Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 21, 1912, Image 7

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Tariff Will Bo Taken Up; Con
gress to Meet Not Later
Than April 15.
N-tw York. OoviTitiir Wilson fin
nomirrd Hint lininiitiatly liluT bin
liiHiii'.iirntlon i-r'Ri1 it of Iho I'll
lied Unite h would mil nit nxiratir
illttitry luii of cutiKmn lo convene
tint littor tlmn April U fur tho .niriwue
of revising the turllf.
Tint urcslilont i'Um'I Ima tsii lo I!' r
mucin for a viiciitlun ami will rtiurn
DwuiliiT 10. To sot nt rent specula
Hon it a lo wlutl lie ould do wlih re
Kurd to tariff revision, ho linsm d the
following miilrini'iit:
"I sluill cull congress tj"tiP In
extraordinary sosslott trnt litter llinti
April 15, I slutll do thin nut only b
oiiiito I think Hint lite plctUrs of lb"
party oiiithl (o lie reduoiiiod prompt
ly its poimiblij, hut also W.'tuso I
know It to he In iho IM'Tcat uf bus!
nt-a thnt nil uncortttlnty s lo wlmt
iho iwrtli ulitr Hi-Hi of tnrlrf revision
tire to ho should he romuvotl M noun
li a possible,"
Since 111 nlfcllon, llt governor hit
been sounding public opinion on the
advisability of culling a upwlnl
lou mid hint found th dxmiiud tot
oittt practically uniiiitmous.
Vhhlnitlon. 'lrk of the house
ways and meana committee have be
l!iin work upon tariff revision bllln
for the upwliil s-aton of congress
which 1'roaliletit elect Wilson Itu tt
ed he will ummon to meet next April,
lii-moerallo leaders have bwn coiiil
d"iit for koine time thnt the IiicoiiiIiik
administration would frnve the tariff
hatie to au Immediate trial, mid much
of the detail work of preparing the
hi I In In undor way.
Suggestion have btwu mitde by In
flumiilal members of the senate, with
In thu hint week, that n Joint commit
lit'. representing ti mi bo and senate
democrats, be Informally selected he-
fore the special session begins, lo go
over the tariff alttmllnn and harmim
Inn wlnttevnr difference may mint
between the demot-rnts of the two hod
ttllnolt System Assailed
Chleitga Miss Virginia llrooks, the
yoiirnt girl vlllgatito, who delivered
Went Ititinnioiid from It vicerldden
condition. In a atlrrlng speech before
lout) women who had gathered to par
ticipate lu the suffrage Jubilee Hi Hull
limine, attacked what Kite termed 1111
mils" corrupt legal system.
In abort, anappy terms that brought
cheer after eheer from hor feminine
audience. he described how corrupt
legal decision are handed down from
the niiirtlclual bench, and how the
male's attorney' office la swayed by
political power.
Laroott 8ubacrlptlon wu 140,000
From Charles R. Crana
New York. Complying with the
new law, the namea of more tlmn 91
000 peraons who contributed to the
campaign fund of Woodrow WIIboii
for the proaldency, were made public
here. Thla l the largest humber of
peraona ever recorded aa contributing
to campaign fund.
The lament aubacrlptlon wa for
140.000, from Charlee It, Crane, and
the next $35,000 from Cleveland
Dodge. Moat of the donntlona were
leaa than 110,000. They amounted In
all to $1,100,000.
Apple Bring 110 a Box
Spokane. With the selection of 100
boxes of apples, for which James
Hill, of St. Paul, annually pay $10 a
box, the Fifth Nutlonnl Apple Show
closed Saturday.
