diges
tion. Person wltb young wlne that
do not grow forget some of these
thing. A hot slop (not too hot) winter
mornings I relished ny an nog aim
seems needful where the pigs aro mak
ing their first growth.
l-'oiirth. Constipation, that enemy of
nil iiiiliiinla. U more than likely to nt-
tuck pigs that are deprived or green
food nnd under stress because or any
lin k of nutrition. It must be guarded
against tilve fruit, vegetables, sods,
brunches of npp'o trees, brail, uiiit
dllnpi. molasses und small doses of
wood ashes.
Hog Cholera Serum,
rnar Mav It. I,. Miller of Mny-
ettn. Knn., bought 4110 bond of 100
nmii, ,1 shntea nt Kaunas City ynrds nt
a time wheu Ills hogs nt borne were
suffering from so culled hog cholera
A the rciTulntlons tor Interstate snip
inoiit i quire, these shotus were dipped
u tui vuecliinted. When brought home
they were turned In with the sick nera,
tvl.lch wna then vaccinated also, A
few of the sick hogs died, but not one
of the sholes. nnd of course Mr. Miller
Is a firm believer In the serum treat
ment. Kansas Knrmer.
Saving at tha 8piflot.
RlTfv oue ner cent of the stallions In
use in the middle west are grades nud
many of them are scrubs. These ani
mals are only Itcnt In business by tbe
Imv service fees. Saying $5 or $10 on
the service fee nnd losing $75 or $100
on the colt Is , making money uses
wr.rd. Slop For Hogs.
One of the things oecessnry to con
shier as Important Is to be sure tbnt
tho boga must he made to drink plenty
of wtiler In winter, and, lu order to do
tb!s, n part of tbelr feed should be
III "en aa slop,
Obaeiv That Pelnta and Oat tha Bast
Raaults From Your Labor.
The basic point about a alio I that It
uiunt b an air tight receplucla. A ce
ment alio eliould alwaya lie pitched
wltb tar or pulaled on the Inalde with
tome air tight material before filling.
Tha ole reaauu for bullillug tho alio
I that It I the mot economical way
jf atorlug a iitn-ulent feed. W can
tore three time much dry matter
In a alio er wp-iar foot aa wa can In a
Tba theory of allnge I that augar.
protein, etc., turn to lactic acid by
fermautatlon. Heat I generated, from
100 to HZ degree, wblcb kill off all
germ Ufa, or, rather, the germ life kill
off Iteelf. Tba longer thl beat I main
tained tb better the illag. Around
the eutalde tb temerature la frequent
ly low. Cypres, redwood and cement
allow a Utile abnorptlon, dry allage a
little on the outalde and provide fer
Forty potinde per cubic foot la aliotit
the right weight for allugc It la prac
tically uniform all the way down.
The moat cxpemdve place to build a
alio I Inalde a barn. It muy be do
Imbte for convenience, however, but
it tn lea up valuable pac that can be
uwd for atorlug grain or ihelterlug an
imal. Kllnge must be cut flno. The finer It
h cut the better It will pack and the
better It will lie. A qunrli-r of an Inch
la about the right length, and a half
lie h la the limit at wblcb (Huge ought
to be cut. What you loae lu cutting
you gulu lu Inlwr In the pit.-Farm
Direction For Making Self Feeding
Hopp.r That Work. Well.
A ac!f feeding bopr may bo made
from a box purvhnw-U at the grocery
atore. A box alxleen Inchea deep, two
fwt wide and two and oue-lmlf feet
long will wake a very good hopper.
The lutti'lit of the Imx abould form
the buck of the hopper.
The top of the box abould lie fas
tened Willi hinge to form a lid. The
top of the box abould I hi removed and rciniNo imI p.
IFrora Iowa Homestead.
Quilled' luv.anl ao as to leave s nar
row space at the Iwttom for tho mush
to ruu out The end of the Ikix
should be sawed to ault the slantlug
The lower side of the box should be
fixed to bold the mash by nulling lucb
piece around the edge. The box can
be flllod with the uiaah. giving the
chickens a chance to eat wnni tuey
dealro. This will prove beneficial In
tbe laying aeasoiu Iowa Homestead.
