OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENEWLINTESEST Events Occurring Throughout the State During the Past Week. DougUt Cities Declared Wet Roseburg. Overruling the objec tions of District Attorney George M. Frown, the county court in special session here issued n order proclaim ing Oakland, Sutherlin and Glemiale "wet" territory. This order goes Into eftVct Immediately, the local option law specifying no time for the cotu wenccment of the liquor traffic. In lsfulng the order, the county tourt did not attempt to pass on the legal questions advanced by the dis trict attorney, but simply held that a Itajority of the voters in the towns in volved voted "wet." First Land Show Huge Success Portland. The Pacific Northwest Land Products show, most significant exposition of northwest soil wealth ever shown, and the first showing of the 1912 crop fortune of three states, ended Saturday. With a week's attendance estimated it nearly 50.000. with an assurance hat the proceeds will a little more than meet the cost and with the hear tiest initial support of the plan tor a 1913 land show, all concerned express the greatest gratification at what they consider the entire success of the how. 2.000 ACRES IN PROJECT Hermtston Office Gets Orders to Pre pare For Work. Hermiston. The local office of the reclamation service has received tele graphic instructions to be in readiness for the construction of what is known as the fifth nnit of the Umatilla pro ject Orders by letter to commence this work ore expected any day. The Jfth unit comprises about 1100 acres along the extreme north side of the froject and It Is possible that the Srownell holdings of nearly 900 acres also will be included, bringing the to tal up to nearly 2000 acres. The cost of the work is estimated at $30,000. The reclamation service has, during the past month and a half, had large crews cleaning out and repairing the . large distributing canals. This work is about finished now and the new work will provide places for practical ly every man on the project who Is looking for work. It is the announced policy to give every home man work lefore employing outsiders. The Oc tober payroll of the local office was $12,000. Tracklaylng To Start Dec. 1 from Vale Vale. Tracklaylng operations on the new Oregon Eastern railroad out of Vale will be resumed about Decern ber 1, between milepost 22 and the tunnel, which lies between mileposts 38-39, if present plans of the engineer ing department are carried out. II the Harrimau system can secure suf ficient additional motive power fot the work In Malheur county, local op erations will be rushed. LICENSE FEES DELINQUENT State Will Sue 2000 Corporations and Enforce Penalties Salem. Two thousand corporations who are delinquent in their annual licenses will be compelled to pay a penalty, for Corporation Clerk Bab cock, of the office of the secretary ot state has announced that he intends to have the various district attorneys In the state bring suit against them. Under the law it devolves upon the state treasurer to notify the secretary of state of the number of corporations delinquent. The list turned over by State Treasurer Kay shows that 2000 of them have failed to pay their an nual licenses. The law provides that any corporation failing to pay its an nual license within 20 days after it is due shall be subject to a fine of $100 and Corporation Clerk Babcocl: says be intends to enforce the law to the letter. lie will segregate the corpora tions according to the district attor ney districts, and then direct these officers to institute suit. State Pressrve Is Donated Medford. M. J. McAllister, - who awns a 640 acre ranch on N'eil Creek, has decided to present It to the state as a game preserve. Under the terms of the agreement Mr. McAllister binds himself not to hunt or permit others to hunt on the property for the next five years. In return the state will stock the place with game birds, es pecially China pheasants. Famous Indian Dies Suddenly, aged 90 Pendleton. Tam- ut- sia-kootch-lootch, a famous Indian scout, who was better known as Red Hawk, died suddenly at his tepee on the Umatilla reservation. He was