Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 28, 1912, Image 5

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Secrecy and CompIercn2ss of tha
s Mobilization Uiprecsdenlei
igg.r Pore Than Turaty's Bul
garia's Fighting Mashlns Built Up In
Eight Yssrs Artlllary Strang Fas.
w In tha Triumph af tha Alllaa.
Ill Ihr Journal of tlw Military Ber.
111 lliatltutlun of III t'lillml Htalnt,
IHiIiIUIiihI uu (lovrrnora lalnntl by urt.
wr of lb ariujr, Imdlng srtlil.uVuls
Willi 111 uillltnry untsiiteittluiis of lltil
Hurls, HorvU. tliwca, Moiitentwo anil
Turkwy. Tu kulbor In llrlgmllcr Uvu
ml Julia N. Alllaon.
"(Iim-v aiiiiln," arllm (I.mhtuI A III
uii, "tlw pjrn of I lie ilvllln-cl world
Mr turned iiiloualjr townrtl tint tick
Willi of iHiulbi'iialFrii tCurH. aba 1
un ly Mini suruly In mml of tbe a-rv-hi
of H I'b.vnU luu."
(ii ui-rul aIIImiii lukoa up In onb-r tha
nrmli-a of the iiiiiii-iulliiir iiuIIiiim. Im
tiliiiilMK wlib Turki-y. Tbv Turk, -fonlltiK
tu tirm-ml Alllauli'ii fliturm, sn
ail wo In bu uu liifniilry toliil of 117.
UkS otlli-rra mill l.'J'.-.MKH aiillittitl llli-ll.
cavalry alrt-UKtn of I.iMU ollliftn niul
Lli.NHl miII!isI nun, an artillery
alrcniElli of 1.032 olflfira aurt IKUMM
Ukiii ami III ouVvr aiul 111,470 rullnt
sl mi'ii In tlii wiirtnivr rorpn, ln-nlili-a
, H umtk'ul coirs ami a trnusiHirtatluu
' llt-lMirtiurnl.
"How ni m h of till Tout pnwr forr
actually Ot-nrrnl Allison
ttrlltv. "whut iiroortl(m of Hint rt
ally vxUlluit ran lw umilo avalbibla
for work In tb llulkmis. In a multi-r of
iun conjecture. Colonel 1 1 row, late
uf tit InfuruiatloD di'1'nrlim-nt of tha
German ituucral staff, catiuiiid-a such
uuiulwr aa OOO.Ouo uicn uf all aroia,
and till vallmala la llbornl."
War Itrangth of Alllaa.
Tha war strriiictli of the allli-a (!imi
ami Alllaon lara at iiao,J men. of
boiii Huliinrln furnlnhi-a 3.VI.MK), rVr
Tln ISO.imki, tirvcco NIU.OUO and Monte
tlrtfftl IMI.CKIO.
'Writing of tlw Itulcnrlnn army, Gin
anil AIIImiii nliita out tbnt tbe present
front flebtluit tuiu'hlti was ornulud
Una I loin oliibt yvitr aito. Tlw organi
sation la dlrlilml Into four mrl-the
fluid or artlva anny, the active army
reserve, the reserve army and the mili
tia. Trior to thi' present wnr tbe Itul
gnr army waa dlatrlhuU'd In nine dlvt
alotial arm, each with a heailqiiartera,
I and tlicae arena knew exactly bow
many incii of all anna cimld lw called
upon In the event of wnr. Tbe dlvl
alona were auUllvlilixl lulu dintrlcta,
aud from each district the orminlr-a-tlon
waa euch na lo produce at the eiir
llcat pomllile moment one fully equip
ped regiment of four battnllnua.
The rUrvlnn army l singled out for
prnlne by the army offleer. a are alan
the righting forcea of (irvec and Mon
teuegni. (ieneml Allison cnlla the
Montenegrin an Intrepid race of hnrp
abootera, with nn orgnulzntlon t pi-r-ft'it
tbnt It can be mureutrnled within
a few ilnya, the army l-lng nceompn
liled, when It l In the held, by the
wlvea and dntigbtera of tbe aoldlera,
who carry the amuiiinltloii and cook
all of the food.
The Creek army, fii'iiernl Alllaon
polnta out, baa learned the li'iwon of It
defent by Turkey In JSU7. and alnce
tbnt time fnrrencblug admlnlntrntlve
chuugea and dlartpllunry reform have
been adopted, and the preaent Ureek
force la the outgrowth of Unit transi
tion, Artlllary'e Part.
Iteporta from the aent of war agree
on tbe Important part that tho artil
lery hna played In tho present wnr.
