City Dads Met Tuesday Evening The city council met in regular session Tuesday evening. Presen t MayorEdwsrds.Couneilmen Ward, Winnek, Gray and Cooper ; Record er Bowman and Maishal Coon, Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Secretary Cadle of the fair asso ciation addressed the council in re gard to opening F street south the city limits. This is the street running in front of the public school building, and the idea was to open it to the fair grounds. The pres ent road is not on a street at all and if the Northwest Townsite peo ple, who own the land, took a notion to fence it up.they could do so. The Fair association wants a sidewalk built to the grounds, but wants the improvements put where they will not be subject to the whims of any one. The council took favorable action on the matter and requested the recorder to draw up resolutions to be presented to the county court and Northwest Townsite Co. James Adamson addressed the council in regard to grading the county road from C. Sam Smith place to the Kester livery barn. In the winter when hauling is bad this particular stretch of road makes it almost impossible to get a load into town. Enough volunteers have of fered their services to make a good substantial road between the places indicated if the present road was laid out on the street survey. The matter was referred to the Commit tee on Streets and Public improve ments. Councilman Ward reported that he had completed the E street bridge fill and repaired Third street. Automobile drivers came in for criticism at the hands of the council for carelessness in observing the be hests of the city ordinances for the public safety. Drivers do not at all times blow their horns when ap proaching street corners. Neither do drivers pay much attention to speed limit. While the city author ities want to be reasonable about these matters it is up to the auto J people whether the city ordinances are to be enforced to the letter or not. Caution is their watchword The following bills were ordered paid: A. Nelson, hauling $ 1 To Geo. Williams, work 10 00 Jno. Curtis, meals ? HO I. W. Ward, labor 18 00 S. Price, hauling ;u 75 McFarlane Bros., work 2 23 W. H. Koehn, labor 20 00 P. L. & W. Co 83 95 A. R. Bowman IS 30 C, E. Smith, treas. salary 25 00 W. F. King Co., mdse 1 !0 F. A. Rowell, nightwatch .. 75 00 i G. E. Smith, labor 11 25 i J. H. Gray, labor 2 00' T. L. Coon, salary August. . . "3 00 An ordinance regulating the blowing of steam whistles was read I the third time and passed. Whistles Crook County High Ready for Business LOCAL MENTION School opens next Monday, T1 n . " ' " . . , . , , i Ml'- Rst,s" millinery oiHMiing 1 he (. rook County High N-hool is next Tuesday, in apple-pie shaie fur the opening i ... ... ... Mm 1.,.. TV , u . I h' ""'"'J' Hlld Wl fe of UlVt'r- next Monday. The main school1 , ,. suit- are spending the week n town building has been repaired and all w m town. the rooms ealHmim.,1 Awvthm,T ! Mis Lillitm and Visa Knox of is clean and fresh for the start. The Annex has come in for share of attention. The manual i in JVineville for medical treatment. training quarters have been en- Mrs. Ktlie Calbreath left for Cul larged. A stock room has been ver today to attend the W. C, T. U. provided and the landing on the convention, second floor has lveon converted in to a drafting room. The janitor has done g wd work I Post are visiting friends in Prineville. r i i t . its' -'wen liono oi iinisey, Uregon, is An. eve- on the lawn during the summer and B3 A laillf T.AiLa luttt.. ......... must not be blown to exceed ten ... ... . , seconds at any one period and the ' K , . , , i j . ,ed before the campus will look as t continued periods must in no e-ent!shouj t.wu iwciiijr afcunus. ai is lur- ther stipulated that no combination of periods shall follow each othe Richard Kerwood and Miss nie O'Neil were married last ning by the Rev. C. P. Hailey. The Equal Suffnuro League of Prineville will meet in special so, sion at the Baptist church Saturday, Septemlier 7, nt 3 o'clock. Im portant business. All interested are urged to lie present. By order of the president. Church Services New students are arriving nearly every da". From present indica-' tmna tha af t.inJn.. ...tit 1... within one hour after the time the: c .... ... , B. , . .. . , . , ally large. Some are still without first combination shall have expired. I i . , , , ,, . ,. '. places to room and board. If you nre orumance was amended j,BV . ,...., ..vv ...... uunuinji! impo a .(.... f ... I. ...... At t in lr.)ivt.ri..n Uk , ... . .... .".. w nnj iiuuiui-i hi aiuut-'iua : - " - .'v . ,, imuivii ereciea in tne rear or Nocks tif PrinciplU Cou at onw. f ' Sunday school at 10 a. m.; public ....v. ... ,c yiu.iiuiu.-u. ..,. Kn, . . , , lu-.irshin nt Hum. r.. ..l II... , J I 1 -!?"- V. iJ ""in IK UVMIV It WfMfi 1 v;iHMini . 