Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, September 05, 1912, Image 3

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West Serves Notice of Intention
to Prosecute Shipments of
Liquor Into Dry Territory.
National, Political end Per
sonal News Items Briefly
Portland. With Ulsirirl AUornry
f umiTim miniiiliipil In liln offlro by tlio
rtillim of Jmlita McOIiiii. mid It. M
Kirly, aiolnlul ty the (tovernor la
iilUilMtil I'tuiii-rtm, ri'coitnlM'J
iiwlnl iiriinwulor to IiiiiiiIIp the vlc
cir pxi'liiBlvi.y nml Imli'iwnilMiit of
tlm illstrU-t atturiioy' otrlip. Oiivertutr
Want Klmti'tl it iHvvmi.t iiRiilnut III
comm. m ciirrlum nml lh llijuor In-
tr't of Porilnnd, wlthti nwdo
ubllf. In nu oM-n li'ttvr to these I"'
tvrent Klveu out ly the itovunior.
The KoviTiHirn Ifllor to the eonv
don tiirrlom 9ml thu liquor dlira
iwlnrml thnt liivestlKiitlim hud con
timed him tlml liquor twin wild
tint vhlppnd lino "dry" territory, tind
iotlllpd Hum of I1I1 Itittmtloti to take
dntiitlo itp biiIiii u'h procedure,
,. Tim tilun which th ovrnor h
utllned rtdnllve to the hlmmt of
llutmr Into dry twrrltory, l applicable
alike to both th brewerlo hd the
rnllroud. Ilrli'lly. h will mk tlml
ill liquor ghlnprd Into dry tnrrltory
Ktnlnlv UIwIimI to It content.
When received t In dtlntlon he
Kin that Ihe railroad Instruct their
Kenu that on the day of It rrlvl
ioscrttulon of the ehlpment nd the
ama of the conltnee be poeted In a
onaplcuou public place In the frelitht
warehouse. Tliln Mat to be open to the
ubllc end peace officer, and the mil
toad will hold uch shlpmenn for
sue day following their receipt, to
a-fv Ihe officer an ample opportunity
to determine to whom liquor t being
ahlnned and to make an Investigation
aa to what uae the liquor I Intended.
The governor haa directed DUtrlct
Attorney Ilrown, of Roaeburg, to tart
roceedlng at once galnat the Roae-
lurg Brewing ft Ice company. Offlc
r of thl company have been Indict-
d for aelllng beer when the brewery
to supposed to manufacture and ell
avar-brer, and t am aaklng the pro
titer to take immediate atep la rela
tion to the brewery Itaelf," ald the
1- .
, r ; -., . , V
' V- ' ,)a
Photo by Anwrlcaa l'rp AMcwtatloa.
Mia Alice Carpenter, who I In
charge of th womin'i progrettlv
campaign In the att.
Archbold Doe Not Mind Rooatvelt.
london. When John D. Archbold
arealdent of the Standard Oil com
any. arrived at Plymouth on the
teamer Majeatlc, he wa told that
Colonel Rooaevelt had denounced him
a being falsifier because of hi
testimony to the enate committee
Investigating campaign contribution.
That la Just like him." nld Arch
told. "1 don't mind It I adhere to
very word I aaid and when I return
to N York I will be prepared to
ubstantlate my allegation.
Mr. Leunsberry Believe Husband
Demsnted From Injun
Toiwka. Kan. Mr. Well Loun-
berry, of Medford, Oregon, for the first
time since her arrival here, following
the roblwry of a Union 1'aclfic train
by her husband, discussed his case.
ThlllP and George (the two boys)
and 1 think that Well I the beat dad
dy on earth, and alwaya will think so,'
she declared. "Anybody who know
him at all know that he would not
do these awful thing I he were In
hi right mind. He never haa recover
ed of the wrecks he wa In and I
know these have affected hi mind o
that he wa not himself. One of the
wrecks occurred about 18 year ago
and the other about Ave years ago.
