Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 07, 1912, Image 4

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Crime Almost Unchecked; Out
break by Moslem Fanatics
is Feared.
Rational, Political and Per
sonal News Items Briefly
Free Fruit Land
Constantlnaple. The ports ha ap
plied to the power for mediation with
view to the cessation of hostilities,
and for the negotiation of peace. Ap
plication ha been made to the eraba
tieg here and by circular to the Otto
man representatives In the European
Constantinople Is In a fever of ex
citement over the alarming reports
front the Held of battle.
Foreigners and natives are suffer
ing from tension caused by the series
of military disasters, and, although
the city Is In a state of seige, crime
In some quarters is unchecked.
Many families are leaving the city.
The people fear first an outbreak of
Moslem fanaticism by the turbulent
elements of the lower classes, and sec
ondly, a rising tn hordes of maddened
soldiers who are being driven by the
Bulgarians to make their last stand a
few miles outside ot Constantinople
and then perhaps to fall back on the
Vienna. Once among the mightiest
of the world's potentates, the sultan
can now claim actual Jurisdiction over
the European dominion of barely 1000
square miles, or a trifle less than the
state of Rhode Island boasts. The
Bulgars, having achieved victory In a
battle that mnst rank with the great
decisive conflicts of the world's his
tory, are at the very doors of Con
stantinople. The details of the fighting between
Adrianople and Constantinople filter
Ing through the censored telegraph
and cable offices, bring the first reali
sation of the magnitude of the battle.
From the time the Bulgarians insti
tuted their sdvance from the Rouman
ian border to the capital more than
500.000 men have been engaged In the
conflict and at least 75,000, probably
100,000 are dead or wounded. Two
thirds of the losses fell upon the
Sofia and Constantinople report the
arrival In the respective countries ot
thousands of wounded soldiers. Indi
cating the part played In the struggle
by the sabre and bayonet, a majority
ef the wounded bearing gashes from
sharp blades instead of bullet wounds.
Total for 25,000 Institutions In Country
Washington. Lawrence O. Murray,
controller of the currency, has Jusi
issued a statement indicating that the
resources of the banks in the United
States, national, state and private, are
the highest in history.
According to reports of their condi
tions on June 14, the controller an
nounced 25,000 of the 29,000 banks In
the country Bhow aggregate resources
of $24,956,000,000, an increase of $1,
324,000,000 over the resources of 24.
000 banks in 1911.
The total Individual deposits
amounted to $17,012,000,000, an In
crease of $1,105,700,000.
Acrobat Confesses to Murder
Chicago. Charles N. Kramer con
fessed that he killed Sophia Singer,
the Baltimore actress and heiress,
found murdered here last week. Kra
Tjer, the former clown, known gener
ally by his stage name of Conway,
nigh diver and circus acrobat, held out
24 hours longer than his wife. He ex
onerated his wife from all blame in
connection with the crime.
Ttica, N. Y. With simple but im
pressive ceremonies the body of Vice
President Sherman was laid away
Saturday afternoon in a crypt within
a beautiful mausoleum In Forest Hill
Under a canvas covering that serv
ed as a Bhield against a chill Novem
ber wind were gathered the Sherman
family, President Taft, members of
his cabinet, justices of the supreme
court, senators and members of the
house of representatives and a few
intimate friends and business asso
ciates of the vice president.
President Taft listened with bowed
head and tear-dlmmed eyes as Dr. M.
W. Stryker, president of Hamilton
college, read the brief committal serv
ice and Re1. Louis H. Holden, pastor
of Christ church, of which Mr. Sher
man was a member, offered prayer.
A mixed chorus sang "Good Night"
and when a selection by the male
chorus had been finished the president
gazed a moment at the flower-covered
casket and slowly made his way to a
waiting automobile, accompanied by
ex-Vice President Fairbanks, Attor
ney General Wlckersham and Major
Rboades, his military aide.
Vict President Sherman, who dleo
at his horns In Utica, N. Y and was
Interred with simple ceremonies, at
tended by President Taft and many
Aviator Tries to Rescue Member of
lll-Fated Crew
Marshfleld, Or. Five lives were lost
on the Coos Bay bar when the little
gasoline schooner Osprey was wrecked
and when her captain, refusing to be
the only one of the crew saved, leaped
to death on the jetty rocks.