The fact that the fruitgrowers' con-
ference at Its flnnl Bosslon failed to
Indorse the plan for a general con
ference of the grower here December
16 to effect an organization of grow
ers In the northwestern states to pro
vide a common channel for market
ing, was regarded a Indicating tbat
the proposed organization would meet
8loop Driven on Rock; Crew Saved
Newport, Or. The gas sloop Con
dor was wrecked here when, In at
tempting to enter the harbor, she lost
her propeller and waa driven agaliiBt
the rocks at the end of the north Jot
' ty. Her crew of three, W. II. Dorlty,
Uinster; Ooorge Wnddell, engineer,
and George Mustoe, mate, wore dar
ingly rescued by the government life
savers, who battled their way through
boavy sous to the sloop's side.
Versatile Craft I Toted
Hnmmondsport, N. Y. Clenn H.
CurtlBB' aerial' terra-marine craft,
which files like a bird, sklniB the
water like a fish, and rolls along tha
land like a 90-horse-power racing car,
was successfully tried out here.
The new machine has Its wheelB
forward of the center of gravity and
la equipped with a tall skid.
...... i
tlufkrt Paaha, who la commander-
n-clilt f of the Turklah troopa In the
war with tht Balkan atatea.
Acting Secretary of War Aaki Coop
eration of Governor
Wanhlngton. One of the moat Im
portant movea lu recent yenra to pre
pare the national ntllltln for uae In
time of war la propoaed In letter acl
dreaaed by Acting Bocretary Oliver to
the governor of all the atatea and ter
rltorle Inviting their cooperation In
the war college plana for the organiza
tion nt the nillllla Into 12 tactical dl
The letters point out that If the
militia I to be uaed a field force
effectively In war time It can be.done
by till ayatem of dlvialona, and to In
lure the proper working of the plan
all of lite detnlla ahould be worked out
In time of peace.
I. W. W. Reach Honolulu
Honolulu. Reaching out acroa the
I'acino Ocean, the Inihmirliil Worker
of the World have begun a campaign
of orgnnliatlon among the laboring
clnaaea of the Hawaiian Inland. Their
propiignndn baa beou spread among
the working people and tha repreaon
tatlves of the organlantlon have Intro
duced their doctrine to the plantation
laborer and the Jiipanese.
First Land Show In Northwest
rortlnnd. The Taciflc Northwest
Land Product Show, the first In Port-
land nnd one of the greatest ever held
In the United States, opened hero
Monday, for the first time people of
the tiorlhwcHt will have a really big
opportunity to learn the productive
capacity of the soil.
New York. Declaring himself In
favor of n slnglo six-year term for
tbe president and the amendment of
the constitution so a to give cabinet
officers seals In the senate, President
Taft made hi first Important speech
since his defeat for reelection before
the Lotus club here. In a speech
which he himself called a swan soug,
gently railing at William J. Bryan's
suggestion that ex-presidents be given
debating power without votes In con
gress, Taft closed with a toast to:
"The health and success of the able,
patriotic and distinguished gentleman
who Ib to be the next president of the
Unltod States."
President Taft reviewed nt length
tha problems which the chief execu
tive must face, and urged that the ap
pointments of "local patronage" posts
be taken from him to enable him to
give more time to putting Into effect
the pledges of the party that elected
Alluding humorously to the criti
cisms to which he has been subjected,
the president declared that he foresaw
the ond of "Indiscriminate muckrak
ing" and unfounded criticisms of pub
lic officials, which, be Bald, hud done
"grave Injustice to muuy honorable
Wheat Club, 78c; bluestera, 81c;
red Hiisslnn, 70c.
Oats $27 per ton.
liny Timothy, $18; nlfalfa, $12.
Butter Creamery, 35c.
Kgga Candled, 42c.
Hope 1912 crop, 19c.
Wool Eastern Oregoa, i8c; Wil
lamette valley, 220.
Mohair 32o.
Wheat Wuestem, 80c; club, 77c;
red Russian, 70c. .
EggB 43o.
Butter Creamery, 35o.
Hay Timothy, $17 per ton; alfalfa,
a n " k ' i '
National, Political s nd Per
sonal News Items Briefly
At an lultlM coat of 3,Oii0.onO. elec
trification of the Uenvcr Wo Grunde
railway will begin at once.