past 90 years of age, was present at the Whitman massacre and always declared that with his own eyes be saw Marcus Whitman slain-. E. F. DUNNE ri I N f t K Edward F. Dunne, ex-Mayor of Chi cago, elected governor of Illinois by the Democrats. T. R.S ASSAILANT INSANE Prisoner la Committed to Asylum Un til Cured. Milwaukee, Wis. John Schrank who shot Colonel Theodore Roosevelt Is insane and was committed by Muni cipal Judge Backus to the Northern Hospital for the Insane, near Osh kosh, nntll cured. Commitment was pronounced aftei the presentation of an exhaustive re port of the commission appointed tc investigate the case. In which the de fendant was unanimously adjudgvd Insane. It declared that his delusion was "grandiose in character and .ol systematic variety," and Included nu merous communications written b) Schrank. An address by Schrank to the com mlssioners in which he apologized foi causing unpleasantness in maklna them decide a matter "which would have been better tried by a hlghei court than earthly court," was Includ ed In the report. In It Schrank re viewed the "vision," in which he claimed to have looked into the dying eyes of President McKlnley, "when a voice called to me to avenge his death." 3 Slight Quakes Felt in Seattle Seattle. Three separate earth shocks were felt in Seattle. None wat of sufficient force to do any damage but all were noticeable, the first twe In different parts of the city at ?:2C and 6:35, and the third at 9:05 wat felt all over the city. 1912 Gridiron Deaths 10 Chicago. Ten dead and 36 Injured is the record of the 1912 football sea son. Last year there were 14 d cat lit and 67 injured, according to statistics compiled by a Chicago newspaper. DEBS, WARREN AND SHEPPARD INDICTED Girard, Kan. Warrants were issued here on indictments returned by a federal grand Jury for the arrest ot Eugene V. Delis, Socialist candidate for president in the recent campaign; Fred D. Warren, editor of the Appeal to Reason, and J. J. Sheppard, War ren's attorney, for tampering with a witness. Warren and Sheppard were arrested and a warrant was sent to the United States marshal at Indiana polis for service upon Debs at Terra Haute. The charge Is "attempting to ob struct the administration of justice," and is based upon an indictment al leging that the three defendants, Debs, Warren and Sheppard, gave a bribe of 5200 to J. P. McDonough of Kansas City, a former prisoner in the federal penitentiary at Leavenworth, to in duce him to go to California, so he cov,'A not be found to testify against three mer.'.hors of the Appeal to Rea son staff, who were on trial for send In.'; alleged obscene matter through the mail in the shape of an article at tacking the administration of the fed eral prison at Leavenworth. THE MARKETS Portland Wheat Club, 77c; bluestem, 81c; red Russian, 75c. Oats $26 per ton. Hay Timothy, $17; alfalfa, $12. Butter Creamery, 3Sc. Eggs Candled, 43c. Hops 1912 crop, 19e. Wool Eastern Oregoa, 18c; Wil lamette valley, 22,&c. , Mohair 32c. Seattle Wheat Bluestem, 80c; club, 78c; red Russian, 76c. Eggs 43c. Butter Creamery, 35c. Hay Timothy, $17 per ton; alfalfa, $12 per ton. BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON Smelt are entering the Columbia river earlier this year than ever be fore, A company la being organised at Springfield for the purpose ot erect ing a $40,000 hotel. After a two days' successful exhibi tion, Albeny't Chrysanthemum fair closed Friday night About 100 business men of Grunts Tasa have organised a permanent good roads association. Peler Hull, the last full blooded Slu slaw Indian, Is now lying at death's door in Florence from a stroke of paralysis. It cost Representative 1-afferty $1727, according to his sworn state ment, to be renominated and reelected to congress. John l Moore, an employe of the Oregon Power company at Springfield, was killed by being drawn between i belt and pulley. The Oregon State Prohibition com mittee expended $12,476.71 In Ha cam paign, according to a statement Died with the secretary of state. Thus far this year Portland stands third among the wheat exporting ci ties ot the United States, being ranked by New York and