Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 07, 1912, Image 3

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Events Occurring Throughout
the State During the Past
fin Dairy Htrde lo Stock Stat
I'endlfttm. Between SOOO and 3008
of lha (1 iiriit Mood dnlry cattle will
be shipped Into eastern Oregon each
yar If lha plana unfolded here by
W. 8. Jnan, of tha Jensen Creamery
company, mature. Ha baa organised
tha IMoneer Livestock company, with
himself aa president and W. W, Arm
strong, praalitaut of tha National Cop
per bank of Suit Lake, aa secretary.
Tha naw company will ba capital
ized at 1100,000 and will send man
Into tha dairy atatva ot tha aaat to
guther tha brat cattle that can ba
brought to tha Intermountaln country.
" Jar Discharges Shotgun In Buggy
Illlrboro. Mra, I'eterson, a young
woman living nur t'onnell atatlon. on
tha United Hallways, waa brought to
tha Delta drug etore In lllllaboro with
her right arm nearly torn from th
budy by a gunshot wound.- With hi
hualiaud aha waa driving naar tha
city on her way home, with a loaded
shotgun resting on tha aaat between
them. Aa tha buggy dropped Into t
drop rut the gun slipped from In
place and whan caught by Mra. Pel
anion, waa discharged, the load of
heavy shot entering the forearm and
tearing away the elbow.
Vaterana on Pension List May Leave
Biilem. Keplylng to letter direct
ed to him by Congressman llawley,
In which be declnrea that an act paaa
ed by congreaa on May 11, 1(11, pro
viding for an Increase of penalon for
veterans of the Mexican and Civil
ware, may under the preaent rulea ol
tha soldiers' home compel many of
them to leave tha place, Qovyu-not
West aaya that will make favorable
recommendation. 4o tha leglelnture for
chang of the lulrs.
The rulea of C soldiers' home are
based on lb I tt of 190T, which pro
vides a maxlKCii pension of $20 a
month for veterans of the Mexican
and Civil ware, and whenever the pen
sion exceeds that it la tha rule that
they cannot longer remain at the
home. The act of May, 11)12, fixes
the minimum pension at .1U a month.
tlnlph Henry of Newport abut and
killed a man named liodda at Cur
tains, IHtdda la said to have alien
ated the affections of Henry's wife.
A bequest of ) 0,000 for the Illble
University of the Christian church at
Kugeiia waa left In the will of the lata
Tbomaa ,W. I'hllllpa, of Newcastle, Pa,
John Kilrouree, aged 73, a veteran
of tha Hoer war and a Urltlsh pension
er, waa killed Just at tha outskirts of
KuKHie by being hit by a awltcb en
gine. ,
The Importance of tbe growing of
cover cropa In orchards la emphaalzed
In a recent bulletin on orchard Irri
gation Irsued by the Oregon Agricul
tural college.
Corrrtior West designated Lieuten
ant Colonel B. K. Lawson of Cottage
Grove to go to Klamath Kalis and
make an Investigation of conditions
which were aald to exist there.
Klhul Davidson of Medford, 15 yeara
of nge, la the latest eligible for a Car
regie mednl. She plunged Into the
cold waters of the Kogu and saved
her aged father from drowning.
in a report of the Oregon Short Line
the operating revenues are ahown to
be :u,W.l3H, and operating expenaea
are 110,340,812, or an operating In
come of 9tt.101.136. after deductlona.
That the only qualification a woman
hiis to vote In a school election la tha
owning of property In her own name
la the aubstance of an opinion handed
down by Assistant Attorney -General
l)e Long.
Complying with a rsquest mad
upon blm by Governor Weat, A. W.
Drown, of Portland, recently appoint
ed by the governor aa member of
the alate board of, pharmacy, baa for
warded lo him bla resignation.
John liawklna Blnmons, a promin
ent pioneer of Marion county, died at
bla home In Woodburn on November
1, after a abort Illness. II waa born
in Fort Wayne, Indiana, In 1832 and
crossed the plain by ox team la 1847.
For approximately 1400,000, a tract
of yellow pin timber In Lak county,
comprising 20,000 acrea, baa been pur
chased by the Bchroeder lumber com
pany of Milwaukee, Wis., from the
Oregon Land A Livestock company
of Kugene.