Martial law waa again proclaimed
In the Kunawha coal fluids by Gover
nor Glasscock of West Virginia.
The weal her office at Cordovr,
Alaska, n-porls that the precipitation
between January 1 and Novumlnr 1
of till year wa 171 Inches.
The contract system of prison labor
was condemned lu the report of the
committee on prison labor proaontod
at Hi" congress of the Ane riciin 1'ris
on aaaoclatlon.
HlatiaUis avallablo In ttm ofi'ke of
SiHiretnry of Hiale Jurilun, sliuwed
that one In every 27 rvuldent of Cull-
fonila owned some sort of motor ve
hicle on October 1 this ycur. !
Han Francisco has lost Its Icirul fight
for the dlKsolutiou of the merger of i
the Hell and the Home telephone sys-
tonis, the court ruling the city has no
right to give a franchise which for- '
bids salo.
Another coat famine, greater than
the shortage thnt hnnillcapped Chlca-'
go last winter, I imminent, according
to local dealers. Trices of al kinds
of coal to the small consumer have
been raised from 2f to 75 ccnta a ton.
Amid a storm of applause, a resolu
tion waa adopted by the Illinois Fed
eration of Women' club demanding
a state law forbidding the granting of
marriage licenses unless applicants
could produce guarantees of their
good health.
Twenty-three person at least were
killed or badly wounded on the Amer
ican side of the Mexican boundary last
year by bullets fired during the fight
ing between the rebels and the govern
ment force under Madoro. Thl fact i
w as developed by tbe special army
board, headed by Colonel Krancl Ker- i
nan. j
People in the News
Lu Cheng Ilslang, ex-premier of
China and minister of foreign affairs,
has been reappointed to the latter of
fice. Harry Wolverton, who experienced
little success aa manager of the New
York Highlanders last year, has been
signed to handle the Saerameuto club
of the Coast League.
Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Gibson,
who was in charge of the troops that
hanged John Ilrown at Harper's Fer
ry, Is dead at his plantation at Yer
dena, Ala. He was 79 years old.
Miss Florence F. Wilson, of New
York, eclipsed all faat typewriting re
cords by writing at the rate of 117
words a minute for one hour, The
best previous record was 112 words
a minute.
Captain John Osterhuls, convicted
of smuggling Chinese into San Fran
cisco bay from Knsenndn, Mex., was
sentenced to one year In the Alameda
county Jnll and to pay $1000 fine or
serve 600 days additional.
General Homer Lea, the mysterious
little hunchback who wielded great
power In China, left an estate of only
$4000, according to his will, which
was filed at Los Angeles. The small
extent of Lea' property Is a great
surprise, for he was gonerally consid
ered wealthy.
Washington, D. C, News
Illiteracy In the United States has
decreased during the last decade from
10.7 to 7.5 per cent. It la shown by
statistics JuBt given out by the census
Representative Henry of Texas
Btutes that ha will not be a candidate
for speaker of tbo bouse at the next
session of congress. It now seems
certain that Speaker Clark will have
no opposition.
There were 1453 men killed In and
about coal mines of the United States
during the first eight months of this
year, according to an announcement
of the bureau of mines. The fatalities
in 1911 numbered 2719.
The Interstate commission has
granted relief from the fourth Bection
to establish rates on apples from the
north Pacific coast and southeastern
points pending action by the commis
sion on applications filed before Feb
ruary 17, 1911.
Prestdent Taft Issued a proclama
tion fixing the rates that foreign ship
ping Bhall pay for passage through
the Panama Canal. The proclamation
establishes a merchant vessel rate of
$1.20 per net ton In actual carrying
capacity, with a reduction of 40 per
cent ship In ballast.
The first real legislative work of
congress began Wednesday, when the
subcommittee of the house committee
on appropriation took up considera
tion of the legislative, executive and
Judicial appropriations. The measure
last year carried $36,000,000, and an
equally large appropriation is expect
ed at the approaching session.
