Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 07, 1912, Image 6

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In Good Humor, Colonel Taksa Dsftat
by Democrats.
Oyster Bay. N. Y.-Colone! Roots-
Ten niade the following statement .-
"The tmertcan people by a great
plurality hare decided In favor of Mr.
Wilson and the Democratic party.
Like all Rood citisena I accept the re
mit with entire good humor and con
, tentraent."
At the same time he issued his
statement Colonel Roosevelt sent the
following to Governor Wilson:
"The American people by a great
plurality have conferred upon you the
highest honor la their gift I con
gratulate vou thereon,
Wilson Sweeps Wisconsin.
Milwaukee, Wis. Complete returns
from Milwaukee county and scattered
precincts throughout the state Indi
cate that Governor Wilson has swept
Wisconsin by from 20.000 to 30.000
Roosevelt Is running behind Presi
dent Taft except in Winnebaco coun
ty,, which the Progressive candidate
carried by a small margin over Wil
I , ph
Ingenious Machine Thai Can Driven
on Land or Water.
A motorrrcle boat or hnlmmw
cycle, which can bo used on land as
well as on water, has been Invent
ed by a Callfornlna. aava INinnlar,
chanlca. The hunt nart nt th.
vuiue, wnu toe tnrva bladed acrew
propeller which drives It throimh ..
water, may he attached to, an le
of motorcycle by menus of the special
irnnieworK, drive transmissions and
other attachments pif bled. The ma
enme makes a apeet of twenty mile
an hour on land and nrt-.n mil. ....
water, and but little time Is required
10 make tne change from land to wa
ter craft.
The hydrnntoturereL
canoe shaped metal Boats fourteen
Marshall Gets Returns at Capital
Indianapolis. Governor Marshall.
democratic vice presidential candidate
received the returns In the state capl
toL A wire was strung Into the office
oi nis secretary and from there the re
turns were carried into the governor's
private office.
Wilson Ahead In Nevada
Reno, Nev. Early returns Indicate
mat Wilson will carry Nevada bv a
safe majority; Roosevelt probably will
De second. ,
Boston Goes Two to One for Wilson.
Boston Governor Wilson's strength
tn Boston exceeded that of Colonel
Roosevelt and President Taft com-
bined. The latter two almost evenly
divided the vote received by Taft foui
years ago. The Democratic nominee
made a slight gain over the vote of
Bryan in 1908. Complete returns
from the city showed: Roosevelt, 21,
548; Taft, 21.177; Wilson. 43.706.
Governor Foss, the Democratic nonv
ince for re-election, polled almost as
many votes in Boston as he did last
year tn spite of the third candidate.
The Republican vote for governor
last year was 28.752.
Photo by American Frew Association.
King Nicholas, of Monteneoro. who
Is at the front with his troops In the
war of the Balkan states against Tur-
Witness Says McCormlck Company
Made 125,000.000 In Five Years
Chicago. William N. Racv.
troller of the International Harvester
company, recalled to the stand in the
government's dissolution suit against
the alleged combination, to submit re-
Ports of the appraisals made of the
property of the consolidated com Dan
ies before the merger, stated the nhvs-
ical value of the plants as reported by
tne appraisers were as follows:
McCormlck Harvesttne Machine
company, $39,668,157; Deerlng Har
vester company. 127.237.197: Warder
Bushnell & Glessner, 14,637.498; Piano
company, 13.468,667.
The figures showed that the nrnflta
of the McCormlck Harvesting Ma
chine company for the Ave years Drior
to the consolidation aggregated J25,.
000,000, or 1000 per cent on a canitali
satlon of 12,500.000. The' nrnni. nf
the Deering Harvester company were
snown to oe nearly as large.
feet long by about sixteen Inches
wide, each contnlnluff thm air ti.-,
compartments, fastened by meaua of
four hinges to a light frame of steel
tubing. The front end uf thl. fr.m. i.
attached to the motorcycle frame Just
back of the handle Inn iih.,t i ,,....
ferlng with the steering, while the
rear ot tne rrauie la fnstened to the
axie or the rear wheel bv mean nf an
ordinary tandem nut.
