Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, October 31, 1912, Image 1

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    - Jlu '
Crook County- Joanna
ntrS at th ptMtnfllM at Pr1nv11I
Ortioo, aMoil-clM mailer
Special Premium and
Livestock Winners
The hihh-IhI premium lint at the
fair thia year deserves mure than a
vuhumI notice. There were prizes
offered that brought out lots of
good-natured rivalry ind In which
competition was usually keen. We
take pleasure this week In present
ing the names of tho donors and the
winners of the prizes.
We are also publishing this week
the list of prize-winners in the stock
Special Premiums.
K. T. Slay ton was awarded the
first premium tor the best Inrm ex, He had 107 different varieties
it lurm producis.
The silver cup lor the best bushel
j wheat, donated dy the O.-W, 11.
Js N. Co., whs won tiy Mrs. 11. J.
llenly ol Culver. '
Heaven Wllcoxon won the cash
premium ol flO ofti-rvd by the Klmt
National Hunk f l'rluc vllle lor the
M-t bushel ol wheat, any variety,
ilealsowon the 110 s-elul offered
y the Prlnevllle Flouring Mills lor
4s-t Uimhel of lllucslciii.
N. K. MeColu took first lor the
ls-t bushel ol Gnlgulua wheat and
II rt for the la-st bushel ol Forty
fold. 8. I). Mustard took first lor the
U-mt bushel of potatoes, any variety,
irrigated or dry land. He received
125 from the lair association and the
W. V. King Co.'s special which con
sisted ol a hand garden seeder and
cultivator, valued at I6.
Mr. Wright ol Rrdmoud won the
Clifton A, Cornell special for U-st
pen ol Plymouth Rwk chlckeu.
It. II. Nil river ol Prlnevllle won the
Foster A Hyde special lor best pen
ol Orpingtons.
I), r. Adamson won bis own
snceiul orlae lor the liest lien ol
White Wyandottcs.
('. (). Follurd wou the J. II. TempU
oD sieclal lor best pen ol Leghorn.
Kd Hlnyton won the I0 offered by
the Prlnevllle real estate dealers for
the best display gralus In stock.
John Kemmlliig wou the H. 1).
Still prle lor the best Jersey cow.
M. M. Davemmrt ol Redmond won
the Prlnevllle Cigar Factory sieclnl
lor the licst display of watermelons.
A. J. Noble won the 10 offered by
the I'loneer Creamery for thu U-st
one-dnv teat for milch cows.
W. G. Mustard of Powell HutU
took the Prlnevllle Furniture Ex-i-huugu
12 rocker for the bent 26
pounds ol oulous.
F. U. Atkinson of Itedmoud wou
Mrs. 1. Michel's prize for the best
three beads of cabbage.
Kd Slnytou won Geo. Whltcls'
special for the best case of honey.
The Ochoco Valley Mining Go. won
the rioueer Tel. A Tel. Co.'s cash
prize lor the best display ol Crook
county minerals,
Mrs. W. 8. Ayers won the Wlnnek
prize tor the best ten pounds ol but
ter and also the le Laval Dairy Sup
ply Co.'s special prize.
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Wllholt won
tho Do Laval Imlry Supply Co.'s
prize lor the best display ol dairy
products. They took second on the
best tun pounds of butter und tor
dairy products display,
Blum-he Wilson won the Kumstru
special lor the bent display of home
preserved fruits.
The handsome silver cup offered
by the O.j-W. R. A N. Co. for the best
two-year-old steer was not uwnrded.
It was agreed among stock owners
to let It go over to next year.
The prizes offered by the City Meat
Market und the t) K Market for the
best three lambs and best three
yearling steers were won by M. It
Mrs. II. J. llealy of Culver won the
$50 cash prize offered by the S. P. &
S. Rv. Co. for the best bushel of
wheat and sheaf of same.
Kd Slayton won the Lnfollctte
Nursery Co.'s special of $20 lor the
best display ol fruits from farm or
ranch. Commercial orchards were
barred from this contest. Mrs. J. L
Wlndom ol Culver won the second
prize and Mrs. H. J. Healy third.
