Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, September 26, 1912, Image 7

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    Buggy Peddlers
The roprnwtiKHtlve of the Spaul
illntf Manufacturing Co., of Grin
Hell, Iowa, were arrvstotl last wwk
at lU'dmond fur wiling kihmI
in the county without a licvriae.
Tlwy had a heurintr before Jus
tice Kennedy, who hold them
tmdrr f 100 bond landing the final
determination of injunction pro
nt-dingi now before the supreme
court. The buitiry company hiu en
joined several prosecuting- attorney
of different counties In Oregon from
inteferrlng with lu agents in any
way until it case la at-ltled by the
courts. The company maintain
that under the Inter-atute com
n' roe law it dmn not huve to pay
a limine.
Thin buggy company ha a hlgaP
vantitge over our merchant in aoll-
inn lu good. The outside concern
ha no settled ImlilUition in thin
county. It pity no taxes. It tlin-a
r.ot help keep 111 remir the county
roads over which It trans its ware
t.i the consumer. It does not hel
ninintuin our whooln, or in any way
benefit the country. The money j
nient with ouUiile concerns in lout
to the county forever It goes to
build up communities elsewhere,
J Oft a good buggies Btld just UK
cheap can lie bought at home. Keep
your money here.
Crook County
Farmers' Institute
Arrangement have been made
for the officer of the Demnnstra
Karmt and one or two members of
the State Kxa-riment Station to hold
a nerie of farmer' institute in
the county during Oetolier. The
result of the work from the Dem
onstration Farm will lie explained
and subject of imparlance to the
agriculture of the different conimu
i.itie will 1 e discussed. The date of
the meeting are a follow: t
Madraa Oct. 14. ;H0 p. m.
Motoliu, Oct. 14. 8. p. m.
Culver. Oct. 15. 2:) p. m.
Terrebonc, Oct. 15, 8 p. m. '
Kedmond. Oct. 12. 8 p. m.
Bend. October 1!). 8 p.m.
Sinter, Oct. 18, 2;!W p. m.
Ul'ine.'Oct. 19. 2:110 p. m.
I'rinevillo. Oct. 17, 8 p. m.
La Pine To Have
Electric Railway
La Pine Inter-Mountain: The
I'ringle Falls Klectric I'ower &
Water Co. of Portland has entered
into a contract with the La Pine
Townsite compuny, wherein the
power company agree to complete
operate and maintain an electric
railway into La Pine within 3 years
from the 12th of this month. In
the same contract it is agreed that
the power company will erect, oper
ate and maintain a transformer ata
tion at La Pine in connection with
the power plant it is arranging to
install at Pringlu Falls, 6 miles
northweHt of La Pine.
Paulina Notes
Paulina, Ore.. Sept. 23, 1912.
The wind I blowing a gale here
today. , Hoys look out for those
straw hat and young ladles for
that hohl.lti dkirt.
Mi Laura Leweling came in on
the stage iat Saturday from Prlne
ville where she has ben for the
past few months to visit her siter
who is sick.
Grant Miller returned to Paulina
lat week from Prineville where he
has been with his wife who Is very
sick at the hospital.
Hurt Mine gave a dance at the
Paulina hall hut Friday. A pleas
ant time was snt. Lot of fun
and good music furnished by ('has.
Kirdaong and Ray Pordy. The peo
ple of this section w!nh Burt would
get busy again soon.
Mr. Hut tie and sister left Paulina
Sunday for Twin Falls, Ida! o,
They will be greatly missed by all
who knew them and we how they
will soon return.
Mia Nettlu McCullough, the
Paulina M)Mtmixtreis, spent Sunday
with her sinter, Mr. Jennie Brown.
Mary Cumplxdl f who I working
for Mr. Brown sient last Sunday
on her homestead near Burnes, Ore
gon. She rejMirt everything fine
in that section.
Mis Oracle Bland came home
ust week from a visit in tnu valley.
In the city it i fashionable to
rush the can." We know a place
here they "rush a jar." How
alMut it?
A. I.. Mackintosh of Portland was
in Paulina lust week. He is visit
ing at the homes of M. L. Brown
and I. H. Meyer.
