WHY PAY RAILROAD FARE? ' ' I- mmm if Every thing to furnish your home Dressers from $5.00 up. Why Look Farther ? 50c up $1.00 up Now is your chance to buy Cheap. Good Strong Beds, only $9.75 At $1.75 and up Map l 5,! We buy direct from the fac tory. Will have a complete cat alogue Nov. 1 5 1912. Get one. A small cut of this full size Desk, $9.95, cash with your order, you to pay the freight from Chicago. This price is lower than anyones even wholesale. We are closing out our en tire line of CHARTER OAK STOVES absolutely at COST. If you are in the market for a good range call at once. $8.75 tq $40.00. Everything in the Second hand Department Reduced to Lowest Possible Prices : Ranges, Kitchen Queens, Dressers, Springs, Mattresses, Davenports, Couches, Side boards, etc. Dining-room, Bed-room, Setting-room and Parlor Furniture of all kinds. DONT FAIL TO SEE our full line of "Made in Ore go n" Heaters; also Cook Stoves and Ranges. HIT"3 Solid Oak. Come in and se lect one NOW! ...... m m " . mmg, Kitchen Queen, $3.00 up. Compare our prices with your catalogue. PrinevilleFurniture Company CHAS. F. CONDART, Mg'r PIANOS PLAYER PIANOS Don't Fail to See our Player at the Fair Why keep your daughter or son from learning music when it is so easy Jo own a piano yourself ? Trade in your organ, and the balance small payments. We take all the risk. Deliver the piano right to your home at Portland prices. Could you ask more? Why spend your hard earned cash going to Portland when we can show you a high-grade piano right here ? Letany one try them out for you; the maker stands back of them all: Mason & Hamlin, Hardman, krakaur, Packard, Hobart M. Cable, Ludwig and Milton 20 makes or player pianos and other makes Si Jones says: "Ye organ best for home music." But Si has been dead 20 years. 1 ihe iley B. Allen Comp'y CHAS. F. CONDART, Crook County Agent w