t NEWS FROM OUR NATIONAL CAPITAL House Bill Would Permit Farm ers to Borrow From Gov eminent. Washington. A national fur in loan bureau, io luaii money on Improved Turin to bom fl1 tillers of the (oil only, at not to etceed 4V per cant Interest auil conducted under Ilia con trol or tha secretary of tha treasury, la tha object ot a bill lutroduced by Heprrsentatlve llathrlck. Tha bureau would ba In charge of a commissioner t ItiOOO a yaar, an aselelaul at I4UOO, and otbar employee uoressary. A farmer dealrlng a loan on hla lrotrty would, If tha measure becitma a law, ba abla to barrow 60 par cent of tha appraised valua of tha placa at 1 4 pur cant Interest. Loom will only ba niado on farma having at least one-half of tha total acreage under cultivation. delude Camblna Ships From Canal. Charging that tha "shipping trust" la planning to monopollia 1'anaina ca nal tradn, Itepreseiilntlva Huinpbray of Washington Introduced bill to exclude from tha water all ahlpa which ar purtlaa to foreign or domestic combliisa, poola or "conferences." "Tha evidence already adduced at tha 'ateamalilp truat' Investigation haa demonstrated that a foreign combine la icullly of every charge made agalnat them,' aald Hepreseutallva Humphrey. "They fix ratea by agreement and di everything human Ingenuity can da viae to monopollia trade aud allfla competition." Wtitarn Ssnatora Sand Wllaon Latter Senator Chamberlain, l'erky. My era, Sewlanda, Aahurat, and Bmllh for warded to Coventor Wllaon at Tren ton, a Joint letter urging him to ap point a western man ae aocrotary of the Interior, and aaklng that ha ap point either Governor llawloy, of Ida bo, (lovrrnor Norrla, of Montnna, Jo seph N. Teal, of rortlutul, or Clny Tall tnnn, of Nevada. Borah Commends Policy of Wllaon. Konntor llonili. of Idaho, haa written Governor Wllaon, congratulating blrn upon hla stand on the conservation question, aa aet forth In hla recent speech at Chicago, and promising Mm bla hearty cooperation In auy effort the next administration may inuke to weed out the vagnrlea that hnre made coimrrvatlon objectionable to tha west mid to aubatltuta a prnot'eal conservn tloti Unit will aid In the development of the public land stale. Hemitor Boruh aubmlta a new propo , altlon, and asks tho co-operation of the presidentelect In securing the adopilon of a policy whereby the Uni ted Htntea government will In the fu ture reclaim the desert landa of the weat, and turn them over to home- aeekera without coat. ' National Capital Brevltlea Tho compromlae Hurdett-Ullllngham Immigration bill, Including the Illiter acy teat for ullena, waa panned by the houae. A garrlaon of 25.000 men will be neceaaury to guard the Panama Canal, Colonel Uoethala told tha home naval affalra committee. Federal prisoner having aerved IS year ot life aentencea will hereafter be llglble for parole, If I'realdnnt Tnft aiglia me law pneeeu uy luv ivitma. Retirement with pay In tha llfeaav- Ing aervtca would ba provided by a bill passed In tha aanate. After SO year aervlca offlcera and men might retire ut 73 per cent ot their present salary, William Rockefeller, the Standard Oil magnate, la not too III to teatlfy briefly before the houae committee In veatlgatlug the money truHt, according to Dr. Illr.hardaon, the medical expert aent to Miami, Kin., to examine the1 millionaire. Ilcurlngs on tariff revision will con tluuo before the house way and menu committee this week. The principal -achedulea to be taken up are those relating to agricultural prod ucts and provisions, cotton munufnc tures. flax, hemp and Jute, and nmnu fucturea. v The progress of aviation In the Unl ted Blates received an Impetua when the senate passed a bill Indorsing President Taft'a appointment of commission to consider the establish ment ot a national aero-dynamlcnl la boratory and appropriating $5000 for the work of the commission. Dr. F. P. Fried mann's serum cure tor tuberculoid waa the subject of a long report by Consul General Thack- ara nt Berlin, sent to congress by President Tart. Thacknra said 1118 persons have been treated and while the cure haa not yet been accepted by the medical profession, the results warrant the attention of congress. - Charges that Secretary Fisher at tempted to coerce Osage Indians Into leasing valuable oil fields to the Stan dard Oil company and counter charge by tha seoretary that the Uncle Sam Oil company attempted to acquire the fields, under circumstances which were threatening proceedings by Attorney-General Wlckersham, were air ed before the house committee oa In dian affairs. luther Mccarty i7 .. i.: .1 Phnlo by American Ira AMoelallua. Luthar MoCarty, who la new whit heavyweight champion prlxa fighter