Mr. Gardner i living in J. T.
aulkner's house where he will re
main for the winter for the purpose
f schooling his children.
Charlie Morris la working at the
'aulina hotel.
Lost, strayed or stolen One Roy
Morris. When last seen wbs rang
ing near the hind wheels of a 3-inch
wagon. Some pronounced him
Hattie" when he left Paulina. A
libera) reward will be payed for his
whereabout. Ua.MBI.KR.
Lamonta Items.
MihS Eva I lunacy, who has been
away for a long trip in the valley.
isiting friends and relative?, has
The harvest dunce held in the La
monta hall last Friday night was
well attended. It was a pleasant
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kerwood were
visiting at the Lone Pine ranch
Consult Me About Your Eyes
I am a specialist in the science ol
optometry : can lini:iioo mi v case of
detective vision Willi mierriiiK accuracy
ami lit glares that will conquer it com
tilnlftlv. Mv method Is ante, certain.
ilriiuless and imrfuct results are obtained
in every instance. A complete, stuck of
re glasses nml frames. Pit. Ida Hun
hknIit, Ort'ioii Hotel, Prineville, Ore,
Notice of Board of Equalization
The county board of eiiiali.fttlon for
Cr.Kik conntv. Oreirnn, convenes Mon
.lav. October 11112. Tax rolls will
be'open fop inspection and correction
in the way of description anil valuation
.1. 1). LaKoi.lkttk, County Assessor
Date! September 111, IMS.
Wanted, at once
A man with a team tnd sulky plow to
clean 'JO smooth acres of suae brtiHli ami
a little juniper, and put in wheat ciop,
nil. Seed furnished. A. L. Vratt.
1121) cash.
For Sale or Trade
Wood Raw in komI working order,
ceo (.lias. r. (Jomlart. if
Seed Wheat for Sale
Clean Scotch Fife Seed Wheat for sale
by J. J.. Wliidorn, Culver, Ore. u-12
Pony for Sale
Saddle broke, li years old, weighs SOO
pounds; price ri7.w, with new orioie,
iuquire at the journal ollice. 0-12
Rev. Bulgin Had i
A Close Call
Rev, Bulgin, the evangelist, and j
hunting party had a thrilling time ,
in a terrific snowstorm In the Wy- j
oming mountains, says a Vancouver, !
Wash., special to the, Oregonian.
Mr. and Mrs. Bulgin and ton and
Mr. and Mrs. Rose lived three days
on three cans of frozen tomatoes
and elk meat. The hunting party
went .In from Teton, Wyo., after
making a trip through Yellowstone
National Park with Mr. and Mrs.
George L. Rose, singers, who travel
with them. At Norrls Basin a bear j
chased Mr. Ilulgin'i horse into a!
mudhole where the animal met !
death. Several elk were killed by I
the party.
Dr. Crater Coming. j
Divine Krlenca Healing without drugs. :
Dr. A. W. (irater, will lx in Prineville j
about the l ull ol AiiiiHt, and will
occupy the MaiFVIden ollieet In the
Mor, u building. Heart trouble Slid
il lima a specialty. 7-f)tf ,
Work Wanted
Man with family nt work on aiock
farm. Inquire at'thia ollice. 9 111 i
Organ Wanted.
(iood second-hand organ wanted
Munt lie in good condition. Addrw
Mm. W. It Macks. Lainoma, Ore. 8 22
Horse for Sale.
On the old V. Stun Smith ranch,
neitr I'rliievllle: sold lu nny numlier
nt n-HHoiiiilile irtcea. Kor further
tnforuiHtlon addnwa 1. II. ItUKHKi.i.,
i'rliievllle, Oregon. 12-lU-tf
Raspberries for Sale.
A few duien jars of raspberries for
sale at the prevailing price, ( ao deliv
er them in two or three weeks. Write
or phone. Mrs. F. K. Oage, Mitchell.
Oregon. H 22
Cottage to Rent.
Kive-rooin collage to rent. Inonire
Mrs. 1 1. K. Stewart. i-'in
The Shadow of the Beef Trust
la irradually fading sway as a menaace to the tables
of the poor. We'll show you bow to "get ahead'' of
the monopolist. Ours is s joint stork concern snd
are not to be "eow-ed" by the head of traate.