W hull the hvilromotiirrrrlo la tn h.
converted from a land tehlcto t
water craft the floats, which are car-
neu uottom side UD for mail work
dropped down on their hi mm. .ml.,-.
oimiy clamped In operative position
Killed at Polls In Kentucky
Lexington, Ky. Two men were
killed in quarrels at election booths
in Kentucky. In Lee county. Consta-
ble Thomas Campbell was killed, and
John and James Caudill were arrested
charged with having shot him.
In Anderson county. Green Bowen
was killed by County Magistrate Hard
ing Satterleee, It is charged.
Utah Seems to be for Taft.
Salt Lake City. Scattering returns
indicate that Taft has carried Utah
by a safe plurality and that Governor
Spry has been elected.
Six Born In 13 Months
Franklin, Pa. Six children in a lit-
tie over 13 months Is the remarkable
birth record in the family of Stephen
Nagotte, of Frenchtown. Mrs. Na,
gotte has borne 15 children In 12 years
and 13 of them are living.
On September 10, 1911, she save
birth to triplets, two girls and a bov
and this week three sturdy boys ar
rived, 13 months and three weeks af
ter the other trio.
Connecticut ...
Kentucky ....
Maine .........
Minnesota ....
Mississippi ....
Missouri ,
Nevada ,
New Jersey ...
New Mexico ...
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota . .
Rhode Island ..
Mouth Carolina
West Virginia ..
Pensylvania .
South Iiakota
Michigan ....
Washington .
ftah ....
Vermont ,
by menus of two steel tubes. Th.
screw propeller, having three twelve-
uicu umues ana attached to a three
foot shaft. Is dropped from Its Inoper
ative position behind the seat The
propeller Is driven direct from t ho An.
gine. and steerlnir. is effected h mo,..
of two small rudders, one at the back
or each float The rudders are con
nected to the handle Inn hr flnlhl.
wire cords. The complete machine
weighs 42.1 pounds, the hydro attach
ments welching a nnumt ti,
weight of the floats Is carried by two
small ruhlier tired wheels at th I.....L
of the frame when the mat-blue is run
tilug on land.
Otto Gray ia In town from Bon-
Frank Johnson ha charge of the
office of the Oregon & Western Col
onixation Co. during the absence of
John R. Ptinaon.
You can't afford to miss chicken
sandwiches tha l.Hh. Look for
location in next week's rnuor
Everybody come.
The lj Pine Commercial Club
filed articles of incorporation with
the county clerk Saturday. Ca
itul stock tloiKi. The Incorporators
are I). L. I'etermin. A. A. Avn J I
Benson." Fred IjfolletU. J. E. Mor
son, G. L. Peterson and J. G. Red
A revival meeting under the lead
ership of Rev. L. 1. Root will com-
mence in the Baptist church this
evening at 7:30 and will continued
indefinitely. A cordial invitation is
extended to all to help the minister
In his work of reaching the lost.
The pastor will be away the first
part of the meetings as he will sup
ply the pulpit for Rev. Root at Day.
ton, Wash.C. P. Bailey.
L Jersey Milch Cows for Sale.
Thirty Jersey Milch Cows for a!e
. . ........ o,, ,,, iu j. loiien
three miles east of 1'rlneville. on Hums
11 7 4tp.
Seed Wheat for Sale
Clean Scotch File Peed Wheat for sale
ui ,i . t.. n iiiuotn, t. uiver, Ure.
For Sale or Trade
Lilrht 2-MMted h,-lr ...1 ..
" mn I'PW.
See K. B. or t". K. Cross. 10 10 lino
For Sal.
Having nearly completed our
work on the Itoachuti dam, we offer
the following fur sale cheap:
J 41) h, p. llitrliuntal Holler.
1 89 h. p. Horlaoutul Knulne.
cooking uteiiMlls, etc., all uf which
arw to iirvi.,.,,.,
rtr OHrtii-tiiuM M..dt.u v.... l
t.iial Sldlnir, or write L.J? .rleta.