of tha world. Brief News of the week The equal auffrag constitutional amendment carried In tha senate of Houlli Dakota with only two opposing votes, , Women were excluded from prac ticing law at tha British bar by an overwhelming vote of the bar aaaocla- tlon at Ha annual meeting In London. New York'a legislature went on rec ord aa favoring tb proposed amend ment to the federal constitution pro viding election of United Btatea sena tor by th people. Thousauda of women may have to wait for their aprlng shirtwaists, man ufneturera any, unlesa nearly 40.000 shlrtwulst makers, who struck, ar quickly brought to terms. A conference of progressives of Wis consin, Michigan, Minnesota and tb Unkotiis la to be held In St. Paul, with former Senator Albert J. Boverldge of ludiuna aa the cblet speaker. Tuesday waa the one hundredth an niversary ot the birth ot John C. Fre mont, soldier, explorer, governor of California and Arliona and first candi dal of tha republican party for presi dent ot the United Slates. Oregon progressives ar busily en- gnged In an endeavor to prevent tha confirmation (a the United State sen ata of Thomas McCusker for post mas ter at Portland, a 16000 a year posi tion. McCusker waa La Follette'a Oregon campaign manager. A flood of petitions for damages through the loaa of the steamer Titan ic filed In New York, Includes on from Mrs. Irene Wallacb Harris, who Claims $1,000,000 for the loss ot her husband, Henry D. Harris, theatrical manager. Tbla la the heaviest of tha 279 clalma filed ao far. It I learned from an authoritative source In New York that the Union Pacific railroad company plana to take over th Ceutral Pacific railroad com pany by lease from th Southern Pa olflo company, and thla way meet tha requirement Imposed by the supreme court In lta decree ordering th disso lution ot tha Union and Southern Pa cific, People In the News The third trial ot Dr. B. C. Hyde for the alleged murder of Colouel Thomaa Swope, millionaire uncle of Mrs. Hyde, started at Kansas City. Former Congressman Edward C Burleigh, republican, wag elected Uni ted States senator by the Maine legis lature In joint convention. Bessie McCoy, the "Yama Yama Olrl," la returning to the stage, despite the objections of her novelist hus band, Richard f larding Davis, to whom she was married a few months ago. Governor Sulxer of Now York par doned Koike K. Brandt, former valet of Mortimer T. Schlff, the New York banker, on the ground that Brandt's sentence of 30 years for burglary was excessive. Edward W, Myllus, the French jour nalist detained at New York, waa or dered deported by Secretary Nagel, on the ground thut In libeling King George V of England, he had commit ted a crime Involving moral turpitude. Clprano Castro, the "atormy petrel" of Central American politics, was de nied freedom on bull pending the de cision of hia appeal to the secrttar' ot commercs and labor from the deci sion ot tho EIHb Island board wlilc'.i denied him admission to thla country. Samuel Hill, president of the Home Telephone & Telegraph company! c' Portland, has filed with the attorney general of the United States evidence which he considers sufficient to war rant an Investigation ot the American Telephone & Telegraph company, which controls the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company In thla territory. OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERALINTEREST Events Occurring Throughout the State During the Past Week. Life Craw Ar Laudtd Astoria. Captaia J. H. Qulnan, In- apector of tb Llfesavlng Revenue Cut ter aervlca, baa completed hla official Inveallgatlop of the wreck of tb ateamer Roaecrana, and tb clreum atancea attending the loaa of tha pow er llfeboata, tb "Tenacloue." of Cap Disappointment," and tb "Dread Bought," of Point Adams. II find no blam attached to either crew In the matter, and apeaka In tha blgheat term of the work dona ! their attempt to save the survivors) of the wreck. Joaaphln Poultry Show Succa Grauta Paaa. Th Josephine Coun ty Poultry aanoclatlon haa Just con cluded tha moat remarkable exhibition of blue-blooded fowls ever held here. Visitor and poultry-ralaera acknowl edge that thla waa tha beat ahow bald In Crania Paaa alnc the organization of the association. Numcrou prlxe were awarded. BUILDING REPORT IS MADE. Statua of State Work Described by Offlear Salem. Report ot th progress made on the various public buildings ot tha ata'e la in th handa of th slate printer being prepared for eub mlaalon to th legislative assembly. Th public building commissioners, consisting ot th governor, ecretary of slate, and slate treasurer, report the general progress mad on tb atat projects, command th policy of em