See the
Fine Display
of the
Very Latest Styles
First Showing of
Fall Millinery, at
Mrs. Estes
Millinery Parlor, Prineville
On Improved. Producing
Large Loans a Specialty
Prineville, Oregon
The Oregon Bar
At tha Old Stand
G.W. Wiley & Co., Prps
All kinds of Choice Liquors
Wines and Cigars.
Famous Ranier Beer in
Bottles and on Draft
Notice of Sheriff's Sale on Mort
gage Foreclosure.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of an execution and order of sale issued
out of the circuit court of the state of
Oregon for Crook county on Nov. 11,
1.I12, and to me directed, upon a decree
and, order of ssle in favor of James L.
Youngs, plaintiff, for twelve hundred
tiftr two 25100 dollars, with interest
on $1000.00 thereof at the rate of ten
per cent per annum from Jan. 25th,
1911, and interest upon $252.25 at six
per cent per annum from Sept. 11, 1H12,
for $100.(10 attomcy's fees and $15.00
costs aud disbursements.
And upon a judgment and decree in
frtvor of Annie A. Lively, one of the de
fendants in said cause, "for $647.10 with
interest thereon at the rate of ten per
cent por annum troru Jan. 26. 1910, for
$25.00 attorney's fees and $5.00 costs
and disbursements;
And against J. H. Okelly and M. E.
Okelly, defendants in said foreclosure
suit: I will on
the 14tk dy ef December, 1912,
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the
froat door of the county courthouse in
l'rineville, Oretion, sell at public auc
tion to the highest aud best bidder for
cash the following described real prop
erty belonging to the defendants, J. H.
Ukelly ana i. ft. UKeiiy, to wn: ine
south half of the southwest quarter, the
northeast quarter of the southwest
quaiter and the southeast quarter of
the northwest quarter of section twenty-nine
in township twelve south, of
range thirteen east of Willamette
Meridian, in Crook county, Oregon.
Dated this 14th day of November,
1912. T. N. Balfour,
Sheriff of Crook county, Oregon.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior, V, 9. Land Office
At The Dalles, Oregon, November 5lh, 1912,
Notice is herebv given that
ot Pint. Oregon, who, on July 0th, 1007, made
homestead No, 158.1S, serial No. (M168, for uS
neL4, 8wt-4neli, and seiiiiwV4l see. 10, tp. lb
south, range 19 east, Willaintle meridian has
tiled notice of intention to make final live
year proof, to establish claim to the land above
described, before Warren Brown, county clerk,
at htaotneo at Prineville, Otegon, on the 24th
day of December, 1912.
Claimant names aa witnesses : Joseph H.
Gray, Prineville, Oregon! Joseph R Post of
Post, William It. Brunimer ot post, Hiram
Hmead of Post, Ore.
11-21 C. W. MOORE, Register.
Pony for Sale
Saddle broke, fi years old, weighs 800
pounds; price $27 .50, with new bridle.
Inquire at the Journal office. 9-12
I've Got The
Finest Man !
And lie's lioing to dupe np and
go to the
Thanksgiving Eve
Nov. 27.
F.verytKKly's doing it. Yen ran't
sff'inl t'i mi it. I!i cats and
big prizes.
Are you looking for a itove?
Come to
John Morris
Ho' Ice of Final Accounting.
In the mutter of tbe estate of Carl G. Bit? -
on, dweawnl.
Notice la hvretiy given by the underainned,
tht; aduilniitrator of iht'l eiate of Carl ti
Hafttuon, (leci'asen tbat ne dk inaoe I.
fllt-d with the clerk of the county court of
Crook county, oron, hit finul accountii.g ss
the administrator of Mid eoute, aktnc that
Mid final aixouul be settled and allowed, and
the Mid court ban act Monday, the 2nd day of
IH'emher, ivii, at loo ctoca in tne forenoon
of Mid dy, at the county courtroom In Prine.
vl lie Crook county, ('regon, as the time and
plsce for henriug and settlluic Mid final ac
counting. iMio of first puhlicatioo, October
31xt. 1912.
