Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 19, 1912, Image 3

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    The Yuletidc Gift
A fllVlllllU KHtll llllliU lulu II Ixuiklitt
tiKiKcn a t liiiriiiliiK (.irt.
A lint hnlliir penwiper fir desk
mnki mi tipirnirliiiii nuuvviilr tor Ilia
tunliii'M limn gr woniiiu.
A Ixulklii nim nllli Ihrra IkhIIiIii l
ii'fiil Christum clft fur (liu ihmmIIu
n until ii.
A liiiiuiMiiiiili lHkli't of Antra r'
liiil.lo rhiillini tllh rlHi will bo
Iu'ImhI ljr tli huiiM'Wir. '
A lilnltiT, the upper shlo of
(ili turw Hii'nnl nf yourself. In slin
pit' jut valued girt fur uu liitlinala
ChrUimsa comra hut nnot yaar.
Uu ii)"r II alula II a liar
Kai your lurkry ariihuul (oar.
Navar tnaa tft alial a Inar.
Hhould yuu foal a irina quaar
Aftar flna ur rumtln soar.
Nack ana blaliop a teia y-fsr.
Taka a pill I'Aimk Thwaalt,
Ua who itavar darva In aal
Walflca, raaea ur aauaaaa maal
Nothing aour, nmhlnif awaat;
l.lvaa a on ahrmM4 corn,
Navar amnked aim' ha waa bornt
Waiar'a all ha avar drtnka;
Uvlnc low, ha hlhly Ihlnka. ,
Thrlalmaa turkay, Chrlalmaa pla,'
Chrtaimaa pn1.1in. Chrlatmaa algal
Marry t'hrlatmsal Marry wankl
Happy Naw Yaarl Vary maakl
An Old Fa.hlonad Parly for tha Chil
dran. Tha rroiiffiiint of a tnlilt it
Yutvllcla pari; wm qulla aiiiiannl. In
aamucb a It wna mi old fiiatilnrtrd
aivinr ona. Ii-nflhcinsl to srcoitiuin
dnts twelr rhllilrvii. It wna pushed
back acnlnt tha wnll. mid at th bar
a the Inwat slunl Vulo Iik candy
box. resllim ou lml of holly and uila-tli-lua.
Ou tup of I lie log wna a doll dnaavd
a a Jikiit. rnlli-d the "tard of Mia
rule." inn' aunt-hrd to tha fmnt end
of Ilia lotf by rod rlhUina were alt
dolli drvawHl to rrprraunt the tlrst lx
inoiilln of tlia renr. I-'oIIowIiik after
the log were all mora figures dressed
Ilk the Inat all nionlha At earn pint
were a holly nKT eoverml horn and a
woe tree lit with red was taper.
The children were to blow out the
fti ml lea, making- a wlah for each one.
If they so out with the vory Drat put
the wlah will mine true. A white and
red Chrlatmna rlhhon (toe to each
plate, fastened by a aprny of holly.
Then each child look a at the dolla and
ay wbh'h one he or a he thinks rep
resent the month lu which Uiey were
If there ihould lie two In the lame
month the one who I the oldest gut
the doll for tlmt month. As there la
one for each Kiicst, a sntlafnctrfry ad
justment I enally made. The Vulo log
also conlulna iinnlt favors for' each
English Plum Pudding.
For those who wnnt their plum pud
dine lioiiii'iniiilo the following recipe
may prove useful:
Take ono-hulf pound of finely shred
ded suet, one half pound of washed mid
dried currants, three fourths of a pound
of stoned rttlsliis, four Uiblespoonfula
of dried and sifted brctidcrmiihs, three
tiihlcspixmfiils of wiirm sifted Uour,
live ounces of lonf suitor, three egg
three ounces of shredded citron, one
hnlf nutmeg grated and a teaspoon
ful of brandy. Mix these well toiictl)
er, adding enough milk to make it of
nice consistency, and boll for six or
eight hour.
'J'hls pudding keeps admirably, and
when It Is not to be used for some
time It should be boiled, any, for alx
hours and then hung from a hook In
the storsTeom until about to be used,
when It should ngaln'be placed In the
pnn and hofled for au hour and a biilf
or tw honrs longer.
It may he balled In a mold, a bnsln
or a cloth and mnst be kept tn which
ever la theaen ontll ready r be acrved.
A Mean Holiday Spirit.
Do not gunge your Christmas giving.