ploying a state architect and strongly praise tha work of W. C. Knighton, atat architect, in the past two years. Thla report refers to tha new East ern Oregon Insane hospital aa tha beat and most modern plant of lta kind west of Chicago. In noting the progress made on tha new supreme court and stule library, now neurlng completion, just eaat of the capltol, It la shown that the board haa looked to the future and haa pro vided for tha Inevitable enlargement ot these departments, but that addi tional appropriation will be needed for completion. Mr. Kulghton'a estimatea ahow that the girl's dormitory at the feeble mind ed institute will require an additional appropriation of $4146.911, and also seta out In detail the expenditures ot the state funds on the new Insane hospi tal, By this, tha buildings and equip ment coat the atate $437,881.05, and the land Including litigation and Im provements $75,806.36. H. M. Crooks la Honored Albany. In recognition and celebra tion of hia success In obtaining a $250, 000 endowment fund for Albany col lege, H. M. Crooks, president of tha college, waa tha guest ot honor at a banquet given by the Albany Commer cial club In th banquet-room of tb Firs; Presbyterian church. Almost 200 persons attended the banquet STUMP TESTS TO BE MADE Forest 8arvlce to Conaarv Wealth From Wood Wast Portland. Tha United Statea forest service. In co-operation with various local Interests, la planning to make an Investigation ot the merlta ot wood distillation aa a means toward reduc ing the cost of clearing logged-off landa and creating a revenue from the wood waste on tlmberland and In saw mills. The government haa appropria ted $5000 tor thla work and expecta to show conclusively the adaptability ot Douglas fir for yielding the various products ot distillation. The plan la to obtain a quantity ot atumpwood from a characteristic sec tion ot logged-off land along tha Co lumbia river and also In the vicinity ot Tacoma, Wash., since these regions represent the two distinct boII forma tions of the Douglas fir belt This atumpwood will be distilled In the re torts ot the Oregon Wood Distilling company near Ltnnton, and an exact record kept of the yield of tho prod ucts ot distillation, such aa turpentine, tar oils, tar, pyrollgneoua acid and charcoal. Employe Agricultural Teacher MoMlnnvllle, J. C. Glbbs, of the Oregon Agricultural college at Corrnl 11s, haa been obtained aa Instructor In agriculture In the McMlnnvllle schools, McMlnnvllle la among the first towns la the state to Incorporate agriculture In the school curriculum. Nyaaa Ha Cheese Plant Nyssa, Newberg men are starting a cheese faotory here. A commodious brick building which waa erected in 1910 and used for a time aa a crau ery haa been secured and will be put Into Immediate service. Milk from S00 cows baa been promised. BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON Baseball fans In Yamhill, Washing ton and Polk counties are planning to form a tri-county baseball league. Logging oporatlone In tb Lower Co luinbla river district ar tied up aa result of tb snow. Mr. Sarah J. Grant, on ot th pio neer of Polk county, died at her bom In King Valley at tb age ot 86 yara Representative llawlay baa recora mmded the appointment ot F. B Bouthwlck aa postmaster at Salem U auccaed Squire Farrow. Frank W. Osburn, 60 years old, a prominent cltlien and banker of Eu ; gen, died at bis horn there aftei several months' Illness ot paralysis. W. McCormack ot Eugene, with the percentage of .9M1 ranks aa the top; notch amateur trap shooter of th atat of Oregon for the season of 112, Governor West haa granted a stay of execution In the case of Bob Mor gan, who waa to have been hanged for tb murder of Miss Vlrgl Hart at Condon on October 17. At a rate of 200 a month letters are pouring In on the Portland commercial club from people who want to learn more about Oregon and who contem plate building homes here. C. W. McNear A Co., of Chicago, have purchased the $300,000 bond Is sue of the Port of Coo Bay commis sion for $289,975. The money la to be used In harbor Improvements. Governor West and all the members of the legislature were Invited by Sam uel Hill to be hla guest at bla expense on a visit to Maryhlll, Wash., to in spect bis seven varieties of good roads. Judge Woods of Huntington, de posed by Governor West and twice re jected on petition tor reinstatement by the county court la back on the job aa a result of th election last No vember. Astoria la planning suitable memen tos for each member of tb life-saving crews tor services rendered at the wreck of the Roaecrana and on various occasions when life and property was In danger. " , ' When the democratic presidential