"And Cod snld unto thcin. Be ?
fruitful, and multiply, aud re-
plenlsh the earth, and subline It." Z
"We have multiplied, but the J
earth has subdued us," says Dr. 1
Cyril G. Hopkins of Illinois. $
"Three thlnirs are necessary 2!
for the most profitable Improve
ment and preservation of our
imlanil m-alrle and timber soils
limestone, organic matter and
phosphorus." Country Gentle-
Dont Forgst the Farm Glrla.
Do not forget the girls wheu the re
turns for the crops and animals are to
bo distributed among members of the
family. The boys mny have tolled In
tho fields nud lu the bams, and their
work mny merit special reward. lie
wnni them and thus encourage them
to undertake more next year. But do
not forgot the girls who have made It
posslblo for you nnd tholr brothers to
labor. They have botuo tho hent of
summer around the kitchen range;
they have endured the drudgery of the
weekly laundry; the choice preserves,
pickles, canned fruits, etc., are a result
of their labor. Farm aud Hunch.
Test Yur Sd Cornl"
"Test your seed corn" ns a slogan for
every corn growing state In the Union
would not ba a bud one.
Do not trust to the other fellow, to do
the testing. Do it yourself. The ger
mination box Is the most convenient
place to ascertain tho bad from the
good seed. When possible use seed
testing 00 per cent or better. Aud then
if the seed dues not grow look to soil
nnd seasonal causes for the poor stand.
A good stund of good corn means good
profit. Farm nud Fireside.
Baok Him Up.
Here Is a scheme that makes the
work of loading hogs easy. When one
will not go up into the chute but turns
back, just slip a bushal basket over
his head. He will Btart backing to
get the basket oft bla head. Follow
blra up and you can steer hluwup the
chute and Into tbe wagon like a wheel
barrow. Farm and Fireside.
Oaear llammeratein. London:
I hava quarrvivd with Alpiionao, tha eat
la daad. and the alova tiaa g ma out
Iiahlnd the cablegram printed above
la tb atory told by a theatrical writer
a typical atory of bumao life.
Every year Oacar Uarumeretelo used
to go to Europe, looking for song bird
for bl opera.
la I'arl b beard Buzanna Domas
oll, famoua French aoprano, and
aid to bar, "I want yoo." lo addi
tion to buying ber releaee from ber
manager be offered a big salary.
Bbruggluf, bar shoulder, DumeaDll
"Leave my ao dear Paris? Nevalrel
Wby abould 1 leave my Alpbouse, who
love me; my cat. that I ador, and my
good, warm Uttl stov7"
Why Indeed T
There are other tblng In life ald
from dollar. And Dumesull knew
tbal very welL
And yet
Hlx month uter tb soprano w
swaying audience In grand opera.
London. Aod the discriminating said
they could detect In the wonderful
vole a new uudertoue of sadness.
Ah. met
Alpbonae had proved fulse. sud tbe
eat wa dead, and tb little stove wa
Wbat wa It somebody said when be
Brat beard Jenny I.lnd? "Ilreak ber
heart and sbe will sing divinely.
Well, and somebody did break ber
It bi tbe way of tbe world
The way of dlalllualon.
When Alpbooae la true and the cat
purs on tbe heart b and the tire In tbe
little stove hurna brightly, then doe
life ahead look like a radiant morn
lug Hut
Cornea a day when the Ore la but
aahea, and there la no sweetheart true,
and the poor cat la dead. Tfir-mlruge
haa rlneo. The rlvera of Joy bare
lout their runnel In life desert place
Well, well:
It mny he that anme nww-t day Jule
will Oil the heart Hint Alpbonae left
empty, ntid another kitty will ling,
ami the Are In the little stove will
flame up again!
Maurtne Face Preparationa
Bold and guaranteed by Oliln, Wort
man & King, Portland, Oregon. Call
for a Free Facial Treatment at the
home 3f Mrs. ( I. C. Clay pool, local agent.
'I'botie orders promptly delivered. 12 12
On Improved. Producing
Large Loans a Specialty
Prineville, Oregon
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at Lakeview, Ore.
January 11th,
Not coal lands
Notice is hereby given that
Cora K. Davis
of Fife, Oregon, who on August 12th,
1H11, marie Homestead entry .rvo. (Wats
for the ej ela, nl sei, nej swj section
5, township 21 eoulli, range 22 east,
Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice of
intention to make final commutation
nroof to establish c'aim to the land
above described Jbefore Chas. A. Slier-
mail, i mien staiea i,omuii!ioiier, ai
Fife, Oregon, on the 2,'ith day of Feb
ruary, 11)13.