Usted this 31st day of October. 1912.
T. E. J. lH'FFT,
Jtdmlnltrator or the etale of Orl (i.
BsKaauton, deceased. :U-iJl-
Sheriff's Sale.
In the circuit court of the eUUof Oregon, for
the county of Crmik.
V'. A- Booth, pl.tutiff,
ju. A. B"y1 nl J J. Boyd. delen1nt.
To the sheriff ot Crook county, .reeiinic:
By virtue ol in execution sud order of sale
1fiuel out of the circuit court of the state of
Oregon for the eountv of Orook. on the 6th day
of Msv, tuU, on s Judgment rendered iu Mid
courtbn the wild Sth dy of My, In cer
tain uit wherein W. A. Booth plaintiff,
aud Jan. A. bovd and Jeu j. Boyd were de
fendant., in favor of the plaintiff, W. A. Booth,
and against the defendant. Jaa. A. Boyd and
Jea J. Boyd, and commanding that I recover
from the above-named defendants the sum of
four hundred dollar, with interest thereon at
the rate of ten per cent per aunuin from the
6th day of July. and the further sum of
forty dollars attorney's tees and ten dollars
for costs and disbursement., and that 1 sell
the ne'4 of swli, the se , of nv.', and' lots two
and three ot section intrty. in tow nsnip tmr-It-en
south, of range 11 east ot W illamette
Meridian in Oregon. Also the n -'; of nw'j of
s.-etlon 13, the nla ot nw1 of section 14 and
; the ne4 of ncK of section 1A in township 17
south, of range 14 east of Willamette Meridian
and the ei, nw1, swi.4 of the nwW and the
nwi, ol the sw'4 sec ju, tp 13 s, range 11 e, W M,
in Crook county, Oregon, together with the
tenements, hereditaments ana appurtenances
thereunto belonging or in any w ise appertain,
ing, which judgment was enrolled and docket
ed in the othce of the county clerk of Orook
rouutv, state of Oregon, on the Sth day of
May, i'.ri. notice is hereby given that 1 have
levicy: uiou aud l wilt on aluruay,
Out UA Jay of December, 1912,
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the
north door of the courthouse in Prineville,
rrtiok eountv. Oregon, sell to the highest bid
der for cash all the right, title and interest the
said defendaels. Jaa. A. Boyd and less J. Boyd,
had in and to the above described premises on
the Sth day of May, 1912, to satisfy said judg
ment, interest, costs and accruing costs. Said
sale subject to redemption as provided by law.
f irst puuusnea novemiwr n, ii-i.
Sheriff of Crook county, Oregon.
hherifTs Sale.
In the circuit court ol the state ot Oregon,
for the county of Crook,
W.A. Booths plaintiff,
J. A. Bovd, defendant.
To the sheriff of Crook county, Greeting:
Bv virtue of an execution and order ot sale
Issued out of the circuit court ot the state ot
Oregon, for ttie county of Orook, on the 6th day
of May, li'12, on a judgment rendered in said
court on the saidttth day of May, 1912, in a cer
tain suit wherein W. A. Booth waa plaintiff,
aud J. A. Boyd, was defendant, in favor of the
plaintiff, W.'A. Sooth, and against the defend
ant, J. A. Boyd, and commanding that 1 re
cover from the above-named defendant the
sum of nine hundred dollars with interest
thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum
from the 6th day of July, lki9, aud the further
sum of ninety dollars attorney's fees and ten
dollars for costs and disbursements, aud that
1 sell the following described real property,
to-wit : The nei4 of sw1, se1 of nw1 and lots
two and throe of section thirty in township IS
south, of range 11 east ol Willamette Meridian
in Crook county, Oregon, and the nw of the
nwi of section 13, theniy of the nwl4 of sec
tion 14 and ueli of the ue of section li in
township 17 south, of range 14 east of Willam
ette Meridian, and the e, of the nw1, swl, of
the nwi. and the nw-4 of the swl-i sec 20, tp
18 8, rauge 11 e, W M, in Crook county, Oregon,
together with the tenements, hereditaments
and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in
any wiso appertaining, which judgment was
enrolled and docketed in the office of the
eountv clerk of Crook county, on the Sth dav
of May, 1012, notice is hereby given that 1 have
levied upon ana i wm ou aaturuay,
the 14th day of December, 1912,
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the
north door ot the courthouse in trim-vine,
Crook couuty, Oregon, sell to the highest bid
der tor cash all the right, title and interest the
said defendant, J, A. Boyd, had in the above
described premises on the 6lh day of May, 1912,
to satisfy said judgment, interest, costs and
accruing costs. Said sale subject to redemp
tion as provided bv law,
First published November 14, 1912.