There 1 nothing more despicable than
to work off the back nnmber or the
ahnbhy, nseleas gifts en the girl who
"needs rrerythlng" and spend a small
fortune en those who en a spend on
Chrlatmaa Ev.
The hoar of time wheal tha troat'a gray
In fantaailo Rtamour lias;
. A shaan ef light on tha tlaam'nar white
That mli-rare the spansIM aktaa;
A grant aald Mar In tha haaTima afar
And s mean trail an tha hltla :
Tha earth matfllad with an awa fulfilled
And tae night with mnats thrilled.
The anrolara alng aa tha rfhuroh halls ring,
While wp la tha organ loft
The aar arwls croon aa tha ealm, sweat
Cornea awafrlng, but avar soft. .
Tha mammae files throngh the changing
Ry inianaing time and tongue,
- Hut aver tha earn aa tha tale that came
Tha Shepherd men among.
Where tha mtatletoe and tha laurel bough
And tha,hoTly ajid.bay are twtned,
Where the hearth lira gloama as In an
olent dreams,
One aga la but In mind.
As In modern dreams the hearth fire
So, under tha oaaemrnt still,
The.cnrnlere sins aa the tower tonguea
Mail's fence and God's good will.
, ... . Btophon Chalmers.
Jsiiie Osnton Fremont's Description ef
a of Long Ago.
The ClirlHltmia of eighty year ago
na nin e il.-i rllnil by Mrs, Jcaale
r.eiiimi i'lviiiiitit, wife uf tleiierul
Juliii I'reiiiiuit ami iliitiglitur of
rimiiiiia II. Ilfiilmi. The time was
tlmt nt 1'realili-iit Jurkmiu's ailniluut
Iruilnii, nml (lie wen wna Mrs. Hen
tun a uncealrul Imiiie, uenr Hluuu
Iihi. Vn.
(ii-niiped nlaiiit (he mnrlng lw fire
tire Mia. Mi nimi's father ami mother,
hernelf nml her two little girls, of
whom Jennie was one. The Hint her I
rending to the grniidfnther, and a
I, luck servant, 'Tiide Itslph." Is hover
ing n limit and' repletilahlug the fire.
The children were not to Dllike a
sound, fur It would disturb grniidfn
ther. And now w will let the future
Mrs. rrviiiiint tell her own story:
"Imagine, then, the strong liuprrn
sloii limile oa in by the upset of all
Mils ordered calm. NMaca came from
the front door, noise of horses and of
people, cheerful, vigorous oolace of
snow stnmpcd off, laughing aud the
thump of bnggnge.
"And our mother was actually mo
iling Into the hall, while my grandfa
ther, not minding the noise, but look
lug all pleased, was standing up and
holding out bis hands to the big man
In the snowed on clothes) For It waa
our fill her. our dear, loving father,
who had come to ua for Christmas and
brought a big trunk full of Christmas
gift for everybody.
"I can see It all o welt.
"The opening of that trunk took
plnce In the warm rooms that my too, might see. We, lib
erated Imps, laughed and noised all
we wanted without rebuke over our
two big wax dulls 'London dolls' and
there was a I-onilnn clonk for my moth
er, of blnrk silk lined with, fur.
"Hut the feature of the present to
us after our doll was the orange
my father had brought carefully
wrapiied and packed warmly In the
trunk for our sick grandfather.
"A snille that I very close to tear
rleca a I remember our gathering In
admiring silence about those orange.
I can see my mother' beautiful hand
as she carefully peeled and divided
me Into slim little sections, when w
all solemnly took each otto bit, the
peel carefully saved to flavor things.
"This Is whnt I see yet Hut new
feelings stirred In me eren (hen and
grew and went on growing as I learn
ed Inter all that suddon. brief visit
through the stormy winter weather
Christmea Treaaure.
I count my tronauree o'er with car-,
A little toy that baby knew.
A llitle awk of faded hua.
A little lock nf aoldtm hair.
Long yaara aao ihle Chrlatmaa time
My little on my all to ma
rial robed In while upon my knee
And heard the marry Chrtaimaa chime.
TII ma, mv Utile golden haad.
If Bnnia Claua ehnuld come tonlsht.
What ahall ha brln my baby bright.
What tranaiira for my boyr'.l aald.
And than ha namad the little toy,
Whlla tn hla round and truthful ayes
There cama s look of glad aurprtae
That apoKe hla truaiful. childish Joy.
