Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 19, 1912, Image 4

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The Crook County Journal wishes
its many readers and friends a
Merry Christmas.
The Crook County High School
vacation will bogm net week. It
will close for two weeks.
Mosdaires Charles O'N'eil and K.
t a ),,. ,. ;;t ;t fri.m.i ;.i tvim-'
ville until after the holidays. J S. I. IViki a of 1 rair'o City is
Mr. and Mrs. Carey W. Foster ; visitinc his brother. Pr. H. l 1M
left Tuesday to sj en I the h. Ways , kml!' of thi ci:-v-with
friends in Tortland and Seattle, j The ladies of the Annex will et -
T. v ,. , , ,. . , .;n ! tertain at the clul rooms the after
The Methodist I-adus Aid wul ,
.... , v l-.:i. noon of New ear s Iuy.
meet in the church next rruiaj.j
Pec. 20, at 215 i. m. A full at- Ci,n ',u fw vas? lf -vou evt"
tendance is required. think -vou can J"ek Sumnww
-.,,,., , .-t v a'xuit it. It means dollars in your
The basket kill pune at l lul
ll!l .,,..,;. k.tu.v.n ti l101'1-
Ochoconiar.s and Alphas resulted in ! A larjre de'esration of Trineville :
a score of 43-20 in favor o" the . Msons visited the Redmond lod; e
Alphas. llast r'r'day night. They report a.
Rev. Root and wife, who have RiVh1 U:w-
been holdinc revival at' The children of the Methodist . ;
the Rantist church for the past rive ' ro"lr the csntata. "How;
u-W loff t.'-.v for their home in
Dayton, Wash.
Redmond has a new papei The
Enterprise. It would seem to a
man up a tree that Redmond was
prettv well supplied with papers be-,
fore the advent of the new one.
Dr. Edwards returned Saturday
from Portland where he accom
panied Mrs. Seth Rodman who un
derwent an operation for appendi
citis. She is getting along nicely.
White & Mackey have opened a
lew ana ue siaoie mine .ruen.
Mace Darn on rounn street, near
the electric light plant. They so -
, , , ,.
licit a share of the pubhe patronage.
H. B. Henley and W. W. Richard -
son of Portland, accompanied by
Frank Reader of the Portland
branch of the Oregon & Western
Colonization Co.. were in Prinevn e
Central Uregon Title & Trust Co. . IU",1J 11 nu,si neipim an.i m;ertst
The lvedmond Poultry Show has were filed Monday with County
been postponed until January 15. Clerk Brown. Capital stock $3000. i Prof. Ooe and his teachers had
16, 17 and IS. Remember the new Frineville will te the principal place made careful plans for this meeting
date. It will afford a fine oppor- 0f business. The incorporators are bit were disappointed that n ore
tunity to get inside facts on a grow-' A. R. Bowman, Hewitt Davenport parents did not attend.
ing industry' in Crook county.
Powell Butte Items
Allen Willcoxen returned home
from the ciunty seat Friday where
he had been serving on the jury for
the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Edwards
Vere business visitors to Redmond !
Leland Casey and mother were ;
transacting business with Redmond
merchants last Thursday. j
Geo. Beckman lost a valuable
Jersey cow laet week, the result of
overeating potatoes. This is the disposed and made the trip to as- j
second cow to die from the same : certain the progress made by their ' Mr. Thompson, of the Hotel Ore
cause here recently and the fact is ' classes in school so that they might g0n and Grill always remembers the
indisputable that the potatoes if i up with their studies during ;ittJe folks at Christmas time. He
eaten to excess will bloat and kill as
quickly as green alfalfa.
Geo. Morgan is building a bunga
low on his farm in the Upper Butte
X. P. Allen is doing the carpenter
work on the barn being erected on
the place recently leased by John S.
Sam Vaughn, the Prineville sheep, has established inter quarters
for I;
is fioek on the A. H. I:
in the
ar., is
w av
r-ad si:irv;sor. Ceo.
doing things Shoe days
i t :v.a.-ii!.g needed re-
the r :-,. :
a.t:re3 ns '
we will soon
di'c'i crossi:
have Iri.
.its. Tr
.3 a much .
ueecei trr.provetner.t avi is deserving
bringing clov:t th
A musical club
!zed among the I
of masic. Moe-ti!
f nr.;
: overs :
'd t :u h '
Sunday ever.irg at t:.t h.-:r..
and Mrs. Julian t.'albrjsit!:.
Business iooKed rash-ng :
Elliott last Friday a. m w
ir.g to attend his traps he .i
of Mr..
' r Aivr.
,oti 1:0-iscover-
ed he had caught two
large coyotes. 1
This is some trapping fur a school
Mrs. E. A. Bussett and family
tnoved to Prineville test week where
they have rented rooms and will
live for the remainder of the winter
A. W. Ootliior of Wasco was in
rrinoville today.
Mrs. Marion IVwoll of Grass
Yalloy is visiting relatives in l'rino
v lb.
Jay Christian and family of
, U.)UrU have moved to Trineville
for the winter
C!as Explain!." Xmas
at 7:30 o'clock. j
Mrs. Emma Sears, sister of Mark j
Powell, came up from Grass Valley j
the first of the week to spend the!
holidays in Frineville.
