Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 07, 1912, Image 5

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Roosevelt Will Gain Second
Place on Complete Count
of Stato Is Bolicf.
Portland, Womlrow Wllaon, BO
conlliiR to HKuri! rfreinllns about
one Imlf (lie vols In Multnomah inm
ty and oiitvfmnlh of the vole up
statu, ha curried Ori'iiou, wltu Taft
anil HikwuvpIi contesting (or second
For United Stnten nator Jonathan
t;otirn ha suffered doclnlv dfout.
Accordion to early estimate he will
run third, Willi llvn Balling and Hurry
Lan clone contestant for flritt poton,
!'!! eurllvKt return Indicated that
llourna would carry Multnomah coun
ty and thnt Rolling would linve the
state outside, but later report show
ed I -hub milking unexpected gain. In
i'nrtlaud It U close race, between
the three candidate, but In tin- uliiln
at In rise the closenes I between only
l,ii n and Helling.
Itotirne la defeated by )o0 to 10.000
vulva, according to I'lirly Indication,
In the elate outnlda of Multnomah
fount)-. Hoiwevelt and Taft are run
ning nwk mid neck, with Indication
'I1' -
I ' -. ' jr
r' ., :,;wj-
L , ' I tr-
Prcbablo Successful
8enstor From Oregon,
Hrst Uttsrsnr. After Victory le for
Alliance of All Progressives.
1'riucnlnn, N. J. Id'aimndliiK to a
telegram ftvn the Iicmorrailc nation,
nl chairman, the Democratic, candidate
cnl a dispatch to Mr, Mut'omb on
'I deeply approrlnte your tHrRrnm
ind wlali to' extend to you and the
member of the campaign commlttoo
my warm congralnlatlona..
"A urunt riiuun bua triumphed.
Bvpry Ditmiwrat, every true progrea-
ilvn, of whatever alllunoe, tnuat now
Utnd bla full force and einlumlimm to
the fulllllmnnt of the pt-ople'a hope,
the eatabllahnient of the people
right, ao that Jinli;nii'iit and peace may
(o hand In hand."
Thla waa (lovernor Wllaon'a drat
ulirnuice of a public character fol
lowing bla acceptance of the report
that he had been eloctcd,
Returns Indicate Democratic
Majorities In Ccth House
and Scnats.
North Dakota For Wllaon.
Grand Korka, N. D. From the r
turna at hand the Indlcntlona are that
Wllaon hna carried North, Dakota.
Tuft and Hooaevelt are running clone
togi'lher, but fur behind the Democrat
ic candidate.
lrnt Indlcntlona are thnt the Re
publican atnte ticket, headed by Con
greaenmn lliinna for governor, bai
won by a afe margin.
Taft Carrie Flret Town Reported
llotiton. Taft carried Aruahnel, the
flml town In the United Btntea beard
from. The vote waa: Kooaevclt, f0;
Taft, 104; Wllaon, 02. In 1908 Acuao
net gave Ilryau 12, Taft 118.
Ha 15,000 to 40.000 Over Rootevelt,
With Slow Count
Newark, N. J. New Jeraey ha giv
en Wllaon a plurality eatliuated at 35,
000 to 40.000 over Ilooaevelt. Return
bowed Tart In third place. 1U vote
wa leaa than half of Wllaon'a. Th
beavteat vote ever caat In the atnU
and a long ballot delayed the count
Ten of the elate' representative!
In the next cougreaa will be Demo
crats, two will be Kepubllcana. Demo
crnllc gain la three over their present
repreaentatlon. A Democrat will like
ly lucceed Frank O. ltige a United
State aenator.
fhlcaco, The next I'ulled Blntea
rienute will be Democratic by a ma
turity of at Iraxt four. Aoconllng to
return from all ecllon of the coun
try there will be Democrat In the
upper houae of comcree to 42 Repub
lican. Thla leave eight (cute In the
doubtful column, with every proapect
Of tli'-lr being awung Into the Demo
crat ranka.
tenator Borah Win In Idaho.