He auffered for a long time and I am
sure he never fully recovered,"
C Dead, 2S Hurt In Wreck.
Oreen Bay. Wla. 8I1 person were
killed, two seriously Injured and 21
allahtl Injured when train No. til
on the take Bhora on the Chicago A
Northweatern railway wa derailed
two mile north of Lyndhunt, Wl.
aa the result of a washout
Everett Listen to Deb
Everett--Eugene V. Deb, Socialist
candidate for president In an address
before a large audience here, declared
It his belief that Washington would
be ono of the first date In which the
Socialist would gain control
oth Side Renew Military Actlviffoe
After Peace Negotiations Rupture
' Vienna- Following th definite rup
ture In peace negotiations between
Turkey and Italy, renewed military
activity Is reported In the war office
oth at Constantinople and Rome.
The Turk unquestionably gained
(he Impression from the negotiation
that the struggle I becoming difficult
tor lutly to carry on. They believe
It they act energetically they will yet
win. Italy' comment takes the form
ef an order for the mobilisation of
10,000 more men tor a defense on the
Syrian coast, Ailatlo Turkey.
The war ha dragged lately, Indl
aliona now are that It will speedily
lecome fiercer than at any time since
kostllltte were declared.
Prosecution of Cuban Demanded.
Washlnuton. Senor Rivera, the
Cuban minister, ha been Informed
that the United Stute expectB a legal
prosecution of Knrlque Main, the Ha-
vnna reporter who asnaulted the Am
erlcan Charge d'Affalrea Gibson.
First Central Oregon Dis
trict Agricultural Society
One of tlio rlcliest gold strikes In
the hltiiory of southern California la
reported at llulcomb valley, nnur Sun
Heavy ruins In Grcut Britain con
tinning thruimlioiit the month of, Au
gust have caused enormous damage to
cnipa. The d.iiiuu'." Is estlimtU'd at
Hear Admiral Boutherlund, com-
innmkr hi chief of the I'soUic fleet, l
now In Miiirfine command of tlio situ
ation In Nicaragua. He haa deployed
the forces along the railway between
Corlnto and Managua.
With Justice John W. Ooff presid
ing, an extraordinary term of the su
preme court convened In New York
City Tuesday "for a speedy and vigor
oua prosecution of Indictment which
may be found" a a result of the Ros
enthal murder Investigation.
The American Bur association. In
aesslon at Milwaukee, Wla., denounc
ed aa dangerous to the country all
movements for the recall of Judge or
of Judicial decision. The report
adopted dechum the law rather than
the Judge are responsible for delaya
and expense of procedure. Attorney
General Wlckersham won hla fight In
the convention for the admission of
negro member.
The flat charge that New England
mill owners conspired to "plant" dy
namlte In the strike of Lawrence tex
tile workers a few month ago to die
credit unionism I mad by the dis
trict attorney. Ernest Plttmn, one
of the most prominent mlllmen In
I-awrence. committed aulclde after a
futile attempt to Induce th district
attorney to drop the Investigation. It
1 said he left a full confession.
9 &
Settle Up.
A tl.n tiAnwita firms srft fttlt nf l,n,i
t;K they with to close accounts atonce.
t) eil Jiroe.
OWH liro.. Co.
Isme i'me Trailing Co.
O'Ncil, lrwin 01 Co.
!.,, l.-m,r,t nana. !u mavff t fMfli,!
li or note with Walter H'Neil, Print,-
viiif, wre., at trie law oince 01 u&iru
llernirr. 4-ln
House for Sale.
Kew five r xmi bungalow, with space
for three large room on lM-cond lloor.
t'antry with built in shelves, bins and
drawer. Uuilt in buffet, bath toilet,
basement. Terms, timiO down, balance
ratv terms. A'lilrem J'R. K. I).