Claimant names as witnesses: O. I).
Hull, H. A. Davis, Mauley J. Lemons,
Charley Fry, all of Fife, Oregon.
1-23 A. W. Okton, Register.
If f p Lodge meets every Sat-
unlay night.
Strangers welcome.
Uko. Nonus, Ji. G.; Bert Barnes,
V. G. j T. L. Coon, Sec. ; C. B. HmwiD
dik, Trreas.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice la hereby given by the tin
dorslgned, the administrator of the
estnte of Larktn Weaver,' deceased,
to the creditors of said estate and
all peraonB having claims against
tbe same to present such claiiim to
tbe unileiKlgned at tbe otlice of M. R.
KUlott in Prineville, Oregon, within
six months from the first publlca
tlon of tills notice.
Dated this 23rd clay of Jan., 1913.
David Wkavkr,
Ar1ml"'trator of the estate ot
Larkiu Weaver, deceased.
Call for Warrants
Notice is hereby given that all Scalp
Bounty Warrants up to and including
No. 21. will be paid on presentation at
my olltce. Interest stops after this
. Dated this 8th day of January, 1913.
It. L. Jordan,
County treasurer.
Doctors Use This for Eczema
TV. ?ran. E-f mnmlealmier of Health,
aaya: " hore la almoat no relation be
twnaa akin dlo.a and tli Mool." The
aklo, muat be cured through tha akin.
Tha forma must be waahod out, and ao
salve have long awn bn found worth
Rfl. The moot S'!vanr-1 phj-aflana of
thlaeountry aronow aro4 on thl. and
ara prescribing a waiiii of wintergroftn.
thymol and othr Ingrodlenta for ocuma
and all other akin dlamoea. Thl com
pound la known aa V.UJj. praaciiptlon
(or Jfesoaia.
Tbe Winnek
Statement of
Crook County
Not ember 26,112
0rdi af
Hiuikli g House
Casb Sud , Simia.
. tl.7I.J4
, is.(Jl.:6
W. A. Booth, Pros.
D. r. straw a kt, Vloe-Prea.
L. A. Booth, AatiatantCasbler
The reeorila show a clear title to your property? Tbe
records fuller to show correct title In a sale made tbla
week by a leading real estate company. RESULT Long
dely and poaellile Ion. Better let the Pioneer Abstract
. -, Company look after your Intrrentn.
, (Member Oregon Association of Title Men)
D. P. Adamson & Co.,
For Drugs, Patent Medicines, Chemicals
Lowney's Candies, Ice Cream Soda, Sta
tionery and Prescriptions see
D. P. Adamson & Co.
You Should Employ This Symbol
When Traveling
Between Central Oregon and Portland, because
Between Portland, Tacoma and Seattle, because
of the splentddly equipped trains Steel Flyer,
Owl, Puget Sound Express and Shasta Limited
Train DeLuxe.
Between Oregon and the East, because of three
solid trains daily in each direction O-W. Limit
ed and Portland & Puget Sound Express to Den-
ver, Umaha, Chicago, Kansas uty ana an points
East ; and the Soo-Spokane Train De Luxe to
St. Paul and Minneapolis.
I'ts a pleasant duty to, answer questions
H. BAUKOL, Agent, Redmond, Or.
Loaves Redmond 7:15 A M.
Direct Connection for
Limited T r a in s t o
And A 1 Points East and South
via the North Bank Road, Northern Pacific and Great NortherB
Fares, Schedules and Details Will be Supplied on Request
Traffic Manager,
The Journal : All
Dr. Holmes, tha well known skin pe
claliat writes: -I am convinced that taa
b.Li.Li. I-reacrlptlon la aa much a spocine
for ecxema. aa. quinine for malaria. 1
hav been prescribing tha D.D.U. remedy
for rn" It will uk away tb lick
the Instant you apply It.
In fact, w ara o sura of what DlD n.
will do for you that wa will b (kl
to let you hav a tl bottl on eor goa
antoa that It will cost yon nothing tie
leva you find that It dooa tbe work.
I IsbJilUs
Capital paid In full
Hurplus ,
t'ndlvlded proflU
w was
C M. ELKiaa.Cubbar
Arrives Portland 5:30 PM.
Redmond, .Ore
the County News.