Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, October 31, 1912, Image 5

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    Get Right on
Tax Reform
Cut This Out and Take
It to Voting Booth
Do Not Be Humbugged
Into Voting for
Single Tax.
Vote YK on 304. This permits
rlRMiflralion of property for taxa
tion; simplicity, justice ami economy
in administration. Allow equit
able apimrtionment of State taxes.
Den) Liquor Men
Issued Pamphlet
Thu following Nelf explanatory
letter of denial hat been received
by The Journal, aceonipunied by a
request for publication, from the
Oregon State Association Opposed
to the Extension of Suffrage to
"The Oregon State Association
Opposed to the Extension of the
SufTraKe to Women wishes to deny
statement made I ant Monday at the
W. C. T. U. convention, when, ac
cording to pre reiorU, 'it was an
nounced from the platform that the
liquor interests were circulating
thousands of copiei of a pamphlet
of which Kev. Clarence True Wil
ton ia the author.' That pamphlet
la issued by and bean the name of
the Oregon State Association Op-
lH)Hed to the Extension of Uie Suf-
V..I.. Vt'U 'loft T1.I. !-
, ""'"'"-i frage to Women, ao that the atate-
umformlty in taxation of each cla mt.nt t wu M by any
of property. Harmonizes with No. ,. ,m'm , ,. .
gratuitous fabrication, and known
to be such by all persons making it.
:UM ami insures fuirnesa and
ity in taxation.
Vote YES on Hon. This repeal
Single Tax "Joker" of 1910 and
blocks all attempts to alip Single
Tax through under guise of "coun
ty option" or "home rule" in tax
ation. Vote YKS on 350. Constitution
al amendment authorizing the tax
ation of Incomes, with reasonable
"It has become the fashion for
suffragists to attribute all their de
feats to the 'liquor men.' This has
been the cry In Ohio, and after Uie
successive majorities rolled up
against them, in Oregon. As a
matter of fact, not one of the six
suffrage states has prohibition, and
in a recent map published by the
national W. C. T. U., Oregon stands
Vote YKS on 3.12. This exempt jout 'coMpicuouy dry amon( the
from taxation household furniture
and good used in homes, also wear
ing apparel and similar unproduc
tive personality In use.
Vote YES on 354. This exempt
taxation from mortgage notes,
surrounding wet and suffrage states.
Dr. Wilson's pamphlet is a valued
part of the organized protest
against the imposition of woman
suffrage upon the women of Ore
gon, a protest which is signed and
credit and evidences of Indebted- L ,nt out by the following women of
neas. Abolishes double taxation
Does not exempt bank stock.
Vote YKS on 35C. Revision of
inheritance tax law following model
law of National Tax Annotation.
Would increase revenue from this
source and promote social justice.
Vote AO on 303. Would defeat ' E. Rockey, Mrs. C. H
Single Tax concealed behind mask ; David Lorlng, Mrs. J.
the association:
"Mrs. J. F. Bailey, president;
Miss Failing, first vice president;
Wrs. 11. W, Wilbur, second vice
president; Mrs. Wallace MeCamant,
treasurer; Miss Eleanor Gile, secre
tary; Mrs. II. W, Corbett, Mrs. A.
Lewis, Mrs.
B. Montgom-
labeled "Graduated Single Tax" or'ery, Mrs. W. C. Alvord, Mrs. Gor-
"Graduated Specific Tax."
The Direct Way
By Frances Squire Totter,
When pushed to the wall, ob
jectors to equal suffrage nowadays both
take refuge behind one of two plati
tudes. The first is used too often
by women whose suffrage ia bound
to come, but at present there are
more pressing needs. "Let u get
our schools Improved, and our cities
cleaned up, and then we shall have
time to take up the cause of equal
suffrage." Is not this a survival of
that old vice of womankind indi
rection? What is the use of get-;
ting the power to do something af
ter you have had it done by some
body else? How much harder it is
to get someone else to do it for you
than to do it yourself!