Sheriff of Crook county, Oregon.
r TT1 r-0B9K meets every
a yj. J. 13 a Saturday night.
Btrengors welcome. G. P. Reams, N. G.; 0.
L. Shattook. V. G.; Burt Barnes, Sec.; and
C. B. Dinwiddle. Treaa.
One bay horse, weighs about 850.
Owner can have same by describing
property and paying all expenses, in
cluding this advertisement.
11-7 H. Hanson.
Crook County Journal, f 1.50 per yr
Kotifc ! tanttttt.
Impart mfnt.rf the Inferior,
V. . jin4 OftW.
Th4- Twill. trwn- N"n,u-r , Wi,
fn f'nriuit li lturiiU, ul H ii'l, Oregon, toe-
!'" :
rm ire hf ff'T vtifl''rt tbt K-tH fnl'l
who KlVi-i kit-rffrffiti, n tn rtfttri vt-ftn-fcn,
H1 on i'tiiif i, tyl. fit In tht
"thf- hi ftuir rrtini,rt vAU-Mun t
fmilfwt mr'1 'iir itt eniHf HhU'ji of ynur
tiomfwifii'i, n'rr N . writ Xo. m tf)
tiitf lt Mi r fi 2i, lli. f-r ' .''a. '. I. nw'4
o-1, n,D,'4. , t"wnifitj Id rung
17-, Vj,Mo-tl inefHliaii, nnd fl ffrnurw)
! for Mm r-mitp-t h iiil-r- run
LBuriM'ft tin wholly MirftTiriotvd th Id
lfH;t of Ittnd t'tT ovrrr il-"n iiMrnlh lHt
I Hi; tiiHt w Im whotir fH(l tn nnl.'i tip
j on. cul!ivt 4.r linprov mi I if twti'fl for
tin" "r i H i (!' inukhc M entry.
Vim n therefore, mriitrr it' tiiini that
' th hI alUvutwn wili tuken hr thi
I oil tee haviiMf le?ri conii by yu,
an'l youraid rntry will tr mwcled ther
I un'lwr without yur further rijrht to b
! heard thi-mii, fiilw More tht oiV or
ion if you fuil t file in thiffiw
j within twenty ttuya aft r th YOV HTH
i putiii tiim uf thu notice. t nhown bwiow
1 your aniwif. uiMiroBih. fjKTihtily mft
ii))rsni refwiMlintf l lbe alhicatioiw uf
' ruiitewt. or if yon full witinn that time to
i tile in thi ofiicfuiu proof that ya hav
! nerval a copy of tour ariwron the airl
contetflfit either in person or vy rpjciMf rru
mail. If tbuaerTHw i nmHe Wythe de
livery of copy of )oj.r an-wer u the con
U-nlrtiit in jertfn, proof of surh n rvire
' liiUM IK? Miner inr piu .-'iiw-mh. "ii-
ten awrknowieclrnfiit of hi rijl of the
i copy. -huwintf the dute of its receipt, or
! thu amdttvit ol the peraon by whom the
j delivery wan made nlntfiitr ben and where
the copy vim deiirereu; u inane uy
reirinten-it rnatl. proof n ich (mtvut muH
oonaiH of the unVlavit of the person by
l whom the copy wa" mailed staling when
and the pvtotficet which it waa mailed.
i arid this aui'iaifiv inufi ne au(.-jiiitaui-u uy
the po.Htiiianer'a receipt ior ine ienrr.