" "i iH'nti, ire, III letl
For Sale
White YVvn,l.,o r.-L..!. k... i, n
Adamwm, J'rinvvllle, Ore. U 2d
Pony for Sale
Saddle tirttltM. A vmm ,,l.t u.i..t..
wiunds; price I'.'T .50, Kith'new bii.lle
iuiuir at the Journal uilire. U12
Indian tmtiv. rmm hihIuu i.....
lirmnl .111 tin rlifht Khoulder. Notify
'' nniieiicaa, Mniuimlio. Dr.
Are you looking for a stove ?
Come to
John Morris
Torosstr.tial Lards.
Leghorns for Layers,
For flneat Wlilt.. t ..!,..-.. r-....L-
M'i"y i a. u. i-ratt, rimt, Ore. fl
eticb. lluy now forsprltig. 10-31-lt
Saturday Night
Nov. 9
Everybody Come and
have a good time.
Dr. Charles Macl addcn
Osteopathic Phrlcio
Hrnl. tiltin hi Ktnt Tlwrniwull
Kinpluywl. Uimuiu iHmtmm
Office la Block
Telephoaet Pioaeer, No.
T. li. J. DUI i V
(MucMMur l w. A. IV..II)
PH1NKVI1.H ... nn
Prof. A. W. Crater,
Divin. I(ul..
Ollica In Morris Ituildin three doors
uuui ui rfournsi omce,
Prinevill.. Oregon
Gvil and Irrigation Engineer
Room 11 AdsiiiMin Jiid'g
)t Prineville, Ore,
Dr. Howard Gove
Crooh County B.nk Buildlne
For Sale
HtV Work rinraa VKi ... 1 . .
rears old: wort ain.rlu . l.- ...
For Sale or Trade
Wood Saw in owt u.l:.. i -
S tbw. F, Coodiirt. 9 2fi
One hftV hnrM kvaleka Lin
0 - " HWUfc "UU.
Wlier Mn hatA stn.a, i.. j u.i..
property and paying all espenses, in
cluding this sdvertitement.
" H. Haxsok.
Sherift'a Sale.
f ft the 11 mi if rniivt nf l, ... . j ,
W. A. Ilwlb, tiUllltllf, '
New Hampshire
nimois . . .
Bryan Felicitates Wilson.
Lincoln, Neb. William J. Bryan
sent the following telegram to Gover
nor Wilson:
"I most heartily congratulate you
and the country upon your election.
Your splendid campaign has borne
fruit in a great victory. I am sure
your administration will prove a bles
Bing to the nation and a source of
strength to our party."
Cannon Believed to be Defeated.
Danville, 111. Meager returns indi
cate the defeat of ex-Speaker Cannon
by Frank T. O'Hair by about 1200
plurality In the eighteenth district
Washington. A serious car short
age threatens the country and so
alarming is the outlook that the Inter
state commerce commission has
thought it wise to serve notice upon
both the railroads and the shippers
that drastic measures will he nrtnntorf
unlets there is co-operation all along
the line to render an availahlo
supply effective in meeting the de
mands of trade. Coal famine ia n
of the menacing conditions.
The commission announcen tn th.
railroads which have fallen Into the
practice of "renting" cars to connect
ing lines, instead of maintain).!..
adequate supply of their Own. thnf
the daily rental price of cars will be
materially advanced unless cars are
promptly returned to the lines nwn.
lng them.
The commission has servpd w;,ri
upon the shippers that a higher rate of
demurrage will be Imposed if it Aa
velops in these times of car Khrt.
that cars are being used for storage
Bumper crops and general prosperi
ty in practically all lines of business,
with no slowing up of trade for politl
cil, economic or other reasons have
created enormous traffic.
School of Telegraph.
With the completion uf a rinnidn
track system of rnilrouri in n. -,.hi
of telegraphy nt Bedford. Pa., the
i enn.synania nillrond is k..h
notices calling intention
I tunlty offered yotinc men who desire to
enter the railroad field.