'T. 7 lreU "'" " u,ei "emler the boys that must depend nioetiiw at 3 p. m.; public worship large extent upon revenue nt P- Special meetings this, source for school ex-!1'11011 evening next week. Rev, It I.' II ... I . . jr. nniper win ue present and as-urgent- ' sist in llie services. We extend a . ly reiuested by Principal Coe to en-! beany welcome to all of the former members of the Sunday school and congregation who are returning for Some new adult Bible A crasswalk was ordered Dut in I r i nun at the honiP nf Prnf Pa Th't I der led to the discussion of the con- j A wh() nro uiuoa oi siuewams on tne east sute If ivoc AUn.wn.-iA U 1 i 1 u. umt oeirriu prop- QjitMHuv of thia uwk erty owners had not complied with I the order of the council. The mar-! R.VfUJ,,, Vi.. ;hal was instructed to look after uuuiuaj i 0.1 iy them. Councilman Gray thousrht that Eula Noble celebrated her sixth the weeds and rubbish that littered i birth(iay last SaturJa'' afternoon. the streets and a evs of Prinevillp : " "c auu 3 t up ner nine i nnf u ... .1. -1 rineville friends to take .v. uu vi.ij a .triiuacil iu uie j ' 1 city but a serious menace in case of I ner country home- two m" "rth . ' ?. " . mK' i,om" re. Local patriotism should lux classes are to be organized this week. Last Sabbath was a good ( day at the Presbyterian church. At the Methodist church Sunday, them to P'cmuer , me pastor will preach of town. The children enjoyed a inK subiwt. "The Kind of a Church the Preacher Wants.' Evening 1. .. . i . nmmnt rnrr.h, -i .. vn nappy aiiernoon n avinsr trames neiresnments were served at the i rvacner close of the party, am every child : tllu I'cple Want,"" The pastor went home full and happy. j vel'-v muoh desires to see every Many pretty presents were given ' mt'mlx'r of 'he church presimt, and the little hostess. i a" t,le members of the congrcga- nothing else would. There is a ty ordinance covering the subject but drastic measures will not be en forced if people will try and protect themselves by removing the rubbish. Council adjourned. Make a date for the concert. Notice. Parties drivini! bwf cuttle on nurnn road to t'rinevnle can not pai'turn t tion and friends. Wre are beginning a new year nnd I shall be disap pointed if the members of the Fellers git your girls." Methodist 'P0'0?'1, ranch, one mile off the road, I church are not present. John E hk tw,j . I below the old liavia ranch on Crooked ! will.. . ........ church, Thursday evening, Sept. 12. LOCAL MENTION Mon- County court this week. Miss Fay Baldwin returned day from The Tules. C. W. Elkins is in Portland this toeek buying fall goods. Ray Mackey and wife left Mon day for a trip to Washington. Born to Mrs. Delia Roberts last Week at Portland, a nine pound boy. Jerry Mackey has returned from the Willamette valley, well satisfied to live in Crook county. Mrs. A. C. Knighten of The Dalles is visiting old friends in Prineville. She says it's hard to live 20 years in a place and be satisfied anywhere else. Supt. Ford has received the Hill silver cup for the best school exhib it. This beautiful piece of silver ware will adorn some school in Crook county. We wonder which one ? Miss Parrot of the State Normal school at Monmouth will also be present to help along the work. There will be other prominent peo ple from the outside to take part, besides several Crook county teach ers. Grant Mays brought in 100 cows and calves the first of the week to be taken to his big Camp creek stock ranch. The stock was bought in Montana. This makes the sec ond bunch of feeders he has brought in within two weeks. Si Hodges has a two-year old filly that he thinks has the "edge" on any equine flesh in this part of the country. It's a great pacer, Si says, and he can hear the money jingle in his pockets that is offered by the fair this fall for two-year olds. It has been in training only three weeks, but is showing wonderful speed. The animal is a thorough bred. He bought it from J. W. Horigan. Work Wanted Girl wante place to work for board and go to high echool. Addreas "O" care of Journal. -22 Organ Wanted. 8-S-lm Williams, pastor. Good second-hand organ wanted Must be in good condition. Address Mre. W. R. Stacks, Lamonta, Ore. 8-22 LOCAL MENTION. Born, to Mrs. John Burnett, a boy. There will be a dance at Lamonta September 20th. R. H. Shriner and bride are at the Fairview Stock Farm. W. A. Newlin of Texas is lookino for a stock ranch in Crook county. LOCAL MENTL0N County Clerk Brown is laid up for repairs. Mrs. P. Mertsching left Tuesday for a trip to Portland. The Eastern Star will meet Thurs day, September 12. ut 8 p. m. A. G. Scoggin and brother, C. T., of Fossil, are registered at Hotel The M. W. A. band will give their Oregon. usual street concert Saturday even-! i , . n . r n , . J Robert Day was married at Wa a ing at 7:30. ' ,, . . . . , Walla today. He is a brother of This part of Crook county was ; Mrs. Sid Stearns. visited by a slight frost September 2. No damage was done. Johnny Luckey and Dick Darling left Tuesday on a huntintr trin to Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin, accompan-' the Maury mountains. - j led by Mrs. Brink, spent