Heroic attempts were made to savs
the men by the tug Roscoe, but with
out result The llfesavers were out,
bnt were unable to do anything, as
the sea was rolling high, and an air
ship flight was made twice over the
bar by Aviator Chrlstofferson, of
Portland, In the hope ot locating soma
of the men, but they had met death
so quickly and the waves of the bar
had so rapidly accomplished their
work of destruction that there was no
chance to do anything when the news
of the disaster reached this city.
The list ot the dead follows: Cap
tain Gus Johnson, ot Wedderburn,
master of the Osprey; Chester John
son, of Coqullle, engineer ot the Os
prey; Joe Peitsch, of Aberdeen, sea
man on the Osprey; Captain H. Jacob
son, formerly master of the wrecked
Berwick, passenger; Indian Ned Har
vey, of Wedderburn, passenger.
Hay Quarantine Illegal
Salem, Or. Declaring that the gov
ernor has no right to establish a quar
antine on hay which Is infected with
pest, and probably the only action
that could be taken would be through
the state board of horticulture. Attor
ney General Crawford responded to a
request for Information from the gov
ernor In reference to a petition that
has been filed by citizens of Vale, ask
ing for a quarantine on Idaho hay.
Entire Tribe of Indians to Wed
Winnebago, Neb. The entire tribe
of Winnebago Indians has decided to
get married. In formal tribal council
last week. In which every male on tht
reservation participated, the Indians
voted to forsake the ways of their
fathers in the matter ot matrimony
and to marry In the white man's way.
The action is to be retroactive.
Something like 1000 pairs of Indians
will stand up and be married at the
same time and by the same ceremony.
Warship Accident Fatal.
Norfolk, Va. Michael V. Horan and
Richard M. Wagner, members of the
fireroom crew of the battleship Ver
mont, are dead and H. W. Cramer, J.
W. Newberry, M. W. Green and O. K.
Hoteling are badly scalded as a result
of the blowing out of the head of the
battleship's No. 6 boiler while she lay
In Hampton Roads during the night
Government Will Not Treat Oriental
Immigrants Affected
San Francisco. Treatment of hook
worm by government doctors at the
Immigration Btation at Angel Island
will cease, and In the future all Orien
tals entering this port who are affect
ed with the disease will be deported.
Commissioner of Immigration Back
us was notified by the department of
commerce and labor that the govern
ment would no longer treat cases ot
hookworm, because it has become too
Since the Immigration authorities at
this port first came in contact with
the peculiar and deadly disease two
years ago, when every ship arriving
from the far east was bringing from
20 to 100 Hindus here, more than
5000 cases have been successfully
treated at Angel Island by the Immi
gration doctors.
32 States Approve of Income Tax
Washington. Notification of ap
proval of the proposed Income tax
amendment to the federal constitution
from 32 states are in the hands of
Secretary of State Knox. Four states
have announced their rejection of the
amendment. To become effective it
Is necessary for 36 states to ratify the
For going about the city with thett pins protruding, 50 women, most
ot them prominent society damos,
have tyen tried and fined In one Sid
ney, N. S. W., court.
A a result ot disorders and riot
ing at Jacksonville, Fla., In connection
with the streetcar strike, tiovernot
Gilchrist ordered out two regiments
ot state troops, comprising about 3000
Tho German foreign office denies
the report from Puenta Arenas, Chile,
that the Bremen is engaged in explor
ing and surveying In the Magellan
straits with a view to the acquisition
by Germany ot a coaling place.
The Hotel Metropole In New York,
from which Herman Rosenthal step
ped to be shot to death last July, has
been closed by creditors. The Clos
ing, according to George Constdine,
the manager, is directly due to the
The first report of the comptroller
ot the Panama Pacific exposition
shows that but $2,325,000 ot the signed
subscriptions pledged tor financing
the exposition have been paid In. This
is Just a little over 38 per cent of the
amount promised.
The Chinese government has decid
ed to grant the demand ot the "six
powers" bankers and some ot the fop
elgn legations which protested against
the Intention of China to allot a por
tlon of the salt tax revenue as a guar
antee for the payment of the inde
pendent loan Ot $50,000,000, mad to
China by the Crisp syndicate.