electors met at Salem to cast the un anlmoua ballot for Wilson and Mar aliall, Hugh McLaln of Coos county, waa delegated to convey the official vote to Washington. Senator-elect Lane haa tiled his final statement ot campaign expenses with the secretary ot the aenate, showing that $887.89 waa contributed to hia campaign fund and bla expenditures aggregated $922.89. With the conferring of the thirty second degree on forty-aeven candi dates, th twenty-seventh semi-annual reunion of the Scottish Rite bodies ot Oregon came to an end In Portland. Over 500 of the higher degree Masons were present at the ceremony. A coyote With two tails la the latest animal freak to be discovered in Uma tilla county. Chris Stannutl, a prom inent farmer of Coe, killed the animal with th double caudal appendage and brought tha pelt with the two tails attached to the county clerk to collect the bounty. John Torgersen, wanted at Vina, CaL, for the murder ot James Miller, while shooting up a store and saloon, la under arrest at Roseburc. Tomer- sen confesses to having burglarised ; four poatofflces, three railroad sta tions and eight stores In southern Ore gon between December 27 and January $. For attempting to aave Ray S. Ut ter, a machinist, from burning at Hood River on May 18, 1910, Ernest E. Bog gess ot that city haa been announced as one ot the winners In the Carnegie fund distribution. Mr. Boggess waa awarded a bronze hero medal $425 disablement benefits and $100(1 aa needed. I For the first time tn ten years an election was held Monday In the town ot Clatsop, Clatsop county, In which five trustees, a recorder and marshal were elected. Outside ot Portland, Clatsop probably covera more ground than any city In the state, the town limits extending from Seaside to War ronton. President Taft has sent to the aen ate the list ot Oregon nominations prepared and endorsed by Ralph Will iams, national committeeman. Among them are John H. Burgard to be col lector of customs at Portland; Thomas McCusker postmaster, and E. C. Klrk patrick, United Statea marshal, and L. H. Arnson, receiver, Th Dalles land office. It la understood that the proposition of Coos Bay to place $150,000 at the disposal ot the government to assist In the work ot enlarging Miner harbor haa been accepted by the board ot ar my engineers. The board of army en gineers haa concluded to redommend practically everything aaked for tha Improvement of Cooa Bay by the dele gation from Marshtleld. Forest rangers ot the Shasta, Kla math, u::'..iyou and Crater National forests, In northern California, and southern Oregon, hav been summon ed to a convention to be held at Med ford, February 18 to 21. Tha conven tion Is not an annual affair, but one of several that have bean held period ically to discuss new ways and Idea of fighting Urea, building trail and telephone lines, and tb Ilk, Express and Passenger Stage Line Three hour between Redmond and Prlnevllle, tare $1.50. Airent tor Nurtehru. Gt. Northern and Amrrk-an Expree Co. Olll.-e open from 7 .. m to S p. mi.; Wundiiy 9 to 1 M. Office at Pioneer Cream wo. 12-19 Jourdan & Son Just Opened : Livery Feed and Sale Stable In Comctt Stage Barn Prineville, ..... Oregon Special attention given to the traveling Public Hay 25c a day per head. Give us a calL White Just Caught! Our Fish haa the flavor of the briny it is right fresh from the wa ter. We receive large consignments daily, and can supply all our patrons with the very beat quality at reasonable prices. We do not keep any fish around the store. If it is not fresh and sweet we would not offer it to a cuatomer. City Meat Market Any time any whiskey tastes so rough and strong it makes you shake your head and say "bur-r" let it alone. Never put anything into your stomach your palate rejects. That's why nature gave you a palate. Try the New Cyrus Noble the numbered bottle "th soul of the grabs." W. J. Van Schuyver & Company, Agent8,Portland . The Oregon Bar At the Old Stand G.W.Waey&Co.,Prps All kinds of Choice Liquors Wines and Cigars. Famous Ranier Beer in Bottles and on Draft Fruit Trees! Ji i Central Oregon Grown The, only kind you can afford to plant. ILLUSTRATED -TALOGUE FREE. .Write for one. Prices low enough to surprise you. i ' Lafollette Nursery Co. Prineville, 6 8 Oregon Are YOU taking the Journal ? & Mackey, Props. r " RECEPTION Champ Smith, Propr Imported and Domestic Cigars Famous Whiskies Old Crow, Hermitage; Red Top Rye; Yellow Stone; Canadian Club; Cream Rye; James E. Pepper, Moore's Malt Porter, Ale and Olympia Draft Beer on Tap. 5 Imported Wines tj Liquors. and For Sale or Trade. One full blood Poland-China tioar. will trade for a brood sow. C. Rob erts, Post, Ore. 12-26 lm