Uencnil Alllaon glvea much apace to
thla iirm of tbe aervlco and abowa
what each of tho allied Htntea. na well
na Turkey, hna In the way of big gnna.
The Turklnh nrtlllery coin)rlHia field,
horse, mountain artillery and howitzer
Imttorlea, fortress artillery mid nrtll
lory ilen.ts. All of tho organizations
lire part of the Turkish regular army,
mid there la no second line of nrtlllery.
On a war footing ench field buttery bus
4 oIIIcith and to ISO enlisted men.
The Intent available reports give the
total Turkish nrtlllery utrongth an W
(lehl batteries (1.1SS giiUH), eighteen
horso butteries (HW guns), forty moun
tain batteries CM" KB nlul twelve
howltner batteries (72 guns). These
guns lire nil of tho various Krupp
types. The nrtlllery ammunition train
consists of 1,'Jol wngons. .
The lUilgnrlnn nrtlllery numbers
nliont 13,0(K) ollU'ors nnd men. Tho nr
tlllery consists mainly of 8.7 nnd 7.B
centimeter Krupp guns. 0.5 centimeter
Krupp mountain pieces. Krupp 12 cen
timeter and Schneider howitzers, Crcu
xot siege guns nnd 7.5 centimeter Crmi
rot iptlrk llrers. The nuinlier of K"'is
Is l.l.M.
The Servian nrtlllery comprises only
Rrlineliler-Cnnet quick HiK P""s
while tho Montenegrin artillery rim-
nlsts or eighteen siege. I welity-llvi'
Held and thirty-eight muuntalii guns
four howitzers, fifteen mortars m'
.eighteen flntllng nnd Maxlm-Xordeii
feh'.t iiiiii-hlno guns,
The (iivck nrtlllery rouslsts of thlr
tv-slx bmterles of T.r. centimeter
Pchnelder-Ciinet. three heavy nnd sis
mouiitiiln lotteries of six guns each
7.5 contlniiter special barrel. Tin
heavy guns are of 17. 15 and 10.5 cent)
meters, with two battertoa of howlt
wr. kust lonctt
The Til, in Id
"ii iiav toil fnruolleu bow tbe liner on U I.Mh day of April
crushed lulu the loelmrg tlmt fined
fortli riniii Ilia frii-.i-ii north mid of bow
It -lid. like a greut colllti.' holding Ita
I "ii lb-mi. dou u to the Ix-nsta and the
iiime of the sen, two uillea below.
Nor of how the rnptnlu of uillllona
and the (wanim IihhJ together at the
r It aa lb cruel sea carried off tlielr
lovea and liniea.
Hut iilready It In a dim memory.
Juat aa Unit vast Iceberg In the mid
dle uf the uorth Allniille. towering up
VJ feet like a greut loomimtnl to the
dend below, had drifted Into warmer
waters and melted, ao after the first
shork of the shuddering plunge of tbe
Tltiink- waa uver ao awlft doe on
wiw trend Uon Biiotherf beela are we
beginning to forget.
Violent euioilon. great aynipathy.
qulik furgetfiilueaa thea are tbt
features of our modern Ufa.
Hume there are who never will for
Tbe memory of tbe ablp'a tragedy
baa burned Into their rouaclouanea a
iir tbnt will not disappear, but In
tbe general cunatlouanesa lb thought
Is aa unmindful a the wave above
the dead.
We are Ilk children.
Kin reel j hint the tear dried from
our eye thnn the aiulle apiwar. Aa
when the Tlinnlc went down and the
waves cloned together above It, mak
ing smooth wnter. ao do we forget
I .ret we forget!
(lo to the Bteiimablp ticket offlcea.
Will yon not Hud the anm surging
crowd? And even bxlay over the
treacberoua wntera tourlsta lounge on
the decka and tha owner of dancing
feet And pleaaure.
It la only tbe surface of our recol
MM tlona that gets printed by the day'
event, and tomorrow' new Impres
sion wine It out
Home thing ought not to lie forgot
ten -the criminal cnreleasness uf the
hip' owner, the gambling wltb
death, the taking of chance to save
money, the epeed mania. All thea
should b remembered, and there
ahould be eiemplary punlabmeut, but
Humanity must forget!
We cun not alway go mourning wltb
regret Mercifully are our memorlea
mad like children's slate from which
tuny b wiped the horror of cataclysm
and cruel visitation.
And ao Ibe peasant builds bla cot
tage on the verge while tbe crater'
Up la warm. And ao the smooth ae
smiles, and
We forget.
We must forgett
Tha Flourishing Birch.