The Bedford school of telegraphy
hns the same equipment as u simton
on a double track mini. In addition to
the miniature ruilro.ul. enirlnes .in, I
cars, n regular system r uiiumnl blin k
signal, wiih crossovers ml(i ,i,msl,
hus been Installed Dispatching trains
by telegraph and telephone Is taught
In the school.-while the students are
also given a full course In ugeufs
work, such us filing of tariffs, keeping
reports, fllliug out standard blanks and
keeping the necessary records.
Wheat Club, 78c; bluestem, 82c
red Russian, 77c.
Oats $26 per ton.
Hay Timothy, S18; alfalfa, $12.
Butter Creamery,
Eggs Candled, 45c.
Hops 1912 crop, 20c.
Wool Eastern Oreeo.i
lamette valley, 22c,
Mohair 32c.
18c; Wil-
Wheat Bluestem, 82c: club. 70.
red Russian, 77c.
Eggs 47c.
Butter Creamery, 35c.
Eggs 38c.
Hay Timothy.' $17 Der inn alfalfa
Causes of Aeroplane Accidents.
It is very dlflleult to determine the
cause of most aeroplane accidents, but
miring the invest Igiitien which follow
ed the fiitnl acldenr to l.leuienmit Se
velle recently In ,inee mi important
discovery is snld bine been mnde
by eye witnesses. Tills was that the
wing of his lllerlut broke downward
Instead of upwind. Indlemlng that
there was tin extreme downward pres
re ns he started to volplane. Kvperl
ments lately made bj France are said
lo have combined this. m,d It Is now
believed l., ,n necessary to guy the
wings as siMwtaiithHiy above ns below
To Hie Ntit-riff ol crook foiinty.jrnHiOitM-
Br virtue plan raraiiiion n, of nlc
Iwuni otil ol the clrrult court ,, ,. n
ntl j. A. ltyl suit j j. n.,,,1 ,
.. .. ...,, m ,,r in irm .lliilir, w. A. Hmilli.
tml Klnt lt.- .liletidni, j... a. Ilort n,i
y . .mi, inin. in, uinl recover
I four hiimlml ,luiir wiih lulereiit lliereun 'l
Sib dsvo July. liniK, ,i u,t. r,h,.r mm !
'"rl l'illr. sitorney's lu, .. ie tuHn
I liirriwn mi.l (linlmrwineiii,. . lul j .,
, lulluwias il rru-it renl nn.i.erlv. ln.u
lllim '4ol.ij !!,L4 . ,'tw two
nillliri,eolerili,ii thirty. In itlhi, ,hlr.
i " """'. nge 11 it l vviniraeii..
ei-tion 13, Hie n'ji'l ""'j ut neri'on
the la-x ne oi eetim If, In tnwn.lili, n
.nd theeS ni i.ij of tho nw. iu! tha
. tae -., kc w. t, 13 , rsnRa 11 e, W M
1 111 Cruilk i-eutlLV. Oreifr.ii t,.w ...... . ..
i teDement..,,1. ....1 . :
I thereunto Ijeliinxir r In any wL- aieriaiii.
1 1 ,1 ' eiiniiieii anil iliM'ket-
.... nun ui iu 1 mi 11 iy clt-rk uf Crook
y. '"'L,f ""-son, iu tha eih ,lay of
Mar, i12, notlee I, herel.y !(.,, that 1 ham
lovltil upon and 1 lll on Satunlay,
th 7lk day of December, 1912,
at 2 o'clock In the afternoon of laid day, at the
-.,.....,.,. , tourinouae in Hrlnev li.
I (,rook eounty Oregon, mil t the hlnheat hid
iler lor nat all the right, title and Imere.t the
ald dolendaelH, Ja. A. Boyd and few J. ,,
had In and to the above deaerllied preinlneii on
the fith iIrv of u,. mi', ... . . : "
, meut. Intereat, eimn and aceriilng ,( Hald
j tale auhjeet to rcilemiitlonaii provided l',y law
HrtpuhllihcdNovemlr7, I'ju. ' '
Sheriff of crook county, Oreso'n.
