WILSON AND MARSHALL HIGHEST OFFICES CARRY MANY STATES CON SIDERED C0U5TFUL New York. New Jersey, Massa chusetts and Maine Co Democratic. New York. The remit of the most hotly contested presidential campaign ince the Civil War shows a sweeping Tictory for the Democratic ticket. The verdict returned by a majority of the 15.000,000 voters of the country means that Wood row Wilson, Democratic governor of New Jersey, will be the fcext president of the United Stales nd Thomas R. Marshall, Democratic governor of Indiana, will be the next vice-president. The three-cornered presidential con test brought to the polls an unprece dented number of voters. Reports from every section of the country shows a nation-wide recording-break-in& vote. The total number of electoral votes is 531, and the returns indicate that Wilson and Marshall have many mort than the 266 votes necessary to win. Reports indicate that the electoral vote of the Democratic candidates will pass the 400 mark. South Still Solid. The so-called "solid South." Alaj bama, Arkansas, Florida. Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Vir ginia, which have uniformly cast theii WOODROW WILSON. Photo S by American Preaa Aaaoclatioa. InRly close, the returns from more than 1000 precincts emtiraclng 1S5.000 votes giving each of the three loading presidential candidates more thau 60, 0M votes. President Taft'a lend In Thiladelphla districts was o!tset by the heavy vote polled by Roosevelt and Wilsou la other parts of the state. Many surprises were shown In the returns. The Now York Btate assem bly seemed to be overwhelming!) Democratic. In Illinois, Indications were that Judse Dunne, the Demo cratic candidate for governor, had won notwithstanding the heavy Roose velt victory. Former Speaker Cannon seemed to have been defeated for re election to congress lu Illinois. In addition to Roosevelt's appar ently certain victory in Illinois, the confident claims of the Roosevelt managers that Iowa, Michigan and Kansas would fall into the Roosevelt column seemed verified by the par tially complete returns. The returns from California, while meager, indi cated a Wilson victory. The uncer tainty regarding Vermont was settled by the announcement of the complete vote, which gave Taft a majority of 9i4 votes. The Providence, R. I., Journal, con ceded that state to Wilson, and with the vote close in New Hampshire, it seemed probable that New England's entire vote, with the exception ot Vermont, had gone over to the Demo cratic column. Democrats Control House and Senate. President Wilson will be supported by a congress that will be Democratic in both branches, thus insuring the passage of a revision ot the tariff un der Democratic auspices without a possibility of the factional opposition which prevailed in the present con gress. The House will be overwhelmingly Democratic The returns indicate that there will be a Democratic ma jority of 119 votes. This will insure the election ot a speaker, control of committees, and dictation of legisla tion during the two years beginning Uarch 4. The Democrats according to the re turns will have a majority of at least tour in the senate with a prospect ot several doubtful seats being filled by Democrats. "Our Personal Guarantee to all Skin SuKerers" Hv. hsve tn In bM.inea tn tw town iv.r Mom tun, ami tooum to lm;td triiit by aiy. mt tarns our Ikitnuis rufut. Po When we te!l you thflt wo have fount? the eema remedy aitJ ti;ai we uuil bnok ot it with ttie niim,faouirer Iron elau iritarantee. taekel by oui'tve( you con ilepeii.t iti'wn it tt'ut vive nur ailvice not in writer to pell a few twit)' of medicine to sMn sufTorera, t.nt !.. cmte w kncij tiew It wilt help our buviueM If w help our patrols. We keen In aloe and sell, nil t well shown itkin rvnietiles. toil we wtM ay thm: If you are ufferina' from any kuut of skin trouhtr, ecti-'na. paorla!. rush or tetter, we want you to trv a full f'-.v ittl of 11 V. I'r.m'rliitl.'H Aito, It it does uot Jo Ui work, itua T. R. Has Lead In Kansas. Topeka. Kan. Returns Indicate that the Progressive national ticket and the