Senator liortih, of Idaho, I'rogre
alve and Republican candidate, will
probiibly be returned to the nunate.
In Colorado, where a aiccnor to
Senator (luKgenhelrn la being choaen,
early return aliow 'the race to be
clone betwevn the Dcniovrata and Ke
publlcana. .Senutor Joaeph M. Dixon of Mon
tana, Colonel IlooHovelt't campaign
inanai;er, la having a hard time being
returned. In Macaachuaelt It waa
Htlll within the realm of poaalbilily
that Senator Crane would have to
give place to either Mayor Fitzgerald,
of Boston, or Governor Fona.
i Democrat Win Illinois Legislature.
With return from practically everj
ectlon of the tate ihowlug a (steady
Increase In Wllaon' plurality. It wa
claimed at Democratic headquarter
that Illinois will end two Democrat
to the United State aenate. Colonel
Jump Hamilton Lew la, the regular
Democratic candidate for the enute,
who waa Indorsed at the laat pri
maries will be elected In all proba
bility to the ix-year term to fill tbo
place of Shelby M. Cullom.
Kansas In Doubtful Column.
In Kaunas, where Governor Rtubb.
Progreaaive, I battling with Senator
Curtla, atandpnt Republican, It wa
Indicated at late hour that both
might bo defeated and the atnte go
The Oregon Bar
At the Old Stand
All kinds of Choice Liquors
Wines and Cigars.
Famous Ranier Beer in
Bottles and on Draft
The riforila aliow a elcnr title to yonr property? The
rix'onle falli'd to ehow corri-ct tit le In a wile made thla
wwk liy a b-iwlltij renl eatntt-company. RESULT Long
Mn,v unI pcioollile !. Better b't the Pioneer Abatrnct
Company look after your Intercut.
(Member Oregon Association of Title Men)
ghinglen, MouldinB, Windows,
Door, Glasses, Etc, Etc., Etc.
Smith & Allingham, Props.
Champ Hiulth' old stand.
Ihnt Taft will mnlnmln a sllpht U-tiJ
iioor.evelt' plurality over Tuft In
Mulinomiih county of 2o('0 to 300 la.
dMttea, however, that Rooaovclt will
r.nln second pluto In the complete
counl. If the. pretent nttloa ahown In
the raily ruturti are mnlnlalned, Wll
sell will have a plurality over Rooiio
vtlt In Oregon, cguiplete, of ftbouf
In ninny counties no returns were
available on Inltle'.hs tm-iHiiica, but
thtwe (hilt repuiled on woman's euff
ns( ;e wure nlniual Invariably fnvorahlo.
ll Is Indicated by the mcwr reiiirna
thnt the meavure wll) have an ultlrm
nilve nutjorlty of about R00.
Blnnle tux bn been anowed under.
. 7.o relnrna lutlformly tdiow a ilet-le-Ive
niiijitrlly uRiihisl the (Ridutili-.l
ux amendment id th iirobnbilUle
nro thnt it Iihh b(. di:feuted by 50,-OuO.
Taft Win In Vermont by 924.
White River Junction, VL 1'real
dent Taft carried Vermont by 824
votes. Complete return ahow th
following result:
Taft 2.1.247, Rooaevelt 22,373. Wllot
Bull Moose Carry State by 30,000, But
Governorship In Doubt.
Seattle, Uooaerelt Uaa carried
U'MHhliiKlon by probably 30,000 plural
ity over Wilson. The I'rottreaalve
unite chnlrmnn claim 45.000; the
Democratic chnlrmnn concede 20,000,
ltooBovelt hna carried with him to
victory the two l'rogreaalve enndi
tliitea for repreanntatlve In eougreaa
nt. lurBo, J. A. Falconer uud J. W.