Kurt-Hi. IJeriil. Ore. 0-8
Prineville, Oregon
October 16, 17, 18 and 19, 1912
$3,000 in Premiums. Racing $2,800
m 1 AAA ! ...'.II U J:.,,,!,,,, f tha v h i Ki ta in
saw j,uuu in prciiiiunw win u? uu ai. w. - ----r
.. . i f .11 I J . A :..l,...-t PvMlti.t f m icrl in
uotneiuc Anunaii 01 u uui n,i-iuai . .
Crook county ; Work of Art Eathetic, Mechanic! and Indua
trial, etc
Free Season Ticket to every active teacher and enrolled pupil in
at- a
Carl A. Kaeppler .Htate
5f,lv la bept.r slvn Oit th DniL-rsltrne!
htia l-n H.fM,ti,lrd artNitnl'riNr irim lh
will nnrM-x,-t of Ui w.tMU.of'.liwrlPS A. K p"
il-r. d."-i,-d. t.r lh,t win'r mrtofth
lao- oror'-"!,. Ur the comity of na,k, tn4
liim fiuallft'l H anrh. All permms rmvlo
ciMtioM iMOiln! ttd tttale are twrel.T nolifte.1
lo pTeant th llie lo H' Uieollle of J. O.
Htearna. rs,m t, Wajhln-t"n hiilUllnif. e,rner
of rtmrth nd V, uatiltiBlon s(rtta, in Fori
InoA. Or"n.wlth proper ouelwra and duly
verlfl-a, whioo six hkmiib iroiu ,uw
hereof. .
lMU-a nd first powishea Anui na,
U A kAvpef.KUAdntlnlHtri.hir.
O STrKS, Allnrney.
Notice for Puhlication.
peprttnnt of the Interior, I'. lnd office
st Wlceview, ureaup, juiy
Notice Is berehy that
ot Bolyat, Oreeon. who. on August 17, 1909,
mane Ijomesieau eniry. o. ,r:-4.
nS seii, el, Bt'A, n'i sw'4 sei tloB 1, towiwblp
U louth, rane 2U eat, wlllameue Meri'llan.
has aied nollee ol lutrntlun to Bin noai
three rear proof, to establish claim to tne laoo
above dewrloed, before Charles A.Hberman.
I', a. Oommlsnioner st Kile O'egon, OB Uxt M
day of Oelober. Wl
Claimant names as witnesses: jsaac .ipn,
of Hampton. Ore.; John O. V. hltakerof Hamp-
ton.'rre., jnernii u. naHiniwi m
V, illard W. Ireland ol Honlat. Ore.
S-a - A. V, OKTON, Rejrliter.
V Mexican Rebel Capture Cumpas.
, El Paso, Texas. Four hundred reb
ls took th city of Cumpas, Sonora,
after an all-night and all-day battle
with a small federal garrison and citi
zens of the town, who were armed lor
defense of their home.
The battle ended only when the de
fenders ran out of ammunition, hand-to-hand
battles being fought In the
streets with muskets tor club.
War Exists, 6y Aikens
London. "Germany and England
era now in a state of war," said J. A.
M. Aikens, Canadian member of par
liament from Brandon, Mnnltoba. "The
vert blow haa not yet been atruck
te continued, "but when It la all may
ke over in three months or three days
Itrhen , Canada understands, J believe
the Dominion' hearty help will be
forthcoming." ,
Boston. President William M.
Wood, of the American Woolen com-
Dany. wa arrested on an Indictment
charging him with conspiracy to dla
tribute dynamite In Lawrence during
the aeneral strike ithere last winter,
President Wood surrendered hlm-
aolf to the authorltle and furnished
caah ball of $5000.
Wood I one of the best-known tex
tile men In the country and the Am
erican ' Woolen company, which bore
the brunt of tha great Lawrence
14. controls 13 manufacturing plants
In New England and New York state.