You should state in your answer the
name of the pVrtoltice to which you desire
future notice- to be lent to you.
H14 Reiciater.
Date of firnt pailication Not. 14,
aecond Nov.21.UH2
third " Nov. 2H. IflJ
" lourth M lec. 5. 1912
Kuticc for rnblication
Impart ment of the interior,
U.8. Laud Office at Tbe llles. Oron.
N(jrvmU.r 5tb, laii.
Notic U hereby given that
of Robert. Oregon, who, on April th. 1911.
made homeu-l No. UH6n, for seine', '
tr4,sec'). an"1 sec. 21, tornnhip 17
tuiiub, rtnie 17 enit Willamette meridian has
tiled notice of intention to make coiomuution
t,v -lt-ib claim to the laud above
deacrfbed. before "imoiiiv EJ.ihiffy, C.8. com-
luu.,.lU vmce ai rnnevuie, uregon.ou
lite 14th dy of Dcemh.'r 1W1.
Claimani names u wiiuw-i . jrwviu r
Robertb, Claude C, iMinbam, L'lywes 8. Biisb
nell. Jay E- tihriatiaa, all of R(berts, Oregon.
11.14 C W. Moors. Reg-Uter.
In tbe county court of the state of
Oregon for Crook county.
In tbe matter of the estate of Allen
Hash, deceased.
To Martha Aon Strait, Jane Huston,
Arnienta Evans, Anna Sumner,
James Garrett, Ethel Clark, Donald
Garrett, Koy Chltwood, Fay Cblt
wood, Ina Cranch, and all heirs un
known, if any there be, Greeting. k
lu the name of the state of Oregon;
you are nereby cited and required to
appear In the county court of the
state of Oregon, for the county of
Crook, at the courtroom thereof, at
l'rineville In the county of Crook,
Oregon, on Monday, the 2nd day of
December, 1912, at 10 o'clock in the
forenoon of that day, then and there
to show cause, If any there be, why
the executrix of the Inst will and tea
lament ol said Allen Hash, deceased,
shall not be auttiortied by this court
to sell the real estate of aald de
ceased, to-wlt : the south half of the
northwest quarter and the north
half of the southwest quarter of sec
tion five in township thirteen south,
of range fourteen east of Willamette
Meridian In Crook county, Oregon.
Witness the Hon. H. C. Ellis, judge
of the county court ot the state of
Oregon for the county of Crook,
with the seal of said court affixed,
this 9th day of October, 1A12.
Attest: Wahkkn Bijowx,
10-10 Clerk.
The Brosius Bar
Finest Brands of Wines,
Liquors and Cigars.
F. E. BROSIUS, Proprietor
Notics of Administrator's Sale of
Notice is hereby given that in pur
suance of an order of the county court
of the state of Oregon for Crook county,
made and entered on the 4th day of
November, 1912, in the matter of the
estate of Cornelius Thomson, deceased,
the undersigned, administrator of said
estate, will sell at private sale subject
to confirmation of said court, at the of
fice of Willard H. Wirtz, at Prineville,
Oiegon, after Saturday, the 7th day of
December, 1912, upon such terms as the
said administrator may deem wisest and
most beneficial to said estate, all the
right, title and interest the said Cor
nelius Thomsom had at the time of his
death in the following described real
property, to-wit: Lot one (1) and the
southeast quarter (J) of the northeast
(1) of section one (1) in township thir
teen (13) south of range thirteen (13)
east; and lot live (5) and the southeast
quarter (J) of the northwest quarter
(i) of section six (0) in township thir
teen (13) south of range fourteen (14),
all east of the Willamette Meridian in
Crook connty, Oregon.
Dated this 7th day of November, A.
D., 1912.
(Signed) Wiliiam B. Thomson,
Administrator of the estate of Cor
nelius Thomson, deceased.