A system of graft in the commis
sary department ot the navy, which
may reach every ship tn the Atlantic
fleet, haa been revealed by a secret
Investigation. Rear-Admiral Oater
hous reported to the navy department
that the Investigation has resulted tn
the confession ot G. T. Davis, chief
commissary steward of the battleship
People in the News
Cardinal John Murphy Farley, with
a party of ecclesiastics with whom h
will tour California, has arrived In
San Francisco on his visit to the west
H. E. Campbell and Joe P. Gavin,
who, the police believe, are Implicated
In the $200,000 bank robbery at New
Westminster, Canada, were arrested
at Columbus, Ohio.
Mayor Gaynor, In his first public ut
terance In the Becker case since the
conviction of the former police lieu
tenant, declared he would retain Po
lice Commissioner Waldo In office.
Richardson and Backstrum, two of
the convicts who escaped from the
Wyoming penitentiary at Rawlins on
October 13, were killed by a posse
near Powder Springs, on the Colorado
Wyoming line.
General Homer Lea, throughout the
world famous as the personal adviser
of Sun Yat Sen during the revolution
In China and as the author of "The
Valor of Ignorance," died at Ocean
Park, Cal., after an illness that has
been serious since his return from
China last May.
With the dismissal at San Francisco
of an Indictment against Louis Glass,
once vice president and general man
ager of the Pacific States Telephone
& Telegraph company, by Superior
Judge William P. Lawlor, the last of
the alleged graft cases growing out
of the Schmltz-Ruef regime Is wiped
BalkanWar News
Prince Alexis, cousin of King Peter
of Bulgaria, is fighting as a private In
a cavalry regiment.
Reports from Scutari state that the
Montenegrins In one of their assaults
against the town lost 2000 men killed
and wounded.
The National Bank of Bulgaria has
guaranteed the life insurance premi
ums payable to rcscrvltitB who have
joined the colors.
In order to avoid a bread famine,
the Turkish government has released
from military duty all the bakers who
had been called up with the reserves.
Bulgarian aviators have made sev
eral flights over Adrianople and the
latest authentic information is that
the bombardment of the forts contin
ues. Horses are now practically unob
tainable In Constantinople, $250 being
asked for lame ponies, and from $400
to $GO for anything that can carry a
real load.
Eight aeroplanes ordered by the
Bulgarian war office have been dis
patched from Vienna. Austrian avi
ators will fly them until sufficient
Bulgarian pilots are available,
Five Greek princes are at the front
the Crown Prince Constantino, in
command of the army; Prince George,
in command of the navy, and the
Princes Andrew, Nicholas and George
(sons of Crown Prince Constanttne.)
Don't be atraiJ of the U. S. (iovrnnient Carey Act Irrigation I'rojnct in
Oregon. Thejday of irresponsible irrigation companies in this slate In
stt. When the Northaest Townsite Company of 1'hilsdttlphU took
over the l'aisley project in Lake county it gave tit Urged bond ever
given in th stats lifty thousand dollar guaranteeing com lotion of
the project. Kvery three month it make an itemised statement of ex
penses to the Desert Land Hoard. All of It advertising book, msps,
contracts, subscription agreement and literature is uhtnitted to the
Desert Land Hoard for insiwction before boing issuea.
The land ia level, tree from rook, and ia a rich volcanic foil. The
climate i jierfcct for fruit, which now grow to perfection at 1'aislev
apple, peaches, plum, pears, prune.
Conduction work upon the dam and reservoir ha now been in .
progress for three month with Thorn Hawthorne, Stat Inspector, on
the ground. He wa formerly with the U. 8 (iov't. Reclamation Ser
vice, on the Umatilla 1'rojcct.
Bend for 32-page illustrated book, (to to Paisley bv automobile stage
from Bend and eee the land. Ouragentat I'aislrv, Hugh K. (iilmour,
will bow you the land. It i free to those who pay the coal of putting
water on it.
Northwest Townslle Co. Is among the large! taxpayer in Oregon,
owning towntite suh-div Won at Prineville, Madras, Redmond, Rend,
Rurna, Vale and alsothe 840-acre Corn Ranch at Paisley, including a
60-barrel-a-day capacity flour mill, and a general store.