It haa a capital of $75,000,000 and em
ploy 35,000 operative when all the
atrlke from Jnnuary 12 until March
machinery Is In motion. About 16,000
persons are on the payroll of the com
pany's mills In Lawrence. , ,
"I cannot conceive what Informa
tion could have been presented to
the Juror which In any way connect
ed me with the o-called dynamite
plot," aaid Wood, "f certainly had no
connection with It and this fact will
be fully established at the proper
the Markets.
Blow Aimed at Treating
, 'Loa Angelea. Treating In saloons
way be prohibited by city ordinance
Jn Los Angeles. The councilmen have
under consideration a revision of the
rdinanoe regulating the liquor traffic
Chlcaoo Ha 2,328,400 Population,
(tWcago. Chicago' population Is
J,326,00, according to a census esti
mate made for a local city directory,
a satin of 62,216 over the figures com
1 Portland.
Wheat Club, 80c; bluestem, 83c
red Russian, 79c.
Oats $30 per ton,
Hay Timothy, $15;' alfalfa, $12.
Butter Creamery, 82o.
Eggs 23c.
Hons 1912 orop, 17 Ho.
Wool EaBtern Oregon, 18o; Wil
lamette valley, 22o.
Mohair 3 2o.
' Seattle.
Wheat Bluestem, 83c; club, Sic;
red Russian, 79c.
Oats $31 per ton.
Butter Creamery, 82o.
Eggs 24o.
Hay Timothy, $16 per ton.
Political News Bits
Governor Wilson opened his cam
paign in New York with a speech on
labor day at Buffalo at a "dollar din
nor" given by the worklngmen
By a vote ot 80 to (2, the republican
party council at Topeka, Kan., defeat
ed the resolution to force the Roose
velt electors to run on an independ
ent ticket.
At the democratic state convention
at Great Falls, Mont, Sam S. Stewart
of Vlrxlnla City was named aa candl
date for governor and T. J. Walsh of
Helena tor United Slates senator.
An extended sneaking trip for
Sneaker Champ Clark la being plan
ned at democratic headquarters. The
tour will extend to Oregon, Washing
ton and other states In the northwest.
Colonel RoOBCvelt left New York
enrly Monday morning for a speech
making tour that will extend as far a
the Pacific coast and carry him Into
more than half the slates of the union.
Governor Johnson of California, vice
presidential nominee of the progre
Ive party, opened hi speechmaklng
campaign at Syracuse. N. Y., on
Thursday, when he addressed the del
egates to the state convention ot the
DroeresBlve party. l
Colonel Roosevelt declare Senator
'enrose wa guilty ot blackmail when
ha declared to John D. Archbold Itt
190 that the Standard Oil company
would sav trouble by making an ao
dltlonal contribution to the campaign
fundi and u? ne should be expelled
from the senate. ,. - t
People in the News
Bishop Charles C. Grafton of the
Protestant Episcopal church, died at
Fond du Lac, Wis.
finnrira. P. Perkins. United State!
senator from California, has announc
ed hi permanent political retirement
John Wanamaker, merchant, and
former postmaster general. Is reported
seriously 111 at hi son home in At
lantic City
Bv the will of General William
Booth, hi entire fortune, amounting
to onlr $2440,,. Is bequeathed to the
Salvation army.
Clarence Darrow. former chief coun
sel for the McNamara brother, must
so to trial a second time on a charge
nf having bribed Juror Bain.
fienrire M. Whltaker, secretary of
the National Dairy union and presi
dent ot the Farmers National con
EreBB. at Fort Atkinson, Wis., Is dead
Phlllo C. Dodge, president of the
Mergenthaler Linotype company of
the United 8tates, obtained his decree
of dlvoroe from Margaret Dodge ! at
Reno. Nev,
Mrs. Henry H. Rogers, wife of the
late vice president of the Standard
OH comnany. died suddenly In a din
lng car In the grand central station
at New York.
Mrs. Mabel Ely. widow of Eugene
Ely, aviator, who was killedjn Macon,
Ga.p October 19, 1911, while giving ex
hibition flights, haa become the bride
of Philip Cross, manager of Bon Air
hotel at Escalle, Cal.