Robert T. HoiIbo, I'roRreaslve can
dldnto for aovornor, may have been
beaten In the ruco for govoruor. It
Is believed that all the other candi
date on tha rrosreaulve ticket have
been elected.
In the race for governor, Winter,
Dcmocrnt; Hodgo, Progreaalve and
Hy, Hepubllcan, are rutinlng almost
together and the result la in doubt.
Hooaevclt carried King county by
a plurality of not leas than 0000, on
the face of incomplete returns with
probably one-fifth of the vote In. The
feature of the election, wide from the
unexpectedly strong run of the Na
tional ProgreBBlve ticket, was the
slushing of Kobert T. Hodge, tba Pro
gressive candidate for governor.
At Democratic headquarters Llater's
election Is claimed by a plurality of
8outh Dakota I Uncertain.
Bloux Kali. 8. D. Slow returnt
from acattered precinct of South Da
kota Indicate Hoosevelt and Wllaol
running a neck nnd neck race.
Imported and Domestic
Famous Whiskies
- r
"ev "-'
Old Crow, Hermitage; Red &
Top Rye; Yellow Stone; f
Canadian Club; Cream tf
Rye; James EL Pepper, 9
Porter, Ale and Olympia
Draft Beer on Tap.
Maine I In Wilson Column,
Portland, Me. Success of the Dem
oeratlo electoral ticket In Maine
which will give Wilson and Marshal
six vol en In the electoral college, wnl
Indicated by returns.
, "TV
' d
r ...-'. "ft .x4i . -s j
V.v,l VV ''- -'.1 i
Imported Wines
California For Wilson.
San Francisco. Wllaon and Mar
shall seemingly have carried Califor
nia. Indications of Democratic vlt
tory appearing from a rough survey
of the situation, cleared to a definite
certainty with the tabulation of re
turns from 1520 state precincts out
of 4372. The totals gave Wilson 90,
355; Roosevelt 85,258, Taft 662 and
Debs 11,020. This ratio, If maintain
ed in the still untabulated precincts,
should give Wilson a plurality In ths
state of about 16,000.
Boise, Idaho. Woodrow Wilson wll',
carry the state of Idaho for president
Partial and Incomplete returns, a re
flection of the trend of the vota,
places Wilson In tho lead, Roosevelt
second and Tnft third.
The total vote in the state on pros
blent will be approximately 90,000, di
vided ' as follows: Wilson 40,000,
Roosevelt 30,000, Tuft 20,000, with a
small vote for Debs. The Prohibition
lBts will also have a scattering vote
The legislature will. It Is conceded
on the showing made by the partial
returns, be strongly Republican, as
surlng the re elootlon of Senator Bor
ah and a second Republican senatoi
to fill the vacancy made by the death
of the late W, B. llcyburn.
The gubernatorial ruco Is doubtful,
the returns Indicating the election ol
O. H. Martin, Roosovlet Progressive.
He has carried Ada county and is run.
nlng strong in all southern and south
western counties. Hulnes leads botb
Martin and Governor Hawley In the
southwest, Hawley being second.
North Idabo cnBt a heavy vote. .The
returns from there are very incom
plete, Nes Perce county being the
only ono beard from. It looks now like
Governor Hawley would be third In
the race. Both of the Republican
candidates for congress have survived
the contest, apparently assuring Beats
In the next lower hoime to Burton I.
French and Addison T. Smith. The
re-election of Chief Justice George H.
Stewart Is In doubt He was cut badly
by Republicans and Roosevelt Pro
gressives. Arthur M. Bowen, Demo
crat, Is pressing him closely. v
Colorado Wilson's by 120,000.
Denver, Colo. On the bnBls of re
ports received from 101 precincts in
Colorado, Including 27 In Denver, fig
ured on an estimated total vote of
270,000, Colorado should give Wilson
120,000, Taft 78,000, Roosevelt 75,000.
' f, . VM-
by American Press Association.