Those who paid for space in tb
voters' pamphlet containing the initla:
live and referendum measure, will
receive a refund of 825 a page, as the
coat of the pamphlet waa thla much
below tbe amount estimated by lb
secretary of state.
Operating revenue of the Southern
Pacific for the entire line totaled 190,-
(21,090 for tha year ending June SO,
i according to a partial report tor that
and moat of the Inmate of the bom
will be entitled to a penalon in excess j muy Just filed with tha atat rail-
oi . ana. mereiore, not enmieo to j conimllM1,on, Tne toj iain.
uis legislature revenues fne tha alula of Orecon
were 17.993,718.
Trucklaylng operatlona on the Ore
gon Eastern railway, the new Harrl
man trana-Oregon line now being
built weat from Vale, which were
atopped two weeks ago on account of
the shortage of motive power will be
resumed within 30 or 40 days, aaya
an official report received.
The? body of an unidentified man.
the right hand attll cloaping a 38 call-
BIG BOND ISSUES DEFEATED jbre Smith & Wesson revolver and
with a gnping wound In the right tem-
remaln at the borne.
mukea the rules for tbe home,
Helvetia Cutoff Due In Six Month
Orenco. In about all months the
new branch line, connecting the Ore
gon Elect rlo line through her with
the United, Railway company' line
at Helvetia, will be comploted. A
force of about 100 men and 2f0 team
is at work on the right of way.
Electric Franchise la Victorious; both
Charter srs Defeated
Portland. An unexpectedly large
vote cast Saturday at the epeclul city
election, resulted In the defeat of both
forma of commission charter, all ol
the bond Issues proposed, including
the public market measure; salary
InersjuM soi';',h ; loft the police under
civil service ftp a large majority and
carried dow vlth the general ava
lanche the p.oposltlon to create the
office of city prosecutor.
The one outstanding favorable vote
was that for the Northwestern Elot
trie company, which was granted a
franchise to Boll beat, light and'powet
in Portland by an overwhelming ma
jority. According to practically complote
returns tbe voting public turned out to
the exteAt of not lea than 60 per
Boy Drop Gun, la Killed
The Dulles. Wilson Klnorsly, agod
15, was Instantly killed by the dis
charge of a Bhotgun, With two com
panions, Klnersly was returning from
hunting, and about a mile from town
stepped into a boat on the slough to
row borne. In entering the boat he
dropped the gun, when both charges
exploded and entered the boy's chest
Car Repair 8hop to Rise In Eugene
Eugene. The Oregon Elootrlo Rail
way company has let the contract for
erection of a building for car repair
shops in this city. A large amount
of machinery will be installed in the
building as soon as completed and all
car repair w.ork on the line will be
done here.
Oregon Ar l3 8ent to Germany
Olandale. L Hendricksen, of the
Sunny Slops hards, near this city,
shipped a f i lays ago, two boxes
each of Now nra Pippins, Red Cheek
PlpplnB and Spltzeuberg apples to
Dresden, O rraany, Jor exhibition
there, .
pto, waa found In an empty house on
the old Gelger donation land claim,
a mile and a half south of Cornelius,
The man was about 43 yeara old and
weighed 200 pounds.
An agreement expected to result in
the annual exporting from Portland of
$1,000,000 worth of pure bred live
stock to the new Chinese republic was
reached at Portland by En Lung
Haloh, for the new republic, O. M
Hummer for the Portland Union
Stockyards company, and O. M. Clark,
trustee of the chamber of commerce,
Death has claimed its third victim
from the boiler explosion In the Salem
Bank ft Trust building of lust Tues
day. I. B. Muchmore died Saturday
na the result of injuries In the catas
trophe. W. G. Eust, cashier of the
batik, and Hurry Alilers, son of the
president of the bank, were the first
victims, Mr. East dying early Wed
nesday and Ahlert later in the day.
In a letter addressed to the Btate
land board. Governor West has formal
ly stated hlB intention of assigning
H. M. Eaterly, now speclnl prosecutor
In the governor's vice crusade In Port
land,, to the task of regaining tor Ore
gon 60,000 acreB or more of land al
leged to have been fraudulently se
cured from the state in the famous
Benson and Hyde operations. As boou
as it can be arranged, Attorney Ester
ly will be relieved of his speclnl work
In Portland, which will be placed In
other hands.