Tnt eArliintnrti nan J mil. Hftfth
I'm.nli Trol or Pim. mile heats. 2 in 3....'
VSvv suTWUSev sius w f -
Saddle Race, -mile dasb, Hock jaddlea and horses.
Crook County Commercial Club Stake, running J-mile
t..:. i.ti. Jk
OUUUU a-urnw ubou .........
Crook County Colte, 3-yr.-olds. trot or pace, mile 2 in 3
Crook County Merchants' and Manufacturers Purse, 2:30 class
, trot or paca, heats 3 in 5
Quarter mile dash ,
Farmers' and Breeders' Stake, running mile dash
r : s ;i o i
lYUUUlUg X -tunc, tt J coi-viuo ...,
Gentlemen's Double Team Roadster' Race, mile, 2 in 3, owoerp,
to drive
Running -mile dash...
fndian Women', one mile
Society' Purse, 2:25 class, trot, a lie biats, 8 in 5.
One-hale mile handicap.......
Kuoning one-nau mile Mjnsoiawon race
Notice for Publication.
Department orthe Interior, C. R Land Ofltee
etTIM Janes, urveoo. aukus win, 1
Hotloe U hereby alvn that
of Prlnevtlle, Oregon, who, on September V,
I, made Homestead entry No- Serial
JIO- UB7W, !r se-4 sec as, W " swim, --
east. Vi lilamelte Meridian, haa nied notice of
intention to maae onwtr prw,, w T 7 '7
llsn claim to tne mini ou. onw.
. , . 1. IT , T... ffir (T a rnmlulnn.r
at his office at Prineville, Oregon, on the 37th
itiT of September. ll,
lalmant names as wltnesaea: ReniT 1.
Edwards, William S. Cooke. D. A. Yates, all
of Prineville, Oregon, and Frank B. Barn of
Powell Bull. Oregon.
a-irp j, . jaooKa. wajiawr.
Hotice for Publication.
Departmeut of the Interior, TJ. 8. Land OSce
at The Dalles, auf u U, WJi.
Notice U hereby given that
of PrlneTtlle, Oregon, who, on March 14, ml.
made Homestea,! Entry No. 08.H4, lorse, Sec
lion 24, Township 14, Booth, Range 16, Last,
Willamette Meridian haa Ailed notice of
intention to mase commutation proof, to estab
lish claim to the land abors described, before
Timothy E. J.DuHj, U. S. Commissioner, at his
offfice, at PrioeTtlte. Oregon, on the 21st day of
September, 1912
Claimant names u witnesses.
William H. Kiraham, William H.BIrdsong.
Tsllle Hobwood, Osylord MtDaniel, all ot
a-LO . jatAHta, 'a .
t?ni.ioa in .11 named ram will close Oct. 1. 1912
: t. o -.ininr.a- n m nioKt Kpfnra rarft
a : . T ...: -A.anAi.ifn i, 1 . In ortvArn all harness race.
the society being a member of the same j and American Racing Rules
to govern running races
Kotrance fee to all suites ana purses, iu per wmw wm"
Money aiviaea u, w ana iv per cenv
For further information apply to
J. N. WILLIAMSON, l'reedent,
or Prineville, Obe.
J. F. CADLE, Secretary,
Imnn I 1 A n AT I TAM OT" A D I 17 O I
i in
J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor
Stock boarded by the day, week or month at
Reasonable rates. ' Remember na when in
Prineville. Rates Reasonable. We have
Fine Livery Rigs For Rent
W L.;;vi': ' : .,: . - ... U ft
Seneral ffilaccsmithing
Horseshoeing, Wood Work, etc.,
Neatly and Promptly , Dons
When it is Done By : s :
Siobert TIfoore
Satisfaction ..Will Be ..Guaranteed
. ca
HUytfUlklMUWIIIMM a,gli. .
