Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, August 22, 1912, Image 4

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Events Occurring Throughout
the State During the Past
Man Shoots Wife and 2: Kill Self.
Portland. One man Is dead, anoth
er may die and two women are wound
ed a the result of two murderous at
tacks made by Charles Gehrig, a gat e
keeper at the Oaks, on his wife, her
Bister, his wife's former husband and
his stepson. Mrs. Carrie Geurls. w ho
Is seriously wounded, and Mrs. Nellie
Oliver, her sister, slightly hirt, were
shot at their residence. WlnEeld
Scott Holmes, hack-driver, and for
mer husband of Gehrig's wife, was
shot down and. It Is thought, fittaily
hurt Gehrig took his own life.
Albany Police Raid Blind Pigs.
Albany. Using drastic measures to
rid the city of blind pigs and violators
of the law, the police are carrying on
a campaign of destruction, in which
they take all liquors found anywhere
in the city and break the containers
and destroy the contraband goods. All
liquors found in public, semi-public
and even in private places are seiied
and destroyed and smashed into
pieces. This campaign has been in
progress for some time, and much li
quor hag been poured into the sewers.
Weatville" Men Will be Paroled and
Camp Abandoned.
Medford. Westville honor camp.
No. 1, is to be temporarily abandoned,
owing to the remarkably good condi
tion of the honor men at work on the
Crater Lake highway who have shown
themselves ' to be entitled to parole
and the scarcity of honor men at Sa
lem. AVarden Curtis of the Oregon peni
tentiary has arrived in Medford for
the purpose of paroling the men. As
there are no other men available, the
camp will have to be temporarily
AVestville honor camp, No. 1, was
established last November at the Peel
er ranch on Upper Rogue river. Since
that time the honor men have con
structed several miles of excellent
mountain road, their work receiving
the highest commendation from all
who have inspected It The men
worked under the direction of a fore
man furnished by Jackson county but
without any guard whatever.
Mandamus May Force Recall Vote.
The Dalles. Acting on the advice
of District Attorney Wilson, County
Clerk Angle hag denied the petition
of the 600 voters to call a special elec
tion to recall County Judge I,ake and
Commissioners Stoughton and Ruper,
and the petitioners' attorney, J. w.
Allen, has sued out a writ of manda
mus against the county clerk. The
writ will be argued before Circuit
Judge Bradshaw on August 26.
Hospital is Dallas Plan.
Dallas. A site has been selected
and plans have been adopted for the
new hospital building to be construct
ed at once in this city. Owing to the
many accidents occuring in the log
ging camps and the sawmills In this
vicinity, a hospital is necessary here.
All Oregon Streams to Be Stocked
With Trout
Portland. With 1,000,000 trout fry
distributed to the various lakes and
streams of the state, and from 2,000,
000 to 3,000,000 more nearly ready for
liberation, State Game Warden TV. L.
Finley is pressing the work of stock
ing every available reach of water In
the state. Before the season ends he
will have placed 4,000,000 or more fry
of the various species which Is being
Most of the young fish are being put
in the lakes of the Cascade range
which have no' fish whatever, but in
addition to this heavy work which is
being rushed through the heroic ef
forts of the staff of deputy wardens,
the application of any private indivi
dual for some of the young fish is be
ing complied with, where a showing is
made of the purpose of restocking
eome suitable water. By prosecuting
the work on this comprehensive plane
the game warden believes that within
a few years Oregon will have the fin
est supply of trout to be found in any
state of the union, east or west
The work which Is taking such wide
latitude has been made possible
through the fishing license imposed
throughout the state, which fund has
been accumulated until it was suffici
ent for heavy operations.
Webber Held to Grand Jury.
St Helens. George Webber, alleged
Elayer of James Corrln, a fellow fish
erman, on August 3, was held to the
grand Jury without bail at preliminary
bearing. The alleged murder happen
ed on Willamette slough.
More than 30 smalt forest Urea were
caused by liKhtuing during the recent
storms la Llnu county and the eastern
part of 1-ane county.