Oren Noble ol Prlnevllle won the
prize offered by Froeberg llras. of
Redmond for the best pen of Rhode
Island Reds.
Another Redmond prize that of
Lvnch & Roberts tor the best
Poland-China sow under six months,
was won by Warren, Dickson A Mc
Dowell ot Prlnevllle.
Mrs. Collins Klklus won the price
lor the brut dlitplay ol Indian curios
atid relics.
H. I). Still won the prize for the
best display ol harness ami saddliii.
K. 11. Smith took the prize lor the
bent stock saddle.
Ih-rman Poch had the beet exhibit
ol limestone.
Wade Huston got the prize lor the
Is-sl exhibit ot eonl.
Csltls Hmforda.
Dull, 2 yrs old or over, Ilonnyvlew
Farm, 1st.
Hull call, under 1 yr old, Ilonny
vlew Farm, 1st.
Bull call, under 1 yr old, Ilonny
vlew Farm, 2d.
Cow, 2yrs old or over, Bonny view
Farm, 1st.
Cow, 2 yrs old or over, Bonny view
Farm, 2nd.
Cow, 1 yr and under 2, Ilonnyvlew
Farm, Int.
Heifer calf, under 1 yr old, Bonny-
view Farm, Int.
Breeder's herd of 5 head, Bonny
view Farm, 1st.
Bull, 2 yrs old or over. M R Biggs,
Bull, 2 yrs old or over, Alex Hln
ton, 2d.
Bull, 1 yr old and under 2 yrs, M
U Biggs. 1st.
Bull calf, under 1 yr old, M R Blggi
1st. .
Bull call, under 1 yr old, M R Biggs
Cow, 2 yrs old or over, M. R.
Biggs. 1st.
Cow, 2 yra old or over, M R Biggs
Cow, 1 yr old and uuder 2 yrs, M 1
R Biggs, 1st.
Cow, 1 yr old and under 2 yrs, M
R Illggs, 2nd.
Heifer calf, under 1 yr old, M R
Biggs, Int and 2nd,
Bivedcra herd of S head, M R Biggs
Bull, 2 yrs old or over, J J Caffelt,
Bull, I yr old and under 2, Jullu
Keuiuilln, 1st.
Cow, 2 yrs old or over. Jullu
Kemmllu, 1st.
Cow.lyrold and under 2, Julln
Kcmmllug. '-'1.
Heifer calf, under 1 yr old, Julln
Hcmmllng, 2d
Breeders' Exhibit ol Fst Stock.
IVst2yr old steer, II S Crum &
Sons, 1st.
Best pen of 3 2 year old steers, E T
Slayton, 2d.
Best 1 yr old steer, M R Biggs, 1st.
Best pen of 3 1 yr old steers, M R
Biggs, ll.
Best pen ot 3 lambs, M R Biggs, 1st
Warren, Dick.on & McDowell Premium
Cow, 2yrs old or over, Hereford, 1st.
Heifer calf, under 1 yr old, Here-
lord, 1st.
Bull, 2 yrs old or over, Shorthorn,
Best two yr old steer (breeders' ex
hibit) 1st.
1 y j
u SnanViri Ex-Presldcnt Theodore Roosevelt was shot by
llcWS OU&pSIlOlS bullet entered bis brenst, but did not touch any
Of the Week
esse, and the defense began. Turkey declared war against the Balkan states, and fighting was reported all along the border. Abdullah Pasha is leading the
Ottoman troops. Felix Diss, a nephew of former President Porfirio Dlai of Mexico, began a revolution agaiist the present administration.
Best 2 yr old or over steer (breed
ers' exhibit) 1st.
Best pen 3 2yr old steers (breeders'
exhibit) 1st.
Bull, 2 yrs old or over, M R Biggs,
Bull, 1 yr old and uuder 2, M It
Biggs, 1st.
Hull call, under 1 yr, M It Biggs.
