LOCAL MENTION LOCAL MENTION. r, Judge Sprinjror returned Sunday evening from his trip to Portland. W. L. Coshow, of Silver Lake, father of Price Coshow, is here on a visit. Lester Hall and Mary Christian of Fife were married last week by Rev. Bailey. A. L. Thomas was brought over from Bend last week and lodged in the county jail charged with beat ing his wife. Miss Knox has retired from the firm of Lakin & Knox. Her health has necessitated a change of climate and occupation. The ladies of the Annex will (rive a 500 pwty next Wednesday even ing at the club rooms. Be on hand promptly at 8 o'clock. The ladies of the Presbyterian church will have a window sale of home cooking at Jordan & Co.'s on Saturday, January 25. The members of the Christian church are requested to meet at the Union church Sunday at 2:30 p. m. Business of importance. The Christian church people are looking for their new pastor the first of March. Services will then be held regularly at the Union church. Married At the office of Justice of the Peace Kennedy at high noon today, S. Price and Bertha Bardy. The latter is a Portland woman and arrived in Prineville yesterday. The happy couple will leave tomorrow for their home on Camp creek. The Redmond Poultry Show was a great success. Prineville, Bend, Culver, Condon and other places carried away their share of prem iums. B. F. Wilhoit of Prineville got three first prizes, one second and one third. He made a clean sweep in single comb Brown Leg horns. T. M. Baldwin returned Tuesday evening from a trip to Portland in the interest of a railroad to Prine ville. An important meeting of the subscribers to the railroad fund is called for tomorrow evening at the Commercial Club at 7:30. It is urgent that all should attend. Be on hand. The meetings at the Methodist church are growing in attendance and interest. Rev. H. O. Perry, district superintendent, will preach each night this week and over Sun day. Sunday at 11 a. m. the Lord's Supper will be administered. Every body welcome. John E. Williams, pastor. The members of the Shumia Lit erary club were entertained Satur day afternoon by Mrs. Kayler. The following program was render ed: Art, Edwin Austin Abbey, Mrs. M. E. Brink; Social Purity, Mrs. J. H. Wigle; Shakespeare's Heroines, Mrs. G. N. Clifton; What of Shakespeare, Mrs. C. I. Winnek. Mrs. C. S. Edwards, accompanied by Mrs. Hodson, gave a violin solo, followed by a review of "The Win ter's Tale" by Mrs. C. W. Elkins. The program was concluded with a quartet by Mesdames Coe, Smith, Rosenberg and Miss Conway. Sheep Wanted. From 300 to 500 head of h:ep wanted. Address, giving full particulars, Crook County Joe inal, Prineville, Ore. 1-Zi Trappers. I mount all kinds of Specimens, make Rugs, Kobee and Coats out of Coyote, Cat, Horse and Cow hides. Coyote Robes for eale. I eell llammertley'e Animal Bait for Coyotes, Cats and Mink. JJy tanning formulas are wonderful. Complete instructions and formulas 1. Success guaranteed. Hakky Utlby, taxidermist and tanner, Lakeview, Ore gon. l-23-2tp You arejluvlted to attend the Iied raond Poultry Show and bring vour birds. 12-5 Write to the secretary of the Red mond Poultry Show for a premium list. Over one hundred prizes. 12 5 Call for County Warrants. Notice is hereby given that Ceneral Fund Warrants up to and including No. 147 will be paid upon presentation. In terest stops after this date. Dated this 16th day of January, 1913. It. h. JORDAN, County Treasurer, Crook Co., Ore. For Sale White Wyandotte Cockerels by I). P. Adamson, Prineville, Ore. 9-26 Small Gasoline ' Pumping En gine and Stock Pump At a bargain. Elkins. Inquire of Collins W, 11-14 Born January 21. to the wife of Ellsworth Curtis, a boy. Henry Payette of Suplee was in town this week for supplies. Alfred Moore of Deschutes and Ida Stuart of the McKay were mar ried January 15 by Rev. William. Sunday at the Presbyterian church Bible school, 