Republican state ticket had been victorious in. Kansas. Progres sive leaders claimed the state for Roosevelt by a plurality of from 10,000 to 15,000, but the Democrats maintain ed that the complete vote would place Wilson In the lead. W. R. Stubbs (Rep.) was leading William H. Thomp son (Dem.) in the race for United States senator. Michigan Conceded to Roosevelt Detroit. Returns from 145 out of 2115 state precincts show Taft 12,347, Roosevelt 20,330, Wilson 16,066. This does not include the incom plete count in many Detroit precincts. ! It is conceded that Roosevelt will ; carry the Btate. ' THOMAS RILEY MARSHALL. electoral votes for the Democratit presidential candidates in the past six elections, is still solidly Democrat ic, Wilson and Marshall polling the usual large majorities. Kentucky. Maryland and Missouri, which with few exceptions in the past 25 years have gone Democratic, have given snbstantial Democratic majorities. New York state's 45 electoral votes will be cast for Wilson and Marshall. The indications are that Wilson has carried New York state by a plurality of between 100,000 and 150,000. Re ports from all parts of the state show he vote was heavy, the efforts of the three gubernatorial candidates tc bring out the voters beins rewarded with success. Congressman Sulzer, the Democratic candidate for govern or was elected by a large plurality. Wilson Carries Many Doubtful States Wilson seems to have carried most of the doubtful states. Early returns in addition to giving Wilson and Mar shall the "solid South," indicated that the states of Connecticut, Delaware, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, New Jer sey, Massachusetts, New York, West Virginia, Indiana and Missouri were Democratic. As returns from the west began to come in Montana, New Mexico, Idaho, Oregon and California lined up in the Democratic column. Returns from San Francisco and Los Angeles made it probable that California might join the Wilson-Marshall column. Rhode Island became a doubtful state on the early returns, and, based on the later votes reported. It seemed not wholly Improbable that Its five electoral votes would go to Wilson. The early returns gave an apparent victory to Taft in New Hampshire, but the Taft plurality dwindled as the returns came in. The vote In Utah as reflected in the early dispatches gave Indications that that Bt"te would be carried for Taft. The vote In Pennsylvania was amaz Roosevelt Second in Maryland. Baltimore. Woodrow Wilson car ried Maryland by from 20,000 to 25,000 plurality, estimated from figures re ceived. Roosevelt ran second. LEAD IN NEW YORK 200,000 : Wilson Distances Taft and Roosevelt i Is Third; Sulzer Is Elected, j New York. Woodrow Wilson was I the choice of the state of New York ' for president by a plurality estimated at about 200,000, from returns receiv I ed from nearly every election district in the greater city of New York and ' from all except 500 of the 3093 dls ! tricts outside of New York City. I President Taft led Colonel Roose- velt In t,he same districts by about ; 35,000 votes. Representative William Sulzer was , elected governor with a plurality es timated at about 175,000 over Job E. Hedges, the Republican nominee, who In turn led Oscar Straus, candidate of the Progressive party. Taft Loses His Home State. Cincinnati. Returns from 100 pre cincts out of 5211 in Ohio gave Gov ernor Wilson 74,146, Taft 50,675, Roosevelt 34,069, giving Wilson a plu rality of 23,571. Figuring the proportionate gain of Governor Wilson in each 100 precincts tabulated, it was estimated that the j Democratic candidate would receive a plurality in the state of from 100, i 000 to 110.000 votes. So It Might, j It was a Welsh minister who de ; scribed the devil to a little congrega tion In a remote Welsh valley. Said the j minister: "The devil Is bound round the middle with chains and round the ', arms with chains and round the legs i with chains. But John Jones," polnt I lng to a man in the front row, "he car. j reach you, and you. David Evans," I pointing to one in the middle row. "lie j can reach you," und pointing to one nt I the back, "John Williams, be can reach you." And then a man In the gallery called out, "Why, the dang thing might as well be loose." bottle will root you nothing. Yoti alone to )no. .sin and aratn ' iinva aeon bow a ti'w otvr of toi auuj) viuli applied to the akin, tukva sway til Ueli. In runtiy. And thv cure all Nora to h li. I'luuuetlt. 