Sunday Ur ,,,. .. ..., I i ist, will be at Hotel Oregon for a ' and Monday at the Baldwin summer home at The Tules. A marriage license to wed was issued last week to Frank T. Duch" ien of Haycreek and Ella M. Rich ardson of Madras. ' The ladies of the Annex are planning a big time for club mem bers the latter part of this month. Details will be published later. The baseball boys did not get many games at Burns, but they came home with lots of ducks. Hunting was more fun than play ing ball. The boys expect a return game with Burns sometime the last of this month different. Millinery Opening Tuesday, Sept. 10 First Showing of Fall Millinery, at Mrs. Estes Millinery Parlor, Prineville Noti ice Malcom Hey wood Piano and Organ Tuner Of Portland, Oregon, will be at HOTEL OREGON for TWO DAYS only. Those wishing their pi anos tuned and regulated should leave orders with the ho tel management. Special atten tion given to to player pianos and orchestrians. At Oregon Hotel For a few days. 2 Per Cent Discount 25 Pr. Ct. Discount On All Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Doors, Windows, Building Paper, Roofing, Moulding Etc. Etc. Etc TRUSTF.F. in bankruptcy oftVrn nbove dincount for cnh. Lim ited time only. Oregon Central Lumber and Supply Co. OTTO C. PRICE. Trustee's AKcnt METOLIUS, ORE. Prineville Furniture Exchange New Furniture of all kinds Mattresses a specialty Bargains in second-hand goods C. F. Condart, Prop. Prineville, Or. T i D. P. Adamson & Co., Druggists For Drugs, Patent Medicines, Chemicals Lownev's Candies, Ice Cream Soda, Sta tionery and Prescriptions see D. P. Adamson & Co. week beginning September 7. Miss Mary Christian passed through Prineville Tuesday on her way to her school at Roberts. John R. Stinson made the run from Burns to Prineville in sevtn hours Tuesday. He has the record to date. Miss Wannie Ralston will leave next Saturday for Prineville to at tend the Crook County High School during the winter. Culver Tribune. By Bennett of Maury passed through Prineville the first of the The score will be j week with 300 feeders for his stock ranch. He says he can buy them County Superintendent Ford is making arrangements for an ex cellent Teachers' Institute, to be held at Prineville October 14, 15, 16 and 17. He has secured the ser vices of Dr. Winship of Boston, who is a noted expert in school affairs. John W. Boothe, F. W. Fitze, Elmo Pringle and J, R. Robinson came in from Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, the last of the week to look over cheaper in Portland than he home. can at P. H. Maben and bride have re turned from their trip to Portland and Seattle. They will make their home for the present on the old Davis place. They soon expect to build on the Dry creek ranch. At the Methodist conference re cently held at Ellensburg, Wash., J. .E. Williams was reamwinted uuiuiMxa oi me uregon at west" nastr nf thP Prinowiiia uk em Colonization Co. They will sro I Tcri ptnm , t nr-.i ' -...w ...... ... i. nuootm iYAttUiaM. trom here to Burns and then to H n tw,, ,, .i-.i Ontario. I intendent of this district. ...The Joy of... Perfect Vision THERE l great satisfaction in pur. teat vision a Joy uiiKpeakahlu, but un fortunately, niany eyj are detoctivo. Imperfect l((htcian, in nearly all case be restored by properly Kround lenses ; however, there must first be a method ical, seiemlpc examination of each muscle and every part of the eye. Our best citizens will tell you that my ' examinations are exhaustive and my work sclentlllc and accurate. Batisfac tlon always. Dr. Ida Behrendt Eye Specialist Hotel - - Oregon Vacations .t Sea Shore CLATSOP BEACH, PACIFIC OCEAN hiTrhRy. CENTRAL OREGON LINE Low round trip fares are in effect all summer. This boautifut beaeh stretches twenty-five miles south of the mouth of the Colum bia river. Seaside and Gearhart have first-class hotels, cottages and camping places, surf bathing, fishing, mountain water, etc, Low Round Trips East Throughout the summer, on rlntna v,i... . ., , ftion uciuw, ruuna inr tickets will be sold to the points East shown beiow.and many others at the reduced fares quoted: J Great Northern and Northern Pacific Railwav Atlantic City 11 1.00 Baltimore 107.60 Boston 110.00 Buffalo !)l.!i0 Chicago 72.5(1 Colorado Sprgsfi") 00 Denver 55.00 Detroit Duluth Kansas City Milwaukee Minneapolis Montreal New York m.rc 00.00 fSO.OO 72.50 00 00 105.00 108.50 Omaha Philadelphia Pittsburg St. Louis St. Paul Toronto Washington Woo- 10S.50 01.50 70 00 00.00 01.50 107 50 DATES OF SALE July 23 20 2,, go 81i 1(U2. AugU8t j, 2, 8, 0, 7, 12. 10, 22, iiu, o, 1012. September 4, 5, 6. 7, 8, 11, 12 110 101'' Stopovers and choice of routes allowed In enr.V, ,11.1' return limit October 81. 1012. Train leaving Had monk 7 15 a ..,..wv.o ""v'j' ui, ruunnage wiui rust through train East tails of schedules, fares, etc., will be furnished on renuest W.E COMAN, H. BAIUCHI.: I i i . i v r a.rtiiA ' uen , r n. a rass. Agt Portland, Uregon, Ag'l, Redmond, 20.. 28, Pinal m. De- ion