The nntlonal holiday of the black
smiths' association was observed at
Albany by about El) of the Oregon,
branch of the association from Sulem
aud Portland.
It Is planned to make the Hood Rlv
er Horticultural Chautauqua a per
ntanent affair, with all those In atten
dance this year as charter members of
the organiiatiou.
Preparations are being made for the
Clackamas County Kair at Canby com
mencing Wednesday, September !5,
and continuing until Saturday, Sep
tember 2S, Inclusive.
The Wtllumette valley in miniature
li a big feature that will be shown at
the Oregon state fair at Salem. A
cyclorama is now being built that will
show six counties and dosens of cities.
The second crop of alfalfa on the
irrigated lands adjacent to Stanrteld
Is now all harvested. It proved to be
heavier than the first cutting this year
averaging three and a half tons to the
acre on many fields.
Thomas McCusker has practically
completed his petition as a candidate
for congress and it will be tiled with
the secretary of state within a few j
days. It will contain about 900 names, j
the number required being 633. j
Beekeepers of eastern Oregon have
filed a complaint with the state rail
road commission that freight rates on
honey are too high and that as a re
sult there is no chance for eastern
Oregon beekeepers to attempt to com
pete with the California product.
Lane county ts doing much perman
ent road work this year. Several
miles of first class macadam road Is
being built, old roads on prominent
routes are being rebuilt and many of
the lesser traveled roads are belug re
paired with gravel and crushed rock.
The annua) fair of the second East
ern Oregon DlBtriet Agricultural So
ciety, embracing Wasco and Hood
River counties, will be held In The
Dalles, October 1, 2, 3, and 4, and pro
mises to surpass anything of the kind
ever attempted In this section of the
Owing to the surprising develop
ment of the livestock Industry since
the Portland Union Stockyards com
pany established its plant at Kenton
a little more than 18 months ago, the
directors have ordered the capacity of
the pens doubled at a cost of more
than $100,000, and the work has al
ready been commenced.
Ascertaining that the Central Ore
gon Irrigation company has complied
with its part of the contract with the
state for the reclamation of land in
eastern Oregon, the desert land board
has ordered paid over to It $80,000 in
notes given by settlers and held by
the state as a guarantee of the com
pany to fulfill Its agreement.
The counties In western Oregon
which are producing the bulk of the
clover seed crop, according to Agron
omist George P. Hyslop, of the Oregon
agricultural college, are Washington,
Yamhill, Marion, Polk,. Linn, Clacka
mas and Benton. Counties having
the best drained soils are preferable
for raising clover seed, he says.
Dr. J. F. Calbreath of Portland, who
has been elected superintendent of the
eastern Oregon asylum for Insane at
Pendleton, made vacant by the resig
nation of Dr. M. K. Hall of La Grande,
has informed State Treasurer Kay
that he thought he would accept the
position. He said he would not Bay
definitely until he had time to arrange
his affairs.
The first shipment of Chinese pheas
ants which are to be released by State
Game Warden William L. Finley and
deputies will be sent to Pendleton, La
Grande and points in Wallowa county.
Six dozen will be In the first shipment.
These birds were raised at the state
game farm at Corvallls, and their re
lease In eastern Oregon is largely an
Although the documents are dated '
August 8, officers and men of the Sec
ond battalion, Third Infantry, Oregon
National Guard, are Just beginning to
receive official notifications that the
battalion has been disbanded, and that
they are honorably discharged from
the guard, as a result of the alleged
mutiny of the battalion during the re-
cent Washington maneuvers.
George F. Rodgnrs, who acted, as
temporary chairman of the Bull Moose
convention in Portland and is. now at
the head of that organization In the
state, has admitted that he Is serious
ly considering the advisability of be
coming a candidate for representative
in congress from the firHt district
against W. C. Hawley, incumbent, who
ts also a candidate for re-election.
Ballasting of the first 12 miles of
the Oregon Eastern, the trans-Oregon
railroad being built west from Vale
across the staid, has started and the
new track will be placed In shape at
once for the operation of the heavy
construction trains which are to haul
supplies into Malheur canyon, where
tunnel and grading work are being
carried on by an army of more than
2000 laborers.