See the
Fine Display
of the
Very Latest Styles
First Showing of
Fall Millinery, at
Mrs. Estes
Millinery Parlor, Prineville
firfmmm mmj .t
i AMta.'
I An Abstract?
Certainly everyoti. hssan abstract now.
Brewiter Engineerinf Compaor.
I'rlnevllle, Or.,,,,,, ., P(J
you nd gtmranto. th. work. Survey.
;? 1 l",ln- irrigation Knglneerlng.
3 el knap Cd wards
FjSmmt mm afariyMaA
(County fhyalolan.)
J. Trendies Fox"
m. K. U. S. Kiid! snd t. S. A London.
nirttar. 1: .t: "!
dlarsses'. ' """"" "u "IWren's
ittli and rr.lrteiic oa. door weal of VVi-k
Uru .tore, I rlueviiif, (trig,,,,. w U'wk
Wireless Clocks In Germany.
All public cloi-kH the (iermnn em
pire will hereafter lie s.wichronized by
means of wireless telegraphy. A mas
ter cloek In a new station now belnc
eonsirin ied ltt t. twn of Ktiidn will
actuate the fadiotfaiisinltiei. every tnin.
ute. The tower over the station will
be : m feet hlKb. A census recently
taken of Hie public clocks lu London
shows the Importance of nnh r,ei.
et. because 11 total variation whs
found of twenty-one minutes. frm
slow to fast. Only 314 ,)Pr cent of tne
fimepioces enve the correct Cr,,.h
How to Clean a Cittern.
An easy mid effective wnr tn clonn
a cistern Is ns follows: Procure a hose
tout; ennuirh to reach from ih.
the ls.ttom of the cistern and use It as
n sipnon. the ton end belnc? nlnroH in a
tub or larw vessel of water. The low
er end of the hose la hiu.h
dlnary hose nozzle under pressure for
wnshlnir the dirt and Hedirilohf fvntn
the walls.
hlicriiTs Suit.
In the circuit court of the uliito of Oregon
for the county of crook,
W. A. Kmnh, plaintiff,
.,. n. i,,,y.i, 'irieilliaill.
To the Blit.rlft of 1,'rook moult, r:P,miin..
! Hv viriiw, of ..I.., , i'.
; iMKiied ..iitof the ciri uit i-ourt of the at'aie'of
.,..:.,. r iiiecouiiivoi i:nwik, on the llth day
iof May, In 2, una Jiiiffinunt rendered In aitil
j '1'''11" VV. A. llooth v,aa plalntllT,
! Malntlff, w. A.' South" and anal,,., inc'defend:
. ant, .1. A. Boyd, and coiiiinai,dlng that 1 r.
; cover from the ubove-i, ,i,.7,., ..."
i ura of nine hundred dollars with lnterent
. knernie 01 ten per eent i,er aniiuiii
.from the 8th day of July, lun, and the further
nil III III riirit'tv dwilliify alin.iiiiiitri tf..... . j
. 11 v ' .tin m i uruR ttii'i ten
Ulollri( f(frcmw ttiiil (HKlnirHemenu, arxt that
- "' i"iiiir HKHcriueu ram pfft'Urty.
. w, uiiiij 111 iowiininii ia
joiiih. of range It eaat of W illamette Meridian
in crook county. Oregon, and IhenwWolthe
nwu of section 13, the n ot the nwu'of aen-
""'i iity, 111 me ne of aecilon 15 In
township 17 south, of ran,, Yt , ( u,oi.
ette Meridian, and the e of the nwlj, awf of
...w ..,,4. .,., -x4oi lite awvi sec W. in
l!l a, range 11 j, W M, In Crook county, Oregon,
together with the tenements, hereilltamentii
and appurtenances thereunto belonging or In
iSyZS sl,l,."""HllK, which judgmoiit was
....... ,. U , H,,, oinee 01 the
coumy clerk of Crook county, on the Blhday
of Mav, lllllt, notice is hereby given that 1 have
The Brosius Bar
Fineat Brandt of Wine.,
Liquor and Guars.