According to a statement tiled with
the clerk of the senate, Senator
Bourne luis received no contributions
to hlB campaign fund and has spent
only $137, $100 of Which went to Sec
retary of State Olcott for space In the
onmpalgn book. The Bourne Popular
Government club, however, reports
having raised- for the campaign $9810.
Ben Selling's statement to the clerk
of the senate acknowledges contribu
tions of $3400 for his campaign. Dr.
Harry Lane reports contributions of
lust $40 and total expenditure if only
Every Article in this store
must be sold
Paper Pin cut to lc
15c Ladies Hnse Cut to 9c
$1.50 Lsdios I'nion Suits cut to ....89c
i-ailies Handkerchiefs, each 3c
10c Toweling, yd .....4c
Men's Handkerchiefs cut to 3c
12'i Outing Flannel cut to ..10c
8c Calico cut to 5o
$3 Ladies Iak Shoes cat to $1.29
15c Wen's Hoes, cut to 9e
$1.60 Men's Negligee Shirts $1.19
$1.25 " . 79c
$12.60 Boys' Suits cut to !Z..$6.98
I)ry Apricots cut td 9c
60c Spider Tee cut to 29c
Other Goods Marked at same Reduc
tion. Nothing Reserved. Every
thing in this BIG STORE MUST GO
Ehr et Bros.'
Big Department Store,
Redmond, Ore.
Write today for our free Illustrated
cntnlngtie .lio wing all the late style
piano ami player pianos from the
world' greatest piano factorlew.
The (unions "Stetnway A Son."
Sew York, tbe wonderful "Apollo"
of Chicago, the "Collllan" of Detroit1
the "A. H. I.'hnae" of Norwalk, Ohio.
Mehlln" of New York. "Ketey" and
the "Kmenton" of Bueton, and other
reliable standard piano which w
sell direct. Permit u to aeod omr
net price three year terms satis
faction ajwured. All freights paid.
Hlgheet quality for the money ituar-
anteed. Write today. A fid res,
Sherman, Clay k Co., Portland, Ore
gon. 10 17
lo the county court of tbe state xt
Oregon for Crook county.
in tne matter of tbe entate of Allea
Haeh, deceased.
ro Martha Ann Strait, Jane Huston,
Armenia Evan, Anna Sumnec,
James Garrett, Kthei Clark, Donald
ijarrett. Hoy Chltwood. Kay Chit
wood, Ina ( ranch, and all heir un
known. If any there be, Greeting.
la toe name ol the atate of Oregon;
yon are Hereby cited and required t
appear In the county court of the
state of Oregon, lor the county of
Crook, at the courtroom thereof, at
Prinevllle in the county of Crook,
Oregon, on Monday, tbe 2nd day of
Decern tier, 191Z, at 111 o'clock lo tne
forenoon of that (lay, then and there
to show cauee. If any there lie. wur
the executrix of the lata will aod tew-
tament ol eald Allen Haeh. deceased.
shall not be authorized by thla court
to sell the real entate ol eald de
cerned, to-wlt : the south half of the
northwest quarter and the north
hall ol tbe southwest quarter oc sec
tion Ave in township thirteen south,
of range fourteen east of Willamette
Meridian In Crook county, Oregon.
Witness the Hon. H. C. Kllln, Judge
of the county court of tbe state of
Oregon for the eonnty of Crook,
with the aeal of aald court affixed.
thls-9th day of October, 1912.
Atteet: Wakkem Bhows,
10-19 Clerk.
Notice for Publication.
Department of th. Interior,
U. 8. Land Office al Tb. Itollw. Orren.
October 2nd,
Notice Is hereby liven that
Nathaniel W. Morrlsett.
of PrlnerlUe, Orecon. who on February 3rfh,
Mil, made Homestead No- Q1, for uf am
tlon 21, lownnblp 17 sooth, ranee IS east,
lametle Meridian, has filed nolle, of Inten
tion to make Final commutation proof to es
tablish elalrn to tbe land above describe be
fore TUnotbj E. i. lufl, U. K- Commissioner
at hlaorriceat Prtnevllle, Oregon, on tb. Uth
day of November, HI12.