And aa he duped hla avenlna prayer
lie aaked tha boon with baby grace.
And. t'xMUng to tha chimney place,
lie hung hla lull alnrklng thara.
That night aa lengthening ahnduwa erept
1 iraw the while winged angeia roma
With ntuMlo tn our humhla home
And kiaa my darling aa he aiepu
Ha mull have heard that baby prayer,
Kor In tha mnrn. llh glowing fuca.
Ma ttulilled lo lha chimney thnra
And fount! Ihn little trenaure there.
They cume aaiiln ona Chrlatmaallila.
That angel hoitt an fair and whlla.
Anil, alliums all lha Chrlatmaa night.
They lured my darling from my alda.
A Un I" enrk. a Utile toy.
A llllle link nf BL len tin In
Tim Chriauniia tmmic on lha air.
A-wutchlng for my bahy boy.
Hut If again thnl angel train
And gulden tiend come hack ror me
To benr me to eternity
My watching will mil ba In vain.
Kugene Field.
"Write me a clunk, Alfred, to buy
Christmas presents with."
"Make It lis small as you can this
time, dear: How much miiHt yon have
to buy presents for the children, your
mother, the mnld and the rest?"
"Here Is the list. I c-an't get along
with less thiin S7.V
"Nonsense: Well, at lenst leave out
the present for me! Figure It agaln
I don't wnnt anything!"
(A long pause, during which the wife
makes a new computation. I
"Well. Alfred, It's now JM.2."!"-FII
gi'iide fllntter.
Christmss Compassion,
Chrlstinns Is tile one day of the year
when we remember the failures, the
men and women who have fallen short
of the mnrk, the bumnu derelicts. In
the fierce commercial rnoe we crowd
these to the wnll without thought and
without compunction for 3tH days of
the year, hut through the Salvation
Army and other charitable agencies
give them dole on the three hundred
and sixty-fifth. Well, It Is good that
we catch even that mnch of the Christ
spirit for one brief flay.
Undertaking Too Much.
Do not go Into Christmas so hard
there Is no hope of getting through
Curb your notions. Better give yonr
friend a small centerpiece this year
than Intend to give her a dor.en plate
and tumbler dnllles which may reach
her In 191R. Where there is n large
list Christmas giving should be simple
The Brute.
Mrs. Crnwford-Wnko up, dear! I'm
sure there's a burglar downstairs.
Crawford I hope there Is. Perhnps
he'll take those nsoless Christmas pres
ents your friends sent you.
Christmas Menus
t Telery Soup.
r Roaat t'nrk, 'Otidrrloln.
r Appla Hnuce.
I Turnlpa in C'reiim flnuce.
itnahed 1'nlulnaa.
Celery and Nut naiad.
Krofe-n Kugnog.
Ulue Pol n i a on Half Shall.
Celery. Olives.
Itoaat Turkey With Oyeter Drees-
log. J
Olblet Oravy Cranberry Jelly. J
Candled Yama. Maahed Potato.
I'lckled I'ear a and Peaches.
W Malaga Baled.
J Plum Pudding With brandy ftauoa.
Z lea Cream. Cake.
a Nuu and Ralalna.
jt Coffee.
Soup. Bread Btleka.
Olives Celery Balled Peanut.
Roaat Uooae, Potato Btufilng, Apple
Olaaad Sweat Pbtatoaa. Lima Dean X
In h-ucm. X
Chicken Croquette. Preach Oreen ?
Pea a m
Lettuce. Cheeaa Straws. X
Plum Pudding J
Olaca Meringue. Uonbons,
Nuta. Halaln. Knots. i
Cnckar. Che. Cafe Nolr. f
Blue Point
Cream of Chicken.
Boiled Bhaap'a Head.
Juller.n Potato.
Rice Croquettaa With Curry.
Hoaat Duckling.
Maahed lirownad Potatoes.
Slewed Tomatoes.
Mlnoa Pla. Blacult TortonL
Roquefort Chaeaa and Cracker.
A Paw 8uggstions Fee Enlivening
Yulatide Evening.
In cities balloons art almost always
obtainable, so get bright red one and
try tbla novel chem for a children's
party. Burrouud the cake with tiny
candlestick or candelabra holding red
taper and sprinkle the clotb with hol
ly sprays and diamond duat (Christ
mas snowi.