Galveston. j All the employes of the several , Southern Pacific trains that center at Springfield were given a dinner by the Springfield commercial club Sat urday night. The Polk County Educational board has arranged for a convention ot the school officers ot the county to be held at Dallas on the first Saturday in December. Mayor Micelll of Roseburg has been Indicted by a grand jury, charged 1 jointly with the Roseburg Brewing A ! Ice company with unlawful sale ot In toxlcatlng liquors. Advantage Is being taken ot the comparatively good weather for the prosecution of the grading on the Portland, Eugene 6 Eastern Una be tween Eugene and Corvalllls. Suffering from a nervous ailment, Whltcomb Fields committed suicide at Medford by shooting himself. Fleldi was a graduate of Harvard, an exten alve traveler and owned considerable fruit land near Medford. Less than two weeks after the right of equal franchise was granted in Ore gon, between 40 and 50 women cast their first vote at the city election ic Dayton, Yamhill county. Edward Ha thaway was elected mayor. J. L. Evans was arrested at Ryt Valley on a charge of shooting Wll liam Walker. Evans owns a store It that town and when Walker walked In and asked for some tobacco, Evani pulled a gun and shot him. Expenditure of $36,471.92 in the sin gle tax campaign la shown In a state ment of expenses filed with the sec re tary of state by the representative! of the Fels Fund Commission. Thi total receipts' amounted to $37,840. Governor West has removed Frank H. Curtis, superintendent of the Ore gon penitentiary, and appointed Col onel B. K. Lawson of Cottage Grovt his successor. The use of liquor U the penitentiary is said to be tin cause. The body of L. F. Parker, who wai drowned in Rogue river near the 1111 nois, with his 10-year-old son, last May, while the father was taking tin boy across the river on a raft tc school, was found five miles above Wedderburn, near the Tom Smltt ranch Saturday. Votes cast In Union and Wallows counties for the office ot joint senatoi at the November 6 election and can vanned at that time, will be recounted This demand Is made upon Circuit Judge Knowles by John S. Hodgln, Democrat, who was defeated in the district by Ed E. Kiddle by a margin of four votes. After expending about $20,000 fol repairs and equipment for which II has been customary to ask the legis lature to make special appropriations the state board will have close te $10,000 surplus In the state Insane asylum maintenance fund, according to the statement of State Treasure! Kay. That there are 1000 public utllltlei at least, and probably more in the state of Oregon, which come undei the Malarkey public utilities bill re cently passed by the people, Is being discovered by the clerks "bt the rail road commission, who are arranging to send blanks to such utilities. So far 430 telephone companies alone have been located. Richard J. Haines, a prominent rancher south of Malheur Lake, was shot and dangerously wounded by James E. Hall, a neighboring home steader. It appears that Haines went to the Hall home for some grain, and Hall Invited him to stay all night. They .had liquor there, and both be came Intoxicated. A quarrel ensued and the shooting resulted. Announcement has been made at the Oregon Agricultural college that arrangements are being perfected for the establishment of a department of forest entomology, which will devote Its entire time to co-operative work with the government bureau of ento mology and private Interests to carry on Investigations toward the reduc tion and control ot Insect pests. Free lWlbe afraid of tlio U.S. (iuvernment Carey Act Irrigation Project in Oregon. Thejilay of irresponsible Irrigation companies in this stain is past. When the Northaest Townsile Company of I'hilsdelphiit took over the Paisley project in Lake county it gave the largest bond ever given in the state fifty thousand dollars guaranteeing completion of the project. Kvery three months it make an itemised statement of ex-pen-cs to the Desert Land Hoard. All of its advertising books, maps, contract, subscription agreement and literature is submitted to the IVsrrt Land Hoard for inflection