Photo by Amwrteaa Praia Aaaoetattaa.
Clarence S. Darrow, noted Chicago
l.iwyer, acquitted of Jury bribing In
connection with the McNamara case
at Los Angeles.
am onMniNttn
J rviiri I . MM :
For llnvlM rn n. k.
toaa in a ahelL preaa the button and "PULL," The aide bolt
maks It May. You dont have to lu at the haml nr ..-), ...
on-and-ofT device. The action Slays open altar each alnile shot
la fired. It alwaye auya open whan the nuuraaine . empty.
Five ahoia three w t.t the cripplee-each under abaolule eun.
ttol of the trigger finger. The recoil reloada for yoo-kkki
another shall hi; takaa the strain oft the gun the dlacomturt mil
of the kick all without diminishing the drive behind the shot.
Simple take-down hw turns of the readily handled
magadae acrew-cap makee cleaning, carrying and inter,
change of barrels quick and eaay.
S.nd for a motion picture booklet telling how the
kick la uaed how a friction device found only on
the Rminimgia. UMC Autoloading Shotgun takaa
the punishment out of heavy load a.
WHta Mw,
aao BM4a 7 N.w Tm Cm
Brief News of the Week
The chool census of Chicago, just
completed, shows the total number of
minors in the city to be SSL'.llS.
According to health officials of var
ious eastern cities. Infantile paralysis
ts being traced to common house csta.
Live beef was sold at the stock
yards In Chicago last week at 110.50
per' hundredweight, the highest price
on record
Davenport Iowa, claims the young
est mother in medical history. She Is
an 11-year-old girl, who gave birth to
a healthy pound child.
The free lunch has won Its fight for
an existence in Los Angeles saloons
until after the next election, at least,
and the ordinance abolishing It wilt
not go Into effect September 15.
Railroad men are predicting a short
age of cars for the removal of the
enormous crop expected this fall. It
ts stated that the visible supply of
cars is 60,000 short of the expected
A secret vote taken by the Fed
eration of Federations of the railway
shop employes on the question of call
ing a strike in sympathy with the Har
rlman line employes resulted In the
proposition being lost by 451 votes.
Panic reigns in Nicaragua. Mana
gua, the capital, has been fired upon
by the rebels and many women and
children wounded. The government
Issued a proclamation warning the
people to leave the city and many
heeded the advice.
Premiums 1,500. Races $3,000
(STrJJl.2!!n'JHl-V'i'a ,iiv"r l'" Kair'will be held at
THfc DALLES, OCT. 1. 2. Sand 4. 1912. Tliit exhibition will comprise
nureee. cattle, aheap, ewme poultry, larm product, fruit. Honor, mer
chamlme. manufactures, machinery, wumau'a work, art, children' eiliili
Itaof art ami irardt titnx, a peed rnnteata, imyel altractiuiie ant entertain,
itients thai will tickle you vry murkly. Come and have (lie bel time ot
your life ami you will live fifty yenra longer
On Improved. Producing
Large Loans a Specialty
Prineville, Oregon J
Dont Forget the Date. I Judd S. Fish, Sec.
People in the News
Miss Jane Addams Is being severely
criticised by the sociologists and char
ity workers for her activity In the
Roosevelt cause.
"Tama Jim" Wilson, secretary of ag
riculture and the oldest man In Presi
dent Taft's cabinet, recently celebrat
ed his 77th birthday.
The post of adviser to the new re
public of China has been offered to
William Rockhlll, the American am
bassador at Constantinople.
John Jacob Astor, the fifth Astdr of
that name, was born at New York to
the widow of Colonel John Jacob As
tor, who heroically lost his life on
April 14 In the wreck of (he Titanic.
William Burke, elected a city, coun
cilman In Philadelphia last fall on the
reform ticket, has resigned his seat
and told how, under the name of Ben
jamin II. Tripp, be had Berved a long
term In the Massachusetts state prison.