From tn back of each chair tie a
red ribbon on tb end. floating gayly
lo tb air s red balloon. Uere la tbe
way to give the favors (red snapping
motto caps): Tie one to tbe end of tbe
atrlng of a red balloon and. let It go
away np to the celling.
If tbe snapper Is not heavy enough
weight It with a chocolate cigarette or
one of the many bard, all chocolate
shape that children lore. Tbcn let
each little guest catcb a balloon and
bring It down to earth. To make more
fun each balloon may bav a card at
tached bearing the name of a child,
and eacb must find hla own.
Ton don't dig It np.
You don't hew It down,
Vou don't roam the forest
You simply go forth and buy It
And that's an easy mutter
There's only one thing need-
ful, aud that's cash.
The tree may be purchased
prosaically of one's grocer.
Mora venturesome souls trol
ley or motor to ome freight
yard, choosing from original
Vet others literally "shop" for
them and wben at Inst their
choice I made bear them off In
their motors or on tbelr backs
or euptge an expressman, Phil
adelphia Record.
Their Chrlstm Presents,
Ltttle Penelope SncrRtaa.
A Boaton maid of four.
Wide opened her ayea on Chrlatmaa mom
And looked tha landacnpe o'er.
"What la't Inflate! my baa de bleut"
She aaked, with dignity.
" "Tts tbaen tn the original. '
Oh, Joy beyond degree!"
Mlsa May Cadwallader Rlttenhoua
Of Philadelphia town
Awoke aa much as they avar do there
And WHtched tha anew come down.
"Well, Tm glad that Chrlatmaa baa coma
again." ,
Ten might have heard her say,
'Tar my family's ona year older ow
Than it waa laet Chrlatmaa day."
It waa Chrlatmaa In giddy Gotham,
And Mia Irene da Jonea
Awoke at noon and yawned and yawned
And stretched her languid bones.
"Well, m sorry that It's Christmas.
Papa at heme will stay,
ror 'change Is oloaed, and he won't make
A single cent all day."
Oh, wlndlly dawned the Christmas
In the city by the lake! v
And Miss Arabel Wabaab Breezy
Waa Instantly awake,
"Ah. whafa that In my stocking?
Well, In two Jiffs I'll know!"
And she drew forth a grand piano
"From away down In the toe.
Boston Courier.
Great Skill Shown by the Coburg
From Coburg. Germany, a little rnll
wny only twenty live miles long leads
Into the heart of the Tliiirluglnn forest
riinu'es, terminating at I.iiupu hn, where
Christum ornaments are made. Near
ly every Ii.mimi uml hut Is the home of
a UiiNllower, ii ml the smallest child
tl.nt run ue Its lunula uiilerstunillngly
hna smne part In the work.
The blowers niiil.e all their work
from glims tuliea of varied diameter
and thickness, which ore cut to con
venient lengllis by scratching them
Willi a file and breaking them at the
cleavage. A burner consisting of two.
four or more flames Issuing from tiny
gns Jet converges lis fire upon a
melal plute. whh h usually supjiorts a
pier of dry or charcoal whose
low but fierce i imhiiKtlnn under tbe
blue flume of f. blowpipes rapidly
melts the lur'.Vit Elans. Driving the
bellow whic h ' c;iille air to tils blow
ple with hie lew. tbe operator turna
out with deft s'.virtness balls, sta'
pendants tind larger ornaments of I
most every conceivable shape and size.
Ills good wife Is perhaps Injecting s
spray of gilding or silvering solution
Into s great basketful of the liny balls,
used to festoon windows and Cbrlst
mns trees, or. perhaps, with greater
kill Is coloring with deft fingers tbe
Interior of s larger ornament
The eldest boy may himself be a
skilled operator and perhaps excels bis
father In creating miniature reindeer,
with great spreading antlers, spirited
horses, coursing bounds, fragile air
snip and balloons and. most wonder
ful of all, roses, carnations, tulips snd
other, flowers, each of whose parts Is
made of colored glnss of the proper
color and fused In place with a deli
cacy of touch that far excels ordinary
So light and frngllo are these goods
that they are packed In cotton and
cartons divided Into compartments snd
to a very great extent are shipped
sway from Lausclin by parcels ex
press. Bo generally Is tills dons be
tween the middle of November and
Christmas week thnt tho postoffice
force and a number of mall cars are
furnished to meet the demand for par
cels transportation. Notional Uaga
Ilcre's prcttlnees.
The holly wreath leads.
Southern laurel is beautiful.