Cow, 2 yrs old or over, M R Illggs,
Cow, I yr old and under 2, M R
Blugn, 1st.
Mi ller culf, under 1 yrold, Ilonny
vlew Farm, 1st.
Hampshire ewes, 2 yra old or over,
C M Elklns, ImI and 2nd.
Hhropshlre ewe, 1 y r old and uuder
2, 11 L B Association, 1st.
Cotswold, 2 lamb ewes, Vernon
Polndexter, 1st,
Boar, 1 yr old or over, Poland-
China, L B IjifolU-tte. lt.
Boar, 1 yr old or over, Poland-
China, Newt Polndexter, 2nd.
Hoar, uuder six' months old,
Poland-China; J L Wlndoui, 1st
Sow, between 6 mos and 1 yr.
Poland-China, L B Lafollett, 1st and
Sow, under 6 mos, 1'oland-Cblnu,
(i Springer, Int.
Boar, under 6 mos old, Poland
China, Warreu, Dickson A McDowell,
Sow, under six months old, Poland
China, Warren, Dickson A McDowell,
Litter of pigs, Poland China, War
ren, Dickson ft McDowell, 1st.
Hoar, under 6 mos old, O I C, J J
Coffelt, 1st.
Sow, under 6 mos old, O I C, J J
Coffelt. 1st.
Mare, 1 yr old and under 2, Belgian
grade, U Springer, 1st.
Mare, 1 yr old and under 2 Belgian
grade, J L Wlndora, 2d.
Filly, under 1 yr old, Belgian grade
0 Springer, 1st.
Mare, 2 yrs old or over, Belgian
grade, J L Wtndom 2d.
Stallion, 2 yrs old or over, register
ed Belgian, II L B Association, 1st.
Mare, 2 yrs od, registered Belgian,
(i Springer, 1st.
Mare, 1 yr old and under 2, regis
tered Belgian, G Springer, 1st.
Stallion, 2 yrs old or over, Shire
registered, S J Clemmeus, litt.
Stallion, 1 yr and tinder 2 yrs,
Shire registered, M R Biggs, 1st.
Stallion, under f yr old, Shire reg
Istered, M R Biggs, 1st.
Stallion, under 1 yr, Shire register
ed, It M Powell, Zd.
Mare, 2 yrs old or over, Shire reg-
Istered, R M Powell, 1st and 2nd.
Mare, 2 yrs old or over, Shire rvg-1
Istered, M R Biggs. 1st.
Mare, 2 yrs old or over, Shire
grade, M R Biggs, 1st.
Filly, under 1 yr old, Shire grade,
S J Clemmeus, 1st.
Stallion, 2 yrs old or over , Perch
erou registered, C C P H Association,
Stallion, 2 yrs old or over, Pen-heron
registered, Roy Powell, 2d.
Mare, 2 yrs old or over, Perelu-ron
grade, E T Slayton, 1st nud 2d.
Stallion, 2 yrs old or over, Coach
registered, T J Leach, 1st.
Mare, 2 yrs old or over. Coach
registered, Bonnyvlew Farm, 1st.
Stallion, 2 yrs old or over, Stand
ard Bred Trotting, J E Taylor, 1st,
rr l r . Ill
The Boston Red Sox defeated the New York
Boston and Marquard of New l'ork won the
Stallion, 2 yrs or over, Standard
Bred Trotting, M R Bigg, 2d.
Filly, under 1 yr old. Standard
Bred Trotting, Warren, Dickson ft
McDowell, 1st.
Mare, 2 yrs old or over, thorough
bred, M It Blgirs. lit.
Stallion, 2 yrs .-Id or over, Clydes
dale, J It Brecse l-t.
3weepiUk -Horse.
Best draft Mlon. 1 yr old and
under 2, reglstt-ivi, M It Biggs, 1st
Best draft colt, 1 yr old, registered,
M R Biggs, 1st.
Best draft maw, 2 yrs old or over.
grade, E T Slayton, 1st.
Best draft team, shown In harness, i
R M Powell, 1st.
Best general purpose team, War
ren, Dickson ft McDowell, 1st.