1 1. J. Itvuerletlon mail by tha TV I 11. LnluirtilorloH of l'lileativ In eotiiptv-etl of t!imuL tcl oerllle, oil nt Hurt rtl'een all. I otlirr keiilllitr. Hthlnr, e.eiln tiiKretltrnla. And it you tiro Junt eruiiv with Iteh, you will r--l ollu.l Mint coolwil, t!i Iteh almolutely washed owoy Km moment you apoiivd thi IK l. l. v buy iaite faat frtaatla of wore than one family ly rwonmiantllnc thta ivieedy It. a iikin milTerr bar aiut there aPt we WHiit you to trv U UOW on our puaiuv uo-pay uuraulo. The. Win tick Company, rrlnt'vlllt'. Or. Gormley, The Tailor Tailoring Hlue, lirowus I'lirple. and Grays just arrived. Mont select assortment ol popu lar shades for mens wiutor wenr. tailored to your order ami built to your tlnro. You cliooae the cloth. Fit or no sale. Sample Suits tortile, ready to wear, $16.50 la $40 GORMLEY, The Tailor Does it Not Tempt YOU ? Lj1; Al.f. t'X yr- T7V. till IT TU' ! . Ai.t: Look over nnr One trenh menu itny iliir In the week mid ' will HikI Hint itiimt iinv Joint we offer will tempt you to buy. Why? Hit me It aittfueata H aweet iiikI in Icy tliivor; the alu'lit of It ill. la nil iiiolli:or. rrlci'S iilwnya reiiMoiml.lc. City Meat Market PIGS FOR SALE Registered Duroc Jersey. All old enough for service. Pigs are at the W. S. Rodman Ranch ad joining City, a A. BRADLEY, - - Redmond I I f 1 i Y Northwest Land Products I I E II fj INTERNATIONAL DAIRY 1 i l PQRTIANO.ORE. J 1. Mu NOVEMBER 18.19.20. 1912 h I if FARMERS MERCHANTS ANO STOCKMEN 111 I Id FROM EVERY El I I 1 POINT IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST WILL BE HERE 1)1 I 119 MANY VALUABLE PRIZES klil I 14 rv-L SM0W W0H WH'Lt KJ I j V 'rizT'-' 6- ill lis TxcrfH If p I FARES FROM ALL n.UI naM STATIONS i I E1 ASK ANY UWKal1 AGENT fM I I n& FOR FULL PARTICULARS MJ IKfy$SH TS 0' SALI MOV, ie-l-;0. LIMIT N0V.Z8 M 1 Horses for Sale. On the old C. Sum Smith rnni'h, nwir Vlnevllla: sold In any riunilier at reiiHonable prlct. For further InformHtlon address G. II. Huhhkm., Prlnevllle,Or.-Kon. 12-10-tf Crook County Journal, county oflicial paper. $1.50 a year. o.o.o. NEST NO. 15f8 Subordinate Order of Owls, meet the recond and fourth Thursdays in each month at Eelknap hall. All migratory owiscorili nllv welccne. T. E. J. Duffy, 'resident. Willard II. VViitz, Secretary. l-4tf Look Here If time hangs heavy on your hands you will find it profit able to look over our Urge and attractive assortment of HIGH GRADE JEWELRY, including The latest Watrhra, CliM-ka. Ilinns, Cliaina. (?!, Uraep. lets, CuIkIshs, Silverware, lUndpainted Cliina, tluiis, Am nunitiun ami Sporting Goods. You have nrvnr seen a mure rompleta line nf the, Bneat and liest Kaor Steel Kniviw f:om a Hunting Knife to a len Knife. Watrhes from S1.0O up to I2-V00. We will aell von a 16 W'aleli, 15 jewel ami 2 year case for only fl2 0tt. This watch is uiade ly (lie Wallhain eompanr. A nice selection of tlnl.l Cham for Kseh chain Is aecotupanieil with a written Kiiaratitee by the company. Whn looking for prtwents alanys first visit the Crook County Jewely and Sporting Goods Store L. Kamstra, Prop. Prineville, Oregon Prineville Flour Mills We can supply your needs in the Flour and Feed Line FARMERS, Dot fail to take advantage of our LIBERAL EXCHANGE SYSTEM Stewart & Carlson If you drink because of a craving for stimulants if you've reached the stage where nothing will satisfy excepting rough, high-proof, strong whiskey our story is not for you. But if it's mellowness, age and flavor you're looking for--you'll like Cyrus Noble. Because It's pure because It's palatanle-S' j because you don't have to dilute it with 1 water to be able to swallow it, It costs no more than any other good whiskey. W. J. Van Schuyver & Company, Agents, Portland..