California pepper berries serve
to adorn.
Scotch benther Is one of the
pretty wreath materials.
Bed Immortelles will at least
never blush unseen.
Lycopodlum is often nsed with
very good effect for wreaths.
But after all, holly Is first fa
vorite, with Its lovely bright red
The gay bow of holly red satin
ribbon Is tbe usual finish, though
It ahould not be used with ber
ries of the California pepper
tree. Philadelphia Record.
Dead Latter Office Destroyed 178,000
Last Year.
The dead letter otllce In Washington
Inst year destroyed 178,000 picture
postcards. The majority of them car
ried Christmas greetings and were held
as unmallable because either the post
age was uot prepaid or the cards bore
mica or tinsel ornaments and were
mailed in unsealed envelopes.
The transmission of cards with mica
or tinsel decoration Is forbidden by the
postal regulations because In the past
the eyes of employees were Injured by
handling them.
The Christmas Present.
A plague on him who sourly dub
The custom overdone.
For every Christmas gift contains
All presents rolled In one.
It takes the faith m thlnga unaoea
Moat wonderful to think.
In reindeer Journeya over roofs
While stare look down to wink.
It takes tha hope which ever aprlngs
In high snd lowly found.
lne optimism snd the trust . I
That make tha world go round.
And. last. It ealla for charity
Tha present ta enhanea.
But It from grrar or gtvee
Iepends on elraumatance.
-McLandburgh Wilson In New Tork Sun.
Christmas Flowers.
Flowers always make a lovely gift
and will keep fresh several days if the
following precautions are taken:
Dip the ends f the stems In melted
paraffin wsx snd carefully wrap the
flowers with sheets of cotton. Line
the bos with waxed paper, being care
ful to leave plenty to fold over the flow
ers. Place them in the box, eover oxer
with the paper, wrap with several
thicknesses of brown psper and they
are ready to express.
Thought In Giving.
Do not spend more than you can af
ford on Christmas tokens. Nothing
Justifies It Friends wh know vont
circumstances will worry tf they do
not criticise you for fnlse pride ot
love of display. If yen put thought
into your giving It will save you pen
nies. Packing th Present.
Tissue paper, excelsior or finely cut
paper will prove the best material to
All In all space, making It impossible
for the Christmas gift .to be krokeu. j
Do Not Read This
Without paying Particular Attention
SW l1' ce f Retting what you want at the most
Suitable Price ; for the Best Quality of the Most Complete
Stock from a Reliable Fijm.
Holiday Goods
everyday, such as Toys, Chinaware, (plain and hand
painted), Toilet Articles, Household Necessities, Fancy
and Useful Articles in our
which we just opened a few days ago.
is more complete than ever before. Don't buy inferior
roods get the goods with a guarantee behind it
at New York prices. Any grade you want
If you can't find it anywhere else come and see us.
The prices in the Racket line are exceptionally low. Get
your pick now at the
Crook County Jewelry, Sporting Goods and
Racket Store.
L. Kamstra, Prop.
Prineville, Oregon
On Improved. Producing
Large Loans a Specialty
Prineville, Oregon
Are you looking for a stove ?
Come to
John Morris
Fruit Trees!
Central Oregon Grown
The only kind you can afford
ior one. Prices low enough
to surprise you.
Lafollette Nursery Co.
Prineville, 6 6- Oregon
r yOTJ Uktng the Journal ?
The highest grade in
quadriple, triple and
, solid
The latest in Cut GUts,
Set and plain, band
Rings. We can furn
ish you
The Oregon Bar
At th Old Stand
G.W. Wiley & Co, Prps
All kinds of Choice Liquors
Wines and Cigars.
Famous Ranier Beer in
Bottles and on Draft
Smith & Allingham, Props.
Champ Smith's old stand.
Imported and Domestic
Famous Whiskies
Old Crow; Hermitage; Red
Top Rye; Yellow Stone;
Canadian Club; Cream
Rye; James E. Pepper,
Moore's Malt
Porter, Ale and Olympia
Draft Beer on Tap.
Imported Wines and
For Sale
For sale at a bargain 8-room
brick dwelling, 2 lots and barn; bath,
electric lights, etc. A snap If taken
right away. Will trade for stock.
Apply by 'phone or letter to J. H.
Delore, Prineville, Oregon. 12 5.1m
For Sale
White Wyandotte Cockerels by 1). P.
Adameon, Prineville, Ore. " 9 26