mmmrn 3 :GIVES: For New Subscribers. An excellent opportunity, for every one to earn one or more valuable Christmas Presents From now until Christmas THE CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL will give away several hundred dollars worth of valuable and useful presents. These articles are the best that can be bought for the money from our local merchants. Just a little work among your friends and neighbors is all that is necessary to secure one or more of these valuable pres ents. Begin TODAY and Earn One. These gifts are suitable for every member of the family, and range from a Jackknife to a Silk Dress. Only New Subscribers count, and the presents can be had as soon as the names, accompanied by the cash, are sent in. Each new name must be accompanied by $1 .50 for a year's subscription to The Crook County Journal. iii. Following U n lit of the presents to be given away, f "Are you going to earn one 7 Fot ONE New Subscriber Tlifee art tc Ir range In price from T5c tn 11.00. High grade Pockei Knife, with good tecl blade. Caiut'O or Gold Stick Tin. Beautiful irridecent Glaware, 20 inches high. Large tm glaw Fruit dih. One pound Lowtiej Chocolate, in a beautiful heart-shaped box. Set of Gold Link Cuff Buttons ladies' or gen tlemen's. Handy Wicker Traveling Hag. Ingersoll Watch. . For TWO New Subscriber Theee article range in price from 11.2.1 to tl.fiO. Good AxroiiiMer Rug. Silver Sot consisting of Butler Knifo and Suear Spoon. Beautiful Oral Picture of horses in frame. Pretty Net Fichu. Pretty Rerry &'t Elegant two pound bo of delicious Chooolatra. New Gold Coat Chain, for gentleman' watch. ,. l For THREE New Subacribbera These article rango in price from 12 to V.'i' Largo Silver Tie Server. ISenutiful lnrg" Holly Chriftroas Box. full of bent Stationery. Panel of Madonna, or well known Author. Large silver Berry Spoon with gold bowl. Ppauldiug Ollieial I! xing (i love- I. Beautiful Stand Muror in bra frame. Beautiful hand-painted Cream and Sugar et High-grade Toilet Set Mirror, Brmdl and Comb. For FOUR New Subscriber. Every articlo mentioned in thi lift i worth at leawt 13. 1 Art Craft lreing Set, wi'h ailvcr trimmings brush and comb. Genuine hand cut (ilas Howl, large cue. Good full size, high back, ah Rocker. I'.eauliful gln Nut or Fruit, Howl. Lady's or girl's Gold Bracelet, For FIVE New Subscriber These article ratine in price from 13.50 to 1 1. Excellent Axmineter Rug, 3x(i ft. Good quality Rlack Silk Waist, Set Silver Tea Spoon. Full size high back Rocker with cane eat. Set Silver Salad Fork For Six New Subscribers. These article range in price from I to 1.50. Beautiful Meesaline Silk Waist, with, fancy yoke and sleeve. Original price (!. flood Kitchen Cabinet with full net of drawer. Handsorc.e Gold Necklace with Locket. Befit quality fancy Silk Vuit pattern in plain or striped effect. Six yard lrees Pattern of all wool ncrgo. Handsome gilt 8 lUy Clock. Jui-t the thing for a Chritma present. Six New Subscriber. Good quality Misne Black Beaver Hat. For TEN New Subscriber These article range in price from 17 to S. Ladie handriorae, noli 1 oak, Writing Desk. Beautiful high grade silk Messuline Press Put tern 7 yards. CoaU-'ludie or girl. Appleton' Encyclopedia and Altla. JiiHt tho thing for a achool, Cost 5I You can have it for Ton New subscriber. High grado 22 Savage Repeating Ride. Beautiful White Beaver Hat. For FIFTEEN New Subscribers. Thi lint includes articles worth $12 and up. Full Size Dreader in golden ouk (iiiish ; oak mirror; three drawers. High gr.vlj By' Unit sizi ; 1 l-H yairi. High-grade Cmb'matioi Writing D.isk and Book Caso, in good quality oak. , Bjautiful hand-painted Chocolate Set. EKB