Endorsed for Re-election by the Vol
ers of Idaho. j
Democratic. In event of this there
may be a Democratic senator from the
state elected as a colleague of Sena-;
tor Briatow. ' j
In Tennessee the legislature will be ,
Democratic, as It will In probably all j
of the southern states, thus Insuring i
a solid delegation of United States 1
senators to assist, In carrying through J
the Wlls'on Ideas.
Democrat Add to Strength in House.
Tho next house of representatives
will be overwhelmingly Democratic.
Early returns Indicated there would
be 277 Democrats, 148 Republicans
and ten of other parties, mostly Pro
gressives, in the new lower congres
sional body.
This would mean a Democratic ma
jority of 119 votes over all opposing
party Btrength.
, There is nothing uncertain about
the next house of representatives. All
the southern states have accorded
their usual quota of Democratic mem
bers, whereas the Wilson landslide In
various eastern and northern sections
will add to the former majority of
the party.
It looks as If Indiana will send a
solid Democratic delegation to the
lower body.
Fruit Trees!
Central Oregon Grown
The only kind you enn afford
for one. Price low enough
to surprise you.
Lafollette Nursery Co.
Prineville, 6 6. Oregon
Arizona Heavily for Wilson.
Phoenix, Ariz. Returns from all
over Arizona Indicate that Governor
Wilson carried every one of the 14
counties In the state with the possible
exception of Coconino county, in
which Taft had a lead of four votes
at a late hour. . Wilson will lead
Roosevelt by approximately 3000
votea, with Taft a poor third.
Historic Sounders Tell Wilson
Princeton, N. J. Governor Wilson
received the election returns through
the same telegraph Instrument that
ticked oft victory to Grover Cleveland
in 1892.
The governor had with him at his
home only the members of his family
and his younger, brother, Joseph R.
Lafler's Studio
A place to Ret good portraits,
and farm views. Knlnrg
lim or copying done
neatly nnd quickly
Photo work exchanged
for wood
Send us your films by mail
We nre located on Main
Street, near club hall
F. E. Lafler, Prop.
We strive to please
On Improved. Producing
Large Loans a Specialty
Prineville, Oregon
Statement of Resources mud Liabilities of
The First National Bank
Of Prineville, Oregon
Un nd DtnooaoU.. f-"t.K 05
United Hie to Bonds n.W oo
Bank freruHemete HMO U
Cub Oue from tanks ZM.Kil 0
53!,34 It
8. F. Alba. PreridaaS
WU1 WaraaeOer, Vice
capital Mock, paid In I M 08
Hurplua fund, earned 80.000 OS
Undivided proflu. earned S7.T24 M
Circulation .0 00
Lie poet la sW.OW M
fOl.CU 1
T. M. Bebhrfa. Caakiar
H. Bakhria. Aaa'l Caahiac
D. P. Adamson & Co.,
For Drugs, Patent Medicine, Chemicals
Lowney' Candies, Ice Cream Soda, Sta
tionery and Prescriptions see
D. P. Adamson & Co.
W. A. Booth. Free.
D. F. Stewart, Vice-Pres.
C. M. ELKixs,Cshlet
Crook County Bank
Aiaeta LuibJitiej
Loan and Discounts I129.K70.?S Capital paid In full
Overdraft SJHI.M Surplus 'J-?'
Furniture and Oxtures 2.2K1.44 Undivided proflu
ffc-al estate .TOS.m Dejlosiu 140,l4u..
Cms aa Und sad das fraai basks t47.809.9S
For Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, Wall I
r .1 r u? Kii-L 1 i 1
raper aua omiamg maierai go 10
A. H. Lippman & Co.
Are YOU ttltirg the Journal?
0P sf
Made in Oregon
Delicious Home Made Bread,
Doughnuts and Cookies, at the
Cash Grocery
Geo. Whiteis, Prop.
J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor
Stock boarded by the day, week or month at s
Reasonable rates. Remember us when in
Prineville. Rates Reasonable. We have
Fine Livery Rigs For Rent
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