Our bank reference are:
First National Rank, Philadelphia, Pa.
(iirsrd National Rank , ..
Commercial Truit Co. " "
Interstate Finance Corporation, Philadelphia, Pa.
Merchant Trust Co., Camden, N. J.
Security Saving fc Trust Co., Portland, Oregon.
Address ell communications to our Portland office, 001 Yeon Ruilding,
Write now. The average cost of water will be 146 an acre, n't will
give you a square deal.
Northwestern Townsite Co.
308 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Pa.
Money Back if You
Made at
Agents DeLaval Separator.
A Valuable Silver Cup
For the best
Agricultural Exhibit
of products grown tributary to the Oregon Trunk, Spokane, Port
land, Seattle, Oregon Electric, and United Railways, at the
Pacific N. W. Land Products Show
Portland Nov. 18-23 will
Koiind Trip to POItTLAI.D from REDMOND. Ore.
L jU Ticket(l on sale Nov.
tvuvuiu 41111(1 llUVt
(Ml? IA Round trip to Spokane for the National Apple
MO. Ill how' Ticiets on sale Nov. 10 to 16th, inclusive.
, , , Return limit Nov 10. Train leaving Central Or
egon in the morning arrive Portland 6:80 p.m., and Spo
kane p. m. Schedules, details, etc., will be furnished on
application. .
W. E. COMAN, Gen'l Frt and Pass. Agent
- : -
Are Not Satisfied.
Cream Co.
be given by these railway ,
18, 11), 20
Notice ot Bearing
Uefore the Board of Control of the
State of Oregon.
Water Division No. 2, Crook
In the matter ot the determine
tion ol the relative rights to the
waters ol Crooked river, a tribu
tary of Deschutes river.
W. W. ISrown, plaintiff and con
testant, vs. John Davin, defendant
and enntnttee.
To John Dsvin, defendant and
conlestee above named :
In the name of the State of Ore
gon : You are hereby notified that
the above named contestant has
Bled a contest sgainst your claim
to the waters of Crooked river and
its tributaries in Crook county,
Oregon, and thai Mjnday the 11th
day of November, 1912, at the hour
of 10 o'clock a.m. at the court
house In I'rinevilh, Oregon, has
been fixed ss the time and place
for the hearing of said contest.
Geo. T. Cochran,
Superintendent of Water Divis
ion No. 2 of the State of Oregon.
8-29 lit
In the County Court of Hie Sta'te of
Oregon for the County of Crook In the
mailer of the estate of Cornelius Tlmm-
son, deceased.
lo nlaruuerita Thomson. 'A
Thomson, John Thomson, Lmils Thorn
ton, ma ry iiinnison. Jennie Thomson,
Mr. Sarah Ely, William Thomson
and to all unknown heir, greeting :
In the name of the KtutH nl n retrnn
you sre hereby cited and required to
appear in the County Court of the State
ol Oregon, for the County of Crnok at
in court room thereof, at Prineville, In
tho Count r of Crook nn Mnmlav. ih.lili
day of November. 11112 at 10 o'clock in
the forenoon of that day, then and there
to show ciihs why the following de
scribed real property of said estate
should not he sold, to-wlt: Lot one (1)
and the southeast quarter (j) of the
northeast (J) of section one (1) in town
ship thirteen (13) south of range thir
teen! lit) eat and lot five (5) and the
southeast quarter (tj) ol the north went
quarter of section six () in township
thirteen (111) south of range fourteen
(14) east of the Willamette meridian
In vviook County, State of Oregon, con
taininlng one hundred and fifty-three
and 87 100 (153 87-100) acres according
to the official plat and United (states
survey thereof,
Witness, the Hon. II. C. Kills judge
ol the County Court of the Stste of Ore
gon for the County of Crook with the
seal of said Court afl this 28th day
of September 11)12.
Attest: V'lMKN Urown,
By B. F. Wylde, Dei ty. 10-3
I Ci ' C '17' ' mMts every
v-. -tJ.Batnrdaynlgbt.
Straocers welonme. O. P, Reams, N. Q, O.
L. Bliattook, V, O.i Burt Barnes, Bee.; Snd
C. B. Dinwiddle. Treas.
Crook County Journal, 91.50 per yr