But that Is not the worst. Be
sides being harder,' it Is less effec
tive. It is humiliating. It ia false
to American principles. We edu
cate our men and women alike and
together; on the same terms they
engage in business and bear the
burdens of taxation. Shall we go
back on this whole theory when it
comes to its fundamental applies
tion? The suffrage issue should
not be put off, but it should be
placed first, as making the other is
sues easier and permanent, pd. adv
Pony for Sale
Saildlo broke, 5 year old, weighs 800
pounds i price $27.f0, with new bridle,
inquire at the Journal ollice. tl-12
Indian pony, roivn epnltiHU horse,
rimml .1 H on right shoulder. Nutllv
Juke WtiliMK-ku, Slnmuslio, Or.
For Sale or Trade
Light 2-seated hack ; good
don Voorhies, Mrs. R. W. Lewis,
Mrs. James N. Davis, Mrs. Alma
D. Rata, Mrs. S. T. Hamilton, Mrs.
Herbert Holman, Mrs. C, A. Johns,
Baker; Mrs. J. H. Templeton,
Prlneville; Miss Bush, Salem; Mrs,
W. I. Vawter. Medford: Mrs. Eliza-
Yockey, Ashland, executive
committee; Mrs. E. H. Shepard,
Hood River; Mrs. A. J. Richardson,
Joseph; Mrs. J. M, Connell, Hills
boro; Miss Rita Alderman, Falls
City; Mrs. M. C. McFarland, Airiie;
Mrs. F, E. Harlow, Troutdale; Mrs.
George T. Flavel, Astoria; Mrs. W.
S. McFadden, Corvallis; Mrs. Dan
O'Neill, Oregon City; Miss Emily
Loveridge, superintendent Good
Samaritan hospital, Portland."
pd. dv.
On en the Duke.
Od tb occasion ot ttie Duke of Con
nought's recent visit to New York the
royal gentleiuun got a Jolt from a
sprightly young American woman. Dur
ing a dinner the duke humorously ral
lied her on the liberty taken by Ameri
cans In clipping tho king's English.
Later In the evening his royal high
ness. In the course ot conversation,
asked tho young lady what place It)
Iimlon hnd most Impressed her dur
ing her last visit
Slnpul, your highness," was the re
ply. . "Slnpul?" said the duke, with a pus-
sled air.
"Oh. yes. there Is nothing In the
town so wonderful to me."
"I'm afruld." answered the duke,
with a kludly smile, "that you know
my London better thon I. Slnpul? Is
It a theater, a enfe-what Is It?"
"A church, your highness.- We Amer
icans call It St. Paul, but as yoa call
St. John, SluJIu, this, It seems, must
be Slnpul!"
Pee K. B. or 0, E. Cross.
is new.
Seed Wheat for ,Sale .
Clean Scotch Fife Seed Wheat for side
by J. L. Windom, Culver, Ore. B-12
rwrrr-rm -: v. ' ''
JN'4Z TheR.wttt.aCa
Sure fire
The World's Record Holders
Rtmlnfton-VMC .22 eel. cartridge bare broke two
reeorde ia Iwo years. The preaent world' lOO-abot gallery
reoord, 2484 2SO0, held by Arthur llubeltk, ru mad
with IbeM bard billing .22'.
Tbey will bclpyoii, too, to break your bad hootinj records.
Mad with the aam ear Irora th Mm tatted material!
ai th baavicat big fam cartridf e.
lemtfiftofl- UMC .22' ar mad, too, with hollow point
bullet. Thii inerawe tbair hocking and killing power.
1Mb la tfce red ball on every boa yoa bar.
J2 eWU, M leak, 21 Uel lille lUci. laeealea eej Ueaet eeeam.
Remington Arms-Union Metallic Cartridge Co.
298 Bfaay 2 Haw lark City
Why Should a Woman?
Why should a woman be horn, educated married, divorced
and buried under laws made exclvsively by men ?
The right to govern it conferred by the governed and the
governed are uol exclusive! males, the governed are men
and women, for wonen are responsible before the law.