Quality is the firat thins; we guarantee- If yon can
tx-tt the wHding of quality snd quantity that we give
there's something high in tlie other fellow's prices.
City Meat Market
First Central Oregon Dis
trict Agricultural Society
...FA I R
BLISS Native Herbs, by its
simple composition of
roots, herbs and barks
its wonderful cures of Rheu
matism, Dyspepsia, Catarrh,
Skin Eruptions, Kidney and
Liver Disorders its popularty
in millions of households, dur
ing a quarter of a century,
secured for it the highest
award at the Internationa
Exposition in Paris, France,
Make it your household
remedy today. 200 Tab
lets e$ 1.00. Ask the
Bliss Agent. .. ..
Raymond Calavan, Agent
Piineille, Oregon " tt-20 Snip
o o
Prineville, Oregon
October 16, 17, 18 and 19, 1912
Candidate's Announcement
I hereby announce myself as an
independent candidate for District
Attorney of the Seventh Judicial
District. If elected I will conduct
the duties of the oflice to the best
of ray ability. .
id adv. J 19 J. . Aixes.
$3,000 in Premiums. Racing $2,800
For Sale
One Robinson Hay Baler,
Run only 4 days.
Also New and Good Second
hand Engine, differ
ent sizes
Are you looking for a stove ?
The Knock-All
Parlor Stove..
Beats anything on the mar
ket. The stove for the Big
Stick. The latest models at
John Morris
gW $3,000 in premiums will be distributed for the exhibits in
Domestic Animals of all kinds ; Agricultural Products raised in
Crook county ; Works of Art Esthetic, Mechanical and Indus
trial, etc
Free Season Ticket to every active teacher and enrolled pupil in
the county.
Remove the Weeds
To owners snd occupiurs of lands in Die
City ol I rineville, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that all weeds
must ne removed from lends in the city
ol Prineville, Oregon, as required by
an Ordinance panwl by the city council
Sept. 12th, 11112, and published In the
ruok (Ji)iiny Journal ol the same date.
The marshal will arrest all who fall to
comply with the above Ordinance, com
mencing Oct. 1, IUIZ.
Mayor of ('rineville, Ore.
Gun Found.
Gun found 'set spring near Piineville.
Owner can have sumo by cuiling at
Journal ollice and proving propertv.
Parties driving bmf cuttle on Hums
roail to 1'riiH'ville can get paxturo at
Colhv's ranch, un mile off tho road,
below the old Davis ranch on Crooked
river 8-H-lm
For Sale.
Ono dnsen black hens ; 1 pen Silver
Spangled lluiiiburgi, all good layers.
Also a number of chickens and a few
good roasts, dreHMed or undressed. He
re r Dr. ox's ollice or by letter. W at
Fine Farm for Sale.
Three hundred snd twenty seres riv
er bottom land, located on Crooked riv
er, ten miles west of Prineville and ten
miles from KedmonU ; 10O acres in al
falfa; I'm acres in wheat the wheat Is
not threshed yet and from 200 to 1)00
tons of hay and all the machinery ; two
f imoline engines j one automobile; oae
lay press; two wagons; hay buck; hay
scales; one 2000-gnllon water tank, and
pipe to every corral ; two large barns on
plaee; good house and other outbuild
ings; alfalfa meal grinder ; one-half in
terest in hav cutter; 1 own the ditch
for irrigating it the land is all under
irrigation ; two centrifugal pumps on
on the place; cement cellar and good
tank house ; one power wood saw, and
other things too numerous to mention.