None Better
Money Back if You Are Not Satisfied.
Made at Home.
Pioneer Cream Co.
Agents DeLaval Separator.
Political News Bits
In a picturesque, spontaneous out
burst In the senate on the president's
wool tariff veto. Senator La Follette
attacked the new progressive party,
and swore new allegiunce to progress
ive republicanism.
Chairman HHIes of the national re
publican committee, has announced
the names of the advisory board of
the committee. William Barnes, Jr.,
chairman of the republican state com
mittee of New York, is chairman of
the board.
At a mass meeting called to wel
come to San Francisco Governor John
son on the occasion of his return from
the progressive party convention In
Chicago, the California governor was
hailed at the party's logical candidate
for president four years hence.
In his testimony before the senate
campaign fund investigating commit
tee, ex-Governor Odell stated that E.
tl. Harriman raised $240,000 for the
campaign of 1904, at the request of
Colonel Roosevelt, and turned it over
to the republican national committee.
RooseVelt denies the statement and
intimates that Odell is "dishonest and
Prineville--Redmond--Sisters Stage Line
Matt Kulesch, Proprietor.
Passenger Fare to Redmond, $1.50. Express from Red
mond to Prineville, one-half cent per pound for over 50
pounds. Small packages of less than 50 pounds, 25c.
Leaves Prineville for Redmond Daily. Office at the
Pioneer Cream Company.
1H6 S. R. COOPER, Agent
Statement of Resources and Liabilities of
The First National Bank
Of Prineville, Oregon
Ixian. and Dtucounta '.DI,8g 03
United Htatea Honda 12.50U (Ml
Hunk tremliwtt.elc 12,540 VI
Cwta 4 Dae from banka SlO.ifJI Ot
I'M, in ia
B. P. All... Pr.iid.nt
Will, VU. Pr..ld.nt
Capital HUxjIt, pall In. J IW,K) 00
Hurplul turn!, earli':l 6O,o"0 00
Undivided profits, earned,,..,, t,7H 68
Circulation, B.ftuo 00
DepoHlta 88fi,0U9 Kl
r.:ll,21 19
T. M. B.ldwln, Cuklw
H. Baldwin, Aa'l C.M.r
W. A. Booth, Proa.
D. F. Ktkwabt, Vice-Proa.
O. M. Kl.KIMS.ClUlllloi
Crook County Bank
Aitat. ' Liabilltl.
IxMwiinnd Dlncounu 11211,870.211 Capital paid In full
Overdrafts 2,ml.l BurpluH 111,000.110
Klirnlturi'and fixtures 2,208.44 Undivided proflta 2,80.82
Real etat MIXUKI DepoulU" '. 140,140.74
Cats ra kaad aad due Iran banki 147,809.95 ,
Juat dromwd off to my that
have moved ami are at Imme lit
hiiililing rei'i'iitly vn. atwl . t.
K, lltal one ami ill ol Mm. I :!,'
in 1 1 1 Hi.t v ature. tiive tie a rail
ami look over our work ; come
In with. nit knocking and go the
eaine way.
Ainu romeinlier that e do Ko
iluk wmk at rliy irlre. Onler
taken lur rn.ying ami enlarging,
Ikm't lorgnt the niiiulwr.,
Youra truly,
Laflers' Studio
Fruit Trees!
Central Oregon Crown
The only kliulyotimn nrtunl
for oiu'. I'rUve low emmirb
to aurprlxe yuu.
Lafollette Nursery Co.
Prineville, . 6 0. Oregon
Smith & Allingham, Prop.
Champ Kiiiltli'i old ataml,
Imported and Domestic
Famous Whiskies
- s
Old Crow: lermitace:
Top Rye; Yellow St
Canadian Club; Cream
Rye; James E. Pepper;
Moore's Malt
Porter, Ale and Olympia
Draft Beer on Tap.
Imported Wines
The Oregon Bar
At the Old Stand
G. W.Wiley & Co., Prps
All kinds of Choice Liquors
Wines and Cigars.
Famous Ranier Beer in
Bottles and on Draft.