10 a. m.; morning worship, 11; C. E., 6:30 p. m.; evening worship, 7:30. Mrs. S. E. Stevens returned to her homa in Prineville Tuesday, having spent two months in Sisters visiting at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. Wilson. Sisters Herald. Frank Coffman, who has been working for the Cove Power Co., was committed from Madras last week, charged with larceny by bailee. He will be held to the grand jury. C L. Roberts of Post is visiting his family in Prineville this week. Mr. Roberts is a man who believes in advertising. He had a place for sale and a small ad in the Journal turned the trick. Articles of incorporation were filed last Saturday by G. M. Cor nett, G. N. Clifton and C. B. Din- widdie to do a general merchandise business. Capital.stock $25,000, di vided into 250 shades of the par value of $100 each. The principal place of business is Prineville. Clyde L. Philliber, an old Prine ville boy, was married at Salem, January 16, to Miss Mata Klien. Mr. Philliber is connected with the Ladd & Tilton bank in Portland. The young couple will be at home to friends after February 15 at Lucretia Court, Portland. Charles O'Kelly pleaded guilty in justice court Monday morning to the charge of defacing a pub-: lie building, the same being the Johnson creek scboolhouse, and was assessed the minimum fine, $50, by Judge Kennedy. The fine was promptly paid. An overdose of firewater instigated thq assault on the building. Mrs. Linna B.'Wood, daughter of Mrs. M. A. Robinson, 'is in Prine ville on a visit to her mother. Mrs. Wood left Madras three years ago to carve out a home for herself in AiDerta, Canada. She took up a homestead and has increased her holdings to a section. She is now a full fledged farmer with cattle, horses, hogs, etc. She also has a general store and is postmistress of Nateby. If you want to make money, she says, go to Canada. Sheriff Elkins found Frank An derson, a farm hand, wandering around in the road a few miles from town the other day. The man's actions convinced the sheriff that something was wrong. He could give no coherent account of himself and did not know where he was go ing. Dr. Edwards was called in and after an examination Anderson was sent to Eugene to be taken care of by his mother. Pinehurst Items. The heaviest snow of the season fell here Friday, covering the ground to a depth of twelve inches. Fred McAllister, who has a home stead near here, returned from Washington last week. Pete McAllister, who is in busi ness in Portland, visited his mother, Mrs. A. McAllister last week. The farmers in this vicinity are taking advantage of the cold weath er to put up ice. Fine ice, twelve inches thick is being secured. Strayed or Stolen. One buckskin, or creain colored mare; lark mane and tail and a dark strip along the back ; light strip on the fore head ; branded 15 on the shoulder; weight about 1100 pounds; quite gentle; 3 years old. A reasonable reward will be paid for any Information leading; to its recovery. Chas. V. Swanson, Ash- wood; Oregon. 1-16 2p Horse Lost. iwo year oicl gtiumjr; dark gray; branded T on left shoulder; weight about 1000 pounds. Reward. Notify Walter S. Foster, Prineville. l-10-2t-p Horses for Sale Address R. V. Constable, Prineville Oregon. 1-2 Suplee Notes. There Is more snow tiers than tor year. There I about two (Vet on a level. Cora Wooloy, lio tins liven nick with tousllltls. Is able to lie out atraln. There have been severnl bids sent In ou the tnge line from Paulina to live. We hope to see the line In operattou again soon. ' Creamery Is about all you can hear. Keep the good talk going. Louie Miller made a trip to Prltie vlllv livst week. Our postmistress nays that tome of the parcel post packages are al most as large a she. They might not be very large then. What about tt, Anule. Henry Payette left tor Prineville Inst Monday. He Intends topur chase a roller feed mill tor S-necnl A