F. E. BROSIUS, Proprietor
levied upon and I will on Saturday,
the 7th day of December, 1912,
at 1 o'clock In the afternoon of said day. at the
north door of the courthouse In I'rlnevllle,
d' 'or cash all the right, title and Interest the"
T .31 in tne above
described premises on the Oth day of May, 11112
j i,i"i i, niierest, coats and
accruing costs. Bald sale subject to redeiuu
tlon as provided by law.
First published November 7, 1912 '
, , T, N. BALFOUR,
Sheriff of Crook county, Oregon.
I C, C. SSrj,
I &al Citai.
f""!'L. -
& 0. JSTy
PtytUimn mm Smrf..m
Ciu ,, I'soKmy buy oa Nioht
orrtci us, linos South or iLuw.
PtHrs. Both omeo an ro!
deuce lelepliouos.
- . Or.,..
The Dalle.
Holies of AdmiiilMtriitor'H Sale ,f
Notice is hereby uiven that in pur
suance Of ttn order of tlin nruml
01 nie state 01 uregon lor unsik enmity,
msde snd entureil on ,l,a at,, ,1.,.,
,ll,n 1 . 1 ...
I'uvniimir. ivic, in trie mutter ol the
eststo 01 Cornelius ihomson, deceased,
the untleraioneil. ftHmini.lput,. .f u:.i
estate, will sell at private sain subject
mj conrirmHiion ot shiii court, t the of
Hen nf Willaril If Wief.. ., si t
Oiegnn, after Saturday, the 7th day of
ueawunwr, ion, upon such terms as the
said administrator may deem wisestBnd
most beneficial to said estate, all the
rilht. titla a,i,l itornU ...I.I s,..
,, ",TO1U" m emu uir-
ne ins hnminm l,a,l , t,a .1 1.1.
uv 11, n iitjia UI Ills
death in the following described real
nrnnertv tn.wi, I r. nn 111 1
, ( n.v, ui uilD tf anil tuu
"'""' iuarier ijj oi tne northeast
.v. w. ...... v..w ... vununiup .,,ir-
teen (13) south of range thirteen (13)
east j and lot live (5) and the southeast
miRrlui 111 nl Hxm nA.ll.n.... .
... . . vo uui viiwi3di uuKrtnr
(i) ol section six (0) in township thir
teen (13) south of range fourteen (14).
all eaat, nf tha Willamutt c. i..
vrook county, Oregon.
D 1912 th'" ' November' 4'
'(Sinned) William B. Thomson,
Administrator of the estate of Cor
nelius Thomson, deceased,
Prsctice in all courts and U. 8. Land
Redmond, . Oregon
X. CUioti,
SPrtA .)!., Or...
Willard II. Wirtz , "
Office fti M.JK. ItlKfrs' olllee.
$5 C. SSrink
Jt itrt.1, SPrim.mill,, Or.ffon.
Notice of Final AccountinK.
In thn mnfln nf ,i.a ..i.i. .., . . , ,, .
on, deceased.
notice is hereby given by the undersigned
the administrator of the.' estate ol Carl Q.
Hagaason, deceased, that ho lias made anil
filed with the clerk of the county court of
Crook county, Oregon, his II tml accounting aa
the administrator of aald estate, asking that
said Hiuil account be settled and allowed, anil
tho said court has sot Monday, the and day of
December, WI2. at II) o'clock In the forenoon
.,, ,i,'U)r, at the county courtroom In Prlne
v lie, Crook county, Oregon, as the time and
TilH.I'n fill liim el in n ml ... a a II.... ...u .
JP1'111''1. bate of first publication, October '
bated this Slst day of October, 1912
.,.,,., t T. K. J. 1IUFFV,
ui ma estate or cart u,
uibhvii, uuuuanuii,
For Sale
Rnnnnrl.hllr.i'l nlann BnJ -a
... ru,,w altu uiKUIl HI
I'rlnevllle iurnlture Kx, 10-3-