Why, if we desire to be just and fair, should we not allow
the women to exercise what should be an tqaal right with
VoteX300 on the Ballot
Portland Equal Suffrage League
Mrs. Solomon Hirsch, Pres.
I'd . in.T
Crook County Journal, county
oilioial paper. $1.50 a year.
Horses for Sale.
On the old C. Snm Smith rnnch,
nciir l'rlnevllle: sold In any number
nt reasonable prices. For further
InforniHtlon address Q. II. ltussKi.1,,
Prlneville, Oregon. 12-l-tf
For Sale
llnvlnR nearly completed our
work on the Deschutes dnm, we offer
the followliiR (or sale chenp:
1 40 h. p. Horizontal ltoljer.
1 25 h. p. Horizontal Knirlno.
t'limp equipment, IiicIihIIub stoves,
cooking utensils, etc,, (ill of which
are In (tret-class condition.
For particulars call at ollice. North
Canal Siding, or write L. r . Ucrdets,
Uox 47, Bend, Ore. 10 17-tf
For Sale
White Wyandotte Cockerels by 1). P,
Ailamson, I'nnevllle, Ore. U 20
NEST NO. 1688
S ubordinat
Order of Owls, meet the pecond and
fourth Thursdavs in each month st
ltclknap hall. All migratory owUcordi
ally welcome. 1. J. J. fully, t resilient
Wlllard H. Wirts. Secretary. l-4tf
By all the leading Fanners,
Stockmen and Citizens
generylly as best for their
needs and protection.
I r
: a1- fecrt&i .
I waaaeaTJ
Vote 79 on the Ballot
Through Service
Central Oregon
Leave Culver
Arrive Portland
Leave Portland
Arrive Culvei
8:09 a. m.
5:30 p. m.
7:50 a. m.
10:00 a. rn.
46:35 p. m.
If time hangs heavy on your hands you will find it profit
able to look over our large and attractive assortment of
The latest Watches, Clocks, Rings, Chains. Fob. Brace
lets, Culglaan, Silverware, Hjtidpainted China, (iune, Am
munition and Sporting Goods.
You have never teen a more complete line of the
flneat amrbet Haxor Steel Knives a Hunting Knife
to a Pen Kuife.
Watches from fl.00 up to $125.00. We will sell you
a 16 1 Watch, 15 jewel and 20 year cane for only f 12 00.
Tliii watch is made by the Wallham company.
A nice selection of Gold Chain for t3.2". Each chain
! accompanied with a written guarantee by the company.
When looking for presents alwaya first visit the
Crook County Jewely and Sporting Goods Store
L. Kamstra, Prop.
Prineville, Oregon
All trains arrive at and depart from
Union depot, Portland
Free Speech By Foul Mouths
There is a foul-mouthed, indecent element in the city of Port
land niRhtly insulting the decent, law-abiding citizens and
openly reviling the flag. They have sent representatives to
surrounding towns and in the name of free speech denounce the
efforts to remove them from the streets. In the names of our
wives and children we ask your support and vote for No. 370,
Voters' pamphlet.
The Boycot and Picket
The employers of Oregon are not slave drivers, as is claimed
by those who live by the sweat of their deluded victims. This
fact is sel-evident in any part ol the state. The boycott nd the
picket are the representative of a low order of intelligence, seek
ing by fear and bludgeon to force a bad cause. Remove the sys
tem by a vote for No. 368.
Employers' Association of Oregon
W. C. Francis Secretary.
10-17. Pftl'l a1v.
It's a Great Catch
Nowadays to find satisfactory flsh at dinner,
but you'll be always sure of atemptlUKdinh
If the Mali be bouirht here. We have fresh de
liveries dally, nud the best qualities reach im
dally from river, lake and Ocean. If you have
.experienced adllllculty In Betting good freah
HhIj hitherto, now is your time to experience
tho reverse and be sure of the freshet here.
City Meat Market
Prineville Flour Mills
We can supply your needs in the
Flour and Feed Line
FARMERS, Don't fail to take
advantage of our
Stewart & Carlson '
You . would . enjoy . the . Journal