Payette while In town. They Intend to operate the mill with their steam engine. Louie Miller purvlmwd a wimhIshw while In Prineville. If you want any wood It would be well to nee him. J. L. Smith lias Just butchered a flue lot of fat hog. Mrs. Porter Qtilun and little son, (.leruld, returned home from Paulina last Tuesday, where they had lieeu the guests ot her mother, Mrs. Cluu. Mc Ken ile. Hampton News. Hampton valley him more snow at present than for three years. In places It Is two feet deep, drifted three or four feet deep. The ther mometer rauges near xero at ulght. ltev. tteionn and daughter, Mrs. Lucy ll.i'kx, from Minnesota arrived here last Saturday and are building on their bomeoteads two ami three miles south of Hampton postotllce. Mrs. Hicks Is a mimic teacher. She Is accompanied by her small son, Gerald. Messrs. llurrteon and Black re- tlir.m.t f.,.. ...I lfl. I... !..!. Frlllay The the roads In bad condition on account of the snow. A T.' shaver's well drilling outfit finished a 172-foot well, with 30 ;fcel of water, for Mr! BrlcWey ou the lftl and as soon as the weather penults will move to Lee HlgH' homestead three miles uortheast of Hampton postotllce. Mr. Martin from Prlngle Flat wa a Hampton visitor last week. Win. Bennett Is rejoiced to have with him for a lengthy visit his two daughters, one of whom Is accom panied by her husband. L. (.'. Peek and family recently moved Into their new residence across from the store. Alvln Hunting Is In Bend on a business trip. Most of the settlers are kept busy at present providing wood and water. The hauling Is mostly done on sleds. The trucks and nutos from Bend are held up all along the road on ac count of the snow. Roberts Items. James Taylor and wife are quite sick at time of writing. Ed Gould made a trip to town last week. He Is expected home any day now. G. H. Nye gave a Uttlelnformal dance at bis home Tuesday evening. Mike Mayfield spent Thursday night and Friday with Ed Parker at his ranch on Big Bear creek. As usual Mike was there with his funny stories. Deputy Sheriff Kershnor Is feeding his stock at the home ranch. He says It keeps him pretty busy. The snowfall still continues. Every night sees a little more added to what we already have. If we cannot have rain to help our crop we can have snow any way. Everybody still feeding and some bringing In new stock from the range every day. The cattle that have been out during the past month show the bad effects of It very strongly. It Is predicted that there will be quite a loss this winter In range cattle. Columbus Johnson came out to his ranch Saturday for a few (lays. There was an entertainment und dance at the Fischer ranch Saturday night. Every one reports having a good time. For Sale. A registered Jersey bull "Prospect's Darling" (104381) 2i years old, sired by "Darling Lad." This bull bas so far been the sire of heifer calves only. The dam of this bull "L'harmaid's Pros pect" (220358 was s cow of remark able merit of over 2$ lbs of butter per day average. Also two registered bull calves 6 mo old ; will trade for farm labor in spring. Phone or write F. H. Siieewood, Redmond, Or. 116-2t Powell Butte Ooo. Ktslcr and wife welcomed a tine baby girl to their home last Wednesday. John Tengmnu took a load of grain to lU'iid last Thursday, re turning Friday, S. 1. Mustard and wife were Prlne vllle visitors Wednesday, Walter Foster and wife went to Prineville Tuesday for a few days' visit. Lelaud Casey Is loading another ear ol wheat for shipment to Port laud. K. A. Uussett visited with his fam ily lu Prineville Wednesday. Geo. L. llrssee sold a load ot flu stork bogs to Rediuouk parties last Thursday. Misses Gladys and llsiel Bayn re turned to Prineville Sunday after a short visit with home folks. J. P. Ioherty, ho has been visit- 1 lug Reeves Wtlcoxcu lor the past two weeks, weut to Redmond Sunday where he will have charge ol the geuts furnishings