The records show a clear title to your property? The ,
records (ailed to show correct title In a sale made this j
week by a leading real estate company. RESULT Long .
delay and possible loss. Better let the Pioneer Abstract
Company look after your interests. ,:,:,'
(Member Oregon Association of Title Men) if
Hotice ! Contest.
Peparttnent of the Interior,
U. S. Utnd Office,
1 ne iJmiiK. vtr"u, iag,u"
To Edwin F- Dana of M unlock, Mlnnoon-
uy astro tirirui nv .
RHICr, WUU sro tiiirciuiB -f.,s uid g-w-
offlce ftddreM, dtdon July 17, file In tht
office bla duly oorroboratd pplirtlon lo
coniesi ana ewure tuc whwiwuuhw
v a i . xr.. I natrit
made May li. mU for nwSi w, e -.ne1
W-. Lir7, 10, a. u, m a, v, .
and ait irrouuds for bis oonteM he tleei
ina& nam tKi wm r . imua um wuuiij uu
doued the said tract of land for over fourt?en
moil ins i&xr past; mat uv aum wuuiij wru
land for over fourteen month last past or at
ail since fnaittic shiu tuh j.
You arv, therefore, further notified that the
aaid allepfations will be taken by ibis office as
h&vius- been confessed by you. and your said
entry will be canceled thereunder without
your further nttni 10 oe neura luwiD.fmier
before thisoflloeor on appeal. If you fail to
nie in mis oraoe wnuiu icut c
at.. LMl'UTU KIInuliAn nt Ihfa nntliA U
lire ruini" j-awiiMi.iuH a -"
shown below, your answer, under oath, spe
cifically meeting and responding to these al-
IfCHl.ODR or ooniesu or u ju mu "ittitu
time to nie in iuw onoo uuo iiwi tut..
have served a copy of your answer on the
tered mall. If this service Is made by the de
livery or a copy 01 yourwwwer w vuv wn
testant in person, prooi 01 bhcu wriw wus
be either the said contestant's written ack-
. . . . .. . hi. in A t ,h. Mnnv
DOWieOK,"vu vl 1,11 " ' ' Z. , '
sh jwlag the data of Itt receipt, or the l da
vit of the person Dy WQOIU IIW unlivery waa
made staling when and where the copy was
delivered; If made by regf!tsrrd mall, proof
of such service must consist of the affidavit
01 me person uj uuuii ,B kj
slating when and the poskifnoe to which It
was mailed, ana mis auiuaru ujui i v
companied by the postmaster's receipt for
me letter. ,k
J OU BUUUIU lw J". .
af the tKwtoElJoe to which you desire future
notloes to oe seni to you.
- 1AIL to II- ann&uo. ounmt
Date flrst publication Aug a, 1W
" third " . Septf. '
" fourth , " Sept la, "p .
notice of Bearing
Before the Board of Control of the
State of Oregon.
Water Division No. 2, Crook
In the matter of the determina
tion of the relative rights to the
water of Crooked river, a tribu
tary of Deechutes river.
V. W. Brown, plaintiff and con
testant, vs. John Davin, defendant
and contestee.
To John Davin, defendant and
contestee above named 3
In the name of the State of Ore
gon : You are hereby notified that
the above named contestant has
filed a contest against your claim
to the waters of Crooked river and
its tributaries in Crook county,
Oregon, and that Monday the 11th
day of November, 1912, at the hour
of 10 o'clock a. m. at the court
house in Prineville, Oretton, has
been fixed as the time and place
for the hearing of said contest.
Superintendent of Water Divis
ion No. 2 of the State of Oregon.
8 29 lit
0 f NEST N0-1588
. 1 ). Vi. Subordinate
Order of Owls, meet the second and
fourth Thursdays in ecn momn ai
Belknap hall. All uiitjratory ow'.scordi
ftlly welcome. T. E. J. Duffy, F resident!
Willard H. Wirtz, Secretary. l-4tf
piled by the same concern a year ago.