Ther. was a Krht fall of snow I
iindav nitrht. About an inch of!
! the beautiful covered the ground.
i It soon melted, however.
! The Terrebonne Co-operative
Creamery has commenced making
l butter. It wants more additions- to
tie membership roll and an in-
gupp,y of cream
Both wiii
: wnw jn tjme
1 , .
i Teachers examinations this week,
, c
;At its close bupenntendent rord
' tl, Siilem to attend the county
superintendents' convention anl
Board of Examiners meeting called
by State Superintendent Alderman.
. .,
( .-rticies or incorporation oi tne
and C. O. Pollard. i
; in order to allow the vounc folks
the aivantaTej of the excelhr.t
schools of tr a: city. Mr. Bussett,
however, will remain on the farm
the greater share of the time until
the new ow-nera become accustomed
to the run of affairs. We are in-!
deed sorry to see this family leave
our section if only for a short time,
John Fengmati' and Frank Eayn
loaded a car of wheat for shipment
to Bend last week.
Miss r.l.k- TWn wnt tn Pr,.
ville Monday. She is at home with
her sister, Hazel, who is slightly in-
uicti ouKruee. i
Situation Wanted.
By man and wife, both thoroughly
experienced, work on a ranch wh-re !
tbt-rearenowomeuorchil.lren. Ad-
rtresa F. E. Worrell, Oregon Hotel,
Prin'ville- 12 ,9 'P
Park bay mare, weight 1J00 pounds,
oranu inree bara on rii;(it hip, another
brand on left. ehol. muiie roaohe.1.
short Ti!, star in fnreherd. chnnkv
btiilt. lienar l. Write Walter M. Hronii
Kurt K.vk, I'.-e. ll-14dmp
For Sale.
brei Wliite
A few
Ion-k liH-Kere
st'k nt t ! ea.-i
U li-lmp
n prize winning
L. I.. S. OT l.
Prints die. Ore.
Buckingham & Hecht Boots and
i fanr.othe l.i aten. W
' have fl
stock of the twit My!-:.-
Mr. Reck-!tLKW-.
credit in: Small Gasoline Pumping
j gine and Stock Pump
At a 1 .u.i.a. I::.!i'.te ...f Cm.: t V,'.
, Klkin.-. 11-14
For Sale or Trade.
One Mo!:n. p, io:;e.s Coiie-e
e!iolar-l:i'. ;:!;i- Sti;,ent
; fii;ii-t enter l.-i ire .I.-itiuarv 1.
I'Mjuirv i.f lies. .!.' Breeding. 12-12 Jt
Trapper v
li ynii nail to rauh more Ciyotes
ate! t'u than ynu evr did twfure id
' ' ' ; l,,TLir .
For Sale or Trade
Wood Paw in rood
S L'ha. F. Condart.
working order
For Sale or Trade Woodaaw, as
cheap a dirt. Can be eeen working.
Chas. F. Condart. 11-28
A Wheelharrow Ride
for Dick Breese
R. W. Pir.-se had a whoellwrrow
ride on Main street yesterday aft -r-noon
with C. Iv Snattuck doing
the propulsion tunt. The ride was
the result of an election U't. Mr.
Shattuck felt it in his bones that
the Cllison' Good Government
j ticket would all he elected while
j Mr. Ureese had a "hunch" that it
j wouldn't. The bet was a ride from
I the Sevvml street cvtnr to the
wnoeo uruijre. lovese ilum t ex
act the full measure of the wager.
He rode a couple of blocks in the
mud and cried enough to the great
satisfaction of the motive power.
Eastern Star and
Masonic Installations
The Eastern Star and
will install the following
next week:
Eastern Stai Wor thy Matron.
Mrs. Louise M. Haner; associate
Yatron. Mrs. Lillian Foster,
Worthy Patron J. F. HlanchanL
j Secretary L. M. Bechtoll.
reasurer .Mrs. Wanche Michel.
Conductress Miss Pertha IJald-
jwin" associate conductress. Mrs.
Lulu Rosenlwrg.
I The Masons will install the fol
lowing: J. F. Blan;hard. W. M.;
1 Wm. J. Pancake. S. W.; Pale Jones,
j J. W.; treasurer, R. L. Jordan; sec-
jretary. Hugh R.Lakm.
Not Many Attend
Parents Meeting
A meeting for parents and teach
ers was held last Fridav evening at
H,o lo'r.1, o, .!,. ,! ,i n'i ..,. . ;
. ,
" i.u .
eu .
Excellent pa;n?rs were read by
r' Mrs. Belknap,
Mrs. Collins Elkins
a M- John Wigle. These ladies
nnde many good suggestions for!
botn parents and teachers and
made the listeners" realize the great
importance of co-operation between
Parents and teachers.
There were interesting discus-j
siuns after each paper in which all
took part. These were led by Prof.
Cle- 'ho w most earnest in his
desire to help h" young l'!1?
0 "i 1 " ii
anta LlaUS at
the Oregon Hotel
says tnat wis year he has made ar
rangements with Kris Kringle to
furnish It. im with the biggest tree
t. u in .n (V, .