before being issneu. The land is lovel, free Irom rock, and is a rich volcanic soil, The climate is perfect for fruit, which now grows to perfection at Paisley apple, peaches, plum, peats, prune. Construction work upon the dam and reservoir hai now been In progress lor three month with Thomas Hawthorne, State Ineclor, on the ground. He wae formerly with the U. S Gov't, iteclamation St vice, on the Umatilla Project. Send for 3'2-page illustrated book, (ia to Paisley bv automobile stagn from Beod and see the land. Ouragentat Paisley, Hugh K. tiiltnour, will show you the land. It ia free to those who pay the cost ol putting water on it. Northwest Townsile Co. is among the lamest taxpayer In Oregon, owning townsite sub-division at Prineville, Madras, Hedmond, Hend, Hums, Vale and also the 810-acre Corn Kanch at Paisley, including a 60 barrel-a-ilay capacity Hour mill, and a general store. Our hank reference are: First National Hank, Philadelphia, Pa. Girard National Hank " ' Commercial Trui Co. " " Inter-state Finance Corporation, Philadelphia, Pa. Merchant Trust Co., Camden, N. J. Security Saving t Trut Co., Portland, Oregon. Address all communication to our Portland office. 1101 Yeon Huilding. Write now. The average cost ol water will be 4C an acre. We will give you a square deal. Northwestern Townsite Co. 308 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Pioneer None Money Back if You Made at Pioneer Agents DeLaval Separator. You Can't Hut you CAN eat 'em, and enjoy 'em, too, There Is no better or freehcr or nicer flnvored Huh In the market than we are re ceiving; consignments of dally. We carry every kind In Its prop er seanon and guarantee the freshiing of nil we sell. City Meat Market The Journal : All Frait AT- PAISLEY - : - Butter Better Are Not Satisfied. Home. Cream Co. Beat 'Em the County News. Land :2 Notlrs of Final Accounting. In lh mailer ol the nun ol . Mrrnor.un. diT.aa.it, Nolli-a li h.ratiy (Iran n th. uili1tl(B.l, ihrran-umifii ilia mm. ,.l c Mrl'hn, itn-manl. la all ..T.... . ,arn llll.ri..l,( In aalil mtal. llial alia haa nia.la ami (Ik. I bar llnal acMiiillii( ul lir a.tmliiUlrallon ol aahl lata II h Ilia i-nitllly t liirk of Ilia row hi) nl crook, orraMii, ainl Dial lh t-oiirl haa ari Miin.la)-, Hi. ;n. tmf m-vaiiiurr. nil, at Ilia i-nlllllrcniirlriHiin In l'rlli..vllla, crook initial) Onon,aa ilia Urn. ami (,!., (u, h,.arluatti ellllna aahl ft nail arrullltllit;, 1'aliul till, illh tat i.llh-lotr 111-.' , , M.ltm . Mi I'HKKHON, fciarillrlnnttlia la.lnll) ami Ualani.nl nil'. Mi l It.r.iili, UiTtiai'tl, Ju N Notice of Adittlntnt ruler's Sale of Kcul ltnto Notice Is hereby ulven liy the tin. di-rMl(tie., the mliiilnlHt rittnr ol the estate ol tieo. V. Humes, ilirciiwil, mm in piirHiianee to nn order of the county court of the state of ()ri-oii, lor Crook county, made and entrreil on the 7th liny of (icliihi-r, 1!I12, the uiidersljrneil. tin. administrator fiforcMiild, will sell at. private sale, forc'iiHh, or part cash and balance on time, subject to conMrinatlon bv said court, alter Saturday, the It til day of November, 1112, at his home In I'rlnevllle, Orenou, all the right, title mill Interest the said (ieore W. Hume had at the time of his death and all the Intereet the estate ha ni'iitlreil In addition to that of the said George W. Karnes at the time of his death, In ami to the follow ,lng iJeHiTllH-d real iro-rty situated In the county of Crook, state of Ore gon, to-wlt : hots Nos. two (2) and tlin-e CI), block eight (H) of Monroe Hodges original plat of the town of Prineville, county of Crook, state of Oregon. Terms and conditions of sale ten -10-per cent on day of sale, balance upon confirmation by the court, or part upon continuation by the court and balance on time. Dated this Hi li day of October, 1U12. William II. Daiinkh, Administrator of the estate of (leorge W, Karnes, dcci'imed, Id 10 Lafler's Studio A, place to get good portrait, and farm view. Knlarg Ing or copying done neatly and quietly Photo work exchanged for wood Send us your films by mall We are located on Main Street, near club hall F. E. Lafler. Prop. We strive to please Are YOU taking the Journal ?