Best driving team, S A 1'rose, 1st.
Best single driver, M R Biggs, 1st
and 2nd.
Best saddle horse, M R Biggs, 1st
Rt Utered American Saddle Hones.
Stallion, 2 yr old or over, M R
Biggs, Ut
Mare, 2 yrs or over, M R Biggs, 1st.
Filly, under 1 yr, M R Biggs, 1st.
Stallion, with family of three colts,
C C P H Association, 1st.
Stallion, with family ol 3 colts, H
L B Association, 2d.
Registration in
Crook County
The following is the total pre
cinct registration for Crook county
for 1912:
Prlnevllle 321
Ash wood 91
Bear creek
Beaver creek.
...60 !
Black Butte..
Camp Creek...
Cross Keys..-
Johnson Creek.
Laldluw .
Lyle Uup
Mill Creek
- 66
I Montgomery
. Nt-wsoni
Powell Hutte
Summit...... Tetherow,
Warm Springs
W illow Creek
White Butte -.14
Cllne Falls 51
There were 1802 republicans, 818
democrats, 42 prohibition, 165 so
cialists, 26 progressives, 69 inde
pendents, and 81 refused to go on
record for anything.
Leghorns for Layers.
For finest Whit Leghorn Coe! s
apply to A. D. Pratt. Host, -Ore. 1
each. Buy now tor spring. 10-31-lt
a maniac named Schrank while on his
vital part. The colonel was removed
. ,. m
ilfsi wtdswaattaimMi -Mtwimr !;-.;., SiMiT $ S-1
Ulnnts tor the world's baseball championship by four games to three. Wood ot
majority of games for tbeir teams. The state finished Its evidence in the Becker
District Court
Circuit court adjourned Monday. '
The grand jury last week reported
eleven true bills and three not true
bills. '
True bills were found against V.
M., Al and Wm. L. Robertson, and
George Kentner for horse stealing.
Al Robertson and Kentner have not
been apprehended. The others are
in the county jail.
These men shipped three carloads
of horses out of Bend last August
to points in Washington, Idaho and
Montana. George H. Russell, Bill
Brown and Gus Shroder got wind of
the shipment and located eighteen
of their horses at Toppenish, Wash.
The brands were tampered with, it
is alleged, but the horses were
identified. The defendants asked
for a continuance of their case
which was granted by the court.
The time set for hearing is Decem
ber 9. Each defendant is under
$5000 bonds.
Judd McPherson and Dick Gar
ret were indicted by the grand jury
for stealing cattle alleged to be the
property of H. L. Priday and W.
W. Brown. This case , was con
tinued from the last grand jury.
Garret, it will be remembered, was
out of the penitentiary on parole
when he and McPherson took the
cattle. Garret has been sent back
to the pen but McPherson has not
been caught.
H. F. Jones was indicted for
gambling. His case was continued
until the next term. The appealed
case against him was dismissed for
the reason that the "justice eourt
tried him without jurisdiction.
E. C. Myers pleaded guilty to
I conducting a bawdy house at Bend
j ue was sentenced to pay a fine of
. 1 uu.
Two indictments were found
1 against David R. Dunn for selling
1 liquor without a license at Last
i Chance. He pleaded guilty and
was fined $250. '
Carlos Lawson of Bend was in-
, dieted for murder in the first de-
gree by the grand jury. He was
tried and found guilty of man
slaughter. The court gave him an
indeterminate sentence of from one
to fifteen years in the penitentiary.
Lawson killed Mrs. Carrie Patter
son in a rooming house at Bend last
May. He in turn, was shot in the
shoulder by T. H. Jones just after
Lawson had shot Mrs. Patterson.
James Rogers was indicted for
forgery. He is the man that
passed the $25 check on Frank
Brosius signed by Dick Shriver.
He was given an indeterminate
way to ninkea speech in Milwaukee.
to Chicago, where his recovery wiis r
i rapid.