This property is worth f:i"i,0X), but $27,
000 will get the place if sold in thirty
f. F. McAi.uhtkr, Prinevillo.Or. 9 1
See the
Fine Display
of the
Very Latest Styles
First Showing of
Fall Millinery, at
Mrs. Estes
Millinery Parlor, Prineville
Introductory Usee mile dash $100.00
Crook County Trot or Pace, mile heats, 2 in 3 150.00
Saddle Race, H-mile dash, stock saddles and horses 75.00
Crook County Commercial Club Stake, running -mile ........ 300.00
Running -mile dash 200.00
Crook County Colts, 3-yr.-olds. trot or pace, mile 2 in 3 100.00
Crook County Merchants and .Manufacturers' I urse, z:dU class
trot or pac, heats 3 in 5 300.00
Quarter mile dash : 100.00
Farmers' and Breeders' Stake, running mile dash 300.00
Running f-mile, 2 year-olds 150.00
Gentlemen's Double team Koadsters' Kace, mile. J. in d, owners
to drive 100.00
I Running g-mile dash 100.00
1 Indian Women's, one mile 25.00
Society's Purse, 2:25 class, trot, mile h?ats, 3 in 5 500.00
One-hale mile handicap 200.00
Running one-half mile Consolation race 100.00
1 Entries to all named races will close Oct. 1, 1912
' Over-night entries S o'clock p. m. night before race
' American Trotting Association rule to govern all harness races.
the society being a member of the same ; and American Racing Rules
j to govern running races
j Entrance fee to all stakes and purses, 10 per cent of same
i Money divided TO, 20 and 10 per cent
! For further information apply to
! J. N. WILLIAMSON, l'resdent,
or Prineville, Ore
I J.F.C A DLE, Secretary,
In the circuit court of the state of Ore
gon for Crook county.
G. M.Cornett, plaintiff,
The unknown heirs of John Williamson,
deceased, defendants.
To the unknown heirs of John William
son, deceased :
In the name of the state cf Oregon:
lou are hereby required to appeat
and'answer the complaint filed in the
above entitled court and cause, on or
before the 24th day ol October, laii,
and if you fail to so appear and answer,
the plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relief prayed for in his complaint,
to-wit : for a decree that be is the own
er of the li of ng of section 31, in tp.
lo s, range lo eaet of vt lllamette merid
ian, and that you and each of you b
decreed to have no right, title or inter
est in raid premises or claim thereon
and that you and each of you be forever
uarreu irom claiming any luiereeb im
said premises or any part thereof.
This summons is puousneu oy oraer
of the Honorable V. L. Biadebaw,
judge of the circuit court of the state of
Oregon for Crook county, made on tht
9th day of September, 1912, and pre
scribed th&t this summons be published
for sit consecutive weeks in the I root
County Journal, a weekly newspaper
Tinted and published in rnneviiie,
Iregon. The date of the first publica
tion of this summons is the 12th day of
Sept., 1912.
Attorney for plaintiff
The Brosius Bar
Finest Brands of Wines,
Liquors and Cigars.
F. E. BROSIUS, Proprietor
- . i
Made in Oregon
Delicious Home Made Bread.
Doughnuts and Cookies, at the
Cash Urocery
Geo. Whiteis, Prop
Shingles, Mouldings, Windows,
Doors, Glasses, Etc. Etc., Etc.
Enquire ol, or write
John A. Dohkins
Culver, Or 8-8
"k T,1 LODGE meeti every
W. KJ. i? Saturday nlc tat.
Strangers welcome. G. P. Reams, N. G.; C.
U Sbattock. V. G.; Burt Barnes, Bee; ant
C. B. Dinwiddle. Treas.
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County
In the matter of the estate of
George W. Barnes, deceased Ci
tation. To Arizona Earnee, Mattie E.
Xickeleon, Sue Helms, William II.
Barnes, Bert D. Barnes, Arthur
Barnes and Valda Coon, and ta
all heirs unknown, greeting :
In the name of the State of Or
egon, you are hereby cited and re
quired to appear in the County
Court of th State of Oregon, for
the County of Crook, at the Court
Boom thereof, at Prineville, in the
County of Crook, on Monday the
7th day of October, 1912, at 11
o'clock in the forenoon of that day,
then and there to show cause why
an order should not be granted to
the said administrator to sell the
real estate of said decedent, de
scribed as follows, to-wit s Lots
Nos. two (2) and three (3), Block
eightb(8) of Monroe Hodges origin
al plat of the town of 1'rineville,
County of Crook, State of Oregon.
Witness, the Hon. II. C. Ellis,
Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oregon for the County of
Crook, with the Beal of said Court
affixed, this 10th Jay of August,
a. d., 1912.
seal Attest :
815 Wakren Brown, Clerk.