In the I-yucb. A Rots. rt department store. Allen Wllcoxcu went to Bend Satur day with a load of dresaed hogs. J K. Rice and wife entertained N. P. Alley, wife and family Sunday. . M civ In Foster Is sick with a gath erlng lu his ear. P. Paul and family came In from Nebraska Sunday. While the former was here last summer be bought the Bay ue homestead and Is now moving his family to their future home. All Powell Butte will regret the depart ure of the Baynswho are ploueer here. The Geo, Klssler road petition was up for division before the county court last week. I'pon reqiuwt of the board of c:unty road viewers It was carried over lor further con sideration. Porter and lennls Heath made a trip to the Horse Ridge country re cently, returning home Sunday. A. W. Ilayn went to the county seat Tuesday for a short visit with his daughters. Misses Gladys and 1 1 n z. l. ocia .Dance At Club Hall Saturday Evening. Jan'y 25 Come along and bring s friend yon will have a good time. Coffee snd cake served in the hall. Dance Tickets 7SCU POPULAR MECHANICS Popular Mechanics Magazine "Mmra SO VOU CAN UNDSMSTaNS IT" A GREAT Continued Story of the World's Progress which you may begin reading at any time, and which will hold your interest forever. 250 PAGES EACH MONTH S09 PICTURE! 200 ARTICLES OF 6ENERAL INTEREST The "Shop Nol.s" Department (20 ptlgm) Kivf eisy wnys to do tliiriKhow to make usctul articles lor home and shop, repairs, etc. "Amr.teur Mechanics" (10 pages) temhowto rmike Mission furnilure, wirelrH outfits, boats, engines, maic, and all the tilings a boy loves. $1.60 PER YEAR. SINSLE COPIES IS CENTS Ask your newsdealer, or wmirt ran r:t coev Tooav POPULAIt MECHANICS CO. a CHICAGO Application for (j razing Permits NOTICE la hereby iilven that sll ap plicants tor permits to graw' cattle, horses or heep within the lllCHCH UTKS NATIONAL PORKST during the tea son of 11113, muet be filed In my oflice at Kend, Oregon, on or before February 20, 19KI. Full information in regard to the grazing fees to be charged and blank forms to be used in making applications will be furnished upon request. M. MERKITT, Supervisor. 1-16 2 5-12 at Application for Crating Permits. NOTICE is hereby given that all ap plications for permits to graze cattle, horses and sheep within the OCHOCO NATIONAL FOREST during the sea son of 1913, must be filed in my ofl'ce at Prineville, Oregon, on or before Feb ruary 2S, 1!)13. Full information in re gard to the grazing fees to be charged and blank forms to be used in making applications will be furnished upon re quest. HOMER ROBS, Supervisor. 1-9-41 E Pioneer None Money Back if You Are Not Satisfied. Made at Home. Pioneer Cream Co. Agents DeLaval We can supply your needs in the Flour and Feed Line Prineville Farmers, don't fail of our Liberal Stewart wmmassMSMmm A. H. Lippman & Co. Manufacturer! of S ore Fixtures and all Better Class of House Work In Pine, Oak, Fir and Mahogany; solid or veneer. Prices Lower than Portland Sutwnant of Rtourct and LUb.litiM of The First National Bank Of Prineville, Oregon KKHtlll'JCKS I.UIIII.ITIKI Loam ul Discounts... fm,m OS capital Hlook, paid In (0,000 00 United Hiatal Bonds lajoo 00 Hurplas liin-l, arnd 60,010 00 Bank rremlsMto U,M0 13 Undivided proflla, oarnod 87.TJ4 AS Cash a bus from banks J10.WH 04 circulation a.floo 00 Dapoalls SHIi.oW S3 (.VII, 4 Jl 1) VM.iii It B. F. All... PraskUnt T. M. B.IJwla, Cashlar Will WurawaiUr, Vic. Pra.ld.nl H. Baldwin, Au'l Chlar I LUMBER THE HAMILTON STABLES H. WIGLE, PRINEVILLE, Stock boarded by the day, week or month at Reasonable rates. Remember us when in Prineville. Rates Reasonable. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent - : - Butter Better Separator. Flour Mills to lake advantage Exchange system & Carlson Home and Office Furniture Shingles, Mouldings, Windows, Doors, GIbbhoh, Etc Etc., Etc. SHIPP& PERRY PRINEVILLE, OREGON Proprietor OREGON T ! If ft.