On valuable forest tree at least I
withstanding tbe Inroads of ai and Ore.
Thla I the whit birch, sometimes
railed the paper blrcb or cauoe birch,
since It furnished the Indians tbe ma
terial for tlielr ranimia cauoe. The
opluloo baa been veutured by the for
est service that more white blrcb I
now growing In the United State than
waa th case Sis) years ago. It spreads
rapidly over spaces left bare by forest
Area, but It la abort lived tree and
doea not prosper where It ba to com
pete wltb other tree for light and soil.
No other wood aa hard aa blrcb can lie
worked with ao little dulling of the
tools, and thla quality, with Ita hand
some color and Ita failure to warp after
seasoning, makes It iniicb used In tbe
manufacture of various novelties. Prac
tically all spools are made of blrcb. and
In Maine alone, which la the chief seat
of thla Industry, some 800.0UO.OUO spool
are turned out ench yenr. Harper's.
Oil From Shale.
The Scotch oil Hold I unique. Tbe
petroleum of that Held I uot In tbe
ttuld state us our product Is. It la
shale formatlou. This shale la almost
aa black aa coal. It Ilea at a depth of
about 400 feet below tbe surface. Tbe
sbnle producing territory hi between
Edinburgh and Glasgow. It la known
a tho oil Held of West Cnlder. The
deposits are extensive and believed to
be Inexhaustible. This oil shale la
mined as con I la mined. In vurious
pnrts of the Held there nre shale crush
ing works similar to the coul breukers
In our iinthmclte coal fields. To these
works the shale la run na It Is mined
and broken up Into small pieces, the
crude oil being extracted nt the crush
ers. The crude oil of the Scottish pe
troleum shales we would rail tar over
here, it Is so thick and black, but from
It the rcllncrs obtain illunilnatliig oil,
lubricating oil, ammonia und puratUu.
New York Tress,
Historical Mixup.
Having learned the Important date
when the United States mint was es
tablished and the cotton gin Invented.'
grammar school pupil In Kentucky,
nnswcrlng the question "What were
two Important institutions establish
ed in Washington's administration?"
wrote, "Mint and gin!" - National
Advertising Pays.
"I tell you, advertising pays." "Well,
wlial Is on your mind?" "Some lime
ago I advertised for a lost live dollar
bill, and a stranger who had picked
one lift oh the street restored It to me.
This morning while looking tlirongh no
oh) suit I round the V I thought I hud
lost." H'jsion Trauscrlpt. t
Poultry aa a Second Crop.
The possibilities of the poultry bust
ness as ii second crop on ground prl
niarlly devoted to the production ot
other crops are not at all appreciated
as they should be. . Poultry not only
run be produced In connection with
oilier crops without any damage to
the crops, hut decidedly to their advan
tage. National Stockman ami Partner.
2nd-hand Sewing Machines
$3 to $30
Your Pick from 20
Different Makes
Prineville Furniture Exchange
fit lliil I 111 iilli i "e-.
f .
We can supply your needs in
the Flour and Feed Line
Farmers, don't fail
of our Liberal
The Journal : AH
mm " mi
Flour Mills
to take advantage
Exchange system
& Carlson
Made inOregon
Delicious Home Made Bread,
Doughnuts and Cookies, at the
Cash Grocery
Geo. Whiteis, Prop,
the County News.
! iBarg
$20 to $40
Also some "Made in Oregon"
The Store with the Guarantee
Registered Duroc Jersey. All
old enough for service. Pigs are
at the W. S. Rodman Ranch ad
joining City.
G. A. BRADLEY, . . Redmond
Statement of Resources and Liabilitiea of .
The First National Bank
Of Prineville, Oregon
Loans and Dlsoounts.. tJW.gto 03 capital Stock, paid In S 80,000 09
United SUtea Bonda 11500 00 Bnrplua fund, earned RU.OS) no
Bank premtaea,et
Cash A Due from banka
l-i.540 li
Z10,9H 04
531,42l It
B. F. Alias.
Will Wanwaikr. Vic.
For Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, Wall
Paper aud Building Materal go to
A. H.
J. H.'WIGLE, Proprietor
Stock boarded by the day, week or month at
Reasonable rates. Remember us when in
Prineville. Ratbs Reasonable. We have
Fine Livery Rigs For Rent
Can we have your name on the Journal list ?
Shingles, Mouldings, Windows,
Doors, Glasses, Etc. Etc., Etc.
Undivided profits, earned Sl.TH M
Circulation S,Jo 00
Deposits 385,099 O
T. M. BaMwia. Caasiar
H. BaMwia. Aai't Caabiaf
Lippman"& Co.