" f0Und m 811 lanl wfl!ch
will b loaiej with good things f.r
the children of Prineville. Santa
Cla'us will be on hand to attend n
their wants from 2 to 4
Dec. 24.
That prew-nt Is at the Crook "",..
ty Jewelry Store. 12-1
'irvntef t w-leetion In Tovk,
Kanistra' Racket Store.
Popular Jtlechanics
A GREAT Cor.'.inuci Etcry cf ih..
World's Progreia v.';irh v
may begia reading at zrv time, i
which will held your cttrest frcv,.;'
The "Shop NJl-" rsmn (7) mpi
Rives f..y t , .;. . ...
niclta lor bxr.t ai"itrjp. mairi, ';.
3i.-e Munn lurciture. wwim cii'-fi-a.'
eypnes. magic, aad U lit Uaouj a u kr.'
pch xixk $max copies ts cam
Ask your newsdealer, or
m m tumi copt tout
Paulina Notes.
Sim pouthil of Paulina will lake
his departure for Portland next
Wednesday. He will remain in the
city several days.
Charley Morgan, who has been
vittitfng friends ami n latives in Sil
verton, tregon, ntumed Friday.
He reports everything prosnroun
in the Silvortnti country,
Mr. 'c euie, one of the pro
prietor of the McKonxio Jt Canlner
sawmill, on Heaver crei'k, returned
Siiturday from Terrebonne. He
was uooomiwiiiod home by Mr. and
Mrs. Farrel of Terrebonne.
Ed CampMl and wife will leave
in a few days for Cottage Grove for
a few weeks' v'sit with Mrs. Camp-j
bell's parents of that place. !
Mr. Kie county surveyor, with '
two viewers, has lnvn in the Heaver
ertH'k count ! the ast week survey
ing for a county road which is to
Masons!),,...,, i ,..,;,,;,, th. I.-W...i;..
sawmill an ! in a stouthuest di
recti m to the Burns road. A much
needed improvement.
Roy and Iiyd Powell from near
Prineville have Wn in the neigh
borhood for the past week. While
hen they purchased about twenty
head of hoises from Wm. Treichel.
The young people of Paulina
meet every Friday night in the Pau
lina hall and spend a wry enjoyable
time with music, readings, recita
tions, etc. They have a drama in
view for the near future; announce
ments later.
L. M. Miller & Co.' team arried
from Redmond this week with a
supply of Christmas go xls.
E. E. Ijiughlin, Cha). (Yn ;lc ton
and Louis Throoji were busims
visitors at Paul'ni this week.
Miss Goldie Telfer, who is teich-
i ing a very sucixssiui
tertn of school
in the Iieaver district, arrtveit in
Paulina to lay enroutv for Prineville.
where siie goes to take the teachers'
II. Pinisong, a resident of the
Ochoco country, is very busy at
present hauling posts and fencing
his desert claim which lies near
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Messenger
of Suplee, accompanies! by Herman
i Winans, formerly of Prineville,
' were transacting business in Paulina
j this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen, formerly of
; Izee, have moved into Paulina and
' are interested in the Hotel Paulina
; with Bruce Heisler.
. No convternatlon or conntlpntlon
(ale. but everything reliable nt live
and let-live prion at Knumtrn'H. 12 i'J
Hat at your own price
until January 1 L Ev
erything muit be told.
Mrs. Estes
Prineville, Ore.
Lafler's Studio
A I'lrii'i1 t'lirH 2ko1 portrait,
and farm vie1. Kitinrir
injr or ';. ilmn
Leatly aiol iiiiierly
I'lioto work esi liati(ed
for wood
Send in your tilina by mall
We are located on Main
Street, near club ball
F. L Lafler, Prop.
We strive to please
New and Second-hand Furniture
Is Expecting you
They are waiting for you to come.
The Homing Instinct tells you to go
The desire for comfort cuggeatt the Line of Block
Signal to Chicago, Omaha, Denver, Kama City
and all Point East
H. BAUKOL, Agent
Or Passenger Dep't,
D. P. Adamsori & Co.,
For Drugs, Patent Medicine, Chemical
Lownev' Candid, Ice Cream Soda, Sta
tionery and Prescription ee
D. P. Adamson & Co.
Leaves Redmond 7:15 A M. Arrives Portland 5:.'10 P.M.
r v
o n
i ill i t e
And All Points East and South
via tho North Dunlc Road,
Fares, Schedules and Details
Gen. Frt. & Pass. Agt.
Can we have your name
Hardware and Stovri
of all kinds, Piano and
Get Our Price Before
You Buy
Furniture Company
Through train. Iliuhclnn
equipment A plcature to
antwer question,
Write them you are com
ing; Then let us tell you
how li tie it will coit
O.AV. R N. Redmond.
Well Fargo Bld'g, Portland
Fresh Home-Made
Leave your Xmat Order
Geo. Whiteis, Prop.
n v c t i o n
T r a ins t o
f o
Northern Purific
and (Ireat Northern.
Will be Supplied on Request
Redmond, Or.
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