Claimant name. a. witnesses: Seears Lee,
Oeorae W. Crawford, Ralph E. Oates of Prtne
vllle, Orecooi Al O- Myers of Kedmond. Ore.
10-lOp C. w. Hooks Res-later.
Notice of Administrator's Sale ol
Real Estate
Notice la hereby given by the nn
derBlgned, the administrator of the
estate of tieo. W. Barnes, deceased,
that In pursuance to an order of the
county court of the state of Oregon,
for Crook county, made and entered
on the 7th day of October, 1912, the
undersigned, the administrator
aforesaid, will sell at private sale,
for cash, or part cash and balance
on time, subject to confirmation by
said court, after Saturday, tbe -9th
day of November, 1912, at his home
in Frinevllle, Oregon, all the tight,
title and interest the said George W.
Barnes had at tbe time of his death
and nil the interest tbe estate has
acquired In addition to that of the
said George W. Barnes at the time
of bis death, in and to tne ioiiow-
tng described real property situated
In the county of Crook, state of Ore
gon, to-wlt : Lilts Nos. two (2) aod
three (3), block eight (8) of Monroe
Hodges original plat of the town of
Prinevllle, county of Crook, state of
Terms and conditions ot sate te
10- per cent on day of sale, balance
upon confirmation by the court, or
part upon confirmation by the court
and balance on time.
Dated this 8th day of October.
William H. Barnks,
Administrator of the estate dl
George W. Barnes, deceased. ld-l
Notice of Appointment of Administra
tor and to Creditors.
Notice la hereby given that the usdeniinet
hu been hv ih countv court of the state of
Oregon for Crook county, duly api-olnted ad
minislrstorof the estate of Carrie 1-atterson, de
ceased, and all persons having claims agaiast
said estate are nereoy required to present me
same duly verified, to said administrator, at
the law offlce of Willard H. Wiru. in prme
vllle, Orefon, within six months from the first
publication of this notice.
Dated and published first time September
19, mi.
T. H. Joxas,
Administrator of the estate of Carrie patter
son deceased
Notice for Publicaiion. .
Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Offlc
At The Dalles, Oregon, September 16, 1912.
police is hereby giveu that
of Prinevllle Oregon, who, on April 27. 191H,
made Homestead Kntry No. I'il6 for nw, sec
tion 27, township 17 south, range 16 east. Wil
lamette meridian has tiled notice of intention
to make final five year proof, toestablish claim
to the land above described, before Timothy
E. J. Duffy, V. 8. Commissioner, at his office al
Prinevllle, Oregon, on the 1st day of Novem
ber.. W12.
Claimant names as witnesses: Charles w.
Gooduight, George Crawford, Albln petersoa
and Scears Lee, all of Prinevllle, Oregon.
9J6 0. W. MOORE, Register.
Notice of Final Accounting.
In the matter of the estate ot C. McPherson,
Notice Is herebv given by the undersigned,
the executrix of the estate of C McPherson,
deceased, to all persons and parties interested
in said estate, that she has made and filed her
final accounting of her administration of said
estate with the county clerk of the county of
Crook, Oregon, and that the court has set
Monday, the 2nd day ot December, 1912. at th.
county courtroom in Prlneville, Crook county
Oregon, as the time and place for hearing and
settling said final accounting.
Dated this-i-lth dav of October, 1913.
Executrix of the last will and testament of GL
McPherson, deceased. lo-24p
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon.
September 2tU,
Notice Is hereby given that
Jacob Becker
of Prinevllle, Oregon, who, on ApriV36irW09,
made Homestead No. IM7U6, for-neM, -section.
21, towushlp 16 south, range 16 east, Willam
ette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to
make flnnl three-year proof, t establish
claim to the lan.1 above desorlbed, before
TtmohlyE,J. Duffy. U.S. Commissioner al
his office at Prinevllle, Oregon, oa the -lfitk
day of November, 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses: Orra'G. Moss,
James M. Culver of Powell Kutte, Oregon,
James A. Moftitt, Robert C, Bands of PrXua
vllle. Oregon.
10-10 C, W. MOORE. Register.