December 9
sentence of from two to twenty
J. H. O'Kelly of Culver was in
dieted by the grand jury on a
charge of rape against his 14-year-old
daughter. After a jury trial
he was found not guilty.
The grand jury found not tru.
bills against T. H. Jones of Bend,
charged with assault with a deadly
weapon; H. T. King of Culver
charged with rape against his step
daughter; and Frank Dalton,
charged with running a bawdy
house at Bend.
The following civil cases were
disposed of:
C S Smith vi James O Wilson et al.
Repsrt confirmed.
C 8 4 S Co vs Scoggin A Kelssv.
Sett'ed and diimirsed.
C O I Co vs D R I Co. Settled
and dismissed.
Susan Brnno vi Peter Bruno. De
cree granted.
M Bradford Collins vs J H Barkley
et 1. Motion to dismiss slid.
Eastern Oregon Bsnking Co vs J E
Loveall et nx. Confirmation.
E C Person snd E R Jones vs Frank
Walker snd Eva A Steele. Report. x
C C McXeely vs Msdras Gateway Ho
tel Co and A K Bentiey. Confirmation.
R E Golden vs J E Loveall and A C
Sanfnrd. Dismissed on motion of Dlf.
J W Merrifield et al vs Z M McClsy
etal. To be presented at The Dalles.
Macdonald Potts vs Deschutes Val
ley L A I Co snd W P Myers. Default
and Judgment by consent ol defts.
Tum-a-Lnm Lumber Co vs G North
up and W H King. Dismissed, on
motion ol pit.
Madras Lumber Co sv Chss E Flora
etal. Patsed.
Cramer A Hsrcrow vs Malcom Mc
Donald. Dismissed oa motion of pit".
John H Locksrd vs Jas Gott et al.
Default and decree.
Mary L Patterson vs R W Patterson.
Submitted on written brief.
A H Hoi n et al vs J B Montague et
al. Submitted on written brtef.
State ol Oregon vi E A Bnssett, sdmr
Richard Myer estate.' Continued.
A C Sauford vs J W Jones. Pasted.
Citizens State Bank of Myrtle Creek,
Oregon, vs J X Williamson. Settled
and dismissed.
McDowell Bros et si vs City of Red
mond. Referred to Wm G Phoenix.
E L Fi field vs Samuel Greg?. Passed.
John W Saxton vs W C Barber.
Motion for new trial overruled.
Gny Sears vs P C Campbell and Thos
Cannon. Confirmation.
F J McCarthy vs I Segal et al. Dis
missed on motion of plf.
J Strain vs Wagoner et al. Settled
and dismissed.
W F Hammer et nx vs R. L Sabin.
To be heard at The Dalles.
Joseph Palmer vs Ernest McCabe.
Settled and dismissed.
R L Sabin vs Samuel Giegg et al.
Jrook Connty Bank vs Fannie S Ham
mer et al. Confirmation.
George W Combs vs Charles V Wil-'
son and L Maiule Wilson. Settled.
J Strein vs Peter Kilberg et al.
William Morfitt vs Opal City Land
Co et al. To be heard at The Tallee.
Thoe Arnold vs C C Buchanan. Cou
firmatlon. May Mackey as John Ferguson and
Sadie Ferguson. Confirmation.
F M Loveland vs Fred Fisher. Dis
missed on motiotn of dft.
J E Chesnnt vs Charles Angle et al.
Eismissed without prejuice.
First National Sank of Bend vs
Silvertooth Browder. Dismissed on
motion of plf. ,
S L Combs vs E A Griffin et al. Con
tinued. N Monnor vs M J Donaldson-Selby.
Default and decree.
S II Wilson vs Silvertooth A Browder.
Settled and dismissed.
The P B & L Assn vs J A Norwood
et al Dismissed.
John Riis vs Charlotte B Riia. De
cree granted.
Maud , Quapalmer vs Frank Qua
palmer. Decree granted.
Ida May Saxton vs John W Saxton.
R C Immele vs F L Botsford Co.
Motion to set aside judgment all!.
The Gauld Co vs Bend Milling A
Concluded on last page